Cat and Mouse ((Indigo))

For all descriptive play-by-post roleplay set anywhere in Harper Rock (main city).
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Cat and Mouse ((Indigo))

Post by Kaspar »

He woke with a groan, his tall frame twisted amongst a veritable sea of pure white sheets. The man stretched out, making some vague attempt to disentangle himself as he tried in vain to recall just where he was and how he had gotten there. With a final heave he was able to roll over onto his back, taking a moment to do a mental checklist of all his limbs and important appendages, wiggling his toes and stretching his arms over his head to grip the headboard. "Oh..." He breathed out the word, a smile slowly curling up the left side of his full mouth as he recognised the motion. "Ah, that would mean i'm..." He sat bolt upright, looking around the hotel room as the night before began to come back in full. Kaspar had been playing at a club, his rocker lifestyle had allowed his adjustment after the turning to go somewhat more smoothly than could be expected. It was easy for him to sleep through the day without being questioned, to leave with a man or woman who would return a few nights later looking no worse for wear and still eager to flirt with him. Yes, it hadn't been all that hard at all.

It was no different to any other night really, he'd arrived earlier for a drink with the band, they'd gotten up to play the set and during it he'd watched the crowd waiting to see if someone would catch his eye. It's how it went most nights, blue eyes sweeping the crowd as he swayed on stage, singing to them, drawing them into his act. He'd always had the alluring bit down, now it was becoming a matter of self-control and that was certainly something he had to work on. He'd spotted her dancing, her eyes closed as she swayed with her friend, they were both lovely but she was something else. Young, human, carefree and yet something about her just screamed confidence. The woman looked like he fun, and he had certainly been up for it.

Kaspar had thanked the crowd after their last song, laughing into the microphone as they cheered, muttering the phrase anyone who'd seen them before was waiting to hear. "Go to Hel... Or come to us, for drinks at the bar. Goodnight!" The ridiculously cocky blonde had given a salute to the crowd before leaving the stage and wasting no time in slipping amongst them. He would respond to those who spoke to him, polite and encouraging but he was the master at quick detachment. Drawing them into a brief hug that made them feel wanted, releasing them so that the dancing crowd caught them up before they got another chance to track him. His keen gaze searched for her, he had grown impatient with the chase as every time he got close she seemed to twirl away, but finally the two women had paused at the bar.

Shrugging off his leather jacket, acting as if it were too warm in the club for him he'd leaned over to wink at the bartender, not bothering to order just accepting whatever the man had put into his hand. Her friend had caught sight of him and apparently liked what she saw, sidling up to him and launching full force into the flirtation. Marina was the name she had given him, and as many of them did here she fawned over his German accent, asking him to speak to her with his native tongue. It was laid on thick, and her friend made an excuse to slip away leaving Marina unawares in the clutches of the vampire. He masked his disappointment and carried on with renewed focus, though Marina put up absolutely no resistance and with thirty minutes she'd convinced him to come back to her hotel.

She had been delightful, they always were these pretty things, so eager to please and be praised. He had praised her, worshipped her and she had given herself to him easily. His rule was that he would always make it as pleasant for them as possible and keep himself satiated to avoid the desire to go to far. Dazed, she had rested until her head cleared somewhat, enough to comment on his love bites and remember the friend she'd left behind at the club. "Indigo..." That was the friend's name, he'd asked it nonchalantly, as if he himself had been told already and simply forgotten. He stored it away in his memory, in case he might come across the other woman in future, though it was rarely a good idea to carry on with friends.

He cracked his neck, giving his shoulders a roll to loosen them up as he slipped from the sheets. Without a hint of shame he opened the blinds wide, staring at at the new night and allowing anyone who might look up to see him in all his glory. It was a beautiful clear night, perfect for wandering the town and he figured he'd best make himself scarce in case someone decided to return her. It was then it struck him as odd that he'd been left to sleep so long, that Marina had not returned yet nor her friend. Something about the situation unnerved him and he made quick work of tugging on his jeans, slipping on his loose white t-shirt and signature worn leather jacket. His assorted jewellery all remained on, double check each piece was place before leaning down to grab his boots. As he was shoving his feet into them he noticed a small, feminine purse peeking out from beneath the bed.

A purse? Marina's perhaps? If she had left her purse, why on earth would she not come back for it? Something was definitely strange, but curiosity was his downfall and it got the better of him. He picked up the purse, opening it cautiously as if some nasty U.V. bomb or other movie based horror hid within. Nothing so exciting, just a smaller wallet, some lipgloss, the spare key for this hotel room and some mints. He investigated the wallet, sure it was Marin's and perhaps there may be some way to contact her within. As luck would have it he did recognise the face on the I.D. but it wasn't Marina. "Miss Indigo." He damn near purred the name, pulling out his phone and dialling the number on a business card was shoved carelessly into it. Voicemail, a shame, but he left his message. "Indigo? Yes, I found your purse. We met last night, my name is Kaspar and I was very much hoping you might meet me so I could return it. I'll be at the club, just ask for Hel."
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Re: Cat and Mouse ((Indigo))

Post by Indigo »

Marina was at a loss for where her girl, Indigo Knight, had gone off to. The wardrobe fitter was throwing a piss fit in the dressing room still within earshot. The cameras were set up, the lighting crew was looking at their watches while the twenty-something male flown in from L.A. went off in the back about the young and beautiful being an unsuitable replacement to the divas of the previous decade. While another door slammed another head shook in disappointment when its eyes found her hiding in the corner on the rented staging sofa. A scrunch of her lined lips gave a ‘save it’ smirk. Indigo could deal with it when she stepped in. For once it wasn’t Marina messing things up.

Waiting it out and sucking down another orange juice from the cooler beside her she was oblivious to the fact that her hand was moving. Her weak body sank deeper into the furniture beneath her. It must be one of those bugs hitting her system. All those nasty, working hands moving in the club finally left their bugs behind. She felt her finger slip in the too tight cowl neck of her sweater she had on hoping to create some space where she could feel a brief respite from the basting that was taking place beneath the heavy, out of season garment. She tossed the empty jug shaped plastic container in the recycling bin.

The shoot was for a summer season line but she was still trying to work off the effects from the draining hours of the night before. It didn’t stop there.The marks left behind were rather odd at best and not something she could explain if she had to. Rock star was a biter and then some. She wasn’t complaining but was fuzzy on the details when she tried to recall the recap and highlights. Her head rolled back and she abandoned the further attempts of what she did with...what was his name anyways? She couldn’t even come up with that. Her eyes rolled under their spider lash lined lids.

Another loud slam of a door jolted her back to being alert.

“Damn…” She groaned as she leaned forward trying to unglue her overheated body from the cushion cradling her bottom. The first face shooting at look at her got addressed like she was in charge. “Air Conditioning a thing around here or are we too far up in the woods?” That predictably got her a double-take from two passing by struggling with boxes of shoes. “Baby, be good and open a window before I melt.”

For Marina it was getting warmer by the minutes that passed without a show of Indigo’s face. The small beads rising on the surface of her skin where the wool clung to her made her itch all over and her body squirmed in response. This was entirely unlike her partner in crime. It was all business for her and her success had depended on it. Marina was totally opposite. She was the pretty faced pain in the *** and her manager at their agency told her as much. A twist of concern started in her gut the more she thought about it.

She tried calling the place in town Indigo inherited from her uncle but wasn’t surprised that the call went without answer. The guy had disappeared off the face of the earth over a year ago without a trace. The house was turned over to Indigo but she had been so crazy busy with traveling for work she had done nothing with it. Even the phone number was still needing to be changed. Her uncle's voice announced that he was not home and to leave a message.

She tapped the screen and ended the call while she stood up to stretch her long legs. Just as the out of place black Louis Vuitton ‘Unique’ Peep Toe Ankle Boots hit the floor beneath her she realized the couture shoes were Indigo’s and not her slightly off color charcoal pair. That would win her points when the tardy woman spotted them on her feet. The cellphone in her palm started vibrating and relief flooded her while her thumb swept the screen. Seems there was a voice mail. Hopefully it was Indigo catching up with her phone. Marina’s cell was still drying out after the unexpected swim in the bathtub three days ago. The dry rice and ziplock baggy trick wasn’t working out as well as she hoped it would.

“She coming or do we need to call the agency?” The temperamental fitter was on her heels as she stepped towards the window that she was planning opening.

Marina held up a expertly manicured index finger for the guy to chill a few seconds while the voicemail played in her right ear. While a voice claiming to be Kaspar sounded incredibly familiar in her ear she used her free hand to pop open the window for fresh air.

Kaspar? Club?

Her head was still feeling like it was trying to catch up until the desire in the voice to meet up hit her. He had Indi’s purse. Claimed he found it. It all came back to her. He found it in the hotel. Wasn’t he slick. He found it in her hotel room. So that was how it was going to be? The man had no clue what he was dealing with. Marina was all down for the fun but her girl, Indi, set the bar so high whoever was going to make an attempt at clearing it would be wise to bring a pole vaulting stick and a whole lot of confidence. Egos were often bruised more than her neck currently was.

Kaspar, huh?

Long nearly alabaster tone fingers went to work to send off a text to the number that was linked to the voice mail.

-I remember you. Blonde and devastating right? Partied like a rock star and wished more of it was spent on getting to know you instead. must be a mind reader. I will be back at the club tonight. Catch you there.-

Marina fired off the text while the discomfort of the wool reached the point she couldn’t handle it anymore. The cell was tossed on the sofa that was being picked up to be moved for use in the overdue photo shoot. With a catwalk stride she followed the red sofa while she peeled off the sweater and tossed it to the fitter who had his hands full.

“She is coming.” She tugged a babydoll v-neck tshirt off the rack and pulled it over her head and wiggled it to slide down over her ample chest. “Something about being caught in traffic. Backed up for miles. We can start with me first.”

The fact it was Saturday and seven in the morning was missed by Marina but not by those around her. Eyebrows shot up and down like a fan body wave in a full stadium. Harper Rock traffic was hardly enough to be jammed up on Saturday morning. A shout for everyone to get ready went out sending the bodies including Marina’s moving. She straddled the makeup chair and gave a slight nod to the furniture mover that kindly placed the cell phone on the make-up table in front of her.

“Thank you, sexy.” A playful wink got the grin on the muscle bound male’s face just as she counted on.

Marina looked in the mirror as the caress of a large brush glided over her cheekbones. The knot of concern returned to her. Indigo was a grown woman and could take care of herself. Maybe her night turned out that good and was one of those epic ones that was nearly impossible to end. She hoped that was the case.

“Can I get some more juice? Had a hell of a night and feel like I am coming down with something.”
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Re: Cat and Mouse ((Indigo))

Post by Kaspar »

He'd headed out as soon as possible to get a quick feed in before meeting to return the purse to the rightful owner. Strange that Marina had it, or had the other been there and he'd not even noticed her come or go? That sounded utterly unlikely, but stranger things had happened. His arm stretched with crooked elbow behind his head, fingertips pushing into his blonde locks to find the place his head had cracked into the brick wall the night of his turning. Stranger things. A smirk twisted his features as he thought again about the night before, letting the sequence of events unfold in his mind. He had a sort of memory black hole when it came to the blood, be could only remember the taste, the feel of it and nothing else. He also, like any other, had no idea what went on while he rested.

Kaspar laughed, reaching to pull the lightweight hood attached to his jacket up, letting the shadow mask his features as he wandered the streets waiting for the perfect meal to head his way. He wanted to feel bad about the feeding, he really did, it's just that he figured he needed it to survive. Right? It was important he continue on, for people would miss him. He tried hard to reason his motives were selfless, were for the joy of others. Did he not always leave them happy? Wanting more? Of course, he was a true giver. "Or perhaps you're a greedy arschloch, whatever." He laughed out to the early evening, turning into a more main street of the small city.

It was busy at this time of evening with the more wholesome types, parents doing last minute shopping before dinner, kids getting ready to head into the house for the night. Teenagers lingered, as if staying out that hour or two extra after dark made them some kind of epic rebel. He could appreciate that, though it had never been a great rebellion for him considering who his parents were, it was almost expected. Kaspar shook himself from his reverie as he spotted a man he recognised, he was about thirty five but looked like twenty five, kids and a wife hadn't turned him into a pudgy house husband yet.

Tell, dark and handsome, the hungry to please and chase hot young tail didn't hurt either. He slipped easily into step beside Kaspar, the subtlest tilt of his head was all was needed to encourage him to follow as the Allurist turned down a darkened alleyway between buildings. It was always hot and heavy with the man, a stolen passionate kiss in the darkness, wandering hands silently begging for more time to explore. He was a favourite passing encounter, he whispered praise for Kaspar's looks and movements, desperately eager to keep the younger man's attention. Flattery often worked with the vain rocker, and he didn't hesitate to take what he wanted.

He emerged back into the street once satiated feeling much better, just a little blood to keep the cravings at bay, Mr. Tall, dark and handsome sitting on a milk crate looking dazed and nibbling at a hotel pillow chocolate. He was courtious, no one could deny that, he'd even left his bite mark subtly at the back of the man's thigh where he was simpering, mild wife wouldn't find it. Again no guilt touched him, no, he'd done a good deed in helping the man maintain his illusion of being the perfect head of his family. Kaspar wasted no time in striding over to the club, wanting to arrive before it got busy so he could get rid of the purse in private and perhaps speak to this intriguing Indigo. As he sat down at the bar, watching them set up he finally looked at his phone to see text that had arrived hours ago, and sat stroking his ego over it until she arrived.
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Re: Cat and Mouse ((Indigo))

Post by Indigo »

The slow zipping of Marina’s large bag signaled that it was time to check out of the provided hotel suite. It was one of the perks of their contract held with the agency. First class accommodations all around as well the bill for any room service being covered by the clients hiring their face to help sell their product and services. In this case it was Go-Go Yoga Inc. There was a rainbow of spandex spread across the unmade bed that the tall, legs to the heavens blonde was more than happy to leave behind. The product was second rate made and likely to be sitting in discount outlet malls by the end of the year. Unfortunately that meant the company that would cover her lengthy room service tab would be out of business as a result. No sweat off Marina. A ***** always gets paid and the world keeps spinning.

At the door a twenty-something dark eyed, flaxen haired female waited in the uniform that identified her as one of the few who would carry the young model’s bags anywhere on the current premises. Marina was one of those that thoroughly enjoyed the perks of being waited on hand and foot. Her manicure and pedicure cost her enough that she was not ashamed to treat the tips of her extremities as if a paper cut or stubbed toe could be the end of the world as she knew it. Picking up her own bags would not be happening while someone standing in the hotel room was perfectly capable and getting paid to do so.

“I will need those accessible in the back seat. My girl is a bit worse for wear and since I will be hauling our bags into the house I prefer not to have to stretch and bust a set of perfectly good nails doing it.”

Marina didn’t waste the time figuring out of the woman got what she said let alone took her seriously. The suite door was left wide open and her forgettable hazel eyes watched the doors of the elevator close. Once the steel cage descended down towards the ground floor Marina pulled out the cell phone. The very same one that Indigo finally called to say she survived the last twelve hours she was not accounted for. The woman had a lot of explaining to do but before she got the lecture of the century about club etiquette she needed directions to the house her best friend was hiding out in. She tapped Phineas Knight from the list of contacts and stepped out of the open space where the doors had parted in front of her. Two rings and the voice that she expected answered.

“Larch Court, right?”

The doors of the hotel opened courtesy of the flaxen uniformed blonde who seemed to have went through a work out just to catch her on the way out. From the front doors to the rear passenger door of the chauffeured car.

“Your bags are in the car and I have…” The woman willing to take the models luggage for a tour of the hotel if needed was instantly cut off with the sound of the passengers door closing.

Marina pulled her purse off her shoulder and filed it in the empty space next to her. She snapped her fingers to the driver looking back at her through the rear view mirror. The sound of Indi’s voice in her left ear continued while she announced where the driver would be heading.

“Larch Court.”

Marina found the back seat of the Volvo XC90 a bit compact when she attempted to send her pale legs out for a much needed stretch. Her hazel eyes locked on the interior above her while she held out for Indigo to finish with the details of how to get from point A to point B that she didn’t need.

“Indi…” Her head went back to rest. “Babe, I got it. I was going to go back to the club tonight but I guess he can drop your purse off at your uncle's house instead.”

The phone was pulled from her ear like it was a red hot poker while the sound of a less than pleased friend went off about how Marina nearly got her killed. Marina listened with cell resting on her lap. It was going to be one of those deals with the golden barbie. Her head bobbed back and forth to the rhythm of her verbal tirade. Once silence kicked in she picked up the cell and nodded while working out a text to Kaspar at the same time and sent it out.

Plans changed. When you are done at the club head over to a house party. Party starts when you arrive. Larch Court.

“Much better. You need to calm down.”

Marina didn’t think anything was wrong with closing the call on the cell phone that belonged to voice on the other end. She did just that and slid the device into her purse. Indigo said she nearly died. Marina was not so sure about that. Indi said the same thing when she caught her heel in the curtain next to the catwalk. She landed on her knees but you could have swore she landed in hell. Poor Indigo. One day she would get over it. Marina would make sure of it. That was what friends were for. As for Kaspar. There was a body party in the works and Marina just invited him.
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Re: Cat and Mouse ((Indigo))

Post by Kaspar »

He arrived at the club before it was overly busy, it was about this time he got the text. A change of location? Damn, he wouldn't have bothered coming in if they'd mentioned that, he would've gone home instead, well perhaps it wasn't his home but it's what he called it. A baby would be asleep in a crib, a woman getting herself a glass of wine and putting her feet up to watch t.v. before bed. He pulled out his phone to check the time, shooting her a quick message. "Adore you both, kiss Will for me. I will drop by around 3 a.m. for his feeding, I won't wake you." She'd no doubt have a few bottles ready, she always did and the arrangement had been working well so far, she got a full nights sleep a few nights in the week while the night owl crept in and nursed the baby.

Her reply came swiftly, letting him know it was fine, Will was in good sorts and telling him he could come to bed if he wished. A photo was attached and it made him grin, she was smiling as she held Will in the crook of her arm, one of Kas's guitars resting in her lap as she plucked at the strings and Will's wide blue eyes watched on in fascination.

It was his own slice of normalcy, a place to return to and she knew his whole story, she was the only human who did as far as he was aware. It had probably been a stupid move but he had no real choice, she had to know. She took it better than he'd thought anyone ever would, she'd cried, she'd kissed his face and she'd handed him his son. Kaspar shook his head as he took his preferred seat at the bar, ordering a drink, this wasn't the place to think of them. He went back to the other message, typing a quick reply.

"That's fine, a party? Interesting, i'm just content to ensure you get your belongings back, i've lost my wallet enough times to know how irritating it is." Sent.

Yes, the good guy, be the good guy, considerate and just wanting to give her back her purse. It's safer that way, if you don't want to stay you have no obligation to her now, you've made no promises. Promises were the devil as far as he was concerned and he only made the ones he could be sure he would keep. Kaspar had the routine down now, it meant for fewer surprises, control, he liked to be in control.

He wasted some time at the club, just showing his face to keep it in people's minds,not pausing long enough with any one person, letting them hope instead that he'd return to them before the end of the night. Leave them wanting more, it was the general theory behind these kind of club interactions and avoidance of drunken deep conversations. It was 10.30, the place crowded by the time his patience was at its end and he made his way towards the exist. He pulled out a tin with a few pre-rolled cigarettes, pulling one out and pressing it between his lips as the fresh outside air hit him.

It was still cold, the nip of winter lingered in the evenings and he found himself habitually tugging his leather jacket tighter around himself to block out the wind. He drew his lighter from his back pocket, hands cupping around the little flame to light his cigarette. It was a nice walk to Larch Court, giving him time to clear his head and fill his lungs, moving through the clouds of smoke he created. He tossed the butt into the trash as he rounded the corner onto her street, smoothing his fingers back through his blonde locks to neaten them before reaching the door. His knuckles rapped against the door, the man turning away from it to study the street, appearing disinterested while he waited.
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Re: Cat and Mouse ((Indigo))

Post by Indigo »

Marina barely arrived to the house and the doorstep when she was yanked in without warning. There was no time to put the effort into knocking or to set her luggage down. She nearly broke her neck stumbling and finally hopping over the dead weight bags as she tried to gain her footing and balance. The door slammed as she turned around to find Indigo looking like she had been tied to a bumper and cement surfed at least a couple blocks before she finally got loose.

“What the hell happened to you?” She eyed the lump on her girl’s cheekbone and frowned in support as she stepped closer and reached out. “Indi?”
“I told you I nearly got killed.” That of course was the understatement of the century. “After you left to do your thing someone showed up with guns and started sending bullets right in the crowd I was trying to get through.”

Indigo finally caught on to the fact that she was holding onto the room temperature ice pack longer than she planned on. She tossed it in the freezer and closed her eyelids. With a sigh she let her stiff neck bend so her head could sink back. The pull across the back of her shoulders sent brief sharp jabs of nerve generated pain that found its way quickly into her jaw as well as the tips of her fingers.

“Why the **** didn’t you call me!"

The cellphone in Marina’s hand dropped on the kitchen counter and she held up a hand swatting the air between them. Dismissing Indigo was not that easy. She had been with Indi long enough to know this wouldn’t have happened if part of it wasn’t her fault. While she was doing…how could she forget his name? Kaspar! While she was doing him her best girl was running for her life. A sigh accompanied the stretch of her arms as she walked towards Indi like it was all good.

“Don’t.” Indigo had not even finished giving the woman a recap and she was already trying to get a hug. “I was grabbed by the one of the idiots who shot the guy behind me. He slid down my back like I was a wall he could count on to stick around and hold him up. It was real, Mari. I could have been killed.”

“Yes, I get all that. But you look like hell.” Marina was being kind. “You get trampled on the way out or what?”

Indigo pulled another ice pack from the freezer and perched it gently on the nape of her neck and held it there while staring at the woman who started to appear a little ugly the more she thought about it. Marina was always a bit self absorbed but right then and there it stood out more than ever. Who is worried about what someone looks like when they nearly died?

“I was pulled into the car that was waiting for them.” The ice pack was slowly moved down to the side of her hip. “They couldn’t get along long enough to get to the next town. Started shooting it up in the car and long story short weebles wobble, roll and turn into pretzels if the car they are all in is going fast enough.” A long bare leg folded under Indigo as she sat on one of the stools near the counter.

“What did the hospital say?” Marina pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge and cracked the seal. Once the top was off she took a long slow drink while watching Indigo. “The police?”

Indigo didn’t say anything. Her body already hurt sitting the brief amount of time that she did. Once she stood up she wiggled her toes and felt the joints and tendons throb for the effort she put into doing so. She needed another hot bath. It would be her second one since she got to the house. If it wasn’t for Adley she would have still been walking or worse.

“You need to get over that, Indi. Seriously just because your mother didn’t come home from the hospital doesn’t mean everyone that walks into one dies.” The bottle in her hand lifted again and the fluid slowly sank down past her lips until the recyclable plastic was empty. “The police will be looking for you. That place has cameras everywhere.”
“Yeah, well I don’t plan on having anything to do with talking to them.” A cool tickle worked its way down to her ankle and that is when she noticed she was bleeding again. “Do me a favor and grab the keys next to the garage door and go pick me up some of those clear square bandages and whatever is close by to eat. I don’t feel like going out. And whatever you do please bring the car back in one piece.”

The sound of the keys in Marina’s hands went silent when the door leading to the garage shut. Indigo took that as her sign that it was safe to make her way towards the bathroom. She tossed the ice pack into the sink instead of wasting the time to take ten more steps to the freezer. Noticing Marina’s purse on the counter didn’t come as a complete shock. She would likely lose her head if it wasn’t attached. The reach down to stroke the blood from her ankle hurt the higher her knee lifted to make it possible. She let it drop and walked towards the hallway when a knock at the front door stopped her.

“The door is unlocked.” Indigo continued heading to the bath and wasn’t about to stop to hold the door open for Marina. “Let yourself in.”

There was something to be said for Phineas Knight. It came to mind as she started peeling off the linen business shirt she had tied into a loose knot in the front. The eccentric uncle her family always talked about at the reunions the lifelong bachelor never showed up for had to have taken his bathing space seriously. Nothing was spared in the amenities including the size of the tub itself. With a slow wiggle she inched down the faded cut off shorts and toe snapped the small amount of denim to deposit it on the floor next to the shirt she had been wearing.

While the rush of hot water flowed from the tub’s spout she poured in the bottle of complimentary hotel soap and tossed the leftover hand size bottle into the wastebasket. Without a second thought she turned down the lights and slid one set of toes into the surface to feel the heavenly heat. Indulging in the sensation she slid the other foot in and nearly purred in relief as the water continued to climb up her body. While that was working its magic the rest of her tenderized flesh sank below the surface.

"Oh yes. I earned it." Indi purred with appreciation for the luxury of having the fragrant heat envelop her. "This what it is all about."
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Re: Cat and Mouse ((Indigo))

Post by Kaspar »

It was a nice area, seemed a little too nice for such a young woman. Then again the pair of them looked like models, maybe they had made themselves a small fortune of those pretty faces with the pouty lips, and long legs ready to strut the world like it were a catwalk. Wouldn't be that unusual, after all, he'd had his fair share of nights out at ridiculous houses owned by the young, rich and stupid. Most of them burned through their cash by the time their fame came to an end, few smart enough to invest, to plan for future beyond looking good and being known.

He didn't intend to fall into that trap, no, he intended to put his money into property and business soon, he was just in the process of deciding what it was he wanted to own. Harper Rock didn't really need another club or pub, perhaps a music centre, there music shops but he could add soundproof rooms, a small recording studio that could be hired out. Why not? He turned back towards the door, lifting his hand to knock again when he heard her voice through the door. Close enough that he could smell her, blood, fresh. Was someone injured? A cut?

She'd told him to come in, the door was unlocked. He hesitated to open it for a few more moments, hearing the footsteps move away. The man twisted the door handle, pushing it open to pick inside. "Hello?" He muttered, glancing around the empty space. No one was in the room, it was mostly dark inside other than a light on in the lounge room which has been occupied recently and low lighting down a hallway. He heard the sounds of water, a woman making an appreciative noise.

A bath? Had he interrupted her having a bath? Was Marina here and why would he be asked over to the house if she intended to bathe? A thought occurred to him then, that perhaps something was off but he figured it was too late. He was here, and he best speak up. "Miss Indigo? Uh, sorry, this seems like a bad time?" He moved down the hallway, acting as if he were confused, heading towards that light like he wasn't completely aware that it lead to a bathroom. "Hello, anyone in here?" His head peeked around the doorway, as he suspected finding her in the bath.

He dragged his gaze over her frame, what he could see of it through the bubbles and noted she appeared bruised, her pretty face swollen in places. "Oh, i'm so sorry!" He put on his best sheepish act, backing out of the room and pressing himself flat against the wall in the hallway. "I'm Kaspar? Hel, if you prefer, from the club? I have your purse? Marina had it, for some reason, she left it behind. I was returning it, you asked... Oh, maybe she asked... I got a message telling me to come to the house so I could return it."
Last edited by Kaspar on 29 Mar 2016, 21:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cat and Mouse ((Indigo))

Post by Indigo »

Sounds of a voice she couldn’t make out at first should have startled her more than it did. The heat of the water and its soothing effects left Indigo sliding back to sit upright. A fragrant popping cloud of bubbles fastened to her skin and went with her body as she turned to catch sight of a face that brought back more of the night from hell than she cared to remember.

Leave it to Marina to score the rock star in the making. She had appetites that were as predictable as the sun rising every morning. Musicians were on the platinum blondes list of things to do just as was Indigo’s routine of taking her daily dose of Stress B-Complex every morning along with a fresh grapefruit. A puff of warm air passing from her lips sent the haphazard ringlets away from her face. She caught the guys set. He was pretty good. Predictably Marina would inform her later once the male left with his shoes in hand and a grin on his face that he was much better at other things.

“I will be right out.”

Her sore body stood up and the sounds of wet feet slapped to the marble tile beneath. Bubbles slid down her legs while she reached for the oversized white bathrobe hanging on the hook behind the partially open door. Indi was used to being seen in various states of dress or nothing but her birthday suit. She was many thing but being shy didn’t factor into any of them. While the weight of the cotton slid over her shoulders she gave the guy some credit. He had her purse and it said a lot that he was bringing it back. Most wouldn’t make the effort but then again it was Marina that had left it behind. Of course he would want to deliver it in person.


She paused to glance in the mirror and finger comb the mess of hair that was forming a curly caramel blonde halo around her the middle of her back and shoulders. So much for the no frizz look. Not like she was expected impress anyone. She was just lucky to be alive. The bruise on her cheekbone was an instant reminder. Her lungs filled quickly from the thought and she exhaled slowly. Everything else instantly became insignificant in comparison.

“I really appreciate it.” Indigo reached for the door and slowly pulled it open. “She stepped out but mentioned you would be coming by.” Her wet hand stretched out before she realized she was offering up a damp palm. “Indigo. You must be Kaspar.”

While she waited for his hand to move in acceptance her eyes looked him over slowly taking her time doing so and not feeling the least bit awkward for it. As the water cooled on her skin she was impressed with this recent choice of Marina’s. His face was worth looking over and void of the typical scars and misalignment of the broken nose trophy from too many bar brawls. His hair was a beautiful silky shine of gold and importantly clean. How the woman could handle the ‘week-without-a-shower’ look was beyond her. Especially when their smell stayed behind long after they had left the room.
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Re: Cat and Mouse ((Indigo))

Post by Kaspar »

The delicate fragrance of her skin combining with that warm human blood made his stomach stir, he could smell her through the door and she was delicious. The bath had left her smelling warm, floral and he wanted to draw her against him when she opened the door. He stood bathed in steam, being studied by the woman. He didn’t hesitate to study her back, from curl covered head to damp toes. She was as lovely as he remembered, he thought her more unique than Marina and therefore more captivating. Ah, Marina, she’d been toying with him after all, texting under Indigo’s name. It became clear to him almost immediately, but he reached out to take her hand calmly, noting how delicate it looked held in his, head bowing to brush a kiss to her knuckles.

“A pleasure, i’m sure, I saw you but I didn’t get a chance to speak to you, Marina was… Well, i’m guessing you know exactly how she is. Persistent is a good word, determined perhaps? Speaking of, is she here or are we alone?” His hand still held hers, a fingertip trailing against the delicate underside of her wrist, resting on a pulse point. “I figured she’d stick around to enjoy her handy work.” He smirked then, releasing the woman from his grip and retrieving her purse from the large inner pocket of his jacket. “Yours, I believe.” He offered it, another sweep of his eyes noting the damage on display. “You’ve been in the, uh… What’s the phrase…” He frowned, clicking his tongue as he tried to conjure the words, “The wars, yes, you’ve been in the wars? Have you been to a doctor, Indigo?”
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Re: Cat and Mouse ((Indigo))

Post by Indigo »

The cool contact of his hand to her warm skin had her wondering if it was a sign the weather had changed again and not for the better. It had been showing signs of Spring but as with the seasons in Canada it was always a toss up as to when the full effects of Spring would finally kick in. She smiled as his lips found the time to press to the top of her hand.

Oh, now isn’t he a charmer.

Indigo’s mind was working as she felt the light flutter within that it was intended to inspire. Kaspar had more going on for him in this one move than Benny from the broken down Revenants did when Marina dragged her to see them in that dive in Toronto. His idea of smooth was showing her his interest by making her a paper rose out of a bar napkin he had used to wipe the cheese whiz off his face.

“We are alone unless you brought company with you?”

Her fingers subtly moved their length against his skin in return. It was soft despite the unexpected coolness. The flutter of her fingertips continued out of curiosity as to how much of the cold night he had brought in with him. The sensation of his pale finger moving to the center of her wrist caught her attention as she looked down. The contrast in their skin tones was striking. Marina’s handiwork came to mind and she realised that the hand connected to her own likely had been rather busy not so long ago. She smirked and pulled her hand back when it was free to do so. She used it to accept the returned clutch once it was offered to her to take possession of.

“Thank you.”

Her immaculately groomed brow darted upward as the comment of wars registered on her brain. Her head was not as foggy but it still took another second for her to guess he spoke of gang wars. She shrugged as she stepped in closer to where he stood in an effort to get out of the doorway of the bathroom and make her way into the hall.

“I took a ride I didn’t exactly plan on but I have a stamp of unbreakable on me for a reason.” She looked down at the purse and ignored the temptation to unzip it and check for her wallet and the contents within. “Can I get you a drink until Marina returns?” Her feet started to move as her eyes stayed on his progressing over her shoulder.
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