Ursa pulled out her tome and read the words, soon she had appeared before the ritual altar that Jesse had set up for them. Limbo was empty this eve, which she was fine with this night, she hadn't wanted to be stopped by family as she made her way across Limbo to the fadeportal that would take her first to the family home and then to one that would allow her to appear just outside of the apartment in the QZ. Her home with Jordan. How she missed her fiancé. She shook her head and made her way inside the apartment and up to the floor it was on. She was still searching for him, and still not finding him.
Once she had entered her apartment she was quick to gather the herbs growing there before her presence caused them to wilt too much and they would be useless to her. Then it was a quick clean up in the shower, washing blood and guts from her skin and hair. And with that stuff gone, she was able to dress again. Only this time, it wasn't just her usual black skinny jeans and a tank top. No, tonight it was her long black dress, the cuffs of the sleeves became a v over her hands and red lace wrapped around her middle fingers. The black satin flowed over her curves and emphasized them as it flowed to her feet like black ink. The rest of her outfit had been finished by a red velvet cloak, the hood pulled over her head. She gathered what ingredients she had and then made her way back to the lobby where she could buy the rest of the things she needed.
It had taken her some time, but Ursa was finally making her way out of Harper Rock and into the wilderness, beneath her cloak was the soft mewling of a kitten. This was the one thing she had problems with. Sacrificing kittens, or any baby animal really - though goats she had learned to desensitized herself to their deaths.
The moon was high, waning this eve but the moon wasn't that important to this particular ritual. “Uncle Shadow?” She called out as she came to a clearing in the trees, the moonlight casting a limited shadow, a shadow that then floated away and began to dance about as a thick Cajun accented voice spoke. “I am here, my little lamb.” She nodded and began to set everything up until there was a circle cast with salt and candles, with blood and incense, with crystal and bone. Standing in the middle of the circle, Ursula became to chant, her voice almost ethereal. She began to sway and bend, in one hand an athame, in the other the kitten. With her bare skin touching the kitten, it had grown weak and sick, something that happened with anything living she touched - which is why she normally wore gloves. The wind howled a little and she could hear her uncle Shadow joining in to the Haitian chant. A chant he had taught her long before he had vanished, long before he had died, long before she had summoned him once again. She continued to sway, hands in the air, chanting louder as the wind blew stronger as snow began to fall, as her long black and red hair whipped against her face, arms and back.