Sometimes, anger was a difficult emotion to put into the right place.
Most other feelings were pretty straightforward; their targets much easier to identify. For the majority of the time, anyway. Anger, however, was often misplaced, or misused, until it was simply broadcast everywhere, or nowhere, turning it in on itself until it ate you alive.
Aksel had spent his entire life turning his anger on himself. There was little left of him to attest to that. He was a husk where a man had used to be; though that was largely Reanna’s doing, he still blamed himself for it all. It was hard not to, when the shade of his sister was there, constantly reminding him of it. He felt her presence there, even now, goading him on, pushing at the anger inside of him as he worked through the darkness of the caverns, hiding amongst the shadows, where he felt at home. He had spent days down in the dark, fighting, killing, turning that anger on the creatures that scrabbled through the damp, black depths of the underbelly of the caverns. He had little to no connection with the outside for some time, cleansing himself of the guilt for letting his wife run off to the fighting with her family.
He should have known she wasn’t ready, but she had assured him; she had pleaded with him to have faith in her, in her family, to keep her safe. He should have known better. He should have told her to stay, have told her that she wasn’t ready yet, that there was still much for her to learn. Instead, he let her run to her doom, and she had touched him from the Shadows, telling him all of it.
It had been hard, hearing it. He knew it, before she had even told him, but it was hard to listen to. Since that night, he had been here, fighting until he was too exhausted to lift his rifle, only to pick it up again the minute he caught his breath. Dirt clung to him like another skin. Grime was a coat of armor, covering him head to toe and clinging to his hair in a gritty mess.
Outside, days and nights had come and gone, he had known from the impossible fatigue he felt at the hands of the daylight hours, but beneath the earth, he had felt invigorated, enough to allow him to move, even through the hours of the day when he was typically a vegetable. He hadn’t slept, and had been sustaining himself on magics he had learned from his earlier nights as a vampire, duplicating the blood within him with the anima that flowed through his veins, connecting him to the magical world around him. He hadn’t had a proper meal in what felt like a lifetime. It set him on edge as much as knowing that his wife was beneath even this darkness, and he couldn’t get to her.
He shook his head and, jamming the butt of his rifle between the stones of the wall, he pulled out his phone. The light of the screen was brighter than the sun down in the dark, hurting his eyes with its intensity as he looked away from it, waiting for his eyes to adjust, slowly, before he looked down at the screen again. He tapped at a number he rarely, if ever, had any use for, and typed up a text.
TO: Tate
I am sure you have heard by now,
but I thought I would make sure
that you heard it. I would want to.
Trinity is in the Shadows. I do not
know what happened, and she is
not so ready with answers just yet.
She will be back.
He felt like there was more to say, more that should be there, but he couldn’t decide what it might be. Shaking his head, he tapped SEND and tucked the phone into his pocket. Who’s to know, she may actually appreciate the news. Or, she might not. Time would tell. He yanked his rifle from the wall and lifted it to his shoulder again, his eyes adjusting to the dark once again as he began to snake through the shadows, watching the walls for the spidery creatures that lurked in the dark.
Something Broken
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- Posts: 107
- Joined: 18 Mar 2014, 22:02
- CrowNet Handle: Worthless
Something Broken
When he shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine

that all the world will be in love with night, and pay no worship to the garish sun.

that all the world will be in love with night, and pay no worship to the garish sun.
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- Posts: 262
- Joined: 09 May 2013, 03:02
- CrowNet Handle: CinnamonSpice
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Re: Something Broken
Trinity was dead.
When Tate had heard the words in her mind from her childe, something inside her had surely cracked - the fury ripping through her before it could be contained. She stood in a bank, her phone crushing inside her fist instantly. The plastic of the back piece snapped in half, puncturing the pale skin in her palm at the same time the screen shattered. It cut her fingers, her blood beginning to trickle down and pool on the floor in small droplets. Her heart hurt, her vision blurring before she blinked away the tears.
“Why does everyone leave you, Catty?” Alicia’s soft voice questioned.
Her green eyes snapped up and she stared towards her friend, at the fact that she was missing half of her face from where a claw had gotten it. It had been a while since she’d last seen the ghost. She occasionally went to her grave, to the place where she’d set a picture of the three friends - Alicia, Melisande and Tate - and said her goodbyes. It had been the last time that she’d seen her. Hadn’t Alicia passed on? Her lips parted. She didn’t know what to say and she simply frowned.
“Miss? Are you alright?” The question startled her and it was all that she could do not to break the nose of the person that set their hand on her shoulder. It was a sign of concern, of compassion. The hand belonged to a guard, she recognized his voice well enough and he was always generally nice to her. And Tate wanted nothing to do with it. “Your hand is bleeding.” She looked over her shoulder at him, her hazel eyes glittering in anger and he stepped back in caution. She didn’t feel the pain and when she saw the damage done to her phone, she tried not to roll her eyes.
‘Of course, I’m bleeding, **** wit. I have a piece of plastic sticking out of my hand in two places.’ She thought bitterly and Alicia laughed. “Be nice, Catherine.” That time, she did roll her eyes. To the man, Tate muttered, “I’m fine.” But she knew it was a lie. At least, internally. She removed a silk hanky from her pocket, picking a piece of plastic out of her skin before she pressed the cloth into the wound and held it there. It would heal, she only needed to give it time.
“It isn’t as bad as it looks.” Which, wasn’t really a lie. She stepped out of line, pressing into the wound more. Where did she need to go, what did she need to do? Tate pondered on this. Her heart twisted. Trinity was alone in the shadow realm because of one of those ******* fights again. ‘Aksel.’ He could be where she could start. Hadn’t he promised to take care of her childe, her pumpkin spice? Fury traced through her system. ‘How the **** did he think she was ready?’ She ignored the guard and could feel it as Alicia followed her. She glanced over her shoulder and watched as the dead woman passed through a man talking on his cell phone.
The sight sent a chill down her spine. ‘Disgusting.’
Alicia must have heard her, the torn lips on her face widening into a smile. “It’s not as if he felt it.”
It took her a few minutes to get to a place where people weren’t watching, but as soon as she had, Tate removed her tome and spoke the words, the fae language familiar one her tongue. “I’ve got to tell Judas…” He wasn’t at the ritual altar when she arrived, a frown playing across her lips. “Yo, Sireman, Poe.” She called out, glancing at the unfamiliar and unknown faces resting around the crypt. It had gotten so busy so fast, and because of the strangers, she hardly returned there unless she knew someone she liked was around.
Still, the fact that they were in her territory bugged her and she clenched her teeth together, listening for any signs of her sire or his thrall. Keegan came out, the blonde woman dressed as if she were going out to a club. “Tate? You alright?” She asked, a gasp falling past her lips as she saw the bloodied cloth in hand. Ignoring her, Tate brushed past to where she’d left her bag. Once her phone was replaced, it took only a few minutes to load up and she wasn’t pleased at all to see the name on the screen.
Her bloodied thumb pressed against the screen before she began to tap out the words.
You let her die, Aksel.
Are you going to let yourself deal with the same fate?
You had one promise - keep her safe and you broke it.
Should I kill you now, or later?
Her shoulders shook and she pressed send before pausing. Her childe was a telepath… telepath were able to connect - the idea struck her and she began to write out a message to Trinity through email. As she did, the petite redhead grabbed her katana and the .44 that was in her bag. “I’ll be back.” She shouted to no one in particular before heading towards the nearest fadeportal.
When Tate had heard the words in her mind from her childe, something inside her had surely cracked - the fury ripping through her before it could be contained. She stood in a bank, her phone crushing inside her fist instantly. The plastic of the back piece snapped in half, puncturing the pale skin in her palm at the same time the screen shattered. It cut her fingers, her blood beginning to trickle down and pool on the floor in small droplets. Her heart hurt, her vision blurring before she blinked away the tears.
“Why does everyone leave you, Catty?” Alicia’s soft voice questioned.
Her green eyes snapped up and she stared towards her friend, at the fact that she was missing half of her face from where a claw had gotten it. It had been a while since she’d last seen the ghost. She occasionally went to her grave, to the place where she’d set a picture of the three friends - Alicia, Melisande and Tate - and said her goodbyes. It had been the last time that she’d seen her. Hadn’t Alicia passed on? Her lips parted. She didn’t know what to say and she simply frowned.
“Miss? Are you alright?” The question startled her and it was all that she could do not to break the nose of the person that set their hand on her shoulder. It was a sign of concern, of compassion. The hand belonged to a guard, she recognized his voice well enough and he was always generally nice to her. And Tate wanted nothing to do with it. “Your hand is bleeding.” She looked over her shoulder at him, her hazel eyes glittering in anger and he stepped back in caution. She didn’t feel the pain and when she saw the damage done to her phone, she tried not to roll her eyes.
‘Of course, I’m bleeding, **** wit. I have a piece of plastic sticking out of my hand in two places.’ She thought bitterly and Alicia laughed. “Be nice, Catherine.” That time, she did roll her eyes. To the man, Tate muttered, “I’m fine.” But she knew it was a lie. At least, internally. She removed a silk hanky from her pocket, picking a piece of plastic out of her skin before she pressed the cloth into the wound and held it there. It would heal, she only needed to give it time.
“It isn’t as bad as it looks.” Which, wasn’t really a lie. She stepped out of line, pressing into the wound more. Where did she need to go, what did she need to do? Tate pondered on this. Her heart twisted. Trinity was alone in the shadow realm because of one of those ******* fights again. ‘Aksel.’ He could be where she could start. Hadn’t he promised to take care of her childe, her pumpkin spice? Fury traced through her system. ‘How the **** did he think she was ready?’ She ignored the guard and could feel it as Alicia followed her. She glanced over her shoulder and watched as the dead woman passed through a man talking on his cell phone.
The sight sent a chill down her spine. ‘Disgusting.’
Alicia must have heard her, the torn lips on her face widening into a smile. “It’s not as if he felt it.”
It took her a few minutes to get to a place where people weren’t watching, but as soon as she had, Tate removed her tome and spoke the words, the fae language familiar one her tongue. “I’ve got to tell Judas…” He wasn’t at the ritual altar when she arrived, a frown playing across her lips. “Yo, Sireman, Poe.” She called out, glancing at the unfamiliar and unknown faces resting around the crypt. It had gotten so busy so fast, and because of the strangers, she hardly returned there unless she knew someone she liked was around.
Still, the fact that they were in her territory bugged her and she clenched her teeth together, listening for any signs of her sire or his thrall. Keegan came out, the blonde woman dressed as if she were going out to a club. “Tate? You alright?” She asked, a gasp falling past her lips as she saw the bloodied cloth in hand. Ignoring her, Tate brushed past to where she’d left her bag. Once her phone was replaced, it took only a few minutes to load up and she wasn’t pleased at all to see the name on the screen.
Her bloodied thumb pressed against the screen before she began to tap out the words.
You let her die, Aksel.
Are you going to let yourself deal with the same fate?
You had one promise - keep her safe and you broke it.
Should I kill you now, or later?
Her shoulders shook and she pressed send before pausing. Her childe was a telepath… telepath were able to connect - the idea struck her and she began to write out a message to Trinity through email. As she did, the petite redhead grabbed her katana and the .44 that was in her bag. “I’ll be back.” She shouted to no one in particular before heading towards the nearest fadeportal.
owen ✞ judas ✞ cai ✞ D E U X - C O R B E A U X ✞ elizabeth ✞ trinity

this is where you've brought yourself and this is what you've always feared

this is where you've brought yourself and this is what you've always feared