Invite only
“She could be faking. Vampires can do that. They don’t breathe.” He pointed out the obvious before the other male grabbed a pen from his pocket and jammed it in Elizabeth’s left arm that was sitting next to her. She still failed to move. Not even a grimace of pain on her face, a jerk of her body, or an audible indication of discomfort and pain. “Happy?” He pulled the pen out and put it back in his pocket before going back to the EEG monitor he had been watching. “I know how to do my job; it's why they hired me. She doesn’t know what’s going on around her or what we're talking about. She’s been in deep sleep for hours.”
The other cautious male just nodded his head and waited to be told what to do by his senior supervisor. “We’re going to do a couple different experiments tonight. Hope you brewed some coffee.” The guy behind the machine said before he stood up, turned the computer to face Elizabeth, and moved back to the blonde woman. He grabbed an electric razor and shaved more shaved another inch or so of her long, blonde locks so he could move the electrode to the newest location. The more nerdier of the two men stared at the computer screen and then snapped his fingers together once in an excited fashion. “That’s more like it.” He said as slow, steady wavelengths started spewing in.
“You’re going to need to harness the specimen before we start. We’re going to eventually pull her from the controlled deep sleep she's in now, to a controlled light sleep. Should we bring her out too far though, she might wake up completely. Better to be safe than sorry.” His head nudged to a set of leather restraints for both her arms and legs. Then a strap that would be put across the woman’s midsection.
As the scientist's counterpart worked to secure Elizabeth to the gurney, he moved to a safe that needed a seven digit code to open it. It swung open and he turned back to the other guy and tossed him an unloaded gun, followed by a clip of bullets. “If that happens, shoot her. As many times as you can until the ***** is dead. There are other potentials out there.” He closed the safe and moved back to the computer. He turned it to face him with one hand, the other grabbing his Pepsi and taking a long swig of it.
“We’ll just monitor the specimen for now, until we attempt to trigger her abilities with different stimulation's.” He pressed a few keys on the keyboard, saving some images and uploading them to a file to study later with some other scientists.
The work in the garden has become endless as weeds are over running the grounds. She is hard at work, pulling weeds, planting various perennials she had bought from a local retailer. Elizabeth finishes planting a row of white daisies when her left eye starts to itch. She removes the gardening gloves from her hands, throws them aside to the ground and then rubs at her eyes. No matter how much she rubs at it, it still itches. Believing she has something in the eye, the woman stands up and moves to one of many fountains in the garden. She cups some water in her hands, tips her head backward and tries to pour the water in the eye. Once the water is drained from her palm, Elizabeth cups the closed eye and hopes this will stop the eye from itching. It does. But as she bends forward to her normal position something goes amiss. Both eyes reopen and her vision is not what it once was. She can only see out of one eye. Fingers go to the eye that had been bothersome to the woman, only to find that there is no eye there anymore. Frantic fingers pull at flesh around the eye as she blinks repetitively, hoping the eye has been there the whole time. She looks down in the fountain, but it isn’t there. She looks past the fountain to the ground around it and there, nestled in an overabundance of bright blue flowers is her eyeball. It is forgotten about, the flower capturing her complete attention as she whispers the word, ‘chicories.’