Thump, crack! That was the sound that caused his frustration to peak even further. Crouching down behind the mass for cover and reaching down to slide the pads of his fingers down the back of his leg. “Did she just ******* shoot me?!” he thought, before he eventually found a hole in the back of his calf where one clawed index delved right in, blindly feeling around until that sharpened claw tip met with the small metal projectile. Extracting the piece of metal out of the bullet wound and holding it up to eye level, yup, that was a ******* bullet!
Wounds and pain were something Niklaus could definitely worked though, he would never admit that he liked pain but it was one of the things that kept him alert and going. “Pain is good, monsieur”, as Silas said in the Da Vinci Code. The Killer started a mental count of how many contenders for the shard he knew; Nishaa, Every, Roderic, Blake and now this girl whose name he didn’t know. Great, more people didn’t just mean it was going to be harder to obtain the shard but it also meant more distraction, and that the party was definitely going to get crazier soon. Niklaus liked crazy.
Gun in one hand, sword in the order, he was most likely the only one there not used to the terrain and he had to fix that. To become one with his surrounding, which prompted him to hide in shadows so he could get a better idea of how he could move between floors without using the elevator – it was too loud, an illuminated box of doom. He might have to take ‘care’ of that elevator too. Circling the latter to come up behind the vampires inside, looking for any clues to how Blake and possibly Every seemed to have moved from F2 to F3, teleportation was out of the question - way too anima exhaustive, then it struck him. They were on a damn TREE, trees had branches. He could literally see the second floor from where he was but could the sturdiest of them branches hold 300 pounds-ish without cracking? **** all the thinking, let’s see! The man stuck his gun back into his holster, his sword back into its sheath before launching himself forward as he caught the sturdiest branch his eyes could lock onto, it worked! The tree branches weren’t that brittle. after all! Dangling there, invisible before starting to work his way closer to the elevator box and the tree's trunk to balance out his weight, trying to pick up any heat signatures and also the conversation going on in the elevator box.
You succeeded in your endeavour - Jump and catch Eyrie tree branch!