"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Doc: "Would it kill you to actually help me and not hinder me?" he sighed, "Never mind .. I will deal with it."
Dominique:: "What am I supposed to do? She was given the tour of the place and never returned."
Dominique:: She gave it some thought. "She perhaps isn't wanting to be with anyone but you...every think on that one?"
Dominique:: Nodded to herself. Seems Doc finally caught himself one that couldn't get enough of him. "She does seem to think a lot of you. You going to fault her on that?"
Doc: She did have a good point. But he wasn't going to tell her that. "I am ******* old."
Dominique:: "You took the chick down and hit her harder than any man likely had before. She got off on it and it made her see the end of her days. Give her time to let the 'oh-so-good' buzz to wear off. Pretty soon she will be back to bubble baths and toys. Until then be patient. Your rock star status will wind down. Trust me."
Dominique:: She winked at him. Poor Doc.
Doc: There was nothing he could say really. She was right. So he just glared at her.
Dominique:: At that moment she would have almost blushed in pride at her nailing that exchange with the infamous Dr. Charles Nilson.
Doc: His lips were pressed together in irritation, yet, her points were valid. He would have to construct a plan in dealing with China. He would dote on her, but in a decidedly fatherly manner, until it ******* annoyed her.
Dominique:: grins slowly. She couldn't be sure what he was thinking but she was taking a wild guess that whatever they had exchanged for words certainly served as some sort of food for thought. "I am glad we chatted."
Dominique:: Blinks. ."How about you?'
Doc: "Indeed." He was glad they chatted. "If you see her, Tell I came by to see her." He paused, "Did she leave clothes here?" if she did, he was going to take everything that remotely looked sexy with him and trash them. Protective attentive father.. step one.
Dominique:: Dominique stepped back. She nodded towards the room where the woman was supposed to stay but only managed to get as far as dropping off her stuff before likely chasing after his trail. "Yes. Follow me." She took the lead and guided him to the room where the finely crafted Finnish sauna was displayed. "Right there." She nodded towards the futon that barely peeked out from under the massive mountain of fabric. "She hasn't exactly unpacked."
Doc: Doc moved to the mound and started going through it. He tossed anything of a bright color or skimpiness into a pile. After a few moments, only a pile of dull grays, browns, blacks and dark blues. He gathered up the pile of bright colored clothes, and turned back to Minx. "Thank you. Tell her I found these clothes completely unsuitable for her."
Dominique:: Dominique looked at what was left. It certainly wasn't much. "I shall. I wouldn't want her to think they walked away on their own." She leaned over and hooked one item that sparkled and screamed for attention from the floor. It was a wisp of thing as she lifted it for inspection. "Uhm...need this too?" She narrowed her focus. "What the hell is it?" Her hand moved to drop it on the pile he held in his hands.
Doc: "Yes that too," He took it from her and looked at it. "What the ****.." His voice was soft and almost confused, "Who the **** wears a sequined thong?" he sighed. He was going to have his hands full with this one. "Do you have a bag I can have.." He wasn't about to go wandering through the city with a sequined thong on a pile of female clothes..
Dominique:: Dominique had a bag. She had the perfect one. She used it to carry larger items for delivery. No one questioned her while she had it. Who would? No one wants to ask to inspect the lumpy body bag she would push around on a cart while in buildings. When they started to she would just pull out a bogus blank toe tag that had yet to be filled out. "Cooler is waiting for this one. Waste my time and it will get ripe real quick." She pulled out the body bag from the closet. "This looks like it will work."
Doc: "Subtlety is lost on you isn't it?" Body bag or sequined thong, he ungraciously took the body bag. He sighed as he unzipped it and shoved the pile of clothes into the body bag. Once the offending clothes were now out of sight, he straightened. He looked at her directly. "Now.. we need to talk."
Dominique:: Subtlety was as lost on her as it was on him when it came down to the two of them in the same room. They lost the need for pleasantries or etiquette or the general boring and at times tedious effort of seeming civil. No, their history was of a whole different sort and it sure as hell was not going to change now. They were like a flame is to gasoline. Cut to the chase, get to the point and down to blood and fury if need be. It was questionable, unpredictable and more than either of them ever bargained for in the beginning. Time had not changed a damn thing either. Her dark eyes pinned on his in confirmation. “**** yes.” As for their need to talk. She was about to take a look at the animals and do a head count and text Kenlie when he said they needed to talk. Their need talk was usually serious. “About what?” She looked up at him as she passed by following him with her wide eyes as she found a wider space just in case since the hallway was a bit snug for both of them, the body bag and the topic he was bringing up in a serious tone.
Doc: "About why you let Carmen spiral out of control.. and about why You went along for the ride." He gave her that 'you fucked up and you know it look and now you get to pay the piper'. He moved to the front door and dropped the body bag by it and then turned to face her once more. "You've been there. You know how it fucks with your head. It twists your thoughts. You can come back twisted, or you can get stuck down there. And you let her run straight into it. What the **** were you thinking?"
Dominique:: Oh so that's it. She was going to get irritated really quick but caught herself before it took hold of her. No. It was what needed to change. There was nothing to gain by being in a face instantly. “Kenlie called me asked me to go down and see if I could heal Victor. I arrived at the bar and wasn’t getting an answer on what all was needed. Both were messed up pretty bad. I gave my word I wouldn’t get involved as the way things were. I didn’t say I would ignore Ms Leather and Mr Track & Field’s pack of henchmen starting **** with me. Even then I didn’t do anything except give the ***** what she was dishing out. I held my *** down on a chair and finished my drink the whole time. It was not easy either. There is some history there. It was when things went from nothing happening with a **** slinging fest to Kenlie pulling a weapon and the blur of weapons in return that I saw the point of holding back was not going to happen. ******* shot her up into a swirl of black.” Her jaw tightened. “I don’t sit and watch that happen. She was gone and I was not about to ******* let her go down alone. I dont know what the thing was about. I just know what happened when I was there and that was enough. Tell you what...” She sighed and caught her words so they came out as she intended. “No one there will think for a moment that hitting her will be accepted. You can be pissed off. I heard a lot before it happened. Some of it even left me thinking. Was not easy to hear. But **** anyone who puts a hand on her or harms her.” Yes, now she needed to calm down before her cold blood started to boil. “I went after her.”
Doc: He crossed his arms and listened to her as she spoke. By the biting tone of her words during certain aspects of her explanation, he knew she had tried her best to be an objective observer, a pillar of support as it were. He looked at her face, the soft youthful features. She was so young. She tried, she did. But she let Kenlie's death get the best of her. No. She let her emotions get involved, then she left Kenlie's death get to her. He gave her the benefit of every doubt. Had he been faced with that situation at her age, how well would he have handled it? He would have let the sibling die, with no problem. But he was a sociopath, and she wasn't. How was he going to get through to her? As he started to speak, it may seem like he didn't care that she tried; or that he gave her credit for what she did do. Now was not the time to be nice about it. She needed to listen, learn and understand. The only way he knew how to do that was to be cruel. "You are her older sister. You are the one that should set the example. What example did you ******* set?" His voice mimicked an airheaded attitude "Oh let's let our emotions get the best of us and lets die." He snorted. "How did that work out for you? Hmmm? Did she learn anything? Did you?"
Dominique:: She swallowed hard. It was that part of her that needed to change. How the hell was she supposed to do it though? It was like a regulator was missing or perhaps some wiring was off that would keep her weapons and her feet on the ground instead of diving at what was clearly challenging her. Kenlie had been the stronger one. She asked her to leave with her. Dominique turned away from Doc and stepped in a slow circle, one barefoot leading the other. Perhaps she was older by a few years but it seemed Kenlie was wiser in this after all. What had she really learned? Kenlie’s pain was always going to be a trigger. She allowed that to do just what she was attempting to prevent. that and the god damned pride she was cursed with. It cost her every damn time. Everytime she didn’t walk away she lost more than she bargained for. Her lips pressed together until she could feel the dull pressure build in the gums around her teeth. He was right. **** it. He was right. She fucked it up by not following Kenlie out the door. Her fingers combed back her dark hair and finally she looked up at him. “You are right.” She fucked up.
Doc: Her capitulation was the last thing he expected. He was ready for knock down drag out fight. But she capitulated. **** him. He did not expect that. It took the wind out of his sails. He took a deep breath and released it slowly. "Do you know where you messed up? It is important for you to recognize the point at which you snapped. Because that is the point that you need to recognize what you were feeling when it happened." He paused, the pause lengthened as he frowned and and finally told himself, he had to tell her the truth. "I am sociopath. Other's feelings do not affect me like they do you. You feel them deeply to the exclusion of your own feelings and to the exclusion of making non-emotional decisions. In that way I have the advantage. I see the situation without the burden of emotions getting in the way. You feel too deeply. You have to find a way to compartmentalize that emotion into the proper place, to give yourself time to see things logically." He sighed. "Where did you mess up?"
Nothing like a trail of blood to find your way back home
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Nothing like a trail of blood to find your way back home

Ego correctionis silentio grammatica tua
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Re: Nothing like a trail of blood to find your way back home
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Dominique:: Dominique struggled with this part. She saw a cloud of actions still combined together that breaking it down was nearly impossible for her. If she could be cold and give a **** less like he seem to have mastered it would be one thing but it was as simple as looking at her sister and it was like grip set in on her. She would fight because it was instinct to protect her. Instead of walking away she fed her to the mob circling. She would answer his question. She knew when. “It was a lot of points.” Her eyes twitched at recalling everything said and done. “It all escalated and finally exploded. I had no business there. She asked me to stay out of it.” that answer sucked and she knew it as soon as it was out there between them. The odds were off, the fight was a loss from the beginning and it was not hers. She let the things that were said, some of it painfully true, get under her skin. Her pride was again kicking her own *** and she couldn’t turn her cheek and walk away. Even if it was what was expected of her.
“I need to work on a few things.” She needed to be honest with herself. “Okay, I have a lot to work on. I will stay out of it. Kenlie and Victor will deal with it. I won’t give her the satisfaction of a repeat performance.” By her she meant Velveteen. She shrugged.
Doc: "Let's not get bogged down in everything at once. You're young. You've been thrown into world that meant you react instinctively or you die. It served you well while you were in that world. You are now in a new world. A new way of seeing and reacting is needed. You said you had no business there. That is wrong. You did. You were there to support your sister. I do not, and no one should fault you for supporting her. She asked you to stay out of it.. She should have stayed out of it. It was ultimately between Vel and Vickie. I will speak with her later.. right now. It's about your role.. and what it should be. How you should equate yourself while you are in that role.
Doc: He paused, "You do need to 'stay out of it'. But you have seen, first hand, how Carmen escalates in that situation. In this you two are very much alike. But you do not have the luxury of merely 'reacting' like Carmen. You have to lead by example. You need to learn to bite back that temptation to react. And when you see Carmen escalating. You need to get her the hell out of the situation. She will scream at you. She will hate you. But when she has calmed down, she will see the wisdom, of falling back in order to live to fight another day. She and Vickie are young and they both have a mouth that writes checks they cannot cash. In this new life.. It is put up or shut up.
"Vickie should have stood behind his words and taken what came. He didn't. Now He is labeled a ******* coward on parr with Robert Pratt. Who I might add is hated by 95% of our kind. He let everyone die for him, while he hid. That is what Vickie is being compared to. If he ever wants to hold his head up and be respected again, he needs to learn to shut his ******* mouth. And he if does speak.. he needs to stand behind his words. You and your sister, died for a coward. The two of you .. I hope will learn from this. Threats are not taken the same way in this life as they were on earth. Action and reaction. Do you understand?"
Dominique:: Dominique wasn’t exactly sure what the hell was going on that brought things up to the point that it did in the bar. Kenlie was defending Victor . What wife wouldn’t? Why victor wasn’t fighting was on his shoulders and in his head. The man had his reasons. She couldn’t stand in judgement when she crashed the party and got involved. She palmed her face and rubbed slowly. “I think I know how **** rolls with the fang bangers.” She mumbled but loud enough to be heard. She knew all too well. It took more than a year but she was finally getting it. “I could say next time I will be doing the turn the other cheek thing and asking Kenlie to leave the dance floor but she is going to have to make up her mind as is Victor. All I can do is say I won’t be cutting in.” She looked at him
Dominique:: “I am out of it. No need to worry if it will continue on my end. I have other **** to do and done enough damage.” She was done. She lost a good sword in the ice cube of a heart in the woman’s chest and she brought harm to Kenlie. That was more than enough ‘help’ on her part. “Next time I will be leaving when asked the first time.”
Doc: Doc almost growled in frustration, Yes in the previous event she should have stayed out.. but not always. He didn't want her to leave.. altogether. "I am not getting my point across correctly. Yes I want you to be there for your sister. I do not want you to leave her to the dogs. " he pinched the bridge of his nose. "What I mean is that YOU have think strategically. In that event.. you should have dragged her *** out and let Vickie be a man and handle his own ****; if she can't silently support him. There is something to be said about having support in sight. So No.. I dont want you leaving. I want you to be strong enough to watch her, help her if she's about to **** up.. and not let the emotions of the situation get to you. The two of you.. and the other spawns need to support one another. You all need to know you have each others back.. but when one of you starts to get emotional.. then another of you needs to step back and think logically and take control. And if you are the one taking control.. they should all defer to you. IF one of them is taking control.. defer to them. But if they support Yes support them. Just dont let them ******* die. CALL Me. I don't want to visit either of you in the SR again. But if someone starts **** with you.. I do not want you to lay there and take it.. I want you to strategically plot ******* death. You just need to realize plot their ******* death. You just need to realize that their death .. doesn't have to happen in that precise moment. Do you get it?"
Dominique:: She got that part. She eyed him quietly as it clicked. She spent a long damn time trying to do just that with him. Maybe that is where she was wrong. She didn’t think beyond the moment. Not at the bar and not the other times she was presented the moment to make a choice that could cost. “Revenge is a dish best served cold.” She was losing because she was getting caught in the heat of a moment. She continued to stare at him and absorbed the weight of her words along with his. “I get it.” She had an eternity to get it right.
Doc: He relaxed, "Good." Doc sighed to release the pent up frustration as he nodded slowly and again said "Good. We have time.” His words were said slowly and clearly, as to give them the emphasis they deserved, “ Time is the key. In our human lives, time was not a luxury. In this life, time is very much a luxury. We have time to watch our foes, slowly gather intel on them. Find their weaknesses, learn how to make them destroy themselves, without any outward aggression on our part. If we do it correctly,.. the majority of people will never know it was us. We will know.. and that is all that matters."
Dominique:: She didn’t take her eyes off him. She was fixated on his words and his face as he said them. Revenge. It was going to require more from her than she had at the moment to deliver it. It would require her to be patient,grow even stronger, cold, methodical and more like him than she had ever entertained the idea of being in the past. Would she be capable of doing all of the above to ultimately achieve it? Was she ready to do just that? She didn’t have to waste precious time debating it. Her mind was made up as the sayings go...’in a heartbeat and the blink of a human eye.’
“Agreed.” One word slid through her lips and it was both confirmation and a promise.
Doc: Doc visibly relaxed, he believed she did truly did get it. “You have the basics down. You gave me a ******* run for my money. You had your alternate plans in place. You may not have seen it, in a ‘revenge’ aspect. But you knew when to withdraw. You may not have always exercised that restraint, but when you were in the hospital you planned, and prepared. That is what I am talking about. You had to bide your time to wait for that optimum moment to act. If you acted too soon, you would have let the cat out of the bag and been screwed. You would have to come up with a new plan. But you didn’t. You watched and waited and used Michael’s weakness against him.” Doc smiled crookedly, as he remembered watching that video of Minx slamming Dr. Michael Porter’s head on the desk. He had been ******* furious at the time; but now.. thinking back, it was a moment of pride. She had what it takes and she did it. “And you were human then.. imagine what you can be capable of .. now.”
Dominique:: Yes. He was right. It was clear now. She lost because she let her guard down, got too emotional when she should have been digging in harder and getting deeper. She remembered everything. Each fail to get at him replayed back in her mind. the error in her ways was brought to light. As Dr. Porter’s first name was said she felt the pressure build in her tightening jaws. “Yes…” He was so right it was wrong.
Doc: “You have it in you to do this. Patience is not an easy virtue to learn.” He looked at her again, as she was. She was barely out of childhood. Yes she had lived a hard and fast life, she had street smarts that got her through things, but she was still a child. A child that grew up with the ‘must have it now’ attitude. There was no ‘time and hard work’ mantra fed to her or to anyone in her generation. Patience was going to be her achilles heel, if ever she had one.
Dominique:: “It will be.” She would feel the pleasure of serving that cold dish. She had the motivation to give its preparation all the time it needed to be perfect when it was finally presented. “I promise you that.”
Doc: Doc felt a tiny urge to hug her, but he resisted it. He just gave her this huge speech about not letting your emotions dictate your actions. He was not about to hug her. She wouldn’t want the hug anyway. At least that is what he told himself. “Alright. Good talk. Now I have to go burn some … thongs.”
Dominique:: She nodded and walked him to the door. Obviously he had some things to do, fires to start and general destruction to be handled elsewhere. “Here you go. Happy to donate to any good cause.” HOPE was slapped on the wrist by LESS and a lighter popped into the air for him to catch with one of his hands. Was it meant to slight Lennox? Not in the least. It was to encourage him to do what would be a wonderful invitation to find out just how riled up Lennox could get with him. He deserved anything that came to him as a result. He would learn eventually if he was playing with fire he could get burned. “Tell her I said hi.”
Doc: Doc caught the lighter with his left hand and grinned crookedly at her. “Oh I will..” Lennox started this game, and yes first round to her. Next round would be his. He uncharacteristically started to whistle as he sauntered out of her apartment, body bag of clothes over his right shoulder.
Dominique:: Dominique struggled with this part. She saw a cloud of actions still combined together that breaking it down was nearly impossible for her. If she could be cold and give a **** less like he seem to have mastered it would be one thing but it was as simple as looking at her sister and it was like grip set in on her. She would fight because it was instinct to protect her. Instead of walking away she fed her to the mob circling. She would answer his question. She knew when. “It was a lot of points.” Her eyes twitched at recalling everything said and done. “It all escalated and finally exploded. I had no business there. She asked me to stay out of it.” that answer sucked and she knew it as soon as it was out there between them. The odds were off, the fight was a loss from the beginning and it was not hers. She let the things that were said, some of it painfully true, get under her skin. Her pride was again kicking her own *** and she couldn’t turn her cheek and walk away. Even if it was what was expected of her.
“I need to work on a few things.” She needed to be honest with herself. “Okay, I have a lot to work on. I will stay out of it. Kenlie and Victor will deal with it. I won’t give her the satisfaction of a repeat performance.” By her she meant Velveteen. She shrugged.
Doc: "Let's not get bogged down in everything at once. You're young. You've been thrown into world that meant you react instinctively or you die. It served you well while you were in that world. You are now in a new world. A new way of seeing and reacting is needed. You said you had no business there. That is wrong. You did. You were there to support your sister. I do not, and no one should fault you for supporting her. She asked you to stay out of it.. She should have stayed out of it. It was ultimately between Vel and Vickie. I will speak with her later.. right now. It's about your role.. and what it should be. How you should equate yourself while you are in that role.
Doc: He paused, "You do need to 'stay out of it'. But you have seen, first hand, how Carmen escalates in that situation. In this you two are very much alike. But you do not have the luxury of merely 'reacting' like Carmen. You have to lead by example. You need to learn to bite back that temptation to react. And when you see Carmen escalating. You need to get her the hell out of the situation. She will scream at you. She will hate you. But when she has calmed down, she will see the wisdom, of falling back in order to live to fight another day. She and Vickie are young and they both have a mouth that writes checks they cannot cash. In this new life.. It is put up or shut up.
"Vickie should have stood behind his words and taken what came. He didn't. Now He is labeled a ******* coward on parr with Robert Pratt. Who I might add is hated by 95% of our kind. He let everyone die for him, while he hid. That is what Vickie is being compared to. If he ever wants to hold his head up and be respected again, he needs to learn to shut his ******* mouth. And he if does speak.. he needs to stand behind his words. You and your sister, died for a coward. The two of you .. I hope will learn from this. Threats are not taken the same way in this life as they were on earth. Action and reaction. Do you understand?"
Dominique:: Dominique wasn’t exactly sure what the hell was going on that brought things up to the point that it did in the bar. Kenlie was defending Victor . What wife wouldn’t? Why victor wasn’t fighting was on his shoulders and in his head. The man had his reasons. She couldn’t stand in judgement when she crashed the party and got involved. She palmed her face and rubbed slowly. “I think I know how **** rolls with the fang bangers.” She mumbled but loud enough to be heard. She knew all too well. It took more than a year but she was finally getting it. “I could say next time I will be doing the turn the other cheek thing and asking Kenlie to leave the dance floor but she is going to have to make up her mind as is Victor. All I can do is say I won’t be cutting in.” She looked at him
Dominique:: “I am out of it. No need to worry if it will continue on my end. I have other **** to do and done enough damage.” She was done. She lost a good sword in the ice cube of a heart in the woman’s chest and she brought harm to Kenlie. That was more than enough ‘help’ on her part. “Next time I will be leaving when asked the first time.”
Doc: Doc almost growled in frustration, Yes in the previous event she should have stayed out.. but not always. He didn't want her to leave.. altogether. "I am not getting my point across correctly. Yes I want you to be there for your sister. I do not want you to leave her to the dogs. " he pinched the bridge of his nose. "What I mean is that YOU have think strategically. In that event.. you should have dragged her *** out and let Vickie be a man and handle his own ****; if she can't silently support him. There is something to be said about having support in sight. So No.. I dont want you leaving. I want you to be strong enough to watch her, help her if she's about to **** up.. and not let the emotions of the situation get to you. The two of you.. and the other spawns need to support one another. You all need to know you have each others back.. but when one of you starts to get emotional.. then another of you needs to step back and think logically and take control. And if you are the one taking control.. they should all defer to you. IF one of them is taking control.. defer to them. But if they support Yes support them. Just dont let them ******* die. CALL Me. I don't want to visit either of you in the SR again. But if someone starts **** with you.. I do not want you to lay there and take it.. I want you to strategically plot ******* death. You just need to realize plot their ******* death. You just need to realize that their death .. doesn't have to happen in that precise moment. Do you get it?"
Dominique:: She got that part. She eyed him quietly as it clicked. She spent a long damn time trying to do just that with him. Maybe that is where she was wrong. She didn’t think beyond the moment. Not at the bar and not the other times she was presented the moment to make a choice that could cost. “Revenge is a dish best served cold.” She was losing because she was getting caught in the heat of a moment. She continued to stare at him and absorbed the weight of her words along with his. “I get it.” She had an eternity to get it right.
Doc: He relaxed, "Good." Doc sighed to release the pent up frustration as he nodded slowly and again said "Good. We have time.” His words were said slowly and clearly, as to give them the emphasis they deserved, “ Time is the key. In our human lives, time was not a luxury. In this life, time is very much a luxury. We have time to watch our foes, slowly gather intel on them. Find their weaknesses, learn how to make them destroy themselves, without any outward aggression on our part. If we do it correctly,.. the majority of people will never know it was us. We will know.. and that is all that matters."
Dominique:: She didn’t take her eyes off him. She was fixated on his words and his face as he said them. Revenge. It was going to require more from her than she had at the moment to deliver it. It would require her to be patient,grow even stronger, cold, methodical and more like him than she had ever entertained the idea of being in the past. Would she be capable of doing all of the above to ultimately achieve it? Was she ready to do just that? She didn’t have to waste precious time debating it. Her mind was made up as the sayings go...’in a heartbeat and the blink of a human eye.’
“Agreed.” One word slid through her lips and it was both confirmation and a promise.
Doc: Doc visibly relaxed, he believed she did truly did get it. “You have the basics down. You gave me a ******* run for my money. You had your alternate plans in place. You may not have seen it, in a ‘revenge’ aspect. But you knew when to withdraw. You may not have always exercised that restraint, but when you were in the hospital you planned, and prepared. That is what I am talking about. You had to bide your time to wait for that optimum moment to act. If you acted too soon, you would have let the cat out of the bag and been screwed. You would have to come up with a new plan. But you didn’t. You watched and waited and used Michael’s weakness against him.” Doc smiled crookedly, as he remembered watching that video of Minx slamming Dr. Michael Porter’s head on the desk. He had been ******* furious at the time; but now.. thinking back, it was a moment of pride. She had what it takes and she did it. “And you were human then.. imagine what you can be capable of .. now.”
Dominique:: Yes. He was right. It was clear now. She lost because she let her guard down, got too emotional when she should have been digging in harder and getting deeper. She remembered everything. Each fail to get at him replayed back in her mind. the error in her ways was brought to light. As Dr. Porter’s first name was said she felt the pressure build in her tightening jaws. “Yes…” He was so right it was wrong.
Doc: “You have it in you to do this. Patience is not an easy virtue to learn.” He looked at her again, as she was. She was barely out of childhood. Yes she had lived a hard and fast life, she had street smarts that got her through things, but she was still a child. A child that grew up with the ‘must have it now’ attitude. There was no ‘time and hard work’ mantra fed to her or to anyone in her generation. Patience was going to be her achilles heel, if ever she had one.
Dominique:: “It will be.” She would feel the pleasure of serving that cold dish. She had the motivation to give its preparation all the time it needed to be perfect when it was finally presented. “I promise you that.”
Doc: Doc felt a tiny urge to hug her, but he resisted it. He just gave her this huge speech about not letting your emotions dictate your actions. He was not about to hug her. She wouldn’t want the hug anyway. At least that is what he told himself. “Alright. Good talk. Now I have to go burn some … thongs.”
Dominique:: She nodded and walked him to the door. Obviously he had some things to do, fires to start and general destruction to be handled elsewhere. “Here you go. Happy to donate to any good cause.” HOPE was slapped on the wrist by LESS and a lighter popped into the air for him to catch with one of his hands. Was it meant to slight Lennox? Not in the least. It was to encourage him to do what would be a wonderful invitation to find out just how riled up Lennox could get with him. He deserved anything that came to him as a result. He would learn eventually if he was playing with fire he could get burned. “Tell her I said hi.”
Doc: Doc caught the lighter with his left hand and grinned crookedly at her. “Oh I will..” Lennox started this game, and yes first round to her. Next round would be his. He uncharacteristically started to whistle as he sauntered out of her apartment, body bag of clothes over his right shoulder.
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Re: Nothing like a trail of blood to find your way back home
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Lennox Tyler:: She had a long few days of training and all she wanted was to come home and relax. Yes, relax. A nice hot bubble bath to wash off all the blood and guts before crashing on the futon that would feel like a luxury king size bed compared to the hard bumpy floor of the caves. Stepping into one of the many doors that lead into the large apartment. Leaning back against the door and closing her eyes, she just wanted to take a minute to rest before she let the rest of the day melt away.
Dominique:: Hearing the door open and close was all it took for Dominique to jump from the white cloud of comfort on the bed beneath her. a serval darted under her moving feet and nearly tripped her as she navigated around the corner exiting the long hallway. She needed to catch Lennox and give her a heads up on who stopped by and left with his hands full. "Lennox?" She sensed it was the woman but if it wasn't well she was ready for that too. Her colorful digits pulled out a new sword from the wardrobe she passed along the way. She was done with the uninvited stopping by.
Lennox Tyler:: As her sister came stumbling around the corner and called out her name. Opening her eyes, she looked at her and lifted her head up off the door that she was leaning against. Eyeing the sword that was in her hand, she laughed. "I thought we weren't suppose to fight in the house. It's supposed to be a blood free zone."
Dominique:: Dominique felt the reminder of her own words coming back to haunt her. Lennox obviously had not heard or noticed she had been gone for a week. It was a good thing. She didn't feel like trying to explain who, where,when, why and how. that was Doc's deal. She was just the messenger of where her clothes went to. As for her willingness to have a weapon in her hand after having some rules pointed out...well that was simple. She wasn't too comfortable being without one so soon after having her *** handed to her. "Yeah, I know but had a really shitty week and not exactly sure it is going to improve. Some carry a rabbit's foot. I carry this lucky charm. Anyways, need to let you know your wardrobe didn't grow legs and walk out on it's own. Professor X was in the house. Said you were violating his uniform code or something like that. He wants to see you ASAP. I think DaddyWarbucks wants to take his girl shopping." Dominique couldn't resist. That will teach the man not to burn a woman's clothes.
Lennox Tyler:: Taking in her words she nodded. "Yeah...Professor X explained why you weren't home. Sounded like a big clusterfuck and he doesn't really want me to get involved but I hope the wuss starts to deal with his own issues. I'm going to get pissed if you and Kenlie keep dying." She shook her head and pushed off from the door, her opinions where going to get her involved so she decided to shut the **** up before the sword was used on her. "It looks like a good sword so it should be pretty lucky. Better than my piece of **** but it still gets the job done." As her feet began to carry her towards her assigned bedroom, she turned as Dominique began to talk about her wardrobe. "What? He never gave me a damn dress code." She groaned as she remember the incident at the Arabian Nights party and rolled her eyes. "Damn it. Over protective asshole. I don't really own anything but t-shirts and jeans. How in the hell is that even thought to be scandalous." She nodded her head. "Oh he's going to take me shopping alright even it if kills him."
Lennox Tyler:: She had a long few days of training and all she wanted was to come home and relax. Yes, relax. A nice hot bubble bath to wash off all the blood and guts before crashing on the futon that would feel like a luxury king size bed compared to the hard bumpy floor of the caves. Stepping into one of the many doors that lead into the large apartment. Leaning back against the door and closing her eyes, she just wanted to take a minute to rest before she let the rest of the day melt away.
Dominique:: Hearing the door open and close was all it took for Dominique to jump from the white cloud of comfort on the bed beneath her. a serval darted under her moving feet and nearly tripped her as she navigated around the corner exiting the long hallway. She needed to catch Lennox and give her a heads up on who stopped by and left with his hands full. "Lennox?" She sensed it was the woman but if it wasn't well she was ready for that too. Her colorful digits pulled out a new sword from the wardrobe she passed along the way. She was done with the uninvited stopping by.
Lennox Tyler:: As her sister came stumbling around the corner and called out her name. Opening her eyes, she looked at her and lifted her head up off the door that she was leaning against. Eyeing the sword that was in her hand, she laughed. "I thought we weren't suppose to fight in the house. It's supposed to be a blood free zone."
Dominique:: Dominique felt the reminder of her own words coming back to haunt her. Lennox obviously had not heard or noticed she had been gone for a week. It was a good thing. She didn't feel like trying to explain who, where,when, why and how. that was Doc's deal. She was just the messenger of where her clothes went to. As for her willingness to have a weapon in her hand after having some rules pointed out...well that was simple. She wasn't too comfortable being without one so soon after having her *** handed to her. "Yeah, I know but had a really shitty week and not exactly sure it is going to improve. Some carry a rabbit's foot. I carry this lucky charm. Anyways, need to let you know your wardrobe didn't grow legs and walk out on it's own. Professor X was in the house. Said you were violating his uniform code or something like that. He wants to see you ASAP. I think DaddyWarbucks wants to take his girl shopping." Dominique couldn't resist. That will teach the man not to burn a woman's clothes.
Lennox Tyler:: Taking in her words she nodded. "Yeah...Professor X explained why you weren't home. Sounded like a big clusterfuck and he doesn't really want me to get involved but I hope the wuss starts to deal with his own issues. I'm going to get pissed if you and Kenlie keep dying." She shook her head and pushed off from the door, her opinions where going to get her involved so she decided to shut the **** up before the sword was used on her. "It looks like a good sword so it should be pretty lucky. Better than my piece of **** but it still gets the job done." As her feet began to carry her towards her assigned bedroom, she turned as Dominique began to talk about her wardrobe. "What? He never gave me a damn dress code." She groaned as she remember the incident at the Arabian Nights party and rolled her eyes. "Damn it. Over protective asshole. I don't really own anything but t-shirts and jeans. How in the hell is that even thought to be scandalous." She nodded her head. "Oh he's going to take me shopping alright even it if kills him."
-x- K I L L E R -x-
-x- Enigma -x- d'Artois -x-

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-x- Enigma -x- d'Artois -x-

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Re: Nothing like a trail of blood to find your way back home
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Dominique:: Dominique wondered if Lennox missed the memo on the whole thing about no pulse and all that usually qualifies a person to have a life left to lose. "Uhm, yeah. Well, the thing is I can't die again. I can have my *** kicked, my weapon break and basically be tossed into hell...which I will inform you it is. But at this point I don't care what anyone says you die once. Just like you have one cherry to lose. After the first time no matter how much we crawl back out of there like cockroaches or the hymen grows back we are never having it happen for the first time again. Some **** you can't ignore. It happens...it is history. Done deal. So, that being said on to the shitty sword trouble you are having. Tell him to swing you by the Forge after shopping." Yes, Doc was going to be so happy.
Dominique:: "Those were your clothes on the futon in that room right?" She figured she would ask now that the woman mentioned wearing jeans and t-shirts. She didn't recognize any of the items in the pile Doc hauled off so it sure as hell wasn't anything she owned. She glanced Lennox over slowly then looked down at her cargo short shorts and predictable logo tank that sported the message "I am BATGIRL". The only thing Dominique saw wrong with the ensemble she had on was she was missing her Yoda slippers. She shot a look to Vader who moved out of the room as if he was found guilty of something.
Lennox Tyler:: "I don't know how it all works...I just know that things are different in this life. There is just a lot to learn and remember." She groaned as she looked back toward her bedroom door and then back to her sister and nodded. "Yes, that was my stuff. Did he seriously go through all of it?" She could only imagine the reaction that he would have as he would come across different outfits that she had. Yes she mainly wore jeans and t-shirts but she knew there were other items that would get stolen away. He was trying to get her attention but was he really prepared for how he got her attention. It was a good excuse to go shopping and if he wanted to play this game...well it was a good thing that she will be getting her trust fund once her parents donated it to the labs. Smirking at the shirt that Dominique was wearing. "Love the shirt, by the way." She turned back toward the door, not caring if she had blood stains or gut bits dried somewhere on her clothes. "I probably go and get my clothes back."
Dominique:: Dominique nodded at the plan of going to get her clothes back. She was all too eager to lead Lennox to the door and open it for her. "Yes, you really should." She emphasized her agreement with a gentle pat to her shoulder. "You establish boundaries from the start and demand full compensation and extra for inconvenience. If you don't do that you may find him climbing in your window, following you on dates and reading your mail before you get a chance to open it. I would send you off with a pair of big girl panties to support the cause but I don't have any in the house. I am a firm believer if you go commando you have nothing to worry about losing." She opened the door. "Go get 'em tigress!"
Lennox Tyler::Dominique seemed a little too happy to lead her towards the door. Maybe she had a date coming over and she was unexpectedly crashing it. As she heard each word that was said, she couldn't help. No, it wasn't a date, she wanted to see the come of one of the newest sisters going head to head with their creator. "Oh I don't need big girl panties, I can handle this issue just fine without them and he's going to know it." She stepped through the door as Dominique opened it. "Thanks Minx." She quickly made her way to the elevator and shot off a text to Doc.
Dominique::Dominique held the door open until Lennox was safely through the frame. She watched the woman head to the elevator. "You are welcome." Slowly her hand closed the door until it was finally shut. She smirked until she looked down at her bare feet. Now just where the hell did her slippers go? Earlier there there was a bull terrier walking around looking guilty. "Vader!" She knew it couldn't be Rufus. He was still having a hard time giving up his fixation on leather shoes
Dominique:: "Those were your clothes on the futon in that room right?" She figured she would ask now that the woman mentioned wearing jeans and t-shirts. She didn't recognize any of the items in the pile Doc hauled off so it sure as hell wasn't anything she owned. She glanced Lennox over slowly then looked down at her cargo short shorts and predictable logo tank that sported the message "I am BATGIRL". The only thing Dominique saw wrong with the ensemble she had on was she was missing her Yoda slippers. She shot a look to Vader who moved out of the room as if he was found guilty of something.
Lennox Tyler:: "I don't know how it all works...I just know that things are different in this life. There is just a lot to learn and remember." She groaned as she looked back toward her bedroom door and then back to her sister and nodded. "Yes, that was my stuff. Did he seriously go through all of it?" She could only imagine the reaction that he would have as he would come across different outfits that she had. Yes she mainly wore jeans and t-shirts but she knew there were other items that would get stolen away. He was trying to get her attention but was he really prepared for how he got her attention. It was a good excuse to go shopping and if he wanted to play this game...well it was a good thing that she will be getting her trust fund once her parents donated it to the labs. Smirking at the shirt that Dominique was wearing. "Love the shirt, by the way." She turned back toward the door, not caring if she had blood stains or gut bits dried somewhere on her clothes. "I probably go and get my clothes back."
Dominique:: Dominique nodded at the plan of going to get her clothes back. She was all too eager to lead Lennox to the door and open it for her. "Yes, you really should." She emphasized her agreement with a gentle pat to her shoulder. "You establish boundaries from the start and demand full compensation and extra for inconvenience. If you don't do that you may find him climbing in your window, following you on dates and reading your mail before you get a chance to open it. I would send you off with a pair of big girl panties to support the cause but I don't have any in the house. I am a firm believer if you go commando you have nothing to worry about losing." She opened the door. "Go get 'em tigress!"
Lennox Tyler::Dominique seemed a little too happy to lead her towards the door. Maybe she had a date coming over and she was unexpectedly crashing it. As she heard each word that was said, she couldn't help. No, it wasn't a date, she wanted to see the come of one of the newest sisters going head to head with their creator. "Oh I don't need big girl panties, I can handle this issue just fine without them and he's going to know it." She stepped through the door as Dominique opened it. "Thanks Minx." She quickly made her way to the elevator and shot off a text to Doc.
Dominique::Dominique held the door open until Lennox was safely through the frame. She watched the woman head to the elevator. "You are welcome." Slowly her hand closed the door until it was finally shut. She smirked until she looked down at her bare feet. Now just where the hell did her slippers go? Earlier there there was a bull terrier walking around looking guilty. "Vader!" She knew it couldn't be Rufus. He was still having a hard time giving up his fixation on leather shoes
- Registered User
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- Joined: 01 Nov 2014, 02:03
- CrowNet Handle: China Doll
Re: Nothing like a trail of blood to find your way back home
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Lennox Tyler: [text] "So where are you because we need to have a talk."
Doc: *text* I'm working. What's up?
Lennox Tyler: [text] What do you think is up? Which building are you at?
Doc: *Text* No idea. Starlight.
Lennox Tyler: [text] You don't know what building you're at? I didn't think Alzheimer's was possible for vampires.
Doc: *Text* You asked 'what do you think is up' I answered No idea. You asked 'what building' I said starlight.. if anyone is having issues my dear.. I think it may be you. Since you obviously do not remember the questions you asked.
Lennox Tyler: [Text] You know...you are just playing coy and I will be right there.
Doc: *text* No. I was answering your questions.
Lennox Tyler: [text] I get you were answering my questions. We are going to talk. Texting is not going to be suitable.
Doc: *text* Alright.
Lennox Tyler: Putting the phone in her pocket, she rushed to where he was working. She wasn't going to waste time but if he was going to continue to stall...she would purposely go shopping and buy anything that would make him disagree, forcing him to talk with her. Pushing through the doors, she went to his office first to see if he was there. "Charles?!" She never used his actual name, it was much more fun to use his nickname but she was in a serious mood.
Doc: Doc was in the in back office, and he heard her call out 'Charles' instead of her customary 'Professor X', he had to hide smirk. She was annoyed. Good. He never looked up as he continued to type. "Yes."
Lennox Tyler: Turning toward the sounds of his voice, she stormed up to him. "Okay...the party was one thing but to come in where I live...where are they?"
Doc: He never looked up. "Burned them."
Lennox Tyler: Her eyes went wide and she just stared at him. Burned them. Why in the **** would he burn them. She scoffed at him as finally spoke. "Why would you burn them? They are no where near to comparison to what I wore at the party."
Doc: He shrugged apathetically, "Since you apparently like looking like a cheap easy lay.. burned them.. now you have a good excuse to go wild and slutty." He looked at a book and then back at the screen, "Just helping you feel fulfilled.. " His tone mostly distracted.
Lennox Tyler: "It was one outfit and it was a party. If you didn't want me to participate, you should have left out the costume and theme part of the invitation." She stepped closer to his desk. "Fulfilled...out of all that time you spent with me. All those months..." She grew annoyed with his distracted tone and his desire to continue working. She reached over, smacked his hand away only to press Ctlr + S to save his work before pulling the power cord from the back of the computer. "You clearly don't know me like I had thought."
Doc: "No I clearly do not." his tone droll as he sighed and drummed his fingers on his now useless keyboard. However she could not stop his thought process, which continued on in the theme that he had been typing.
Lennox Tyler: "Clearly." She took a seat across from him. "You never had issues with how I dressed before. What suddenly changed because if you are going to keep burning my clothes...you are going to be the one buying them from now on. What is going on with you?"
Lennox Tyler: [text] "So where are you because we need to have a talk."
Doc: *text* I'm working. What's up?
Lennox Tyler: [text] What do you think is up? Which building are you at?
Doc: *Text* No idea. Starlight.
Lennox Tyler: [text] You don't know what building you're at? I didn't think Alzheimer's was possible for vampires.
Doc: *Text* You asked 'what do you think is up' I answered No idea. You asked 'what building' I said starlight.. if anyone is having issues my dear.. I think it may be you. Since you obviously do not remember the questions you asked.
Lennox Tyler: [Text] You know...you are just playing coy and I will be right there.
Doc: *text* No. I was answering your questions.
Lennox Tyler: [text] I get you were answering my questions. We are going to talk. Texting is not going to be suitable.
Doc: *text* Alright.
Lennox Tyler: Putting the phone in her pocket, she rushed to where he was working. She wasn't going to waste time but if he was going to continue to stall...she would purposely go shopping and buy anything that would make him disagree, forcing him to talk with her. Pushing through the doors, she went to his office first to see if he was there. "Charles?!" She never used his actual name, it was much more fun to use his nickname but she was in a serious mood.
Doc: Doc was in the in back office, and he heard her call out 'Charles' instead of her customary 'Professor X', he had to hide smirk. She was annoyed. Good. He never looked up as he continued to type. "Yes."
Lennox Tyler: Turning toward the sounds of his voice, she stormed up to him. "Okay...the party was one thing but to come in where I live...where are they?"
Doc: He never looked up. "Burned them."
Lennox Tyler: Her eyes went wide and she just stared at him. Burned them. Why in the **** would he burn them. She scoffed at him as finally spoke. "Why would you burn them? They are no where near to comparison to what I wore at the party."
Doc: He shrugged apathetically, "Since you apparently like looking like a cheap easy lay.. burned them.. now you have a good excuse to go wild and slutty." He looked at a book and then back at the screen, "Just helping you feel fulfilled.. " His tone mostly distracted.
Lennox Tyler: "It was one outfit and it was a party. If you didn't want me to participate, you should have left out the costume and theme part of the invitation." She stepped closer to his desk. "Fulfilled...out of all that time you spent with me. All those months..." She grew annoyed with his distracted tone and his desire to continue working. She reached over, smacked his hand away only to press Ctlr + S to save his work before pulling the power cord from the back of the computer. "You clearly don't know me like I had thought."
Doc: "No I clearly do not." his tone droll as he sighed and drummed his fingers on his now useless keyboard. However she could not stop his thought process, which continued on in the theme that he had been typing.
Lennox Tyler: "Clearly." She took a seat across from him. "You never had issues with how I dressed before. What suddenly changed because if you are going to keep burning my clothes...you are going to be the one buying them from now on. What is going on with you?"
-x- K I L L E R -x-
-x- Enigma -x- d'Artois -x-

-x- Deadpool -x-
-x- Enigma -x- d'Artois -x-

-x- Deadpool -x-
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Re: Nothing like a trail of blood to find your way back home
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Doc: His lips were pressed into a grim and firm line. "What is going on with me? My spawn shows up in next to nothing.. flaunting that fact, at a party where I know everyone. You have never dressed like before. I had no inclination to believe you would then. But I was wrong. And don't even play the, it was a party.. line. Because I find that more insulting. I wanted to introduce you to people. But then you arrived like that. " He sighed, "But you're right its clear I don't know the real you. I expected better."
Lennox Tyler: "I dress like that one time since I have been turned and you act as if the world is coming to an end. I for one would have thought that you would have been pleased to see how I have grown since I was turned. I have killer muscles and I'm strong for being a young vampire. That would be something to show off and be proud of." She got to thinking of her clothing and she didn't dress slutty unless she cosplayed but she was glad that she had those costumes all in storage because she would nearly be moved to tears if it wasn't for the fact that it was hard for her to feel most emotions now days. She was still getting used to the change.
Doc: 'Yes the one time I wanted show you off. I wont make that mistake again."
Lennox Tyler: "I wasn't the only one dressed like that. In fact, Mortie has less on than I did and I don't see you burning her clothes. What is the difference? I am dressed properly every time other than this one and many people have seen me. Family, strangers and now..." She gritted her teeth and stood up, holding her hand out to him. "Give me your credit card., please."
Doc: Doc reached into his wallet and gave it to her, "Are we done now?"
Lennox Tyler: Lennox reached out and took the card. "What's the credit limit?"
Doc: "Don't worry about it.. it's not you are suddenly going to at any rate."
Lennox Tyler: The one emotion that she seemed like she could feel was anger and he was sitting here acting as if she was going to sell herself on the corner. A low but quick growl slipped from her as she bit back the verbal sound of anger and frustration. "Now you listen here and you listen good. I have never been a hooker and I never will be. The next person that says otherwise will get shot. My traditional outfits are jeans and t-shirts and then business suits for work. Colorful or not, they are still conservative and I am who I am. If you have a problem then talk to me like an adult, don't act like a child and burn what you hate."
Doc: He dispassionately looked at her and sighed in a long suffering manner, "I am not the one ranting. I gave you my card. What more do you want?"
Lennox Tyler: "To talk with me instead of burning my ****." She scoffed and turned toward the door, Taking a few steps toward the door, she looked back at him. "Maybe try not acting like a jealous boyfriend or over protective father...my response might get better."
Doc: Doc waved bu-bye. Stood up and plugged his computer back in.
Lennox Tyler: Watching him as he waved and proceeded to plug his computer back in, she scoff and marched out the door. She was going to text Mortll.
Doc: He started working on his grant proposal once more.
Doc: His lips were pressed into a grim and firm line. "What is going on with me? My spawn shows up in next to nothing.. flaunting that fact, at a party where I know everyone. You have never dressed like before. I had no inclination to believe you would then. But I was wrong. And don't even play the, it was a party.. line. Because I find that more insulting. I wanted to introduce you to people. But then you arrived like that. " He sighed, "But you're right its clear I don't know the real you. I expected better."
Lennox Tyler: "I dress like that one time since I have been turned and you act as if the world is coming to an end. I for one would have thought that you would have been pleased to see how I have grown since I was turned. I have killer muscles and I'm strong for being a young vampire. That would be something to show off and be proud of." She got to thinking of her clothing and she didn't dress slutty unless she cosplayed but she was glad that she had those costumes all in storage because she would nearly be moved to tears if it wasn't for the fact that it was hard for her to feel most emotions now days. She was still getting used to the change.
Doc: 'Yes the one time I wanted show you off. I wont make that mistake again."
Lennox Tyler: "I wasn't the only one dressed like that. In fact, Mortie has less on than I did and I don't see you burning her clothes. What is the difference? I am dressed properly every time other than this one and many people have seen me. Family, strangers and now..." She gritted her teeth and stood up, holding her hand out to him. "Give me your credit card., please."
Doc: Doc reached into his wallet and gave it to her, "Are we done now?"
Lennox Tyler: Lennox reached out and took the card. "What's the credit limit?"
Doc: "Don't worry about it.. it's not you are suddenly going to at any rate."
Lennox Tyler: The one emotion that she seemed like she could feel was anger and he was sitting here acting as if she was going to sell herself on the corner. A low but quick growl slipped from her as she bit back the verbal sound of anger and frustration. "Now you listen here and you listen good. I have never been a hooker and I never will be. The next person that says otherwise will get shot. My traditional outfits are jeans and t-shirts and then business suits for work. Colorful or not, they are still conservative and I am who I am. If you have a problem then talk to me like an adult, don't act like a child and burn what you hate."
Doc: He dispassionately looked at her and sighed in a long suffering manner, "I am not the one ranting. I gave you my card. What more do you want?"
Lennox Tyler: "To talk with me instead of burning my ****." She scoffed and turned toward the door, Taking a few steps toward the door, she looked back at him. "Maybe try not acting like a jealous boyfriend or over protective father...my response might get better."
Doc: Doc waved bu-bye. Stood up and plugged his computer back in.
Lennox Tyler: Watching him as he waved and proceeded to plug his computer back in, she scoff and marched out the door. She was going to text Mortll.
Doc: He started working on his grant proposal once more.

Ego correctionis silentio grammatica tua
IC Forum username: That Guy
Dressed by Ariadne