The 'them' she referred to were Doc and Dulce. The black mailer and the bird shooter. She shook with rage as images of her own first 'murder' flitted through her mind. She knew them well. All TOO well. Thrusting herself to her feet she knew before the thought was fully formed, of what she was going to do. Some may think it juvenile, but sometimes juvenile is exactly what is needed. A malicious smile spread across Sepsis's face, and she closed her eyes, concentrating.
In her mind's eye, she saw him. Doc. Carefully, she began to build the image, allowing it to traverse the Empty between them, and creep into his mind like an anesthetic. It all started...with a song...
"It must have been cold there in my shadow..."
Sepsis smiled as she allowed the song to flow from her mind..
"To never have sunlight on your face..."
Sepsis snickered as she imagined a Teddy Ruxpin sized bear slowly dancing into Doc's view, complete with satiny under garments, and a mysterious belly dancers veil covering it's face.
"You were content to let me shine, that's your way..."
Sepsis watched with glee as the bear began rubbing itself most inappropriately against Doc's leg. Lovingly. In a super creepy and disturbing way.
"You always walked a step behind..."
The bear put one finger to his mouth to strike a provocative pose, much like one would witness from the dancers at Silks.
That's when Sepsis allowed the 'dream' to take a lurid turn. Much to Doc's chagrin she could only hope. 'Teddy' began to gyrate. Thrusting his little bitty bear hips against Doc's leg with as much enthusiasm as a teenager experiencing their first sexual experience. Grabbing on to Doc's pant leg so he couldn't escape. trying to reach under the hem of his pants to fondle his kneecap while rubbing his plush butt trying to tempt the Doc.
Sepsis allowed the horror to continue for a few moments, before the chorus began...
"Did you ever know that you're my hero..."
Teddy began to spasm...
"and everything I would like to be..."
Stuffing began to poke its way through the bear's 'fur'..
"I can fly higher than an eagle..."
Sepsis could barely contain herself as the bear began spasming as if the throws of passion..
"Cause you are the wind beneath my wings..."
Laughter ripped uncontrollably from Sepsis as she envisioned the bear 'blowing his stuffing' all down the from of Doc's pants. Landing in a fluffy pile by his foot. Unable to contain her concentration any longer...the image faded, and Sepsis fell back into her chair, mad sounding giggles flitting through the air. "Take that!!" She thought to herself.
The black mailer was taken care of as far as she was for the bird shooter.
A short while later, and several hundred dollars lighter (damn informants!) Sepsis found herself pushing open the door to one of the seedier establishments of Harper Rock. Bars, in her mind, were all the same. Some had more bling, but they served the same gods. Booze, and the all mighty dollar. They had their uses though.
And this was one of those times.
Unseen, which was the one saving grace of these places, she made her way to the bar, hovering in the shadows where ever she could. She had been told her subject would be found in the company of a woman who always wore a white linen pants suit, Sada Abe. She did not know the woman herself, but sure enough...there she was. Dulce Periculum. The bird shooter. Freakishly tall this one the Amazon women of Greek mythology. Sepsis snorted under her breath, trying to be as invisible as possible. wouldn't do at all to let herself be seen. She had a present she wanted to share. One that had been terrorizing her. One that she would gladly allow to terrorize Dulce if it meant having a moments peace herself.
Slipping off the back pack she carried, she unzippered it, carefully pulling the doll from her bag. She eyed entity in her hands. Knowing it was not what appeared to be. HE was so much more.

Chester Bennington may appear to be 'just' a doll...but Sepsis knew better. He had been speaking to her for quite some time now, and had a knack for making even the undead be fearful of the shadows. She was quite certain he was possessed, and whomever, or WHAT ever it was, was not happy about it at all. Sepsis eyed Dulce one more time, almost feeling guilty for what she was about to unleash upon the woman...then decided she deserved every bit of it. Smiling maliciously, she settled Chester on the bar, facing Dulce and her company, before quietly making her way to the door. She wasn't worried about Chester finding his way home...
He always did.
Chester watched the pretty lady. He liked pretty ladies. Even BEFORE. He liked their screams. He liked their blood. He liked the way way their broken bodies looked when he displayed them for the world to see. The crazy one said he could play with the BIG woman before he came home...and he was going to do exactly that.
Turning his eyes to face the BIG woman, he 'spoke' to her...
"My mama said your insides are pretty....can I cut them out and see?"