A rogue among us? (Velveteen and invite only)

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A rogue among us? (Velveteen and invite only)

Post by Doc »

"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Doc: Doc headed to Eyrie. He had talked with Dominique about Trahir, and things seemed to be coming to the point that he and Vel needed to have a talk. He had been blindsided when Dom told him they were ‘a thing’. He held the snarl he felt in check. It would not do, for him to get worked up before he talked to Vel. This was Vel’s kid. The last thing he needed was a pissed off Vel, because Doc wants Trahir head on a platter. No he needed to play this a bit cool.

Absently he he adjusted his tie, and paced back and forth for a minutes as he got his thoughts in line. This whole situation left a sour taste in his mouth. It reeked of.. ‘tattling’. Even though Doc knew he had an obligation to tell Vel as his faction leader, because he may be involved in a fight, outside of Tytonidae; there was the other side fo the coin, that Vel might just become ‘mama bear’ and go all protective of her baby. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he worked through the iteration where that very scenario played out in his mind. It didn’t have a good ending. So he went through the scenario again, changing his words. Use this word instead of that one. Better ending… but not great.

****. He just needed to get it out. Try to keep all his anger out of it. And just lay out the facts. Vel and Micah were by the shop. If he didn’t do it now, the timing would be lost. He would have to let it go. Let Dominique handle it and hope she knew what the **** she was doing. No He couldn’t let it go. Moving across the area, he paused by Vel, “Hey Vel.. “ he purposely used a light hearted greeting, “Got a minute? Or two?”

<Velveteen> Micah and Vel had been sorting through the various parts he had brought her, something he did on a nightly basis. Tonight’s takings were a little disappointing but still she found some diamonds among the rough. She set those aside and was waiting for her husband to sell off the remainder when a familiar voice caught her attention. “Doc. Uhh sure.” Letting her husband know which parts not to sell she moved off a ways, walking with the male out onto the balcony for a little more privacy. There was actually some things she needed to discuss with him as well so it seemed a perfect chance to do exactly that.

She and Micah had met recently with Trahir and of all people...Dominique. The news the pair had to share was not well received, coupled with other recent events Velveteen was far from pleased. How did she hope to express her anger without offending someone she considered a very good friend and faction mate. Doc had known from the beginning that the woman was far from approving of his choice to turn the paladin, especially when it seemed that she ran straight back to them with all the secrets of their existence. However, when push came to shove, Doc had never once interfered when something needed to be done. Still...there was certainly no love lost between Vel and Dominique and the idea of having to suffer her at future functions was not Velveteen’s idea of fun at all.

Once outside away from the usual hustle bustle of the common area she slipped her hands in her pocket in a bid to appear casual. “What’s up?” Her tone light and inquiring as she used the nearby railing to lean against. Best to find out what was on his mind first before risking pissing him off.

Doc: Shoving his hands into his pants pockets, he chose his words for honesty rather than diplomatic sake. He wanted Vel to know, that he found the whole conversation they were have distasteful, and not something he relished. “Part of the Faction agreement, is that before we start anything that is not faction business, yet, still could be detrimental to the faction, we need to inform you. And in this specific incident, it involves one of yours. I want it understood, that this is in no way, a way for me to get ‘at’ the party involved because they are yours. They are an adult, and they knew what they were doing, and I want retribution.”

<Velveteen> Velveteen had the sudden feeling that the subject they wished to discuss was very likely one and the same. The woman sighed a little and bobbed her head. “I guess you are talking about Trahir. Your….childe,” She almost sneered the word but managed to control the urge, “Told us you weren’t very impressed with their arrangement. I will be honest...that confuses me a little. I thought you and Trahir were kinda friends or something.”

Doc: Doc nodded slowly, “I did.. count him as a friend,. which makes his actions toward me that much more despicable. I no longer count him as a friend. Enemy is a kind word, for what I consider him. And the fact that my childe is.. deluded by him, is partially my fault, if not all my fault.” He paused, so he could keep himself in check. “I don’t know how much you know him. I thought I knew him. I thought I could trust him. He knew very well, how important I value the masquerade and keeping it safe. So when he called me.. and cheerfully, I might add, told me, how he had incriminating video of my childe feeding and murdering an innocent. And that he was going to use that video to ‘fix her’ to ‘make her into a proper vampire’, I have to say .. I was livid. He even went so far as to send me the incriminating video.

“Before she met him, she had never fed from a human. So I knew as soon as I saw the video, it was not her. It was someone who stole her face. The mannerisms, the actions, were all wrong. However, it was on filed Dominique’s property. So I had to presume she was set up. I don’t know the extent of Trahir’s powers. Whether he can steal another likeness. If not, then he had help setting her up.” Doc paused, again in an effort to be factual and not emotional due to anger. “I had to bide my time. I had to try to figure out what he was after. What did he hope to accomplish? Was he testing me? Hoping I would kill her for the breach? I didn’t know. However, Trahir has diarrhea of mouth. After only knowing another acquaintance of mine, for a few hours, he admitted to them he was behind it.

“So again, I had to bide my time. Dominique is an adult. It was her right to handle it first. But then we spoke.. she and I. This is when I find out her objectivity may not be .. all it should. So here I am. If she wants to keep ******* him.. that is on her. But the fact he tried to blackmail my family, with a faked breach. That means war in my book.”

<Velveteen> The dark haired vampire resisted the urge to interrupt him several times and instead listen. It was obvious by the slow change in her expression that was completely understanding of so much more than she was only minutes before. “****.” The muscles around her jaw flexed as she clenched her jaw tightly. “So you are saying he is blackmailing her to be with him? Seriously?” Though she was certain she had understood she needed to be sure. It was becoming more than obvious that Trahir Trahison had several ******* screws loose and they were growing looser by the second.

A hand came up and was dragged through her long, raven coloured hair. “I respect you Doc. You know this. You also know the history between me, Micah and your Dominique. But that right there is a huge pile of horseshit. No one deserves to be blackmailed into such a thing. Do you happen to still have the video?”

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Re: A rogue among us? (Velveteen and invite only)

Post by Velveteen »

"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Doc: Doc smirked, it was rueful, but he nodded, “Yes I do. I try not to act in haste. So I watched. Several times in fact to make sure I was right. However, what he told me about the reason for the ‘blackmail’ was that he wanted her to feed like a vampire. From a human. Not a bag.” He pulled his cell and forwarded the file that Trahir had sent him. “My concern for my spawn.. is high. But my reason for wanting to kill him, is because he put my entire family at risk, by labeling Dominique as masquerade breacher. “ He held up a hand, “I think she is ******* up if she stays with him. But that is her **** up to make. She is an adult. My main concern, is how easily he turned on me, as a member of Tytonidae, a keeper of the Masquerade and set my childe, i.e., MY family up as possible targets of Tytonidae. The question, that remains unanswered is.. how many more people know what he did.. and are laughing at Tytonidae? Because, if Trahir does not have the power to steal faces.. he had help to set my childe up. If he had help.. that raises the number of people that know exponentially. Trahir had to brag.. I am pretty sure .. who helped him .. did too, to someone. I hate being used.”

<Velveteen> Velveteen had heard more than enough and she fished her phone out to watch the received video. One of hers or not that **** just did not fly. No way. No how. It seemed that Trahir had developed some sort of god complex that qualified him as the be all and end all on everything vampire. “******.” She spat. Velveteen couldn’t have been more disgusted or more disappointed had she tried. “I’d like to see him try that **** with me. Maybe he could fix me too.” The sarcasm that dripped from every word was full of venom. Being one of those vampires that chose the masquerade and blood bags over other methods she found his comment to be highly insulting. She was angry with him...No she was ******* furious but she was also angry at herself. There had been other things. Warning signs. Why had she not paid attention.

She nodded at Doc and lifted her gaze. “Feel free to do what you need to do. You will get no grief from me or Andras. As it is a masquerade concern also then it is well within Ty guidelines. “ She shook her head and inhaled deeply before releasing the air as a calming tactic. “I apologise for having brought this to your door. But that dick is going to be paying dearly. He has just lost more than he bargained for.”

Doc: “Maybe it’s because I am vindictive ********.. but I am of a mind.. to take my time in extracting my retribution. One kill is not going to be nearly enough. The ******** better learn to hide .. and hide well.. Because every time I find him.. I am going to ******* shoot him. Actually.. I would love to get him to the point of death.. then pull back.. let him heal.. and then.. when he least expects it.. do it all over again. Some would say that is poor sportsmanship.. Fine. I’m ******* sad excuse for sportsmanship.”

<Velveteen> The slightest of grins flickered across the necromancer’s lips as she thought of Victor and the fun she had had torturing him in such a manner. Healing him when he refused to feed just so she could shoot him again. Night after night. She shook her head in response to Doc and dragged her thoughts back to the here and now. “Some say a lot of **** too while others absolutely deserve such treatment. But as I said...what he did was very wrong. You may handle it however you wish.” Her expression turned sour as she considered the situation. This wasn’t the first time Trahir had resorted to blackmail. For all that he preached about upholding the masquerade he certainly did his fair share of breaking it. How could she have been so wrong about the guy? As it was, there was more than just Doc wanting the young vampire’s guts for garters and right now Velveteen had no inclination to even try and save him from his fate.

Doc: Doc was surprised, he had expected at least a mild cross examination, but once she had the evidence in her hand, well it was a done deal. “I appreciate your understanding.” He paused, and then offered a suggestion. “I could be way off on this. It could be that he has been playing us all as fools,” he canted his to the side, “Or.. he could have dual personalities. On the face of it, it is as though I am trying to make excuses for him,.. but I am not. I read that rambling manifesto of his, for lack of a better word, and it did not sound like the Trahir that we had on the Bridge. Again, could be playing us. Or he really is a loose cannon, and unpredictable, and thought should be given to putting him down permanently. However, for my part, I shall be happy for the moment to use him as target practice.” He grinned at Vel suddenly, “And I can practice using my new ‘eye spy with my little eye’ powers…”

<Velveteen> “Ohhh...someone has reached the seeker bridge? Congratulations.” Her smile was genuine as she pulled herself to her feet and dug both hands into her pockets once more. The moment faded and the sharp edges of her teeth furrowed across her lower lip thoughtfully. “It doesn’t really matter what he is, either way he is a threat and seems to becoming more and more unpredictable. It is dangerous. I cannot support anyone that goes to such lengths to undermine all that we fight for.” She couldn’t help the slight hint of guilt laced with frustration that gnawed at the back of her mind. It was bad enough that the risk of exposure seemed to increase with each passing night but to have one she called her own doing these things right there in front of her. He didn’t even try to hide it. That was worrisome. She nodded. A sign of finality. There was really only one thing left for her to do. “Thanks Doc. I really appreciate your coming to me. Enjoy yourself.” She said with a sadistic twist of her reddened lips. “And...keep me up to speed on any new...developments.”

Doc: Doc did not envy her, her current position. What the ****, he didn’t envy his own current position. His spawn was setting herself up to be the next Lizzie Pratt. The mere thought made him squeamish. However, he didn’t voice that concern, rather he nodded respectfully, “I appreciate your time. And,...” he frowned slightly, “I may have exacerbated the issue, by not coming forward sooner. But I needed more information than just my gut feeling. You have my apologies for any undue hardship that has caused by my reticence in telling you. Be assured, as I get any news, I will text you immediately.”

<Velveteen> Velveteen bobbed her head and smiled though it didn’t quite reach the silver irises. “No apologies needed. I’d much rather have all the facts than a half concocted notion. You did the right thing. Thank you. We will talk again soon.” The woman turned away to make her way back to her husband but stopped and paused by the door. She turned a little so that she could see the male over her shoulder, her grin now rather wicked. “And don’t worry, Duckie. I’m tougher than I look. Enjoy your evening.” With that she disappeared back into the treehouse.
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And we will never give a ****.
"Days since last **** was given: 2,276"
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