Change is on the wind [Open!]

For all descriptive play-by-post roleplay set anywhere in Harper Rock (main city).
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Change is on the wind [Open!]

Post by Caligrace »

Tossing a crumpled white rabbit into the trash, Caligrace shook her head with a quiet laugh. Her sire was forever leaving little clues around the city advertising her club with each limerick more complex and out-of-the-box than the next. She had wondered more times than not how the blonde’s targeted audience managed to put the pieces together in their drug induced states, but she had never questioned it. She found amusement in watching the college students hurry along the commons, their greedy fingers snatching every cut out rabbit they could find as they scrambled to put together the new location before it moved on. She fed on the positive energy that seemed to swirl around the campus when a new venue was announced, and even found herself trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together along with the rest.

Where is it now, you crazy *****?

Tonight had been no different than any other as she left her class early only to find the grounds already alive with students. It didn’t take her long to locate the source for the commotion, the large rabbit with neon pink eyes taking up most of the science building. The whispers carried on the wind as people gathered around, their hands clapping together in excitement as they began to speculate on what the clue could mean. From her vantage point, the redhead could already see what they were missing - the painted fishing pole nearly blending in with the brick. The docks, really? Shaking her head, she carefully maneuvered her way through the crowd, each step made with precision to avoid scuffing her heels on the pavement. It didn’t take long for a scream to erupt from the middle of the gathering, and from the giddy laughter that followed, she knew that someone had cracked the first of many codes that her sire had created.

Chuckling to herself, she pulled her jacket tight around her form as she slipped past the gates and onto the main street, leaving the screaming behind her. The night was still young, and despite the growing hunger gnawing at her stomach, she had no intention of heading home. Clutching her books under one arm, she paused in her steps to glance at the street signs, lips pursing in a thoughtful frown. She had a routine, one that kept her calm when she lost control, but something about the chill of the night had her re-thinking everything. She could easily turn right and head back to her apartment - or she could go another direction and see where it lead her. During her entire time of being a vampire, she never ventured far outside of her comfort zone. It was the same night after night, and it was something that had never bothered her before her death. Now, however, she felt as if she were suffocating, the need to scream from the dullness of it all choking her.

Realizing she had stayed on the corner of the street a few seconds too long, she bit into her lower lip and tugged on the flesh before nodding her head. It was time for a change. Forcing the building anxiety from what she was about to do down to a dull roar, she took a picture of the street signs and sent it towards her best friend. It was an odd way of communicating, but she had no doubt in her mind that it would be processed without the least bit of confusion. Sure enough, her phone vibrated with an incoming text message, the single line of question marks causing her to laugh. She knew that Elin understood what it meant, but not the reason for the sudden change. Without bothering to respond, she dropped the device back into her purse and headed down the street, towards Stagheath.

"Let's see what secrets this city holds."
Cali appears human
Art by MYK
Elighan (DELETED 7699)
Posts: 19
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Re: Change is on the wind [Open!]

Post by Elighan (DELETED 7699) »

The world is just that little bit stranger for me these days. Newer. I'll admit I was curious about what it might be like to be a vampire, but I wasn't really curious enough to cross that line. I was a sorcerer. I had longevity in a different form. Of course I wasn't immortal, I would just age more slowly and live a lot longer than most. I did have powers though. Powers I actually liked. Powers I could use. Right now I feel powerless and powerful all at once. I feel like my body was stripped bare and that life anew was breathed into me, and while that is what happened and therefore it shouldn't feel strange, it does. Melete took a part of me; the living, breathing part of me. She cursed or gifted me, I'm not sure which it is yet. I'm not entirely sure what I am now, besides dead inside. I can't eat or drink. The only gift that I seem to have revolves around feeding, and that really isn't much of a gift at all if you ask me. I can make people more compliant, bend them to my will but really what I do is turn them into some mindless zombie until I've had my fill. It's a power that could easily be abused and even though my moral is dubious at best, I still believe I have one. The worst part of all of this is feeling useless. I can almost handle being stripped of my identity but this, this doesn't sit well with me. I'm still anxious around large crowds and in social situations. I had hoped that, that would change but I was wrong. I'm in flux and it's not a very settling place to be.

I find myself walking the streets as I contemplate this new future. This unfamiliar path. I know what it means. I just don't know what to do with it. If I'd had a choice, I'd of made a plan. I'd know up from down and left from right but right now I don't even know my own skin. Everything is foreign. or at least it feels foreign. Everything is more. Sensations I didn't know exist now ping through me. It's exhilarating and worrying all at the same time. I find myself looking through the lens of my camera only to feel disappointed. It's almost the reverse of looking through glasses, as the image seems diluted to me now, in place of being sharper. I knew vampires had good night vision and it might perhaps prove to be a blessing to me eventually given the line of work I'm in but right now it's just frustrating.

On top of all of this my self-doubt seems to be creeping in more often than before. Before I knew where I stood with her. I knew I could provide for her. Now my blood is useless to her. She doesn't need me anymore. I'm still trying to work out the real reason as to why she did this to me. I think she wanted to punish me for leaving, though taking my humanity for going to help my sister seems a little harsh. We'd talked about her turning me in the past, though it was never really an option. She didn't want to be connected to me like that. It was too much of a commitment and the woman has issues with that. I'm almost positive that she didn't think this through before she did it, and I really wish she had. Taking my life should not have been a spur of the moment decision. Taking anyone's life, should never be a spur of the moment decision. But then, what do I know. Perhaps this was her plan all along. If she thought of me at all while I was away, this could have been something she thought of doing.

I resist the urge to strike out at the wall. For one, my strength is improving and I don't want to do undue damage to the brickwork, and secondly, despite the fact that I heal fast, I don't wish to damage my hand. Of course, had I still been human, this wouldn't have been an issue. I could have healed my injury. Not anymore.

My head is down as I walk and I'm lost in thought. The streets are relatively quiet and so I'm not too worried about bumping into anyone. Besides, improved hearing should allow for me to hear them coming. Though my mind is so preoccupied and my senses so overwhelmed, that anything is possible. The cold night air seems to bite into my skin, grating against it like sandpaper and I wonder if I'll ever get used to that. I adjust the black scarf around my neck, and pull it up to cover the lower half of my face for protection. I look a little more menacing than usual but with my head down, shoulder's slumped and eyes unseeing on the pavement, I won't appear a threat to anyone.

The coppery taste of blood still lingers on my tongue and I push my clenched fists deeper into the pockets of my coat to stop myself from checking for my fangs. Of course one doesn't need to use ones fingers for such a task, a quick flick of the tongue is all it takes and thankfully they are retracted. I feel this, I know this, and yet I believe that my vampiric status is on display for all to see. And it probably is. Distracted as I am, I'm not avoiding mirrored surfaces as well as I should be. This is something I need to focus more attention on. I'm sure in time I'll get the hang of things, but I'm only a few days in right now and I'm still feeling completely overwhelmed by it all.
Sometimes it's the watcher that needs watching
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CrowNet Handle: Foxfire

Re: Change is on the wind [Open!]

Post by Caligrace »

It didn’t take long for her to get lost.

In her haste to relinquish the hold on her routine, she had forgotten to do something as simple as plan. Shaking her head, she shifted her books to her other arm and twisted in a circle, her heels carefully avoiding a foul mess in the middle of the street. Disgusting. She was finding it difficult to tell one building from the next, each the same bleak, ominous coloring in the fading light. She was having a serious Law and Order: SVU flashback, and she quickly hoarded her books tighter to her chest. This was such a bad idea, she thought as she squinted at the nearest sign. Even with her enhanced vision, she could hardly make out the words. They had been peeled off with age, leaving just a few smudges behind to make it resemble something important.

I am going to die out here.
Someone is going to use my skin as a coat.

Panic seized her throat and propelled her into action, her heels echoing off the brick walls as she hastily made her way for the nearest corner. She hadn’t a clue where she was headed, but anywhere had to be better than the place she was running from. Drawing up short when she reached the sign, she hefted her books once again to one arm, the weight adding to her discomfort. Once she had them propped against her hip, she tucked her fingers into her bag to pull out her cell, her thumb quickly pressing to the screen. Instead of coming to life and illuminating the darkened street, it remained black, the battery completely depleted. Oh, god. It’s just like a horror film. I am going become some serial killers toy. Shaking her head, she dropped her useless phone back into her purse and ran her fingers through her hair in frustration.

What had started out as a grand adventure was quickly turning into nightmare.

“Well, might as well make the best of it,” she laughed, uncaring that no one was around to hear her. If she were going to die, there was no better way to go. She had already had her head caved in and her throat ripped out. What worse could be done to her? Using her free hand to smooth out the wrinkles in her plaid skirt, she pivoted on her heel and headed down another deserted street, her eyes dancing from shadow to shadow. She could feel her anxiety peak again, the cold fingers of uncertainty sending her thoughts into overdrive. Each darkened corner could hoard a secret she had no business uncovering - or they could house a stranger far more dangerous than she. Though she possessed the traits of immortality, she was far from frightening. The only thing violent about her was her tongue when someone lit her fuse.

Rounding the corner, she came up short once again when she realized that she was no longer alone. Her thoughts had drowned out the sound of the figures approaching footsteps, leaving him - and it definitely was a him with that build - with the advantage. His steps were confident, as if he knew exactly where he was headed without having to stumble around in the dark like she was. Adjusting the weight of her books, she sank her teeth into scarlet painted lower lip and frowned. She really didn’t have the luxury of avoiding the stranger if she wanted to find her way home, and yet, the thoughts of ending up tied in his basement kept her frozen in place. With each step he took, however, she was running out of time. She could either stop him and risk her life, or she could turn around and slip back towards whatever lurked in the shadows.

It was really no contest.

“Damn." With a sigh, she straightened and tossed her hair over her shoulder, each movement made with careful consideration as she braced herself to meet the stranger head on. The closer he became, the easier it was for her to tell that he was... different. She wasn't quite sure if he was like her, but there was an air about him that made her stomach twist with unease. You have no choice. If it comes down to it, you could always cover him in bugs. The thought did nothing to ease the nerves sending butterflies through her stomach, and she once again smoothed her hand down her skirt. Here goes nothing. Once she was confident she looked more like herself and less like a lost child, she stepped into his path. The movement was made with the thought of forcing him to stop or risk running her down, though at 5’3 she knew she wasn’t much of an obstacle. Pushing that thought to the side, she tilted her head and cleared her throat, her painted lips twisting into her familiar alluring smile. At least be cute. That would make this so much easier.

“Excuse me? Can you help me?”
Cali appears human
Art by MYK
Elighan (DELETED 7699)
Posts: 19
Joined: 04 Jan 2016, 23:04

Re: Change is on the wind [Open!]

Post by Elighan (DELETED 7699) »

I hear a feminine voice and it wakes me from my walking daydream. I don't assume she's talking to me as the words didn't quite reach my ears, but someone was speaking somewhere nearby and i didn't want to bump into them. When I look up, I stop. There's a woman in my path and I'm just a few inches shy of being in her personal space. I should have seen her sooner, but thankfully, I look up in time to know she's talking to me when she then asks for help. I look from her, to the streets about us and back to her again. In that moment I have to figure out where I am. I had been walking without really seeing where I was going but I quickly get my bearings. In the next instant, I realise she's out of place in this street. I could assume she's been mugged and that's why she's asking for my help but she has a bag with her. I could assume that she's been dropped off in this part of town after getting into an argument with her boyfriend, that seems more likely, and if that's the case I'll be looking into him tomorrow to see if I can get him in trouble with the authorities; I'm not too fussy what he gets charged with, so long as it's something that costs him time and money. Though I'm getting a little ahead of myself as I let my mind run wild with this hypothetical situations.

Aware of the fact that I still have the scarf covering the lower half of my face I pull it down. The reasons for this are twofold. Firstly, she'll be able to hear me better when I reply, and secondly, I don't want her to feel intimidated by me. I don't want her to believe that I have something to hide. Before I reply, I pull my right hand from my pocket an use it to cover my mouth as I cough into it. I then return it to the protection of its material sheath.

"I don't know. Can I?"

I smile as I say this, though she probably won't understand why that amuses me. I had a teacher at school that would reply like that if I started sentences with 'can I'. My usual question being; 'Can I go to the bathroom?' Her reply always being: 'I don't know. Can you?' She wanted me to 'may I go,' instead of 'can I.' I understood the difference but it doesn't really reply here. Had she asked, 'may I help you?' she'd of been asking me a completely different question. She could have perhaps said 'would you mind helping me?' Honestly, it doesn't really matter does it? The phrasing of the question doesn't change my answer. My real answer that is. Of course I’m going to help her. Though as I acknowledge this fact it dawns on me that a nice looking girl could be a distraction tactic and that there could be a gang around the corner waiting to attack me should I choose to fall for whatever trap it is I'm walking into. Again, it doesn't matter. I can't take the risk that her request is genuine. I'm not that kind of person. I'm not someone that can just walk away from a pretty face without caring if I just left them stranded.

"How can I help you?" I ask, clarifying the fact that I am at least willing to hear the request.
Sometimes it's the watcher that needs watching
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CrowNet Handle: Foxfire

Re: Change is on the wind [Open!]

Post by Caligrace »

Adjusting the weight of her books in a habit that was beginning to become tiresome, she balanced them in the crook of her arm and chewed on her lower lip. She had heard her voice as it bounced off the walls of the drab buildings surrounding them, but it didn’t appear as if he had. His steps never slowed and his head didn’t lift, his gaze still locked on the sidewalk - for what, she had no idea. Had he dropped something or were the thousand of cracks really that enthralling? Shaking her head, she slid her fingers through her silken curls as she readied herself to step out of his way, her thoughts beginning to turn in another direction. If he couldn’t help her, what was she going to do? She didn’t have forever to wander the streets in hopes of finding her way home - nor did she relish the thought of ducking into one of the abandoned buildings before the sun rose. I’m going to die, that’s final. I’m a goner.

With a quiet sigh, she pressed at the corner of her advanced economics book as it threatened to spill from the rest of the pile, her attention soon moving back to the stranger as she noticed that he had stopped. She also noticed that he had wrapped his scarf around his face, concealing the rest of his features from her view. All she could see were his eyes piercing the darkness as he glanced around them, as if trying to gather his bearings. Panic built in her chest again and blossomed through her body, causing her stomach to twist in knots. Was he lost? Drunk? High? The thoughts danced through her mind, and she found herself tensing when he lifted his hand to unwind the dark material, bringing his features into view.

Oh, wow. You can kidnap me anytime.

Are you ******* insane?
Do you want to die, Caligrace?!

Giving herself a small shake as the hollow voice whispered through her ear, she scanned his form. He didn’t seem all that threatening, but neither did her sire upon first glance. Yet, beneath the blonde hair and bubblegum pink lips lied a vicious killer that would give Jack the Ripper a run for his money. It’s not like you have much of a choice. You stopped him. Careful not to disrupt the heavy load in her arm, she tucked a stray curl behind her ear and offered another killer smile. “Wow, you’re a little smartass, aren’t you? It’s a good thing you’re cute, sweetheart.” The words slipped easily from her tongue, and she laughed as she waved her free hand towards the street, her expression shifting into one of discontent.

Would you please point me in the direction of the nearest station? I decided tonight would be a great night for a stroll, but being as directionally challenged as I am, I have no clue where I am.” She didn’t think twice about admitting that she was lost. It didn’t occur to her until the final word had left her lips that she could have very well have given him a green light to lure her into any of the thousand dark corners that took up the district. Clearing her throat, she tried to keep the uncertainty from her eyes as she smiled at him, her fingers grasping her books in a vice-like grip.
Cali appears human
Art by MYK
Elighan (DELETED 7699)
Posts: 19
Joined: 04 Jan 2016, 23:04

Re: Change is on the wind [Open!]

Post by Elighan (DELETED 7699) »

I smile warmly at the pretty little in front of me when she calls me a smartarse, it's not a word I'd usually use to describe myself but I'll admit to having my moments. At least one on one I stand a chance of being charming. I a crowd I have issues functioning properly and my anxiety levels would be off the charts. Not that I let that stop me from going out when I want to. It's a trait I want to rid myself of and that will only happen if I force myself into uncomfortable situations. Luckily for me, this isn't such an occasion. My hand rub at the back of my neck, moving underneath the scarf to do so, as she calls me cute. I'm not terribly comfortable being described like that by someone I just met, so I can't help the nervous habit or the fact that my head drops forward a little out of embarrassment. Thankfully I don't blush like a little girl too.

My hand goes back in my pocket as she asks for directions to the nearest station and tells me that she's directionally challenged. That's a bad thing to be in this city. It's possibly a worse thing to admit to a complete and utter stranger. Not that she has anything to worry about with me. I don't hurt women. I was brought up to respect women and to treat them the way they deserve to be treated. It might make me a bit soft, but it's who I am. Women are to be worshiped and adored. It's the reason I dropped everything to go and help my sister. It's the reason that I am what I am now.

"I'm sorry to be bearer of bad news but this district doesn't have a station, so you either need to head North towards Coastside Station, or South towards Newborough Station." I keep my voice low when I speak, so as to offer comfort and sympathy for predicament she's found herself in. "And I would be happy to give you directions to either, though it would honestly ease my conscience more if you would allow me to escort you there." I pull my hand out of my pocket and cough into it. "This isn't a very nice neighbourhood, as I'm sure you've noticed." I wave my hand to indicate to the street around us before putting my hand back in the warmth of my coat pocket. "I assure you, you are quite safe with me. Though if you would prefer only to have some verbal instruction as to which direction you should be heading, I will gladly wrestle with my own conscience for the rest of the evening if it eases yours."

I wait to see what she'll choose. I have an app on my phone that would help me guide her more efficiently should she choose to go it alone, but I'm not sure that's a wise decision on her part if she gets easily lost. The only issue here, is that she is a woman walking the streets alone, which is never a wise thing to be doing in this day and age. I worry for Melete and she's stronger and more powerful than I am, even now. You wouldn't think such a petite creature capable of such ferocity. At least not to look at her. One conversation with that woman and you know she's a real firecracker, and not to be underestimated; it's one of the things I love about her. Actually, thinking about it, the way this woman speaks reminds me a little of Melete.
Sometimes it's the watcher that needs watching
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CrowNet Handle: Foxfire

Re: Change is on the wind [Open!]

Post by Caligrace »

He wore the smile of a friend, yet how often could someone count a strange man in the middle of the night as their friend? She was sure he had meant it to ease her, but instead, she found herself taking a subtle step back. He wears the smile of serial killer, not a friend. Isn’t that how they lure girls into the vans? Shaking her head, she clutched her books against her chest, her french manicure nearly ripping through the plastic cover. She had started out the evening with such high hopes for herself, a hope that she would finally overcome the anxiety that crept through her body like the plague. It gripped her now, its claws digging into her brain and filling her mind with images that would put a horror film to shame. She knew it was illogical. There was nothing in the stranger’s demeanor that screamed serial killer, but she couldn’t stop imagining Ted Bundy in his place. She was not ready to become another news story splashed across the front page of the Times. What choice do I have?

When faced with the current dilemma, he was the lesser of two evils. Unlike the sun, he possessed the potential to be harmless. Forcing herself to calm down, she canted her head to the side as he spoke, her amber eyes not missing a beat. Every twitch of his finger or flicker of his gaze was registered as a mouse would an owl as it waited for the winged creatures attack. When she wasn’t comparing him to a famous killer, she was studying the lines of his jaw and the color of his eyes. He really was good looking, and maybe if she had met him somewhere else, she wouldn’t be torn between running or flirting. Concentrate, Caligrace, as far as you know, you’re not the only monster lurking the streets, her subconscious chided in that familiar - yet implacable - voice. Shaking herself once, she lifted her hand and brushed it through her hair, the silken strands gleaming like fire as they flowed through her fingers.

“I would pick the one district that lacked transportation,” she laughed, the sound melodic despite the situation she found herself in. Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she bit into her painted lower lip as her eyes finally moved from him to the street. It was so quiet, so deserted, that the thought of walking it alone frightened her more than his presence did. Despite the warning bells resounding like gongs in her head, she found herself warming to him. Though built, he looked more chic than violent, and he had yet to make a move for her. With a quiet sigh, she brushed her hand down the front of her skirt, the fabric offering her barely any shelter from the winter’s chill. I should have wore the jeans, she scolded herself before once again shaking her head. Releasing her lower lip from the abuse of her lip, she tapped her nails against her jaw and turned her eyes back to his, a brow lifted.

“Honestly, if you were to give me directions, I’d find myself in a gang’s hovel than at the station,” she admitted with a careless shrug of her shoulders. Her attention to directions was the running joke with her friends, and she found it was easier to just accept that she was challenged. “I still haven’t made my mind up about you, handsome, but it looks like I’m out of options. If you think you can get me out of here safely and with my sanity intact, I’ll owe you.” Her smile was bright as she finally came to her conclusion, her hands releasing their deathly grasp on her books to relax them back at her side so she could outstretch one. “I guess if you’re playing my Knight, I should give you my name. I’m Caligrace.”
Cali appears human
Art by MYK
Elighan (DELETED 7699)
Posts: 19
Joined: 04 Jan 2016, 23:04

Re: Change is on the wind [Open!]

Post by Elighan (DELETED 7699) »

Caligrace seemed a little nervous if her actions were anything to go by, and seeing as how she was a beautiful lady walking the streets alone at night, she was well within her right to feel that way. There was something about her though. The way she spoke, or moved perhaps. Something that proved her to be more than what she was. I'm not very good at recognising what is now my own kind but there's something there that seems to hint at it. Perhaps its the look in her eyes, the pallor of her skin; though the latter is harder to discern on the face of women, as they all seem to like to hide behind their beloved make-up. Personally I don't think natural beauty can be beaten but you can't tell women that, they tend to assume you’re lying if you dare to voice such an opinion. Her laugh though. It's sweet and musical and I'd like to hear more of it. She's flirtatious like Melete but she doesn't seem to have the hardened edge to it that Adelita does. I'm not sure that Adelita would even stop and ask for directions as Caligrace had, as her pride probably wouldn't allow it.

"Do forgive me. I should have introduced myself sooner. My name is Elighan."

I offer her my hand, though I'm not sure she'll take it as the pile of books she's carrying seem to be rather precariously balanced under her arm. It's strange that she would choose to wander off with such a burden to weigh her down but then you can't really fault a person for having the guts to be spontaneous and wander off course. At least she was purposely lost in the city. If I knew her better I'd berate her for not being better prepared, especially when she admits herself that she's directionally challenged, as it is I say nothing.

"I honestly hope that you don't make your mind up about me right now anyway Caligrace. You are far better off withholding judgement on a person until you have something worth judging them on, but I promise I shall not let you down."

Apparently I decided to give her an entirely different lecture. I groan inwardly at this but what I said was true and it is sound advice. She'd be wise not to trust me, or anyone else for that matter, if she's only just met them. As for me, I should probably take that advice myself but my instincts are telling me that she’s not a threat to me and she did ask for help. Resigned to the fact that helping her is my duty for now. I hold my hands out towards her.

"Would you like me to carry your books for you? I'm sure you can manage them yourself but if you've been walking long enough to get lost, your arm must be tired." I smile at her. "And you can take my arm to walk with me if you'd like. It would ensure I wouldn't be able to abscond with your property if nothing else." My smile widens and I wait to see if she'll accept my offer.
Sometimes it's the watcher that needs watching
Posts: 1359
Joined: 11 Aug 2015, 22:17
CrowNet Handle: Foxfire

Re: Change is on the wind [Open!]

Post by Caligrace »

“Elighan. I like that,” she smiled as she tested his name on her tongue. She had always had an interest in names. Many people didn’t realize it, but they spoke volumes of the person that they were attached to. Someone with a more original name was just that - original. They lacked the sparkle that those with unique names possessed. Of course, as it was with everything, it wasn’t a rule. She had met a few people with a lackluster name, and their presence had taken up the room and outshined everyone within it. However, that wasn’t the case with the stranger in front of her. Tipping her head, she kept that warm, sensual smile in place as she scanned him, fingers playing with the loose pages of her notebooks.

The more she looked at him, the more she realized that his name was perfect. She couldn’t think of anything else that would have done him justice. “Like the hero in a romance novel,” she suddenly said, before finally taking his hand. Her touch - though cold - was soft. She allowed the contact to linger for just a second longer, before moving her hand through her hair to tuck a stray curl back into place. “...Are you scolding me, Mister Elighan?” Her voice was light - playful - as she laughed, and she quickly shook her head. He was amusing, she would give him that. He seemed far more interested in her safety than doing her harm, but she couldn’t shake that lingering thought in the back of her mind. It could be all an act, did you ever think of that?

She still had the urge to run, but she continued to fight it as she tapped her nails against the spine of her books. Something about him seemed to call to her, and she couldn’t quite place it. It wouldn’t have been the first time she had this reaction to someone - her own murderer had a pull that she found impossible to shake - but it was the first time that she hadn’t been able to decipher the source. She could tell that he wasn’t human - she had been taught almost instantly what to look for - but he hadn’t questioned her yet. Had her practice with blending in paid off that quickly? Shaking her head as if to ward off the thoughts that continued to plague her, she shifted the weight in her arms to his with a thankful smile. “Honey, if you want to run off with those, I wouldn’t stop you. I’m sure Professor Ells would love to hear I couldn’t turn in my mid-terms because a hot stranger stole my books in the middle of the night.”

Waiting until the books were easily adjusted in his arm, she moved forward and took the one he offered, her fingers tucking safely into the crook of his elbow. “Besides, who wouldn’t want to walk around with someone like you at their side?” Careful, Caligrace. Are you wanting to end up in his basement? Ignoring the voice in her mind, she gave his arm a gentle squeeze and nodded towards the sidewalk, silently signaling that they should get a move on. She had spent as much time as she could stand in this dreary, rundown neighborhood - and she couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching her.
Cali appears human
Art by MYK
Elighan (DELETED 7699)
Posts: 19
Joined: 04 Jan 2016, 23:04

Re: Change is on the wind [Open!]

Post by Elighan (DELETED 7699) »

I get an odd sensation in my stomach when she says she likes my name. I obviously can't take any credit for it, and she may very well be right when she says it sound like something out of a romance novel, as my mother does love to read that kind of thing. I smile at her when she asks me if I'm scolding her. I probably was. No, I was. It's not that that has me smiling though, it's the way she addresses me. Mister Elighan. It's very cute and I wonder if I should offer her my full name, so that she can chastise me properly in the future. My fingers are half way to my back pocket to get her one of my business cards when I freeze, I should not be thinking about any kind of future with this woman. With a subtle shake of my head, I stop what I was about to do and take a hold of her books, settling them under my arm. Caligrace has me slightly embarrassed when she calls me hot, but I try to ignore the heat as it creeps over my skin.

"Someone like me?" I cannot help but ask before I all but shrug it off. I might be better off not knowing, as we've only just met and while her first impressions of me seem favourable, you never can tell. "My surname is Jenkins." I tell her in my most casual tone. "So if you wish to address me as Mister in the future, you may desire to attach it to my surname." I offer her another smile.

We are heading towards the Coastside Station and I wonder if I should take her via the cafe and offer her a drink. Usually I wouldn't hesitate. Actually no, that's a lie, I would hesitate but for an entirely different reason. I would have been hesitant to ask her and suffer a rejection. Now, of course, I'm unable to actual eat or drink myself which would put a dampener on things. I'm still not entirely sure I could easily explain this quirk away. I would sound rather weird offering to buy her a hot beverage if I couldn't join her in having one. Wouldn't I? Though perhaps she'd understand. Perhaps she can't eat or drink either. I find myself stealing glances at her as I try to puzzle her out.

"What are you studying?" I ask, even though I can clearly see that economics text book that sits at the top of the pile. I'm not very good at small talk but the question is reasonable as she may be studying in more than just one field.
Sometimes it's the watcher that needs watching
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