The Killer sat quietly on his couch, a blunt in his hand but it wasn't the intoxication that had his head spinning. Earlier in the evening he had been summoned by one of the Italians, a meeting that had left the gangster seething with anger. He had always known the Lionelli would never fully embrace him among their ranks, something that he had never given much thought to or cared for when he was just a mortal blood thief; as long as the money was rolling in he was content to run their errands: collect money from those that didn't pay up, eliminate humans or vampires that stood against them, dispose of bodies, basically whatever they needed. Times were different now, since his turning, he was seeing things in an all new light. He was the one out there night after night busting his ***, risking his life, why should he not be in a higher position. Slowly he had taken more of the cut out of profits and setting up his own deals on the side, something Drew felt more than entitled to do but something that the Italians, when they inevitably found out, were not the least bit pleased with.
He had been called to the castle, expecting nothing more than another job, if there was one thing the Lionelli had in abundance it was enemies. Upon his arrival he was a little surprised Carlo was nowhere to be seen, nine times out of ten it was the old man that he dealt with, the man that so long ago pulled the little gangster off the streets and gave him a purpose. Carlo had never beat around the bush in letting Krepsi know that even if he would never be a proper "made man" he would still be taken care of, that as long as he did his job the money would keep flowing. The Killer had felt his nerves rise as he stepped into the dimly lit room though he had long ago learned to keep his exterior composed, any signs of weakness would always put you in a vulnerable position, the finely dressed Italian vampire did not bother to stand, did not bother with a greeting, did not in any way even acknowledge that Drew had entered the room.
The two men both remained silent for what felt like several minutes until Drew felt himself growing annoyed. Finally grabbing a chair he took a seat "so what'd exactly you wanna see me about?" he tried to keep any frustration out of his voice when he spoke, the last thing he needed was to piss one of the big bosses off. Slowly, the vampire leaned forward, the cold brown eyes stared unblinking at Krepsi, the man was obviously pissed off and made no attempts to mask his disdain in posture or tone "who exactly do you think we are Mr. Krepsi?" he held a hand up, calling for silence before a word could leave Drew's mouth "did you honestly think we wouldn't know what you were up to behind our backs? Do you think we are fools? Do you think we are stupid?"
"No sir." the Killer shifted uneasily in his chair.
"Then please tell me exactly why you have attempted to cut us out of your dealings, which if I am not mistaken, and we both know I never am, has involved the manufacture and distribution of firearms to the mortal gangs as well as importing and selling narcotics" the Italian's lip furled slightly "that is, what hasn't gone up your nose. Perhaps you simply hoped we would overlook your trifling little ventures." Slowly the man rose to his feet, his palms flat on the desk between them "these little games may have been excusable or overlooked back in New York but this behavior will most definitely not be tolerated here. We allowed Carlo to bring you here because he assured us you were good at your job, he assured us of your loyalty but I am not surprised in the least by your actions. I have always said mortals are never to be trusted" he sneered "and a blood thief is the lowest form of low Mr. Krepsi."
It took all the restraint Drew could muster to keep his cool, vampire or not he did not take this kind of **** from anyone but if he was going to walk out of here in one piece he would have to keep his cool. "I wasn't trying to do anything behind your backs, I just saw room to help you guys expand your market. The gangs runnin down on the streets move a lot of dope and they're always at war with one another, put those two things together and that's a **** ton of money you guys are missing out, I was tryin"
"I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU WERE TRYING TO DO! What do we care what simple street vermin do? If we felt they were of any significance do you not think we would have them under control? Do you think you have some sort of insight that we might have missed? Let me make one thing clear to you Andrew, you do what we tell you to do when we tell you to do it. Nothing more, nothing less, do you understand that? We have allowed you free reign long enough, but you are pushing your boundaries. Your petty dealings aside you have now married that sickening whore of a sister to Velveteen, the founder of Tytonidae, which if you don't already"
"You're gonna watch your fuckin mouth right there." Krepsi's voice was suddenly heated when Satine was dragged into the tirade.
"I'm sorry" the man laughed, obviously surprised at the attitude being displayed "did you just tell me to"
"Yes, I told you to watch your fuckin mouth" he too was on his feet without even realizing he had risen "you can say what you want about me, hell, say what you want about Velveteen but you ain't gonna say **** about my wife!" He was not bothering to hide his anger any longer. "You brought me here for this ******** lecture, I get that, but from the day I got here I've busted my *** for you motherfuckers. Night after night I've worked these streets while you all stay hidden in your fancy *** little castle and long ago it was made clear that I was never going to be initiated in your Lionelli club, I'm just a poor fuckin Jew street kid, I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth."
The Italian looked as if he would explode with anger "YOU WILL WATCH HOW YOU SPEAK TO ME BOY!"
"A-*******-men to that! I'm sick of this ********! If I ain't gonna be **** to you then why even bother? I've done enough for you, I'm better out there on my own. **** you, **** the Lionelli, I'm out!" He had stormed out of the room with his middle finger raised.
He took a long, deep hit off the blunt, reclining on the couch still unable to shake the anger from the way that meeting had gone. Not only was the Killer angry, he also felt a bizarre sense of loss; the Lionelli had been a huge part of not only his life but of his identity. It was through them that he had found his purpose, he had gone from a poor gangbanging street kid to a more refined criminal. A few years ago, hell, a few months ago he would not have given a second thought to striking out on his own, he had no need to. He was making money, he had his own little apartment, he had all the dope he could snort and smoke, and he rarely spent a night alone, life was good and he didn't need more. Even after Carlo had brought him from New York to Harper Rock and got him set up in his own crib by the docks he still had all that he needed but all that changed when he got with Satine, the woman had changed everything. That purpose he had always felt running for the Lionelli suddenly felt like nothing, that sense of self he found performing hits was nothing. No, she had given him so much more, she had made him realize that he was far more than what he was, he was worth so much more than being a glorified bag boy. The longer he was with her the more he realized it wasn't just about him, he wanted to give her the world, he wanted to give her the life neither of them had ever had but one they both deserved.
Drew just was not the same man he used to be and why should he be, his life wasn't the same. Like he had told that slimy *** Italian earlier, it was he who worked the streets that they were so prone to ignore night after night. The slums meant nothing to them but they were everything to the gangster. It was his work that had gotten some of the gangs on his side, others after his head, but either way he was slowly getting himself established. The guns and drugs had become a lucrative source of income and when he wasn't working the streets he was handling some jobs for Doc at Genesis Solutions, making sure his skills never rusted. But always on his mind was making sure that he and Satine were never left wanting or needing anything. The encouragement she provided made him want to be the man she saw in him even if she saw nothing but who he really was.
He knew he would have to tell her what he had done but he still had a hard decision to make, a decision that would be a permanent change but even as he sat contemplating it he knew his mind was already made up. There was a way to drive the point home, both to himself and to those sharks up in the castle that he was done. There was a ritual only a few powerful vampires could perform, a ritual that would sever his blood ties to the man that long ago saved a boy and taught him to be a man; he would have to disenthrall. Thankfully the Lionelli had kept their eyes on the players in this city and Drew knew exactly who he would try turning to.
The Emancipation of Andrew Krepsi (Invite)
- Andrew Shedim
- Registered User
- Posts: 80
- Joined: 14 May 2015, 02:48
- CrowNet Handle: Bugsy
- Location: Wonderland
The Emancipation of Andrew Krepsi (Invite)
Property of Satine

Shedim*Welcome To Wonderland*The Forsaken
- Registered User
- Posts: 212
- Joined: 29 Oct 2014, 03:23
- CrowNet Handle: Alice In Wonderland
Re: The Emancipation of Andrew Krepsi (Invite)
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Andrew Krepsi: Drew sat quietly on the couch of his man cave, lost in his thoughts. A mixture of anger and anxiety from the night's events, angry that he had not put a few bullets into the skull of that slimy ******** before walking out of his office, leaving the Lionelli and his life as he knew it behind him, anxious about the conversations he knew he would have to have. His phone rested on the coffee table next to the three lines of blow he had already cut for himself but he was in no way eager to pick up the device and dial the numbers that would put him in contact with his wife or his best friend. Satine, he knew, would stand by his side no matter what. She had proven time and time again that she would go through hell and back for him. If she was willing to stand up to her sire and sister for him then she was willing to do anything. Mike, or Juice Box, on the other hand, well he was a different story.
Drew had first met the blood thief, Mike Brauher, when Drew had first arrived in Harper Rock and the two had hit it off right away. The only people that could ever really understand a blood thief is another blood thief. The two men would spend the days getting drunk, smoking weed, playing poker, racing cars, or just watching a ball game. The two often busting each other's balls over Mike's preferred Blue Jays and Krepsi's Yankees while their nights were spent running whatever tasks Carlo or another Lionelli boss had given them. The immediate friendship only grew the more time that passed and it wasn't long before Mike was basically living on Drew's couch. When Carlo had set Drew to whip the gangs that plagued the streets of Harper Rock into shape and given him his own crew the first man Drew asked for was his fellow blood thief.
As a boss Drew never once had to question the man's loyalty and not once did Mike fail, even on the most difficult of jobs. When one of the gangs resisted and got violent Mike was always right at Drew's side with guns blazing. Snorting one of the lines he had previously cut he thought back to the one time he knew Mike was a man he would always be able to count on. Drew and his crew had been sent to eliminate an entire rival gang, the guys had not only refused to work with the Lionelli but had also had the balls to hijack a truck of firearms that were being delivered from across the border from the states. The job itself wouldn't have been too hard for a crew of blood thieves, early that evening the men had received blood from a couple of killers, necromancers, shadows, and two had received the blood of a telepath. The plan had been worked out to the finest detail, the guys with the telepath powers would overwhelm the men while the killers and necromancers would handle putting the gangsters down and those that had received shadow blood would sneak into the den and retrieve the stolen weapon cache, simple. But Drew was always the kind of guy that liked to have a few drinks before a job, to calm his nerves and stuff, the problem was, he was prone to have more than just a few drinks, a habit he had developed growing up on the streets. When it was time to do the job the other blood thieves were following the plan perfectly and the operation was going smooth until it came time to kill the rival gangsters. Drew's sloppiness that night led to two of his crew getting wasted, something that got Drew called in for answers. Mike, thinking on his feet, had crafted a story about the gangsters having more men than expected and there was really no way that Krepsi could have done anything to spare the lives of his men. The story left Drew stunned, Mike easily could have thrown his *** under the bus and probably take control of the guys himself but the man had loyalty. After that night two things happened, Drew never got fucked up before a job again and Mike was a man Krepsi would gladly give his life for.
Snorting another one of the lines he finally picked up the phone and gave the man a call.
"Yeah boss?" by the sound of his voice Krepsi knew Mike was yet to hear about the meeting Drew had had earlier that night and that Mike was well into a night of drinking and relaxing, and he should have been. Krepsi had told the blood thief to take the night off, Satine could handle herself, Krepsi had kind of given Mike a permanent bodyguard position with her and he wanted the man to get a little down time.
Drew told Mike everything that had gone down at the meeting in the castle, every last word that was spoken, every gesture that was made, not a single detail was skimmed over. "So Mike, I just need to know where you stand man, I would fuckin hate to lose you but if you need to stay with them don't worry about it, no hard feelings or nothing." There wasn't even a second of hesitation before he got his answer, "**** them boss" he laughed "you and the boss lady are good to me, besides, the **** you and me's been through Drew, ride or die, right ***********!" The Killer couldn't help but laugh, relieved that he hadn't lost the man "damn right *****, ride or fuckin die! Listen Mike, put your fuckin tab on my card and you get fuckin blitzed outcha mind my man, you fuckin deserve it."
But Satine, with her this was not a conversation for a phone call. When the last line disappeared up his nose he quickly typed out a text "baby girl, I need to talk to you right fuckin now, please get home as soon as you possibly can. Love you." and sent it. Though he felt a little better after speaking to the man his wife lovingly renamed Juice Box he was still stressing over what needed to be done, but for now he simply rolled another blunt, kicked his feet up on the coffee table and cranked up some Wu Tang Clan and would get high until his wife got home.
Satine: If one thing irritated Satine it would be when the world seemed to be out of sorts for Bugsy. It certainly had it’s effects and those eventually found their way to her as well. No matter how harsh his bark was or his bite she took it all and whatever else he had to give. She could handle it. Just like he did in return when the world was kicking her ***. The two of them balanced things out and pretty much kept total mayhem from happening by combining their worlds into one.
The exterior lights of the club were washing over the windshield of the ‘50’s Crown Victoria as she navigated the black boat of a car back into the private parking lot in the back. The dark brick wall with a sign pointing out owner parking provided a barrier to the idiots driving drunk, blind or a little of both.The polished tires moved at a snail’s pace until she judged from the beams of light crawling up the building that she was as close as she could get without driving into the employee’s locker room. It was one of many annoying habits she had.
Bugs never failed to come in ranting after finding the fender kissing the building. Usually it was a loud session of profanity asking her how he was supposed to open the hood if he needed to work on it. From the side? Like it was her issue to fix for him? And as if she really cared. It was the *** end hanging out of the parking lines that kind of bothered her more than it really should. That was what it was about and she took care of it. It looked sloppy and she liked it looking neat even if she was just parking the beast to get out and not set eyes on it again for another several hours.
The raven haired necromancer stepped into The Wonderland Bar and dropped the keys in her purse. Sounds of deep pulsing beats echoed from the far rooms where dancing took place at all hours. The sound of metal landing on her chirping phone was nearly lost on her but a break in the song sets had her reaching in and retrieving the cell. The screen flashed with an incoming text from her husband. She glared at the device as it felt uncomfortable resting between her fingers. Satine hated phones and Bugsy knew it. The text explained why she was receiving a message from him in the first place. She dropped the red phone back in her purse while making her way towards the elevator.
“Boss Lady, we have to make an order. That okay?” The gold curls on the top of the young bartenders head shimmered beneath the overhead lighting. A wash of blue and black moved over his attractive features courtesy of the LED lighting that made the place constantly glow. “Otherwise we are not going to be serving tequila this weekend and some of the imports are low.”
“Order whatever we need.” Satine kept her feet moving leaving the fading clicking of her heels as confirmation she was ending the brief interaction where it was.
Andrew Krepsi: Drew sat quietly on the couch of his man cave, lost in his thoughts. A mixture of anger and anxiety from the night's events, angry that he had not put a few bullets into the skull of that slimy ******** before walking out of his office, leaving the Lionelli and his life as he knew it behind him, anxious about the conversations he knew he would have to have. His phone rested on the coffee table next to the three lines of blow he had already cut for himself but he was in no way eager to pick up the device and dial the numbers that would put him in contact with his wife or his best friend. Satine, he knew, would stand by his side no matter what. She had proven time and time again that she would go through hell and back for him. If she was willing to stand up to her sire and sister for him then she was willing to do anything. Mike, or Juice Box, on the other hand, well he was a different story.
Drew had first met the blood thief, Mike Brauher, when Drew had first arrived in Harper Rock and the two had hit it off right away. The only people that could ever really understand a blood thief is another blood thief. The two men would spend the days getting drunk, smoking weed, playing poker, racing cars, or just watching a ball game. The two often busting each other's balls over Mike's preferred Blue Jays and Krepsi's Yankees while their nights were spent running whatever tasks Carlo or another Lionelli boss had given them. The immediate friendship only grew the more time that passed and it wasn't long before Mike was basically living on Drew's couch. When Carlo had set Drew to whip the gangs that plagued the streets of Harper Rock into shape and given him his own crew the first man Drew asked for was his fellow blood thief.
As a boss Drew never once had to question the man's loyalty and not once did Mike fail, even on the most difficult of jobs. When one of the gangs resisted and got violent Mike was always right at Drew's side with guns blazing. Snorting one of the lines he had previously cut he thought back to the one time he knew Mike was a man he would always be able to count on. Drew and his crew had been sent to eliminate an entire rival gang, the guys had not only refused to work with the Lionelli but had also had the balls to hijack a truck of firearms that were being delivered from across the border from the states. The job itself wouldn't have been too hard for a crew of blood thieves, early that evening the men had received blood from a couple of killers, necromancers, shadows, and two had received the blood of a telepath. The plan had been worked out to the finest detail, the guys with the telepath powers would overwhelm the men while the killers and necromancers would handle putting the gangsters down and those that had received shadow blood would sneak into the den and retrieve the stolen weapon cache, simple. But Drew was always the kind of guy that liked to have a few drinks before a job, to calm his nerves and stuff, the problem was, he was prone to have more than just a few drinks, a habit he had developed growing up on the streets. When it was time to do the job the other blood thieves were following the plan perfectly and the operation was going smooth until it came time to kill the rival gangsters. Drew's sloppiness that night led to two of his crew getting wasted, something that got Drew called in for answers. Mike, thinking on his feet, had crafted a story about the gangsters having more men than expected and there was really no way that Krepsi could have done anything to spare the lives of his men. The story left Drew stunned, Mike easily could have thrown his *** under the bus and probably take control of the guys himself but the man had loyalty. After that night two things happened, Drew never got fucked up before a job again and Mike was a man Krepsi would gladly give his life for.
Snorting another one of the lines he finally picked up the phone and gave the man a call.
"Yeah boss?" by the sound of his voice Krepsi knew Mike was yet to hear about the meeting Drew had had earlier that night and that Mike was well into a night of drinking and relaxing, and he should have been. Krepsi had told the blood thief to take the night off, Satine could handle herself, Krepsi had kind of given Mike a permanent bodyguard position with her and he wanted the man to get a little down time.
Drew told Mike everything that had gone down at the meeting in the castle, every last word that was spoken, every gesture that was made, not a single detail was skimmed over. "So Mike, I just need to know where you stand man, I would fuckin hate to lose you but if you need to stay with them don't worry about it, no hard feelings or nothing." There wasn't even a second of hesitation before he got his answer, "**** them boss" he laughed "you and the boss lady are good to me, besides, the **** you and me's been through Drew, ride or die, right ***********!" The Killer couldn't help but laugh, relieved that he hadn't lost the man "damn right *****, ride or fuckin die! Listen Mike, put your fuckin tab on my card and you get fuckin blitzed outcha mind my man, you fuckin deserve it."
But Satine, with her this was not a conversation for a phone call. When the last line disappeared up his nose he quickly typed out a text "baby girl, I need to talk to you right fuckin now, please get home as soon as you possibly can. Love you." and sent it. Though he felt a little better after speaking to the man his wife lovingly renamed Juice Box he was still stressing over what needed to be done, but for now he simply rolled another blunt, kicked his feet up on the coffee table and cranked up some Wu Tang Clan and would get high until his wife got home.
Satine: If one thing irritated Satine it would be when the world seemed to be out of sorts for Bugsy. It certainly had it’s effects and those eventually found their way to her as well. No matter how harsh his bark was or his bite she took it all and whatever else he had to give. She could handle it. Just like he did in return when the world was kicking her ***. The two of them balanced things out and pretty much kept total mayhem from happening by combining their worlds into one.
The exterior lights of the club were washing over the windshield of the ‘50’s Crown Victoria as she navigated the black boat of a car back into the private parking lot in the back. The dark brick wall with a sign pointing out owner parking provided a barrier to the idiots driving drunk, blind or a little of both.The polished tires moved at a snail’s pace until she judged from the beams of light crawling up the building that she was as close as she could get without driving into the employee’s locker room. It was one of many annoying habits she had.
Bugs never failed to come in ranting after finding the fender kissing the building. Usually it was a loud session of profanity asking her how he was supposed to open the hood if he needed to work on it. From the side? Like it was her issue to fix for him? And as if she really cared. It was the *** end hanging out of the parking lines that kind of bothered her more than it really should. That was what it was about and she took care of it. It looked sloppy and she liked it looking neat even if she was just parking the beast to get out and not set eyes on it again for another several hours.
The raven haired necromancer stepped into The Wonderland Bar and dropped the keys in her purse. Sounds of deep pulsing beats echoed from the far rooms where dancing took place at all hours. The sound of metal landing on her chirping phone was nearly lost on her but a break in the song sets had her reaching in and retrieving the cell. The screen flashed with an incoming text from her husband. She glared at the device as it felt uncomfortable resting between her fingers. Satine hated phones and Bugsy knew it. The text explained why she was receiving a message from him in the first place. She dropped the red phone back in her purse while making her way towards the elevator.
“Boss Lady, we have to make an order. That okay?” The gold curls on the top of the young bartenders head shimmered beneath the overhead lighting. A wash of blue and black moved over his attractive features courtesy of the LED lighting that made the place constantly glow. “Otherwise we are not going to be serving tequila this weekend and some of the imports are low.”
“Order whatever we need.” Satine kept her feet moving leaving the fading clicking of her heels as confirmation she was ending the brief interaction where it was.

- Andrew Shedim
- Registered User
- Posts: 80
- Joined: 14 May 2015, 02:48
- CrowNet Handle: Bugsy
- Location: Wonderland
Re: The Emancipation of Andrew Krepsi (Invite)
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Satine:Satine pressed a freshly manicured nail to the button that would prompt the elevator to rise upward. While the steel cage took it’s sweet time rising she leaned against the wall behind her. Andrew had not said much in the last night or two so she knew something was not quite right. Just what it was she didn't dare guess. With Bugsy it could be anything. He had his dealings that she didn’t stick her nose into. He had a life going on before her and he was maintaining it as he saw fit. When he wanted her opinion he would ask for it. For good reason. The last thing she wanted was to hear his mouth going on a rant about anything she was dealing with. It was common sense which they equally applied in this particular situation. Others perhaps not as much as they should but they were still figuring **** out. Who really had all the answers in the beginning?
Stepping out of the elevator was always a relief. Satine was most at home where it delivered her each time she used it. The gray running carpet left her several options in where she could go. The scent of chicken roasting was instant and she was glad there wasn’t a cloud of smoke greeting her as she passed the private bar and dining area. The man cave was her destination so all other distractions would have to be left behind. A text requesting her immediate presence within the New York Yankees themed room was an invitation she would not pass up for fire, hell or mayhem. At least not until she found out what the topic of the discussion would be. If it was about a shitty turn out of a ball game he would be feeling her seven inches of Louboutin.
The scent of prime Indica burning was the only scent that competed with and often overpowered the aroma of roasting poultry. It was stronger the closer she found herself at the mouth of the killers refuge from the world below. The sweet pungent cloud filled the hallway and for a brief moment she took it in deep. Entering the room was like entering another world. There were a few expected requirements upon doing so. First and foremost one was to be a New York Yankee’s fan or if not to keep their true team loyalty unspoken. It was suicide otherwise. Next expectation was if you were offered anything within you were expected to accept. Refusing for any reason was an insult that would not be ignored. Last but likely most important was whatever happened in the mancave stayed in the mancave.
Satine was prepared once again to enter with the intent on being compliant with what was expected. Everyone needed to have their space where they called all the shots, governed the area around them with no question. Some had a bathtub they soaked in, a car that was their chosen universe or perhaps a hunting spot that they retreated to. Andrew Krepsi had the world in the palm of his hand when he took to his throne within the Wonderland mancave three stories above Harper Rock. She pressed her palm to the door and turned the handle with the other. She didn’t need to knock. With the bond they shared he would know she was nearly within in reach. He could sense her coming from miles and she loved it.
Andrew Krepsi: The stress that plagued and consumed the Killer instantly seemed to calm when he felt the presence of his wife. Satine always had a calming effect on him, when he was with her there was nothing to worry about, the two of them together were unstoppable. As the door of his man cave slowly opened he raised his head, relieved to see the raven haired Necromancer.
Instantly he had taken her hands in his own, the icy blue eyes staring deep into the silver orbs he so often found himself getting lost. "Babe, we have to talk" as the words left his lips he realized there was never a good conversation to follow those words but he had to tell her everything. Emotional moments were not something Drew was very good with by any means, especially when it came to the levels of stress he now felt. He led her to the couch, his fingers still locked in hers; fumbling with the words for a moment he finally let go and the words came rushing out. The entire conversation he had with the Italian boss, not a word or detail was spared, that he had just walked away from the Lionelli, that he had left his entire life behind.
After his rant was finished it was like a weight had been lifted from his chest. "I..I really have no idea what I'm going to do but I feel, I dunno, I kinda feel free" though his words reeked of relief his entire face showed only the worry that he could not admit, even to himself. He knew it would not be this easy, one did not simply walk away from the Lionelli and expect no repercussions. It was hard for him to express the worry to his wife but she knew him and he knew the woman could feel his concern and his sense of loss. Whatever was going to happen he knew she would be there.
Satine: Satine closed the door behind her while allowing Bugsy’s hands to pull her to him. The necromancer’s silver orbs floated over the gangster’s face assessing the tell tale fresh red framing the deep icy blue pools of his eyes. He had been inhaling at his table and smoking some trees. Of course he had.
Satine curled her fingers around the pale longer digits that took hold of her. The cloud he created over a couple hours filled her mouth and nose until she closed both off. It wasn’t like it was going to kill him so why get all bent over it? He had to deal with his demons on his terms. She was not about to be the nagging ***** that drove him deeper into the cloud he at times lived in. They already had ‘that’ talk. When and if he was ready she would be there. Until then her mind focused on his apparent weakness that she could assist with. Concentrating on him she felt her energy subtly decline in favor of strengthening him.
“You are going to be fine.” Her fingers released one of the hands that was otherwise keeping it still. “I got you, baby.” Her hand traveled up his chest and cupped the side of his face. “Anything at all I am there right by your side. If you want to tear the world apart then tell me what time you want to start.” She gave him a wink of silver.
The heels clinging to her ankles and keeping her six inches higher than she was barefoot clicked over the black marble as she took the lead guiding him to the sofa. A few more sharp clicks and she was around the one of a kind coffee table that screamed success beneath the white cloud spread across it. Neat lines had been formed before she had arrived. A few others had likely disappeared.
”I always got a few hours to kill and they are reserved for you just like any other minute in my eternity. Carlo isn’t going to do **** about it either. You have family.” She nodded slowly as if to say he was looking at it. Whatever had him looking this tough was not going to be allowed to be present for long. She wouldn’t have it. “You are calling the shots now. It’s your world, Bugsy. Instead of wondering when it is all going to come crumbling down around you get out there and make your mark. Don’t wait for things to happen.”
Andrew Krepsi: He kissed the back of her hand with a small smile, the words seemed infallible coming from her lips. If he was going to really face the world away from Carlo, away from the Lionelli, then he would not have it any other way, he would be no other place than at her side. His slightly glazed eyes stared hard at the beautiful pale face before him. Part of him fighting the urge to just grab a couple of guns and head directly back to the castle, the gangster would definitely be settling that score but the rational side that he felt only in the presence of his wife told him exactly what he needed to do.
"They keep tabs ya know, the Italians, on all the players of this city. I think it goes without saying Micah's outta the question" he smirked "but there's this fuckin Mystic, don't know much about her really, but this dame Zodiac. She's apparently some kinda ritualist, think she's probably going to be the best route for me to take. Already shot her an email" he grabbed his pack of Newports, quickly lighting one "just gots to wait on a response." His feet kicked up on the Benjamin Franklin table, pulling her just a little closer "if she does this" his voice lowered as though he was nervous of being overheard "imma kill every last one of them motherfuckers" he shook his head "or at least one of them."
Satine:Satine pressed a freshly manicured nail to the button that would prompt the elevator to rise upward. While the steel cage took it’s sweet time rising she leaned against the wall behind her. Andrew had not said much in the last night or two so she knew something was not quite right. Just what it was she didn't dare guess. With Bugsy it could be anything. He had his dealings that she didn’t stick her nose into. He had a life going on before her and he was maintaining it as he saw fit. When he wanted her opinion he would ask for it. For good reason. The last thing she wanted was to hear his mouth going on a rant about anything she was dealing with. It was common sense which they equally applied in this particular situation. Others perhaps not as much as they should but they were still figuring **** out. Who really had all the answers in the beginning?
Stepping out of the elevator was always a relief. Satine was most at home where it delivered her each time she used it. The gray running carpet left her several options in where she could go. The scent of chicken roasting was instant and she was glad there wasn’t a cloud of smoke greeting her as she passed the private bar and dining area. The man cave was her destination so all other distractions would have to be left behind. A text requesting her immediate presence within the New York Yankees themed room was an invitation she would not pass up for fire, hell or mayhem. At least not until she found out what the topic of the discussion would be. If it was about a shitty turn out of a ball game he would be feeling her seven inches of Louboutin.
The scent of prime Indica burning was the only scent that competed with and often overpowered the aroma of roasting poultry. It was stronger the closer she found herself at the mouth of the killers refuge from the world below. The sweet pungent cloud filled the hallway and for a brief moment she took it in deep. Entering the room was like entering another world. There were a few expected requirements upon doing so. First and foremost one was to be a New York Yankee’s fan or if not to keep their true team loyalty unspoken. It was suicide otherwise. Next expectation was if you were offered anything within you were expected to accept. Refusing for any reason was an insult that would not be ignored. Last but likely most important was whatever happened in the mancave stayed in the mancave.
Satine was prepared once again to enter with the intent on being compliant with what was expected. Everyone needed to have their space where they called all the shots, governed the area around them with no question. Some had a bathtub they soaked in, a car that was their chosen universe or perhaps a hunting spot that they retreated to. Andrew Krepsi had the world in the palm of his hand when he took to his throne within the Wonderland mancave three stories above Harper Rock. She pressed her palm to the door and turned the handle with the other. She didn’t need to knock. With the bond they shared he would know she was nearly within in reach. He could sense her coming from miles and she loved it.
Andrew Krepsi: The stress that plagued and consumed the Killer instantly seemed to calm when he felt the presence of his wife. Satine always had a calming effect on him, when he was with her there was nothing to worry about, the two of them together were unstoppable. As the door of his man cave slowly opened he raised his head, relieved to see the raven haired Necromancer.
Instantly he had taken her hands in his own, the icy blue eyes staring deep into the silver orbs he so often found himself getting lost. "Babe, we have to talk" as the words left his lips he realized there was never a good conversation to follow those words but he had to tell her everything. Emotional moments were not something Drew was very good with by any means, especially when it came to the levels of stress he now felt. He led her to the couch, his fingers still locked in hers; fumbling with the words for a moment he finally let go and the words came rushing out. The entire conversation he had with the Italian boss, not a word or detail was spared, that he had just walked away from the Lionelli, that he had left his entire life behind.
After his rant was finished it was like a weight had been lifted from his chest. "I..I really have no idea what I'm going to do but I feel, I dunno, I kinda feel free" though his words reeked of relief his entire face showed only the worry that he could not admit, even to himself. He knew it would not be this easy, one did not simply walk away from the Lionelli and expect no repercussions. It was hard for him to express the worry to his wife but she knew him and he knew the woman could feel his concern and his sense of loss. Whatever was going to happen he knew she would be there.
Satine: Satine closed the door behind her while allowing Bugsy’s hands to pull her to him. The necromancer’s silver orbs floated over the gangster’s face assessing the tell tale fresh red framing the deep icy blue pools of his eyes. He had been inhaling at his table and smoking some trees. Of course he had.
Satine curled her fingers around the pale longer digits that took hold of her. The cloud he created over a couple hours filled her mouth and nose until she closed both off. It wasn’t like it was going to kill him so why get all bent over it? He had to deal with his demons on his terms. She was not about to be the nagging ***** that drove him deeper into the cloud he at times lived in. They already had ‘that’ talk. When and if he was ready she would be there. Until then her mind focused on his apparent weakness that she could assist with. Concentrating on him she felt her energy subtly decline in favor of strengthening him.
“You are going to be fine.” Her fingers released one of the hands that was otherwise keeping it still. “I got you, baby.” Her hand traveled up his chest and cupped the side of his face. “Anything at all I am there right by your side. If you want to tear the world apart then tell me what time you want to start.” She gave him a wink of silver.
The heels clinging to her ankles and keeping her six inches higher than she was barefoot clicked over the black marble as she took the lead guiding him to the sofa. A few more sharp clicks and she was around the one of a kind coffee table that screamed success beneath the white cloud spread across it. Neat lines had been formed before she had arrived. A few others had likely disappeared.
”I always got a few hours to kill and they are reserved for you just like any other minute in my eternity. Carlo isn’t going to do **** about it either. You have family.” She nodded slowly as if to say he was looking at it. Whatever had him looking this tough was not going to be allowed to be present for long. She wouldn’t have it. “You are calling the shots now. It’s your world, Bugsy. Instead of wondering when it is all going to come crumbling down around you get out there and make your mark. Don’t wait for things to happen.”
Andrew Krepsi: He kissed the back of her hand with a small smile, the words seemed infallible coming from her lips. If he was going to really face the world away from Carlo, away from the Lionelli, then he would not have it any other way, he would be no other place than at her side. His slightly glazed eyes stared hard at the beautiful pale face before him. Part of him fighting the urge to just grab a couple of guns and head directly back to the castle, the gangster would definitely be settling that score but the rational side that he felt only in the presence of his wife told him exactly what he needed to do.
"They keep tabs ya know, the Italians, on all the players of this city. I think it goes without saying Micah's outta the question" he smirked "but there's this fuckin Mystic, don't know much about her really, but this dame Zodiac. She's apparently some kinda ritualist, think she's probably going to be the best route for me to take. Already shot her an email" he grabbed his pack of Newports, quickly lighting one "just gots to wait on a response." His feet kicked up on the Benjamin Franklin table, pulling her just a little closer "if she does this" his voice lowered as though he was nervous of being overheard "imma kill every last one of them motherfuckers" he shook his head "or at least one of them."
Property of Satine

Shedim*Welcome To Wonderland*The Forsaken
- Zodiac
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- Joined: 02 Aug 2011, 22:23
- CrowNet Handle: Raggedy Ann
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Re: The Emancipation of Andrew Krepsi (Invite)
She studied the e-mail in curiosity now. The fact that the author implied he wished a certain act performed suggested he knew someone who knew someone who knew she could do such a thing.
The thrice damn ritual was a plague and pain to her. She was too used to doing her magicks without reporting to others in the process, let alone being expected to cough up cash for the privilege of doing it. Normally she would have simply suggested they go do a physical impossibility to themselves and went on about her business. It did make her laugh that, as reclusive as she had become, so many still insisted on having such a tight eye on the things she did to the point they would know if she had shaved her private parts or not. Yes, it was total nonsense, but trips to the shadow realm was not in her game plans either.
Krepsi. Why was that name familiar to her? At the mention of his sire, Carlo, the idea expanded. She has known that one in a way. Jennifer had the questionable pleasure of sitting with him in a dive while he asked her questions she did not dare answer. So the pair of them were or had been hip deep with those freaks in the castle up north. It had been awhile since she had peeked in there. Rumors had it they was something and then no one said anything at all. As far as she saw things, the lot of them could be enjoying a nice circle jerk for all she cared.
This Krepsi person wanted to be free of all of that. Admirable. Not many want to sever ties so deeply and try to strike out on their own. She could sympathies.
He wanted Disenthralment. He knew she could do it. She did not advertise or make mention of the fact she had one of the few copies of that damned tome. How did he know? Who told him? Or did the Lionelli types have their own magnifying glass aimed at her *** as well? It was possible she supposed. She imagined they had their own mages and such among their number and tried to keep track of who was who when it came to such things. That made total sense to her. Know what others are capable of and on what side of a matter they might stand on.
She stood up and made a noise of total displeasure as she kicked the chair and sent it over to the floor. It was nothing against the one seeking her help at all. It was in her nature to help others where she could, but Zodiac was what some would call a 'prideful *****'. To help this one would mean she would have to capitulate to her self appointed 'masters' again and she was rapidly loosing patience with that deal.
She supposed it would not hurt to at least talk to this Krepsi person. Get a feel for him and see. It was possible this one would change his mind once he heard all that was involved in the matter. She righted her chair and sat back down and began to type.
Mr Krespi.
Blessings upon you and yours. I am flattered you seek my help with such a matter. Yes, it is a possibility but the items required and the cost are, shall we say, quite expensive in nature.
If you would like to meet and discuss the matter, please reply and let me know. You could call my shop, but I am a mute so any phone conversations would be a one way deal, but rest assured I can 'speak' with you if needed.
Again, blessings of the night to you and yours.
~Mistress Zodiac~
She hit the SEND key, and began to check the rest of her mail.
The thrice damn ritual was a plague and pain to her. She was too used to doing her magicks without reporting to others in the process, let alone being expected to cough up cash for the privilege of doing it. Normally she would have simply suggested they go do a physical impossibility to themselves and went on about her business. It did make her laugh that, as reclusive as she had become, so many still insisted on having such a tight eye on the things she did to the point they would know if she had shaved her private parts or not. Yes, it was total nonsense, but trips to the shadow realm was not in her game plans either.
Krepsi. Why was that name familiar to her? At the mention of his sire, Carlo, the idea expanded. She has known that one in a way. Jennifer had the questionable pleasure of sitting with him in a dive while he asked her questions she did not dare answer. So the pair of them were or had been hip deep with those freaks in the castle up north. It had been awhile since she had peeked in there. Rumors had it they was something and then no one said anything at all. As far as she saw things, the lot of them could be enjoying a nice circle jerk for all she cared.
This Krepsi person wanted to be free of all of that. Admirable. Not many want to sever ties so deeply and try to strike out on their own. She could sympathies.
He wanted Disenthralment. He knew she could do it. She did not advertise or make mention of the fact she had one of the few copies of that damned tome. How did he know? Who told him? Or did the Lionelli types have their own magnifying glass aimed at her *** as well? It was possible she supposed. She imagined they had their own mages and such among their number and tried to keep track of who was who when it came to such things. That made total sense to her. Know what others are capable of and on what side of a matter they might stand on.
She stood up and made a noise of total displeasure as she kicked the chair and sent it over to the floor. It was nothing against the one seeking her help at all. It was in her nature to help others where she could, but Zodiac was what some would call a 'prideful *****'. To help this one would mean she would have to capitulate to her self appointed 'masters' again and she was rapidly loosing patience with that deal.
She supposed it would not hurt to at least talk to this Krepsi person. Get a feel for him and see. It was possible this one would change his mind once he heard all that was involved in the matter. She righted her chair and sat back down and began to type.
Mr Krespi.
Blessings upon you and yours. I am flattered you seek my help with such a matter. Yes, it is a possibility but the items required and the cost are, shall we say, quite expensive in nature.
If you would like to meet and discuss the matter, please reply and let me know. You could call my shop, but I am a mute so any phone conversations would be a one way deal, but rest assured I can 'speak' with you if needed.
Again, blessings of the night to you and yours.
~Mistress Zodiac~
She hit the SEND key, and began to check the rest of her mail.
Some day I'm gonna be happy. I don't know when just now

I still have clouds to dance upon, and the moon expects me for tea
The Pandora Project.

I still have clouds to dance upon, and the moon expects me for tea
The Pandora Project.
- Andrew Shedim
- Registered User
- Posts: 80
- Joined: 14 May 2015, 02:48
- CrowNet Handle: Bugsy
- Location: Wonderland
Re: The Emancipation of Andrew Krepsi (Invite)
The nights that had passed since the last visit he paid to the castle had mostly been quiet. Both he and Satine had encountered and disposed of a couple of hitmen that had been lurking around Wonderland but the Italians, on their end, had been relatively mute. Perhaps his reputation for being hot headed and impulsive had made them doubt the sincerity of his resignation but that was hardly his concern. Drew had even left a few text messages and voicemails for Carlo to let the old man know of his decision and that his feelings were nothing personal against the man that had saved and turned him, this was business and he was long past tired of being a Lionelli mule.
As he sat resting on the couch, chain smoking his menthols and watching a Godfather marathon he heard the ding from his laptop letting him know he had a message. Pulling the computer into his lap he scrolled to read the email from Zodiac, a little surprised that the enigmatic Mystic had even read the email he had sent her, let alone respond to him. He had expected a hefty cost for the ritual he sought out, very few in this city were capable of performing it. Of course he could not ask anyone in the castle without a guaranteed trip to the Shadow Realm and he was not going to trust such a feat to that mortal magician Aeryn.
Giving his knuckles a quick crack and lighting a fresh Newport he began crunching out his response.
First I would just like to say thank you for being willing to help, you have no idea how much I appreciate this. I know how complicated and costly this will be so any price and I am willing to pay. This is a huge pain in the *** all around for what I am asking but I cannot thank you enough. If emails work best for you then just name your price and I will see that the money is deposited asap.
All he could do now was wait. Knowing that the Lionelli would come for him sooner or later did not bother the gangster in the least but he dreaded knowing that he now put his wife's life on the line, a life he would fight to his death to protect, but now the thoughts crept in that they may target the Mystic simply for aiding him. He doubted whether she was putting herself at risk, the file on Zodiac was remarkably small, she had proven more than complicated to investigate properly and the Italians rarely did anything without knowing exactly what they would be dealing with. He pushed the thoughts out of his head as he crushed the cigarette out and lit a blunt, quickly getting lost back in the movie.
As he sat resting on the couch, chain smoking his menthols and watching a Godfather marathon he heard the ding from his laptop letting him know he had a message. Pulling the computer into his lap he scrolled to read the email from Zodiac, a little surprised that the enigmatic Mystic had even read the email he had sent her, let alone respond to him. He had expected a hefty cost for the ritual he sought out, very few in this city were capable of performing it. Of course he could not ask anyone in the castle without a guaranteed trip to the Shadow Realm and he was not going to trust such a feat to that mortal magician Aeryn.
Giving his knuckles a quick crack and lighting a fresh Newport he began crunching out his response.
First I would just like to say thank you for being willing to help, you have no idea how much I appreciate this. I know how complicated and costly this will be so any price and I am willing to pay. This is a huge pain in the *** all around for what I am asking but I cannot thank you enough. If emails work best for you then just name your price and I will see that the money is deposited asap.
All he could do now was wait. Knowing that the Lionelli would come for him sooner or later did not bother the gangster in the least but he dreaded knowing that he now put his wife's life on the line, a life he would fight to his death to protect, but now the thoughts crept in that they may target the Mystic simply for aiding him. He doubted whether she was putting herself at risk, the file on Zodiac was remarkably small, she had proven more than complicated to investigate properly and the Italians rarely did anything without knowing exactly what they would be dealing with. He pushed the thoughts out of his head as he crushed the cigarette out and lit a blunt, quickly getting lost back in the movie.
Property of Satine

Shedim*Welcome To Wonderland*The Forsaken
- Zodiac
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- Joined: 02 Aug 2011, 22:23
- CrowNet Handle: Raggedy Ann
- Location: The Pandora Project
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Re: The Emancipation of Andrew Krepsi (Invite)
She was sorting through several boxes of decorations for the shops for All Hallows (despite the fact most would say her places of business were always ready for Halloween) when the phone trilled its alert noise. The gypsy sighed a bit in annoyance. At the rate the evening was going with all the interruptions, she was already behind in her personal schedule for getting things accomplished. As she continued to separate bats, pumpkins, skeletons, and cats into piles, her mind reached out and read the incoming message.
It was Krespi again.
A determined soul, apparently. Normally she would smile when the tone reeked of 'money is no object' but now some new things were slipping to the surface of her mind.
By his own admittance, he was (or had been) part of the Lionelli. Her own info was sketchy at best when it came to them, but the entire affair stank of something that happened years earlier with the 'blood thieves' types. They had been smooth, charming, almost elegant while being thugs and living up to their names in the process. Everyone heard what they said their real agenda was, but the majority thought it was simply a load of crap. Too eager, too pushy, too demanding to have their way on things. The Lionelli had basically set up shop right in their backyard and had not said 2 words.
That suggested thinkers and plotters to her. When they would decide to act, it would be en mass was her best guess. No one had had any real contact with them or had a clue what they were up to but some said they were watching. Taking notes on people. Was this Krespi really trying to break ties with them or was he a ploy to slip inside her own walls and get an idea of who and what she really was and was capable of? It would not be the first time something like this had happened and it certainly would not be the last.
As strings of lights were tested, her thoughts danced off a reply to him. She dashed off a list of what would be required and how much money it would take along with a routing number to her account. If all was to his satisfaction, she would be waiting for him at Pandora's tomorrow night and to let her know if anyone else would be accompanying him.
Once that was sent, her mind reached out to a few associates of hers. A few vamps she knew far more advanced in the rough and muscle department than she was. Could they spare some time tomorrow evening just in case this turned into some kind of sting? If all was well, she would pay them for their time and they would have her gratitude- something many of them have come to know the true value of. And if it did turn into a deal gone bad...?
She'd ask Jennifer to have the walk in freezer ready to hold Mr Krespi's remains till she decided what to do with them after her 'hired help' had finished the job.
Just in case. If nothing else, Zodiac preferred to be prepared for most anything before she committed to a task.
It was Krespi again.
A determined soul, apparently. Normally she would smile when the tone reeked of 'money is no object' but now some new things were slipping to the surface of her mind.
By his own admittance, he was (or had been) part of the Lionelli. Her own info was sketchy at best when it came to them, but the entire affair stank of something that happened years earlier with the 'blood thieves' types. They had been smooth, charming, almost elegant while being thugs and living up to their names in the process. Everyone heard what they said their real agenda was, but the majority thought it was simply a load of crap. Too eager, too pushy, too demanding to have their way on things. The Lionelli had basically set up shop right in their backyard and had not said 2 words.
That suggested thinkers and plotters to her. When they would decide to act, it would be en mass was her best guess. No one had had any real contact with them or had a clue what they were up to but some said they were watching. Taking notes on people. Was this Krespi really trying to break ties with them or was he a ploy to slip inside her own walls and get an idea of who and what she really was and was capable of? It would not be the first time something like this had happened and it certainly would not be the last.
As strings of lights were tested, her thoughts danced off a reply to him. She dashed off a list of what would be required and how much money it would take along with a routing number to her account. If all was to his satisfaction, she would be waiting for him at Pandora's tomorrow night and to let her know if anyone else would be accompanying him.
Once that was sent, her mind reached out to a few associates of hers. A few vamps she knew far more advanced in the rough and muscle department than she was. Could they spare some time tomorrow evening just in case this turned into some kind of sting? If all was well, she would pay them for their time and they would have her gratitude- something many of them have come to know the true value of. And if it did turn into a deal gone bad...?
She'd ask Jennifer to have the walk in freezer ready to hold Mr Krespi's remains till she decided what to do with them after her 'hired help' had finished the job.
Just in case. If nothing else, Zodiac preferred to be prepared for most anything before she committed to a task.
Some day I'm gonna be happy. I don't know when just now

I still have clouds to dance upon, and the moon expects me for tea
The Pandora Project.

I still have clouds to dance upon, and the moon expects me for tea
The Pandora Project.
- Andrew Shedim
- Registered User
- Posts: 80
- Joined: 14 May 2015, 02:48
- CrowNet Handle: Bugsy
- Location: Wonderland
Re: The Emancipation of Andrew Krepsi (Invite)
The Killer’s agitation continued to grow by the hour, pacing back and forth through the personal space his loving wife had created for him. Amid the mass of New York Yankees memorabilia that he had collected over the years Drew found himself consumed by his thoughts. Though he may be relatively young in human years, the past twenty eight years had not been easy for him. It was this, the life he had lived up to this point that he was now thinking of and the series of events that had brought him to Harper Rock and made him into the man, or monster, that he was today.
The gangster had never truly known what a peaceful life was, fighting for the most basic existence since hitting the streets he learned quickly that old expression “it's a dog eat dog world” and he had become as vicious as any pit bull. Even after Carlo had taken him from his street thug life he had had to keep that vicious nature intact, becoming a better trained, slightly more refined tool for violence. In his years with Lionelli, serving them as a Blood Thief on the streets of New York, he had become numb to a world of violence, bloodshed, and death. How many he had helped to the grave, human and vampire alike, he couldn't remember but always, always he was little more than a gun to be aimed with their word as the trigger.
This decision, to walk away from the brethren that had been his life for the past fifteen years, had felt like a natural one to make. In his heart he knew that he deserved more than he would ever find with the Lionelli; though he had never tasted mistreatment directly the young gangster knew that he wanted more. When Carlo had bought his train ticket up to Canada he saw an opportunity to finally move forward, to make something more of himself. He had been more than happy to help find information about these mysterious rifts that had crept up in the city, a task the two had woefully failed at but still Carlo had given him a remarkable gift, he had given the Blood Thief the gift of immortality. Even after his turning though he was reminded there was no real home for a Jewish street kid in the house of Lionelli.
Drew did what he knew best to start earning a name for himself in Harper Rock and quickly began establishing himself with the street gangs, making the area the locals called “the slums” his home turf. The guys weren't all that hard to win over, obviously they had never dealt with any blood thieves and more than a few saw the potential to take their own game to a new level. In just a few weeks after his arrival he had set up a profitable ring of drug dealing and gun running, something he had tried bringing to the Italians but when they chose to ignore him he used the market to build himself up a little more. Though in the process he had made his fair share of rival gangs, there was nothing that truly threatened what he was building. Even after he was turned he worked tirelessly on getting his name known to every local criminal this city had to offer.
Through all of this, through his entire life Drew had never known anything that even remotely resembled happiness, there was really no room for it. The only thing he genuinely cared about was earning money and building a reputation for himself. He had accepted that his immortal existence would fully comprise of cash and chaos, something he not only accepted but embraced. Life had shaped him into a stone cold killer, an emotionless gangster that would protect and serve the interests of the Lionelli, and he was good at it, damn good at it.
But one night something happened that would turn his entire existence upside down, something that would reshape his destiny and forever change the man that he had become. What started with a single failed attempt at his pockets being picked, a woman stepped into his life. Satine, in one moment started something neither of them would have ever seen coming. The following weeks became a never ending spree of theft, violence, and constant one upping each other and somewhere along the line their rivalry had forged an unbreakable bond. Suddenly the lonesome Killer realized that things were not as set in stone as he had always believed. With her his life became much more than just living for himself, she quickly became everything to him.
The ding from the computer, alerting of him of the new email stirred Drew from the thoughts he had become lost in, dealing with this amount of emotion was never easy for him. Taking a seat on the couch he quickly read the message, some of the things on the list he had never heard of but he was nothing if not resourceful and the price she asked for seemed more than reasonable. Informing her through his reply that the only companion he would have was his wife he wasted little time in signing in to his bank account and having the funds transferred to routing number the Mystic had provided. With everything in order he was forced to impatiently wait for the following evening.
* * *
“Juice, we're going out for, I actually have no idea when we'll be back, just keep the place from burning down.” he gave the Blood Thief a playful grin before grabbing the lockbox he would be giving Zodiac as well as the keys to his black and gold Crown Victoria. Satine was already waiting for him in the garage.
Pandora’s Box was a shop the likes he had never seen, though it seemed oddly fitting for the Mystic well known for her skill in the arts. The couple stood patiently in the lobby, his eyes looking for and failing to find one of those little bells one would normally find in a hotel to alert the owner of a new customer.
The gangster had never truly known what a peaceful life was, fighting for the most basic existence since hitting the streets he learned quickly that old expression “it's a dog eat dog world” and he had become as vicious as any pit bull. Even after Carlo had taken him from his street thug life he had had to keep that vicious nature intact, becoming a better trained, slightly more refined tool for violence. In his years with Lionelli, serving them as a Blood Thief on the streets of New York, he had become numb to a world of violence, bloodshed, and death. How many he had helped to the grave, human and vampire alike, he couldn't remember but always, always he was little more than a gun to be aimed with their word as the trigger.
This decision, to walk away from the brethren that had been his life for the past fifteen years, had felt like a natural one to make. In his heart he knew that he deserved more than he would ever find with the Lionelli; though he had never tasted mistreatment directly the young gangster knew that he wanted more. When Carlo had bought his train ticket up to Canada he saw an opportunity to finally move forward, to make something more of himself. He had been more than happy to help find information about these mysterious rifts that had crept up in the city, a task the two had woefully failed at but still Carlo had given him a remarkable gift, he had given the Blood Thief the gift of immortality. Even after his turning though he was reminded there was no real home for a Jewish street kid in the house of Lionelli.
Drew did what he knew best to start earning a name for himself in Harper Rock and quickly began establishing himself with the street gangs, making the area the locals called “the slums” his home turf. The guys weren't all that hard to win over, obviously they had never dealt with any blood thieves and more than a few saw the potential to take their own game to a new level. In just a few weeks after his arrival he had set up a profitable ring of drug dealing and gun running, something he had tried bringing to the Italians but when they chose to ignore him he used the market to build himself up a little more. Though in the process he had made his fair share of rival gangs, there was nothing that truly threatened what he was building. Even after he was turned he worked tirelessly on getting his name known to every local criminal this city had to offer.
Through all of this, through his entire life Drew had never known anything that even remotely resembled happiness, there was really no room for it. The only thing he genuinely cared about was earning money and building a reputation for himself. He had accepted that his immortal existence would fully comprise of cash and chaos, something he not only accepted but embraced. Life had shaped him into a stone cold killer, an emotionless gangster that would protect and serve the interests of the Lionelli, and he was good at it, damn good at it.
But one night something happened that would turn his entire existence upside down, something that would reshape his destiny and forever change the man that he had become. What started with a single failed attempt at his pockets being picked, a woman stepped into his life. Satine, in one moment started something neither of them would have ever seen coming. The following weeks became a never ending spree of theft, violence, and constant one upping each other and somewhere along the line their rivalry had forged an unbreakable bond. Suddenly the lonesome Killer realized that things were not as set in stone as he had always believed. With her his life became much more than just living for himself, she quickly became everything to him.
The ding from the computer, alerting of him of the new email stirred Drew from the thoughts he had become lost in, dealing with this amount of emotion was never easy for him. Taking a seat on the couch he quickly read the message, some of the things on the list he had never heard of but he was nothing if not resourceful and the price she asked for seemed more than reasonable. Informing her through his reply that the only companion he would have was his wife he wasted little time in signing in to his bank account and having the funds transferred to routing number the Mystic had provided. With everything in order he was forced to impatiently wait for the following evening.
* * *
“Juice, we're going out for, I actually have no idea when we'll be back, just keep the place from burning down.” he gave the Blood Thief a playful grin before grabbing the lockbox he would be giving Zodiac as well as the keys to his black and gold Crown Victoria. Satine was already waiting for him in the garage.
Pandora’s Box was a shop the likes he had never seen, though it seemed oddly fitting for the Mystic well known for her skill in the arts. The couple stood patiently in the lobby, his eyes looking for and failing to find one of those little bells one would normally find in a hotel to alert the owner of a new customer.
Property of Satine

Shedim*Welcome To Wonderland*The Forsaken