Trahir Trahison: Entering Twisted Sister, a leather pants and belly shirt clad human female in tow, Trahir makes his way casually to the second floor of the shop. Tonight the Trahison patriarch wears a black t-shirt with no print adorning it, blue jeans and his black work boots. His hair is tied back in a low ponytail and a simple titanium watch acts as a sole accessory for the ensemble. Glancing around for Dominique he spots her and walks over as though they were old friends, boots striking heavily on the floor. There is a smile on his face, it seems warm and genuine, all but the eyes, they are cold as ice as always. “Jane. How are you feeling tonight?”
Dominique: Dominique can barely move without some part of her body throbbing to serve as a reminder of the last time she saw the one speaking to her. She released the cash drawer into the register and pulled out the nightly reading tape. Her eyes drifted slowly from Trahir to the female with an impressive display of ink. The woman's curves were popping and had the shadows dark eyes slowly dropping. Figures. Of course it was his type. She smirked. Hot blooded and following along like a good girl should. "Trahir... With my hands." She nodded to the female with him. "Nice ink."
Trahir Trahison: “I thought about it a little and I figured I would do you a favor. This is Nicolette Trahison. She is my cousin. I’ve enthralled her of course. She’s not really my cousin you see. She can do ink and piercing. I thought perhaps you could put her to use around the shop. Keep your fangs out of her though… her blood is not as tasty as it once was.” He gives a smirk at the fangs part. It’s not a mocking smirk, it is a self-satisfied one. Obviously he feels like he did something wonderful. That all said he pulls his black collared t-shirt over his head and tosses it to Dominique. “Time for the ink, it’s healed enough.”
Healed enough and then some, even the wreckage of his chest from just the night before has sealed up, it looks no more serious than a wound a human would survive already.The scarification is perfect, “I’m thinking of keeping this” He taps the spot where her blade had pierced his heart cleanly the night before. “What do you think?”
Dominique: "I am honored." Her focus leaves the female that he offered up like Ben was one of those standing cardboard displays that perhaps lost its promotional value and was disposed of. "Really."
Dom looks at the woman again and tosses Trahir's shirt to her. "Think you are supposed to be holding his clothes. Prepare for more to hang on to." Stepping around the nearest table she pulls out the ink gun and starts loading the first of several colors likely needed. "Where did you find your cousin? Some random family reunion you crashed one night out of boredom?"
Dominique stepped over the black rolling stool and slowly sank down on top of it. The two looked like the hard to believe pair. She found it a sight to take in. They certainly didn't blend into the general population with their above average looks. She wouldn't tell them that. Let them learn on their own.
Trahir Trahison: “When I decided to have you drain Ben dry… which you didn’t… you missed out on a decent vintage by the way, I contracted Nicolette and another girl to do some work for me. The other girl didn’t pan out so well. Farming accident. No worries, she was known as a loose cannon in her industry, did some seedy videos from time to time. Seems that got her in trouble. Nicolette is from France. Paris to be exact. She speaks English fluently though, bit of an English accent from her tutor. I find it positively musical to be honest. She has worked here in America previously and expressed an interest in staying. She’s also modeled like her competition had, but stayed clean. No skeletons in the closet.”
Trahir glances to Nicolette. “Assist Jane. Hand her what she needs, be proactive girl.” With that he heads to a table and rolls onto it handing a copy of the drawing in color like he had when the scarification was done before. “I’m also looking into cars for you. I think that may have been a little overboard. I was distraught about you cancelling my dinner invitation at the last moment.”
Dominique: Dominique chuckled lightly as if Trahir had told a joke she didn't expect to hear. Her feet pulled her forward to the table where he made himself comfortable. She couldn't say she was entirely surprised he was lying there expecting something to happen.
Nicolette was about to reach for a set of gloves when Dominique cut her off by grabbing a set from the box on the utility cart.
"I got this. Just watch and learn." Jane's eyes took a double take on the woman before the ink gun in her hand fired up. "Ready?"
The fact she was about to sink ink into the very body she had skewered in the heart the night before told her one thing. Just when she thought she had seen and done it all she was once again proven wrong. How much crazier could it really get?
Trahir Trahison: “Let her help, Jane. She’s very good. She will be an asset to your business. I can vouch for her. I’ll have her bring her portfolio for you tomorrow. I hadn’t intended on stopping over but she was excited to see you and see the shop.”
Audacity. Something Trahir has never lacked. Once he has decided on something it may as well have already happened as far as he is concerned. Usually when it doesn't very bad things happen. People generally learn fast enough around him it’s easier to just let him have his way unless the fight is worth fighting.
“If you don’t like her after a probation period, you can fire her and I’ll send her home.” Send her home of course is not Trahir’s way of saying he will ship the woman back to France. It’s much more of a spiritual send off than that.
The thrall busies herself quickly setting up utensils, needles, inks and everything else Dominique will need after glancing at the image. Trahir makes an offhanded motion. “See?”
Dominique: Trahir was still speaking while items were being handed over by the enthusiastic Nicolette. While the ink gun in her hand vibrated she took an unexpected few seconds and gave a slow observing look between Trahir and his newest pet.
Where did crocman find her? Really. Did he stroll into some club between the night before and now? It sure didn't take him long to find a skilled tattooist and piercer wherever it was. It took her over a month to find Ben. If she wasn't satisfactory he would send her packing? Was that even safe?
"If she doesn't work out I am sure she has other skills or talents." Dominique shot a quick smile to Nicolette. "No offense."
Trahir Trahison: The thrall looks at Trahir as if wanting him to throw her a life preserver. “She means you are probably a good lay,” Trahir says amicably. “I wouldn’t know Jane. I don’t play with my thralls like that. Human females are good for a one nighter but then you have to wipe em away so there’s no chance of a Fadebeast.”
He glances to Nicolette out the corner of his eye. She seemed to be trying to puzzle out if Dominique insulted or complimented her going off what her master told her. She looks to Jane then to the floor, face flushed and says, “I’ve never had any complaints in either department, mademoiselle.” The comment brings Trahir’s eyes back to Dominique.
“Well, there you have it. She’s multi-talented. If she gets fired though, she gets wiped."
Dominique: As if the discussion couldn't drop any further in the negative for Nicolette, Trahir announces his made up cousin's fate with all the emotion of a bus driver announcing the next stop. The shadow rolled her eyes and decided perhaps it was time to see if he had himself a keeper or not.
Dominique pushed her feet on the tile beneath and rolled back lifting her *** as the chair stopped. She extended the tool in her hand to the woman with a reserved smile that hid the points behind her lips.
"On second thought how about you show me what you got?" Once the ink gun was safely in Nicolette's hand she stepped back a few feet to watch. "Have any questions just ask."
Trahir Trahison: Trahir’s newest acquisition takes the gun and begins to color in the a scarification with a practiced motion. The treats it like Trahir is a normal customer, striking up small talk and flirting lightly to show Dominique her normal work mannerisms. Trahir is amused, but doesn’t respond to the flirting as any other man would likely. The topics are of course kept light, nothing about anything illegal, nothing about killing, nothing about vampires. All in all Dominique learns that Trahir is South African born, and knows next to nothing about his life as a mortal. It’s as though he has amnesia that started at birth and ended the night he was turned, sitting nearly frozen to death on a park bench in Harper Rock.
The ink flows and Trahir glances over to Dominique. “It’s a lot to shade in. Would you join in so we can wrap this up faster please Jane?”
Trahir is usually very formal and polite, tonight is no exception. In fact every time they have been face to face outside of their first incident when she had seen him feeding he had been initially polite. He saw no reason to change that. Even if he is currently debating completely destroying her life as she knows it in revenge for the sucker-punch… well, the sucker-stab. In truth he has decided to let this encounter decide her fate. Of course he had tried that approach all along but perhaps this time may be the charm. If not, he’ll go about it the hard way.
Dominique: There were a lot of ideas doing somersaults in her head. Some not as entertaining as others. Dominique looked from the cousin picked up out of thin air to Trahir. Her brow barely arched. By now she expected as much coming from the skinned, scar covered vampire. He was the one who was used to calling the shots and standing out in the room. HOPE casually rubbed across the bridge of her nose while LESS lifted the second ink gun already loaded and prepared for use. Her foot nudged the rolling shop chair to the opposite side of the table.
"The sooner the better." She turned the gun on and took over the right side of his back.
Despite several breaks, phone calls,changing out ink and interruptions in general the ink gun in Dominique's hand shut off and didn't fire back up. Nicolette was finished and making use of her time cleaning off what little blood surfaced. Ointment went over the length of his back and another sheet of clinging plastic was sticking to the freshly inked flesh beneath.
"And the process is complete." She announced stretching and splaying her inked fingers to save the minor cramping that could otherwise be expected. "Thanks to your cousin it took half the time."
Dominique stood up and tapped the gliding chair farther back with her shoe. She survived her first scarification piece. Her eyes drifted briefly to both near the table she was working at. Hopefully Nicolette would live to see another day. Her gaze settled on the tall vampire. She wondered why Trahir wasn't out playing more with the human population instead of trying to get her to hook her still awkward fangs into a vein. What was in it for him?
Trahir Trahison: The vampire pushes himself off the table when the ladies are through with their work. He’s long lost the muscle-memory reflex to try and look something over in the mirror so he simply turns his back to Nicolette and she immediately raises a phone up and snaps a picture, handing the device over without a word. Trahir takes it and looks at the results for a long moment.
His eyes move over to Dominique. “I can’t tell which of you did what. You should hire her on. Unless she bothers you. Then I’ll remove her from here and she will go away.”
Nicolette pales visibly and her eyes move to Dominique, pleading silently. She hasn’t know Trahir for long but they had just come from the farmhouse before arriving at the tattoo parlor, she had seen enough to realize that death at the hands of this man would not be quick in coming and would be far from painless.
Dominique can only assume Trahir has instructed the thrall not to speak as the human implores her with her eyes.
Trahir’s own eyes, those cold dead orbs of icy blue, watch on as he awaits an answer. In them there is no sign of mercy, no sign of compassion and no sign of remorse.
Dominique: The last week and possibly more than that gave her a reason to wear the expression she did while looking at him. It pretty much asked if he was serious in what he was suggesting. Hire Nicolette, his not really cousin? The female he brought in hours before that he picked up from who the hell knows where and have another employee in her shop that really was under his influence more than her hourly wage? The tip of her thumb glided along the hard lined of her lower jaw while she blinked once waiting. Perhaps there was a punch line somewhere in the vampire’s delivery.
How long had it been since Ben had been walking around in a daze with a creepy mile wide grin on his face? The fact she killed him should have bothered her but oddly it really didn’t. The guy was essentially brain fried. Burnt toast had more promise of achieving purpose. He was a walking case of major wtf before Trahir got his mind doing the limbo. Perhaps that was it. Ben was an example of the type of human that had no chance of standing up against a vampire. His willpower was pretty much dust. There was nothing to expect from him except to show up for his shift if he was sick of laying on his back and staring at his ceiling. He had nothing going for him and any possibilities for improvement required more effort and energy from him than he was willing to invest.