A Call ((Aine))

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A Call ((Aine))

Post by CharlotteC »

* CharlotteC joins Phone Call 543634
* Aine joins Phone Call 543634
‹Aine› Hello?
‹CharlotteC› Greetings Aine, just thought that I would call and see how my product has been helping you out?
‹Aine› It's, ah, been good. Haven't had an excuse to try out the more fancy stuff - these knockout bombs are kickass.
* CharlotteC laughs *Yes, yes they are. And the smoke bombs are great in a pinch.*
‹Aine› Definitely. Love this, really. Uhm.
* Aine - The sound of a clatter, like in a kitchen
‹Aine› Sorry about that. Anything I can do to repay you?
* CharlotteC laughs softly again "Nah, I like to help. I see it as paying it forward, even if what I am helping you do isn't exactly the most legal thing in this world."
‹Aine› But us thieves gotta stick together, aye?
‹CharlotteC› Indeed, thus me starting that little group of ours. And hey, if you know anyone else with sticky fingers, be sure to invite them. We could use the memberships.
‹Aine› Already got one invited.
‹Aine› I think you'll like him.
‹CharlotteC› Oh? Really, well that's good to hear. I will see to it that he is given his full access to the guild than.
‹Aine› His name's Faolan. F-A-O-L-A-N.
‹CharlotteC› Faolan, well, he's approved for his membership now into the guild. Let me guess though, new boy toy? *said in a teasing tone.*
* Aine giggled, somewhat nervously. "Sort of but not exactly?"
‹Aine› It's kind of already complicated
* CharlotteC snorts a little "Oh those are always interesting... to say the least."
‹Aine› Tell me about it. He grew up in the next major city east from me, back in Ireland
‹CharlotteC› Ahhh a good strong Irish lad... always good to have those around.
‹CharlotteC› Especially when you need a drinking buddy
* Aine laughed, a little haltingly.
‹CharlotteC› Though, I could drink anyone under the table.
‹Aine› Could you now?
‹CharlotteC› Indeed. I don't get drunk... sadly
‹Aine› Oh, how ******* depressing
‹CharlotteC› Indeed!
‹Aine› Not even Russian vodka?
‹CharlotteC› Not even Russian vodka
‹Aine› Very, very sad
‹CharlotteC› Not even Jagermeister
‹Aine› No way
‹CharlotteC› or Absinthe
‹Aine› ....are you even human?
‹CharlotteC› No
‹Aine› Well...that was more open than I expected.
‹CharlotteC› Well... as long as you don't mind keeping a secret, I won't have to kill you. I hope you can because I really like you
‹Aine› Faolan isn't human, either. I also don't know a lot of people in this city, so who'm I gonna tell? My six-year-old niece?
‹Aine› She'll think I'm joking.
‹CharlotteC› Good to know. And Faolan is vampire hmmm? Be careful, his family may not be all that keen to him being connected to a human.
‹Aine› His sire's some chick named Fleur. You know her?
‹CharlotteC› No, I don't... do you know his bloodline name?
‹Aine› Nope.
‹CharlotteC› Hmmm, well just be careful. A lot of the people in this city are hard core for protecting vampire secrecy. I'm not one of them. But I've been on the wrong end of those that do... it's not fun, dying.
‹Aine› So death isn't permanent for you?
‹CharlotteC› No, but it's a pain in the ***
‹CharlotteC› or head
‹CharlotteC› or neck... depends one where the kill shot was
‹Aine› ...eesh
‹CharlotteC› Yeah. And I was killed early on. For who my sire was.
‹Aine› Oh, that doesn't sound fun at all. Why?
‹Aine› Why would they target a new one, for something their sire did?
‹CharlotteC› Because my sire is very much against the masq, the secrecy of vampires. In fact, he's got a bounty on his head right now.
‹CharlotteC› He's been killing cops and feeding out in the open
Reality is a thing of the past!
Note: Charlie has Mortal Aura
d'Artois at Heart
Art done by the Signature Queen Claire
Aine (DELETED 7786)
Posts: 93
Joined: 20 Jan 2016, 14:19
CrowNet Handle: candy-cane

Re: A Call ((Aine))

Post by Aine (DELETED 7786) »

‹Aine› Fuckin' - really?
‹Aine› Maybe he's gone crazy?
‹CharlotteC› They took me out because I was his childe
‹CharlotteC› no, he's totally sane
‹CharlotteC› he just doesn't believe that we should be hiding in shadows
‹CharlotteC› Personally, I agree... I just don't go about it the same way he does
‹Aine› How do you go about it, then?
‹CharlotteC› Like this... in private
‹CharlotteC› share about vampires to those I trust
‹CharlotteC› show people that not all of us are all about killing and blood lust and death. That some of us just want to live life. Free... out in the open. Without fear that some group of bullies will kill me just because I let it slip to a human that I am vampire.
‹Aine› I understand that
‹Aine› Of course, my first outright vampire encounter...
‹Aine› This guy. Was walking around normal. Bleeding from about fifty holes in his body.
‹Aine› Maybe more
‹CharlotteC› Well, we can do that. We are remarkably resiliant.
‹CharlotteC› I have the scars that prove it
‹Aine› Well, I tried to help him, and I got attacked for it
‹Aine› Faolan patched up my wounds.
‹CharlotteC› Yeah, that can happen too. When we are hungry. We will go for any throat within grabbing distance.
‹CharlotteC› Some of us are known to go after anyone bleeding from blocks away... they just can't stop themselves.
‹Aine› Hmm...sad.
‹CharlotteC› Indeed.
‹Aine› Sets a bad reputation for the rest of you.
‹CharlotteC› That it does. Personally, I believe that vampires are just like humans. There are humans out there that are complete monsters. That rape, and kill, and canabalize and blow up buildings full of innocent people.
‹CharlotteC› So when vampires out there say that all of us are monsters, yeah, we have our darkness now that we have to deal with. But I believe that being a monster is in the heart and soul of the individual, not because they are human or vampire.
‹Aine› Yes, yes, I agree with this
‹CharlotteC› A lot do. Sadly those that do also are no match for the bullies that believe killing our own kind is the right idea.
‹Aine› I despise bullies
‹CharlotteC› You and I both. I am preparing for them to come for me again... this time it will be a hard battle not only to find me, but to take me out.
‹CharlotteC› And I plan to take a few of them with me before they send me back to that hell hole we vampires call the Shadow Realm
‹Aine› Nice to know
‹CharlotteC› I'm saying too much I know. So please be careful of who you speak with. I don't want to see harm come to you.
‹Aine› I'll keep that in mind
‹CharlotteC› Good. So, onto better things. I'm still working on finding the last componants to your false alarm. As soon as I have that I can make it for you and get it to you as well.
‹Aine› I look forward to it.
‹CharlotteC› Trust me, once you get the false alarm, Breaking and entering becomes so much more of a cinch. You can literally walk up to a guard, knock the dude out and then as long as you can find one of the vaults with an electronic lock, it will send out a signal telling the police that it was just a mistake.
‹Aine› ....huh. Nifty. Might need you to show me things.
‹CharlotteC› I can do that, the next time we meet up. Take you into a building and show you how everything works.
‹Aine› Yeah, sounds great. Text me to schedule - I was just about to eat.
‹CharlotteC› Will do dear! And keep in touch, if you have any questions or need any help, I'm only a call away.
‹Aine› Definitely will!
‹CharlotteC› talk to you later, enjoy your meal.
you can crush my candy-cane but
Jesse ~ a l l u r i s t ~ Faolan
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