I'm not what you'd call a light sleeper. I sleep like the dead. Once that sun comes up I'm out like a light and the world could go to hell for all I know. Dillon used to tell me it was like having a corpse on the sofa. Apparently he tried everything but setting me on fire to wake me up and nothing worked. So when I wake to find myself alone, I'm not entirely surprised. Ric being up and about won't stir me from my death like state, at least not until after that sun sets again.
First things first. I blink my eyes and yawn. My hand moves to see if I'm alone or not. And wouldn't you know it. The ****** is gone. Again. I kinda, ******* hate waking alone these days and it's been happening a lot more often lately. I sigh. Sit up, stretch. You know. The usual routine. Feet off the side of the bed, adjust my nightdress, feet go into my slippers. I stand and stretch before leaning over and taping my bunnies on the nose. If Ric had things his way I swear I'd be wearing actual rabbits on my feet. I kinda prefer the fake, plushie kind.
I amble into the front room. No Ric.
I shuffle to the work room. No Ric.
I head back to the bedroom and pray he's not where I think he is.
He is.
Opening the door to his cupboard - as I'm actually not allowed to use the thing, still - I find him curled up on the floor. I know better than to try stepping in there with him. Tried that the first time and it didn't work out so good for me. So I kneel next the doorjamb, which I use as support and lean over to take a hold of his hand.
I gently shake his hand which in turn shakes his arm.
"Ricky... You have bad dreams again?"
I don't really need to ask. I know he did. I'm just not sure what's up with all of this. He hates me getting all psychological on him but I swear all this **** started after dad came to town. I don't think the dick's still around. I'm pretty sure he either fucked off again or Ric killed him. I haven't actually asked. I kinda don't want to know, truth be told. I love my boy, so I don't much care either way. So long as dear old dad ain't around.
Actually. Things are so fucked up lately, that I've actually started dreaming about Ricky myself. I don't much like the dreams and I haven't mentioned them yet either. I guess my mind is having issues of its own. I hate seeing my super ******* confident guy reduced to this. Not that I'm ashamed of him. It just ******* breaks my heart. He's told me bits and pieces about his upbringing but man, my mind must be on overload with that **** to actually be dreaming up this stuff too. Guess my subconscious is trying to figure out why the closet is his go-to place.
Right now I push the thoughts aside. I don't need answers right this second. I know. Not like me but when your heart's breaking for you other half, you really don't give a **** about stuff like answers. All you want - all I want - is to comfort them. Him.
"Come here baby."
I tap my lap with my free hand and hope he comes over to me so I can hug the **** out of him. I could pull him over - of course I could - but I'd rather let it be his decision.
"Wanna tell me all about it?"
My voice - as it always is in situations like this - is soft, calm and sympathetic, without a trace of pity. He doesn't need that ****. He doesn't need to be made to feel worse. He needs me to be patient and understanding. I'd give him that any day of the week. Kinda. Patience is hard for me but at times like this I'm pretty good at reigning in my me-ness. No need babbling at the guy and trying to force ****. Ric only talks when he's ready. So if I have to get the story bit by bit, day by day, that's fine by me. Well it's not, but I don't have much choice in the matter. And Ric's the kinda guy that's worth waiting for in every aspect. I can handle this. Whatever it is.