A beast is in the heart-(Doranis Gallant)

For humans to roleplay finding a sire, and becoming a vampire.
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A beast is in the heart-(Doranis Gallant)

Post by Satine »

It was one of those nights for the budding necromancer of the ever growing Andras bloodline. The heat of the day had all but subsided and gave way to the cooling, sweet scent of outdoor gatherings that had groups of warm blooded bodies huddled together. Talk about an invitation to the fanged female that was dressed to kill and create chaos. Satine moved through the area showing improvement in not drawing attention to her presence. It was getting easier to blend and she was grateful for that. The fact people still fought like cats and dogs when she lingered in one spot too long was a consistent annoyance.She remedied that with moving along and not stopping out in the open.

The appetite that plagued Satine was rising as she slipped through a park. It still took her focus to avoid the temptation to pluck an inebriated female from the grassy patch she stood on. The woman was visibly wasted and getting ready to make a late lunch deposit into one of those public metal waste receptacles. That should be a deterrent but when she was hungry it hardly mattered.The sounds of predictable grunting and fluid splattering was left behind as Satine made her way down into the sewers via Honeymead entry point.

Satine had the usual attire about her curvy form. Red, black and white was the chosen colors for the nightly hunt. Her wardrobe had improved dramatically with her return to work. She slowly accumulated worthwhile pieces that had her inspired to tuck away those gawd awful green sandals that would eventually serve their purpose when the time was right.

The clicks of her cherry red Louboutin heels were likely an odd sound to take in as well as her chosen ensemble but that mattered little to Satine. She was looking to sate that appetite of hers and was hoping it wouldn’t be an all night effort on her part. The raven haired necro was dressed for a meeting that required her attendance. It certainly didn’t involve being ankle deep in sewage for long if she could help it. How hard should it be to grab a bite and get back to the surface among the living? Walking around as hungry as she was could be asking for trouble. No matter how much she tried to work it out in her mind sucking on those damn plastic pouches was not cutting it.

Satine’s pale hand gave a gentle finger comb of her long hair while she pushed all self-doubt of her choice to venture below from her busy mind. She felt the annoying arrival of the first pebble jump inside her impractical dress shoe. It inspired a hiss from her lips as she corrected the minor situation with a slight delay so she could pull off her heel and shake the rock free and slip it back on. A tune filled her head as her eyes scanned the darkness for the source of the melody. Well, wasn’t that convenient.
Doranis Gallant (DELETED 6826)
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Re: A beast is in the heart-(Doranis Gallant)

Post by Doranis Gallant (DELETED 6826) »

Doranis stood in the filth of the sewer while writing on the walls in an unknown language with a large bar of chalk that he lifted from a nearby residence."No no no no...that is not correct..it needs to go THAT way" He thinks to himself as he pushes his long silverish hair out of his face before stepping back from his writing to examine it briefly.

He shrugs with one arm then continues to write on the wall as he starts to hum his favorite tune. " I wonder why there are so many heavily armed people in the sewer?" He thinks to himself, "Oh well. They do not seem to mind that fact that I am down here. Still, I wonder what they are about?" He then drops the bar of chalk into the filth of the sewer and lets out a deep yet quiet growl as he thinks to himself. "Great..Im not going to go searching for that. I will get another one later." He then turns his attention back to what he had written and carefully examines it.
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Re: A beast is in the heart-(Doranis Gallant)

Post by Satine »

Body heat was an enticing sight to Satine. From what she had been told not every vampire had the ability to see it as she did. This was something that had her finding her own layers that made her feel as unique as one could be while still being identical in appearance for the most part to another. She stepped lightly as the slide of the impractical footwear she had chosen made it all too easy to slide right into discovery if she was not careful. One step was followed by another as she found the warm glow of a body in the distance. It's shape stood out from the dark banausic surroundings that she took great care to navigate through.

The sound of something dropping gave her steps reason to pause and freeze where she was. That spot was approximately an inch deep in sewage. Satine was developing the talent for shaking the **** off her shoes like an unhappy flamingo that stepped in the wrong spot at just the right time. Her movements were slow and controlled as she found a decent spot that had yet to be flooded with the waste of the city. Small mercies appeared to come even for the damned.

Now that she was closer she took in the delightful little hints of what had her immediate attention. The salt in the air was subtle but easy to discern as young in its source. Much different than the air that hit her as she passed Sully’s Gym the night before. Lumpy meatheads. There was nothing more unattractive than their bulk and their post work out stink. The salty sweat cloud each brute left behind was so overwhelming that she felt like she been beamed by an armpit carrying a salt block. It was a turn off and the place lost her interest and future patronage instantly.

Satine licked her lips gingerly. This morsel she was fixing her sights on couldn’t be more perfect for her current appetite than if she had ordered him up in detail herself. Perhaps the blood was younger than her but still very much fair game and incredibly tempting as she counted the beats that took place within it’s chest in a random minute. The body was perfect as she tracked it’s minimal movements. Healthy and strong. She checked off each in her head making a few mental notes. She liked the fight both promised.

The necromancer’s eyes toured the pool of heat. The closer she got the more it was clear. Oh yes, of course. Male. She could see the increase of color in all the expected areas. For those who would feel slighted it is fair to say that had it been a female it would not take from the intense interest on Satine's part. She is always equal opportunity. There are a few minor but definite quirks a human must avoid bringing to the bargaining table. No stink or excessive sweat. If there was it must be clean. Like the kind one would get from riding a thrilling rollercoaster on a hot summer night. She believed no vampire no matter how ravenous they would be could have ever extended themselves to sink their fangs into Chester. Her reference for those two turn-offs. That man was rotten to his pathetic core and his socks. She saw it with her own eyes. The only exception to the above was if it was bleeding. When that took place she found she lacked control over what she did next.

Everything about this underground wall writer was setting the mood for her dining pleasure.The glow of possibilities continued to beckon her closer like a moth to the source of a flame. He was going to be such a lucky man. Her first. Maybe she would keep him. Maybe she would turn him inside out and create some wall art. So many ideas she had and it was still too soon to tell.

The sound of blood pumping strong and healthy through the chambers of the young heart was adding to the ambiance as Satine’s feet took a few more steps. She was delighted to claim all of this as cumulative signs that this was a perfect moment that called for the two drastically different paths to intersect. Of course it was. A press of her heel into the stone beneath it had her standing behind him viewing what was foreign to her in chalk. She reached down and pulled the lump of chalk that had been abandoned from the sludge that nearly swallowed it.

"I think you dropped something.” The chalk was in the pinch of her fingers. A bit unsavory in its coating of whatever that odor was but his chalk none the less. Satine extended it like an olive branch.
Doranis Gallant (DELETED 6826)
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Re: A beast is in the heart-(Doranis Gallant)

Post by Doranis Gallant (DELETED 6826) »

Doranis turns around slowly as he hears the woman's voice address him. He slowly examines her with his eyes before looking down at the chalk he dropped which was in her hand. He smiled at her and lifted a hand then gave a dismissive wave to tell her that he does not require it any longer.

Doranis turns back around to stare at his work of 'art' as he thinks to himself, 'What an odd place for a women like that to be. There is something to her that does not meet the eye, but what? There is just something I do not like about her..." Doranis peers over his shoulder every so often in order to keep tabs on her.
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Re: A beast is in the heart-(Doranis Gallant)

Post by Satine »

Satine watched the hand fan into a dismissive wave leaving her to hold the chalk instead of him. She looked down to its soiled shape and blinked. This was unexpected. Perhaps he was done with his work and now was not in need of it? Maybe he didn't appreciate the gesture of her fingers sinking into the sole deep sewage and retrieving it for him? People had serious issues in this city. Satine was in the top ten most likely but at that moment it didn't register with her. Not while she held a chunk of chalk in her hands that was not hers and did not get a basic thank you for the gesture. The necromancer didn't even want to guess what was coating it making it slick and slimy as she rolled her fingertips to get a better hold on it. Why was she still hanging on to it? Her face deadpanned.

"You could say thank you." Satine stepped forward as she flicked the lump of a writing tool over her shoulder. A soft clink and splash announced that she located another puddle without even looking. "And you are welcome."

With that said and done the hunger was rising. Satine was beginning to think this quick bite was going to take a little more time than she planned on. Everything lately was becoming just that. Taking far more effort and time than she counted on. that added to her irritation. Perhaps she needed to make this short and sweet. She was feeling her gut twist into knots. Why she felt that was a mystery. Wasn't that supposed to have died a while back?

Silver orbs climbed up the male's shape. The warm glow of his body gave her a colorful series of points where he was feeling the heat. The heat of her being there so close behind him? She was not entirely sure. He wasn't appearing to be nervous. She licked her lips slowly in thought as her foot clicked another step forward and her hand reached to the wall where the chalk still formed words, a language or some coded message she had never seen before.

"What is this?" One of her long nails scratched at the stone surface.

Satine was only slightly curious of the significance of what he wrote. The woman was listening to the rhythm of his strong heart. So much blood was coursing its way through those chambers and she was nearly swept away with the promise of what it could do for her.
Doranis Gallant (DELETED 6826)
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Re: A beast is in the heart-(Doranis Gallant)

Post by Doranis Gallant (DELETED 6826) »

Doranis turned around as the woman ask him about his artwork. He then gave a smile at her as well as a half-shrug as he continued to watch her. Something was odd about her, but he couldn't quite place what it was. Could he trust her? No. Was she a serious threat?... Doranis brought his hand to his chin as he thought about it for a moment. 'Hm, No idea' He thought to himself as he shrugged with one shoulder again.

He turned back around to review his artwork a bit longer before turning back around to the female. He took a step back nearly against the wall as he watched her, then cocked his head slightly and extended his arms to the sides in as if to ask her what she wanted.
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Re: A beast is in the heart-(Doranis Gallant)

Post by Satine »

Satine would have checked the time on her watch had she been wearing one. Fact was that she didn't even own one. Not like she really needed one anymore. She had all the time in the world to find a clock and figure it out if she had to still exist by some sort of routine beyond work and the basic things she accomplished in any given twenty-four hour period. Still the guessing between what the male inscribed in the fine white lines of chalk and what to do with him next since he was offering no clues was taking more time than she had. There was a meeting she was due to be at. Hopefully she would be able to tie up the one currently taking place involving her and the cryptic writer.

With a gradual tour of her eyes downward then back up it was decided that perhaps a more direct and to the point approach was called for. It would certainly bypass all this guessing as to what he was up to, feed her hunger that was now beyond ignoring and perhaps give her that unreachable rush that she had been fighting since she crawled out of bed and made her way down into the sewers to begin with. How was she supposed to function and focus through any sort of meeting like this? It was not going to be possible.

Satine glanced around and found there was no eyes lurking or sounds that would indicate they would be disturbed. If they were then she would have to deal with that if it happened to be. For now her mouth was filling with a lot of sharp points that had her jaws parting the cohesive position of her lips being closed. Her hands took to the warmth of each wrist that they formed around and tightened up. With no time left for her frayed patience and intense hunger she landed her bite right at that sweet spot that throbbed beneath the young smooth skin on his neck below the ear. for the newly turned necromancer the rewards of such a bold move far outweighed the possibilities of it all going wrong.
Doranis Gallant (DELETED 6826)
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Re: A beast is in the heart-(Doranis Gallant)

Post by Doranis Gallant (DELETED 6826) »

Doranis let out a high pitched whimper as the woman shredded the flesh on his neck. He broke from her grasp and turned around and looked at her with a sorrowful face. He reached up and ran his hand over the wound, then looked down at the blood before gazing back at her. He gave almost a sarcastic smirk and a shrug as if to ask her 'What the hell did you do?' before passing out and slamming his head against the cold wet walls of the sewers as his body collapsed.
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CrowNet Handle: Alice In Wonderland

Re: A beast is in the heart-(Doranis Gallant)

Post by Satine »

Satine barely had the time to sweep the warm sweet reward from her lips when the man released a high pitched noise of surprise. As soon as that happened his expressions were shifting from surprise to disappointment then a building smirk that was interrupted by a shrug that washed all the previous away. It was like a pedestrian signal working out whether she was to stay or go was on an instant fritz sending all sorts of messages. She was waiting to see what one took precedence above all the others. The tip of her tongue skated over the sharp points of her numerous fangs while the man finally made a final move.

A shrug presented from the quiet male’s taller frame and she blinked curiously. That was it? He was good with what happened? Satine shrugged nearly mirroring his movements. She couldn’t be entirely sure but she was feeling an expected connection where there was none before. Ground control may finally have reached Major Tom. Did she dare reveal this pleased her with the light play of a smile at her lips?

It was a brief relief to think that something so bold and less than appropriate in a warm blooded world was readily accepted. Perhaps this was a unique turn of events. Satine could only hope. and while she did that she savored the possibilities while her mind worked to figure out what next.The taste of him settled into the moist interior of her mouth behind her lips. Despite the unexpected response from the non-verbal male she knew then and there she would never forget him. Unfortunately there was the possibility it would be the same way for him. That wasn’t a good thing. Neither was the moment he passed out and made a whole lot of noise with his head bouncing on the stone wall on the way down to the sewer floor.

"I know we just met and all that but think we need to take this back to my place." Satine said it for the sake of common courtesy while she did what seemed to be how it worked. “So bear with me. Hope this inspires you.”

Her bare wrist went to her fangs and a quick tug had the flesh parting to reveal what she was still uneasy about parting with. The cool fluid pooled at the surface until the white flesh was nearly drowned in its color. That was probably enough. Why would she do this? Because it was done to her and she had no clue what happened when it happened so now she would know. Things worked out okay for her and Micah. Now she could offer this guy more of a life than scribbling on sewer walls with chalk. Her wrist stretched down and she began to squeeze what she had to offer from the fresh laceration into his mouth. The harder she worked the flow down her forearm to her wrist the more she gave to the unidentified mouth below it.
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