To: Ahab
From: Music@Midnight
Guten Abend! I hope you do not mind such a personal message. But I was wondering if you had any thoughts on the matter in the conspiracy forum, other than that I am an Alien. :)
To: Music@Midnight
From: Ahab
Well, the thing starts off saying the city is ran by vampires so I'm dubious right off the bat. Aliens I would buy, vampires? Not so much. I bet they got an alien ship in that quarantine zone though. Harper Rock is going to be like Area 51!
To: Ahab
From: Music@Midnight
Well, I do live in the flats in the QZ so... now I have to kill you for finding my secrets!
Kidding. I honestly don't believe the hype. The cops are trigger happy, there's a super high crime rate and wild animals roam the city. It is almost as if Harper Rocker is trying to become the new Australia where everything tries to kill you.
To: Music@Midnight
From: Ahab
I thought the military was trying to evacuate there but weren't finding people. Must be hard to get supplies and groceries there isn't it?
To: Ahab
From: Music@Midnight
I think they were trying at one point. And there has even been talk of leveling the entire place, but the Corvidae Flats is very modern and nice looking. Well, except the lobby, talk about crazies. As for groceries, as long as I have my coffee I'm good. The rest, well I can grab a bite at Lancaster's any time, so that solves that issue. Have you been to the QZ?
To: Music@Midnight
From: Ahab
Me? Oh no. I try and stay away from alien crash sites, marauding animals and death cults personally. I have heard Lancaster's is a nice place though.
To: Ahab
From: Music@Midnight
Death cults? I do not think I have seen any of those. Nor have I seen many animals. At least not there. And yes, Lancaster's is wonderful. It is sort of like an Irish pub. He has it pretty accurate, which is impressive since he is Australian. Any ways, you should drop in some time. Elliot is quite wonderful and the food is rather good.
Area 51 (Trahir)
- Registered User
- Posts: 687
- Joined: 30 Jun 2014, 22:42
- CrowNet Handle: Music@Midnight
Area 51 (Trahir)
Banner by Flynn
- Trahir Trahison
- Registered User
- Posts: 762
- Joined: 16 Apr 2015, 19:09
- CrowNet Handle: Ahab
- Location: Looking over your shoulder
Re: Area 51 (Trahir)
To: Music@Midnight
From: Ahab
Ah ha! You haven't seen death cults or marauding animals, but no mention of aliens ;)
What are your thoughts on the post? You think vampires are real and little fracture things are making them stronger?
To: Ahab
From: Music@Midnight
I am an alien, remember. German and all that. ;)
As for the post? I think it is, how does that saying go? 'Sniffing glue'? I think someone is very bored. Logically speaking, if these rift things were opening in the city, and if there were vampires, and if they were all getting stronger, does it not make sense that more would be said? It does not seem to me that it is something that could be kept quiet beyond the one single post.
What do you think?
To: Music@Midnight
From: Ahab
I think that the guy who wrote the post will likely be suggesting we drink the kool-aid in the near future and that he probably is sitting in his mother's basement wearing a South Park t-shirt and a tinfoil hat tbh.
I haven't seen anything to do with vampires or fractures, heard of both but haven't seen a thing. I'm more interested in what happens in that QZ. Can you tell me anything about it?
To: Ahab
From: Music@Midnight
Again with Kool-Aid and tinfoil. Is Kool-Aid such a great thing as to be obsessed over?
As for the QZ, there is a lot I can say on it, but not without sounding totally crazy. And I try not to sound crazy to complete strangers.
To: Music@Midnight
From: Ahab
I think its fine to sound crazy to complete strangers personally. Much better than sounding crazy to people who know you well enough to commit you to an asylum. Sounding crazy to strangers in much safer. :)
Go ahead, sound crazy, I'd really like to know what is going on in there.
To: Ahab
From: Music@Midnight
Yes, icky. And yes, the sewers is pretty much the only way to get there, hence icky. There are these little pathways to keep out of the muck. But then you have to contend with these naked, tattooed people. And the not so naked, heavily armed ones. And no they are not military.
Crazy enough for you?
If it's not, I picked up a prepaid phone and I'm including the number so if you want to talk more, well we can without me wondering if I am wandering off to meet an axe murderer with an alien fetish.
Trahir: What the hell was a cop doing shooting at people up on the 12th floor of Veil Tower? Had he been careless and brought the attention of the law upon himself? No. He had been careful not to be followed home. Perhaps Corentine had attracted some unwanted attention. Regardless, Trahir would have to get a new uniform at work to replace the one he was wearing when he was hit. In the meantime he ducks into an alley and strips down, pulling his street clothes out of his duffle bag and changing quickly.
It was turning out to be one of those nights. Opening the door onto a police action resulting in stray bullets pelting his gut and leg as he dove for the hallway, for cover. He felt the damn thing strike and glance off his femur. A beautiful start. He managed to make his way to the lobby and flee into the night without further incident but he was going to have to wait out the injuries a couple nights before heading back, just in case there were questions. At least he was hit mid-dive. If anyone asked after they healed he could claim to have fled in a panic, stayed in a hotel room a couple nights before plucking up his courage and heading home.
Harper Rock, come enjoy the beautiful riverside views, the excitement of being surrounded by zombies, vampires, spiritual vampire spawn, the invasion of bears and mountain lions, wolves and weird mutant hybrids of cows and other things. Then get shot by cops randomly. Great ad for the tourism industry. Luckily for these cops, vampires don't tend to be the type to riot. For not the first time Trahir bemoans the masquerade risk of killing the police officers.
Stuffing his destroyed uniform into the bag he stands up and starts walking down the alleyway away from Veil Tower, heading southeast toward Swansdale station. He passes people on the street without a sideways glance to them. It's dark and most people in Harper Rock are anxious at night. Serial killings abound in the darkness around these parts. Trahir thinks at the moment it's just as likely the cops as it is the monsters.
The ride on the subway better be less eventful than the walk down from his dwelling to the street was. Too much excitement in one night and it's only just started. The weight of the duffle bag, the customized handgun within gives small comfort tonight if the 5-0 are actively looking for him, not that he truly has a reason to believe they are. Nor is the dagger at the small of his back. Neither of these usually comforting tools very comforting at the moment.
He heads onto the subway with the others waiting at the station, moving to the front of the car and sitting down.
He lets his thoughts drift onto more pleasant things... blood. He is thirsty. It's not a raging thirst, just enough to nag at him. Incessantly. An annoying gnat circling one's head they cannot swat.
The quarantine zone is a simple leap over a fence and he's in. Pulling out his phone he texts his target for the evening. The girl he is to meet. Music@Midnight. As he walks toward the building she mentioned, Corvidae Flats, he sends a last message. "I want to see the QZ, I'll be there shortly. Where do I meet you? Lobby?"
From: Ahab
Ah ha! You haven't seen death cults or marauding animals, but no mention of aliens ;)
What are your thoughts on the post? You think vampires are real and little fracture things are making them stronger?
To: Ahab
From: Music@Midnight
I am an alien, remember. German and all that. ;)
As for the post? I think it is, how does that saying go? 'Sniffing glue'? I think someone is very bored. Logically speaking, if these rift things were opening in the city, and if there were vampires, and if they were all getting stronger, does it not make sense that more would be said? It does not seem to me that it is something that could be kept quiet beyond the one single post.
What do you think?
To: Music@Midnight
From: Ahab
I think that the guy who wrote the post will likely be suggesting we drink the kool-aid in the near future and that he probably is sitting in his mother's basement wearing a South Park t-shirt and a tinfoil hat tbh.
I haven't seen anything to do with vampires or fractures, heard of both but haven't seen a thing. I'm more interested in what happens in that QZ. Can you tell me anything about it?
To: Ahab
From: Music@Midnight
Again with Kool-Aid and tinfoil. Is Kool-Aid such a great thing as to be obsessed over?
As for the QZ, there is a lot I can say on it, but not without sounding totally crazy. And I try not to sound crazy to complete strangers.
To: Music@Midnight
From: Ahab
I think its fine to sound crazy to complete strangers personally. Much better than sounding crazy to people who know you well enough to commit you to an asylum. Sounding crazy to strangers in much safer. :)
Go ahead, sound crazy, I'd really like to know what is going on in there.
To: Ahab
From: Music@Midnight
Yes, icky. And yes, the sewers is pretty much the only way to get there, hence icky. There are these little pathways to keep out of the muck. But then you have to contend with these naked, tattooed people. And the not so naked, heavily armed ones. And no they are not military.
Crazy enough for you?
If it's not, I picked up a prepaid phone and I'm including the number so if you want to talk more, well we can without me wondering if I am wandering off to meet an axe murderer with an alien fetish.
Trahir: What the hell was a cop doing shooting at people up on the 12th floor of Veil Tower? Had he been careless and brought the attention of the law upon himself? No. He had been careful not to be followed home. Perhaps Corentine had attracted some unwanted attention. Regardless, Trahir would have to get a new uniform at work to replace the one he was wearing when he was hit. In the meantime he ducks into an alley and strips down, pulling his street clothes out of his duffle bag and changing quickly.
It was turning out to be one of those nights. Opening the door onto a police action resulting in stray bullets pelting his gut and leg as he dove for the hallway, for cover. He felt the damn thing strike and glance off his femur. A beautiful start. He managed to make his way to the lobby and flee into the night without further incident but he was going to have to wait out the injuries a couple nights before heading back, just in case there were questions. At least he was hit mid-dive. If anyone asked after they healed he could claim to have fled in a panic, stayed in a hotel room a couple nights before plucking up his courage and heading home.
Harper Rock, come enjoy the beautiful riverside views, the excitement of being surrounded by zombies, vampires, spiritual vampire spawn, the invasion of bears and mountain lions, wolves and weird mutant hybrids of cows and other things. Then get shot by cops randomly. Great ad for the tourism industry. Luckily for these cops, vampires don't tend to be the type to riot. For not the first time Trahir bemoans the masquerade risk of killing the police officers.
Stuffing his destroyed uniform into the bag he stands up and starts walking down the alleyway away from Veil Tower, heading southeast toward Swansdale station. He passes people on the street without a sideways glance to them. It's dark and most people in Harper Rock are anxious at night. Serial killings abound in the darkness around these parts. Trahir thinks at the moment it's just as likely the cops as it is the monsters.
The ride on the subway better be less eventful than the walk down from his dwelling to the street was. Too much excitement in one night and it's only just started. The weight of the duffle bag, the customized handgun within gives small comfort tonight if the 5-0 are actively looking for him, not that he truly has a reason to believe they are. Nor is the dagger at the small of his back. Neither of these usually comforting tools very comforting at the moment.
He heads onto the subway with the others waiting at the station, moving to the front of the car and sitting down.
He lets his thoughts drift onto more pleasant things... blood. He is thirsty. It's not a raging thirst, just enough to nag at him. Incessantly. An annoying gnat circling one's head they cannot swat.
The quarantine zone is a simple leap over a fence and he's in. Pulling out his phone he texts his target for the evening. The girl he is to meet. Music@Midnight. As he walks toward the building she mentioned, Corvidae Flats, he sends a last message. "I want to see the QZ, I'll be there shortly. Where do I meet you? Lobby?"
Tribulation brings enlightenment...
- Registered User
- Posts: 687
- Joined: 30 Jun 2014, 22:42
- CrowNet Handle: Music@Midnight
Re: Area 51 (Trahir)
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Dhara: Her nose was, as usual, in a book, a cup of coffee sitting at her elbow. Every so often, amber eyes would lift and peer at the computer, just checking to see if she missed an incoming email from 'Ahab', but so far there had been nothing. She raked her white hair back, then twisted a lock of royal blue around her finger as she read. The sound of an unfamiliar phone caught her attention. She set her book aside and picked up the device, reading over the text. Her eyes widened and she blew out a breath, suddenly nervous. Yet again, she was going blindly in to something potentially dangerous. "There but for the grace of God go I." she muttered, her fingers moving over the keyboard to send her reply to 'Ahab'. "The lobby is... crowded. Meet me in the lobby of the 9th floor."
Trahir: He reads the text as he steps into the lobby of the ground floor. A small smile plays at the corner of one lip. caution to the wind he thinks to himself. Mortals are careless with their fragile lives. He had been and... he scowls as he enters the elevator, hitting the '9' button as he banishes the thought. Mortals are careless. The clothing hides the multiple gunshots nicely. He checks to make sure no blood has seeped. It still amazes him the durability of his body now that his heart has stopped. It is this thought that is on his mind when the *ding* of the elevator drags him from his thoughts and sets his eyes forward.
Trahir: He had stepped from the elevator and found himself surrounded by couches, clever girl, he smiles to her as she emerges from the stairwell. Inwardly there is no smile. Inwardly he had been expecting her to emerge from one of the apartments. She's nowhere near as easy prey as she appears. "Ahab." he says simply. If this golden-eyed light haired woman is not the one he seeks (or if she is not a literary connoisseur) the word will mean nothing to her.
Dhara: "Captain" She said cheekily to him, her accent was blended. German to be sure, and she had confessed to being German, but there was an undertone that gave it a rather exotic twist. She moved forward, almost gliding it seemed, and with the floor length skirt, it was easy to think her feet didn't touch the ground at all. She stopped near him, her head tipping back to take him in, a common look when you stood a mere five feet tall. She offered one slender boned, long fingered hand in greeting. "Music@Midnight." She confirmed, looking up at him with a small smile.
Trahir: He reminds himself to breathe. Be natural. Shift his body in reaction to her own, blink. Since death he has disdained dealing with mortals. It's the major reason for his chosen career path as a nighttime janitor. No, sorry, custodian. His street clothes are that of a biker. Maybe a rocker. Black leather pants with a simple black button up shirt. There is no jewelry but a simple gold chain with a snake eating its tail in the shape of a Mobius. His cowboy boots are black, shined. "Not easy to get here is it?" He says, smiling back to her, dimples and all.
Dhara: She continued to study him, eyes roving head to toe, inquisitive, curious, but there was no caution or fear. Just that same small smile. It didn't change, widen to a grin, nor fade when he smiled at her, it simply lingered. If anything could be said about the tiny female, it was that she exuded a strong sense of Zen like calm. Almost eerily so. "I do not think it is supposed to be." She confirmed as she pushed her hair back again. "But as I said, as long as I have coffee, it is well. I assume you came through the lobby?"
Trahir: "Yes, the elevator was kind enough to still be in service in a quarantined zone," he says, maintaining his smile a moment before letting it fall away. "Tough the music could use an overhaul. I guess that's what happens in quarantine. They don't modernize your elevator music." He makes no move toward her but does motion to a nearby couch. "Lets us speak more comfortably?" He doesn't mention privately. Not yet.
Dhara: "Of course." She agreed, moving to the couch, she curled up in the corner, her body tilted to face him rather than face forward and stare at a wall. She didn't make mention that the couch she chose was closest to the apartment that two of her closest friends lived in. She still had keys and if anything went wrong, she could run to safety. "As for the music... I try not to pay attention. Elevator music seems to be the same the world over. It is almost enough to make the ears bleed."
Trahir: He seats himself on a couch across from her and nods, "Yes, they do tend to forsake the modern generation in favor of our great great grandparents. Maybe it's meant to remind us of heaven while we're going up?" Placing his duffle bag next to him on the couch he motions around. "So this is the dreaded quarantine zone? Doesn't seem too horrible."
Dhara: "If it is heaven going up, does that mean it is hell going down?" She chuckled at her own bad joke and then smiled again. "It really is not terrible up here. But down in the lobby... well those are not costumed actors with bad hygiene."
Trahir: He says nothing for a moment, merely watches her. Of course he'd seen the walking dead... well, deader than he was.... This one knew more already than any human alive should in his estimation. "So where do you think they came from? Government experimentation? Voodoo?" It was well past the point of playing ignorant, may as well get down to it.
Dhara: She watched him, judging his reaction and decided 'in for a penny, in for a pound'. She drew a breath and tugged on the single streak of blue in her hair. "Well... I do not know. This used to be a regular part of town and then something happened. I don't know what because there is not stuff really recorded." She exhaled slowly and met his gaze, cautious, nervous. "They say that they are zombies... and that there are um... well. We'll stick with the zombies for now. I think it could be any manner of things that made them come back. Maybe even those rift things..."
Trahir: "And here I thought we had discounted vampires and rifts and were onto aliens and probing". He watches her movements, pushes a stray lock of his own hair away from his face. He'd read somewhere that similar body language put people at ease long ago and had used it to great effect back when he was... "Why would something like that be localized here?"
Dhara: She shook her head, still twisting the blue hair around her finger. "I don't know. And I know I sound utterly insane. It's not just zombies. There well feral vampires is what I was told they were. Zombies who somehow ingested vampire blood and now are crazy..." She sighed and gave a tiny smile. "Ready to commit me now, Doctor?"
Dhara: Her nose was, as usual, in a book, a cup of coffee sitting at her elbow. Every so often, amber eyes would lift and peer at the computer, just checking to see if she missed an incoming email from 'Ahab', but so far there had been nothing. She raked her white hair back, then twisted a lock of royal blue around her finger as she read. The sound of an unfamiliar phone caught her attention. She set her book aside and picked up the device, reading over the text. Her eyes widened and she blew out a breath, suddenly nervous. Yet again, she was going blindly in to something potentially dangerous. "There but for the grace of God go I." she muttered, her fingers moving over the keyboard to send her reply to 'Ahab'. "The lobby is... crowded. Meet me in the lobby of the 9th floor."
Trahir: He reads the text as he steps into the lobby of the ground floor. A small smile plays at the corner of one lip. caution to the wind he thinks to himself. Mortals are careless with their fragile lives. He had been and... he scowls as he enters the elevator, hitting the '9' button as he banishes the thought. Mortals are careless. The clothing hides the multiple gunshots nicely. He checks to make sure no blood has seeped. It still amazes him the durability of his body now that his heart has stopped. It is this thought that is on his mind when the *ding* of the elevator drags him from his thoughts and sets his eyes forward.
Trahir: He had stepped from the elevator and found himself surrounded by couches, clever girl, he smiles to her as she emerges from the stairwell. Inwardly there is no smile. Inwardly he had been expecting her to emerge from one of the apartments. She's nowhere near as easy prey as she appears. "Ahab." he says simply. If this golden-eyed light haired woman is not the one he seeks (or if she is not a literary connoisseur) the word will mean nothing to her.
Dhara: "Captain" She said cheekily to him, her accent was blended. German to be sure, and she had confessed to being German, but there was an undertone that gave it a rather exotic twist. She moved forward, almost gliding it seemed, and with the floor length skirt, it was easy to think her feet didn't touch the ground at all. She stopped near him, her head tipping back to take him in, a common look when you stood a mere five feet tall. She offered one slender boned, long fingered hand in greeting. "Music@Midnight." She confirmed, looking up at him with a small smile.
Trahir: He reminds himself to breathe. Be natural. Shift his body in reaction to her own, blink. Since death he has disdained dealing with mortals. It's the major reason for his chosen career path as a nighttime janitor. No, sorry, custodian. His street clothes are that of a biker. Maybe a rocker. Black leather pants with a simple black button up shirt. There is no jewelry but a simple gold chain with a snake eating its tail in the shape of a Mobius. His cowboy boots are black, shined. "Not easy to get here is it?" He says, smiling back to her, dimples and all.
Dhara: She continued to study him, eyes roving head to toe, inquisitive, curious, but there was no caution or fear. Just that same small smile. It didn't change, widen to a grin, nor fade when he smiled at her, it simply lingered. If anything could be said about the tiny female, it was that she exuded a strong sense of Zen like calm. Almost eerily so. "I do not think it is supposed to be." She confirmed as she pushed her hair back again. "But as I said, as long as I have coffee, it is well. I assume you came through the lobby?"
Trahir: "Yes, the elevator was kind enough to still be in service in a quarantined zone," he says, maintaining his smile a moment before letting it fall away. "Tough the music could use an overhaul. I guess that's what happens in quarantine. They don't modernize your elevator music." He makes no move toward her but does motion to a nearby couch. "Lets us speak more comfortably?" He doesn't mention privately. Not yet.
Dhara: "Of course." She agreed, moving to the couch, she curled up in the corner, her body tilted to face him rather than face forward and stare at a wall. She didn't make mention that the couch she chose was closest to the apartment that two of her closest friends lived in. She still had keys and if anything went wrong, she could run to safety. "As for the music... I try not to pay attention. Elevator music seems to be the same the world over. It is almost enough to make the ears bleed."
Trahir: He seats himself on a couch across from her and nods, "Yes, they do tend to forsake the modern generation in favor of our great great grandparents. Maybe it's meant to remind us of heaven while we're going up?" Placing his duffle bag next to him on the couch he motions around. "So this is the dreaded quarantine zone? Doesn't seem too horrible."
Dhara: "If it is heaven going up, does that mean it is hell going down?" She chuckled at her own bad joke and then smiled again. "It really is not terrible up here. But down in the lobby... well those are not costumed actors with bad hygiene."
Trahir: He says nothing for a moment, merely watches her. Of course he'd seen the walking dead... well, deader than he was.... This one knew more already than any human alive should in his estimation. "So where do you think they came from? Government experimentation? Voodoo?" It was well past the point of playing ignorant, may as well get down to it.
Dhara: She watched him, judging his reaction and decided 'in for a penny, in for a pound'. She drew a breath and tugged on the single streak of blue in her hair. "Well... I do not know. This used to be a regular part of town and then something happened. I don't know what because there is not stuff really recorded." She exhaled slowly and met his gaze, cautious, nervous. "They say that they are zombies... and that there are um... well. We'll stick with the zombies for now. I think it could be any manner of things that made them come back. Maybe even those rift things..."
Trahir: "And here I thought we had discounted vampires and rifts and were onto aliens and probing". He watches her movements, pushes a stray lock of his own hair away from his face. He'd read somewhere that similar body language put people at ease long ago and had used it to great effect back when he was... "Why would something like that be localized here?"
Dhara: She shook her head, still twisting the blue hair around her finger. "I don't know. And I know I sound utterly insane. It's not just zombies. There well feral vampires is what I was told they were. Zombies who somehow ingested vampire blood and now are crazy..." She sighed and gave a tiny smile. "Ready to commit me now, Doctor?"
Banner by Flynn
- Trahir Trahison
- Registered User
- Posts: 762
- Joined: 16 Apr 2015, 19:09
- CrowNet Handle: Ahab
- Location: Looking over your shoulder
Re: Area 51 (Trahir)
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Trahir: Ingested vampire blood... that opens up quite a few cans... none of them good. "Could be that some zombies are like the 28 Days Later zombies and run around all psycho and some are like the Walking Dead zombies and walk around all slow..." He adjusts slightly in the seat, leaning forward and putting his elbows on his knees as he steeples his fingers. "You are saying there are vampires that these zombies drank from, that means two different supernatural beings rather than one."
Dhara: She snuggled a little deeper in to the corner of her couch, watching him. His stare made her feel a little bit like a mouse staring at a mountain lion. She considered her answers for a moment, then nodded. "More than two." She said, almost softly, "Though most of it is hearsay so I cannot tell you what kind of things are out there beyond the ones I know for utter certainty."
Trahir: Leaning back and putting his arms out over the top of the couch he stares at her. "Utter certainty." He says nothing else, just watches her now. She'll talk, he's not sure why he believes his, but he does. She knows more than she should but now it's apparent that she is not the only one. How does she know about the others? Let's find out.
Dhara: She watched him, nodding a little as silence fell over the small area. Her eyes never left his, though her long fingers moved to the tiny gold and diamond violin that hung on a gold chain around her neck, long fingers toying with the charm as she watched him, wondering what he was thinking. She drew in a breath, determined not to dissolve in to nervous babble as she so often had the habit of doing.
Trahir: He merely arches a single brow as he watches her. The thirst buzzes in his mind again, the desire, not yet need for blood. Sometimes he gets flashes of a person when he drinks, but it's random and unfocused. Right now he wants answers. He decides to wait, let he start. If she doesn't, then move onto other means of gleaning information from her.
Dhara: She tilted her head at his expression, rather envious of his ability to raise one brow, her fingers toyed with the charm again as she watched him, finally speaking. "I envy your ability to raise a single brow. It is something, I understand, that only a few people can do."
Trahir: "Much like surviving and maintaining sanity within a few block radius of zombie apocalypse with vampires and other things thrown in the mix." He says with a hint of humor to his voice. "Coffee doesn't sustain a woman, it doesn't give her all she needs... I'd imagine the dwindling population wouldn't give the zombies or vampires what they need. I can see zombies not making it up the elevator frequently, but vampires are supposed to be smart. Why aren't they here eating us now?"
Dhara: "Coffee is good enough I suppose, though it is true that a person needs more." She shrugged slightly and smiled. "That's why I go to the pub, when I remember." She had a terrible habit of forgetting to eat. And now that she was on her own again, the habit was back and worse than ever. "As for those down there... well consider that they did not start as a human, as most vampires do. But rather a risen corpse. A zombie. And from what I am given to understand, it is when these zombies bite a vampire and ingest blood that they become these... zombie-pires...."
Trahir: Staring blankly he attempts to absorb the fact that this little waif knows more about vampires that he, a vampire knows. He barely remembers to blink and then collects his thoughts. "I've seen the zombies, but the vampire thing is still an on-the-fence issue."
Dhara: She watched him carefully, noting his mannerisms seemed as if he were reminding himself to do this or that, but she doesn't question it. Not with a total stranger who went by the name 'Ahab'. All she could do was give a half shrug, playing with the belled sleeves of her peasant top. "I fear, in that regard, you will have to sit on the fence until you can find your own proof. I cannot help you with that." She could not, would not give away her friends. Not to him, not to the cops, not to anyone.
Trahir: "Have you actually seen them?" He asks. "These vampires?" He voice is amiable, his body language very open and friendly though yes, he senses she detects something no right. Still. There are plenty people from the internet that come off as crazy. He's read horror stories about just that. "And by vampires you mean real life vampires? Dracula, Lost Boys, etc..."
Dhara: "Dracula, Lost Boys... those are fiction. And do not get me started on the drivel of sparkly emo vampires." She rolled her eyes and shook her head, then sighed, watching him quietly, taking him in, and at the same time, wishing she had a coffee. Finally, after the silence stretched, she gave a slight, almost imperceptible nod. "I have. Seen them that is."
Trahir: She isn't horrified by the fact she has seen vampires. A tell in this little game of poker. He relaxes slightly. He's made a decision. She either is telling the truth, and will continue to, or he simply guns her down (and takes a pint of so of her blood after the fact). He stops feigning life. Simply watches her a long moment once again. This time it's like a statue until his mouth moves and lets out a soft, "Really?"
Dhara: She watched as that unnatural stillness settled over him. The mark of a living, breathing corpse. Acting at life. Some of her friends didn't act, they simply did out of habit, and others were like this man, acting at it to keep their secret. She blinked slowly, almost as if to acknowledge his unspoken message. "Really." She said calmly, meeting his eyes fearlessly.
Trahir: Brazen. She was definitely brazen. Well, the cat's out of the bag. "If you know why are you still alive?" Oh, such an underlying question to that. Though there is no motion from Trahir the bag next to him seems much more relevant than it did a moment ago, His arms remain hung over the couch, though they are relaxed and his body doesn't show any change in posture he seems more alert.
Dhara: "Because I am trusted. Because while I admit to knowing, I won't admit who I know. Because I don't believe the hype that all vampires are indiscriminate undead killing machines. Because I'm too adorable to kill?" She really had no good answer to his question. Why was she still alive? She knew how dangerous it was, knowing what she knew. She understood the risks she had taken living with vampires. But she also understood that the lack of a beating heart did not a monster make.
Trahir: He sits still, watching her for what seems an eternity before he makes any reply. "I would like you to broker a meeting". Yes, this could work perfectly. "A meeting in a public locale with one of those you know. I would like you in attendance as well."
Trahir: Ingested vampire blood... that opens up quite a few cans... none of them good. "Could be that some zombies are like the 28 Days Later zombies and run around all psycho and some are like the Walking Dead zombies and walk around all slow..." He adjusts slightly in the seat, leaning forward and putting his elbows on his knees as he steeples his fingers. "You are saying there are vampires that these zombies drank from, that means two different supernatural beings rather than one."
Dhara: She snuggled a little deeper in to the corner of her couch, watching him. His stare made her feel a little bit like a mouse staring at a mountain lion. She considered her answers for a moment, then nodded. "More than two." She said, almost softly, "Though most of it is hearsay so I cannot tell you what kind of things are out there beyond the ones I know for utter certainty."
Trahir: Leaning back and putting his arms out over the top of the couch he stares at her. "Utter certainty." He says nothing else, just watches her now. She'll talk, he's not sure why he believes his, but he does. She knows more than she should but now it's apparent that she is not the only one. How does she know about the others? Let's find out.
Dhara: She watched him, nodding a little as silence fell over the small area. Her eyes never left his, though her long fingers moved to the tiny gold and diamond violin that hung on a gold chain around her neck, long fingers toying with the charm as she watched him, wondering what he was thinking. She drew in a breath, determined not to dissolve in to nervous babble as she so often had the habit of doing.
Trahir: He merely arches a single brow as he watches her. The thirst buzzes in his mind again, the desire, not yet need for blood. Sometimes he gets flashes of a person when he drinks, but it's random and unfocused. Right now he wants answers. He decides to wait, let he start. If she doesn't, then move onto other means of gleaning information from her.
Dhara: She tilted her head at his expression, rather envious of his ability to raise one brow, her fingers toyed with the charm again as she watched him, finally speaking. "I envy your ability to raise a single brow. It is something, I understand, that only a few people can do."
Trahir: "Much like surviving and maintaining sanity within a few block radius of zombie apocalypse with vampires and other things thrown in the mix." He says with a hint of humor to his voice. "Coffee doesn't sustain a woman, it doesn't give her all she needs... I'd imagine the dwindling population wouldn't give the zombies or vampires what they need. I can see zombies not making it up the elevator frequently, but vampires are supposed to be smart. Why aren't they here eating us now?"
Dhara: "Coffee is good enough I suppose, though it is true that a person needs more." She shrugged slightly and smiled. "That's why I go to the pub, when I remember." She had a terrible habit of forgetting to eat. And now that she was on her own again, the habit was back and worse than ever. "As for those down there... well consider that they did not start as a human, as most vampires do. But rather a risen corpse. A zombie. And from what I am given to understand, it is when these zombies bite a vampire and ingest blood that they become these... zombie-pires...."
Trahir: Staring blankly he attempts to absorb the fact that this little waif knows more about vampires that he, a vampire knows. He barely remembers to blink and then collects his thoughts. "I've seen the zombies, but the vampire thing is still an on-the-fence issue."
Dhara: She watched him carefully, noting his mannerisms seemed as if he were reminding himself to do this or that, but she doesn't question it. Not with a total stranger who went by the name 'Ahab'. All she could do was give a half shrug, playing with the belled sleeves of her peasant top. "I fear, in that regard, you will have to sit on the fence until you can find your own proof. I cannot help you with that." She could not, would not give away her friends. Not to him, not to the cops, not to anyone.
Trahir: "Have you actually seen them?" He asks. "These vampires?" He voice is amiable, his body language very open and friendly though yes, he senses she detects something no right. Still. There are plenty people from the internet that come off as crazy. He's read horror stories about just that. "And by vampires you mean real life vampires? Dracula, Lost Boys, etc..."
Dhara: "Dracula, Lost Boys... those are fiction. And do not get me started on the drivel of sparkly emo vampires." She rolled her eyes and shook her head, then sighed, watching him quietly, taking him in, and at the same time, wishing she had a coffee. Finally, after the silence stretched, she gave a slight, almost imperceptible nod. "I have. Seen them that is."
Trahir: She isn't horrified by the fact she has seen vampires. A tell in this little game of poker. He relaxes slightly. He's made a decision. She either is telling the truth, and will continue to, or he simply guns her down (and takes a pint of so of her blood after the fact). He stops feigning life. Simply watches her a long moment once again. This time it's like a statue until his mouth moves and lets out a soft, "Really?"
Dhara: She watched as that unnatural stillness settled over him. The mark of a living, breathing corpse. Acting at life. Some of her friends didn't act, they simply did out of habit, and others were like this man, acting at it to keep their secret. She blinked slowly, almost as if to acknowledge his unspoken message. "Really." She said calmly, meeting his eyes fearlessly.
Trahir: Brazen. She was definitely brazen. Well, the cat's out of the bag. "If you know why are you still alive?" Oh, such an underlying question to that. Though there is no motion from Trahir the bag next to him seems much more relevant than it did a moment ago, His arms remain hung over the couch, though they are relaxed and his body doesn't show any change in posture he seems more alert.
Dhara: "Because I am trusted. Because while I admit to knowing, I won't admit who I know. Because I don't believe the hype that all vampires are indiscriminate undead killing machines. Because I'm too adorable to kill?" She really had no good answer to his question. Why was she still alive? She knew how dangerous it was, knowing what she knew. She understood the risks she had taken living with vampires. But she also understood that the lack of a beating heart did not a monster make.
Trahir: He sits still, watching her for what seems an eternity before he makes any reply. "I would like you to broker a meeting". Yes, this could work perfectly. "A meeting in a public locale with one of those you know. I would like you in attendance as well."
Tribulation brings enlightenment...
- Registered User
- Posts: 687
- Joined: 30 Jun 2014, 22:42
- CrowNet Handle: Music@Midnight
Re: Area 51 (Trahir)
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Dhara: She snorted softly and shook her head. His request was ridiculous. She would not put one of her friends at risk. "No. I am sorry but I will not do that. I gave my word and I will not break it, not even to another vampire."
Trahir: His smile is all fang and lacks every drop of humor previously exhibited. "You weren't sure of me when you agreed to meet. You met me somewhere you felt safe. You don't live on the 9th floor, you came from the stairwell. That tells me someone or something on this floor makes you feel safe. Screams, the scent of blood and gunfire would draw them out. That's not how this should go down though. You are interesting and met me on good faith. In good faith I would like you to simply extend my invitation to your friends." Pushing the vitae sitting sedentary within his dead veins he channels it into the muscles of his dead form, speed, a quickening of flesh that should not move. A blink of the eye and he is beside her on the couch.
Dhara: She flinched, she couldn't help herself, when he appeared beside her. Her heart rate picked up and her hands trembled slightly, causing her to bunch them in the material of her simple black skirt. The already tiny woman tried to make herself even smaller by shrinking in to the corner and yet, in spite of her fear, she still shook her head. "I won't do anything to put them in danger. I refuse and I do not care what threats you make." Her voice was slightly husky, and she didn't care that he might be able to sense her fear. For all she knew, he could probably taste it on the air, like a snake, which is how she was coming to think of him. "I promised to keep their secrets, to keep them safe. I won't arrange any sort of meeting. I can tell them about you, but what they decide to do is up to them." She tried to sound firm, resolute, inspite of the fact that she trembled like a leaf on the wind.
Trahir: He flashes a winning grin, the fangs slip back into his gums with an audible 'thp" "Perfect! That would be marvelous my dear. I never did get your real name. I'm Trahir, Trahir Trahison." He extends his right hand out to the side lazily toward her. "A pleasure to meet someone who it seems already knows enough to need to be killed with an attitude that makes it unnecessary."
Dhara: She blinked and stared at him, her already pale skin had gone even paler, revealing a sprinkling of freckles across her nose and cheeks. She wasn't sure what to say at this point, but she filed his name away. This, she decided, was the second worst encounter she'd had with a vampire. She cleared her throat and licked her bottom lip. "You are kind of a jerk, Trahir." She said bluntly.
Trahir: Leaning his head toward her he keeps the smile on his face. "If I was really a jerk I would have shot, stabbed or bit you by now. I'm simply alone and worried. I haven't had the benefit of attaining the knowledge about my ilk from my ilk as it were." He places an arm, the one which he had offered the hand of in greeting, on the back of the couch around her. "Yo be honest I am slightly thirsty but that can wait until a more opportune time and with a less valuable person."
Dhara: "I am not a midnight snack!" She said it firmly, as if it was something she had said many a time before, and, in fact, she had. She regarded him for a moment, not missing the way his arm stretched across the back of the couch in a pseudo embrace. Her eyes found his again. "You know, you could have just said that. You did not need to get all dark and scary and mean." She pointed out dryly. "Being a vampire does not mean you lose your manners you know."
Trahir: He actually seems abashed by her tirade. "My apologies Miss. It is rare to encounter one with manners themselves nowadays let alone one worth utilizing them with while conversing." He remains where he was however, crowding her. "During polite exchange it is customary for a lady to place her hand palm down into the proffered hand of the gentleman she is engaging in introduction with." Again he offers his hand only now removing himself from her space slightly.
Dhara: "You'll forgive my confusion then, for not realizing you were a gentleman." Her frayed nerves were slowly knitting back together and her icy attitude thawing. Maybe he really was lonely. And that was something she could easily relate to as she often craved the company of other humans. Her delicate hand detached from her skirt and she placed it lightly in his proffered hand, her skin translucent and dry. "Dhara." She said by way of belated introduction.
Trahir: Trahir leans over and presses his lips to the knuckle of her hand before sitting back and releasing it. "A pleasure Miss Dhara, I'm very pleased not to have to do anything drastic. Anything for the masquerade you see, not necessarily enjoyable, but necessary."
Dhara: "I like to think I am not a threat to vampires." She managed to hide her surprise at his rather European greeting. Most people just shook hands. "Please just call me Dhara." She offered a small smile, her hand lifting to her necklace to toy with the charm. "How did you learn about the masquerade?"
Trahir: He gives a mischievous little smile at that. "Internet. I googled vampire role playing games in order to find people I could feed from easily. People I could 'fit in with' so to speak". It was a somewhat unique take perhaps on the feeding problem but one that made more sense to him than any other approach. "I'm making up my own slang as I go. My own rules."
Dhara: "That can be dangerous. Especially the feeding part. Though you can find anything on the internet these days." She watched him for a moment and canted her head slightly. "Have you ever tried just buying your blood?" An odd question maybe, but considering she often brought blood packets to her friends, it wasn't something too terribly strange.
Trahir: "I have. I've purchased several vintages from a local... winery. I also found a couple shops that seems friendly to my kind." He seems at ease now. Much more relaxed which means of course that he is not. His body language is forced. He does want her to feel more comfortable though.
Dhara: "Arbor Vitae..." She nibbled on her lower lip in thought. "I have never been there, I do not drink." She looked at him, as if searching his soul and finally exhaled a gentle sigh. "If you crave like company and blood... try Lancaster's. They have a varied selection of items on and off the menu." Still no names, she wasn't willing to give them up. But Lancaster's was a well-known establishment.
Trahir: "Thank you," he says. It seems genuine. "I'm not a big fan of the bagged stuff." In truth the bottled stuff is quite nice. The temperature is all wrong for him. "I prefer my meals with a bit more of a lively flavor." He doesn't press her for names, nor does his voice carry any nuance of any threat to it.
Dhara: She snorted softly and shook her head. His request was ridiculous. She would not put one of her friends at risk. "No. I am sorry but I will not do that. I gave my word and I will not break it, not even to another vampire."
Trahir: His smile is all fang and lacks every drop of humor previously exhibited. "You weren't sure of me when you agreed to meet. You met me somewhere you felt safe. You don't live on the 9th floor, you came from the stairwell. That tells me someone or something on this floor makes you feel safe. Screams, the scent of blood and gunfire would draw them out. That's not how this should go down though. You are interesting and met me on good faith. In good faith I would like you to simply extend my invitation to your friends." Pushing the vitae sitting sedentary within his dead veins he channels it into the muscles of his dead form, speed, a quickening of flesh that should not move. A blink of the eye and he is beside her on the couch.
Dhara: She flinched, she couldn't help herself, when he appeared beside her. Her heart rate picked up and her hands trembled slightly, causing her to bunch them in the material of her simple black skirt. The already tiny woman tried to make herself even smaller by shrinking in to the corner and yet, in spite of her fear, she still shook her head. "I won't do anything to put them in danger. I refuse and I do not care what threats you make." Her voice was slightly husky, and she didn't care that he might be able to sense her fear. For all she knew, he could probably taste it on the air, like a snake, which is how she was coming to think of him. "I promised to keep their secrets, to keep them safe. I won't arrange any sort of meeting. I can tell them about you, but what they decide to do is up to them." She tried to sound firm, resolute, inspite of the fact that she trembled like a leaf on the wind.
Trahir: He flashes a winning grin, the fangs slip back into his gums with an audible 'thp" "Perfect! That would be marvelous my dear. I never did get your real name. I'm Trahir, Trahir Trahison." He extends his right hand out to the side lazily toward her. "A pleasure to meet someone who it seems already knows enough to need to be killed with an attitude that makes it unnecessary."
Dhara: She blinked and stared at him, her already pale skin had gone even paler, revealing a sprinkling of freckles across her nose and cheeks. She wasn't sure what to say at this point, but she filed his name away. This, she decided, was the second worst encounter she'd had with a vampire. She cleared her throat and licked her bottom lip. "You are kind of a jerk, Trahir." She said bluntly.
Trahir: Leaning his head toward her he keeps the smile on his face. "If I was really a jerk I would have shot, stabbed or bit you by now. I'm simply alone and worried. I haven't had the benefit of attaining the knowledge about my ilk from my ilk as it were." He places an arm, the one which he had offered the hand of in greeting, on the back of the couch around her. "Yo be honest I am slightly thirsty but that can wait until a more opportune time and with a less valuable person."
Dhara: "I am not a midnight snack!" She said it firmly, as if it was something she had said many a time before, and, in fact, she had. She regarded him for a moment, not missing the way his arm stretched across the back of the couch in a pseudo embrace. Her eyes found his again. "You know, you could have just said that. You did not need to get all dark and scary and mean." She pointed out dryly. "Being a vampire does not mean you lose your manners you know."
Trahir: He actually seems abashed by her tirade. "My apologies Miss. It is rare to encounter one with manners themselves nowadays let alone one worth utilizing them with while conversing." He remains where he was however, crowding her. "During polite exchange it is customary for a lady to place her hand palm down into the proffered hand of the gentleman she is engaging in introduction with." Again he offers his hand only now removing himself from her space slightly.
Dhara: "You'll forgive my confusion then, for not realizing you were a gentleman." Her frayed nerves were slowly knitting back together and her icy attitude thawing. Maybe he really was lonely. And that was something she could easily relate to as she often craved the company of other humans. Her delicate hand detached from her skirt and she placed it lightly in his proffered hand, her skin translucent and dry. "Dhara." She said by way of belated introduction.
Trahir: Trahir leans over and presses his lips to the knuckle of her hand before sitting back and releasing it. "A pleasure Miss Dhara, I'm very pleased not to have to do anything drastic. Anything for the masquerade you see, not necessarily enjoyable, but necessary."
Dhara: "I like to think I am not a threat to vampires." She managed to hide her surprise at his rather European greeting. Most people just shook hands. "Please just call me Dhara." She offered a small smile, her hand lifting to her necklace to toy with the charm. "How did you learn about the masquerade?"
Trahir: He gives a mischievous little smile at that. "Internet. I googled vampire role playing games in order to find people I could feed from easily. People I could 'fit in with' so to speak". It was a somewhat unique take perhaps on the feeding problem but one that made more sense to him than any other approach. "I'm making up my own slang as I go. My own rules."
Dhara: "That can be dangerous. Especially the feeding part. Though you can find anything on the internet these days." She watched him for a moment and canted her head slightly. "Have you ever tried just buying your blood?" An odd question maybe, but considering she often brought blood packets to her friends, it wasn't something too terribly strange.
Trahir: "I have. I've purchased several vintages from a local... winery. I also found a couple shops that seems friendly to my kind." He seems at ease now. Much more relaxed which means of course that he is not. His body language is forced. He does want her to feel more comfortable though.
Dhara: "Arbor Vitae..." She nibbled on her lower lip in thought. "I have never been there, I do not drink." She looked at him, as if searching his soul and finally exhaled a gentle sigh. "If you crave like company and blood... try Lancaster's. They have a varied selection of items on and off the menu." Still no names, she wasn't willing to give them up. But Lancaster's was a well-known establishment.
Trahir: "Thank you," he says. It seems genuine. "I'm not a big fan of the bagged stuff." In truth the bottled stuff is quite nice. The temperature is all wrong for him. "I prefer my meals with a bit more of a lively flavor." He doesn't press her for names, nor does his voice carry any nuance of any threat to it.
Banner by Flynn
- Trahir Trahison
- Registered User
- Posts: 762
- Joined: 16 Apr 2015, 19:09
- CrowNet Handle: Ahab
- Location: Looking over your shoulder
Re: Area 51 (Trahir)
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Dhara: "Try a microwave? Those things are pretty amazing." She gave a bashful smile and shook her head. "Sorry... I am sure you are quite capable of taking care of yourself. But I have heard the bagged stuff has kind of a plastic flavor."
Trahir: Lancasters... yes he knew of the place. He had after all left a flyer for Corentine to find in order to send her there to test the waters unknowingly. Had something gone wrong, a nest of hunters or the like better her than him. He doesn't feel guilt about that but he wouldn't do the same now. He enjoys Cori. This woman seems interesting enough too to keep as a contact. Plus she has something he wants. "I'll pass on the reheated blood. I believe I will stick with taking it straight from the source." His eyes flicker to her throat for a moment and then he grins sheepishly.
Dhara: She didn't miss his gaze, her brows arching as if to say 'don't even try it.' She wasn't a sucker for nice eyes and a cute smile, though she did find she was curious about the person who sat across from her. Certainly not enough to offer him a nibble though. She liked her blood to stay exactly where it was, in her own veins. "Just be careful. Bad things happen to the ones who get caught."
Trahir: Leaning his head forward so his hair falls over his face and makes a little flourish with one hand. "Miss Dhara, 'getting caught’ involves someone telling others". Trahir doesn't intend to feed on her tonight. He has other plans, she's more useful as a liaison to other vampires than as a blood doll. The flourish produced a card between his index and middle finger which he hands over to her. On the card is a phone number, nothing else. "This is for your friends".
Dhara: She instinctively leaned backwards when he bent forward. Self-preservation you could call it. The man made her nervous and never before had she felt such fear as she did now. She eyed the card for a moment, then plucked it from his fingers. "I am not making any promises."
Trahir: He glances up, his eyes barely visible behind the hair covering his face. "I have every confidence that you can assure a meeting with your friends. A nice, peaceful meeting. I think you should attend. That would give assurance that it would be peaceful yes?" The tone is amiable and friendly, warm and inviting but there is something somehow menacing in it as well. "I have to get to work shortly. I'll be in touch with you if I don't hear back within a couple nights".
Dhara: She snorted softly at his arrogance and shook her head, barely refraining from rolling her eyes. She wasn't going to give in to his subtle threats. She would do as she said, let her friends know. But it was up to them if they wanted a meeting, not her. "Have a good night at work." She said rather blandly.
Trahir: Standing slowly, as if every muscle in his body was sore and aching, he reaches over and picks up his duffle bag. He looks hurt, almost vulnerable at that moment. As he stands fully he seems to shake it off and holds his hand out to her, palm up.
Dhara: She watched him warily for a moment, then put her small hand in his and slid off the couch, gaining her feet, her head tipped back to look up at him.
Trahir: He leans in and plants a soft kiss on her knuckle, pulling her hand toward him slightly afterward and inhaling the air above her wrist. His eyes never leave hers as he does. His grip loosens and he straightens. "It's been a pleasure Miss Dhara."
Dhara: She shivered, but not from pleasure. The man standing before her was grade A creepy and she couldn't help her reaction to him. "Indeed, Trahir." She murmured, with drawing her hand and hiding it in the folds of her skirt as she waited and watched him.
Trahir: A blur of motion, a rush of air passing her that lifts her hair back and he is gone. The stairwell door hanging open in his wake. The card he left behind is high quality, definitely not your average Kinko's material used for it. If she examines it closely she will notice there is a small pattern on it reminiscent of the whorls and loops found on the palm of only one animal... man.
Dhara: "Try a microwave? Those things are pretty amazing." She gave a bashful smile and shook her head. "Sorry... I am sure you are quite capable of taking care of yourself. But I have heard the bagged stuff has kind of a plastic flavor."
Trahir: Lancasters... yes he knew of the place. He had after all left a flyer for Corentine to find in order to send her there to test the waters unknowingly. Had something gone wrong, a nest of hunters or the like better her than him. He doesn't feel guilt about that but he wouldn't do the same now. He enjoys Cori. This woman seems interesting enough too to keep as a contact. Plus she has something he wants. "I'll pass on the reheated blood. I believe I will stick with taking it straight from the source." His eyes flicker to her throat for a moment and then he grins sheepishly.
Dhara: She didn't miss his gaze, her brows arching as if to say 'don't even try it.' She wasn't a sucker for nice eyes and a cute smile, though she did find she was curious about the person who sat across from her. Certainly not enough to offer him a nibble though. She liked her blood to stay exactly where it was, in her own veins. "Just be careful. Bad things happen to the ones who get caught."
Trahir: Leaning his head forward so his hair falls over his face and makes a little flourish with one hand. "Miss Dhara, 'getting caught’ involves someone telling others". Trahir doesn't intend to feed on her tonight. He has other plans, she's more useful as a liaison to other vampires than as a blood doll. The flourish produced a card between his index and middle finger which he hands over to her. On the card is a phone number, nothing else. "This is for your friends".
Dhara: She instinctively leaned backwards when he bent forward. Self-preservation you could call it. The man made her nervous and never before had she felt such fear as she did now. She eyed the card for a moment, then plucked it from his fingers. "I am not making any promises."
Trahir: He glances up, his eyes barely visible behind the hair covering his face. "I have every confidence that you can assure a meeting with your friends. A nice, peaceful meeting. I think you should attend. That would give assurance that it would be peaceful yes?" The tone is amiable and friendly, warm and inviting but there is something somehow menacing in it as well. "I have to get to work shortly. I'll be in touch with you if I don't hear back within a couple nights".
Dhara: She snorted softly at his arrogance and shook her head, barely refraining from rolling her eyes. She wasn't going to give in to his subtle threats. She would do as she said, let her friends know. But it was up to them if they wanted a meeting, not her. "Have a good night at work." She said rather blandly.
Trahir: Standing slowly, as if every muscle in his body was sore and aching, he reaches over and picks up his duffle bag. He looks hurt, almost vulnerable at that moment. As he stands fully he seems to shake it off and holds his hand out to her, palm up.
Dhara: She watched him warily for a moment, then put her small hand in his and slid off the couch, gaining her feet, her head tipped back to look up at him.
Trahir: He leans in and plants a soft kiss on her knuckle, pulling her hand toward him slightly afterward and inhaling the air above her wrist. His eyes never leave hers as he does. His grip loosens and he straightens. "It's been a pleasure Miss Dhara."
Dhara: She shivered, but not from pleasure. The man standing before her was grade A creepy and she couldn't help her reaction to him. "Indeed, Trahir." She murmured, with drawing her hand and hiding it in the folds of her skirt as she waited and watched him.
Trahir: A blur of motion, a rush of air passing her that lifts her hair back and he is gone. The stairwell door hanging open in his wake. The card he left behind is high quality, definitely not your average Kinko's material used for it. If she examines it closely she will notice there is a small pattern on it reminiscent of the whorls and loops found on the palm of only one animal... man.
Tribulation brings enlightenment...