Comings and Goings [Tytonidae]

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Re: Comings and Goings [Tytonidae]

Post by Doc »

"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"

Doc: Doc finds Ariadne by the computer in Eyrie. He waits patiently until she acknowledges him.

Ariadne: *finishes entering a line of code and glances over at Doc* Yes?

Doc: "I would like to have my phone please.. " He wasn't going to tell her how he actually felt lost without it. Especially after making fun of others who had panic attacks when they couldn't find their phones.

Ariadne: *she sighed and bent down in her chair to fish his phone from the bottom side pocket* You should be careful, you know... *she straightened and held the phone out to him* Cat managed to steal it off of me during the ceremony.

Ariadne: I don't know why she wants it, but she seems to be after it.

Doc: *He lifted an eyebrow as she said Cat had stolen it. Cat had been acting rather... odd. But he had put that down to Cat's usual oddness. It bothered him that he actually had grades of oddness to describe Catherine. He sighed lightly. "Yes I will be more careful. Thank you.." He took the proffered phone, and immediately started scanning his texts. He couldn't remember anything untoward, however, he could be wrong. Quickly scanning it, he didn't really see anything that would be that alarming.. except...* Did you happen to poke about in my phone?"

Ariadne: Oddly enough, no. *she leaned back in her chair, allowing it to cradle her comfortably as she folded her hands demurely in her lap.* Amazingly enough I do have some respect for the privacy of others. Besides, I figured it would make you crankier than usual and I really didn't want to deal with that.

Doc: 'Good..' he thought to himself. It would really be .. awkward if she found how he was taking bets at the wedding via his own cell phone. However, seeing if he could make her uncomfortable about in person, face to face, .. well that could be damned amusing. He nodded, "Good.. Would hate to have to explain about that bet to you..."

Ariadne: *she quirked an eyebrow* Do you want me to look into what you were doing? If you're so keen on hinting at it I will assure you that I can find out easily enough after you leave. *she leaned forward in her chair a little.* Bets are not something I am generally interested in.

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Re: Comings and Goings [Tytonidae]

Post by Ariadne »

"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"

Doc: Doc shrugged, "Alright.. then.. no need to say more." He texted someone, as he said it absently. He finally looked up, "Thanks for the phone.."

Ariadne: Welcome. Next time you have a wedding I hope you turn it off so no one has to steal it again.

Doc: "Yes.. I have one on the 24th.. why did I say yes...I still don't ******* know.."

Ariadne: *she laughed, which surprised her. It wasn't something she did much of in general* Poor Doc. Doing all his social things and standing around with ladies. The horror.

Doc: "I see how you are.. laugh at my pain. For the record, I thought it would be over in 5 minutes.. I didn't realize we were going to be there for ******* hours! I couldn't wait to get out of there.. and to think I have do this .. AGAIN!" He made a disgusted face.

Ariadne: Some people, when they don't get married as humans, feel the need to have an all out ceremony when they bind to someone they may not even like in 100 years. Though I do suppose them when one has an infinity of years ahead of them, an hour is a pirate costume isn't so bad?

Doc: "It wasn't an hour.. it was hour'S'.." he said emphatically. "And I have to do it all again in two weeks.. but at least this time.. I am just giving her away..."

Ariadne: Well that makes it all better. You can leer happily at the bridesmaids from the seats once you're done.

Doc: "I only leer at certain females.. thank you very much. You just happen to be one of them."

Ariadne: I'm sure you'll find a worthy substitute.

Doc: "You are so ******* cold.. " he sighed. "Fine.. see you later Ari..."

Ariadne: *she blinked, confusion slowly turning to sadness as he left. With quick movement she packed up her laptop and teleported herself out of the tree before she had a complete breakdown.*
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Re: Comings and Goings [Tytonidae]

Post by Axel Rosen »

<Axel Rosen>‎ Entering into the Eyrie via the tome that has been given to him, he look around the basement before entering the fadeportal, then up the elevator to the second floor which i where most everyone tends to hang out. Everyone's around but he moves over to Velveteen. "How's it going?" His words go from soft to louder as he slides toward her with one foot out in her direction. He's glad he's done being busy.

<Velveteen> She had been busy crafting but had grown bored already, having only just stepped away as Axel approached her. "G'day." She said, her aussie accent strong in that single word. "It's...going. How are you doin?"

<Axel Rosen> "I'm doing alright." He grins and then looks around, having noticed she was trying to go somewhere. "Am I in your way?" He has no issue with letting her get about what she wanted to do, just wanted to talk to her for a bit, be vocal. He eyes back and forth between Vel and the crafting bench. He should try to brek down his firearms, but at the same time he knows that he's not as good with the mechanism as he is with a single piece of steel. Perhaps Vel is into making weapons out of guns. He'll ask in a bit.

<Velveteen> "No....not at all. Just a bit bored with the crafting. I could do that **** in my sleep these days. Tried messin around with guns but...I dunno. I keep breaking ****. I might need to practice maybe." She shrugged. Not like it was something that interested her terribly anyway. "So what's been going on with you anyway? You have been kinda quiet."

<Axel Rosen>‎ "If you'd like some practice I've been hoarding guns for when I try my hand at it, but I'm better with crafting swords..." He pauses, "What I'm saying is that if you want the guns that I have to work on them, you're more than welcome to them." His head nods up and down once or twice before he answers her next question. "Been busy", should he say that he's been most busy lately avoiding his fiance to investigate things she's been saying behind his back? He assumes that's a bad idea, and instead tries to think of another reason. However, he can't really bring one to the forefront of his mind.

<Velveteen> She shrugged and nodded. "Sure...thank you. As long as they aren't anything special to ya. The odds are they will be completely and utterly fucked by the time I am done." She laughed and wandered toward to the shop giving him a curious glance. "Busy? You know there have been concerns over your...lack of availability lately. Busy with what Axel...if you don't mind my asking." She dug around in her pocket for the flash drive packed with sifferent programs and information that someone might find useful and tossed it carelessly on the counter.

<Axel Rosen> "Honestly, avoiding my fiance and investigating things that she's been saying behind my back..." He thinks for a second, "She's been telling people she misses and wants Legion, essentially." If he were to be honest, he hates giving out personal information, but if this is what people want of him, then why not. "She asked me a few nights back to get her into Ty, by talking to you", there is a pause", more like a week or so back." He nods his head and then looks at her again, "I told her that I had no sway, and even if I did she burned her own bridges and did this to herself." Axel finds a place to sit, because he has a feeling that this may be a longer talk than he anticipated. Though, that's not a bad thing, just not what he had intended it to be. "And none of the guns I have on me are special." He waits for a second and then thinks more about his fiance. "Really just sort of been hiding from her in most recent weeks."

<Velveteen> She arched a brow, surprised by his explanation. She had heard that there was trouble in paradise and that a marriage between the pair was not going to work while one was Ty and the other wasn't. She wasn't surprised to find out that Nix had asked him to help her get back in though. It just was not as easy as she seemed to think it was. She watched him thoughtdully for a moment and pulled herself up to sit on the edge of the counter. " am sorry to hear that Axel." Failed relationships were never fun and when it seemed that there was fuckery afoot to boot it just made it that much worse. "So...what now?"

<Axel Rosen> "Now... I bide my time for her to show her head and boot her." He almost growls but it's clear that his irritation is not with Vel asking questions, but rather with Nix. There had been a conversation between himself and Jesse last night where Axel had pushed his feelings aside and made himself numb for the sake of the group at the event. Now though, he's past that point of seclusion and really just wants to rip her head off in the open. There's an issue with that though, lack of the real ability to hit her. He can land blows on his current fiance but they never really do much damage. "It's okay. Nothing to be sorry about. I asked her to cut her ties with Legion when we got together, and she refused... So. I should have seen it coming." He nods his head for a moment and then kicks at his own foot lightly. "I apologize for being so quiet lately."

<Velveteen> She nodded her head slowly, listening as he spoke. His irritation was pretty obvious but, under the circumstances, understandable. "I don't know, Axel. Nix is....she is adamant about returning but you know as well as I do the general feeling of the faction on that count. We are just starting to get things back together. To even consider dropping that bomb now or anytime in the near future is just....not conducive to anything really. I think...if it was meant to be then it wouldn't matter who was in what faction or line...ya know?" It was moments like these that made her that much more thankful for her own marriage. Not that she wasn every other night but it seemed so very few were able to find the kinda of love that her and Micah shared. She would fight for him no matter what.

<Axel Rosen> "Oh I know. That's what I told her and she continued to pressure me, called me a pussy. So I slept on the couch and told her to go **** herself." He states this rather quietly so that the rest of the room can't really hear them. "I just got told all the stuff about Legion. I have no issue with him, she just made a promise and she's willing to break it." He shrugs and smiles at her, stuffing his feelings down again. "I can get those weapons to you tomorrow. There are quiet a few. I hope you won't get mad if I drop them on you." He grins for a second.

<Velveteen> "Nah I should be good...and thanks again." She jumped down from the counter, getting the feeling that the conversation was drawing to an end. She wasn't surprised either that they had fought about this. It sounded very similar to the argument between her and Jesse....the same but...different. "Well if you ever need to talk I am here."
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Re: Comings and Goings [Tytonidae]

Post by Jesse Fforde »

[OOC: Backdated to the 20th of May]
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

* Jesse Fforde settles into e of the provided couches, and waits for Axel to join him.

* Axel Rosen makes his way to the couch, crawling up into it near Jesse, then throwing his leg to get it in a position. He glares down at it then finally looks over to Jesse. "What's up?"

<Jesse Fforde> "A couple of things, really," Jesse says, tongue rolling against the top of his mouth as he ponders about where to start. He clears his throat. "First - you probably won't like me for this, but there are things I think you should be aware of. How much do you think Phoenix loves you?" he asks, straight to the point.

<Axel Rosen> Axel looks almost stunned at first, but then a jaded look comes over his face. "Until a few weeks ago I thought it was a lot; however, she tried to guilt me into getting her into Ty making it seem like she deserved to be there. She also said that we couldn't be together if I was there and she wasn't." He pauses for a moment, not sure how much of his relationship to give up, but at the same time he can't really keep things from Jesse. "So lately I'm just sort of avoiding her. There were some things Strix said in passing about Nix pretty much handing me over to her for a few nights as if I was just some ****-toy."

<Jesse Fforde> Jesse frowns, and nods. "I had a conversation with Phoenix recently. She wants to drain me dry and re-feed me her blood, in the hope that it'll somehow dissolve the Fforde disenthrallment. She says she wants it because she doesn't like not having that bloodline bond with you - but she seemed desperate, somehow. As if... without those bonds, if Legion were to come back, she wouldn't hesitate in dropping you. Not once did she say that it wouldn't happen - even when I tried to tell her that her love for you should conquer all lack of bonds, she didn't ... sort of... reassure me," Jesse says, a grimace on his face. He's not too sure how well he's explaining himself.

<Axel Rosen> There is a long pause and a thousand yard stare to the ring. While the face is blank and placid, the gut and brain is burning at about three-hundred degrees. Axel had told her that Legion, while he had no issue with the guy, would be the one hit to snap the chain. Bonds of blood or not, disenthrall or not, no matter what her mentality is, she promised that she was strong enough to stay with him through Legion coming back. Axel finally takes a breath, more to make himself realize that he's still there. Part of him wants to go find her and rip her head off. But there are two problems with that. The first being that he's too wounded to even muster the courage to face her. Secondly even if he does go to face her, he'd likely get cut down and end up in the fade. "I uh... I don't even know what to say to that."

<Jesse Fforde> Even after Axel speaks, Jesse remains silent. It's kind of awkward. He's not the kind of guy to be sentimentally comforting or soothing where heartache is concerned. If he was going to be honest, he never did understand what Axel saw in Phoenix to begin with. "You don't have to say anything," Jesse says. "You just have to keep it in mind, is all. Although she never said outright that she would drop you for Legion, she didn't say she wouldn't, either," Jesse says, hedging his bets. "The second thing I wanted to talk to you about... last night Velveteen officially invited... adopted me into Andras. Those sired under me are welcome, too - I intend on asking Paige, Renee, and Ursula how they feel about it...." he begins, wanting to gauge Axel's reaction to the news, first, before continuing.

<Axel Rosen> "I'm going to have to make action fast. To be honest Strix had told me the same thing, about Nix and Legion." He nods his head once or twice, slowly, obviously lost in thought for a few more minutes. The moment Jesse says that there is another thing that he wants to talk about; Axel stuffs down his current hatred and pays attention. "Would that mean there would be no-more Fforde?" He has to ask because he's kind of partial to the name and his sire. Though the family of Fforde is small, he's still proud to be in it. He tilts his head to the side and then speaks again. "Does the invitation extend to me as well?" Jesse had said those sired under him but there could be exceptions. Not that he believes he'd be one, just has to make sure.
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Re: Comings and Goings [Tytonidae]

Post by Axel Rosen »

--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

<Jesse Fforde> "Fforde will remain exactly as it is," Jesse says. Which is what appealed to him most about the invitation to join Andras. There are no expectations of that kind - there aren't any petty choices to be made. He and his are welcome, regardless of what 'bloodline' they belong to. When Axel asks his next question, however, Jesse pauses; although he had not been told that there were any exceptions, he needs to make sure. "I'm going to be blunt and honest with you, Axel. I'm speaking on my own behalf, and not on anyone else's. Your involvement with Ty, and your attention to the factions seemed to have dwindled since your involvement with Nix. In the beginning, I did not trust you. I have changed, now, but that's because I know you better than the others do. I think... although they have not said you aren't welcome, it would make them feel better if you were to talk to them. To reassure them that you are still loyal - that you aren't going to do just as you've just told me Phoenix wants you to do - somehow try to get her back into Tytonidae. Prove to them that you aren't just her pawn."

<Axel Rosen> The words that fall from his sires mouth at first hurt then anger him further. It's not because he doesn't think they have reason to doubt him but that they do anyway. It's a stupid anger. The reason for the pained anger is that he's not anyone's puppet or pawn. He's himself. He has stood up to Nix every argument they have had. For the longest time, he and Nix wouldn't talk about Jesse out of mutual respect for one another. He takes a breath and then exhales to calm down, just the idea of having to prove he's not someone's pawn makes him partially just want to be on his own. "Fair enough", but he's not stupid and knows that their doubt is in some way founded in reality (even if it's wrong).

<Jesse Fforde> It's almost as if Jesse can see the cogs turning in Axel's head; he's angry - there's no doubting that. Although it's different now, Jesse recalls the last fight night, when Phoenix was here because she was on the bridge. The way she and Axel had been so preoccupied with each other, hardly paying to attention to whatever else was going on. Jesse had felt disdain from Axel, then. Of course he had deserved it, but still - it was those small instances that had Jesse questioning Axel's loyalties. "I'm just telling you this for your own good, Axel. You said it yourself - she tried to guilt you into things. I know you're tougher than to bend to her will. So get out there and prove it to others, yeah?" he says, grinning just a little in reassurance.

<Axel Rosen> The anger fades a bit, not rally sure if it's something that should stick around. No one has really insulted him, yet. He thinks for a moment and then speaks. "So where do I start?" It's like a vision quest of the native Americans in their traditions. Or it could be likened to Homer's Odyssey.

<Jesse Fforde> Jesse shrugs and shakes his head. "It's not some kind of game. You don't have to start anywhere. Just be around more often..." he says, and then narrows his eyes a little. The last few hunts, Axel has been there. And he's there now, at the fight night. "Which you're already doing. And maybe ... try to talk to Micah? Even Velveteen? Reassure them... a person shouldn't be judge by who they date, but it can't be helped. There's no trust for Phoenix - she threatened everything, here. She's tried to make amends but it can't be forgotten, the things that she did do."

<Axel Rosen> He understands that it's not really a game that has a start and end, but the fact that there's no sense of direction to anything in this city is really starting to irritate him. Axel; however, keeps listening to his sire, because if anyone was a voice of reason and guidance in his life, it would be him. There is a break in his words. Reassure them what? The rest of it is the same thing he's been preaching from the beginning. "I told Nix that when she was pressuring me to get her back in. I told her that very little people there trust her at all." He feels defeated as the anger goes away and he's back in the black-sheep chair. He's getting rather tired of it too.

<Jesse Fforde> "Yes, which, as I believe, is something she chooses not to understand. Even now, still trying to get in when we voted. The majority said no. What you have that she doesn't, however, is that you are still here. Get it? Don't feel sorry for yourself. You wouldn't be here if you were completely ostracised because of who you chose to jump in bed with," Jesse says. Yes, it had hurt Jesse, in the beginning. He wonders what kind of vitriol Phoenix had spilled to try to turn Axel against him - he already knows that she'd tried to keep all her childer from interacting with him. But he doesn't ask that question, and nor does he tell Axel exactly what he thinks - that for his own sake, he ought to burn that bed, and find a new one. He has said all that he needs to. "C'mon. We're missing out on the fun," he says, gesturing back to the Fight Night in progress.

<Axel Rosen> Nodding his head as he goes to push himself off the couch. He hopes toward the crowd of people near the ring. Finding a seat he pops down.
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Re: Comings and Goings [Tytonidae]

Post by Roderic »

--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

‹Roderic› I tome in, catch the elevator and head to the second floor. I assume she's there, because almost everyone 'hangs' out there. When I see Velveteen, I nod to her and then head over by her. "I won't take up too much of your time." I start out. "Thanks for meeting me on short notice." We all have our private agendas and lives. I try not to interrupt those factors too often.

* Velveteen was playing with the mean looking baseball bat thing she had just made at the forge to fill in time. She wasn't at all experienced in the field of metalwork so that she was able to make anything at all was surprising. The weapon was set aside when Roderic approached and she couldn't help but smirk a little at the formality of it all. "Heya Bloodthief. This all sounds rather serious. Have you gotten yourself into some sort of trouble or something?'

* Roderic looks at Velveteen and what she was doing before I shook my head. "Not exactly. But before I told anyone else, I wanted you to be one of the first people to have this." I give her an envelope that I had somewhat crunched in my left hand. It wasn't intentional, but I had been holding on to it for a whole night and **** happened. "I consider you my family, and I know family give each other things like this." I hold it out to her. "Skylar made it."

* Velveteen tilted her head curiously though the fact that he considered family gave her moment of warm fuzzies that she wasn't rightly used to. She took the envelope and opened it having no real idea what to expect. Though when she read what was inside she looked at the male, then the piece of paper and back to the male. She kinda got the impression they were a couple of sorts but she had no idea it was this serious. " got married? Well congratulations Bloodthief!" She had sooo many questions but they would wait. "You know Micah and I will be there." She said with a quizzical grin.

‹Roderic› I nod at the question. "About a week ago." I admit. "Kind of a spur of a moment sort of thing." Another admission. A hand goes to the back of my neck and I rub at it. A slow smile pulls on the corners of my lips as she says they'll both be there. "Cool." I look around. "You should add spikes to that thing." I point to the bat she had put to the side. "I was hoping for some advice, kind of. Since you've been married a while and seem to excel in it."

‹Velveteen› The spur of the moment remark worried her a little, they never seemed to last though...many considered her own marriage rushed and she wouldn't have it any other way. Her gaze fell to the baseball bat and she nodded. "Good idea...I think I will. " She said perching herself on a nearby stool his choice of words rather amusing despite the seriousness of his tone. "Advice? Well...apparently I give terrible advice when it comes to relationships but shoot....I will help if I can."

* Roderic nods. "I take my commitments seriously. But I do not have experience in this sort of arrangement. And nothing to strive towards being like. Did you know more than fifty percent of marriages end in divorce? My own parents marriage did not last. My mother never remarried. Dad did. But, well, there's a lot there I would rather not get in to. Any advice would be welcomed. I would like to make sure this commitment lasts. But I have nothing to compare it to. I have read things online. The woman is always right. Just nod your head and agree. But there has to be more to marriage than those things." I look down at the invitation, then back at the bat. I am slightly uncomfortable asking for advice on a personal level. I have never needed to before, but I recognize that I need some help.

* Velveteen chewed at her lower lip thoughtfully as he spoke. The statistics and facts were true for human marriages. The rate of breakups in the vampire community seemed to far exceed those and lasted less time than a highschool crush."Well yes it is a commitment and there is a lot more marriage than that. Though first question would be Do you love her, Roderic?"

* Roderic sighs at the question. Everyone always circled back to that question. "Is that essential?" I ask before following up with more thoughts. "I would do anything for Skylar, if I could. She annoys me and pushes me, but I appreciate it. The last part. The annoying part I could do without, but I think I am annoyed because I have no experience with the things she has tons of experience in. I am committed to her. There are things I would do for her that I would not do for anyone else." I don't go into those details, but I'm sure Velveteen knows what I mean by that. "I believe I do, but I have only ever, without a doubt, loved one person. That was my mom. But I obviously do not feel the same way about her as I do my mom." I wonder if that sounds weird, but I'm not one who is known how to say the right things all the time.
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Re: Comings and Goings [Tytonidae]

Post by Velveteen »

--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

‹Velveteen› "It is usually a prerequisite or prelude to marriage. Though I suppose not so much in arranged marriages though those are usually arranged by outside parties, not the couple themselves." She eyed him thoughtfully."The things you describe could also pertain to the relationship a parent shares with their child and vice versa. So I suppose it is a start." She tilted her head, her curiousity growing. "Why would you agree to this if you don't really know what it means and..I have to ask. Was it just a ceremonial marriage or did you two go and get yourselves bonded as well?"

* Roderic shakes my head. "We went to the courthouse." I tell her. "And that's a pretty long story. That involves alcohol and stupidity at the time." I make sure to clarify that last bit. "I know what the premise is. Of marriage and why people do it. I'll admit, I'm not a fan of it. Statistics and personal experience. But, then there are people like you who know what they are doing. What I'm asking is, is for something small. To start me out. Any small piece of advice."

‹Velveteen› "Sounds like what goes on in Vegas...well from what I have seen and heard anyways. I....don't know so much that I know what I am doing." She lifts a hand to rake her fingers idly through her long, ebony locks. "I just know I love my husband. He is what keeps me going. Makes me want to be a better person and all that. So....I think the best advice I could give you at this point is to just...take it one night at a time. Be honest with your wife and yourself. Communication is a big part of a good relationship. Good communication and good boffing." She nods all serious like.

‹Roderic› Communication. That meant talking. Lots of it. Great. I hate talking. I nod my head. I don't know what boffing is, but I'm sure I won't like that either. Marriage sounded...great. "One day at a time." I echo after Velveteen. "Thanks for the advice." I tell her appreciatively. I don't know if I can talk more than what I already do. I have probably used more words at Skylar the last few months than I have in my entire life time with anyone else. Even my family. "Communication." I nod again. "I can try that." I say. I believe I have progressed with the faction and those in it, because I like being here and am committed to the faction. "So I'll see you and Micah on Monday then." I take a step back towards the elevator. "Unless-do you need something before I go? That I can assist with?"

* Velveteen chuckled. She had no idea what it was that endeared her to this man. His seriousness? His analytical nature? His emotional naivety or general lack of empathy perhaps? What ever it was it would likely remain a puzzle for some time yet but the fact that he could make her smile without even trying was a good start. 'Indeed you will Bloodthief. Should we bring gifts? And no..nothing needed at the moment, unless you happen to have any weapon parts or things I can break down for parts?"

Roderic› "It is not required." I tell her about in regards to the idea of gifts. I think I have everything and anything I need. I don't collect a lot of useless garbage for a few reasons. "I have a couple parts. Mostly for guns. If they can be of use." I tug the backpack off my back and rifle through all the good ones that she could use and put them on the table next to the bat. "It's casual. The dress code. If you were wondering." I hate dressing up and hated making others dress up too. "Now that I gave you the invitation personally, can I post it in the forum? Everyone in the faction, I trust and wouldn't mind if any of them show up. I can't always get ahold of some of them though." I zip the bag back up and put it on my shoulders, as I await her answer.

‹Velveteen› "Oh, good. I didn't even think of that and that is a good thing. I think Micah has made his suit wearing quota for the next decade." She laughed softly and considered how he pulled and tugged at the attire when she forced him to wear it. "And of course you can post it." Her expression softened at the realisation how big a thing this actually was. "And thank you, Bloodthief. You're kinda special to me too." Her voice teasing despite the sincerity of her words.

* Roderic let that smile fall on the corner of my lips again. "Cool. I'll post it later tonight.I better get home to the wife. See you soon." I salute Velveteen before getting in the elevator and heading down it to jump through a fadeportal and head back to the wife.
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Re: Comings and Goings [Tytonidae]

Post by Micah »

--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

<Dulce Periculum> Dulce stood there in the middle of the transit.She pocketed her cell phone while hearing Vel announce that Micah was hardly impressed. In fact he was livid. So much so that he took a hike to the castle. This would be a long night and she was not going to be celebrating. Leaving the party that had successfully hunted and caught their target she felt less than satisfied with the result. She had fucked up. Not just a little mishap. A big one. Far more so than she was willing to leave until later to deal with. Not this. Not when she hunted others for the same.

Mortll had been the target. What the business woman’s reasons were for tossing her hat in the ring and being the first runner in the bloody game of tag was not a concern. The woman was around long enough, knew the city and had the knowledge to make them work hard in finding her. In the end she had done just that. The flower shop owner also was quick on the toes she barely had left as their paths crossed and crashed into one bloody mess in Honeymead transit. that was when she made a mistake that had an unexpected audience.

Finding Mortll so close to getting away had Dulce moving quick and striking fast to deliver a leg severing hit. It also had her instantly spotted by the one human that had to come out at the least convenient time and set eyes on her committing the unexplainable in a human world. In that moment all that was taking place froze and she reached for her cell while the others ran in pursuit.

There was something about the process that had the tall blonde already knowing what she would see. She scrolled her finger down and managed to connect to where she hoped not to find her name. With a final sweep of her finger across the illuminated screen she felt the hardness of her jaw lining up. Mortll was faster than most would be in that situation. Or the human was as it darted. Perhaps it had enough awareness to even report it. Whatever happened it was catching up with the killer who neglected to notice the witness in the transit as she sprinted in and took out her weapon.

Long fingers retrieved the dark communication device from the pocket of her jacket while the clicks of her steps followed her out of the Eyrie elevator. She sent the text quick. She had given it enough thought before she did. Part of her imagined he would expect it to arrive. He knew her well. Possibly well enough that he would not even have to ask why she was asking to meet him. Now she waited. Micah was upset and she had seen it before but it was the first time that some of it she would be responsible for.

<Micah> It was supposed to be fun. Every last member of Tytonidae had been itching for a hunt like the one they had just successfully completed. Something challenging, something that would push them to utilize every tool in their expansive arsenal. And that was what they had gotten. Neither he or Vel had honestly expected to find Mortll the first night. She had had warning giving her plenty of time to find the perfect spot to hide and use any powers that she could to hide herself and cover her tracks. Micah didn’t know what the **** people had been thinking but somewhere along the line they’d lost their senses and ignored everything they’d been taught just to get that kill. To say he was pissed off would be an understatement.

He had been unable to stay for very long once Mortll had been killed. They were congratulating each other, saying how much fun it had been and how they had missed it. And he’d just stood there listening to them celebrating, growing more incredulous with each passing second. The question he had put to them had been met with excuses from the majority, the I didn’t realize, she said shoot excuses were the final straw and he’d fled for the castle to take out his anger on the Lionelli that dwelled within.

Where had their heads been? And what the **** had his wife been thinking when she gave the location and order to attack? Every last one of them had followed her orders with no objection - everyone but him. He’d just stood there, watching as they descend on Mortll like a pack of wild dogs so focused on the hunt that not once were their surroundings even taken into consideration. And they had been seen. More than one of them had admitted to drawing attention to themselves and to him it was completely and utterly unacceptable. If Micah had been in a more rational state of mind he would have shot them all but he didn’t trust himself. So he’d fled to do the one thing that he knew would help. Only it wasn’t helping. In fact he was so out of his mind with rage that he didn’t realize his gun was left behind and he was only using the blade Nishaa had made him and he was losing battle after battle. He gave up, and tomed back to the Eyrie.

It had been his intention to get his gun and leave immediately. Being around everyone that had pissed him off not long ago wasn’t going to do much for his rage. However, it didn’t turn out quite like he expected that it would. The text came through and it made him pause. Dulce wasn’t one that he spoke with often but that didn’t mean that there wasn’t a healthy amount of mutual respect between the pair. That she was contacting him told him that something had come up and it would be wise of him to answer. And he did, telling her he’d be waiting on the semi deserted second floor of the treehouse.

<Dulce Periculum> The wait was not long and as soon as the text came through Dulce scanned it and made the cell phone disappear. She was not uncertain as to what would happen next. She knew the first action would be hers. It would be simple. Direct in the delivery because that was how she was. Anything else would be a waste of his time and ultimately her own as well. There was no need to try and say anything more than the facts.

Stepping towards him she found her eyes lifting upward which was a rare thing for the woman who found herself at least six inches over her natural six feet in height. Micah standing there still was a visual to take in. The man likely was all kinds of pissed off even if he was standing still and not tearing the hell out of something. She was pretty sure the lack of others being around would ensure that this may not be another roll over of bad going to worse. Not tonight. There was no need for more **** to add to the current storm.

“Thanks for meeting me.” Icy blue orbs scanned the vampire for anything at all that would say this was an incredibly bad timing on her part. “I fucked up.” Dulce finally stopped and gave that time to sink in. The next part was not going to be something he would have to wait for. “I was chasing her into the transit and when I hit her it wasn’t clean. I was spotted and it went up.”

Dulce pulled out her cell and brought up the violations list and flipped the phone towards him to catch. She slowly pulled off her jacket and folded it up. Once that was done she started removing her weapons. Each one she carefully set on the counter next to her and turned back to face him.

<Micah> While he was waiting for her, he’d retrieved his gun. He felt more at ease with it on his person, the weight of it in his hand greeting him like an old friend. It didn’t do anything to calm the raging inferno that was currently rolling through his body but with that gun he’d be able to put it out. That was his hope at least but he had no more time to dwell on it as the doors to the elevator opened and his gaze was drawn towards the tall, lethal blonde that stepped out.

“Dulce.” One word - her name. It rolled easily off of his tongue but the delivery was curt and cold, a testament to his current state of mind. In all the years that he had known her there had only ever been a single instance where he had found himself angry with her. Once. While others had found themselves on the receiving end of his acid tongue when he was pissed off she had never gotten the full brunt of it. Dulce was loyal to the core. She followed instructions without arguing, and she was quick to fall in line whenever she needed to. Micah admired her for that. And then she spoke three words he never, ever thought he’d hear come out of her mouth.

At first Micah thought that he had heard her wrong but she was still speaking. Explaining herself. Offering no excuses for what she had done. Of course she wasn’t making excuses. Dulce didn’t make excuses for her actions. When she was wrong she owned that **** like no other. But the proof was there for him to see. Her name, a glaring mark against her was there in white lettering. Micah was speechless and had absolutely no idea what to say to her. He still didn’t speak even as he watched her remove her weapons, each one carefully placed on the counter with an obvious amount of affection. Somehow he managed to unglue his tongue from the roof of his mouth as he shook his head adamantly. “No. No...I can’t. Don’t ask me to end your life Dulce. I can’t.”
Dulce Periculum
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Joined: 26 Jun 2011, 22:06
CrowNet Handle: Ms. Congeniality
Location: Consumed by shadow

Re: Comings and Goings [Tytonidae]

Post by Dulce Periculum »

--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--

<Dulce Periculum> Dulce watched Micah shake his head as he spoke. She listened to every word as if each was possibly the last she would hear again. There was no guarantee with their kind as to what could happen when the last of their blood was taken, spilled, consumed or destroyed. Some never came back. She knew that much. She was always prepared if that in fact was to be the case. Hantu, Chaindog, Tomi and Insanity knew how she was wired. Accountability first and last. So this was going to be just that. Perhaps there were no guarantees. But as she stood there casually resting her backside against the edge of the surface behind it there was something that she found more unsettling. To ignore what took place. Others had not. It was seen and it was recorded. It was to be accounted for. She was no exception. None of them were. Simple as that. She did not question what was going to happen. Even Micah’s words, the message as well as the tone in his voice, did nothing to change what she believed would take place. It had to be.

“It needs to be done.” Dulce nudged back and was again fully on her feet serious and tall as she looked around them. Her voice lowered. “It can’t wait. Each second is more awareness raised.”

The icy orbs took a detour and looked back at the weapons that were placed on the counter. Dulce closed her eyes and went quiet. Her mind worked through to that place where she could reach her husband and bloodline. Each was informed and with that cool pools of blue stared at the one she trusted at any given moment when those she also loved and counted on were out of reach. The night had been busy and this needed to happen minutes ago.

“The damage is there.” Stepping back resulted in a few clicks echoing until she stopped. “Ready.”

There could have been more to it. Perhaps they could have entertained a moment or two of selfish bargaining, excuses or minimizing what took place that resulted in their kind being discovered but that wasn’t in her. It never had been. Any mess made needed to be cleaned up and anything broken eventually had to be accounted for. This was hers. She was owning it. They taught her that. Tytonidae, her sires, her mate. No ********. No tears. No excuses.

“I can’t do it myself or I would.” Dulce blinked. “I am asking for help.”

<Micah> Dulce knew him. She knew his thoughts and his opinions on keeping off of the violations list. He’d never been quiet about it. You fucked up, you died, or you were crippled. It didn’t matter. That was the only way to handle situations such as this. So why was he hesitating? What was it about this woman standing there in front of him, owning up to her **** up, that was staying his hand? Micah had no answer for that. He was drawing a blank. She’d fucked up, she was aware of it and she had come to him to take care of the problem as he had done so many times before to so many others. Dulce was making no excuses but he had never expected her to. That wasn’t how she operated and he knew that.

He could try to talk her out of it. He could attempt to reason with her and tell her that it wasn’t necessary but deep down he knew that was ********. It was necessary. And it pissed him off to no end that the others who had been just as careless were safe and sound. None of them had appeared on the list but this woman standing in front of him, lowering herself to asking him to take care of her for her fuckup? She was owning her **** just as she should. But where were the others?

Anger renewed itself and licked at his insides with a vengeance he hadn’t expected. They should be there. They should be standing with Dulce offering themselves up to be dealt with, just as she was. Their **** ups might not be visible as of yet but that wasn’t the point. Unconsciously his hand tightened around the grip of his gun. He hated them in that moment. How could they go on with their business like it was nothing?? Like they weren’t guilty of the same crime that she was? It was all ********.

“Alright.” He finally said, somehow managing to keep his tone calm and even. “I can’t deny you, because I agree with you.” Even if I don’t ******* like it but those words were never spoken out loud. It would be an insult to her, and she was already paying a high enough price. No need to add more guilt to her already full plate.

<Dulce Periculum> It was rare but a hint of a smile appeared like a flash of unexpected lightning then was gone. Her eyes took a slow and indulgent study of the gun in his grip. It was then that she saw the eyes that looked to her in horror as she took her weapon out and used it. She could have stopped. She was a creature that was designed to have the ultimate self-control. She was a trained killer. And in that moment she failed. Her eyes lifted to those that would use the pull of a trigger to sink in the value of what they as a faction and family were built upon. It went deeper than the floor beneath their feet and she would feel it to the core as soon as he took aim and fired. No words were left to escape her lips. With a slow turn of her hands she offered up empty palms and let the length of each pale digit relax. Her mind opened at the last moment and reached out to him.

“Thank you.”

<Micah> He simply nodded. Truth be told Micah was feeling a little numb. He’d never expected to find himself in this position, staring down the barrel of his gun at Dulce of all people. For the first time ever he hesitated before pulling the trigger. The minutes stretched out between them - him frozen in place having a mental war between right and wrong with himself and her standing there patiently waiting for him to dish out her punishment. Somehow he managed to separate himself from the situation and in doing so he was able to do what she’d asked him to do. Each shot that he fired landed precisely where he wanted it to land but at that last second, when he had the opportunity to end her life and send her to the shadow realm, he couldn’t do it. Instead he spared her, leaving her on the floor of the Eyrie crippled and bleeding, but her mistake was paid for just as she had wanted it to be. At his hand, and with her blood.

<Dulce Periculum> Felt the assault of repeated bullets landing in the same area. **** if he didn’t have perfect aim. the burn of one after another exploded inside her skull so quickly that she was standing up even after her legs had lost the connection to her brain to give up. a sound rushed past her lips and was the last one she made before dropping to the floor in a bloody pool of legs and arms. The wood beneath her body should be comforting but as soon as her eyes opened she was lost to anything familiar outside the pain and the scent of her blood. Blood that rushed down her forehead and drown the silken blonde hair that went crimson upon contact. Four bullets shattered her skull, others lodged themselves deep in her body. She would know this later. For the next four days and nights to follow she would be unable to process anything but the nerve twisting pain and the scent of her own blood.

<Micah> It was finished. She had attoned for her fuckup, and he was ******* proud that she had stepped up and took the punishment with grace. There was no need for him to say anything, no need for him to ask her if she’d learned her lesson. Not only would she be unable to answer, but Micah knew that she had. Dulce had learned from her mistake the second it had happened and had sought to fix it as soon as she was able to. It wouldn’t happen again. That was something that he was absolutely certain of that. Unable to see her lying on the floor in a puddle of her own blood he approached her and scooped her up in his arms. Once she was secure he headed for the elevator. Dulce could recover upstairs. As the doors closed on them, he uttered three words. “Im proud of you.”
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