<Delaney> Laney rolled on top of the necromancer's body, attempting to keep Jedediah in bed with her for the rest of the night. Laney could be quite happy to sit naked with a computer resting on her stomach, and against her knees and reading or writing something, since she had nothing important to do. In her mind. However, Delaney was sure Jedediah wouldn't want to waste the night away with doing nothing. Wait. Where was the television in this room? How was she going to watch the Discovery Channel with all those cute animal shows about cats, dogs and shelters with the feel good endings?
“Do you own a television?” Laney asked, realizing she didn't even try to find one in the apartment last night. She was too preoccupied with finding other things-like finding out how to get in Jedediah's pants. “Don't you watch any...hunting shows?” Her dad did. Every weekend almost, even though he never hunted a day in his life. He was always he sort to talk about a lot of things he was going to do, but somehow never got around to doing it.
<Jedediah> A smile graced the necromancer’s lips as he traced a hand over his laney’s body, idly tracing the curves with calloused fingertips. “A television? I have never had one. I am not around enough, nor do i have the time to sit idly. Why watch a show about hunting, when you can live it, experience it?” The smile grew broader, “You need new clothes, all you have is that which you wear, and they are...almost standing on their own” It had been three nights since she had found him in the chamber. “If you are a good girl, perhaps we can get you a small one.” Jedediah ended with a wink.
<Delaney> There was a small smile that touched the corners of her lips as Delaney picked apart his words. “What about lay around idly?” Her lips pressed to one of Jedediah's shoulder blades, before they were off it and she was thinking about her clothes and the promise of a television. “And you watch it because you might not be able to do those things because of distance, financial reasons or weather.” She stuck a tongue out at Jedediah before rolling off of him, but pressing to his side. “I don't even know what that means, but they did invent washers and driers, a long time ago. Probably about a century ago now. And I have clothes back at my apartment that I can bring here.” Laney liked her clothes. Her style and expression. “And if we're going to buy a television, we should get the biggest one there is. Sometimes, size does matter, handsome.” Laney laughed against the side of his ribs before her face was pressed against his skin, lightly inhaling the scent of the male next to her.
<Jedediah> Jedediah thought a moment as he usually did before answering, then answered out of order. “The room is too small for one of those mammoth eyesores. I am sure that you would prefer quality, to just bulk size. If I wish to know the weather, I look to the sky, sniff the wind, I have no need of a computer and satellites. As far as financial, I am quite sure I know more about what is in my wallet, then anyone in hollywood does.” Careful in how he broached the last subject, he continued on, “I would prefer to provide for you, Life as a vampire is different than that as a human., life with me….. well that will be even more different yet.” His hand paused in its tracing, “ It would please me to buy you a new wardrobe, there are somethings you will no longer need, so there is no reason to transport them uselessly, and… I would prefer not to have any here that you may have worn for someone else, to please someone else, attract someone else, or that someone unknown may have coveted you in. With a new selection, that will not have to be a worry of mine. It pleases me to provide for you.
<Delaney> “You can smell the oncoming weather?” Laney raised her head to look at him and then placed her chin on his chest. “Medium sized? Not really small, but not really big? I don’t want to squint to see a kitten prancing around on the screen.” She looked at him with big, wide eyes as a finger glided over his chest muscles, before thinking about what he said about the clothing.
“You do realize that I wear clothes for other people? I can’t go out in public naked. I think that’s illegal. We all do it. Wear things for the benefit of other people, but if you want to buy me some cute outfits to wear around here, I don’t mind.” Laney laughed, figuring that was what he really wanted, but didn’t know how to phrase it. “Nothing leather though.” She shook her head, tone in mild warning. “But short skirts, slutty tops, boots that aren't made from leather, g-strings, whatever you want, baby.”
<Jedediah> “Any can smell the weather, if they choose. people have become too reliant on others to live their lives for them. No one choose to be responsible for ensuring their own survival. We will buy no leather, but you must learn to stand it. I waste nothing when I hunt. I made this furniture, I made my hunting clothes. I refuse to be wasteful, I will not just toss good hides.” Rolling to his side to face her, Jedediah drew her closer, pressing her soft curved to his sculpted muscle “There is a difference between wearing clothes to be in public, and wearing them for someone. You won’t need cute outfits for around here, as I wear nothing, there is no reason for you to. As far as the rest, you will not need any g-strings.”
<Delaney> Learn to stand leather, in here? Laney immediately looked around the room to see where any and all leather was at. She came to the conclusion she would bury it under things, or work and move around any and all leather products in the apartment. Over the next course of days or weeks, Laney would make good note of where everything was to try and avoid touching, or sitting on anything that might be made of leather.
Delaney didn’t understand the difference of Jed’s words, so just shrugged her shoulders. “Hey, if you want to take me shopping, you don’t have to ask twice, handsome.” Laney wasn’t against buying new things, or correction, owning new things, though she did have some mild reservations. “What kind of clothes in public are we talking about?” The thought of being covered from head to toe practically made the woman’s eyes double as she realized that quite possibly, her canvas of art would be hidden away from the world, making her tattoos pointless.
<Jedediah> “You may wear whatever you wish, as long as it does not cover too much of you. I am proud of you, you are beautiful, and clothes are not natural. You are free to choose the tops, skirts and pants you wish,” an elegant shrug twitched his shoulders, “as long as you do not try to hide yourself from me.”
<Delaney> Did Laney even own any pair of pants? Other than the ones she used for camping trips? The same two pair? She didn’t think she did, so she would not be investing in any pants, other than two, to replace the two he didn’t want her to wear anymore. Not that she wore them for anyone else, but he had it in his head that she might have. There weren’t a lot of things she actually wore for men, minus the things he didn’t want her to wear in the apartment. “Baby, I’m going to be in here naked, free as a bird. There’s nothing I can hide while being clothing free.” She laughed before looking towards the ceiling. “You’re really going to go shopping with me?” She turned her head to look at him from the side, finding that idea pretty foreign. “Most guys can’t stand more than ten minutes in a store with their wife or girlfriend.” Her fingers left his skin to feel the side of her hip where the brand was at, familiarizing herself with the pattern of the letter that was on it.
<Jedediah> The necromancer was slender, almost gaunt, but what there was of his body was filled out with hard angular planes of muscle. He was a study in contrast versus the curvaceous brunette lying next to him in bed, but he could not help but think that they fit together, perfectly. “It should not take long, one tv, shirts and skirts, a few pants.” Stretching he slipped from the bed and padded towards the bathroom, “It would please me though if you modeled them for me” Soon the sound of a running shower filled the small apartment.
<Delaney> There was a flicker of amusement on Delaney’s lips as Jedediah said shopping shouldn’t take long. Theoretically, no. Laney knew where they would go, and knew her style, but stores could be busy, understaffed and a lot of other things could happen while they were shopping. The buxom beauty didn’t move from the bed when he had, instead she lay in the bed gingerly, listening to the sounds of Jedediah moving in the bathroom and getting the night started.
Laney contemplated joining Jedediah in the shower, but she doubted they would get much showering done, so instead she wasted time by getting out of bed, and looking around for any and all animal products; i.e. fur and leather that he had from some animal he had hunted. With some of them found, Laney finally moved to the bathroom and gave him a second or two, while she splashed some cold water over her face from the sink in the bathroom. “Is that all we’re doing tonight? Shopping?” Laney finally breached Jedediah’s working space by peering into the shower, as she awaited his answer. She tried to stay focused on his face and not any other part of Jedediah as her fingers moved to the shower curtain to keep it held open.
<Jedediah>The cool water was refreshing as he rinsed the suds from his hair. His mind was not entirely on what he was doing, as he thought about how the night had started so far, and that out in his apartment, sugarplum was moving about wearing nothing but her ink and his brand. A faint smile graced his lips as one hand continued a lazy repetitive motion. It was his, and he figured he could scrub it as clean as he wanted. The curtain was pulled back as sugahplum queried his plans. Jedediah shrugged as best he could all things considered, “When our tasks are completed, we can make further plans. My experience is limited, but from what I have read, a shopping trip with females often encompasses many hours.”
<Delaney> Laney looked at Jedediah and then put a hand on her hip. “That’s a stereotype, Mister.” A tongue was stuck out in his direction before she let the curtain envelope the tub once again. “I’m actually easy to shop with and for. No leather, show some skin and look cute. Nothing else wanted, needed or required.” Delaney looked around the bathroom, familiarizing herself with the layout of everything. “Jed? Can I bring non-clothing here? I want to smell like me.” Laney didn’t wear a lot of perfumes or things like that, but she did have makeup and she did have a certain type of soap that she had been using since she was around nineteen. And then there was the animal cruelty shampoo she also had at her apartment. “Wait.” Laney moved back to the shower and opened the curtain again. “What am I to do with all my stuff? I’m not going to pay for anymore rent if I’m living here…” She reached out for Jedediah’s face and wiped at a mound of soap bubbles that were still on the side of his jaw that hadn’t been rinsed off yet. “Missed a spot.” Bubbled fingers found their way into the shower stream to rinse off before Laney decided screw it and joined him in the shower, even if he was almost done.
<Jedediah>The necromancer paused in his ministrations, and held a hand out to the telepath, “There are many consignment shops i am sure will enjoy your old wardrobe, as for rent, that is no longer your worry, you are here, you are mine.” Stepping back he led her into the spray of water, “As far as makeup and toiletries, this abode is equally yours.”
<Delaney> A hand was held out to Delaney and she accepted it without any thought. There was never any hesitation or thought to not doing the things he wanted her to do, because Delaney wanted to do those things, if not more than those things with Jedediah too. Or, she simply yearned to make him happy, because Delaney was content and happy with being in his presence. Along with being completely turned on the majority of the night.
The spray of water hit her and she listened to what he said about her clothes and other belongings. He was always so logical in his thought processes; so simple. Not that there was anything wrong with simple-it was a nice change from the crazy world they lived in that was being destroyed by the majority of the people that inhabited the planet.
“I am yours.” The dark haired woman agreed quietly, knowing full well what she had interrupted while Jedediah was in the shower alone for those few minutes. “Which means that you should never, ever be doing this alone.” Delaney pressed her lips to his as her free hand landed on the flesh that his hand once possessed.
<Jedediah> A soft moan slipped from the necromancers lips before he continued, “I have few possessions, the chiffonier has 2 drawers empty, one for tops, one for bottoms, and the closet is over one half empty.” As the fire built inside him he lathered his hand with the natural soap before starting and the telepaths shoulders and working down. “This will be our habit, as it uses but fifty percent of the normal water usage. There are some things upon which we agree in the conservation of our environment” Cupping the full mounds before him, his thumbs ran circular patterns, working the suds in with a firm kneading to float off the days perspiration. His muscles tightened momentarily as she finally finished washing him, and he turned into the spray rinsing down the signs of her success. “If the shopping goes as well as you seem to believe, perhaps we will take in a walk along the River Rock docks, they are not far from here”
<Delaney> The offer to always shower with Jedediah came as a small surprise to the woman, but when he explained his reasoning, Laney only smiled. Ideally, he was right, but if they ended up in the shower doing things she wanted to do often, there wouldn’t be much water conservation going on. Deciding to keep that to herself for the obvious reason of informing him might make him change his mind, Laney finished lathering Jedediah down before the warm water rinsed all his handy work off her body.
“By the docks?” Laney echoed, surprise riddled in her voice. “Sure, baby.” Delaney just nodded her head, wondering if it was possible that walking meant something entirely different, because what she imagined was them literally walking around, hand in hand, but somehow Delaney believed that Jedediah had a reason or point for wanting to go there. Everything he did was for a reason and not done out of passing fancies, but Laney couldn’t think of any reason why he would want to go there.
Her full lips landed on his left shoulder before Laney stepped out of the shower, big beads of water still on her full figure as she exited the tiny space. The woman grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her before reaching for another and offering it to Jedediah. “Can I borrow one of your shirts again?” There was nothing Laney could do about the skirt situation, but if he didn’t want her wearing any of her old things, she would attempt to at least meet him halfway before they went to the mall.
<Jedediah> Pressing up against the smooth slippery curves in front of him, Jedediah reached around his sugahplum flicking closed the shower faucet. Pulling her close, the male gave a quick hug before pulling the long length of his hair forward, wringing it out. “I would prefer that…” the low voice trailed off as he stepped from the shower. Pulling a fluffy black towel from the rack he quickly and deftly chased the water from the flat angular planes of his body. Turning he spread it wide to envelope sugahplum in a cloud of ebony softness as he started at her shoulders, gently absorbing the remnants of the shower from her curvaceous nude body. Finishing on his knees Jedediah wiped the last drops from the top of her feet, before letting his eyes follow the curves of her thighs to their juncture depositing a quick kiss on the narrow garden’s curls he rose and headed to the small closet, slipping a garnet colored chamois shirt from a hanger, Jedediah turned and held it towards her.
<Delaney> Laney leaned forward as Jedediah took care of her in the way he saw fit. Blue irises watched him work his way down her body and she all but shivered with a pining for more, but he moved away and Laney sighed. It was probably best he had moved away, because her attention span around Jedediah would be comparable to that of a gnat and they would get nothing done. And in her eyes, the sooner they got done, the sooner the pair would end up right back here and if there was nothing else to do...they could waste more time.
Laney followed Jedediah into the bedroom, but stopped in the doorway, a palm extending to the doorframe as she leaned against it and simply watched him move through the closet. Proximity was a positive in this situation, unless Delaney wanted another scolding from the naked male that oozed all things sex right about now in her eyes. He held out a dark red shirt to her, finally making Delaney enter the room completely to capture it in her own fingers. Laney’s fingertips pressed the material together and decided that it was sturdy enough that she could go without a bra, because in essence, the one she would have worn would have been tossed away anyways. So what was the point?
The woman wrapped the garment around her figure once her arms were through and then buttoned it half way, left the ends unbuttoned and looped them together to tie them around her waist. Once that was done, she turned for him, waiting for his approval on how she looked before moving to find her jeans.
<Jedediah> Jed watched for a moment as his shirt was wrapped around, and struggled to contain the firm mounds that society had deemed unsuitable for public viewing, before re- entering the closet and reaching to the back, taking the last hanger from the rod. He was going to have to go into town. As much as he disliked it, he had no choice. Looking over the contents of the hanger he grimaced then quickly slid into the outfit before turning to watch as his….his….for a moment his mind seemed to stall, as he looked for the word, finally deciding that that was the word..simply, she was his. Jedediah straightened the lapels as he moved towards her, “My hunting clothes will not be appropriate to escort you to the venues and establishments that we will need to visit in the course of reacquiring a wardrobe appropriate for one such as you. These should be suitable."
asword4laney {Laney]
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- CrowNet Handle: Planeterry
Re: asword4laney {Laney]
<Delaney> Once she found her pants, Laney turned to look at Jed and smiled. She listened to what he said and then nodded her head. “Of course, baby. They’re fine.” Laney sauntered over to him and wrapped her arms around his upper torso. “You look handsome.” Her lips pressed to the side of his cheek, and then made sure the girls were still in place before heading out of the room.
“Any particular order we’re doing this in? Or as long as it gets done?” She turned around to look at Jedediah, before moving to his side so she could wrap her left arm through his. “I’m flexible with whatever, baby.” Laney waited for him to lead them out of the cozy apartment.
<Jedediah> Taking her hand in his elbow, he gave one last appraising look at the telepath, before leading her out. “Shopping first, then a walk.” It was but a short walk from the hidden sewer entrance to the 8th Dimension mall. “I have heard there are many nice stores in here, do you have a list of items which you will need, if you were never to see your other belongings again? If you were to make a fresh start with me?”
<Delaney> Laney thought in silence as they moved together to the first location. “Well, I guess everything I more or less wear now, right? Shoes, shirts, skirts, pants, socks and everything else from head to toe? I’ve dressed myself for a while, so I doubt I’ll forget anything?” Now Laney was wondering what she might forget since Jedediah had made a point to bring it up. “Was there something particular you were thinking of, baby?” She leaned into his side as they walked together, Laney making a mental list of the things she would need, but was sure she already knew.
<Jedediah> Straightening his vest, Jedediah glanced at the brass pocket watch he slipped from its pocket. “We will start with shoes then. You will need a good solid pair of hiker/ combat style for in the wilderness.. what others do you wish to include?” He paused for a moment as his eyes ran over her… “A pair of over the knee heeled boots as well, for when we go out….Black, I believe will do.”
<Delaney> The telepath looked at the watch, then reached for it and slid her fingers across the brass surface. She hadn't seen anything like that since Laney was in her early teens, on a movie she had watched. “The wilderness?” Laney asked, snapping out of her thoughts. “Baby, we can't go in there. Little monsters live in there.” She clutched to his arm when saying that. “Shoes? Those are practical. Every day wear.” Laney asked as she changed the topic.
<Jedediah> Jedediah smiles as his head slowly shook. Turning he brought her along moving down the wide aisle towards the escalators. “Where do you think the plants that you use in your rituals come from? I gather them in the wilderness. and I would like you with me sometimes. I know that you had a Bad experience there… well two if you count our first meeting… but together, we can go there safely.”
<Delaney> His simple and certain tone put Delaney at ease about their future trip to the wilderness. Laney just nodded and snuggled against him. “What else do you think I might need?” She looked over at Jedediah, before pressing her cheek against his shoulder. “We have to stop at that one store too, baby. If everything has to be brand spanking new, we have to go to that lingerie store.” Laney tried to remember the name of it off hand, but she usually shopped at the other mall not far from that vampire goth club or whatever it was trying to be. So this mall and its stores weren't as well known to Laney as the other malls were.
<Jedediah> “I spend a lot of time outside the norms. I prefer my own company. And now that of yours. You will need some heavy clothes, to be with me outdoors. I can make you a set of buckskins like mine, if you wish. If not someone will have something suitable.” The necromancer’s eyes followed her hand taking in the mannequins in the windows. The brown orbs took in the blacks, reds, whites, frilly lace, and smooth satins that were on display before turning back towards the cobbler’s shop. “There is nothing there you need, your skin is softer than any satin that is for sale there. Those clothes serve no purpose, they are redundant and frivolous. You have no need of anything they sell.” As far as he was concerned the topic was dead. There was no reason to wear multiple layers to encase your body, except for warmth, and it was obvious the cloths in Victoria’s Secret had no thermal value. Long strides let him to the storefront where he examined the display of women’s Red Wings and Carolinas.
<Delaney> Laney frowned and then tugged on Jedediah’s arm, attempting to have the couple stop. “Wait.” Laney said before coming in front of him. “They sell more than satin, baby.” She wore a look of confusion on her face. “I don’t understand.” Laney admitted slowly as she looked back at the window they had just past. “You don’t ever...want me to wear something pretty for you?” Her lips extended downwards at the corners of her lips, blue irises set on his own facial features, trying to understand what he was saying.
<Jedediah> “You are pretty. All that things like that do is hide your natural beauty. When I look at you, I want to see you, not overpriced scraps and floor sweeping from sri lanka or china. They serve no purpose other than to perpetuate the poor labor conditions of third world nations, and empty the wallets of stupid consumers.” Shaking his head he pointed at the window, “ON SALE…. $84.49 for eighteen square inches of chinese ****. How could anything like that[/1] add to or accent the natural beauty of you? It can not. It is useless, redundant, and severely overpriced. Almost ninety dollars for that scrap… where fifteen dollars more would get this pair of Carolinas. Something with purpose and quality.” Turning back to enter the bootery, he shook his head disgustedly, “Like I would want to see crap like that covering you.”
<Delaney> Laney didn’t know what to say about Jedediah’s strong stance on the things she liked to wear. She saw his point, but Laney was used to purchasing these sorts of things. She had a whole drawer full of things like this in her old apartment. And by the time he was done explaining himself, all Laney could do was laugh. “Baby, all you had to say was that you wanted me naked all the time.” Laney of course heard what she wanted to hear, or perhaps let her imagination wander as to that being the real reason as to him not wanting to wear anything like this around him. “And that you wanted easy access.” Delaney teased him softly before entering the store with him.
<Jedediah> Jedediah stepped to her side as she entered the store, one hand possessively low on her waist. Turning towards the front display, the necromancer snapped his fingers in the direction of the sole female clerk… the way the males were eyeing up his sugahplum, they were likely to die at his hands, before she tried on the first pair. As they finally neared the seating his hand dropped lower, applying a few light swats to her firm cheek, “I did say so… Do you need a reminder?”
<Delaney> Laney liked the feel of his hand(s) on her, no matter where the placement was. She pressed her back into his hand, melding the two of them together as much as she could, as if him touching her bare skin wasn’t enough. The swats to her rear startled Delaney, so much that the woman jumped in surprise and then rub at her cheeks before sitting down. “It depends. Will that reminder be right here, or later when we’re all alone at home?” Playfulness was presented in both her smile and bright eyes, as Laney sat there looking up at him from the bench.
<Jedediah> “I am not sure you will want an audience…” Turning towards the approaching saleswoman, the smirk on his face showed that the earlier tension had eased away, “My woman shall require a pair of eight inch loggers, steel shank and midsole. Titanium toes for weight, one and a half inch heels, and if they are Carolines, the 4x4 tread. Goretex lining and two hundred milligrams of thinsulate. We do not have all day, so please bring a few that meet the requirements. Size her properly, I will not be happy with you if she blisters. She will apprise you of her other footwear needs, once this is concluded.”
<Delaney> Delaney was lost in everything Jedediah was saying, but found his demands to be amusing. They weren’t said in a way that would make someone want to not help him, they were just stated as a matter of fact. As if this is what he expected and this is what should happen. Once the woman was gone and on the mission he tasked of her, Laney looked around the store, seeing it for the first time. This was a store she passed multiple times, and had never given it a second glance. “Logger, what?” She finally asked, because walking in the woods shouldn’t need boots tree cutters needed, right?
<Jedediah> A small amused shake of his head tousled his locks as he looked down to his telepath. “If you are to accompany me, you must have proper gear…. do you not wish to accompany me on my walks? Explore the woods with me when i look for your flowers?”
<Delaney> Laney watched the sales clerk start searching the shelves for what Jedediah asked of her as he asked her a question. Two questions that were correlated. He went into the woods for flowers that she needed, so in essence it was more or less the same question. At least to her. “Well. Yes, but-” Delaney sighed still thinking about the time one of the creatures practically chewed her head straight off her neck. “I think we need to worry more about other things than boots if we go in the woods. Things that will keep us alive.” She said truthfully, eyes returning to him.
<Jedediah> “That my sugahplum, is why I will be going with you. You will not be going alone, ever again. Is that clear?” Settling into a nearby chair, Jedediah’s eyes roved over the store, as one leg started a small twitch. It is much more important to have solid footwear, then a drawer full of silly lace scraps.” Leaning back, his mind wandered, plotting the rest of the night. There was still more shopping to do, before he could begin his planned night. So far, sugah had been right, she was moving right along. Slipping back to the present he let an appraising eye rove over the form swathed in his shirt.
<Delaney> Delaney wasn’t as secure in the idea of going back to the woods like Jedediah was. Yet, for as often as he went in there, she had never heard of him being attacked. Maybe he had some sort of repellent to assholes in the woods that she didn’t know about. Or maybe, they just feared her very strong, killing machine….Jedediah. That was probably more like the real answer, than some repellent Delaney didn’t know about. Because chances are, if it were that easy and what it took, he would douse her in it before she left the apartment every night from here on out. And since he made no mention of anything…
“Will these do?” Delaney’s thoughts were interrupted when the salesperson returned with four boxes, all stacked and tucked under her chin. Her eyes were on Jedediah to see which ones he approved of, before discarding the ones he didn’t to a bench across from Delaney.
<Jedediah> “Try the Carolina’s first, they are more supple, though not as long lasting as the RedWings. If they are a good match with my sugahplum, you can begin on her other footwear needs.. The necromancer was pleasantly pleased with the level of service now being bestowed on his sugahplum.
<Delaney> The box with the Carolina’s were handed over to Delaney for her to take and she opened the box...only to be mortified. “Baby! I can’t wear these. Some poor cow needed their skin more than you or I ever did.” Delaney shoved the dark brown boots back at the salesperson, as she firmly shook her head no.
<Jedediah> Although his voice was firm, there was no anger in it. “The cow is dead. whether you wear those boots or not, nothing changes that. Ideology is fine, you know that I agree with or surpass many of your ideals. But you must also learn to actually use the brain within that beautiful head of yours. There are no manmade materials that will protect and serve you as these boots will. The refusal to purchase something that you need, will have no affect on the overall situation. Use your energies to change the processes involved in how the animals are treated. It is if they are killed solely for their hides, or solely for one organ, that it is wrong. If the whole of the animal is used, and none wasted… and the animal treated with respect till the time of its death. Then its sacrifice is honored and worthy. We will be getting a pair of these, and you will be wearing them. When we are home, you will do research, and find away to better the process… You will not let ideology trump intelligence.
<Delaney> After his ‘speech,’ Delaney whimpered and even huffed a little. Everything he said was true and logical, but her ideology was screaming at her to not put those boots on. That putting them on would betray everything she believed in and had fought for, for years. She sighed and held out her hand for the box of boots and opened it up again. There was a sound that came from her, a sound that was obvious displeasement resting in the base of her throat.
Laney sighed, put the box down to the side of her and then slowly took off her own shoes and set them to the right of her on the floor. Once again, the box came to rest on her lap and fingers went to the boots, but stopped before actually touching them. “Baby, I can’t touch them.” Laney looked up at him, before offering the open box to him.
<Jedediah> The necromancer stood, a glare at the saleswoman had her take a few nervous steps back from the muscular yet cadaverous male. Kneeling he slid sugahplum’s trainers to the side, and taking a firm grasp on her left ankle, he brought into his lap, slipping on the Carolina 4x4 with the other hand. pulling it up until it seated. Placing the sole against his thigh, a few deft, practice movements quickly laced it up, ending with a bow at her calf. Leaning back he looked up at her and with a touch of command in his voice whispered “Stand”
<Delaney> Could she have touched them? Maybe. Maybe with an hour or longer internal debate about why she could or couldn't touch the leather boots in the box. Maybe even with some internal coaxing. Maybe with pretending the boots in the box were all made from synthetic material, but it would have taken a long time to come around to actually touching skin from a cow. All Laney could do was think about how horrible of a life that cow had until its remains were sold off for profit to line some evil ********’s pocket in some multi-million dollar corporation.
She hadn’t been against putting them on-it was just getting them on that she found difficult. Because Jedediah was right. The cow was dead-and nothing she could do or say would change this cow’s fate. When the boots were put on her feet and secured, Jedediah only said one word and Laney was up and on her feet. Laney looked at him, shrugging her shoulders. “They feel funny.” She said quietly.
<Jedediah> Jedediah took a firm calming grip on her calf, as his other hand squeezed, felt, and accessed. Finally with a nod, he motioned her to the seat, and once she was down, smoothly and surely slipped the second boot on. One more, he quickly laced it, before rising to his feet and holding a hand out to her.
<Delaney> Laney looked down at Jedediah as he inspected her claim about the feel of the boot, her toes wiggling in the boot out of….nervousness? She couldn’t pinpoint the feeling, but Laney certainly didn’t feel confident while wearing these things.Maybe it was because they felt heavy, or because she only had one of the two on her feet.
She was back on the bench after her foot was inspected and Jedediah was lacing up the second of the two boots and securing that one like he had the last. This time a hand was offered to her, and she gladly took it before rising from her seated position. “Maybe they have waterproof, rubber waders?” Laney asked, slightly hopeful.
<Jedediah> “Indeed, you will need them for in the snow and rain…. Theses are for support and protection. You may wear them for a bit, to get the feel.” Turning to the saleswoman Jedediah continued in a brisk business like voice “She will also need a pair of sandals, Muck boots, two sets of four inch pumps, one black, one red. No silly kitten heels, but also some lower, two inch heels, find us a variety of styles. Man made, no leather in these. We will also need two pairs of cross trainers, one pair of high tops. We would also like one pair of the black open toed five inch Cleopatra sandals with the knee high lacing and a one inch platform beneath the toe. We will be back in two hours, you know her size, please have these ready for her perusal. As I said earlier, my time is valuable, please do not waste it. Thank you, we will be back.” Slipping an arm over sugahplum’s shoulders the necromancer turned towards the door.
<Delaney> It appeared Delaney was going to be stuck wearing these things for a while, judging by his nonchalant dialogue that required no words or interjections from Delaney. She watched the interaction between him and the sales woman, and then felt herself smiling. How was it he could be slightly intimidating, and sexy at the same time?
It was only when they were heading towards the door, did Delaney speak. “You know, you could smile sometimes.” Laney smiled as her cheek came to rest against his shoulder
<Jedediah> Lowering his head towards hers a smile slowly grew. His lips crinkled, and a faint sparkle was in the shadows of his eyes. “I do….. for you”
“Any particular order we’re doing this in? Or as long as it gets done?” She turned around to look at Jedediah, before moving to his side so she could wrap her left arm through his. “I’m flexible with whatever, baby.” Laney waited for him to lead them out of the cozy apartment.
<Jedediah> Taking her hand in his elbow, he gave one last appraising look at the telepath, before leading her out. “Shopping first, then a walk.” It was but a short walk from the hidden sewer entrance to the 8th Dimension mall. “I have heard there are many nice stores in here, do you have a list of items which you will need, if you were never to see your other belongings again? If you were to make a fresh start with me?”
<Delaney> Laney thought in silence as they moved together to the first location. “Well, I guess everything I more or less wear now, right? Shoes, shirts, skirts, pants, socks and everything else from head to toe? I’ve dressed myself for a while, so I doubt I’ll forget anything?” Now Laney was wondering what she might forget since Jedediah had made a point to bring it up. “Was there something particular you were thinking of, baby?” She leaned into his side as they walked together, Laney making a mental list of the things she would need, but was sure she already knew.
<Jedediah> Straightening his vest, Jedediah glanced at the brass pocket watch he slipped from its pocket. “We will start with shoes then. You will need a good solid pair of hiker/ combat style for in the wilderness.. what others do you wish to include?” He paused for a moment as his eyes ran over her… “A pair of over the knee heeled boots as well, for when we go out….Black, I believe will do.”
<Delaney> The telepath looked at the watch, then reached for it and slid her fingers across the brass surface. She hadn't seen anything like that since Laney was in her early teens, on a movie she had watched. “The wilderness?” Laney asked, snapping out of her thoughts. “Baby, we can't go in there. Little monsters live in there.” She clutched to his arm when saying that. “Shoes? Those are practical. Every day wear.” Laney asked as she changed the topic.
<Jedediah> Jedediah smiles as his head slowly shook. Turning he brought her along moving down the wide aisle towards the escalators. “Where do you think the plants that you use in your rituals come from? I gather them in the wilderness. and I would like you with me sometimes. I know that you had a Bad experience there… well two if you count our first meeting… but together, we can go there safely.”
<Delaney> His simple and certain tone put Delaney at ease about their future trip to the wilderness. Laney just nodded and snuggled against him. “What else do you think I might need?” She looked over at Jedediah, before pressing her cheek against his shoulder. “We have to stop at that one store too, baby. If everything has to be brand spanking new, we have to go to that lingerie store.” Laney tried to remember the name of it off hand, but she usually shopped at the other mall not far from that vampire goth club or whatever it was trying to be. So this mall and its stores weren't as well known to Laney as the other malls were.
<Jedediah> “I spend a lot of time outside the norms. I prefer my own company. And now that of yours. You will need some heavy clothes, to be with me outdoors. I can make you a set of buckskins like mine, if you wish. If not someone will have something suitable.” The necromancer’s eyes followed her hand taking in the mannequins in the windows. The brown orbs took in the blacks, reds, whites, frilly lace, and smooth satins that were on display before turning back towards the cobbler’s shop. “There is nothing there you need, your skin is softer than any satin that is for sale there. Those clothes serve no purpose, they are redundant and frivolous. You have no need of anything they sell.” As far as he was concerned the topic was dead. There was no reason to wear multiple layers to encase your body, except for warmth, and it was obvious the cloths in Victoria’s Secret had no thermal value. Long strides let him to the storefront where he examined the display of women’s Red Wings and Carolinas.
<Delaney> Laney frowned and then tugged on Jedediah’s arm, attempting to have the couple stop. “Wait.” Laney said before coming in front of him. “They sell more than satin, baby.” She wore a look of confusion on her face. “I don’t understand.” Laney admitted slowly as she looked back at the window they had just past. “You don’t ever...want me to wear something pretty for you?” Her lips extended downwards at the corners of her lips, blue irises set on his own facial features, trying to understand what he was saying.
<Jedediah> “You are pretty. All that things like that do is hide your natural beauty. When I look at you, I want to see you, not overpriced scraps and floor sweeping from sri lanka or china. They serve no purpose other than to perpetuate the poor labor conditions of third world nations, and empty the wallets of stupid consumers.” Shaking his head he pointed at the window, “ON SALE…. $84.49 for eighteen square inches of chinese ****. How could anything like that[/1] add to or accent the natural beauty of you? It can not. It is useless, redundant, and severely overpriced. Almost ninety dollars for that scrap… where fifteen dollars more would get this pair of Carolinas. Something with purpose and quality.” Turning back to enter the bootery, he shook his head disgustedly, “Like I would want to see crap like that covering you.”
<Delaney> Laney didn’t know what to say about Jedediah’s strong stance on the things she liked to wear. She saw his point, but Laney was used to purchasing these sorts of things. She had a whole drawer full of things like this in her old apartment. And by the time he was done explaining himself, all Laney could do was laugh. “Baby, all you had to say was that you wanted me naked all the time.” Laney of course heard what she wanted to hear, or perhaps let her imagination wander as to that being the real reason as to him not wanting to wear anything like this around him. “And that you wanted easy access.” Delaney teased him softly before entering the store with him.
<Jedediah> Jedediah stepped to her side as she entered the store, one hand possessively low on her waist. Turning towards the front display, the necromancer snapped his fingers in the direction of the sole female clerk… the way the males were eyeing up his sugahplum, they were likely to die at his hands, before she tried on the first pair. As they finally neared the seating his hand dropped lower, applying a few light swats to her firm cheek, “I did say so… Do you need a reminder?”
<Delaney> Laney liked the feel of his hand(s) on her, no matter where the placement was. She pressed her back into his hand, melding the two of them together as much as she could, as if him touching her bare skin wasn’t enough. The swats to her rear startled Delaney, so much that the woman jumped in surprise and then rub at her cheeks before sitting down. “It depends. Will that reminder be right here, or later when we’re all alone at home?” Playfulness was presented in both her smile and bright eyes, as Laney sat there looking up at him from the bench.
<Jedediah> “I am not sure you will want an audience…” Turning towards the approaching saleswoman, the smirk on his face showed that the earlier tension had eased away, “My woman shall require a pair of eight inch loggers, steel shank and midsole. Titanium toes for weight, one and a half inch heels, and if they are Carolines, the 4x4 tread. Goretex lining and two hundred milligrams of thinsulate. We do not have all day, so please bring a few that meet the requirements. Size her properly, I will not be happy with you if she blisters. She will apprise you of her other footwear needs, once this is concluded.”
<Delaney> Delaney was lost in everything Jedediah was saying, but found his demands to be amusing. They weren’t said in a way that would make someone want to not help him, they were just stated as a matter of fact. As if this is what he expected and this is what should happen. Once the woman was gone and on the mission he tasked of her, Laney looked around the store, seeing it for the first time. This was a store she passed multiple times, and had never given it a second glance. “Logger, what?” She finally asked, because walking in the woods shouldn’t need boots tree cutters needed, right?
<Jedediah> A small amused shake of his head tousled his locks as he looked down to his telepath. “If you are to accompany me, you must have proper gear…. do you not wish to accompany me on my walks? Explore the woods with me when i look for your flowers?”
<Delaney> Laney watched the sales clerk start searching the shelves for what Jedediah asked of her as he asked her a question. Two questions that were correlated. He went into the woods for flowers that she needed, so in essence it was more or less the same question. At least to her. “Well. Yes, but-” Delaney sighed still thinking about the time one of the creatures practically chewed her head straight off her neck. “I think we need to worry more about other things than boots if we go in the woods. Things that will keep us alive.” She said truthfully, eyes returning to him.
<Jedediah> “That my sugahplum, is why I will be going with you. You will not be going alone, ever again. Is that clear?” Settling into a nearby chair, Jedediah’s eyes roved over the store, as one leg started a small twitch. It is much more important to have solid footwear, then a drawer full of silly lace scraps.” Leaning back, his mind wandered, plotting the rest of the night. There was still more shopping to do, before he could begin his planned night. So far, sugah had been right, she was moving right along. Slipping back to the present he let an appraising eye rove over the form swathed in his shirt.
<Delaney> Delaney wasn’t as secure in the idea of going back to the woods like Jedediah was. Yet, for as often as he went in there, she had never heard of him being attacked. Maybe he had some sort of repellent to assholes in the woods that she didn’t know about. Or maybe, they just feared her very strong, killing machine….Jedediah. That was probably more like the real answer, than some repellent Delaney didn’t know about. Because chances are, if it were that easy and what it took, he would douse her in it before she left the apartment every night from here on out. And since he made no mention of anything…
“Will these do?” Delaney’s thoughts were interrupted when the salesperson returned with four boxes, all stacked and tucked under her chin. Her eyes were on Jedediah to see which ones he approved of, before discarding the ones he didn’t to a bench across from Delaney.
<Jedediah> “Try the Carolina’s first, they are more supple, though not as long lasting as the RedWings. If they are a good match with my sugahplum, you can begin on her other footwear needs.. The necromancer was pleasantly pleased with the level of service now being bestowed on his sugahplum.
<Delaney> The box with the Carolina’s were handed over to Delaney for her to take and she opened the box...only to be mortified. “Baby! I can’t wear these. Some poor cow needed their skin more than you or I ever did.” Delaney shoved the dark brown boots back at the salesperson, as she firmly shook her head no.
<Jedediah> Although his voice was firm, there was no anger in it. “The cow is dead. whether you wear those boots or not, nothing changes that. Ideology is fine, you know that I agree with or surpass many of your ideals. But you must also learn to actually use the brain within that beautiful head of yours. There are no manmade materials that will protect and serve you as these boots will. The refusal to purchase something that you need, will have no affect on the overall situation. Use your energies to change the processes involved in how the animals are treated. It is if they are killed solely for their hides, or solely for one organ, that it is wrong. If the whole of the animal is used, and none wasted… and the animal treated with respect till the time of its death. Then its sacrifice is honored and worthy. We will be getting a pair of these, and you will be wearing them. When we are home, you will do research, and find away to better the process… You will not let ideology trump intelligence.
<Delaney> After his ‘speech,’ Delaney whimpered and even huffed a little. Everything he said was true and logical, but her ideology was screaming at her to not put those boots on. That putting them on would betray everything she believed in and had fought for, for years. She sighed and held out her hand for the box of boots and opened it up again. There was a sound that came from her, a sound that was obvious displeasement resting in the base of her throat.
Laney sighed, put the box down to the side of her and then slowly took off her own shoes and set them to the right of her on the floor. Once again, the box came to rest on her lap and fingers went to the boots, but stopped before actually touching them. “Baby, I can’t touch them.” Laney looked up at him, before offering the open box to him.
<Jedediah> The necromancer stood, a glare at the saleswoman had her take a few nervous steps back from the muscular yet cadaverous male. Kneeling he slid sugahplum’s trainers to the side, and taking a firm grasp on her left ankle, he brought into his lap, slipping on the Carolina 4x4 with the other hand. pulling it up until it seated. Placing the sole against his thigh, a few deft, practice movements quickly laced it up, ending with a bow at her calf. Leaning back he looked up at her and with a touch of command in his voice whispered “Stand”
<Delaney> Could she have touched them? Maybe. Maybe with an hour or longer internal debate about why she could or couldn't touch the leather boots in the box. Maybe even with some internal coaxing. Maybe with pretending the boots in the box were all made from synthetic material, but it would have taken a long time to come around to actually touching skin from a cow. All Laney could do was think about how horrible of a life that cow had until its remains were sold off for profit to line some evil ********’s pocket in some multi-million dollar corporation.
She hadn’t been against putting them on-it was just getting them on that she found difficult. Because Jedediah was right. The cow was dead-and nothing she could do or say would change this cow’s fate. When the boots were put on her feet and secured, Jedediah only said one word and Laney was up and on her feet. Laney looked at him, shrugging her shoulders. “They feel funny.” She said quietly.
<Jedediah> Jedediah took a firm calming grip on her calf, as his other hand squeezed, felt, and accessed. Finally with a nod, he motioned her to the seat, and once she was down, smoothly and surely slipped the second boot on. One more, he quickly laced it, before rising to his feet and holding a hand out to her.
<Delaney> Laney looked down at Jedediah as he inspected her claim about the feel of the boot, her toes wiggling in the boot out of….nervousness? She couldn’t pinpoint the feeling, but Laney certainly didn’t feel confident while wearing these things.Maybe it was because they felt heavy, or because she only had one of the two on her feet.
She was back on the bench after her foot was inspected and Jedediah was lacing up the second of the two boots and securing that one like he had the last. This time a hand was offered to her, and she gladly took it before rising from her seated position. “Maybe they have waterproof, rubber waders?” Laney asked, slightly hopeful.
<Jedediah> “Indeed, you will need them for in the snow and rain…. Theses are for support and protection. You may wear them for a bit, to get the feel.” Turning to the saleswoman Jedediah continued in a brisk business like voice “She will also need a pair of sandals, Muck boots, two sets of four inch pumps, one black, one red. No silly kitten heels, but also some lower, two inch heels, find us a variety of styles. Man made, no leather in these. We will also need two pairs of cross trainers, one pair of high tops. We would also like one pair of the black open toed five inch Cleopatra sandals with the knee high lacing and a one inch platform beneath the toe. We will be back in two hours, you know her size, please have these ready for her perusal. As I said earlier, my time is valuable, please do not waste it. Thank you, we will be back.” Slipping an arm over sugahplum’s shoulders the necromancer turned towards the door.
<Delaney> It appeared Delaney was going to be stuck wearing these things for a while, judging by his nonchalant dialogue that required no words or interjections from Delaney. She watched the interaction between him and the sales woman, and then felt herself smiling. How was it he could be slightly intimidating, and sexy at the same time?
It was only when they were heading towards the door, did Delaney speak. “You know, you could smile sometimes.” Laney smiled as her cheek came to rest against his shoulder
<Jedediah> Lowering his head towards hers a smile slowly grew. His lips crinkled, and a faint sparkle was in the shadows of his eyes. “I do….. for you”
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Re: asword4laney {Laney]
<Delaney> Jedediah had complete attention when his face was in her proximity. His words only had her mirroring his smile, as her hands came up to his face, cupped the sides of his cheeks and gazed into his eyes. In that moment, Laney knew she adored this man and would do anything within her ability for him; even wear leather made products on her feet.
Laney gently pressed her lips to his and then rested her cheek against his before sighing. “Where are we going to now, baby?” Her eyes looked around the different stores in their vicinity, already discluding the lingerie store, and some small kitchen shop for utensils and the like.
<Jedediah> Jedediah’s smile widened as his sugahplun pressed in close and pecked his lips. “Your style is unique, other than the one outfit that you will have, and will wear to go into the wilds with me, you know what you like, and what pleases me. My funds are adequate for the task before us, select the shops that you know and want, and we shall soon have this task behind us, and begin a much more pleasurable one….”
<Delaney> Laney didn’t feel one way or another about shopping. She viewed shopping-any kind, as a necessary evil. It neither pleased or displeased her to shop, it was something that just had to get done. Since shoes of all varieties were already being worked on, there was no need to go to any other shoe related store in the mall. “Sooo...let’s go to the smelly store. I know it’s not too far from here…” He voice started to dwindle as Laney looked around the mall’s main floor and then pointed to it. “That place doesn’t do any animal testing.” Laney admitted with a very pleased smile upon her lips as she once again curled into Jedediah’s frame.
<Jedediah> Jedediah led them forward with firm controlled steps. He head towards the store that was bombarding his nostrils with a cacophony of olfactory assaults , even tho they were still yards away. He prefered the clean clear natural musk that was emitted from her core to hang about her as a natural attractant to real men.Pausing at the door, unable to enter into the olfactory overload, Jedediah allowed Lane to enter the store without him. while he set up a surreptitious overwatch, Eyes scanning, head on a swivel, every passing body was accessed as a threat to his sugahplum.
<Delaney> The dark haired woman wouldn’t be in here long. Just long enough to get a specific type of lotion-because everyone needed lotion. Vampires, humans...everything that had skin got dry skin and this place had the one smell she liked the most. It was two types of trees combined into a lotion-and it smelled just like a nice summer afternoon, walking in the woods of Harper Rock. It smelled like the earth of the wilderness upon her skin.
The Telepath looked at Jedediah through the large glass window panes, before snatching up two bottles and then moving to purchase them. There was a conversation going on between the two women at the counter, something about unexplained things that went on in the city, but Laney didn’t really bother on focusing on what they were talking about. A lot of things in this city were unexplainable.
After Delaney purchased the two lotions and they were placed in a paper bag with a sturdy handle, Delaney left the store and found her way back to his side. She liked being there-in his side. She liked being in a lot of places that had the two of them touching the other, but this….she felt secure with her man in the sea of nobodies.
<Jedediah> One arm instinctively wrapped the curvaceous woman as she stepped to him, drawing her close and fitting her curves to his angles as he turned back into the stream of bodies mindlessly following their preprogrammed shopping acumen, that had been set with millions of minutes of programming purchased with billions of dollars…. one of the many reasons no television or radio adorned his apartment deep in the ground beneath the sanctuary. As they began to flow down the sea, his eyes scanned the upcoming signs, wondering where their next stop would be.
<Delaney> The woman was nestled against Jedediah-an initiative both of them offered the other. When a store called Urban Outfitters caught her peripheral, Delany tugged Jedediah that way. “This has the jeans I need. It’s eco friendly and backed by the fair trade act. So you know what they say is true.” At least, that was Delaney’s perception on things. “Which sort of makes their clothing here a little more pricey.” She looked at Jedediah apologetically before moving into the store-wondering if here would be okay to go in.
<Jedediah> The necomancer paused as he listened to laney. He wasn't worried on the price, and he wasn't in the mood to explain that the only thing the ‘fair trade act’ did was make it fair for undeveloped countries to exploit their women and children in an effort to steal away the few remaining jobs in the west that provided a living wage to employees. He was surprised women’s rights and child slavery/exploitation wasn't a bigger blip on sugahplum’s radar, but he wasn't in the mood for politics. Turning he led the vibrant woman inside with him, “Is it only jeans they supply? If so, we should find a pair that is extra heavy, utilitarian rather than fashionista.”
<Delaney> “No baby, they have other things, but I don’t like most their tops. It’s just not my style.” Laney pointed to a lot of shirts that appeared nineties in nature or those that had band names or movie titles in them. “And whatever you want.” Laney smiled at him adoringly-not really sure if Urban Outfitters had extra heavy pants that could be considered ‘utilitarian.’ “While we are here, aren’t you going to buy something for yourself in the mall? Do you need anything? If you do, we might as well get it while we are here.” Laney suggested, her eyes still on Jedediah as they entered the store.
<Jedediah> Jedediah wandered the aisles behind his sugahplum eyes sweeping the store til they finally settled upon a pair of black BDU style cargo pants in a heavy hundred percent cotton weave. Running the material between his finger he listened as his …..girl?.... prattled on. Mentally comparing the image of her body that was burned into his mind with the assorted sizes on the shelf, he withdrew the appropriate pair as she questioned his needs. It had been many years since others had cared for or about him, and once more a smile flitted across his features, :”My needs are few and simple. I purchase from charity shops to help those less fortunate, no matter how badly they have and do treat me and mine” Turning to full face her, he continued, “These will do,” Another smile spread as he hand the pants to her.
<Delaney> Delaney nodded her head. His logic was sound and made sense, to an extent. If someone wasn’t nice to her-she wasn’t helping them with anything. Laney didn’t think that people who were dicks or assholes, or bitches, even, deserved any of her help. Not many people knew this, but Laney could carry a big grudge on her shoulders, even if she was genuinely nice to everyone she meets. But once someone pushed past the point of what was tolerable, what should be allowed and tolerated, Laney had no problems turning her back to them and cutting them out of her life.
She knew this would never happen with Jedediah-he had the patience of a saint and at least attempted to understand her. And inform her of some of his own thoughts, even if both their thoughts didn’t align or coincide. Laney looked at the pants and then looked around the semi-busy store. “Want to come watch me try them on?” She suggested very subtly, though she didn’t care if he did or didn’t accept her offer. She suspected it would be the latter, but a girl had to try, right?
<Jedediah> Jedediah step closer as he slipped an arm around her, directing her towards the booths in the rear of the store, “What other items are you looking for in this… establishment.” The necromancer acknowledged the reasons that his sugahplum had given for choosing this venue, but to him, the store, the goods, and the people had a fake air to it, just the name itself was an oxymoron, let alone all the soccer moms and cheerleaders that were looking through the racks, trying to dress as if they had any idea of what it was like outside civilizations borders. Light weight clothes, designed to look like you were going on safari, and other things...that had nothing to do with ‘outfitting’. There were no weapons or tactical gear. No tents or sleeping bags, the whole store was a sham, but it made her happy, and that is what was paramount. Her Idea of him entering the cubicle made sense, if she did not have to come out each time to show an outfit, they could finish much faster and be on to the next commercialized ripoff joint. Someday… someday she might understand...and they could move away from this hell hole of a city, and make their own way, but she need to learn that all harvesting of animals was not wrong, nor was it wrong to make use of all an animal, once it had made its final contribution, Leather was not evil, nor were furs. It was the farms and the methods of obtaining them that were wrong, especially when the hide was all that was utilized. It was not the product, it was the people.
<Delaney> The raven haired woman looked around and then shrugged her shoulders. “Nothing, I think.” She already knew she didn’t want any of their tops here and now that she had some pants, both from him picking out a couple pair and from her picking out a pair, she was done in here. “Once I try a pair on, we can pay, then we can go to the next store from here.” Delaney said with a small smile as she stacked the pair of jeans she had just grabbed from a shelf in his arms and grabbed one of the pairs Jedediah had found for her, and approached the dressing room. He didn’t say anything about wanting to go and see her try anything on, but since this place only sold their brand of clothing in different designs, one pair should fit her like the others would. “Come on handsome.” The woman winked to the male, then disappeared into a fitting room after snagging a numbered room from an attendant.
Once Laney had fit into the pair of black jeans Jedediah had found, the woman slowly slipped out of the room, stood in the doorway and did a turn for the male. “What do you think, babe?” Delaney asked, waiting for his seal of approval as she approached him slowly.
Laney gently pressed her lips to his and then rested her cheek against his before sighing. “Where are we going to now, baby?” Her eyes looked around the different stores in their vicinity, already discluding the lingerie store, and some small kitchen shop for utensils and the like.
<Jedediah> Jedediah’s smile widened as his sugahplun pressed in close and pecked his lips. “Your style is unique, other than the one outfit that you will have, and will wear to go into the wilds with me, you know what you like, and what pleases me. My funds are adequate for the task before us, select the shops that you know and want, and we shall soon have this task behind us, and begin a much more pleasurable one….”
<Delaney> Laney didn’t feel one way or another about shopping. She viewed shopping-any kind, as a necessary evil. It neither pleased or displeased her to shop, it was something that just had to get done. Since shoes of all varieties were already being worked on, there was no need to go to any other shoe related store in the mall. “Sooo...let’s go to the smelly store. I know it’s not too far from here…” He voice started to dwindle as Laney looked around the mall’s main floor and then pointed to it. “That place doesn’t do any animal testing.” Laney admitted with a very pleased smile upon her lips as she once again curled into Jedediah’s frame.
<Jedediah> Jedediah led them forward with firm controlled steps. He head towards the store that was bombarding his nostrils with a cacophony of olfactory assaults , even tho they were still yards away. He prefered the clean clear natural musk that was emitted from her core to hang about her as a natural attractant to real men.Pausing at the door, unable to enter into the olfactory overload, Jedediah allowed Lane to enter the store without him. while he set up a surreptitious overwatch, Eyes scanning, head on a swivel, every passing body was accessed as a threat to his sugahplum.
<Delaney> The dark haired woman wouldn’t be in here long. Just long enough to get a specific type of lotion-because everyone needed lotion. Vampires, humans...everything that had skin got dry skin and this place had the one smell she liked the most. It was two types of trees combined into a lotion-and it smelled just like a nice summer afternoon, walking in the woods of Harper Rock. It smelled like the earth of the wilderness upon her skin.
The Telepath looked at Jedediah through the large glass window panes, before snatching up two bottles and then moving to purchase them. There was a conversation going on between the two women at the counter, something about unexplained things that went on in the city, but Laney didn’t really bother on focusing on what they were talking about. A lot of things in this city were unexplainable.
After Delaney purchased the two lotions and they were placed in a paper bag with a sturdy handle, Delaney left the store and found her way back to his side. She liked being there-in his side. She liked being in a lot of places that had the two of them touching the other, but this….she felt secure with her man in the sea of nobodies.
<Jedediah> One arm instinctively wrapped the curvaceous woman as she stepped to him, drawing her close and fitting her curves to his angles as he turned back into the stream of bodies mindlessly following their preprogrammed shopping acumen, that had been set with millions of minutes of programming purchased with billions of dollars…. one of the many reasons no television or radio adorned his apartment deep in the ground beneath the sanctuary. As they began to flow down the sea, his eyes scanned the upcoming signs, wondering where their next stop would be.
<Delaney> The woman was nestled against Jedediah-an initiative both of them offered the other. When a store called Urban Outfitters caught her peripheral, Delany tugged Jedediah that way. “This has the jeans I need. It’s eco friendly and backed by the fair trade act. So you know what they say is true.” At least, that was Delaney’s perception on things. “Which sort of makes their clothing here a little more pricey.” She looked at Jedediah apologetically before moving into the store-wondering if here would be okay to go in.
<Jedediah> The necomancer paused as he listened to laney. He wasn't worried on the price, and he wasn't in the mood to explain that the only thing the ‘fair trade act’ did was make it fair for undeveloped countries to exploit their women and children in an effort to steal away the few remaining jobs in the west that provided a living wage to employees. He was surprised women’s rights and child slavery/exploitation wasn't a bigger blip on sugahplum’s radar, but he wasn't in the mood for politics. Turning he led the vibrant woman inside with him, “Is it only jeans they supply? If so, we should find a pair that is extra heavy, utilitarian rather than fashionista.”
<Delaney> “No baby, they have other things, but I don’t like most their tops. It’s just not my style.” Laney pointed to a lot of shirts that appeared nineties in nature or those that had band names or movie titles in them. “And whatever you want.” Laney smiled at him adoringly-not really sure if Urban Outfitters had extra heavy pants that could be considered ‘utilitarian.’ “While we are here, aren’t you going to buy something for yourself in the mall? Do you need anything? If you do, we might as well get it while we are here.” Laney suggested, her eyes still on Jedediah as they entered the store.
<Jedediah> Jedediah wandered the aisles behind his sugahplum eyes sweeping the store til they finally settled upon a pair of black BDU style cargo pants in a heavy hundred percent cotton weave. Running the material between his finger he listened as his …..girl?.... prattled on. Mentally comparing the image of her body that was burned into his mind with the assorted sizes on the shelf, he withdrew the appropriate pair as she questioned his needs. It had been many years since others had cared for or about him, and once more a smile flitted across his features, :”My needs are few and simple. I purchase from charity shops to help those less fortunate, no matter how badly they have and do treat me and mine” Turning to full face her, he continued, “These will do,” Another smile spread as he hand the pants to her.
<Delaney> Delaney nodded her head. His logic was sound and made sense, to an extent. If someone wasn’t nice to her-she wasn’t helping them with anything. Laney didn’t think that people who were dicks or assholes, or bitches, even, deserved any of her help. Not many people knew this, but Laney could carry a big grudge on her shoulders, even if she was genuinely nice to everyone she meets. But once someone pushed past the point of what was tolerable, what should be allowed and tolerated, Laney had no problems turning her back to them and cutting them out of her life.
She knew this would never happen with Jedediah-he had the patience of a saint and at least attempted to understand her. And inform her of some of his own thoughts, even if both their thoughts didn’t align or coincide. Laney looked at the pants and then looked around the semi-busy store. “Want to come watch me try them on?” She suggested very subtly, though she didn’t care if he did or didn’t accept her offer. She suspected it would be the latter, but a girl had to try, right?
<Jedediah> Jedediah step closer as he slipped an arm around her, directing her towards the booths in the rear of the store, “What other items are you looking for in this… establishment.” The necromancer acknowledged the reasons that his sugahplum had given for choosing this venue, but to him, the store, the goods, and the people had a fake air to it, just the name itself was an oxymoron, let alone all the soccer moms and cheerleaders that were looking through the racks, trying to dress as if they had any idea of what it was like outside civilizations borders. Light weight clothes, designed to look like you were going on safari, and other things...that had nothing to do with ‘outfitting’. There were no weapons or tactical gear. No tents or sleeping bags, the whole store was a sham, but it made her happy, and that is what was paramount. Her Idea of him entering the cubicle made sense, if she did not have to come out each time to show an outfit, they could finish much faster and be on to the next commercialized ripoff joint. Someday… someday she might understand...and they could move away from this hell hole of a city, and make their own way, but she need to learn that all harvesting of animals was not wrong, nor was it wrong to make use of all an animal, once it had made its final contribution, Leather was not evil, nor were furs. It was the farms and the methods of obtaining them that were wrong, especially when the hide was all that was utilized. It was not the product, it was the people.
<Delaney> The raven haired woman looked around and then shrugged her shoulders. “Nothing, I think.” She already knew she didn’t want any of their tops here and now that she had some pants, both from him picking out a couple pair and from her picking out a pair, she was done in here. “Once I try a pair on, we can pay, then we can go to the next store from here.” Delaney said with a small smile as she stacked the pair of jeans she had just grabbed from a shelf in his arms and grabbed one of the pairs Jedediah had found for her, and approached the dressing room. He didn’t say anything about wanting to go and see her try anything on, but since this place only sold their brand of clothing in different designs, one pair should fit her like the others would. “Come on handsome.” The woman winked to the male, then disappeared into a fitting room after snagging a numbered room from an attendant.
Once Laney had fit into the pair of black jeans Jedediah had found, the woman slowly slipped out of the room, stood in the doorway and did a turn for the male. “What do you think, babe?” Delaney asked, waiting for his seal of approval as she approached him slowly.
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Re: asword4laney {Laney]
<Jedediah> Sugahplum could be a whirlwind of action once her mind was made up, and the pace quickened as they went through the racks towards the rear. Almost without looking, the telepath seemed to unerringly slip pants from the displays that were all the same size, stacking them in his arms as he followed her, eyes tracking the sway of her hips as she moved. Reaching the rear of the store, the necromancer stepped to follow as ‘laney entered the dressing rooms, but she had scooped a pair, entered and closed the door before he could slip through. Stepping back, easily Jedediah adopted a deceptively lazy looking pose as he leaned against a nearby pole. Brown eyes made a sweep about the store ensuring that all was well before sliding back to the door that hid his sugahplum. Well….. almost hid his sugahplum. The swinging door ended almost two inches from the jamb, revealing a large portion of the colored inks that encased the telepath’s leg as she bent and struggled to slip her new boots from delicate feet. with them finally clear, more ink, and his brand, was revealed as her shorts quickly followed. Jedediah became mesmerised by the sinuous motion of her muscled thighs as she worked the new pants he had chosen up over her sculpted legs, the inks disappearing till just two pale globes rested upon the top of the new cargos. One last shimmy, and those disappeared as well. For once caught off guard, Jedediah blinked and straightened as the door opened to disclose the beauty that was his. her words soaked in, but all of his attention was on his eyes, and what was before him. Three sets of pants tumbled to the ground as his hands reached out to her waist drawing her to him. His lips took hers as his hands danced over the material covering her from the waist down. “They will do” slipped from his lips to hers…..
<Delaney> Laney hadn’t even realized she neglected to close the door all the way, not that the woman would have minded. Laney had nothing to hide from jedediah, he had seen it all before. And as she stood there, waiting for his approval, she would never know-unless he said something that he was peeking in on her.
His hands connected with her voluptuous hips, then froliced over the bottom half of the woman’s frame as he appraised the fit of the jeans. When Jedediah spoke his opinion on the jeans, Laney bounced a little and then jumped into his lap since the other pair of jeans no longer inhabited the male. “They’re pretty comfy.” She told him, appreciating the choice Jedediah had made as her arms came to wrap around his neck and shoulders. “I think they look good in all the right places.” Laney winked down at Jedediah before leaning in to give him a slow, soft kiss on his lips.
<Jedediah> The necromancer smiled as his sugahplum filled his lap. Her exuberance was infectious, and he could not help but feel her cheer. Returning her kiss, Jedediah reached down to scoop the other pants from the floor. Easily standing with one hand around her, holding her to his waist, the look in his eye cleared a path to cash wrap. Setting the purchase on the counter, he reached around plucking the tag from her waist and laying it on the stack. Ignoring the frown on the older sales lady's face, he laid his card on top of the pile. “Charge them and package them. She will be wearing these, and you may dispose of the item in the dressing room at your leisure.” Twisting he sat sugah on the counter next to the clothes and lowered his face to her neck, inhaling her sweet musk before nuzzling beneath the silken waves of her hair. “Please do not take all night to process this transaction, we have other… higher class… places to be.”
<Delaney> Delaney laughed softly when Jedediah picked her up and carried both her and the clothes to the checkout counter. “I can walk, baby.” Laney whispered against his ear before he got down to business with the woman behind the counter. She felt his hand go to her waist, tiny bolts of electricity coursing through the woman’s body as she shivered from the accidental brushing of fingertips to her skin.
She was soon on the same counter as the clothes, sitting next to them and she could hear the strain of the shopping trip in Jedediah’s tone. Or at least his distaste for this store, based off the choice of words to the sale’s woman. Delaney wrapped her arms around Jedediah’s neck, bringing him into her more. His disposition always seemed to change when they were in very close proximity, or his focus was on her and nothing else. He smiled, sometimes laughed and just forgot anything but the two of them. His guard was at ease. “I think we only need to go to one more shop and then, if you are still up for it-we could go on our walk?”
<Jedediah> As the necromancer came out from beneath the silken waves of ebony hair for an unneeded breath he he paused to still his womans words with a kiss before setting her lightly on her feet. “As many stores as you need, this is your night” Slipping a hand through the waiting handles he slid the new purchases. and turned to the door. “Do not forget sugaplum, you will need a few skirts and a dress or two.” Once more in the main hall of the mall, he raised an eyebrow as he waited for the next target of his pet’s whirlwind.
<Delaney> Why did he have to do these things here in public? Laney wondered if this was another test of wills or something. Every time Jedediah initiated a single touch, the dark haired woman wanted to curl herself around him and forget about what was going on around them. Laney sighed softly as he reminded her about skirts and dresses. She would need those things, but what she wanted was right besides her….
This had to be a test, and Laney was going to pass it with flying colors. “Maybe that one?” Laney asked as they headed to the west once leaving the store they had just made their purchases from. The store could be comparable to a ‘hot topic,’ or ‘Spencers.’ The woman had an idea that he wouldn’t like them-her clothing was typically a little darker than mosts, but stores like these had her kind of attitude. Not so much the death and destruction feeling most liked, but the screw society and its norms attitude the woman encompassed. “Or maybe that one.” She pointed, suddenly feeling a little self-conscious on the first choice she made. This store could be compared to a ‘Kohl’s’ or ‘JcPenny.’
<Jedediah> Pulling his gaze from the telepath, Jedediah glanced at the pair of stores she had indicated. Taking in the two options, he again let his eyes roll over the telepath as he thought back on items he had seen her in before that fateful night...was it really only three nights ago?. Slipping his Samsung with the cracked firmwear from his pocket, the fingers of the experienced hacker skimmed the touch screen as images flew across it in a sickening wave until he paused quickly on one, then quickly continued on, crossing the name with the malls online site register. Taking her elbow lightly, he gave a slight tug. “Second floor, west end. Here, step up on the escalator.” Watching her shapely form precede him, Jedediah stepped on, two steps lower, and reached out his free hand to rest on her waist.
The ride was short, and as they stepped off, once more the male drew the curvaceous beauty against his side as his eyes roamed over the light crowd parting before them. The crowd seemed to thin as they drew farther down the wide aisle of the second floor until there were only one or two younger people in attendance… the kind that gave normal yuppies pause before drawing near. Finally Jedediah stopped kissing the top of her head. Extending one arm out as an invitation he bowed slightly from the waist as he indicated the sale sign of the newly opened store “20% off total purchase” Over the door, was a simpler, darker sign. “Welcome to Heavy Red’s my love.”
<Delaney> Laney watched Jedediah go through his phone...in surprise. For someone who lived in a very...outdated fashion, the fact he could navigate this type of phone impressed Laney. With her elbow in his hand, they were on their way to the second floor-with the woman not knowing where they were going to. Maybe Jedediah realized he did need something after all.
With his hands on her waist, Delany placed one of her hands over his, her fingers lightly tracing over his skin as they waited for the escalator to drop them off on the second floor. “West, right?” Laney asked, making sure she had heard right and hadn’t forgotten on the way up. With both feet on the tiled ground of the second floor, her eyes scanned the second floor to see if the woman could gather a feel for what they were up here for.
Jedediah would lead her to where they were going, validating her question about going west and when they appeared in front of a store Delaney never knew existed...her jaw stood agape slightly. “We’re going in there?” Her voice was excited as the woman wrapped her arms around his muscular frame, embracing Jedediah from the side. “Really?” This was more her style-but not sure how Jedediah felt about her current clothing choices, Laney was going to play it ‘safe,’ and offered more...reserved types of clothing choices that she could wear on walks in the woods and other places Jedediah might want to go.
She didn’t wait for Jedediah to answer, not wanting to ‘don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,’ Laney beelined for the store and started searching through the racks of ‘hoodies,’ and skirts not far from that rack, her arms quickly becoming filled with various items. Anything from plain black hoodies with various materials, or stripped hoodies of all kinds. The skirts were the same sort of style, a more burlesque sort of feel, in various colored fabrics and a multitude of materials as well. This was just the beginning for Jedediah...sadly.
<Jedediah> As the necromancer followed her into the store, a slow smile spread as he saw the gleam in her eyes. A quick glance around showed four sales people working the floor and a scattering of customers throughout the shop. Heading towards a sales associate that was close to sugahplum’s age, and seemed to have at least a hint of intelligence in her eyes. “My……. wife…….. is collecting an assortment over that way” A nod of his head indicated the raven haired beauty with her arms half full of clothes. “ I would appreciate it if you would assist her, and make her stay here pleasurable” Reaching towards the woman, the man's hand opened slowly, the uncurling fingers revealing a folded red 50$ bill. “Take this, it is yours, now see to her.” Stepping away almost as an afterthought, the male added “Please.”
<Delaney> Laney hadn’t even realized she neglected to close the door all the way, not that the woman would have minded. Laney had nothing to hide from jedediah, he had seen it all before. And as she stood there, waiting for his approval, she would never know-unless he said something that he was peeking in on her.
His hands connected with her voluptuous hips, then froliced over the bottom half of the woman’s frame as he appraised the fit of the jeans. When Jedediah spoke his opinion on the jeans, Laney bounced a little and then jumped into his lap since the other pair of jeans no longer inhabited the male. “They’re pretty comfy.” She told him, appreciating the choice Jedediah had made as her arms came to wrap around his neck and shoulders. “I think they look good in all the right places.” Laney winked down at Jedediah before leaning in to give him a slow, soft kiss on his lips.
<Jedediah> The necromancer smiled as his sugahplum filled his lap. Her exuberance was infectious, and he could not help but feel her cheer. Returning her kiss, Jedediah reached down to scoop the other pants from the floor. Easily standing with one hand around her, holding her to his waist, the look in his eye cleared a path to cash wrap. Setting the purchase on the counter, he reached around plucking the tag from her waist and laying it on the stack. Ignoring the frown on the older sales lady's face, he laid his card on top of the pile. “Charge them and package them. She will be wearing these, and you may dispose of the item in the dressing room at your leisure.” Twisting he sat sugah on the counter next to the clothes and lowered his face to her neck, inhaling her sweet musk before nuzzling beneath the silken waves of her hair. “Please do not take all night to process this transaction, we have other… higher class… places to be.”
<Delaney> Delaney laughed softly when Jedediah picked her up and carried both her and the clothes to the checkout counter. “I can walk, baby.” Laney whispered against his ear before he got down to business with the woman behind the counter. She felt his hand go to her waist, tiny bolts of electricity coursing through the woman’s body as she shivered from the accidental brushing of fingertips to her skin.
She was soon on the same counter as the clothes, sitting next to them and she could hear the strain of the shopping trip in Jedediah’s tone. Or at least his distaste for this store, based off the choice of words to the sale’s woman. Delaney wrapped her arms around Jedediah’s neck, bringing him into her more. His disposition always seemed to change when they were in very close proximity, or his focus was on her and nothing else. He smiled, sometimes laughed and just forgot anything but the two of them. His guard was at ease. “I think we only need to go to one more shop and then, if you are still up for it-we could go on our walk?”
<Jedediah> As the necromancer came out from beneath the silken waves of ebony hair for an unneeded breath he he paused to still his womans words with a kiss before setting her lightly on her feet. “As many stores as you need, this is your night” Slipping a hand through the waiting handles he slid the new purchases. and turned to the door. “Do not forget sugaplum, you will need a few skirts and a dress or two.” Once more in the main hall of the mall, he raised an eyebrow as he waited for the next target of his pet’s whirlwind.
<Delaney> Why did he have to do these things here in public? Laney wondered if this was another test of wills or something. Every time Jedediah initiated a single touch, the dark haired woman wanted to curl herself around him and forget about what was going on around them. Laney sighed softly as he reminded her about skirts and dresses. She would need those things, but what she wanted was right besides her….
This had to be a test, and Laney was going to pass it with flying colors. “Maybe that one?” Laney asked as they headed to the west once leaving the store they had just made their purchases from. The store could be comparable to a ‘hot topic,’ or ‘Spencers.’ The woman had an idea that he wouldn’t like them-her clothing was typically a little darker than mosts, but stores like these had her kind of attitude. Not so much the death and destruction feeling most liked, but the screw society and its norms attitude the woman encompassed. “Or maybe that one.” She pointed, suddenly feeling a little self-conscious on the first choice she made. This store could be compared to a ‘Kohl’s’ or ‘JcPenny.’
<Jedediah> Pulling his gaze from the telepath, Jedediah glanced at the pair of stores she had indicated. Taking in the two options, he again let his eyes roll over the telepath as he thought back on items he had seen her in before that fateful night...was it really only three nights ago?. Slipping his Samsung with the cracked firmwear from his pocket, the fingers of the experienced hacker skimmed the touch screen as images flew across it in a sickening wave until he paused quickly on one, then quickly continued on, crossing the name with the malls online site register. Taking her elbow lightly, he gave a slight tug. “Second floor, west end. Here, step up on the escalator.” Watching her shapely form precede him, Jedediah stepped on, two steps lower, and reached out his free hand to rest on her waist.
The ride was short, and as they stepped off, once more the male drew the curvaceous beauty against his side as his eyes roamed over the light crowd parting before them. The crowd seemed to thin as they drew farther down the wide aisle of the second floor until there were only one or two younger people in attendance… the kind that gave normal yuppies pause before drawing near. Finally Jedediah stopped kissing the top of her head. Extending one arm out as an invitation he bowed slightly from the waist as he indicated the sale sign of the newly opened store “20% off total purchase” Over the door, was a simpler, darker sign. “Welcome to Heavy Red’s my love.”
<Delaney> Laney watched Jedediah go through his phone...in surprise. For someone who lived in a very...outdated fashion, the fact he could navigate this type of phone impressed Laney. With her elbow in his hand, they were on their way to the second floor-with the woman not knowing where they were going to. Maybe Jedediah realized he did need something after all.
With his hands on her waist, Delany placed one of her hands over his, her fingers lightly tracing over his skin as they waited for the escalator to drop them off on the second floor. “West, right?” Laney asked, making sure she had heard right and hadn’t forgotten on the way up. With both feet on the tiled ground of the second floor, her eyes scanned the second floor to see if the woman could gather a feel for what they were up here for.
Jedediah would lead her to where they were going, validating her question about going west and when they appeared in front of a store Delaney never knew existed...her jaw stood agape slightly. “We’re going in there?” Her voice was excited as the woman wrapped her arms around his muscular frame, embracing Jedediah from the side. “Really?” This was more her style-but not sure how Jedediah felt about her current clothing choices, Laney was going to play it ‘safe,’ and offered more...reserved types of clothing choices that she could wear on walks in the woods and other places Jedediah might want to go.
She didn’t wait for Jedediah to answer, not wanting to ‘don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,’ Laney beelined for the store and started searching through the racks of ‘hoodies,’ and skirts not far from that rack, her arms quickly becoming filled with various items. Anything from plain black hoodies with various materials, or stripped hoodies of all kinds. The skirts were the same sort of style, a more burlesque sort of feel, in various colored fabrics and a multitude of materials as well. This was just the beginning for Jedediah...sadly.
<Jedediah> As the necromancer followed her into the store, a slow smile spread as he saw the gleam in her eyes. A quick glance around showed four sales people working the floor and a scattering of customers throughout the shop. Heading towards a sales associate that was close to sugahplum’s age, and seemed to have at least a hint of intelligence in her eyes. “My……. wife…….. is collecting an assortment over that way” A nod of his head indicated the raven haired beauty with her arms half full of clothes. “ I would appreciate it if you would assist her, and make her stay here pleasurable” Reaching towards the woman, the man's hand opened slowly, the uncurling fingers revealing a folded red 50$ bill. “Take this, it is yours, now see to her.” Stepping away almost as an afterthought, the male added “Please.”
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Re: asword4laney {Laney]
<Jedediah> Alone for the moment, the male headed deeper into the store on his own deft fingers trailing over velvety brocades, until he found the display he had been looking for. A lifetime ago, these nimble fingers had danced on keyboards, now they deftly searched and sorted through the myriad selection of sizes, styles, and colors. Soon two were set aside, a beautiful black holster style by alice en deshabille, and a satiny deep red taffeta trainer by Affection. The necromancer easily imagined each in turn, displayed lovingly over the colorfully inked torso of his sugahplum. They would be perfect. Lifting them across one arm, Jedediah turned and headed towards the counter. He would purchase these separately and save them to surprise her at home.
Almost to the counter, the gleam of halogen spots glistening from silver studs caught his eyes and he slipped close, stopping in wonder as he stared at the table. Jedediah reached out with his free hand, gently stroke the faded faux leather. It was a facsimile, but it was an exact copy. A perfect copy of a twin tailed scottish tawse. Jedediah ran his hand over it one last time before impulsively scooping it up...no animals had died in its making, and he was sure his little laney would love the feeling of it caressing her skin.
<Delaney> A woman came to assist Delaney as the woman proceeded to collect all sorts of victorian styled skirts and dresses, soon finding her arm heavily weighted with all the things she liked and secretly wanted to purchase. The dark haired woman knew she couldn’t have it all-but she could make a wish list maybe. She retracted that thought, because Laney knew she probably could have it all-but she wasn’t the greedy sort and wasn’t completely comfortable with spending all of the cash in Jedediah’s wallet. So Delaney would have to choose and wait for another time-maybe her birthday? Christmas? Regardless, the woman could get everything she wanted in the store at one point or another.
All the clothing were transferred to the woman’s arms as she came around and indicated that she was supposed to assist her because her husband requested it. Delaney looked around the store, watching Jedediah move around in it, and then at the woman, but decided not to correct her.
There was a gown in both blue and black that caught her interest, but Delaney was wary of. Not so much the outside material, but the corset that made the upper frame of the dress. “What is that made out of?” Delaney asked as she pointed to the blue and black victorian laced dress, not daring to touch the thing yet. The woman peered over the pile of clothing that rested on her arms and then looked back at Delaney. “The dress has lace, satin, ribbon and sequins on the outside.” Delaney nodded her head, but pressed onwards. “I’m more concerned with what is underneath the dress. Primarily the top.” The woman looked at Delaney with mild confusement and then had her ‘aha’ moment. ”It’s all man made materials. Nothing in this store is made from animal products.” Laney’s eyes moved from the woman, to where Jedediah was looking at whatever, she didn’t even bother to try and see and then made up her mind. Jedediah was going to get all kinds of sex tonight for the best decision made of the night. The week, actually.
“Thank you!” Delaney almost shouted at the woman before moving to the rack to snatch up the gown and add it to the pile. “I think that might do it.” She bobbed her head in a nod as she disappeared into the dressing room to try all the clothing out. By this time, Delaney wasn’t even bothered with the leather boots and had practically forgotten them due to her excitement. Not everything would have to be tried on-just one style of everything to ensure it fit and then they could be on their way.
When it was all said and done, out of fifteen items, the sales woman moved to the counter with eleven of the fifteen items and placed them on the solid surface to be rung up. It would only be a couple minutes later and Delaney would appear and be at Jedediah’s side. “Are these okay?” Delaney asked him while placing a hand on the pile as to make sure nothing would fall from it to the floor.
<Jedediah> Jedediah added his new purchase to the others on his arm as he watched silently. Every movement made by ‘laney mesmerized and pleased him, and his smile continued to grow. As the saleswoman finally turned towards the registers staggering forward with laden arms, the necromancer silently slipped out the black AmEx and laid it on top of the register. Sugahplum had basically rebuilt a full wardrobe in just under two hours… Jedediah was well pleased with her, and considered what sort of reward she might enjoy.
Slipping a card from his wallet, he handed it to the saleslady as she returned his black card, “Please see that these are delivered right off to that address, we are not quite done yet, and as you can see, my sugahplum is an accomplished shopper….” The male’s voice faded as he turned to place a kiss on the top of raven hues curls beside him. “Thank you again for your assistance, we will most likely be in again sometime.” Turning to the beauty at his side he motioned to the door “Shall we?” Jedediah took a few steps before continuing, “I took into consideration your views on your current lack of undergarments, so bought you two. They should be sufficient.”
Almost to the counter, the gleam of halogen spots glistening from silver studs caught his eyes and he slipped close, stopping in wonder as he stared at the table. Jedediah reached out with his free hand, gently stroke the faded faux leather. It was a facsimile, but it was an exact copy. A perfect copy of a twin tailed scottish tawse. Jedediah ran his hand over it one last time before impulsively scooping it up...no animals had died in its making, and he was sure his little laney would love the feeling of it caressing her skin.
<Delaney> A woman came to assist Delaney as the woman proceeded to collect all sorts of victorian styled skirts and dresses, soon finding her arm heavily weighted with all the things she liked and secretly wanted to purchase. The dark haired woman knew she couldn’t have it all-but she could make a wish list maybe. She retracted that thought, because Laney knew she probably could have it all-but she wasn’t the greedy sort and wasn’t completely comfortable with spending all of the cash in Jedediah’s wallet. So Delaney would have to choose and wait for another time-maybe her birthday? Christmas? Regardless, the woman could get everything she wanted in the store at one point or another.
All the clothing were transferred to the woman’s arms as she came around and indicated that she was supposed to assist her because her husband requested it. Delaney looked around the store, watching Jedediah move around in it, and then at the woman, but decided not to correct her.
There was a gown in both blue and black that caught her interest, but Delaney was wary of. Not so much the outside material, but the corset that made the upper frame of the dress. “What is that made out of?” Delaney asked as she pointed to the blue and black victorian laced dress, not daring to touch the thing yet. The woman peered over the pile of clothing that rested on her arms and then looked back at Delaney. “The dress has lace, satin, ribbon and sequins on the outside.” Delaney nodded her head, but pressed onwards. “I’m more concerned with what is underneath the dress. Primarily the top.” The woman looked at Delaney with mild confusement and then had her ‘aha’ moment. ”It’s all man made materials. Nothing in this store is made from animal products.” Laney’s eyes moved from the woman, to where Jedediah was looking at whatever, she didn’t even bother to try and see and then made up her mind. Jedediah was going to get all kinds of sex tonight for the best decision made of the night. The week, actually.
“Thank you!” Delaney almost shouted at the woman before moving to the rack to snatch up the gown and add it to the pile. “I think that might do it.” She bobbed her head in a nod as she disappeared into the dressing room to try all the clothing out. By this time, Delaney wasn’t even bothered with the leather boots and had practically forgotten them due to her excitement. Not everything would have to be tried on-just one style of everything to ensure it fit and then they could be on their way.
When it was all said and done, out of fifteen items, the sales woman moved to the counter with eleven of the fifteen items and placed them on the solid surface to be rung up. It would only be a couple minutes later and Delaney would appear and be at Jedediah’s side. “Are these okay?” Delaney asked him while placing a hand on the pile as to make sure nothing would fall from it to the floor.
<Jedediah> Jedediah added his new purchase to the others on his arm as he watched silently. Every movement made by ‘laney mesmerized and pleased him, and his smile continued to grow. As the saleswoman finally turned towards the registers staggering forward with laden arms, the necromancer silently slipped out the black AmEx and laid it on top of the register. Sugahplum had basically rebuilt a full wardrobe in just under two hours… Jedediah was well pleased with her, and considered what sort of reward she might enjoy.
Slipping a card from his wallet, he handed it to the saleslady as she returned his black card, “Please see that these are delivered right off to that address, we are not quite done yet, and as you can see, my sugahplum is an accomplished shopper….” The male’s voice faded as he turned to place a kiss on the top of raven hues curls beside him. “Thank you again for your assistance, we will most likely be in again sometime.” Turning to the beauty at his side he motioned to the door “Shall we?” Jedediah took a few steps before continuing, “I took into consideration your views on your current lack of undergarments, so bought you two. They should be sufficient.”
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- CrowNet Handle: Planeterry
Re: asword4laney {Laney]
<Delaney> Laney watched Jedediah as he impressively maneuvered his way through the entire sales ordeal. From enduring her whirlwind of selections, to her trying the items on, debating over which style she liked best compared to those she liked the least, to the final event: the purchase, he handled himself like a true shopping master. For someone who didn’t like to shop, he seemed to have it down to a fine art.
“It’s not so much my views, as it is everyone’s views, baby. You wouldn’t want me prancing around in a skirt letting everyone see the goods, would you?” Laney asked as the duo made their way out of the store in the mall, wondering if that would make him see things a little differently.
“Are we going to go for our walk now?” Laney asked, as her head looked to the left and then to the right, strands of black tresses flinging about as she took one last look on the second floor, but found nothing appealing on it, other than the male at her side.
<Jedediah> Pausing in the main aisle of the mall Jedediah turned to face her, his free hand caressing the side of her face as he shrugged the bags he carried to a more comfortable position. “They are my ‘’goods’’ now, sugahplum. As such they should be available to me at any time of my choosing. You agreed to this, would you now deny me that which you freely offered? You wear my collar, my anklets, and bracelets. You wear my brand. Each, alone, and together… denotes that you are mine. That you have given yourself unto me. Into my care. Into my protection. You are mine, make no mistake.” The volume of the necromancer’s voice never rose above the low dulcet tone he always used, but a harder edge, a possessive edge, crept into it, becoming more noticeable with each word as he continued. “If any were to see my ‘goods’ they would know by these things that they were MY goods, and would acknowledge how lucky I am that you chose me. If however some were to react differently…. well…. more than one, throughout recorded history, has chosen to personally sign their warrant of execution.” Turning on his heel Jedediah once more continued towards the escalators, “Yes, we have plenty of time for our walk still.”
<Delaney> With his hand on her face, Jedediah once again commanded Delaney’s full attention to him and him alone. She listened to his explanation and didn’t interject at any point of his explanation and trains of thought. When he was done, Jedediah changed the topic as quickly Laney changed her underwear some days (before meeting Jedediah) and all she could do was blink and slip her fingers between his own in a hand.
“Yes. I did agree to those things-but not everyone knows, do they? That I’m your wife?” She looked at him from the side, not letting the comment the sales woman had said to her privately go amiss, before she shrugged her shoulders. “I guess I could just wear underwear when I’m out by myself and since clothing isn’t permitted in the apartment, just take them off when I get home?” To her it seemed like the ideal compromise, because Jedediah wasn’t always going to be besides her, due to her choice in being more than an arm's length away from the Acheron lineage. Something about Ambrose just didn’t sit right with Laney, but as far as she knew Jedediah didn’t seem to mind the guy any bit.
Delaney suddenly stepped in front of Jedediah and placed her free hand on his chest. “That was kind of...hot; that whole ‘goods’ thing. Want to see my goods now?” She smiled up at Jedediah as her hand was removed from his chest. Delaney would then come to the points of her toes and press her lips to the brim of his nose before nestling against his side once again.
<Jedediah> Pausing as his plum stepped in front of him Jedediah cocked an eyebrow as he listened to attempted compromise. Leaning down he returned the kiss to the tip of her upturned nose, “Will it not be hard to wear something you do not have or need? The lingerie I bought you has purpose, that which you keep speaking of does not.” Stepping back the necromancer let his eyes caress her curves. “Yes sugahplum, I would” Folding his arms the male let a light smirk caress his lips as he awaited.
<Delaney> She noticed the smirk, and while she was mildly surprised he said yes, Laney’s eyes darted left and right before her shoulders lifted into a shrug. The woman wasn’t shy by any means, but she didn’t go around showing off her ‘goods’ on a whim. With a smirk of her own, Laney grabbed the material where buttons were sewn in, undid a couple and then untied the shirt and gave Jedediah a quick peek of her ‘goods,’ before she tied the bottom of the shirt back around her waist and then laughed, the round outline of her bosoms clear as day due to her lack of buttoning the shirt back up.
“Are you going to show me your goods now?” Laney asked as her smirk only grew in size, before she spun around, the flimsy material of the shirt threatening to expose just about everything that was held within, out, by quick, sudden movements made by the woman. “Maybe save it for our walk, hot stuff. Otherwise, we’ll never make it there in time.” Laney wouldn’t mind, but Jedediah appeared to like to keep things on a set schedule.
“It’s not so much my views, as it is everyone’s views, baby. You wouldn’t want me prancing around in a skirt letting everyone see the goods, would you?” Laney asked as the duo made their way out of the store in the mall, wondering if that would make him see things a little differently.
“Are we going to go for our walk now?” Laney asked, as her head looked to the left and then to the right, strands of black tresses flinging about as she took one last look on the second floor, but found nothing appealing on it, other than the male at her side.
<Jedediah> Pausing in the main aisle of the mall Jedediah turned to face her, his free hand caressing the side of her face as he shrugged the bags he carried to a more comfortable position. “They are my ‘’goods’’ now, sugahplum. As such they should be available to me at any time of my choosing. You agreed to this, would you now deny me that which you freely offered? You wear my collar, my anklets, and bracelets. You wear my brand. Each, alone, and together… denotes that you are mine. That you have given yourself unto me. Into my care. Into my protection. You are mine, make no mistake.” The volume of the necromancer’s voice never rose above the low dulcet tone he always used, but a harder edge, a possessive edge, crept into it, becoming more noticeable with each word as he continued. “If any were to see my ‘goods’ they would know by these things that they were MY goods, and would acknowledge how lucky I am that you chose me. If however some were to react differently…. well…. more than one, throughout recorded history, has chosen to personally sign their warrant of execution.” Turning on his heel Jedediah once more continued towards the escalators, “Yes, we have plenty of time for our walk still.”
<Delaney> With his hand on her face, Jedediah once again commanded Delaney’s full attention to him and him alone. She listened to his explanation and didn’t interject at any point of his explanation and trains of thought. When he was done, Jedediah changed the topic as quickly Laney changed her underwear some days (before meeting Jedediah) and all she could do was blink and slip her fingers between his own in a hand.
“Yes. I did agree to those things-but not everyone knows, do they? That I’m your wife?” She looked at him from the side, not letting the comment the sales woman had said to her privately go amiss, before she shrugged her shoulders. “I guess I could just wear underwear when I’m out by myself and since clothing isn’t permitted in the apartment, just take them off when I get home?” To her it seemed like the ideal compromise, because Jedediah wasn’t always going to be besides her, due to her choice in being more than an arm's length away from the Acheron lineage. Something about Ambrose just didn’t sit right with Laney, but as far as she knew Jedediah didn’t seem to mind the guy any bit.
Delaney suddenly stepped in front of Jedediah and placed her free hand on his chest. “That was kind of...hot; that whole ‘goods’ thing. Want to see my goods now?” She smiled up at Jedediah as her hand was removed from his chest. Delaney would then come to the points of her toes and press her lips to the brim of his nose before nestling against his side once again.
<Jedediah> Pausing as his plum stepped in front of him Jedediah cocked an eyebrow as he listened to attempted compromise. Leaning down he returned the kiss to the tip of her upturned nose, “Will it not be hard to wear something you do not have or need? The lingerie I bought you has purpose, that which you keep speaking of does not.” Stepping back the necromancer let his eyes caress her curves. “Yes sugahplum, I would” Folding his arms the male let a light smirk caress his lips as he awaited.
<Delaney> She noticed the smirk, and while she was mildly surprised he said yes, Laney’s eyes darted left and right before her shoulders lifted into a shrug. The woman wasn’t shy by any means, but she didn’t go around showing off her ‘goods’ on a whim. With a smirk of her own, Laney grabbed the material where buttons were sewn in, undid a couple and then untied the shirt and gave Jedediah a quick peek of her ‘goods,’ before she tied the bottom of the shirt back around her waist and then laughed, the round outline of her bosoms clear as day due to her lack of buttoning the shirt back up.
“Are you going to show me your goods now?” Laney asked as her smirk only grew in size, before she spun around, the flimsy material of the shirt threatening to expose just about everything that was held within, out, by quick, sudden movements made by the woman. “Maybe save it for our walk, hot stuff. Otherwise, we’ll never make it there in time.” Laney wouldn’t mind, but Jedediah appeared to like to keep things on a set schedule.
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Re: asword4laney {Laney]
<Jedediah> Bronzed eyes appraised the assets exposed for his view, as his body stilled. Lacking the need for breath or pulse, then necromancer truly became a statue, as if carved from ivory… a gaunt caricature of the man he once was. His eyes never twitched as they absorbed the view, but all of his other preternatural senses spread out, appraising all within sight of his sugahplum as his muscles tensed preparing to rain down death on any that showed interest in what she so boldly displayed. At her words, his hands lowered to his belt, but she turned as he slipped open the blackened silver buckle that closed the 5.11 tactical belt wrapping his slender waist. Watching her twirl, he absorbed her exuberance, feeding from it almost as if he were sucking her lifeblood from her, it filled him, as his voice turned raspy, and a low command slipped from his lips. “Delaney. Come to me.”
<Delaney> The sound of her name from his lips was always a welcomed sound, even if he hadn’t used it all that much. Delaney preferred Laney, but with him and the way he said it, Laney liked her birthname more than she did before meeting Jedediah. The woman turned once again to face him, an exaggerated simper on her lips, as Delaney strode back over to Jedediah, hips swaying from side to side.
The woman’s gaze dropped from his face, to the hand on his belt and she chuckled softly, shaking her raven locks all about as Laney’s head moved left and right. “Baby, we can’t do that here.” The curvaceous woman wrapped her arms around his neck, as she came to him, encompassing as much of his neck as she could within her arms.
<Jedediah> The necromancer’s arms encased the lithe telepath’s body in bands of steel as they wrapped her and molded her to his body as his head lowered, lips taking possession of hers in an unmistakable display of ownership. Drinking in her scent a low shudder ran through his body. Raising his head, his eyes blazed with intensity as his lips slowly formed the words that rumbled from deep inside him. “We will have your shoes shipped as well… I need to feed...then I will provide for you.” The bronze orbs traced her face as he slowly raised his head from hers, “I am humbled that you have chosen one such as I” slipped from between his lips as they hovered over hers, lightly touching from the swaying of his body to a melody that only he could hear...
<Delaney> Jedediah couldn’t fool Delaney. The telepath knew that deep down, he was a true romantic by nature, even if he had to dress it up as something different. It was evident in the way he manipulated her body when he desired her, the things he did for her and the words he said to her. If he spoke to her like that for an eternity-he was right. There would be no need for panties, because she would always have to change them every time he opened his mouth.
At the mention of him feeding, the mood started to dwindle, Laney not being one to like to want to feed from humans. Every time she attempted to do something every vampire should do, she was repulsed by it and would quite honestly rather starve for the night. A finger came to his lips and pressed against his lower lip as Laney gently ‘shh’d’ him from talking anymore as they swayed to whatever he heard in his head, not bothering to ask him. She was enjoying the moment of his romantic nature in the middle of everyone at the mall, not caring who saw what, or thought what.
Only when the swaying would start to dwindle, would Delaney raise her cheek from his shoulder area, and link all her fingers through all his, recalling all the things those fingers were capable of just the night before. “Come on handsome.” Laney said before turning around, so her back was pressed against the frontal half of Jedediah’s body, her fingers once again connecting with his, as to tug him gently with her towards the mall’s entrance. “You promised to provide for me.” Him providing for the raven haired woman, was taken as a completely different way than what Jedediah meant, but the statement caused a few titters from her lips, regardless to Laney knowing what he actually meant and how she decided to construe it.
<Jedediah> Jedediah followed her down the escalator, pausing only to flip a card to the shoe woman. With tacit directions, and another of the colorful red fifties, he was assured of immediate and satisfactory service. Shopping completed he turned his full attention to the beauty in his arms, murmuring quiet words and summoning on his inner power to meld with her, and force the blood within her to multiply as they walked, ensuring her need for feeding was reduced until she would not notice it. “The night is still young” Whispered words caressed her ears as Jedediah led her across the street and into the transit station. “It is a short ride, to River Rock, when we get there, I will slip these in a locker for our walk.” Holding up the bags in example, the necromancer led his woman on to the train. As she picked a seat, Jedediah slipped his hand into one of the hanging loops, and pivoted to ensure that his body provided a screen between those that would leer at her ethereal beauty, and woman that had stolen his soul.
<Delaney> The statement about the length of time left in the night didn’t fall on deaf ears and was taken in the way she determined it to be taken. First the walk, and then...since the night was so young...who knew? The thought of feeding and how repulsing it was had all but been forgotten since her mind wandered (or, Jedediah used a power Laney still wasn’t that familiar with), and she was now focused on the walk. “Was there a particular location we were going to end up at, handsome, or wherever the mood takes us?” Laney asked once she was seated, eyes up on him as he stood next to her. “I know there’s not enough room for two...but I can fit in your lap just fine…” A coy smirk replaced the smile that had been on her face a few minutes before.
<Jedediah> The swaying train swung the long locks of the necromancer as the transit took the short run form Wickbridge to River Rock. A small smirk teased at the corners of his lips as he listened to sugahplums inane banter…. The woman had definitely not spent much time outside the city, where silence ruled, where noise could kill, or at a minimum, cause you to starve. There were days when she reminded him of the little black boxes that conspiracy theorists plugged in around their domiciles, emitting a low humming white noise in the background that prevented the so- called alphabet companies from listening in on their private conversations. Although he often let her banter flow over and through him, Jedediah heard and cataloged, every word, every noise, every thought that drifted from her. Never did, or would he, short change or ignore her.Ima few short days, she had become the center of his universe. ”I would walk the docks with you”..
<Delaney> The sound of her name from his lips was always a welcomed sound, even if he hadn’t used it all that much. Delaney preferred Laney, but with him and the way he said it, Laney liked her birthname more than she did before meeting Jedediah. The woman turned once again to face him, an exaggerated simper on her lips, as Delaney strode back over to Jedediah, hips swaying from side to side.
The woman’s gaze dropped from his face, to the hand on his belt and she chuckled softly, shaking her raven locks all about as Laney’s head moved left and right. “Baby, we can’t do that here.” The curvaceous woman wrapped her arms around his neck, as she came to him, encompassing as much of his neck as she could within her arms.
<Jedediah> The necromancer’s arms encased the lithe telepath’s body in bands of steel as they wrapped her and molded her to his body as his head lowered, lips taking possession of hers in an unmistakable display of ownership. Drinking in her scent a low shudder ran through his body. Raising his head, his eyes blazed with intensity as his lips slowly formed the words that rumbled from deep inside him. “We will have your shoes shipped as well… I need to feed...then I will provide for you.” The bronze orbs traced her face as he slowly raised his head from hers, “I am humbled that you have chosen one such as I” slipped from between his lips as they hovered over hers, lightly touching from the swaying of his body to a melody that only he could hear...
<Delaney> Jedediah couldn’t fool Delaney. The telepath knew that deep down, he was a true romantic by nature, even if he had to dress it up as something different. It was evident in the way he manipulated her body when he desired her, the things he did for her and the words he said to her. If he spoke to her like that for an eternity-he was right. There would be no need for panties, because she would always have to change them every time he opened his mouth.
At the mention of him feeding, the mood started to dwindle, Laney not being one to like to want to feed from humans. Every time she attempted to do something every vampire should do, she was repulsed by it and would quite honestly rather starve for the night. A finger came to his lips and pressed against his lower lip as Laney gently ‘shh’d’ him from talking anymore as they swayed to whatever he heard in his head, not bothering to ask him. She was enjoying the moment of his romantic nature in the middle of everyone at the mall, not caring who saw what, or thought what.
Only when the swaying would start to dwindle, would Delaney raise her cheek from his shoulder area, and link all her fingers through all his, recalling all the things those fingers were capable of just the night before. “Come on handsome.” Laney said before turning around, so her back was pressed against the frontal half of Jedediah’s body, her fingers once again connecting with his, as to tug him gently with her towards the mall’s entrance. “You promised to provide for me.” Him providing for the raven haired woman, was taken as a completely different way than what Jedediah meant, but the statement caused a few titters from her lips, regardless to Laney knowing what he actually meant and how she decided to construe it.
<Jedediah> Jedediah followed her down the escalator, pausing only to flip a card to the shoe woman. With tacit directions, and another of the colorful red fifties, he was assured of immediate and satisfactory service. Shopping completed he turned his full attention to the beauty in his arms, murmuring quiet words and summoning on his inner power to meld with her, and force the blood within her to multiply as they walked, ensuring her need for feeding was reduced until she would not notice it. “The night is still young” Whispered words caressed her ears as Jedediah led her across the street and into the transit station. “It is a short ride, to River Rock, when we get there, I will slip these in a locker for our walk.” Holding up the bags in example, the necromancer led his woman on to the train. As she picked a seat, Jedediah slipped his hand into one of the hanging loops, and pivoted to ensure that his body provided a screen between those that would leer at her ethereal beauty, and woman that had stolen his soul.
<Delaney> The statement about the length of time left in the night didn’t fall on deaf ears and was taken in the way she determined it to be taken. First the walk, and then...since the night was so young...who knew? The thought of feeding and how repulsing it was had all but been forgotten since her mind wandered (or, Jedediah used a power Laney still wasn’t that familiar with), and she was now focused on the walk. “Was there a particular location we were going to end up at, handsome, or wherever the mood takes us?” Laney asked once she was seated, eyes up on him as he stood next to her. “I know there’s not enough room for two...but I can fit in your lap just fine…” A coy smirk replaced the smile that had been on her face a few minutes before.
<Jedediah> The swaying train swung the long locks of the necromancer as the transit took the short run form Wickbridge to River Rock. A small smirk teased at the corners of his lips as he listened to sugahplums inane banter…. The woman had definitely not spent much time outside the city, where silence ruled, where noise could kill, or at a minimum, cause you to starve. There were days when she reminded him of the little black boxes that conspiracy theorists plugged in around their domiciles, emitting a low humming white noise in the background that prevented the so- called alphabet companies from listening in on their private conversations. Although he often let her banter flow over and through him, Jedediah heard and cataloged, every word, every noise, every thought that drifted from her. Never did, or would he, short change or ignore her.Ima few short days, she had become the center of his universe. ”I would walk the docks with you”..
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- Posts: 153
- Joined: 04 Aug 2015, 03:41
- CrowNet Handle: Planeterry
Re: asword4laney {Laney]
<Delaney> Delaney nodded her head, she recalled him saying that before…”Yes, but what will we do there?” It seemed odd to go to the dock’s with no intent or purpose. Suddenly, her face brightened and she scooted closer to him so that Laney was pressed against his tall figure, both arms around his waist as her head nestled against his lower stomach. “Are we going ice skating?” Laney wasn’t actually any good at ice skating, but she went whenever someone wanted to go-well, before her two closest friends were either killed...or….what had happened to Makayla now that Laney had the passing thought?
“Jed. Baby.” Laney looked up at him once again as her mood and thoughts shifted as quick as they always did. “Do you remember my friends? In the woods?” Laney’s lips slowly pulled into a downward frown. “The girl...did you see where she went?” Laney’s pitch dropped to a low murmur as she asked that, knowing this probably wasn’t the best time to ask, but since the thought came to mind...
<Jedediah> Slowly his head shook, as he raised his eyes, letting his mind go back to that night. “I did not see her at all that night. My hunt was interrupted before I could complete it. My sire…. OUR sire…. happened, I remember nothing that happened after that haggard harpy crashed into me. “
<Delaney> “Haggard-who?” Laney choked down a laugh before shaking her head. “Her name is Kika, baby.” Laney instantly grabbed her phone and opened the google chrome browser she installed a few months ago and looked up the word, ‘harpy.’ She had heard it before-a long time ago. Maybe in high school? “Bird wings and claws?” Laney blinked, pushed the middle button on the bottom of her phone and watched the screen grow black. “Baby, she’s not a monster-well...not a real one.” Delaney wasn’t all too thrilled with Spence having bit the dust and Makayla...being lost in the wilderness or even being dead, but that certainly didn’t make the woman some sort of mytho-okay, maybe in a sense since they were vampires now, but Kika didn’t actually have a bird like body. “Is that weird?” Laney put the phone away in her pocket, after shifting her weight so her left cheek came off the seat in the train. “I don’t really remember anything after either…”
<Jedediah> “That night, she was a harpy. You never saw her. You were dying. I saw her. She was a harpy.” A harpy that moved so fast, only his first shot had hit, A harpy that had absorbed the three hundred grain case of lead poisoning he had sent her as if it were nothing but a paintball…. “She is my sire.”
<Delaney> Laney nodded her head and looked away from Jedediah. It was true, she hadn’t really seen much of the woman until she was in her face, trying to finish the job Jedediah had started. “I know she’s your sire.” Laney returned her gaze back to Jedediah, unsure why he proclaimed the woman to be his sire. She had been there and had been transformed into what she was now because of Kika. “I’ll agree that she’s definitely not normal. But is that’s true...then neither are we?” She grabbed a strand of dark black hair and pulled it so that it came to rest behind the curve of the back of her head and not limply at the side of her face that it rest against.
<Jedediah> A slow sigh slipped from the male’s lips as he thought back on the night he had calmly placed a paralyzing shot into the woman before him’s spine, planning on leaving her laying in the woods, to see first hand how gently the wolves were, that she thought so needed protection…. Now he stood before her, ready to kill the first that looked askance at her. His amber eyes silently sought the window, watching the city slip by as the train neared its destination. He had no answers for her. He had no answers for himself. He only knew what he knew, and that was that the telepath before him was his, of that he had no doubt.
<Delaney> He was thinking, or he was tired of her asking questions. Laney was positive it was a little of both sometimes with people, not that she was grouping Jedediah in with those people. She just had the passing thought and was wondering what group he belonged to. The former, or the latter. Though, she wanted to know, Laney wasn’t going to find out right now. She would just watch, wait and see. Come back to the topic another night. Maybe. Or something close to it at least.
The docks were easily visible as the train hugged the outline of the city’s river, bright blue eyes hopeful to see a skating rink set up, but fell short on seeing that rink. Either it was very well hidden, or it just didn’t exist. It was probably the latter, but the woman didn’t let any form of disappointment show, even if she was mildly disappointed. “Come on handsome. take me for that walk?” She asked, slowly standing as the train came to a slow roll, one hand going for the loop that was next to his.
<Jedediah> One arm moved automatically to pull the now standing woman to form against his side. Lowering his eyes, till they met her’s, Jedediah’s lips parted slowly. “I am sorry.”
<Delaney> Laney was startled when she was pulled against him without a word. She didn’t mind some first class manhandling by her man, but a heads up would have been a little nice notice, especially since other people seemed to want to get off too. She laughed nervously and then looked at Jedediah slightly confused. “Did you change your mind? That’s okay. Where are we going instead?” She looked up at him with nothing but adoration in her eyes for the tall male that had her in his possession now.
<Jedediah> “That night… I am sorry” Turning with her, Jedediah began to lead her out with him
<Delaney> Laney followed after Jedediah a look of dumbfoundedness on her features at his apology. Didn’t they already discuss this recently. “No more sorry. Unless you’re sorry I’m your wife now.” She looked at him with a small smirk on her face. He had ignored her reference to that before and she was going to bring it up often until it sparked something in the male in front of her.
“Jed. Baby.” Laney looked up at him once again as her mood and thoughts shifted as quick as they always did. “Do you remember my friends? In the woods?” Laney’s lips slowly pulled into a downward frown. “The girl...did you see where she went?” Laney’s pitch dropped to a low murmur as she asked that, knowing this probably wasn’t the best time to ask, but since the thought came to mind...
<Jedediah> Slowly his head shook, as he raised his eyes, letting his mind go back to that night. “I did not see her at all that night. My hunt was interrupted before I could complete it. My sire…. OUR sire…. happened, I remember nothing that happened after that haggard harpy crashed into me. “
<Delaney> “Haggard-who?” Laney choked down a laugh before shaking her head. “Her name is Kika, baby.” Laney instantly grabbed her phone and opened the google chrome browser she installed a few months ago and looked up the word, ‘harpy.’ She had heard it before-a long time ago. Maybe in high school? “Bird wings and claws?” Laney blinked, pushed the middle button on the bottom of her phone and watched the screen grow black. “Baby, she’s not a monster-well...not a real one.” Delaney wasn’t all too thrilled with Spence having bit the dust and Makayla...being lost in the wilderness or even being dead, but that certainly didn’t make the woman some sort of mytho-okay, maybe in a sense since they were vampires now, but Kika didn’t actually have a bird like body. “Is that weird?” Laney put the phone away in her pocket, after shifting her weight so her left cheek came off the seat in the train. “I don’t really remember anything after either…”
<Jedediah> “That night, she was a harpy. You never saw her. You were dying. I saw her. She was a harpy.” A harpy that moved so fast, only his first shot had hit, A harpy that had absorbed the three hundred grain case of lead poisoning he had sent her as if it were nothing but a paintball…. “She is my sire.”
<Delaney> Laney nodded her head and looked away from Jedediah. It was true, she hadn’t really seen much of the woman until she was in her face, trying to finish the job Jedediah had started. “I know she’s your sire.” Laney returned her gaze back to Jedediah, unsure why he proclaimed the woman to be his sire. She had been there and had been transformed into what she was now because of Kika. “I’ll agree that she’s definitely not normal. But is that’s true...then neither are we?” She grabbed a strand of dark black hair and pulled it so that it came to rest behind the curve of the back of her head and not limply at the side of her face that it rest against.
<Jedediah> A slow sigh slipped from the male’s lips as he thought back on the night he had calmly placed a paralyzing shot into the woman before him’s spine, planning on leaving her laying in the woods, to see first hand how gently the wolves were, that she thought so needed protection…. Now he stood before her, ready to kill the first that looked askance at her. His amber eyes silently sought the window, watching the city slip by as the train neared its destination. He had no answers for her. He had no answers for himself. He only knew what he knew, and that was that the telepath before him was his, of that he had no doubt.
<Delaney> He was thinking, or he was tired of her asking questions. Laney was positive it was a little of both sometimes with people, not that she was grouping Jedediah in with those people. She just had the passing thought and was wondering what group he belonged to. The former, or the latter. Though, she wanted to know, Laney wasn’t going to find out right now. She would just watch, wait and see. Come back to the topic another night. Maybe. Or something close to it at least.
The docks were easily visible as the train hugged the outline of the city’s river, bright blue eyes hopeful to see a skating rink set up, but fell short on seeing that rink. Either it was very well hidden, or it just didn’t exist. It was probably the latter, but the woman didn’t let any form of disappointment show, even if she was mildly disappointed. “Come on handsome. take me for that walk?” She asked, slowly standing as the train came to a slow roll, one hand going for the loop that was next to his.
<Jedediah> One arm moved automatically to pull the now standing woman to form against his side. Lowering his eyes, till they met her’s, Jedediah’s lips parted slowly. “I am sorry.”
<Delaney> Laney was startled when she was pulled against him without a word. She didn’t mind some first class manhandling by her man, but a heads up would have been a little nice notice, especially since other people seemed to want to get off too. She laughed nervously and then looked at Jedediah slightly confused. “Did you change your mind? That’s okay. Where are we going instead?” She looked up at him with nothing but adoration in her eyes for the tall male that had her in his possession now.
<Jedediah> “That night… I am sorry” Turning with her, Jedediah began to lead her out with him
<Delaney> Laney followed after Jedediah a look of dumbfoundedness on her features at his apology. Didn’t they already discuss this recently. “No more sorry. Unless you’re sorry I’m your wife now.” She looked at him with a small smirk on her face. He had ignored her reference to that before and she was going to bring it up often until it sparked something in the male in front of her.