-x- Flat Line -x-

For humans to roleplay finding a sire, and becoming a vampire.
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Terithius (DELETED 6643)
Posts: 6
Joined: 25 May 2015, 06:49

-x- Flat Line -x-

Post by Terithius (DELETED 6643) »

--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

Leiren stood at a meager five foot four, a hundred and ten pounds, with the blown out blonde locks of a goddess. But her demeanor was no where near that. In fact she was pretty sure that there was no lower man on the totem pole. And while she had craved to be alone for years, now that she was alone it was almost painful. In fact the more she thought about it the more she wished that someone - anyone - had stuck around. But most of all she missed Wolfgang, even if he was a jerk. And married. And had a child. And and... that was hopeless. He was gone. That part of her life was over. Why she was thinking about him yet again as she walked down the street was beyond her. Playing how things ended over and over wasn’t fixing a god damn thing. Never mind that she’d lost every single one of her kids basically over him. Lost Amara over Mircea. Lost far too many people over... ********.

The petite woman sighed heavily and tilted her head to the sky. The moon was out at least, and she had a little to be proud of - her business was booming. Weed sold really well after all. And leir was pretty sure that life was eventually going to get better. She brought the cigarette to her lips, inhaling the sweet smoke, glancing around the transit. “One of these days, I’ll learn,” she whispered to herself as she exhaled.


Terithius was walking down the street, the blackness of the night soothed him. He held a joint in his mouth, taking occasional puffs from it. 6’1 and one hundred and forty five pounds. He stretched his arms out over his head and looked around. Ahead of him he noticed a woman standing on the side of the street smoking. He kept his head down and tried to avoid contact with her eyes. The cool breeze felt nice on his face. He cracked his knuckles above his head and yawned. “Should probably get rid of this…” He spoke silently. His joint was pretty much gone. He noticed a alleyway on the other side of the street. He ran across the street and continued walking. Once he reached the alleyway he walked over to a trash can and threw his joint in the trash. He leaned up against the wall and sighed. He reached for his wallet and pulled it out. “**** my luck…”. He was broke. He sighed and slouched down to the ground and sat there in silence, watching the stars overhead.


Leir had hardly noticed the other person, but that wasn’t unusual. There were enough people in the city that he smelled like the rest. A bit of sweat, a drop of shampoo, the soft hint of the smell of pot in the air, and blood. The basic smell of food. But she wasn’t hungry. However, Leiren was all for solving the world’s problems and slowly walked over towards him, offering him a cigarette, just sticking it out at him without a word, using her other hand to smoke her own. Her ocean colored eyes lifted to meet his with a title of her head in offering. And then they saw what he couldn’t see. Or at least she didn’t think he could. Honestly she’d never asked a human before if they could.. but the beast could see her and that was enough of a nightmare.

Quivering her hand she blinked and lowered her gaze, maybe if she couldn’t see it it couldn’t see her. Hell if she knew how this worked, but the only way she’d not get attacked and endanger the human was to act like she didn’t exist and hope it passed her by.


Ter slowly looked up at the woman, her gaze looking deep into him. He tilted his head lightly and reached out grabbing one of the cigs she had offered to him. He reached in his pocket and grabbed his lighter, lighting the smoke. He took a drag off it and looked at her and nodded. “Need something? Is this your alley?” He chuckled. He looked around him and yawned. He didn't know how to react to her presence so he stood up slow and held out his hand as a sign of thanks. He didn't know whether to look at her, look the other way, or what to do. Usually people had left him alone.


“Oh. No. You just looked like someone I remembered from some.. other time.” She made up the excuse, but actually he did look a little like her sibling. Amara would sweep this boy off his feet and turn him without a second thought. She just wanted to let him live his life and seriously not deal with this alpha fadebeast. She stuck the cigs back in her pocket and was grateful that the coat was long enough to cover the gun at her back and several rounds of ammo. “Actually, I was wondering if you would walk with me? I know i’m a stranger, but I think someone’s following me,” she said without missing a beat. Trying to form up some sort of get away plan without attracting the attention she didn’t want. Praying to whatever gods she could think of that it didn’t smell her.


Terithius nodded. “Well of course, if you’re kind hearted enough to give me a cig, i’ll beat someones *** if needed.” He smiled trying to be as friendly as he could. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his butterfly knife and slid it into his sleeve. He held his arm out and hinted at the woman to put hers through his. “I’m no threat.” He wasn't sure what to do. Not being good with social interactions and not being good with girls AND social interactions, tried to be as calm as he could. He pushed the hair out of his face and laughed lightly.


Swallowing a bit thickly she hooked her arm with his, plastering a smile on her face for him. She could be really charming, of course, but this guy seemed like he wasn’t doing great in general as far as interacting with her. His body language was all over the place, like he was trying to fake it, but she accepted it and moved on. “I need to go that way,” she pointed in the direction of the damn fadebeast that was blocking her path, really not happy this was going to be a thing. With every step closer to it, she was going to freak out a little bit more. It was too risky. It was. But she had to get home. She didn’t have a choice. Something in her gut tightened a bit, telling her this was a bad idea, but they could do it. If things got too hairy she’d just teleport him away and run off as fast as she could manage. Calming herself a little bit she spoke again. “That okay with you? I promise it’s just a few blocks.”


He tried to reach zen, he closed his eyes and listened around and calmed just a little bit more, he was no longer shaking and was trying his best to keep his composure. He opened his eyes and then smiled at her, trying to be as natural as he could. “Well of course not, whenever you need to be, I've got your back.” He tried to seem as calm as he could infront of her. She was gorgeous. Why would she have even approached him? Thoughts started running through his head but he stopped himself in thinking, “What could honestly happen?”. He started walking with her towards the end of the alley.


As Leiren’s eyes lifted to look upon the alpha she was pretty sure she knew exactly what ‘could’ happen. But could and would were two very different things and she hoped for the best. Even if it was naive. “Thanks,” she said softly. “I’m Leiren.” The blonde stated as the two walked ever close to the beast. Her eyes passed over every nook and cranny, but she tried not to make that obvious. She didn’t want him to know just how scared she was. Not just for her own life, but his. She knew for a fact that fadebeasts would attack humans. They were wicked powerful, too. And Alpha’s were the worst. Inadvertently her hand squeezed his arm slightly out of her fear.


He looked over at her as she squeezed his arm tighter and tilted his head lightly, thinking nothing of it, he continued on. “Terithius. Or Ter for short. Or whatever you’d like.” He gave a little chuckle and sighed quietly. In his mind he spoke, “Are you honestly trying? Quit, you're gonna make a fool of yourself.” Ter just kept walking, memories from a while back he had of his girlfriend he spent 2 years with came back and he sighed again. He loved her so much. She was an ungrateful ***** in the end though. Things were in the past, he stopped caring, the only thing that mattered was to get her home safe.


It took a lot for Leiren to be in such a close proximity to someone and not stick herself in their mind, but she was trying. Still the color change of her eyes was slowly creeping in, the oceanic color turning a glowy white as the color drained from them. She was seeing beyond, now. Using the Vathia to expand her conscious and use her powers to view the area from above. She wanted to know how close they were to it. That was all. But she bit off far more than she could chew. It -saw- her. And not with it’s eyes, with whatever fucked up senses it had. She could see it coming at them, she could watch it happen from afar, and she could watch her own face go into horror but she didn’t snap back from her viewing until it was already upon them. In that one instance it was like time had frozen. Her face turned to look at his, to see if he had the same horrific expression on it, and then blood erupted from her shoulder. The claw of the beast slicing through tissue and muscle, the wound only getting worse then the creature pulled it’s hand out of her and left her arm halfway hanging off. She screamed, she was sure of it, but it had already reached for her walking partner and life just got so much more ******* complicated. “TER!” Leiren called out. “RUN.”


Ter’s face changed from a face of calmness to a face of horror. His instinct was to run away from her, but the woman had her arm severed from her. He reached for her and attempted to grab her, only to be pushed 10 yards away by the beast, he smashed his claws through his chest and thrown into a wall. Ter slowly got up and started coughing up blood and clenching his chest tightly. “*******… CHRIST!”. He started moving slowly back towards her, he began to start running, spilling blood onto the ground and on his clothes as he went.
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Re: -x- Flat Line -x-

Post by Leiren »

--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

The blonde wasn’t doing well herself, being that he’d ripped her arm off, her shooting arm, she was practically useless. She ran towards him, her eyes bright with fear. Hands shot out and grabbed him, tugging him tight to her as she shrugged out of her coat. “Take the gun and shoot whatever you can at it. I can’t fire.” She used her good arm to move the gun off her back, the shotgun was enough to do -some- damage. “We gotta run a bit further. Just a little bit. You fire at it, I’ll do whatever I can.” Her eyes blazed white and she cast every spell she could think of at the beast. Knowing it was working, it was flailing in agony as she barraged it’s mind, but that only bought them enough time to run again.


Ter was weak, but he forced himself as much as he could. He aimed the shotgun, fire a burst of shots in the direction she said. “What the **** is going on!?”. His mind was racing but all that mattered was to try and get her home alive. Or.. Just even survive. That would be nice. His vision was blurry and the color had faded. Everything was either black or grey. Using all the shells she had given him he started moving back towards her, trying to move as quick as he could. “What needs to happen for **** sakes?!”.


“We can’t kill it!” She freaked out a bit more, and then she grabbed him and pulled him behind a dumpster, making him sit, to use the last of her power in a burst, shielding them two of them as energy hummed in the air in visible shimmers. Her eyes were going to be stuck white for a while, but she was out of anima, low on energy, and she still had to make sure they got somewhere actually safe. For now this would work, but the beast could break the shield and she’d be more screwed than she already was, bleeding all over the place while her human charge died before her. She leaned over him and placed her hand on his neck, taking his pulse, but the blood all over the place made it pretty damn obvious that he wasn’t ‘okay’. “Hey. Ter. Ter look at me. I need you to tell me if you want to live?”


Looked at her like she was insane, “What the hell do you think?! Of course I do!”. His mind was racing. His heart was pounding but was slowly fading. He was weak, but filled with adrenaline, making his heart race more causing blood to gush from his wounds. “I’m fading… Dammit we need to do something quick!”. He was on the verge of tears. He had only experienced this once, when he attempted to commit suicide. He slit his wrists and waited for it to end. His girlfriend at the time had found him and got him to the hospital before he had died. She was good for something at least. He was scared.


Leir didn’t need another prompt, but she felt so bad for all of this. And was going to feel worse about the next part, because there was only one way she could save him since they were too damn far from a hospital. “Then.. then I’m sorry.” She said and her fangs grew from her teeth and she made yet another wound in him, drinking the last of his blood that wasn’t draining all over the pavement. She had to make sure he was gone past the brink. That he’d die and come back. But she felt so bad about it now. Little pinpricks of tears falling down the apple of her cheeks. Speaking into his mind as she drank the rest of him to strengthen herself at the same time.

“I’m so sorry. So so so sorry. Please forgive me when you wake up. Please.” Leiren hadn’t wished for this life either, and she didn’t want him to get their curse, but in their family it was almost unheard of to not get it, so she just hoped for the best. When the last pulses of life were coming out of him she pulled away from her bite. Her lips moving to her own wrist, biting into that now, piercing her own flesh to drip her blood into his mouth and over his wounds. The curse would heal him, so long as he survived it and she hadn’t fucked it up. Her other hand worked his throat for him as blood poured forth to his lips and down his throat, making him swallow it, being able to watch him heal from her blood was something she’d never forget.


Ter tensed up and shouted when she bit down into his neck. “What the…!” He slowly started to fade, his life and memories flashing before his eyes. “So this is it… Its my last… Last moments… finally…”. A tear shed down from his eye. As he faded he slowly heard her in his mind. He couldnt reply. He had already faded. Her voice had soothed him and let him to rest. Or so he had thought.


She knew he was gone, or at least would be out for a while, if he did come back to life. But the blood from him was enough to heal her arm so it wasn’t actually falling off now. Just limp and basically useless. Finagling him a bit she used her super-human strength to pick him up on her back, covering her white dress in blood, but whatever. She’d just trash it later. Or burn it. Burning it was likely better. The going was slow but her boat wasn’t that far. The two could make it. The beast seemed to have caught attention to something else and she was glad for that. Her gun was likely lost, but she’d pick it up later if someone didn’t steal it.

Upon making it to the dock she entered her boat with the bloody corpse, it was hard to walk down the stairs, but she managed. She’d need new bedsheets too, she realized, as she half tossed him onto the mattress. She couldn’t actually see herself in the mirror, so she didn’t have any, but she knew she looked like hell warmed over. Sitting on the edge of the bed she used her last bit of mental strength to call her thrall to her. “Datura,” she breathed in a hoarse voice before she fell back next to the other and fainted.
.:: I'm Fine ::.
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