A girls night in. Adelita didn’t know what she was thinking when she agreed that all three of them spend an entire night inside. Adelita had only had one girl's night in and that was with her cousin-and only friend around the age of fifteen. Maybe fourteen. The age didn’t matter. There was never another one again and she was surprised then, as she was now, that she was even allowed to have a night like that in.
Since it was her apartment before it was her and Whinny’s and then hers, Whinny’s and now Sirena’s, Adelita figured she was in charge of that they did that night. “Magnífico!” She said with a sigh before Adelita flopped down on the couch, and grabbed her phone from the table next to the couch and opened her google search engine. She was well and truly pathetic for researching ‘Ideas on a ladies night in,’ but if she didn’t, there would be nada going on tonight and everyone would think being here was estupido.
A wine tasting night-sounded fantastic, but Sirena couldn’t enjoy the wine, and Lita certainly didn't want to exclude Sirena in anything. Sirena was her friend and not a friend that had to be her friend because she was enthralled by Adelita. Before progressing onward, Adelita grabbed the remote that had been next to her phone and turned on i-heart radio and put it on one of her five stations-tonight was a JLo night. The song ‘Booty’ came on, and Adelita put the remote down and progressed onward for more ideas. Pottery night. No. Never. Adelita glanced at her red painted nails and thought of all the icky, nasty clay that would get under those beautiful nails.
With a sigh she scrolled through more options on the website Lita pulled up and the next choice wasn’t any better. In essence it was a sex party, and the Mexican woman knew that there was no way, Sirena would be comfortable with a party like this. Baking concoction night-again, if only Sirena could enjoy the things they made. At the thought of baking, Adelita tossed her phone to the table again and moved to the refrigerator where Lita grabbed the pan of flan she had made earlier in the week, and put a serving in a bowl and drizzled some caramel sauce on the top of it and went back to the couch.
Craft night. Everyone could do that...but Adelita was far from crafty unless it was sharp and pointy, or carried a few rounds in it. Scrap booking was never going to be her thing. Or Pinterest. What was that? Then her eyes perked up as she saw something about a Wii night-only Lita didn’t have a Wii. Next time. Adelita bookmarked that section and kept going. Which brought up the next idea...Lip Syncing. Lita made a face and then kept going a couple more pages and then finally found an advantageous idea.
Movie night. Only, Lita didn’t know what movies Sirena would like, but she did know what Whinny liked. Boring things. But if Lita put in a movie with a hot guy in it, Whinny would sit and watch it, especially when Ryan Reynolds was in it. Lita exited the iheart radio program on her roku, and pulled up netflix. She typed in Ryan Reynolds and came up with three movies. ‘The Proposal,’ ‘AmityVille Horror,’ and ‘Blade Trinity.’ Adelita had heard of none of them, but saved them in her favorites before leaving the internet on her phone and texting Whinny and Sirena. They had time to get their butts home, but she wanted to let them know that she was watching the time. Hey ladies! I have our movies! Get your butts home, pronto! Lita hit send and then moved to her bedroom in search of appropriate pj’s to wear around her roommates.
Sinners Like Us: Sloth (Sirena)
- Posts: 395
- Joined: 05 Jan 2015, 01:34
- CrowNet Handle: Litatine
Sinners Like Us: Sloth (Sirena)
I'm a marquise diamond

Could even make that Tiffany jealous.
* Adelita has mortal aura and healthy complexion *

Could even make that Tiffany jealous.
* Adelita has mortal aura and healthy complexion *