Setting the cup down, she sighed and sat up a little more. He wanted answers, and she couldn't help but tell him why. After all, she was cursed with the inability to lie. Of course, the curse didn't force her to say anything that came to her mind, but whatever came from her had to be the truth. She leveled her chocolate eyes on him and gave a bit of a shrug. "When I saw you I flashed back to my first night in this city. I had gotten off the bus when it stopped for a break and somehow I had missed it. I was stuck here, just what I had in my backpack, no money, no food, basically an illegal citizen. As I was trying to find out about a bus, I noticed a guy dealing, saw how much money he got and then followed him into a cafe much like this one." All the truth, though she left out what he was dealing.
"I watched him as he worked, then he got up and went to the bathroom. That was the first time I had ever stolen anything from anyone. I was able to get a meal into me, but the guy tracked me down... saved me from being attacked and likely raped in an alley and then brought me back to his place." She also left out the fact that he had been smoking the whole time because the sun had begun to rise and he was a vampire, or the fact that she too was a vampire. "After that I began to get around this city easier. Found a job at the library, I had been a librarian back in Maine as well, and worked there for a good long time. Eventually I found a place and my footing, a good mentor who trained me well... and well... now I like to pay it forward in a way."
It was all the truth, especially the last part. She had become a mentor for the Fledgling Foundation, but now it seemed that the foundation was no more... sadly. It left a hole in her heart she believe, not being able to help. "Anyways, like I said earlier, you reminded me of me. And in a way it seems we have a bit in common." She said as she glanced to the computer that was still running the script she needed and then back to him. "In more ways than one." She added thoughtfully.