Last year I would have never left the city. No way, no how. But, I recognized how ridiculous that train of thought was a couple months ago and changed my tune a little. I could have died as a human anywhere else, a lot of different times, but hadn't. I'm a lucky ******** at that, because there were a few times that it was a close call. Being afraid of death, when you've seen it so many times and dealt it many more seemed hypocritical. I hate hypocrites. I hate them with a passion. I hate the idea of being one.The following Roleplay is backdated to Dec 23rd
Doesn't mean I want to travel all over the world, or hit some place where the sun's up most the day and half the night. That's not smart for my type of people. Vampires. But Skylar was ragging on about keeping my promise to take her somewhere for Christmas, and everyone knows I try my hardest to keep my promises. I dislike saying I'm going to do something and then don't follow up. Ruins people's credibility that way. I'm an asshole, sure, but I'm a credible asshole.
So, where do I pick? Well, because I'm annoyed with her reminding me about taking her somewhere, my asshole tendencies come out and I pick a place no one would suspect. And I pick a place where I can kill the entire spirit of Christmas. I hate Christmas. It's a big shamble. No one really likes Aunt Bertie's pasta salad but we eat it anyways, and there's always some family confrontation about something or another that should just be let go, people get drunk, act stupid and everyone's just glad they made it through the night without having to go to the hospital or call 911. I actually hate all holidays, but this one the most. I hate phonies and pretenders, and that's what most people are at this time of year. They go right back to their routines and dickish ways after the start of the new year, like Christmas never happened.
I've packed everything I will need for the next handful of days. I can get anything else in Iceland when we get there. Like hunting supplies. I'm not going to go through customs and risk getting in **** for something I didn't label right or whatever. Not with my dark secrets. I have our passports on the kitchen table, so no one forgets them, along with various travel books I acquired through the mall. Yes. I went to the mall to some travel place. How do you think I learned about reindeer hunting?
My bag is by the door, just one small dark blue tote with wheels. It looks like I'm going somewhere for just a weekend, when in reality it's about five days. Minimalist. I look at the clock on the wall and groan. “We're going to be late.” I say, even though there's over three hours to get to the airport. But, what if there are changes to the itinerary? Or to our seats? It needed to be handled before we left the ground. No way was I not going to sit by my wife and show her all the details about reindeer hunting and other types of hunting we could get up to. Merry Christmas indeed.