Family Ties
- Registered User
- Posts: 2856
- Joined: 19 Apr 2011, 14:43
- CrowNet Handle: QueenOfTheDamned
Re: Family Ties
It was so cold. The ice beneath her feet as she materialised just outside of Alpha Towers was the first indication of that and the below freezing temperatures seemed to burn the soles of her feet. The air held a bitter sting as it as it wrapped around her naked form in a less than loving embrace that once upon a time would have her shivering uncontrollably as she hurried to find some place warm. Though, once upon a time the woman would never dared be anywhere not her bedroom, wearing nothing but a frown. It was his fault. He said she had to go now. So she did. Such the obedient wife. She knew she was going to be in trouble for this stunt but right now there were other things that needed to be a priority.
Velveteen glanced around, hoping that the cold weather and late hour had prevented there being any onlookers. Not so much worried about the lack of clothing as she was the teleporting. Naked could be explained. Appearing out of nowhere? Not so much. A lone woman sat huddled in a nearby doorway, doing her best to find some refuge from the cold. The cart nearby filled with random junk presented this woman’s life, which was not a whole lot for anyone who appeared to be in their late sixties. That she even survived out here at all was a true wonder. The old woman lifted her head to settle weary eyes on the vampire and then smiled. Her aged face suddenly not what it first appeared to be. For a moment, Velveteen was mesmerized. The look of knowing that lingered in old woman’s eyes was almost unsettling.
Before Velveteen managed to tear her gaze away the older woman nodded and busied herself with tugging the age warn shawls about herself. The connection was made and now Velveteen was being dismissed, a look of recognition dawned on her features. The Oracle. How she always knew where something was happening was beyond her, though seeing her here was out of the norm and left the vampire wondering what this could mean….if anything at all.
The curiousity was fleeting and quickly replaced by the previous feeling of anger and defiance. She could have called the shadows to her to protect her modesty whilst making her way up to her apartment but instead she flipped her long, ebony strands over one alabaster shoulder and set her jaw straight ahead as she marched her way up to the ninth floor like it was nobody’s business. There were several shocked gasps and a couple of admiring glances her way causing the faintest hint of a smile to dance delicately across her lips. He would likely never know but that it happened gave her a small sense of satisfaction that even though he may not realise it she had punished him for his anger.
Once the door to her apartment locked behind her she moved much more quickly. Finding Satine wasn’t going to be the problem, it was, after all one of the things that she did best, find people. No...the hardest part was going to be what was to happen next. Velveteen was not ready for her sister to be either dead or turned and needed more time to even make that decision. What if she was turned and they hated each other? What if she was killed without Velveteen ever knowing or worse. An undefined amount of time lifting with what ifs and maybes could be just as torturous. There were still too many questions and so few answers had been provided. As much as she hated to deny her husband, neither was an option right now. She could only hope that once he calmed down he might listen to her. Once Satine was secure and no longer a danger to them or anyone else.
Where and how that was to happen was just another step in solving this dilemma but one that she would deal with when they got there.
Jeans, t-shirt, boots and a jacket were pulled on in a flurry of motion as the vampire used those powers available to her to find where her twin might be. Human were much easier to track, well the purebloods. They didn’t have the ability to dodge the powers that vampires were able to use and as it so happened, the woman in question happened to be shop. A rather interesting shop at that if those items in her immediate area were any indication. Velveteen didn’t immediately recognise the place though she was able to triangulate a general location rather quickly. She didn’t have long. There was no way of knowing how long Satine had been there or how long she would remain.
She scowled at the glock before tucking it away. It was primitive and not the best weapon but the only one available to her at the moment. It would suffice as she no intentions of actually using it, unless of course she had to knock the woman the **** out.
Velveteen was about to step out into the corridor when she quickly darted back inside. A hurried search of the kitchen cupboards produced a small jar of Vicks Vaporub which she stuffed into a jacket pocket. She had no idea what was going on with her lately but it had happened too many times now to be a fluke. Something about the smell of human blood did ...something to her and past experiences had taught her that the overbearing vapours that could not only singe the nostril hairs and burn the delicate membrane of the nose but it could block out even the foulest of odours. It was all she could think of right now. Once satisfied that she had all she needed she moved faster than the human eye could see out of the Alpha Towers lobby and across the river to Coastside. The fact that she knew exactly where the portal led was a huge bonus and the best place for Velveteen to start tracking.
Satine’s aura was strong when the dark haired vampire stepped into the building, not strong enough for her to have still been there but like a fire that had just been put out the coals were still warm and smoking. The general area was mainly factories and warehouses with various other businesses scattered throughout so there were very places she could have gone, especially considering that there was little open this time of night and the fact that the other’s knowledge of the area was likely limited at best. The only actual shop that Velveteen knew of was over near the station and not far from Silks so that was the way she headed.
The obnoxious flashing of the ‘OPEN’ sign stood out like a sore thumb in the darkened streets. Like a moth to the flame that surely would have drawn someone in a panic and looking for help. The possibility caused a little panic to rise up in her chest cavity. What of she was already with the authorities and spilling her guts? No. Surely she wasn’t that stupid as to think she would actually believed.
The door swung open and Velveteen stepped inside, letting it close of its own accord behind her. Silver orbs scanned the small overcrowded shop like tiny radars as she checked for the other’s presence. Her arms hung down by her side and her fingers clenched and relaxed as frustration began to build.
“Back for this are you?” The male’s voice drew her attention to what he was holding up. The mask! “You shot out of here so quickly I figured you might be back.”
“****!” The word was spat as she turned on her heel and stepped back out into the night. She had missed her. Standing there on the snow covered foot path Velveteen sniffed at the air. She could smell her...well her blood. It was at the moment her eyes were drawn to the pristine white blanket beneath her feet, and more so the glittering red drops that stained it. Kneeling down she scooped her hand beneath one and brought it up to her nose. Almost immediately that dark swirl of animalistic urges rose from the depths of her senses. A gutteral growl came unbidden from darkest recesses of her being and the fragile fringes of her psyche began to unravel. She shook her her head and dropped the snow, stepping back in shock. The scent of her sister’s blood remained but had been dulled by the ice just enough to allow her to regain control before it was too late. Enough for her to recognise those changes that had begun to possess. It worried her but for now those concerns were pushed back and before she continued further she put the small jar to use and smeared the top her upper lip in a thick layer of the clear gel like substance. Menthol vapours raped her delicate senses brutally but did as she had hoped, effectively overpowering and blocking out any and all other smells.
Red drops in the snow, like breadcrumbs in the forest, led Velveteen to the train station. That was not anything surprising and probably one of the smartest things Satine had unknowingly done thus far. She could have gone anywhere from here and to travel to every station to pick up her trail was going to take too long.
Her vision blurred a little from the Vicks and she reached out once more to check in on her sister’s whereabouts. A string of profanities that would have made even the most hardened of men blush, left her lips in what seemed to be unending rush of uttered frustration. Her hands turned into fists at her side and her whole body stiffened. For the casual onlooker it might have looked as if the woman was about to throw a tantrum right there when a voice from somewhere behind her caused her to freeze.
“Whoa ****! Check this out, dude. It’s all happenin’ at the airport.” The sound of the young male’s voice was filled with amusement as he shoved the small screen towards his friend. “She’s kinda hot too.” He added right before Velveteen stepped up and snatched the device from his hand. His protests were met with the cold muzzle of of her gun that was now pressed to his forehead as she watched the report. The pair just looked at her all wide eyed and said not a single word as she threw the phone back into his lap and stalked off, gun still in hand. Now she was really pissed.
Velveteen glanced around, hoping that the cold weather and late hour had prevented there being any onlookers. Not so much worried about the lack of clothing as she was the teleporting. Naked could be explained. Appearing out of nowhere? Not so much. A lone woman sat huddled in a nearby doorway, doing her best to find some refuge from the cold. The cart nearby filled with random junk presented this woman’s life, which was not a whole lot for anyone who appeared to be in their late sixties. That she even survived out here at all was a true wonder. The old woman lifted her head to settle weary eyes on the vampire and then smiled. Her aged face suddenly not what it first appeared to be. For a moment, Velveteen was mesmerized. The look of knowing that lingered in old woman’s eyes was almost unsettling.
Before Velveteen managed to tear her gaze away the older woman nodded and busied herself with tugging the age warn shawls about herself. The connection was made and now Velveteen was being dismissed, a look of recognition dawned on her features. The Oracle. How she always knew where something was happening was beyond her, though seeing her here was out of the norm and left the vampire wondering what this could mean….if anything at all.
The curiousity was fleeting and quickly replaced by the previous feeling of anger and defiance. She could have called the shadows to her to protect her modesty whilst making her way up to her apartment but instead she flipped her long, ebony strands over one alabaster shoulder and set her jaw straight ahead as she marched her way up to the ninth floor like it was nobody’s business. There were several shocked gasps and a couple of admiring glances her way causing the faintest hint of a smile to dance delicately across her lips. He would likely never know but that it happened gave her a small sense of satisfaction that even though he may not realise it she had punished him for his anger.
Once the door to her apartment locked behind her she moved much more quickly. Finding Satine wasn’t going to be the problem, it was, after all one of the things that she did best, find people. No...the hardest part was going to be what was to happen next. Velveteen was not ready for her sister to be either dead or turned and needed more time to even make that decision. What if she was turned and they hated each other? What if she was killed without Velveteen ever knowing or worse. An undefined amount of time lifting with what ifs and maybes could be just as torturous. There were still too many questions and so few answers had been provided. As much as she hated to deny her husband, neither was an option right now. She could only hope that once he calmed down he might listen to her. Once Satine was secure and no longer a danger to them or anyone else.
Where and how that was to happen was just another step in solving this dilemma but one that she would deal with when they got there.
Jeans, t-shirt, boots and a jacket were pulled on in a flurry of motion as the vampire used those powers available to her to find where her twin might be. Human were much easier to track, well the purebloods. They didn’t have the ability to dodge the powers that vampires were able to use and as it so happened, the woman in question happened to be shop. A rather interesting shop at that if those items in her immediate area were any indication. Velveteen didn’t immediately recognise the place though she was able to triangulate a general location rather quickly. She didn’t have long. There was no way of knowing how long Satine had been there or how long she would remain.
She scowled at the glock before tucking it away. It was primitive and not the best weapon but the only one available to her at the moment. It would suffice as she no intentions of actually using it, unless of course she had to knock the woman the **** out.
Velveteen was about to step out into the corridor when she quickly darted back inside. A hurried search of the kitchen cupboards produced a small jar of Vicks Vaporub which she stuffed into a jacket pocket. She had no idea what was going on with her lately but it had happened too many times now to be a fluke. Something about the smell of human blood did ...something to her and past experiences had taught her that the overbearing vapours that could not only singe the nostril hairs and burn the delicate membrane of the nose but it could block out even the foulest of odours. It was all she could think of right now. Once satisfied that she had all she needed she moved faster than the human eye could see out of the Alpha Towers lobby and across the river to Coastside. The fact that she knew exactly where the portal led was a huge bonus and the best place for Velveteen to start tracking.
Satine’s aura was strong when the dark haired vampire stepped into the building, not strong enough for her to have still been there but like a fire that had just been put out the coals were still warm and smoking. The general area was mainly factories and warehouses with various other businesses scattered throughout so there were very places she could have gone, especially considering that there was little open this time of night and the fact that the other’s knowledge of the area was likely limited at best. The only actual shop that Velveteen knew of was over near the station and not far from Silks so that was the way she headed.
The obnoxious flashing of the ‘OPEN’ sign stood out like a sore thumb in the darkened streets. Like a moth to the flame that surely would have drawn someone in a panic and looking for help. The possibility caused a little panic to rise up in her chest cavity. What of she was already with the authorities and spilling her guts? No. Surely she wasn’t that stupid as to think she would actually believed.
The door swung open and Velveteen stepped inside, letting it close of its own accord behind her. Silver orbs scanned the small overcrowded shop like tiny radars as she checked for the other’s presence. Her arms hung down by her side and her fingers clenched and relaxed as frustration began to build.
“Back for this are you?” The male’s voice drew her attention to what he was holding up. The mask! “You shot out of here so quickly I figured you might be back.”
“****!” The word was spat as she turned on her heel and stepped back out into the night. She had missed her. Standing there on the snow covered foot path Velveteen sniffed at the air. She could smell her...well her blood. It was at the moment her eyes were drawn to the pristine white blanket beneath her feet, and more so the glittering red drops that stained it. Kneeling down she scooped her hand beneath one and brought it up to her nose. Almost immediately that dark swirl of animalistic urges rose from the depths of her senses. A gutteral growl came unbidden from darkest recesses of her being and the fragile fringes of her psyche began to unravel. She shook her her head and dropped the snow, stepping back in shock. The scent of her sister’s blood remained but had been dulled by the ice just enough to allow her to regain control before it was too late. Enough for her to recognise those changes that had begun to possess. It worried her but for now those concerns were pushed back and before she continued further she put the small jar to use and smeared the top her upper lip in a thick layer of the clear gel like substance. Menthol vapours raped her delicate senses brutally but did as she had hoped, effectively overpowering and blocking out any and all other smells.
Red drops in the snow, like breadcrumbs in the forest, led Velveteen to the train station. That was not anything surprising and probably one of the smartest things Satine had unknowingly done thus far. She could have gone anywhere from here and to travel to every station to pick up her trail was going to take too long.
Her vision blurred a little from the Vicks and she reached out once more to check in on her sister’s whereabouts. A string of profanities that would have made even the most hardened of men blush, left her lips in what seemed to be unending rush of uttered frustration. Her hands turned into fists at her side and her whole body stiffened. For the casual onlooker it might have looked as if the woman was about to throw a tantrum right there when a voice from somewhere behind her caused her to freeze.
“Whoa ****! Check this out, dude. It’s all happenin’ at the airport.” The sound of the young male’s voice was filled with amusement as he shoved the small screen towards his friend. “She’s kinda hot too.” He added right before Velveteen stepped up and snatched the device from his hand. His protests were met with the cold muzzle of of her gun that was now pressed to his forehead as she watched the report. The pair just looked at her all wide eyed and said not a single word as she threw the phone back into his lap and stalked off, gun still in hand. Now she was really pissed.
Some people will never like us...

And we will never give a ****.
"Days since last **** was given: 2,276"

And we will never give a ****.
"Days since last **** was given: 2,276"
- Registered User
- Posts: 3867
- Joined: 22 May 2011, 00:12
- CrowNet Handle: FuckYourMorals
Re: Family Ties
His mouth opened, ready to snap off a rather vicious retort at her comment but before the words could form the space in front of him was empty. Anger, fast, furious, hot enough to scald rolled through him at her audacity. His wife had just teleported out of the Eyrie wearing nothing but the skin she was born in. He started to shake as the rage overtook him. What the **** was she thinking? If this was a big **** you to him well he’d gotten the message, loud and clear. When he got his hands on her….no. He wouldn’t allow himself to get to that point. He refused to allow it. But he knew if he didnt find a way to channel the rage then his wife wouldn’t have a tree to come back to. Luckily he had a task waiting for him.
He retrieved the bucket and a scrub brush from under the sink in the bathroom along with a bottle of cleaner. Sticking the bucket under the spigot in the shower he turned the hot water on and dumped the cleaner into the container. Micah didn’t know jack about cleaning so he had no idea if the floor would be ruined when he was done or not. Just another thing to blame Satine for. Thinking about that ***** wasn’t a good thing as it just sent his slowly cooling temper straight back up and through the roof. Shutting the water off he left the bathroom and headed for the hall.
At first he did nothing but stand there and stare at the bloodstains. It had cooled and congealed leaving behind a sticky ******* mess. Thanks to Vel it was streaked and splattered everywhere making the job a bigger task than he had originally thought. As he stood there he let the events replay over and over in his mind and he realized that he hadn’t heard a word from Scott. Micah didn’t even know if Bunny was ok. The thought of losing her made his insides twist in a way that he wasn’t familiar with and since he couldn’t put a name to what it was it made him highly uncomfortable. “Get this **** done. Get to hospital.” The words seemed to echo around him and it hit him in that moment just how quiet it was. It was unnerving and Micah didn’t like it at all, so he dropped to his knees and started scrubbing.
Micah channeled everything into that task and by the time he was finished the floor was spotless and a couple hours had passed. Checking his phone, he frowned at discovering nothing there. Maybe they wouldn’t tell Scott anything. After Micah had found Bunny and bound her to him as a thrall she’d made him her next of kin, claiming he was her step brother. Just in case something happened to her but he remembered laughing it off, telling her he’d keep her safe. Well he’d failed in that, hadn’t he? Spectacularly in fact. This wasn’t the first time she’d been injured but it would be the last if he had anything to do with it.
After a quick shower he dressed with a speed he didn’t normally use and gathered up the few things he never left home without. He wondered for a minute if he should look for Vel but pushed that thought away as fast as it had slipped into his mind. No. If he saw her now it would just turn into a fight that he didn’t want or need. She was looking for her demon sister anyway. He’d go check on Bunny, and if there was no news he’d wait. Once he knew she was going to be fine he’d come back home. Simple.
Stepping through one of the portals he ended up at Bullwood Station, right next door to the hospital that Scott had taken Bunny to. As soon as he walked through the door Scott descended on him, apologizing for not contacting him but he hadn’t been able to find anything out. He wasn’t family and because of that, the doctor on Bunny’s case would tell him nothing. Micah sent the thrall back to the Eyrie and stepped up to the reception desk. Once they found out who he was they were more than willing to talk. Bunny was going to be fine they said. She’d had to undergo surgery to repair some of the damage but the bullets hadn’t hit anything vital. She’d be in the hospital for awhile but she was expected to make a full recovery. Relieved, Micah took a seat in the waiting room until he was able to see her.
The television was loud, blaring the local news. Normally it wasn’t something he cared about but he just happened to look up in time to see a very familiar female being put into the back of a police car with her hands cuffed behind her back. ******* Satine. Micah was very certain of that. Vel wouldn’t be caught dead wearing such an ugly ******* sweater. He barely heard the reporter talking but he did manage to catch bits and pieces of what she’d done to get herself arrested. ****. If she started talking…..he couldn’t allow that to happen. But he wasn’t going to be able to get her out on his own. Luckily for him he knew someone that could help.
Sliding his phone out of his pocket he scrolled through his contacts until he found the rarely used number. Because it was so rarely used Micah hope that in contacting the owner of the number, he’d understand that the situation was dire.
Doc - In a bit of a bind and I could really use your help. I’ll be on the steps of the police station in 5 minutes. If you can help, I’ll meet you there.
Micah hit send and slipped out of the hospital. Hopefully Bunny would understand.
He retrieved the bucket and a scrub brush from under the sink in the bathroom along with a bottle of cleaner. Sticking the bucket under the spigot in the shower he turned the hot water on and dumped the cleaner into the container. Micah didn’t know jack about cleaning so he had no idea if the floor would be ruined when he was done or not. Just another thing to blame Satine for. Thinking about that ***** wasn’t a good thing as it just sent his slowly cooling temper straight back up and through the roof. Shutting the water off he left the bathroom and headed for the hall.
At first he did nothing but stand there and stare at the bloodstains. It had cooled and congealed leaving behind a sticky ******* mess. Thanks to Vel it was streaked and splattered everywhere making the job a bigger task than he had originally thought. As he stood there he let the events replay over and over in his mind and he realized that he hadn’t heard a word from Scott. Micah didn’t even know if Bunny was ok. The thought of losing her made his insides twist in a way that he wasn’t familiar with and since he couldn’t put a name to what it was it made him highly uncomfortable. “Get this **** done. Get to hospital.” The words seemed to echo around him and it hit him in that moment just how quiet it was. It was unnerving and Micah didn’t like it at all, so he dropped to his knees and started scrubbing.
Micah channeled everything into that task and by the time he was finished the floor was spotless and a couple hours had passed. Checking his phone, he frowned at discovering nothing there. Maybe they wouldn’t tell Scott anything. After Micah had found Bunny and bound her to him as a thrall she’d made him her next of kin, claiming he was her step brother. Just in case something happened to her but he remembered laughing it off, telling her he’d keep her safe. Well he’d failed in that, hadn’t he? Spectacularly in fact. This wasn’t the first time she’d been injured but it would be the last if he had anything to do with it.
After a quick shower he dressed with a speed he didn’t normally use and gathered up the few things he never left home without. He wondered for a minute if he should look for Vel but pushed that thought away as fast as it had slipped into his mind. No. If he saw her now it would just turn into a fight that he didn’t want or need. She was looking for her demon sister anyway. He’d go check on Bunny, and if there was no news he’d wait. Once he knew she was going to be fine he’d come back home. Simple.
Stepping through one of the portals he ended up at Bullwood Station, right next door to the hospital that Scott had taken Bunny to. As soon as he walked through the door Scott descended on him, apologizing for not contacting him but he hadn’t been able to find anything out. He wasn’t family and because of that, the doctor on Bunny’s case would tell him nothing. Micah sent the thrall back to the Eyrie and stepped up to the reception desk. Once they found out who he was they were more than willing to talk. Bunny was going to be fine they said. She’d had to undergo surgery to repair some of the damage but the bullets hadn’t hit anything vital. She’d be in the hospital for awhile but she was expected to make a full recovery. Relieved, Micah took a seat in the waiting room until he was able to see her.
The television was loud, blaring the local news. Normally it wasn’t something he cared about but he just happened to look up in time to see a very familiar female being put into the back of a police car with her hands cuffed behind her back. ******* Satine. Micah was very certain of that. Vel wouldn’t be caught dead wearing such an ugly ******* sweater. He barely heard the reporter talking but he did manage to catch bits and pieces of what she’d done to get herself arrested. ****. If she started talking…..he couldn’t allow that to happen. But he wasn’t going to be able to get her out on his own. Luckily for him he knew someone that could help.
Sliding his phone out of his pocket he scrolled through his contacts until he found the rarely used number. Because it was so rarely used Micah hope that in contacting the owner of the number, he’d understand that the situation was dire.
Doc - In a bit of a bind and I could really use your help. I’ll be on the steps of the police station in 5 minutes. If you can help, I’ll meet you there.
Micah hit send and slipped out of the hospital. Hopefully Bunny would understand.

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Re: Family Ties
Rubbing his eyes with his thumb and forefinger, Doc silently counted. Why did things always have to be so difficult? Why was there always a struggle when he tried to do something? Dominique and he struggled. Phoenix and he struggled. He sighed, now he and the Mother Superior were struggling over how to run the Asylum. It was his name and reputation on the line, not hers. But she was determined to have her way if it killed her; and at the rate she was going it could very well kill her.
The Mother Superior glared at him. “They must pray. They are sinners. They must pray to save their souls.”
He pinned a cold gaze on her. “Listen to me very closely.” He said the words in a slow meaningful low tone. “I will not allow you or your merry band of black widows to make the rules. I do not care what you did in Brazil, here in Canada, there are governmental standards that must be followed. You cannot force the patients to kneel and pray for forgiveness, every time the whim suits you. You cannot force the patients to pray, period. You will have to come up with another punishment.”
Granted the crazies, the term Doc used for the patients in his own mind, had been much more behaved since the Mother Superior and her flock of grim pious nuns had arrived to take over the day to day running of the Asylum. But forcing the crazies to pray was in direct violation of their civil rights and the last thing Doc wanted.. or needed was one of the crazies blurting that tidbit of information out to the wrong person. There was always a reporter or two lurking about since the Asylum was reopened. There was a group that had opposed the reopening, but they had failed to stop it. Having that group find about about the Mother Superior’s penchant for ‘morning prayers’ would set them off again.
For the most part the nuns had been more of a blessing than a curse. They had done wonders for budget. They had managed to save a tidy sum of money, guilting the various merchants into cutting the cost of their goods. Doc believed part of it was fear of Mother Superior. How that woman could call herself a nun was beyond him. He had known bikers that were more godly than this woman. And she had a mean streak in her as well, which made her well suited for running the Asylum, as long as she followed the rules.
He allowed silence to grow, as he returned her glare with one of his own. She eventually looked away, but he could tell she was not pleased, her mouth was pursed like a contracted sphincter. In an attempt to ease the tension in the air, he offered, “Perhaps you could play bible verses over the intercom; and make them recite a verse or two before they eat. It isn't ‘praying’, it is a tool to teach positive reinforcement. They recite a verse, they get a reward.”
The sly look on the Mother Superior’s face as Doc’s suggestion sank in, was a clear indication that she would learn soon enough how to to work the system to her advantage. It also told him, she could be a formidable enemy, so he needed to keep her on his side. He had already tried several tactics to try and make her and her troupe loyal to him, but thus far all had failed.
He had offered to supply them with better accommodations, but no, the cold drab cells that were to be converted into more comfortable surroundings for them, were better than they had in Brazil. They did not need to be painted or mattresses replaced. He recalled her words as she dismissed the offer out of hand, “God wants us to suffer in this life, so we will appreciate the life with him when we leave this world.”
The Mother Superior gave Doc a grudging look of acceptance, “His word shall be read and learned.” She nodded. “A verse a day.” She gave another abrupt nod, “Now I must go help with the preparation of meals.”
He realized that she was trying to dismiss him, but in this battle of wills he was determined to win. If she became too difficult, she might have to have a fatal coronary. “Yes, do return to your duties, I will continue to look over the books.” He sent her a pleasant closed mouth smile. For the next hour, he went over the numbers and receipts. When he finished, the results were clear, the accounts were all in order. There was not a single cent that was out of order. Every receipt was logged and matched exactly. And the purchases were all basic, no glitz or luxury items were present. Even the soap was as basic as one could get.
The receipts had been returned neatly to their folder, and he was closing the journal, when his cell vibrated. He thought about ignoring, as he figured it was the Biologic. However, ignoring the Biologic tended to turn out badly, so reluctantly he swiped the screen to read the message.
The Mother Superior glared at him. “They must pray. They are sinners. They must pray to save their souls.”
He pinned a cold gaze on her. “Listen to me very closely.” He said the words in a slow meaningful low tone. “I will not allow you or your merry band of black widows to make the rules. I do not care what you did in Brazil, here in Canada, there are governmental standards that must be followed. You cannot force the patients to kneel and pray for forgiveness, every time the whim suits you. You cannot force the patients to pray, period. You will have to come up with another punishment.”
Granted the crazies, the term Doc used for the patients in his own mind, had been much more behaved since the Mother Superior and her flock of grim pious nuns had arrived to take over the day to day running of the Asylum. But forcing the crazies to pray was in direct violation of their civil rights and the last thing Doc wanted.. or needed was one of the crazies blurting that tidbit of information out to the wrong person. There was always a reporter or two lurking about since the Asylum was reopened. There was a group that had opposed the reopening, but they had failed to stop it. Having that group find about about the Mother Superior’s penchant for ‘morning prayers’ would set them off again.
For the most part the nuns had been more of a blessing than a curse. They had done wonders for budget. They had managed to save a tidy sum of money, guilting the various merchants into cutting the cost of their goods. Doc believed part of it was fear of Mother Superior. How that woman could call herself a nun was beyond him. He had known bikers that were more godly than this woman. And she had a mean streak in her as well, which made her well suited for running the Asylum, as long as she followed the rules.
He allowed silence to grow, as he returned her glare with one of his own. She eventually looked away, but he could tell she was not pleased, her mouth was pursed like a contracted sphincter. In an attempt to ease the tension in the air, he offered, “Perhaps you could play bible verses over the intercom; and make them recite a verse or two before they eat. It isn't ‘praying’, it is a tool to teach positive reinforcement. They recite a verse, they get a reward.”
The sly look on the Mother Superior’s face as Doc’s suggestion sank in, was a clear indication that she would learn soon enough how to to work the system to her advantage. It also told him, she could be a formidable enemy, so he needed to keep her on his side. He had already tried several tactics to try and make her and her troupe loyal to him, but thus far all had failed.
He had offered to supply them with better accommodations, but no, the cold drab cells that were to be converted into more comfortable surroundings for them, were better than they had in Brazil. They did not need to be painted or mattresses replaced. He recalled her words as she dismissed the offer out of hand, “God wants us to suffer in this life, so we will appreciate the life with him when we leave this world.”
The Mother Superior gave Doc a grudging look of acceptance, “His word shall be read and learned.” She nodded. “A verse a day.” She gave another abrupt nod, “Now I must go help with the preparation of meals.”
He realized that she was trying to dismiss him, but in this battle of wills he was determined to win. If she became too difficult, she might have to have a fatal coronary. “Yes, do return to your duties, I will continue to look over the books.” He sent her a pleasant closed mouth smile. For the next hour, he went over the numbers and receipts. When he finished, the results were clear, the accounts were all in order. There was not a single cent that was out of order. Every receipt was logged and matched exactly. And the purchases were all basic, no glitz or luxury items were present. Even the soap was as basic as one could get.
The receipts had been returned neatly to their folder, and he was closing the journal, when his cell vibrated. He thought about ignoring, as he figured it was the Biologic. However, ignoring the Biologic tended to turn out badly, so reluctantly he swiped the screen to read the message.
Immediately Doc stood and moved to shut the office door. He didn't want anyone seeing him read his tome. A couple portal jumps later, Doc was in Bullwood headed to the police department. He straightened his tie, adjusted his cuffs and buttoned his jacket. If Micah needed him, it was serious, and an aura of professionalism never went amiss. But what in the **** had happened?Doc - In a bit of a bind and I could really use your help. I’ll be on the steps of the police station in 5 minutes. If you can help, I’ll meet you there.

Ego correctionis silentio grammatica tua
IC Forum username: That Guy
Dressed by Ariadne-
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- CrowNet Handle: QueenOfTheDamned
Re: Family Ties
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Micah: While he was waiting for Doc, Micah pulled out his phone and searched for a video of the news report he’d seen in the waiting room of the hospital. He wasn’t quite sure how he was going to explain the situation but having that report on hand would help to verify his claims. They may be twins but just looking at the way Satine was dressed had been enough proof for Micah to know it hadn’t been Vel that had flipped her ****. That and there was the fact that Vel was more cautious in her activities and would never be sloppy enough to get caught by the human police.
Doc: Doc closed in on the Harper Rock Police Station. He could see Micah from a distance, he seemed intent on his cell. Doc didn’t want to draw attention to either himself or Micah, and decided to wait until he was by his side before getting the details of the **** was going on. As the distance became shorter, he could see the tension in Micah. Whatever ‘it’ was, it was obviously huge. Taking the steps two at a time, Doc reached Micah. “I’m here.” He glanced around as though he expected others to also show up. “Who else is coming? And am I going to need more than three magazines?”
Micah: He looked up from the device in his hand. Outwardly he was cool as a cucumber but inwardly he was relieved that Doc had arrived. His lips curled upwards into a slight smile and he shook his head ever so slightly. “As much as I’d like to be able to use violence, at this point I need a different sort of...intervention.” He held out his phone. “Watch the video. When you’re finished I’ll answer any questions that you might have.” ******* Satine. Why couldn’t she have just stayed in Australia?
Doc: Giving Micah a sidelong look he took the proffered phone and hit play. There he saw what purported to be Velveteen being cuffed and shoved into a van. He knew it was not Velveteen however, because, one he had run the DNA test for her, and two, that was one ******* hideous sweater. It was an assault to the eyes. He grimaced as he handed the phone back to Micah. “Alright. What do we know about her? We need to have the air of respectability along with apology and appreciation. If we try to go to heavy handed it could backfire. Do we know what she did to get arrested in the first place?”
Micah: His lips pressed into a thin line. “Unfortunately I don’t know much. Her name is Satine and from the little information I was able to pull of the website she gave us, she’s Vel’s twin sister.” This whole situation was a complete and utter clusterfuck of epic proportions. If Satine hadn’t been such a smartass it wouldn’t have landed her in hot water but apparently stubbornness was a trait that both sisters shared. “She’s also ******* crazy. And she was exposed to vampires. Which is why we kind of….kidnapped her and tied her to a chair in the Eyrie. With a huge bunny mask on her head.” He stopped there, for now. If Doc needed more information then he could certainly provide that.
Doc: “Crazy is good. Crazy can work for us.” Doc absently rubbed his jaw, as he went through the litany of mental disorders, while Micah continued to explain. They would need something that would make Satine be less believed, and the two of them, more readily believed. “Wait..” Doc turned to look fully at Micah, “Did I hear you correctly? You put a Bunny mask on her?” Why a bunny mask.. and what the hell was he doing with a ******* bunny mask in the first place. He was getting a very wrong mental picture of Micah and Vel’s sex life. He held up a hand. “No. Don’t answer that.. I do not want to know. And if she has mentioned that, it will just work to our advantage. The less I know about that the better. They will will be watching our reactions.” He subsided into silence for a moment.. “How old is Vel? Late twenties?”
Micah: “I didn’t put the mask on her, Remington did. It was one of those ones that covers your whole head…..” Yeah it sounded really ******* strange. At the time Micah had thought about asking why they needed such an elaborate mask. A blindfold would have worked just as well. Probably better than the mask had. “There’s more. She...pissed me off.” He paused obviously considering what to reveal next. What the hell. Might as well tell it all. “She wouldn’t shut up you know? Just kept going on and on and on until I got pissed off and stabbed her. I still don’t know how Vel managed to teleport her away with a knife through the thigh…..” He was getting pissed off all over again just talking about i so he forced himself to concentrate on Doc’s words. “Vel is in her early 30’s.” Stay calm. As Doc said, they would be being watched.
Doc: Doc looked relieved when Micah admitted he had not been the owner or architect of the bunny mask. And knowing it was Remington that had the mask in the first place, seemed not quite so strange. He seemed the type to be into that type of ****. Doc forced himself back to the subject at hand. “Early thirties good. That works for us as well.” He nodded to himself, yes this could work. “She’s schizophrenic. It started exhibiting a few years ago when she was in her late twenties. At first it was her losing time, then talking to invisible people.. but lately.. the hallucinations have been getting worse. Worse to the point that she harmed a family member. That’s when I suggested we hospitalize her until we could get her meds sorted. However.. she ran. You have been frantic trying to find her.” He looked at him pointedly, “We can use your anger, to our advantage. Your life has been hell. And she doesn’t understand you’re only trying to help her. Got it?”
Micah: Doc was good. Doc was very good at this and it pleased him to know that he had made the right decision in texting him. Micah hadn’t known what the **** they were going to do with Satine once Vel had found her. She was a threat, one that needed to be secured until he could exact his revenge. Because after Bunny there wasn’t a chance in hell that Satine was going to walk away from this unscathed. Just the thought of his thrall brought back the memories of seeing her laying on the floor of the Eyrie littered with bullets thanks to Vel’s psycho sister, If Doc wanted him to be angry well, that was going to be a piece of cake. “Anger I can do, no problem.”
Velveteen: What an absolute ******* mess. Velveteen was barely holding her **** together as her mind raced with the more obvious options. Going to her husband and telling him what had happened was out. He was already angry enough and that Bunny was now laying in the hospital because of this only exacerbated the situation ten fold and then some. Satine sitting in lock up was also not going to help anything. What if she talked? She might have sounded crazy but still...the knife wound and other details could cause suspicion and a following investigation that no one wanted right now. The only real choice right now was to get her out and stash her somewhere until she could figure out something more solid. Time was of the essence and whatever she did had to be done before dawn. Time was not being her friend.
Velveteen rubbed at her wrists absently and winced. The source of the pain that she felt there was a mystery and one that she would investigate further later if it continued to be an issue, though she was happy enough to file it away for now. It was likely just tension or something equally mundane. Then it suddenly occurred to her that her sister had been cuffed. She stopped by a street light and brought up her wrists for closer inspection. The faint red marks there were indicative of them being bound by something. This cannot be happening. Her hand rubbed over the painful spot on her thigh. She had tried to heal it but it didn’t work. Not like it should have. This information she hadn’t shared with her husband. It bothered her a lot and for some unexplained reason while the wound itself seemed to be healing the pain levels seemed to fluctuate. Perhaps she was going to have to speak to Doc about this.
Once more the woman started down the street but this time disappeared completely as she used to power of celerity to get across town to the police station. She had no plan but that was where she needed to be. She was, however, met with yet another surprise at the sight of her husband and Doc pow wowing outside the precinct. Immediately the shadows were called to her as she crept closer in a bid to hear what was being said but not close enough as to alert Micah to her presence. He always seemed to know when she was close by, she could only hope that he was far too distracted right now to notice the ever so subtle shift in the air.
Doc: “Anger yes.. fury.. no. Now the knife wound.. she did to herself. She claimed it was one of the hallucinations that did it, however. We did not witness it. The nursing staff did. The one that Vel knocked out with a chair.” He lowered his voice some, “We need to incorporate elements of the truth into our story, so that the cops will pull it apart and put it back together our way. They will feel good about the fact they got a looney off the street, and off their hands in less than 24 hours.” He adjusted his tie again subconsciously, “Ready?”
Micah: He nodded and took a few deep, calming breaths and in doing so was able to dial back his fury until it was at a reasonable level. Doc was right. Furious would get them nowhere, except Satine being kept from them if either were deemed unsuitable. Maybe. Micah didn’t know **** about this kind of stuff but he knew Doc did. It wasn’t difficult to follow his lead here. “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”
Doc: Doc nodded and climbed the rest of the steps to the front door of the Police Department. He held the door open for Micah, as he stepped into the role of Physician and surrogate caregiver. At the moment, he would play the role for caring for Micah. After all the man had been through hell for the last couple of years, and he was ready to break or explode. He made no attempt to raise or lower his voice as he spoke to Micah, “I am sure she will be fine. Let’s just take this one step at a time. We simply tell the desk sergeant who we are, and why we are here. It will be fine.”
Micah: While he was waiting for Doc, Micah pulled out his phone and searched for a video of the news report he’d seen in the waiting room of the hospital. He wasn’t quite sure how he was going to explain the situation but having that report on hand would help to verify his claims. They may be twins but just looking at the way Satine was dressed had been enough proof for Micah to know it hadn’t been Vel that had flipped her ****. That and there was the fact that Vel was more cautious in her activities and would never be sloppy enough to get caught by the human police.
Doc: Doc closed in on the Harper Rock Police Station. He could see Micah from a distance, he seemed intent on his cell. Doc didn’t want to draw attention to either himself or Micah, and decided to wait until he was by his side before getting the details of the **** was going on. As the distance became shorter, he could see the tension in Micah. Whatever ‘it’ was, it was obviously huge. Taking the steps two at a time, Doc reached Micah. “I’m here.” He glanced around as though he expected others to also show up. “Who else is coming? And am I going to need more than three magazines?”
Micah: He looked up from the device in his hand. Outwardly he was cool as a cucumber but inwardly he was relieved that Doc had arrived. His lips curled upwards into a slight smile and he shook his head ever so slightly. “As much as I’d like to be able to use violence, at this point I need a different sort of...intervention.” He held out his phone. “Watch the video. When you’re finished I’ll answer any questions that you might have.” ******* Satine. Why couldn’t she have just stayed in Australia?
Doc: Giving Micah a sidelong look he took the proffered phone and hit play. There he saw what purported to be Velveteen being cuffed and shoved into a van. He knew it was not Velveteen however, because, one he had run the DNA test for her, and two, that was one ******* hideous sweater. It was an assault to the eyes. He grimaced as he handed the phone back to Micah. “Alright. What do we know about her? We need to have the air of respectability along with apology and appreciation. If we try to go to heavy handed it could backfire. Do we know what she did to get arrested in the first place?”
Micah: His lips pressed into a thin line. “Unfortunately I don’t know much. Her name is Satine and from the little information I was able to pull of the website she gave us, she’s Vel’s twin sister.” This whole situation was a complete and utter clusterfuck of epic proportions. If Satine hadn’t been such a smartass it wouldn’t have landed her in hot water but apparently stubbornness was a trait that both sisters shared. “She’s also ******* crazy. And she was exposed to vampires. Which is why we kind of….kidnapped her and tied her to a chair in the Eyrie. With a huge bunny mask on her head.” He stopped there, for now. If Doc needed more information then he could certainly provide that.
Doc: “Crazy is good. Crazy can work for us.” Doc absently rubbed his jaw, as he went through the litany of mental disorders, while Micah continued to explain. They would need something that would make Satine be less believed, and the two of them, more readily believed. “Wait..” Doc turned to look fully at Micah, “Did I hear you correctly? You put a Bunny mask on her?” Why a bunny mask.. and what the hell was he doing with a ******* bunny mask in the first place. He was getting a very wrong mental picture of Micah and Vel’s sex life. He held up a hand. “No. Don’t answer that.. I do not want to know. And if she has mentioned that, it will just work to our advantage. The less I know about that the better. They will will be watching our reactions.” He subsided into silence for a moment.. “How old is Vel? Late twenties?”
Micah: “I didn’t put the mask on her, Remington did. It was one of those ones that covers your whole head…..” Yeah it sounded really ******* strange. At the time Micah had thought about asking why they needed such an elaborate mask. A blindfold would have worked just as well. Probably better than the mask had. “There’s more. She...pissed me off.” He paused obviously considering what to reveal next. What the hell. Might as well tell it all. “She wouldn’t shut up you know? Just kept going on and on and on until I got pissed off and stabbed her. I still don’t know how Vel managed to teleport her away with a knife through the thigh…..” He was getting pissed off all over again just talking about i so he forced himself to concentrate on Doc’s words. “Vel is in her early 30’s.” Stay calm. As Doc said, they would be being watched.
Doc: Doc looked relieved when Micah admitted he had not been the owner or architect of the bunny mask. And knowing it was Remington that had the mask in the first place, seemed not quite so strange. He seemed the type to be into that type of ****. Doc forced himself back to the subject at hand. “Early thirties good. That works for us as well.” He nodded to himself, yes this could work. “She’s schizophrenic. It started exhibiting a few years ago when she was in her late twenties. At first it was her losing time, then talking to invisible people.. but lately.. the hallucinations have been getting worse. Worse to the point that she harmed a family member. That’s when I suggested we hospitalize her until we could get her meds sorted. However.. she ran. You have been frantic trying to find her.” He looked at him pointedly, “We can use your anger, to our advantage. Your life has been hell. And she doesn’t understand you’re only trying to help her. Got it?”
Micah: Doc was good. Doc was very good at this and it pleased him to know that he had made the right decision in texting him. Micah hadn’t known what the **** they were going to do with Satine once Vel had found her. She was a threat, one that needed to be secured until he could exact his revenge. Because after Bunny there wasn’t a chance in hell that Satine was going to walk away from this unscathed. Just the thought of his thrall brought back the memories of seeing her laying on the floor of the Eyrie littered with bullets thanks to Vel’s psycho sister, If Doc wanted him to be angry well, that was going to be a piece of cake. “Anger I can do, no problem.”
Velveteen: What an absolute ******* mess. Velveteen was barely holding her **** together as her mind raced with the more obvious options. Going to her husband and telling him what had happened was out. He was already angry enough and that Bunny was now laying in the hospital because of this only exacerbated the situation ten fold and then some. Satine sitting in lock up was also not going to help anything. What if she talked? She might have sounded crazy but still...the knife wound and other details could cause suspicion and a following investigation that no one wanted right now. The only real choice right now was to get her out and stash her somewhere until she could figure out something more solid. Time was of the essence and whatever she did had to be done before dawn. Time was not being her friend.
Velveteen rubbed at her wrists absently and winced. The source of the pain that she felt there was a mystery and one that she would investigate further later if it continued to be an issue, though she was happy enough to file it away for now. It was likely just tension or something equally mundane. Then it suddenly occurred to her that her sister had been cuffed. She stopped by a street light and brought up her wrists for closer inspection. The faint red marks there were indicative of them being bound by something. This cannot be happening. Her hand rubbed over the painful spot on her thigh. She had tried to heal it but it didn’t work. Not like it should have. This information she hadn’t shared with her husband. It bothered her a lot and for some unexplained reason while the wound itself seemed to be healing the pain levels seemed to fluctuate. Perhaps she was going to have to speak to Doc about this.
Once more the woman started down the street but this time disappeared completely as she used to power of celerity to get across town to the police station. She had no plan but that was where she needed to be. She was, however, met with yet another surprise at the sight of her husband and Doc pow wowing outside the precinct. Immediately the shadows were called to her as she crept closer in a bid to hear what was being said but not close enough as to alert Micah to her presence. He always seemed to know when she was close by, she could only hope that he was far too distracted right now to notice the ever so subtle shift in the air.
Doc: “Anger yes.. fury.. no. Now the knife wound.. she did to herself. She claimed it was one of the hallucinations that did it, however. We did not witness it. The nursing staff did. The one that Vel knocked out with a chair.” He lowered his voice some, “We need to incorporate elements of the truth into our story, so that the cops will pull it apart and put it back together our way. They will feel good about the fact they got a looney off the street, and off their hands in less than 24 hours.” He adjusted his tie again subconsciously, “Ready?”
Micah: He nodded and took a few deep, calming breaths and in doing so was able to dial back his fury until it was at a reasonable level. Doc was right. Furious would get them nowhere, except Satine being kept from them if either were deemed unsuitable. Maybe. Micah didn’t know **** about this kind of stuff but he knew Doc did. It wasn’t difficult to follow his lead here. “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”
Doc: Doc nodded and climbed the rest of the steps to the front door of the Police Department. He held the door open for Micah, as he stepped into the role of Physician and surrogate caregiver. At the moment, he would play the role for caring for Micah. After all the man had been through hell for the last couple of years, and he was ready to break or explode. He made no attempt to raise or lower his voice as he spoke to Micah, “I am sure she will be fine. Let’s just take this one step at a time. We simply tell the desk sergeant who we are, and why we are here. It will be fine.”
Some people will never like us...

And we will never give a ****.
"Days since last **** was given: 2,276"

And we will never give a ****.
"Days since last **** was given: 2,276"
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- CrowNet Handle: FuckYourMorals
Re: Family Ties
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Satine: Satine rubbed at her wrists while sitting on the bench in the holding cell. The length of her fingers went back and forth slowly across the pink lines that were left after the handcuffs were removed. Her anger had shifted. Instead of boiling it was holding at a consistent level that had her glaring at anything that remotely looked her direction and her piercing focus tracked any everything that paraded on the opposite side of the steel bars that surrounded her.
“I want a lawyer!” A female could be heard shouting out of view. “Not one of your ghetto *** pocket variety either. I got me some cash to collect. Which one of you bitches wants to be sued first?”
Satine’s brow perked up and for the first time in the hour or more of her sitting there on the less than comfortable wood she was distracted from her wrists. She pressed her hands down at each side of her on the bench and was about to rise when the source of the voice telling it how it was going to be was making an appearance with the same courtesy escort she had into the cell.
“You need to wait your turn like everyone else.” The uniform behind her unlocked the cell door and another came up behind the first officer as if he could read her mind. The voice of warning made an announcement. “Don’t even think about it.”
Satine felt her teeth line up and her jaw clench down. Her fingers curled over the edge of the bench and she was all ready to go at those uniforms all over again. However, she had to be smart about how she did it. She could see the chances of her getting out of that cell increasing as they brought in the juicy, curve swinging lady of the street. She smelled like the knock off perfume aisle after a shelf or two crashed to the floor. a slow stretch back had Satine eyeing her possibilities as the woman turned around and held her hands through the small space that had no bars specifically for the purpose it was now serving. the handcuffs were removed and the redhead ringlet topped woman wrapped her fingers around the bars like she was far more used to holding something else that tight.
“Sugar…” The tone of her voice had changed dramatically when the tall back up officer left. “You know that little deal we had last time? I scratch your back and you scratch mine?”
Satine cocked her head to the right while she listened to the conversation progress between the two. Slowly her attention traveled down the back of the ensemble suffocating the two sizes larger frame than the too small skirt and blouse. The woman had to be colorblind. The only item in her outfit that was worth wearing was the white stretch top. The red spandex skirt was in no way complimented with the selection of Monaco blue chandelier stilettos. The chick looked like she was early for the fourth of July swingers party or leftovers from last year. Satine’s hand stretch across the bridge of her nose so that her thumb and index finger could attempt to rub her eyes.
“I can’t do that. You know that.” The male officer whispered. “You keep playing around like that and I could end up in trouble. Your cousin wouldn’t be happy if her man didn’t have a job to pay the mortgage.”
Satine dropped her hand and decided she heard enough. Talk about keeping it in the family.
“How about you let me out instead of her and you two share the cell?” She stood up while she made her proposal. It was a creative solution to the dilemma at hand for all parties. Rational? Hardly, but she wanted the hell out. “I will throw in this imported designer sweater to sweeten the deal. You can use it to wipe up afterwards.”
“Sa-a-a-a-y wha-a-a-a-at?” The woman turned with her jaw dropping and finally Satine was able to appreciate the diamond front teeth sparkling back at her. The cousin’s less than respectable man peeked around her shoulder to look at Satine.“Girl, who you talking to?”
Micah: He followed Doc into the building. He’d been in here for a brief visit awhile back and it really hadn’t changed since then. Remembering why they were there he locked his emotions away, all except the anger. He needed that right now. Nodding his head he glanced around as if he were trying to catch a glimpse of the wayward woman who had brought them here. “She looked fine on the news. I have to admit I was surprised to see her there. I didn’t think I’d ever see her again.” Lies. But lying was something that he was good at when the situation called for it.
Doc: “Making that phone call to you, telling you she got loose, that was one of the hardest calls I made in my life. I promised you she would be fine.. and less than three days later, she knocked out my nurse and gotten away. No matter how bad this looks for me, it is a good thing the police got her before she could harm anyone.” Doc headed to the desk where the police sergeant obviously overheard their conversation. He cleared his throat, as he pulled a card from the inside of his jacket. He offered it to the sergeant. “I am Dr. Charles Nilson, and this is Micah Andras, husband to Velveteen Andras.. whom you have in a holding a cell.” He looked at Micah, “Show him the picture of the two of you..”
Micah: “Ain’t your fault. Don’t beat yourself up over this one Dr. Nilson.” Now that was weird, referring to Doc by his title. He’d never thought he’d be in a situation that called for it. “She’s safe now and soon she’ll be back under your care where she can get the helps she so desperately needs.” Picture. **** he hadn’t even thought about that but luckily he had a few on his phone. Finding one that was slightly tamer, as in Vel didn’t look like her usual goth girl self, wasn’t exactly easy but he had one. Placing the phone on the desk he pushed it closer for the sergeant to see.
Doc: “Sir.. “ He slid the phone even closer, “Is there someone we could talk to about this.. in private?” Doc had to at least give the appearance of trying to keep his reputation in one piece, whether he really care or not. “There is..” he lowered his voice, “some medical issues that need to be discussed.” In this day and age of security of health documentation, he hoped that would be spur the desk sergeant to action.
Micah: The desk sergeant looked at the picture on the phone then up at Micah and Doc. Turning to the computer he looked at Satine’s file complete with picture. It seemed that the doctor was telling the truth and so he stood. “I’ll take you to a private room. If you’ll follow me?” He unlocked the door to allow the two of them to pass through without incident. Micah glanced at Doc briefly and went through the door. That had been rather easy.
Velveteen: Velveteen was horrified as she listened to their plan. Were they really going to pretend that Satine was her? At first she was certain that no one would buy it but as she considered it was rather clever and likely would be rather successful, though that would mean that Satine would be released to Doc and Micah. That was the part that worried her most. What would the plan be then? Her husband was holding his **** together a little too well but Velveteen knew him. She knew without a doubt that he was absolutely livid beneath that calm exterior and she was worried that one look at the woman who had created this mess would shatter that rather thin veil of togetherness.
A moment of panic filled her as they stepped through the heavy double doors. Well that was it. She couldn’t be allowed to be seen now, or that would blow the whole thing out of the water. Is that really such a bad thing? A small part of her rationale argued almost causing the woman to reconsider when she shook her head. “No...No. I am in enough trouble.” She whispered quietly to no one. But she did have to get inside. Her eyes widened as something occurred to her. So few of her powers were used regularly so she often forgot what she was capable of. Alter Ego. As long as she didn’t get too close they would pay her no mind and for all intents and purposes she would just appear to be some random person.
With that in mind she drew upon her magickal strengths and became someone else. Someone non descript that would not set off any alarms on anyone’s radar. Both men were already at the desk discussing the situation with the rather tired looking police officer and only moments later they were taken to some other room. Velveteen grunted her disapproval and took a seat. She snatched up a magazine and flicked through it. It didn’t matter that it was dated two years prior and nothing in it was relevant. It was merely something to hide behind.
Doc: Doc motioned for Micah to go first. He was doing his best to appear to be conciliatory and deferential to Micah. It was Doc’s **** up that let the girl loose after all, so he needed to play the part of the Doctor trying his damnedest to make amends. “Thank you.. we really appreciate this..” They were shown into what appeared to be an interrogation room. Doc knew these rooms were bugged, so he made no attempt to remind Micah of their story. The sergeant left without saying anything more. It was 101 in ‘how to make someone feel uncomfortable’, do not speak. Silence was a well known tool of the police. Guilty people hated silence. They would speak to break it.. speak without thinking. Innocent people tended to be quiet until they needed to share information. “****.” He hissed, “I completely forgot her file.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, as though he was irked at himself. The silence fell across the room until a plain clothes officer entered. The officer sat in the chair opposite them, “I understand you have some information for me.”
Micah: Micah remained silent. He’d seen enough of those cop shows on TV to know that these sorts of rooms were bugged and had those two way mirrors on the wall. It wouldn’t surprise him a bit if there were people just on the other side and because of that he refrained from even looking. Best not to act like he was suspicious. He was supposed to be an angry husband here to collect his wife. He glanced at Doc, silently congratulating him on his acting skills. Micah was extremely impressed with him, and he made a mental note to offer his assistance should Doc ever need him for anything.
When the officer entered the room Micah looked to Doc, giving a slight nod. In a situation such as this it was better to leave it to the professional, something that Micah certainly was not.
Doc: Doc clasped his hands together on the tabletop, steepling his forefingers and tapping them together. “Yes well.. Mrs. Andras, wife to Micah Andras,” He gestured briefly before clasping his hands together again, “Is my patient.” He paused, as though he were trying to judge how much to say, when he finally decided he just needed to make a full accounting of the situation. “Velveteen.. Mrs. Andras, has Schizophrenia. It manifested itself a few years ago, but just recently it has progressed to the point that, well, an intervention had to happen.” Doc slid a glance at Micah, before looking at the officer again, “She was in my care when she got free.” he sighed, “You see.. her type of schizophrenia is basically a persecution complex. She thinks everyone and anyone is out to get her. And this is in addition to her hallucinations. A few days ago she attacked a family member. She didn’t do any permanent damage, but Micah realized he couldn’t control her anymore. She needed to be put in a safe environment where she couldn’t hurt herself or anyone else, while we got a handle on her medications. Schizophrenia is a common term that is thrown about, but there is no easy remedy. It takes trial and error before you can get the right mix of dosages and drugs that will give a person their life back…”
Doc raked a hand through his hair. “During med rounds, Vel.. Mrs. Andras attacked my nurse with a chair and was able to get free. One of my orderlies managed to corner her, but she grabbed a pair scissors and,” he sighed again, “according to him, started screaming at nothing and stabbed herself in the leg. He said she was yelling about a rabbit.” He subsided into a silence and waited for the officer to ask his questions.
Satine: Satine rubbed at her wrists while sitting on the bench in the holding cell. The length of her fingers went back and forth slowly across the pink lines that were left after the handcuffs were removed. Her anger had shifted. Instead of boiling it was holding at a consistent level that had her glaring at anything that remotely looked her direction and her piercing focus tracked any everything that paraded on the opposite side of the steel bars that surrounded her.
“I want a lawyer!” A female could be heard shouting out of view. “Not one of your ghetto *** pocket variety either. I got me some cash to collect. Which one of you bitches wants to be sued first?”
Satine’s brow perked up and for the first time in the hour or more of her sitting there on the less than comfortable wood she was distracted from her wrists. She pressed her hands down at each side of her on the bench and was about to rise when the source of the voice telling it how it was going to be was making an appearance with the same courtesy escort she had into the cell.
“You need to wait your turn like everyone else.” The uniform behind her unlocked the cell door and another came up behind the first officer as if he could read her mind. The voice of warning made an announcement. “Don’t even think about it.”
Satine felt her teeth line up and her jaw clench down. Her fingers curled over the edge of the bench and she was all ready to go at those uniforms all over again. However, she had to be smart about how she did it. She could see the chances of her getting out of that cell increasing as they brought in the juicy, curve swinging lady of the street. She smelled like the knock off perfume aisle after a shelf or two crashed to the floor. a slow stretch back had Satine eyeing her possibilities as the woman turned around and held her hands through the small space that had no bars specifically for the purpose it was now serving. the handcuffs were removed and the redhead ringlet topped woman wrapped her fingers around the bars like she was far more used to holding something else that tight.
“Sugar…” The tone of her voice had changed dramatically when the tall back up officer left. “You know that little deal we had last time? I scratch your back and you scratch mine?”
Satine cocked her head to the right while she listened to the conversation progress between the two. Slowly her attention traveled down the back of the ensemble suffocating the two sizes larger frame than the too small skirt and blouse. The woman had to be colorblind. The only item in her outfit that was worth wearing was the white stretch top. The red spandex skirt was in no way complimented with the selection of Monaco blue chandelier stilettos. The chick looked like she was early for the fourth of July swingers party or leftovers from last year. Satine’s hand stretch across the bridge of her nose so that her thumb and index finger could attempt to rub her eyes.
“I can’t do that. You know that.” The male officer whispered. “You keep playing around like that and I could end up in trouble. Your cousin wouldn’t be happy if her man didn’t have a job to pay the mortgage.”
Satine dropped her hand and decided she heard enough. Talk about keeping it in the family.
“How about you let me out instead of her and you two share the cell?” She stood up while she made her proposal. It was a creative solution to the dilemma at hand for all parties. Rational? Hardly, but she wanted the hell out. “I will throw in this imported designer sweater to sweeten the deal. You can use it to wipe up afterwards.”
“Sa-a-a-a-y wha-a-a-a-at?” The woman turned with her jaw dropping and finally Satine was able to appreciate the diamond front teeth sparkling back at her. The cousin’s less than respectable man peeked around her shoulder to look at Satine.“Girl, who you talking to?”
Micah: He followed Doc into the building. He’d been in here for a brief visit awhile back and it really hadn’t changed since then. Remembering why they were there he locked his emotions away, all except the anger. He needed that right now. Nodding his head he glanced around as if he were trying to catch a glimpse of the wayward woman who had brought them here. “She looked fine on the news. I have to admit I was surprised to see her there. I didn’t think I’d ever see her again.” Lies. But lying was something that he was good at when the situation called for it.
Doc: “Making that phone call to you, telling you she got loose, that was one of the hardest calls I made in my life. I promised you she would be fine.. and less than three days later, she knocked out my nurse and gotten away. No matter how bad this looks for me, it is a good thing the police got her before she could harm anyone.” Doc headed to the desk where the police sergeant obviously overheard their conversation. He cleared his throat, as he pulled a card from the inside of his jacket. He offered it to the sergeant. “I am Dr. Charles Nilson, and this is Micah Andras, husband to Velveteen Andras.. whom you have in a holding a cell.” He looked at Micah, “Show him the picture of the two of you..”
Micah: “Ain’t your fault. Don’t beat yourself up over this one Dr. Nilson.” Now that was weird, referring to Doc by his title. He’d never thought he’d be in a situation that called for it. “She’s safe now and soon she’ll be back under your care where she can get the helps she so desperately needs.” Picture. **** he hadn’t even thought about that but luckily he had a few on his phone. Finding one that was slightly tamer, as in Vel didn’t look like her usual goth girl self, wasn’t exactly easy but he had one. Placing the phone on the desk he pushed it closer for the sergeant to see.
Doc: “Sir.. “ He slid the phone even closer, “Is there someone we could talk to about this.. in private?” Doc had to at least give the appearance of trying to keep his reputation in one piece, whether he really care or not. “There is..” he lowered his voice, “some medical issues that need to be discussed.” In this day and age of security of health documentation, he hoped that would be spur the desk sergeant to action.
Micah: The desk sergeant looked at the picture on the phone then up at Micah and Doc. Turning to the computer he looked at Satine’s file complete with picture. It seemed that the doctor was telling the truth and so he stood. “I’ll take you to a private room. If you’ll follow me?” He unlocked the door to allow the two of them to pass through without incident. Micah glanced at Doc briefly and went through the door. That had been rather easy.
Velveteen: Velveteen was horrified as she listened to their plan. Were they really going to pretend that Satine was her? At first she was certain that no one would buy it but as she considered it was rather clever and likely would be rather successful, though that would mean that Satine would be released to Doc and Micah. That was the part that worried her most. What would the plan be then? Her husband was holding his **** together a little too well but Velveteen knew him. She knew without a doubt that he was absolutely livid beneath that calm exterior and she was worried that one look at the woman who had created this mess would shatter that rather thin veil of togetherness.
A moment of panic filled her as they stepped through the heavy double doors. Well that was it. She couldn’t be allowed to be seen now, or that would blow the whole thing out of the water. Is that really such a bad thing? A small part of her rationale argued almost causing the woman to reconsider when she shook her head. “No...No. I am in enough trouble.” She whispered quietly to no one. But she did have to get inside. Her eyes widened as something occurred to her. So few of her powers were used regularly so she often forgot what she was capable of. Alter Ego. As long as she didn’t get too close they would pay her no mind and for all intents and purposes she would just appear to be some random person.
With that in mind she drew upon her magickal strengths and became someone else. Someone non descript that would not set off any alarms on anyone’s radar. Both men were already at the desk discussing the situation with the rather tired looking police officer and only moments later they were taken to some other room. Velveteen grunted her disapproval and took a seat. She snatched up a magazine and flicked through it. It didn’t matter that it was dated two years prior and nothing in it was relevant. It was merely something to hide behind.
Doc: Doc motioned for Micah to go first. He was doing his best to appear to be conciliatory and deferential to Micah. It was Doc’s **** up that let the girl loose after all, so he needed to play the part of the Doctor trying his damnedest to make amends. “Thank you.. we really appreciate this..” They were shown into what appeared to be an interrogation room. Doc knew these rooms were bugged, so he made no attempt to remind Micah of their story. The sergeant left without saying anything more. It was 101 in ‘how to make someone feel uncomfortable’, do not speak. Silence was a well known tool of the police. Guilty people hated silence. They would speak to break it.. speak without thinking. Innocent people tended to be quiet until they needed to share information. “****.” He hissed, “I completely forgot her file.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, as though he was irked at himself. The silence fell across the room until a plain clothes officer entered. The officer sat in the chair opposite them, “I understand you have some information for me.”
Micah: Micah remained silent. He’d seen enough of those cop shows on TV to know that these sorts of rooms were bugged and had those two way mirrors on the wall. It wouldn’t surprise him a bit if there were people just on the other side and because of that he refrained from even looking. Best not to act like he was suspicious. He was supposed to be an angry husband here to collect his wife. He glanced at Doc, silently congratulating him on his acting skills. Micah was extremely impressed with him, and he made a mental note to offer his assistance should Doc ever need him for anything.
When the officer entered the room Micah looked to Doc, giving a slight nod. In a situation such as this it was better to leave it to the professional, something that Micah certainly was not.
Doc: Doc clasped his hands together on the tabletop, steepling his forefingers and tapping them together. “Yes well.. Mrs. Andras, wife to Micah Andras,” He gestured briefly before clasping his hands together again, “Is my patient.” He paused, as though he were trying to judge how much to say, when he finally decided he just needed to make a full accounting of the situation. “Velveteen.. Mrs. Andras, has Schizophrenia. It manifested itself a few years ago, but just recently it has progressed to the point that, well, an intervention had to happen.” Doc slid a glance at Micah, before looking at the officer again, “She was in my care when she got free.” he sighed, “You see.. her type of schizophrenia is basically a persecution complex. She thinks everyone and anyone is out to get her. And this is in addition to her hallucinations. A few days ago she attacked a family member. She didn’t do any permanent damage, but Micah realized he couldn’t control her anymore. She needed to be put in a safe environment where she couldn’t hurt herself or anyone else, while we got a handle on her medications. Schizophrenia is a common term that is thrown about, but there is no easy remedy. It takes trial and error before you can get the right mix of dosages and drugs that will give a person their life back…”
Doc raked a hand through his hair. “During med rounds, Vel.. Mrs. Andras attacked my nurse with a chair and was able to get free. One of my orderlies managed to corner her, but she grabbed a pair scissors and,” he sighed again, “according to him, started screaming at nothing and stabbed herself in the leg. He said she was yelling about a rabbit.” He subsided into a silence and waited for the officer to ask his questions.

- Registered User
- Posts: 212
- Joined: 29 Oct 2014, 03:23
- CrowNet Handle: Alice In Wonderland
Re: Family Ties
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Micah: It was strange to hear Vel’s name being used in place of Satine’s but he understood the need for it. Micah didn’t understand much of what Doc was speaking about but it seemed as if the officer did, as he would nod every so often during Doc’s explanation. Or maybe he was pretending to understand. Cops weren’t to be trusted after all, the sneaky bastards. Not that it mattered really. The officer looked as if he believed them. Maybe the picture had been enough proof? It all seemed to be too easy and it turned out, he was right to think that.
“Well,” the officer began, “She didn’t actually hurt anyone. She was subdued before she could use the firearm she had on her. I don’t see why we can’t release her to your custody. Providing you have all the official documentation of her admittance?” The officer looked at the pair of them but Micah didn’t dare look at Doc. Now what the **** were they going to do??
Doc: Doc pressed his lips together in a grim line. “Yes.. well to be honest Officer, I forgot to bring her file with me. But I can go back to Winterbrook, and collect her file.” He looked at Micah apologetically, “Two hours tops..”
The Officer sat a bit straighter in his chair, “Winterbrook? The old asylum that was recently reopened?”
Doc nodded, “I’m the Executive Director of Winterbrook. But in fairness, she.. Mrs. Andras was being housed in an open ward. We didn’t want to traumatize her by putting her in a cell. Granted.. that will be rectified.”
Micah: Micah finally looked over at Doc and gave a single nod of his head. Two hours. He could definitely wait two hours for Doc to work whatever magic he had to in order for them to get Satine out of the police station. Though the way the officer perked up at the mention of Winterbrook was interesting. Micah had never heard of the place before but the officer seemed to be familiar with it. That could only work in their favor.
Doc: Doc pushed away from the table and got ready to stand up when officer held up a hand. “You know..” the Officer intoned, “I think we could come to a mutually beneficial arrangement. The feds are cracking down on cases where the defendants claim mental disease. Saying we have to have a secured holding cell away from the general population. Our budget is thin as it is. No way we can comply.. and if we don’t we lose what little federal funding we do have. Now.. if Mr. Andras would agree to keep this confidential.. I might be able to arrange to have his wife released, if Winterbrook would agree to house our ‘mental defects’?”
Doc lifted an eyebrow, and slid his chair back up to the table. “There would have to be a charge for housing them..”
“Standard jailhouse housing fee.”
Doc looked at Micah, “Your call, she’s your wife.”
Micah: Micah had started to stand until the officer started speaking. At the mention of an arrangement that would benefit them all he sat back down. He was having a bit of trouble wrapping his head around what the officer was suggesting. Did this kind of **** really happen? Apparently it did because it was out there in the open now and it was up to him to make a decision. He didn’t even have to think about it. Whatever it took to get Satine released to him and Doc, he would do it. And if Doc got something out of it all the better. “I agree. I won’t speak of this to anyone. I just want my wife safe. That’s all.” He tried to make it sound like he cared. Hopefully he managed to portray that.
Satine: Satine was out of options. She knew this way back at the tattoo shop. It was as if she was running from the monsters in her head for so long she finally was tired. too tired to keep going. Finding her sister was supposed to be a relief. It obviously had been far from that. Why couldn’t she be the one with sugarplums dancing in her head? She had nothing left to lose and pretty much summed it up with her next move.
“The ghetto party favor that has gone stale.” Satine swept her eyes up and down the woman stepping in a series of slow clicks looking at her like she was in an alley facing off against another hungry cat. “So…” She nodded to the cousin’s man. “How about that offer?”
The woman was already hiking up her cotton sleeves that only appeared to be a second skin stretched far too tight around her thick arms. Satine was sure of two things. One...this chick likely had been in a few more brawls that Satine had. Likely right in the very cell she was currently picking a fight with her in. was probably going to hurt like a mother ****** but her cousin’s man would likely have to jump in and that gun on his belt was her only current ticket out of Oz the way she saw things.
“How about this offer…” With that the hooker with no fashion sense took a heavy swing sending her fist to Satine’s much more petite shoulder.
Satine was already moving despite the throbbing in her right arm. She lifted it to join her left hand and help out taking the woman by the hair and using all her strength to pull her face down on the floor off her cheap heels. That hardly was enough to get the cousin in uniform to open up the door as Satine planned. Instead he was chuckling and appearing rather amused. Satine was pissed off again….even more so. What the **** was wrong with people? She didn’t get a chance to find out. Sheerah-clearance-ho was up faster than Muhammad Ali could once rhyme. A visual of a lightning quick hand curled back. The next thing Satine felt was what surely had to be the pressure of her left eye popping out of it’s socket. Her ears were ringing for a totally different reason thanks to the chick who had a wicked hook and reach for an advantage over her.
Satine’s petite hideous sweater clad body slid across the floor it landed on. She was out cold before coming to rest under the wood bench she was stupid to rise from.
“That silly ***** really thought she was talking to me?” The woman shook her hand out and stepped back to her cousin’s man as if what happened was no sweat off her overly groomed and plucked brow. “Tell me something good, baby.”
Satine heard the ringing first. Her hand slapped at her forehead to make sure it wasn’t something that could be so easily eliminated. Her head rocked to the left then the right. Something wasn’t right. She repeated the movement and that is when the full effect of the pain washed over her. Her hand cupped her throbbing eye and was greeted with the sensation of an acquired swollen mass where her eye was. As soon as her flesh contacted her own face she screamed out in pain and rolled around on the floor. Each turn of her body gave her a sliver of a glimpse at where she was now. In a plain room with a floor and nothing else.
Then and there Satine decided enough was enough. She made a choice. Next uniform that came through that door she could barely make out while her eyeballs weeped from pain...that uniform was going to hear a story that would give most a few nightmares. Her *** would certainly be on the next flight back to home for sure. It was called extradition.
Velveteen: Velveteen was growing impatient as she wondered what the hell was going on behind that closed door. She was also very concerned about where Satine was right now and what other **** she was likely getting herself into. The answer to that, however, was going to come much sooner than Velveteen had anticipated. Before that happened though a sudden realisation made the woman’s mouth fall open. If the police would believe that Satine was actually Velveteen many others would. How many others might have seen that footage and thought that Vel had lost her ****? How was she supposed to explain this to….anyone?
The magazine she had been pretending to read came to rest in her lap as her own thoughts took over. This just seemed to get worse with every passing minute. In that instant it felt as if her heart began to pound to in her chest. The woman gasped in shock as her hand came up to rest over where her heart was. The fact that she hadn’t felt anything like that for four years was not only a surprise it was...confusing. There was no time to analyse it though as a sudden invisible force knocked her right off the chair she was sitting on. The action cause several curious glances her way and she was quick to get to her feet. ‘I’m ok. I’m ok.” She mumbled quickly. Pain burned hot in her shoulder which she clutched as she clumsily yet hurriedly made her way to her feet before stumbling outside.
No sooner has she made it to the bottom of the stairs before that same invisible force lifted her off her feet and sent her flying into the brick wall head first. What the actual **** was going on? Her head hurt where she connect with the wall before landing heavily in the slush that covered the ground. A hand came to touch her head gingerly though something was off….it felt like she was slowly going blind in one eye and yet more pain. What the actual **** was going on now. She rolled to her feet once more and started running. It seemed the closer she got to her sister the weirder **** became.
Doc: Doc looked from Micah to the officer. “It looks like we are in agreement. You sir, have a deal.” He held his hand out the Officer who shook it, and then said, “I’ll still need that paperwork on her.. fax it to my attention.”
Doc nodded, “Of course. We want this done right as much as you, Officer…? We never got your name.”
This time it was the officer’s turn to offer a business card to each of them. “Stewart. Chad Stewart. I’m usually in homicide, but I was pulling desk duty for the night, when your wife came in.” He looked at Micah, “She has some anger issues let me tell you. But it’s probably the disease.”
Doc nodded, “Schizophrenia will cause the sweetest kindest people to turn into spewing sacks of venom. That is part of what makes it hard to treat. Many times the patient is misdiagnosed with MPD.. sorry Multiple Personality disorder.” He was about to launch into a dissertation when he caught Micah’s eye. “Well that’s for another time.. Let’s get Mrs. Andras back to Winterbrook.”
Micah: Micah took the offered card, giving it a brief glance before he tucked it into his pocket. He doubted he would ever use it but it never hurt to have someone on the police force in your corner. It might be useful in the future especially while Satine remained human. Sooner or later that would be rectified but for now she could enjoy the comforts of the asylum. Micah hoped that her stay there wouldn’t be at all pleasant.
Try as he might he couldn’t stop the small chuckle. He’d have to borrow that line in the future...spewing sack of venom indeed. Though Satine was more like a barracuda on crack. Standing he offered a hand to the officer. “I appreciate your assisting us with this. The sooner she’s back in Winterbrook the safer she’ll be.”
The officer shook the offered hand and smiled. “Im happy to assist you. I’ll go and have her brought in to meet the two of you. I hope everything works out.” Dropping Micah’s hand he nodded at Doc and left the room.
Doc: Doc was still careful not to say anything that would not fit into their story. “Do not ..let me forget to fax that paperwork. It’s been a long ******* day. Last thing I need is to piss off the cops, and have them come back to collect Vel.” He looked at him, “You know if she is still in her ‘state’ she is going to be pissed as hell. It might not be a bad idea to ask them if they have a straight jacket we could borrow. No offence..” He looked apologetically at him, “The jackets are designed to keep people from harming themselves.”
Micah: “Good idea.” He went to the door and was able to catch the officer that had been in the room with them. Quickly he expressed his concerns and asked if a straight jacket was possible. Inwardly he was utterly gleeful. Let that ***** try and escape now. Maybe next time she found herself in a situation such as this she’d think twice before pissing people off. Once he had secured the jacket for Satine he returned to the room. “They appreciated the heads up, and will be bringing her in secured.”
Micah: It was strange to hear Vel’s name being used in place of Satine’s but he understood the need for it. Micah didn’t understand much of what Doc was speaking about but it seemed as if the officer did, as he would nod every so often during Doc’s explanation. Or maybe he was pretending to understand. Cops weren’t to be trusted after all, the sneaky bastards. Not that it mattered really. The officer looked as if he believed them. Maybe the picture had been enough proof? It all seemed to be too easy and it turned out, he was right to think that.
“Well,” the officer began, “She didn’t actually hurt anyone. She was subdued before she could use the firearm she had on her. I don’t see why we can’t release her to your custody. Providing you have all the official documentation of her admittance?” The officer looked at the pair of them but Micah didn’t dare look at Doc. Now what the **** were they going to do??
Doc: Doc pressed his lips together in a grim line. “Yes.. well to be honest Officer, I forgot to bring her file with me. But I can go back to Winterbrook, and collect her file.” He looked at Micah apologetically, “Two hours tops..”
The Officer sat a bit straighter in his chair, “Winterbrook? The old asylum that was recently reopened?”
Doc nodded, “I’m the Executive Director of Winterbrook. But in fairness, she.. Mrs. Andras was being housed in an open ward. We didn’t want to traumatize her by putting her in a cell. Granted.. that will be rectified.”
Micah: Micah finally looked over at Doc and gave a single nod of his head. Two hours. He could definitely wait two hours for Doc to work whatever magic he had to in order for them to get Satine out of the police station. Though the way the officer perked up at the mention of Winterbrook was interesting. Micah had never heard of the place before but the officer seemed to be familiar with it. That could only work in their favor.
Doc: Doc pushed away from the table and got ready to stand up when officer held up a hand. “You know..” the Officer intoned, “I think we could come to a mutually beneficial arrangement. The feds are cracking down on cases where the defendants claim mental disease. Saying we have to have a secured holding cell away from the general population. Our budget is thin as it is. No way we can comply.. and if we don’t we lose what little federal funding we do have. Now.. if Mr. Andras would agree to keep this confidential.. I might be able to arrange to have his wife released, if Winterbrook would agree to house our ‘mental defects’?”
Doc lifted an eyebrow, and slid his chair back up to the table. “There would have to be a charge for housing them..”
“Standard jailhouse housing fee.”
Doc looked at Micah, “Your call, she’s your wife.”
Micah: Micah had started to stand until the officer started speaking. At the mention of an arrangement that would benefit them all he sat back down. He was having a bit of trouble wrapping his head around what the officer was suggesting. Did this kind of **** really happen? Apparently it did because it was out there in the open now and it was up to him to make a decision. He didn’t even have to think about it. Whatever it took to get Satine released to him and Doc, he would do it. And if Doc got something out of it all the better. “I agree. I won’t speak of this to anyone. I just want my wife safe. That’s all.” He tried to make it sound like he cared. Hopefully he managed to portray that.
Satine: Satine was out of options. She knew this way back at the tattoo shop. It was as if she was running from the monsters in her head for so long she finally was tired. too tired to keep going. Finding her sister was supposed to be a relief. It obviously had been far from that. Why couldn’t she be the one with sugarplums dancing in her head? She had nothing left to lose and pretty much summed it up with her next move.
“The ghetto party favor that has gone stale.” Satine swept her eyes up and down the woman stepping in a series of slow clicks looking at her like she was in an alley facing off against another hungry cat. “So…” She nodded to the cousin’s man. “How about that offer?”
The woman was already hiking up her cotton sleeves that only appeared to be a second skin stretched far too tight around her thick arms. Satine was sure of two things. One...this chick likely had been in a few more brawls that Satine had. Likely right in the very cell she was currently picking a fight with her in. was probably going to hurt like a mother ****** but her cousin’s man would likely have to jump in and that gun on his belt was her only current ticket out of Oz the way she saw things.
“How about this offer…” With that the hooker with no fashion sense took a heavy swing sending her fist to Satine’s much more petite shoulder.
Satine was already moving despite the throbbing in her right arm. She lifted it to join her left hand and help out taking the woman by the hair and using all her strength to pull her face down on the floor off her cheap heels. That hardly was enough to get the cousin in uniform to open up the door as Satine planned. Instead he was chuckling and appearing rather amused. Satine was pissed off again….even more so. What the **** was wrong with people? She didn’t get a chance to find out. Sheerah-clearance-ho was up faster than Muhammad Ali could once rhyme. A visual of a lightning quick hand curled back. The next thing Satine felt was what surely had to be the pressure of her left eye popping out of it’s socket. Her ears were ringing for a totally different reason thanks to the chick who had a wicked hook and reach for an advantage over her.
Satine’s petite hideous sweater clad body slid across the floor it landed on. She was out cold before coming to rest under the wood bench she was stupid to rise from.
“That silly ***** really thought she was talking to me?” The woman shook her hand out and stepped back to her cousin’s man as if what happened was no sweat off her overly groomed and plucked brow. “Tell me something good, baby.”
Satine heard the ringing first. Her hand slapped at her forehead to make sure it wasn’t something that could be so easily eliminated. Her head rocked to the left then the right. Something wasn’t right. She repeated the movement and that is when the full effect of the pain washed over her. Her hand cupped her throbbing eye and was greeted with the sensation of an acquired swollen mass where her eye was. As soon as her flesh contacted her own face she screamed out in pain and rolled around on the floor. Each turn of her body gave her a sliver of a glimpse at where she was now. In a plain room with a floor and nothing else.
Then and there Satine decided enough was enough. She made a choice. Next uniform that came through that door she could barely make out while her eyeballs weeped from pain...that uniform was going to hear a story that would give most a few nightmares. Her *** would certainly be on the next flight back to home for sure. It was called extradition.
Velveteen: Velveteen was growing impatient as she wondered what the hell was going on behind that closed door. She was also very concerned about where Satine was right now and what other **** she was likely getting herself into. The answer to that, however, was going to come much sooner than Velveteen had anticipated. Before that happened though a sudden realisation made the woman’s mouth fall open. If the police would believe that Satine was actually Velveteen many others would. How many others might have seen that footage and thought that Vel had lost her ****? How was she supposed to explain this to….anyone?
The magazine she had been pretending to read came to rest in her lap as her own thoughts took over. This just seemed to get worse with every passing minute. In that instant it felt as if her heart began to pound to in her chest. The woman gasped in shock as her hand came up to rest over where her heart was. The fact that she hadn’t felt anything like that for four years was not only a surprise it was...confusing. There was no time to analyse it though as a sudden invisible force knocked her right off the chair she was sitting on. The action cause several curious glances her way and she was quick to get to her feet. ‘I’m ok. I’m ok.” She mumbled quickly. Pain burned hot in her shoulder which she clutched as she clumsily yet hurriedly made her way to her feet before stumbling outside.
No sooner has she made it to the bottom of the stairs before that same invisible force lifted her off her feet and sent her flying into the brick wall head first. What the actual **** was going on? Her head hurt where she connect with the wall before landing heavily in the slush that covered the ground. A hand came to touch her head gingerly though something was off….it felt like she was slowly going blind in one eye and yet more pain. What the actual **** was going on now. She rolled to her feet once more and started running. It seemed the closer she got to her sister the weirder **** became.
Doc: Doc looked from Micah to the officer. “It looks like we are in agreement. You sir, have a deal.” He held his hand out the Officer who shook it, and then said, “I’ll still need that paperwork on her.. fax it to my attention.”
Doc nodded, “Of course. We want this done right as much as you, Officer…? We never got your name.”
This time it was the officer’s turn to offer a business card to each of them. “Stewart. Chad Stewart. I’m usually in homicide, but I was pulling desk duty for the night, when your wife came in.” He looked at Micah, “She has some anger issues let me tell you. But it’s probably the disease.”
Doc nodded, “Schizophrenia will cause the sweetest kindest people to turn into spewing sacks of venom. That is part of what makes it hard to treat. Many times the patient is misdiagnosed with MPD.. sorry Multiple Personality disorder.” He was about to launch into a dissertation when he caught Micah’s eye. “Well that’s for another time.. Let’s get Mrs. Andras back to Winterbrook.”
Micah: Micah took the offered card, giving it a brief glance before he tucked it into his pocket. He doubted he would ever use it but it never hurt to have someone on the police force in your corner. It might be useful in the future especially while Satine remained human. Sooner or later that would be rectified but for now she could enjoy the comforts of the asylum. Micah hoped that her stay there wouldn’t be at all pleasant.
Try as he might he couldn’t stop the small chuckle. He’d have to borrow that line in the future...spewing sack of venom indeed. Though Satine was more like a barracuda on crack. Standing he offered a hand to the officer. “I appreciate your assisting us with this. The sooner she’s back in Winterbrook the safer she’ll be.”
The officer shook the offered hand and smiled. “Im happy to assist you. I’ll go and have her brought in to meet the two of you. I hope everything works out.” Dropping Micah’s hand he nodded at Doc and left the room.
Doc: Doc was still careful not to say anything that would not fit into their story. “Do not ..let me forget to fax that paperwork. It’s been a long ******* day. Last thing I need is to piss off the cops, and have them come back to collect Vel.” He looked at him, “You know if she is still in her ‘state’ she is going to be pissed as hell. It might not be a bad idea to ask them if they have a straight jacket we could borrow. No offence..” He looked apologetically at him, “The jackets are designed to keep people from harming themselves.”
Micah: “Good idea.” He went to the door and was able to catch the officer that had been in the room with them. Quickly he expressed his concerns and asked if a straight jacket was possible. Inwardly he was utterly gleeful. Let that ***** try and escape now. Maybe next time she found herself in a situation such as this she’d think twice before pissing people off. Once he had secured the jacket for Satine he returned to the room. “They appreciated the heads up, and will be bringing her in secured.”

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Re: Family Ties
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Satine: Satine had not moved her hand from her left eye since it finally stopped throbbing for doing just that...holding it. She sat there on the hard floor and stared one eyed at the three walls around her. The fourth was currently supporting her back. She avoided looking down and was spared the annoying blur of too much color from her sweater. After a few quiet minutes of feeling like her *** was turning into rock beneath her the sounds of keys and locks caught her attention. Those unique hued orbs darted like a cats spotting an unexpected spider. The part of her committed to doing the whole ‘I-must-confess’ was already growing less certain that was going to be the best plan after all. The popping of the mechanisms in the lock increased her hope to the point perhaps she could figure something else out depending on who or what walked in.
“Guess who has a get out of jail free card?” The voice was familiar even if the blurred vision of her open eye tried and failed make out the source.
A few steps of the uniform followed by four others carrying something in the last officers hands quickly clarified. A straightjacket?! The first officer went to her left the second went to her right and as she pushed with her feet down to bring her body upward the last two came at her front and center.
“Now if you cooperate this will be in your best interest.” The one on the left actually thought that was supposed to be reassuring? To a female who was literally half the size of one of the burly four who strolled into the room with a straightjacket coming at her?
Satine didn’t feel the burn half as much when her hand dropped from her left eye.
“Are you ******* insane?!” Satine was like that little frog that when caught would blow up to double its size then bark at the threat looming over her ten times her size. “I know my rights!”
“Of course you do, Mrs. Andras.” The one in the center was the first one to make the bold move of approaching. “We are only trying to help you.”
Satine heard the ringing in her ears and felt that chill rising around her. The bite of uncertainty, the panic of impending loss of control. She had enough of it the last few days….was it even days? She couldn’t tell time anymore. If this was what it came down to then she was going to go down kicking and screaming for all the world to hear.
“Touch me and I will ******* kill you!” Her eyes fixed on the face attached to the neck and body too close for comfort. “You have the wrong person!
Doc: Doc’s first glimpse of Velveteen’s twin sister was memorable to say the least. The petite figure was bound tightly in a straight jacket, one eye swelling and turning a lovely shade of purple; as the other eye glowered about. He was only doing due diligence in asking about the eye, as any good doctor would. “The eye…?”
One of the officers snorted, “She tried to take Twinkle on.. Bad move. Once upon a time, it took upwards of three coppers to bring Twinkle to heel. These days, Twinkle knows that a busted up face isn’t that good for business.”
Satine: Satine had mastered dragging her feet as the officers on each side of her dragged her down a hallway that opened up to a room much wider and people she had to squint to make out.
“Hear of excessive force? Or how about innocent until proven guilty?” Satine hissed out then kicked her feet in front her and tried to make contact with anything close enough. She only managed to make a scene. “Bet you would want to get rid of this sweater if you were wearing it too! That is hardly a crime!”
Now that others were present Satine was going to make sure she showed her rights were being violated. Her legs flailed and kicked at the legs of the uniforms still doing their job. That was until her good eye caught sight of one face she would never ever forget. Her heels dug down into the floor beneath them and she started backpedaling until the dutiful police lifted her up so that she couldn’t even tip toe the rest of the way into the room.
Doc: Doc nodded, “Hello Velveteen. You remember me .. don’t you? Dr. Nilson?” He made sure to make his voice passive and soft. He wanted her attention off of Micah, and on him. “You’ve been naughty, but that is alright, because we are going to make sure you are back to your old self soon. Why don’t we get you home and out of that uncomfortable looking jacket.”
Satine: Satine’s head whipped around as if any second she would spot her sister. Back and forth her head went without a glimpse of Velveteen. Then her eyes shot back to the male in the business suit talking and looking her direction.
“Where is she?” Satine snarled. “Where the **** is she?! She can at least have the decency to explain they have the wrong person!” Then she made a big mistake and looked at what she now could assume was Micah Andras...was it? A full name to finally go with that face. “You did this!”
Doc: Doc shook his head at Micah and whispered, “Still delusional.”
Velveteen: As soon as Velveteen was at what she perceived to be a reasonably safe distance she reached out for Stephen. She needed to know what was going on and she still did not dare ask her husband directly. What she was going to do there she had absolutely no clue. She had failed. A situation she fully believed was under control had reach point ridiculous and now others were involved. Nor could she hide out forever. Sooner or later she was going to have to face this.
Once stephen had been contacted and was on his way to the police station, Velveteen found herself a quiet and unpopulated corner in an abandoned building where she could settle in safely and not be disturbed as she tapped into her wraith. Being able to see through his eyes was the next best thing to being there. Only Doc and Micah would be able to see him.
By the time Stephen had made it to the scene it seemed that Micah and Doc and been successful in securing Satine’s release as the woman was being dragged out kicking and screaming in what appeared to be a straight jacket. Velveteen groaned and her head fell forward to rest in her open palms. She could hear Satine screaming and noted the eye that bulged in all kinds of shades of black and purple. Of course she had managed to get herself beaten up. It seemed that if there was anything Satine was good at it was making people want to hurt her. The straight jacket was a nice touch though. She looked crazier than a cut snake.
”Please don’t hurt her.” The quiet plea was pressed gently into the mind of the one man she trusted with her own life. He had good reason to be angry. With Satine. With her. But the more this convoluted mess grew the more Velveteen seemed to become connected to this woman. A complete stranger who wore her face. Another message was sent to her also. Please stop struggling. You are just making it worse.
Micah: When he got his first glimpse of Satine, instead of the fury he had been expecting he got a sense of satisfaction. He had tried to tell her that her smart mouth was going to get her *** in trouble but it seemed as if she still hadn’t learned her lesson. At first he left Doc speak, attempt to calm her down and he thought that just maybe it would work. Then her gaze landed on him and she just...lost her ****. Just like he figured she would.
“Of course I did this.” Was his tone calm and soothing? He hoped so. Isn’t that how you were supposed to speak to wild animals? All calm and zen like. Micah nodded his head, agreeing with Doc. “Yes I do believe you’re right Dr. Nilson. She’s still rather delusional.” Turning to Satine he smiled, but the look in his eyes was anything but friendly. There was a promise lurking in those depths and Micah was a man of his word. He’d keep that unspoken promise, acting on it when she least expected it. “Don’t worry sweetheart. Your doctor will take good care of you.” He almost gagged. Calling that barracuda sweetheart? He’d rather take an acid bath but appearances were everything.
He saw Stephen lurking nearby. That meant Vel wasn’t too far away and he was right as that oh so familiar voice entered his mind. Her mental voice was pleading with him and as usual he couldn’t deny her a thing. Sighing to himself he concentrated on her mind and sent his message. “I won’t.” The for now, went unspoken.
Satine: “That isn’t a doctor!” Her body writhed as much as a straight jacket would allow. “And he needs to be locked up! He ******* stabbed me! They are all crazy! Send me back to Australia!”
Satine was about to go on when she heard Velveteen. Her lips froze forming the next word out of her mouth and was left speechless. Her sisters voice and Micah admitting he did in fact do it. Satine dead panned and for the first time she paused her struggle. Was she losing her ******* mind?
Doc: Doc nudged Micah, “She is in the midst of a hallucination.. you can tell by the look on her face.” He said it more for the police officers than Micah, he could not have timed it more perfectly. It was all he could do to stay grim and purposeful, as he moved forward to grasp Satine under the arm and steer her toward the exit..
Satine: As the blonde in the suit made contact with her she growled. “Get your hands off me!” Her feet dragged shouting over her shoulder. “They are going to kill me!”
Doc: “Now Mrs. Andras, You know I cannot do that.” He tightened his grip until it was painfully firm. “Of course we aren’t. In a few days, you will forget all this ever happened, and you will feel much better.”
Satine: “I am NOT Mrs. Andras, dumbass! I just met him!” Satine paused to take another deep breath in then yelled so loud she swore she could pop out both her eyes the longer she let her lungs roar.
Doc: “Oh? And who are you then?” Deciding to placate her, as any good doctor would.
Satine: “Your ******* nightmare.” Satine spit at the man.
Doc: “Of course you are..” His tone placating, as he looked at the police officers as if to say, ‘yes she really is..’.
Micah: He followed them outside but he realized at the last second that they didn’t actually have a way to transport Satine to Winterbrook. Vel was out of the question and there wasn’t anyone else he wanted to involve. Normally this was where Bunny came in handy but thanks to the wildcat in the straight jacket Bunny was out of commission for the immediate future. Thinking of Bunny though gave him an idea. Scott could do it. Vel’s junkie thrall who actually hadn’t been high for once. Moving off to the side he called the thrall who answered on the first ring. Micah cut him off and gave him instructions, telling him to use the portal to get to the garage and bring the truck to the police station in Bullwood. Scott assured him he could do the task and once Micah told him to get his junkie *** in gear, the called was ended and Micah headed outside where Doc and Satine were waiting. “Scott is on his way.” He didn’t elaborate. Short, sweet and to the point. The sooner this lunatic was locked up the better for everyone.
Velveteen: His reassurance that Satine would not be harmed calmed her. She hurt. She was exhausted and she knew she had yet to face the full consequences of her choices. She nodded at his reply. It was what she needed to hear and that they were taking to her sister to Winterbrook was also a good plan. She would be safe there and no longer a walking secrecy violation. Who was she going to tell her story to? Other nutters who people tended not to believe anyway? It was a good plan. For now. Ultimately though it was merely a bandaid for the immediate issue but that would give her a little time to deal with the rest. She was already wondering when she would be able to visit Satine personally.
Once she saw that all were outside and heard Micah tell Doc that Scott was on his way she nodded to herself once more and cut off the connection. It was time to tome home and wait for the inevitable.
Satine: Satine had not moved her hand from her left eye since it finally stopped throbbing for doing just that...holding it. She sat there on the hard floor and stared one eyed at the three walls around her. The fourth was currently supporting her back. She avoided looking down and was spared the annoying blur of too much color from her sweater. After a few quiet minutes of feeling like her *** was turning into rock beneath her the sounds of keys and locks caught her attention. Those unique hued orbs darted like a cats spotting an unexpected spider. The part of her committed to doing the whole ‘I-must-confess’ was already growing less certain that was going to be the best plan after all. The popping of the mechanisms in the lock increased her hope to the point perhaps she could figure something else out depending on who or what walked in.
“Guess who has a get out of jail free card?” The voice was familiar even if the blurred vision of her open eye tried and failed make out the source.
A few steps of the uniform followed by four others carrying something in the last officers hands quickly clarified. A straightjacket?! The first officer went to her left the second went to her right and as she pushed with her feet down to bring her body upward the last two came at her front and center.
“Now if you cooperate this will be in your best interest.” The one on the left actually thought that was supposed to be reassuring? To a female who was literally half the size of one of the burly four who strolled into the room with a straightjacket coming at her?
Satine didn’t feel the burn half as much when her hand dropped from her left eye.
“Are you ******* insane?!” Satine was like that little frog that when caught would blow up to double its size then bark at the threat looming over her ten times her size. “I know my rights!”
“Of course you do, Mrs. Andras.” The one in the center was the first one to make the bold move of approaching. “We are only trying to help you.”
Satine heard the ringing in her ears and felt that chill rising around her. The bite of uncertainty, the panic of impending loss of control. She had enough of it the last few days….was it even days? She couldn’t tell time anymore. If this was what it came down to then she was going to go down kicking and screaming for all the world to hear.
“Touch me and I will ******* kill you!” Her eyes fixed on the face attached to the neck and body too close for comfort. “You have the wrong person!
Doc: Doc’s first glimpse of Velveteen’s twin sister was memorable to say the least. The petite figure was bound tightly in a straight jacket, one eye swelling and turning a lovely shade of purple; as the other eye glowered about. He was only doing due diligence in asking about the eye, as any good doctor would. “The eye…?”
One of the officers snorted, “She tried to take Twinkle on.. Bad move. Once upon a time, it took upwards of three coppers to bring Twinkle to heel. These days, Twinkle knows that a busted up face isn’t that good for business.”
Satine: Satine had mastered dragging her feet as the officers on each side of her dragged her down a hallway that opened up to a room much wider and people she had to squint to make out.
“Hear of excessive force? Or how about innocent until proven guilty?” Satine hissed out then kicked her feet in front her and tried to make contact with anything close enough. She only managed to make a scene. “Bet you would want to get rid of this sweater if you were wearing it too! That is hardly a crime!”
Now that others were present Satine was going to make sure she showed her rights were being violated. Her legs flailed and kicked at the legs of the uniforms still doing their job. That was until her good eye caught sight of one face she would never ever forget. Her heels dug down into the floor beneath them and she started backpedaling until the dutiful police lifted her up so that she couldn’t even tip toe the rest of the way into the room.
Doc: Doc nodded, “Hello Velveteen. You remember me .. don’t you? Dr. Nilson?” He made sure to make his voice passive and soft. He wanted her attention off of Micah, and on him. “You’ve been naughty, but that is alright, because we are going to make sure you are back to your old self soon. Why don’t we get you home and out of that uncomfortable looking jacket.”
Satine: Satine’s head whipped around as if any second she would spot her sister. Back and forth her head went without a glimpse of Velveteen. Then her eyes shot back to the male in the business suit talking and looking her direction.
“Where is she?” Satine snarled. “Where the **** is she?! She can at least have the decency to explain they have the wrong person!” Then she made a big mistake and looked at what she now could assume was Micah Andras...was it? A full name to finally go with that face. “You did this!”
Doc: Doc shook his head at Micah and whispered, “Still delusional.”
Velveteen: As soon as Velveteen was at what she perceived to be a reasonably safe distance she reached out for Stephen. She needed to know what was going on and she still did not dare ask her husband directly. What she was going to do there she had absolutely no clue. She had failed. A situation she fully believed was under control had reach point ridiculous and now others were involved. Nor could she hide out forever. Sooner or later she was going to have to face this.
Once stephen had been contacted and was on his way to the police station, Velveteen found herself a quiet and unpopulated corner in an abandoned building where she could settle in safely and not be disturbed as she tapped into her wraith. Being able to see through his eyes was the next best thing to being there. Only Doc and Micah would be able to see him.
By the time Stephen had made it to the scene it seemed that Micah and Doc and been successful in securing Satine’s release as the woman was being dragged out kicking and screaming in what appeared to be a straight jacket. Velveteen groaned and her head fell forward to rest in her open palms. She could hear Satine screaming and noted the eye that bulged in all kinds of shades of black and purple. Of course she had managed to get herself beaten up. It seemed that if there was anything Satine was good at it was making people want to hurt her. The straight jacket was a nice touch though. She looked crazier than a cut snake.
”Please don’t hurt her.” The quiet plea was pressed gently into the mind of the one man she trusted with her own life. He had good reason to be angry. With Satine. With her. But the more this convoluted mess grew the more Velveteen seemed to become connected to this woman. A complete stranger who wore her face. Another message was sent to her also. Please stop struggling. You are just making it worse.
Micah: When he got his first glimpse of Satine, instead of the fury he had been expecting he got a sense of satisfaction. He had tried to tell her that her smart mouth was going to get her *** in trouble but it seemed as if she still hadn’t learned her lesson. At first he left Doc speak, attempt to calm her down and he thought that just maybe it would work. Then her gaze landed on him and she just...lost her ****. Just like he figured she would.
“Of course I did this.” Was his tone calm and soothing? He hoped so. Isn’t that how you were supposed to speak to wild animals? All calm and zen like. Micah nodded his head, agreeing with Doc. “Yes I do believe you’re right Dr. Nilson. She’s still rather delusional.” Turning to Satine he smiled, but the look in his eyes was anything but friendly. There was a promise lurking in those depths and Micah was a man of his word. He’d keep that unspoken promise, acting on it when she least expected it. “Don’t worry sweetheart. Your doctor will take good care of you.” He almost gagged. Calling that barracuda sweetheart? He’d rather take an acid bath but appearances were everything.
He saw Stephen lurking nearby. That meant Vel wasn’t too far away and he was right as that oh so familiar voice entered his mind. Her mental voice was pleading with him and as usual he couldn’t deny her a thing. Sighing to himself he concentrated on her mind and sent his message. “I won’t.” The for now, went unspoken.
Satine: “That isn’t a doctor!” Her body writhed as much as a straight jacket would allow. “And he needs to be locked up! He ******* stabbed me! They are all crazy! Send me back to Australia!”
Satine was about to go on when she heard Velveteen. Her lips froze forming the next word out of her mouth and was left speechless. Her sisters voice and Micah admitting he did in fact do it. Satine dead panned and for the first time she paused her struggle. Was she losing her ******* mind?
Doc: Doc nudged Micah, “She is in the midst of a hallucination.. you can tell by the look on her face.” He said it more for the police officers than Micah, he could not have timed it more perfectly. It was all he could do to stay grim and purposeful, as he moved forward to grasp Satine under the arm and steer her toward the exit..
Satine: As the blonde in the suit made contact with her she growled. “Get your hands off me!” Her feet dragged shouting over her shoulder. “They are going to kill me!”
Doc: “Now Mrs. Andras, You know I cannot do that.” He tightened his grip until it was painfully firm. “Of course we aren’t. In a few days, you will forget all this ever happened, and you will feel much better.”
Satine: “I am NOT Mrs. Andras, dumbass! I just met him!” Satine paused to take another deep breath in then yelled so loud she swore she could pop out both her eyes the longer she let her lungs roar.
Doc: “Oh? And who are you then?” Deciding to placate her, as any good doctor would.
Satine: “Your ******* nightmare.” Satine spit at the man.
Doc: “Of course you are..” His tone placating, as he looked at the police officers as if to say, ‘yes she really is..’.
Micah: He followed them outside but he realized at the last second that they didn’t actually have a way to transport Satine to Winterbrook. Vel was out of the question and there wasn’t anyone else he wanted to involve. Normally this was where Bunny came in handy but thanks to the wildcat in the straight jacket Bunny was out of commission for the immediate future. Thinking of Bunny though gave him an idea. Scott could do it. Vel’s junkie thrall who actually hadn’t been high for once. Moving off to the side he called the thrall who answered on the first ring. Micah cut him off and gave him instructions, telling him to use the portal to get to the garage and bring the truck to the police station in Bullwood. Scott assured him he could do the task and once Micah told him to get his junkie *** in gear, the called was ended and Micah headed outside where Doc and Satine were waiting. “Scott is on his way.” He didn’t elaborate. Short, sweet and to the point. The sooner this lunatic was locked up the better for everyone.
Velveteen: His reassurance that Satine would not be harmed calmed her. She hurt. She was exhausted and she knew she had yet to face the full consequences of her choices. She nodded at his reply. It was what she needed to hear and that they were taking to her sister to Winterbrook was also a good plan. She would be safe there and no longer a walking secrecy violation. Who was she going to tell her story to? Other nutters who people tended not to believe anyway? It was a good plan. For now. Ultimately though it was merely a bandaid for the immediate issue but that would give her a little time to deal with the rest. She was already wondering when she would be able to visit Satine personally.
Once she saw that all were outside and heard Micah tell Doc that Scott was on his way she nodded to herself once more and cut off the connection. It was time to tome home and wait for the inevitable.

Ego correctionis silentio grammatica tua
IC Forum username: That Guy
Dressed by Ariadne-
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- CrowNet Handle: Alice In Wonderland
Re: Family Ties
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Doc: The drive to Winterbrook had been uneventful. Uneventful if you discount the screaming insults and threats being spewed from the mouth of a petite straight jacketed brunette female with hate and venom in her eyes. Doc was used to it. He had learned to tune that out at a young age. As vile as the brunette was, she could not come close to what his father could spew forth. The driver, Scott, didn’t ignore it so well. Once they reached Winterbrook, he was more than happy to leave when he was told.
Moving Satine from the vehicle to her cell, took all the restraint that Doc could muster. Though he could tune out the insults and the graphic death threats, he longed to belt her with a backhand to show her exactly who was boss. But he would have to wait until Micah was gone. So for the moment, he endured the females berating of him, his staff, and his Asylum. The colorful names she had called it, would come back to haunt her as reality settled in and she realized she wasn’t going anywhere.
Satine: If there was anything left that could possibly happen that she did not see coming in the last week, or however long it had been, it would be just what was happening. Being tugged out of a vehicle that she refused to exit was nothing new to Satine. Chester’s hoodlums did it often enough after finally catching up with her. Being tugged out of a vehicle wrapped up like a sausage in a too small casing was. The straight jacket was supposed to be outdated and cruel in current institutional practices. Even she knew that much. However, it appeared that the good old days and the practices were making a comeback as she looked up and found the exterior of the building looming over her. It appeared respectable but she had that knowing chill charging up her spine.
“This is a ******* joke!” Satine regretted the choice of the last word as soon as it was released to the air.
Nothing about this was amusing. She could feel her body sliding down to the floor in a hurry and taking the gun from under the bed back in the apartment. She should have left the weapon where it was. If she had she would be unfastening a seatbelt about that moment and reclining back a couple thousand feet above the country she now hated with a passion.
Satine swore her temper, her mouth and her mind were all missing connections somewhere. This was how she used to get with Chester. Beyond livid. She had no problems once the ******** stopped twitching and went limp. Now that boiling constant rage was back and it wore new names.
Satine’s eyes shot to the tall blonde who had pretty much tossed her into the room. Nothing she said phased the man, Micah or whoever the hell was driving for that matter. It was as if she was sliding down further into some nightmare that she couldn’t wake up from. She could feel it, taste it, smell it. It was so vivid that it took her temples throbbing as she screamed out again to convince her she was wide awake and it was happening.
Doc: He slid the bulletproof glass door shut calmly, as he watched her stumble forward into the cell. He stood in the alcove between the metal door, and the bulletproof glass door watching her. The double door protocol was his idea. He wanted to be able to see the patients without have to be on guard. Yes, with his powers he could stop and incapacitate the inmates easily, but that was not the point. The point was to make them uncomfortable. To make them understand that they were alone. Completely and utterly alone, except for what he deemed appropriate for them to have. Crazies were going to be interesting to study. Did they feel the need for the most basic thing most people wanted? Touch. To be touched, caressed, held. To feel the skin of another’s against their own. Well that human touch, was denied to them.
The glass doors were fitted with a slot three inches by nine inches, to allow for food to be passed to them. The slot also served as access to shackle the inmate if they required to be moved. Until the inmate learned the routine, they were not allowed out of their cell. There was no need. They had a sink and toilet available to them. All new inmates had their cells stripped of everything but the basic necessities. A rough wool blanket, and an iron bed that was bolted firmly to the floor. Doc had tested the bolts himself, they are quite adequate. As an inmate gained points, those points could be traded in for items, like a sheet, an extra clean shirt. But should an inmate be difficult, meals would be nothing more than bread. And should the inmate try to clog the toilet, it would regurgitate its contents back into the inmate’s cell; until the inmate chose to clean it up. It only took one inmate to try it, before the rest learned that was not a viable solution.
Doc watched ‘Velveteen’ in her cell. He causally shoved his hands into his pants pockets as he watched her. His head canted to the side, his devoid of any emotion. Was she the type to want an audience? Or did she prefer the solitude, hiding alone in the dark? He would have to figure that one out, and then give her the opposite experience.
Satine: Satine went silent as the storm raged within her. Deep beneath her skin she swore there was an eruption of unseen proportions ready to take hold of her at anytime.Her hand failed to move when she attempted to reach for the itch that spread across her nose. Each arm was restricted to her body and held in place all tight thanks to the jacket that had yet to be removed. She was not surprised. With all that had taken place why would it be? Her feet still had their freedom and she took advantage of that. A few paces around the room brought her awareness of how sparse and real her surroundings were. Finally her eyes found the door where the one who claimed to be a doctor stood watching her.
“I don’t know who you are and I don’t give a **** to ever know but trust me when I say this...” Satine’s stare should melt the barriers between them for the contempt that fueled it. “I swear you will regret this. It is just a matter of time.”
Satine’s face went from the contorted and creased lines of anger around her eyes and forehead to a calm and sudden smile. Her thoughts started calming her. She meant what she said. He would find out just like Chester. A little part of her felt like it was unraveling as she entertained the idea of getting a hold of the man by the back of the head and severing it from the suit clad shoulders it was resting on. She turned away from giving him the satisfaction of her attention on him. She had more important things to focus on at the moment. Top of the list was now figuring out how she was supposed to use that toilet.
Doc: He returned her regard evenly and dispassionately. Her words were tuned out and ignored. in fact they really didn’t register with him. He didn’t see her, a person, what he saw was a caged animal pacing and spitting with fury. All the animals were all broken eventually, the question was, would she be broken mentally, or physically? As the thought crossed his mind, he allowed himself to smile. It was not a smile for her, or at her. It was a smile based on the contemplated means he had planned for breaking her.
She was wounded. He could smell the blood. Her pacing and thrashing must have opened the up again. Micah had admitted he had stabbed her. Unchecked, that wound would fester and get infected. She would become feverish and weak. She would be vulnerable then. She may say things she did not mean to. Things that she wish not to see the light of day. These were things he was interested in. There was too much anger in her, for there not to be something hidden deep down in the dark where she hopes it stays.
As ‘Velveteen’ calmed down and even smiled, Doc stepped back and shut the metal door firmly. As the metal door locked into place, the light in her cell diminished by ninety percent. All that remained was the light from a dim 30 watt light bulb, that would go out automatically at nine pm.
Satine: The sound of the heavy door closing was not enough to have her look back over her shoulder but the light that was reduced within the room certainly was. Her eyes turned back towards the door as her body followed.
If Satine was supposed to be scared it was lost on her at the moment. She felt the discomfort of a full bladder, the anger at the world she was certain was not right and the slow pangs of hunger beginning to knot her stomach. She had not eaten in how long? She couldn't even remember. She watched the door trying to ignore the signals her body was sending her.
"I can't ******* believe this." She growled when it was apparent her body was not going to be ignored. Her thoughts instantly drifted for some measure of comfort.
Satine was back in her room at home. The sound of music played in the background but nothing that could distract her from the raised voices she knew all too well. She had to go then too but she didn't dare move. Between her door and the bathroom was another fight and she was too small to make difference in what would be the outcome. Mom would need the bathroom to clean up her beaten face. She could fight the urge until morning.
Satine felt the burn in her eyes as she thought of anything else to get out of that place. She survived those nights and she would survive this one too. Her right foot pulled at the back of her left shoe and kicked it off. She repeated the action with her left removing the right shoe. People drove with their feet when they had no choice so somehow they got their pants on and off too. This would happen. The alternative would not.
Doc: It had just gone six in the morning when Doc left the office at Winterbrook Asylum. Daybreak would eighty three minutes away. So he had plenty of time to welcome the newest inmate and still make it back to Eyrie before the sun was up. He stopped at the nurses station, though the nurse was only on duty for procedures sake. None of the inmates needed medication, though that may change now that they had a new arrival.
“Ah Sister Mary Bethel, if you would be so kind as to come with me. We can get you introduced to our newest arrival.” He didn’t pause to wait for her, he proceeded to cell number five. He opened the metal door to the cell and motioned Sister Mary Bethel to precede him.
“Inmate Andras needs her straight jacket removed. Have you ever removed a straight jacket?”
Sister Mary Bethel was a sour woman. She had become a nun later in life. After a marriage to
philandering husband who took all their money, and left her for a woman one third her age. Now at the age of Sixty-eight, her pursed and prune like face stared in at the lovely, albeit, crazy inmate. “No.” Her thickly Spanish accent was evident even in the single word response.
“Pay close attention, you never open the glass door. Never.” He looked at her to ensure she understood. “You call the inmate to the door, and you instruct them turn around.” Doc whistled, much like calling a dog, “Inmate Andras, come to the door, and present your back.”
Satine: It was an oddly peaceful night once she got used to the fact her arms were not going to move. She discovered her feet were far more capable of performing tasks than she had ever gave them credit for. Another hour of rest would have been welcome but that was not appearing to be an option. An obnoxious whistle pulled her out of her sleep.
Satine stirred from the cot beneath her and looked to the door. The ******** actually whistled and called her inmate Andras. There was no way in hell she was going to respond to a whistle. He wanted the jacket he could come on in and get it.
"**** you." She hissed and flopped back down. He could go play God at another door.
Doc: Doc smiled at the Sister, “When they refuse. So be it. No food until they comply. They have access to water in the sink.” He stepped back and said as he waited for the nun to move back into the hallway, “Though how she will manage it with that jacket on.. no clue. We will check back in another 12 hours. See if her attitude has improved by then.”
Satine: The sensation of her eyelids closing reminded her she was needing something. Her stomach gurgled and cramped. Her mouth was dry and so were her eyeballs beneath what felt like sandpaper when they rolled around in the sockets. She rolled and popped up to sit on the edge of the cot. There was someone with him. There had to be or he was talking to himself. Another day and night in the jacket was not in her plans. She needed it off.
"Fine." Satine walked barefoot to the door and turned around. She stood and waited.
Doc: Doc winked at Sister Mary Bethel, who deadpanned at him in response, though when he moved back to the glass door, she allowed herself a brief smile. “Never put your arm through the slot.” he said to Mary Bethel and in a stronger voice, “Back up Inmate.”
Satine: Satine felt her jaw clench tight as her top and bottom teeth lined up. It was all coming back. That rage slowly boiling as she stepped back giving him what he asked for.
Doc: Doc was able to flick one of the straps loose, so he could easily grab it without going too far in through the slot. “Inmate.. slide down please.”
Satine: Satine was biting her tongue as she slid down. She wasn't sure how the man on the other side of the door was involved with Velveteen or Micah but it couldn't be good. The weight of her body continued to drop.
Doc: Another flick, and soon another buckle was undone. Giving the strap a tug, he indicated that she needed to slide further down. As she acquiesced, he unbuckled the buckle at her neck. Three of the four back buckles were undone. Now he needed to undo the buckles that held the sleeves in place.
“Inmate Adras, turn one quarter to the side.”
Satine: The turn to the side gave her an increased sense of freedom even if her arms were still kept in place. Nothing could alleviate the desire to grab his head and deliver her own justice but she kept it in check. For the moment she was getting closer to making it happen if those last buckles were unfastened.
Doc: Doc unbuckled the buckle holding the left sleeve in place. Once that buckle was undone, he stepped back from the glass door. “I think you can manage to get out of the jacket by youself now Inmate Andras. That wasn’t so bad was it?”
He looked at Sister Mary Bethel. “Be very careful in dealing with this one. There is a lot of pent up anger in her. Do not hesitate to call me if you have issues with. Now then, lets give Inmate Andras some privacy.” He and the Nun exited the alcove and shut the metal door securely. “We can check on her in an hour or so, and see if she is willing to behave and listen.”
Doc: The drive to Winterbrook had been uneventful. Uneventful if you discount the screaming insults and threats being spewed from the mouth of a petite straight jacketed brunette female with hate and venom in her eyes. Doc was used to it. He had learned to tune that out at a young age. As vile as the brunette was, she could not come close to what his father could spew forth. The driver, Scott, didn’t ignore it so well. Once they reached Winterbrook, he was more than happy to leave when he was told.
Moving Satine from the vehicle to her cell, took all the restraint that Doc could muster. Though he could tune out the insults and the graphic death threats, he longed to belt her with a backhand to show her exactly who was boss. But he would have to wait until Micah was gone. So for the moment, he endured the females berating of him, his staff, and his Asylum. The colorful names she had called it, would come back to haunt her as reality settled in and she realized she wasn’t going anywhere.
Satine: If there was anything left that could possibly happen that she did not see coming in the last week, or however long it had been, it would be just what was happening. Being tugged out of a vehicle that she refused to exit was nothing new to Satine. Chester’s hoodlums did it often enough after finally catching up with her. Being tugged out of a vehicle wrapped up like a sausage in a too small casing was. The straight jacket was supposed to be outdated and cruel in current institutional practices. Even she knew that much. However, it appeared that the good old days and the practices were making a comeback as she looked up and found the exterior of the building looming over her. It appeared respectable but she had that knowing chill charging up her spine.
“This is a ******* joke!” Satine regretted the choice of the last word as soon as it was released to the air.
Nothing about this was amusing. She could feel her body sliding down to the floor in a hurry and taking the gun from under the bed back in the apartment. She should have left the weapon where it was. If she had she would be unfastening a seatbelt about that moment and reclining back a couple thousand feet above the country she now hated with a passion.
Satine swore her temper, her mouth and her mind were all missing connections somewhere. This was how she used to get with Chester. Beyond livid. She had no problems once the ******** stopped twitching and went limp. Now that boiling constant rage was back and it wore new names.
Satine’s eyes shot to the tall blonde who had pretty much tossed her into the room. Nothing she said phased the man, Micah or whoever the hell was driving for that matter. It was as if she was sliding down further into some nightmare that she couldn’t wake up from. She could feel it, taste it, smell it. It was so vivid that it took her temples throbbing as she screamed out again to convince her she was wide awake and it was happening.
Doc: He slid the bulletproof glass door shut calmly, as he watched her stumble forward into the cell. He stood in the alcove between the metal door, and the bulletproof glass door watching her. The double door protocol was his idea. He wanted to be able to see the patients without have to be on guard. Yes, with his powers he could stop and incapacitate the inmates easily, but that was not the point. The point was to make them uncomfortable. To make them understand that they were alone. Completely and utterly alone, except for what he deemed appropriate for them to have. Crazies were going to be interesting to study. Did they feel the need for the most basic thing most people wanted? Touch. To be touched, caressed, held. To feel the skin of another’s against their own. Well that human touch, was denied to them.
The glass doors were fitted with a slot three inches by nine inches, to allow for food to be passed to them. The slot also served as access to shackle the inmate if they required to be moved. Until the inmate learned the routine, they were not allowed out of their cell. There was no need. They had a sink and toilet available to them. All new inmates had their cells stripped of everything but the basic necessities. A rough wool blanket, and an iron bed that was bolted firmly to the floor. Doc had tested the bolts himself, they are quite adequate. As an inmate gained points, those points could be traded in for items, like a sheet, an extra clean shirt. But should an inmate be difficult, meals would be nothing more than bread. And should the inmate try to clog the toilet, it would regurgitate its contents back into the inmate’s cell; until the inmate chose to clean it up. It only took one inmate to try it, before the rest learned that was not a viable solution.
Doc watched ‘Velveteen’ in her cell. He causally shoved his hands into his pants pockets as he watched her. His head canted to the side, his devoid of any emotion. Was she the type to want an audience? Or did she prefer the solitude, hiding alone in the dark? He would have to figure that one out, and then give her the opposite experience.
Satine: Satine went silent as the storm raged within her. Deep beneath her skin she swore there was an eruption of unseen proportions ready to take hold of her at anytime.Her hand failed to move when she attempted to reach for the itch that spread across her nose. Each arm was restricted to her body and held in place all tight thanks to the jacket that had yet to be removed. She was not surprised. With all that had taken place why would it be? Her feet still had their freedom and she took advantage of that. A few paces around the room brought her awareness of how sparse and real her surroundings were. Finally her eyes found the door where the one who claimed to be a doctor stood watching her.
“I don’t know who you are and I don’t give a **** to ever know but trust me when I say this...” Satine’s stare should melt the barriers between them for the contempt that fueled it. “I swear you will regret this. It is just a matter of time.”
Satine’s face went from the contorted and creased lines of anger around her eyes and forehead to a calm and sudden smile. Her thoughts started calming her. She meant what she said. He would find out just like Chester. A little part of her felt like it was unraveling as she entertained the idea of getting a hold of the man by the back of the head and severing it from the suit clad shoulders it was resting on. She turned away from giving him the satisfaction of her attention on him. She had more important things to focus on at the moment. Top of the list was now figuring out how she was supposed to use that toilet.
Doc: He returned her regard evenly and dispassionately. Her words were tuned out and ignored. in fact they really didn’t register with him. He didn’t see her, a person, what he saw was a caged animal pacing and spitting with fury. All the animals were all broken eventually, the question was, would she be broken mentally, or physically? As the thought crossed his mind, he allowed himself to smile. It was not a smile for her, or at her. It was a smile based on the contemplated means he had planned for breaking her.
She was wounded. He could smell the blood. Her pacing and thrashing must have opened the up again. Micah had admitted he had stabbed her. Unchecked, that wound would fester and get infected. She would become feverish and weak. She would be vulnerable then. She may say things she did not mean to. Things that she wish not to see the light of day. These were things he was interested in. There was too much anger in her, for there not to be something hidden deep down in the dark where she hopes it stays.
As ‘Velveteen’ calmed down and even smiled, Doc stepped back and shut the metal door firmly. As the metal door locked into place, the light in her cell diminished by ninety percent. All that remained was the light from a dim 30 watt light bulb, that would go out automatically at nine pm.
Satine: The sound of the heavy door closing was not enough to have her look back over her shoulder but the light that was reduced within the room certainly was. Her eyes turned back towards the door as her body followed.
If Satine was supposed to be scared it was lost on her at the moment. She felt the discomfort of a full bladder, the anger at the world she was certain was not right and the slow pangs of hunger beginning to knot her stomach. She had not eaten in how long? She couldn't even remember. She watched the door trying to ignore the signals her body was sending her.
"I can't ******* believe this." She growled when it was apparent her body was not going to be ignored. Her thoughts instantly drifted for some measure of comfort.
Satine was back in her room at home. The sound of music played in the background but nothing that could distract her from the raised voices she knew all too well. She had to go then too but she didn't dare move. Between her door and the bathroom was another fight and she was too small to make difference in what would be the outcome. Mom would need the bathroom to clean up her beaten face. She could fight the urge until morning.
Satine felt the burn in her eyes as she thought of anything else to get out of that place. She survived those nights and she would survive this one too. Her right foot pulled at the back of her left shoe and kicked it off. She repeated the action with her left removing the right shoe. People drove with their feet when they had no choice so somehow they got their pants on and off too. This would happen. The alternative would not.
Doc: It had just gone six in the morning when Doc left the office at Winterbrook Asylum. Daybreak would eighty three minutes away. So he had plenty of time to welcome the newest inmate and still make it back to Eyrie before the sun was up. He stopped at the nurses station, though the nurse was only on duty for procedures sake. None of the inmates needed medication, though that may change now that they had a new arrival.
“Ah Sister Mary Bethel, if you would be so kind as to come with me. We can get you introduced to our newest arrival.” He didn’t pause to wait for her, he proceeded to cell number five. He opened the metal door to the cell and motioned Sister Mary Bethel to precede him.
“Inmate Andras needs her straight jacket removed. Have you ever removed a straight jacket?”
Sister Mary Bethel was a sour woman. She had become a nun later in life. After a marriage to
philandering husband who took all their money, and left her for a woman one third her age. Now at the age of Sixty-eight, her pursed and prune like face stared in at the lovely, albeit, crazy inmate. “No.” Her thickly Spanish accent was evident even in the single word response.
“Pay close attention, you never open the glass door. Never.” He looked at her to ensure she understood. “You call the inmate to the door, and you instruct them turn around.” Doc whistled, much like calling a dog, “Inmate Andras, come to the door, and present your back.”
Satine: It was an oddly peaceful night once she got used to the fact her arms were not going to move. She discovered her feet were far more capable of performing tasks than she had ever gave them credit for. Another hour of rest would have been welcome but that was not appearing to be an option. An obnoxious whistle pulled her out of her sleep.
Satine stirred from the cot beneath her and looked to the door. The ******** actually whistled and called her inmate Andras. There was no way in hell she was going to respond to a whistle. He wanted the jacket he could come on in and get it.
"**** you." She hissed and flopped back down. He could go play God at another door.
Doc: Doc smiled at the Sister, “When they refuse. So be it. No food until they comply. They have access to water in the sink.” He stepped back and said as he waited for the nun to move back into the hallway, “Though how she will manage it with that jacket on.. no clue. We will check back in another 12 hours. See if her attitude has improved by then.”
Satine: The sensation of her eyelids closing reminded her she was needing something. Her stomach gurgled and cramped. Her mouth was dry and so were her eyeballs beneath what felt like sandpaper when they rolled around in the sockets. She rolled and popped up to sit on the edge of the cot. There was someone with him. There had to be or he was talking to himself. Another day and night in the jacket was not in her plans. She needed it off.
"Fine." Satine walked barefoot to the door and turned around. She stood and waited.
Doc: Doc winked at Sister Mary Bethel, who deadpanned at him in response, though when he moved back to the glass door, she allowed herself a brief smile. “Never put your arm through the slot.” he said to Mary Bethel and in a stronger voice, “Back up Inmate.”
Satine: Satine felt her jaw clench tight as her top and bottom teeth lined up. It was all coming back. That rage slowly boiling as she stepped back giving him what he asked for.
Doc: Doc was able to flick one of the straps loose, so he could easily grab it without going too far in through the slot. “Inmate.. slide down please.”
Satine: Satine was biting her tongue as she slid down. She wasn't sure how the man on the other side of the door was involved with Velveteen or Micah but it couldn't be good. The weight of her body continued to drop.
Doc: Another flick, and soon another buckle was undone. Giving the strap a tug, he indicated that she needed to slide further down. As she acquiesced, he unbuckled the buckle at her neck. Three of the four back buckles were undone. Now he needed to undo the buckles that held the sleeves in place.
“Inmate Adras, turn one quarter to the side.”
Satine: The turn to the side gave her an increased sense of freedom even if her arms were still kept in place. Nothing could alleviate the desire to grab his head and deliver her own justice but she kept it in check. For the moment she was getting closer to making it happen if those last buckles were unfastened.
Doc: Doc unbuckled the buckle holding the left sleeve in place. Once that buckle was undone, he stepped back from the glass door. “I think you can manage to get out of the jacket by youself now Inmate Andras. That wasn’t so bad was it?”
He looked at Sister Mary Bethel. “Be very careful in dealing with this one. There is a lot of pent up anger in her. Do not hesitate to call me if you have issues with. Now then, lets give Inmate Andras some privacy.” He and the Nun exited the alcove and shut the metal door securely. “We can check on her in an hour or so, and see if she is willing to behave and listen.”

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Re: Family Ties
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Satine: Satine looked around. What the hell else was there to do? Without thinking her hands shot up not used to the sudden freedom. Her reflexes kicked in just as she was about to smack her own face. Instead her fingers spread and ran through the top and back of her jet black hair. A burning twitch of nerves reminded her that her eye had been in better shape than it was currently...then again so was her lip and thigh. A low rumble from her stomach announced it still had been neglected. Her open eye pinned on the heavy institution door and it dawned on her that she was certifiably fucked.
“Privacy…” She mumbled under her breath as she stepped around with her bare feet scanning the walls for spots that would be apparent hidden viewing windows for observation. “There is no such thing when the walls have eyes.”
Satine had a dilemma. If she continued her current approach she was in for worse than a black eye and solitary confinement. These people, Velveteen included, were insane. Not just insane...they had connections that put them above the law as well as the unspoken rules of general society and order. They were violent and capable of anything she dared imagined. And in the four walls that surrounded her she was now deeper into their web of chaos than ever before.
An hour later Satine begins to think back to her conversation with her boss, Jayd. She asked him about the zombies and the other things she encountered in the lobby of the Flats. She even asked about the naked people in the sewers running around with weapons offering to teach her things. He told her it was a virus and when she said she would be calling the authorities he quickly distracted her with the government already knew. Poor Jayd was as naive as she was. He believed it...but she could see deeper into what it was. She saw enough dark suits to believe he was telling the truth. Why would he lie to her?
It could explain Velveteen rolling out of thin air. All the other creepy things she had witnessed and perhaps the roid-raged Micah in general. Remi...perhaps he wasn’t infected as bad. but the virus was blowing him up like a used car lot clearance balloon. Velveteen was pretty bad off. Who else clocks their long lost sister up side the head with a gun upon first meeting? It could be an explanation for the teeth, the ice cold meat hooks on the guys and perhaps...the quack in the suit is a part of it. This was an Area 51 of a whole other kind. A ******* into the wild government petri dish! Holy ****! Her eyes popped open with awareness. That was it! No wonder she was sitting in a lock up and caught at the airport. This was a government run lab and a viable guinea pig was trying to get free. Sick bastards. Every last one of them.
Doc: It was about an hour later when Doc unlocked the metal door and swung it open. With his free hand he moved the chair that sat in the hallway beside the door, into the alcove area. In the other hand, He held a food tray. The tray contained scrambled eggs, bacon, small bowl of porridge, an orange juice pouch, paper napkin and a plastic spoon. He held the tray and waited for the inmate to come to the door to collect it. He would not order her to the door. In fact he had no intention of speaking to her at the moment. His next actions would be based on hers.
He watched her, as she she watched him. It could easily be viewed as a stand off. She didn’t act like she caged, quite the opposite, he could see her thinking things through, deciding what she should do, play nice or be difficult. From her stance and eye contact, one would say she held the reins of power, had she been in a different setting. But she wasn’t in a different setting. She was in a cell. An eight foot by twelve foot cell. A cell constructed of cinder block, with a fresh layer of epoxy paint in a soothing battleship gray color. There was no window, so the only light came from the hallway when the metal door was open, or the single 40 watt light bulb held behind a metal light bulb guard, in the twelve foot ceiling. Inside the cell were two iron frame cots circa 1940. The cots were bolted securely to the floor. Each cot had a thin mattress, along with a wool blanket. There were no sheets. Sheets were a luxury and could be bought with points that inmates could earn on good behavior. Between the cots was a small two drawer nightstand that could hold a few personal items. Still holding the food tray he sat down in the chair to await her next move.
Satine: Eyes as unique as those watching her fixed back on the man’s face. She felt like she was bare, being assessed without a word. Of course this was not something new to Satine. It was anything but that. She had her share of therapists, psych evals and general physicians staring at her pretty much the same way at various points of her life. That all changed when she turned eighteen. By then she learned the game and how it was played. No one could hide a pill in the mouth like she could or give the right answers to the repeated questions designed to trip a person up. Now it was back to the routine she had thought she was all but rid of. Her actions did get her where she was. The little slip of neon pink paper turned out to be a curse far more than the blessing she thought it was. For now, until the time was right she would have to play her part.
Satine stepped forward and looked at the food on the tray. She was hungry but not easily fooled. She imagined the various colorful capsules that had been pulled apart and discarded into the kitchen basket her mother used to hide under the back pantry interior cabinet. As if Satine didn’t know every hiding spot in the house of hell? She stared at the bacon searching for the fine powder to stand out in contrast to the dark brown crisp meat portions. From where she stood she had to give him credit. There was no sign. Was it really even pig? He likely whipped it up in the eggs or swirled it into the porridge. Her mind cartwheeled and came up with a very believable reason she would not be able to sample the food between them.
“Not that it matters to you but I am vegan. Strict vegan.” Satine was not. She heard her stomach gurgle in defiance at the scent of the hot plate beneath her view. “As for the juice…” She was either going to get drugged or go hungry for the moment to keep her wits about her. She was no vegan. “I practice fresh selection and self-harvesting. I pick my own and juice myself.”
Satine did her very best to look as serious as she did when she would talk her way out of an hour session about everything but what the therapist was trying to focus on. Usually it worked. Hopefully this would be no different with the blonde male looking back at her.
Doc: Doc nodded, and said nothing as he sat the tray on the floor beside him. If she didn’t want to eat so be it. He linked his fingers together and hooked them about his crossed knee as he watched her. He would be sure to make careful note in her file about adamant statement about being vegan. How the nuns would react to this, he had no idea, but he had a feeling they would not be going out of their way to assuage her eating habits.
Still he said nothing, he merely watched her through the glass as one might watch an animal at the zoo. He knew at some point her leg wound would need to be seen to, which meant opening the glass door and confronting her face to face. He knew he could handle her. However, he would have to do it in such a way as not to make the orderlies or nun suspicious. It was as he watched her that he went through the different scenarios of controlling her.
Satine: A wave of color caught her eyes and diverted her attention from the tray and the one who brought it. as if she had no care in the world she looked down to her toes that wiggled. There would have been sand around them slipping between each if she had not made the mistake of bringing the gun to the airport. Virus or not, she believed she was that close to leaving the god forsaken place she stood. She missed the sensation and she missed the freedom of standing in the water. Those moments could never be again. The ones where she would play out in her mind the she believed life had the possibility of being. The relief of being rid of Chester and the hope that despite the violent act and extremes she went to to get her mom help...that it would be a success. She could rationalize it all but she could not deny that the sight of her bare toes on that floor reminded her she was far from what she considered home and she may never see it or feel it again.
Doc: As he continued to watch her, he noted her eyes. They had taken on a bruised glassy look, that was indicative of a fever in most cases. This meant her leg would would need to be seen to sooner, rather than later. He stood up, collected the tray and left to return it to the kitchen. As he laid her breakfast tray down and turned to leave, he saw the bowl of fruit on the counter. He paused his gazed pinned on the fruit, and then he slowly smiled.
He picked up an orange and a banana then made his way to the medicine locker. Opening the locker, he scanned the vials until he found one he liked. Taking the vial and a hypodermic, he withdrew ten cc’s of sedative and injected slowly and carefully it into the orange. Replacing the vial on the shelf he collected it from, he closed and secured the medicine locker.
Doc took his time returning to Inmate Andras’ cell. Once more he sat in the chair that in the alcove, opposite the glass door from her. Purposefully and slowly, he laid the banana and orange on the small ledge of the food slot. He then leaned backward, crossed his legs, and returned to watching her.
Satine: So her vegan card was trumped and countered with fresh fruit. Satine eyed the vibrant orange and yellow nutrition sources slid in the small open space on the door. Each had the peelings intact. Her stomach rolled again and then felt as if it formed into a tighter knot the longer she stared at the alternatives to the breakfast tray. She felt increasingly cold and weak as she waited. Her mouth felt like it was dry as cotton. the orange. She wouldn’t be taking a risk with an orange. The juice alone would replenish the saliva she was missing. Perhaps she could exist on oranges until an opportunity came along to get out. And she would. This would not be her final stop.
Slowly her fingers reached forward and wrapped around the round mass of the orange and pulled it back in her grip. With trembling fingers on her left hand she began the slow work of peeling it taking care not to break the peeling and instead created a length that dangled beneath the fruit it was connected to. Finally she plucked it free and set it back down on the flat surface where the banana still rested. The fruit separated easily into segments without the precious sweet juice she desired most to be compromised. Each slice slid past her swollen and dry lips. Lips that had the dark and telling shadows of bruises well earned beneath the purse snatchers heavy boot. She sucked on the flesh of the fruit inside her closed mouth. She savored the flavor that filled her mouth and the relief it brought to her parched tongue. It was so good. Down to the last slice she regretted there was not two oranges offered instead.
Swallowing slowly Satine stepped back from the door and slowly felt overwhelmed by heat then a chill wash over her. She rubbed her face as she continued stepping back. She felt sick and not the kind that required a bucket. It was a gradual spin like the speed was increasing too much on a merry-go-round gone wild. the back of her legs met the edge of the cot and she was off balance. A soft bounce had her eyes staring upward at the ceiling. She squinted and then widened her eyes in an attempt to focus. It was then she felt the need to cry out but when she did everything went black.
Doc: Doc stood, rolled his shoulders, shed his jacket and folded it carefully over the back of the chair he had just vacated. He stepped into the hallway and motioned for the nun who was waiting with a surgical tray laden with various medical tools and supplies. The nun turned off the power that kept door locked and brought the tray to the cell. Doc was then able to release the dual cane bolts, and open the glass door.
Stepping into Inmate Andras’ cell, Doc moved to the cot and moved Inmate Andras into a more suitable position to tend to her wound. He spoke to the nun that now joined him in the cell, “You will need to get her a new pair of pants, as these will not suitable once I am done.”
Taking the pair of shears off the tray and using the hole already in the pants, he cut around the wound thigh and motioned for nun to remove the sheared part of the pants leg. He then cut from the edge straight up toward the waist, stopping at the hip. This allowed the would be to be exposed and examined. The wound was red and angry, and even though it had been tended to, he could tell by the smell, it was clearly infected. How she had managed to stand on the leg without showing any outward pain was impressive. It also told him, she was not the type to allow her weakness to be known. She was going to be fun to watch and examine.
Getting to business, Doc took purified saline and cleaned her wound. Commenting to the nun, he pointed out the wound’s edge where the sutures were, “See here, how red and swollen?” He felt under the Inmate’s chin with the back of his hand. “Fever. She is going to have to be put on an IV, and unfortunately, sedated for the duration.”
Doc took a syringe from the tray and looked at the nun, “Antibiotic. When giving an antibiotic it should be given in a vein usually. So this is not something you or the other sisters should do. Should you think an inmate needs an antibiotic, call myself or the nurse, understand?” Not really waiting for her acquiescence, Doc lifted Inmate Andras’ arm, moved her sleeve out of the way and injected her in the vein. “I need you to go collect an IV stand, IV kit and a bag of glucose.”
Having sent the nun off to collect the wanted items, Doc lifted the Inmate’s eyelid, to check her pupils. He readied another syringe with more sedative that would be injected once the IV was started. Once the nun returned it only took a few minutes before the IV was in place. While the nun bandaged the wound, Doc gave the Inmate a tetanus shot. The nun collected the medical tray, while he covered the Inmate with a blanket. As they left, the bolts were connected and power was resent to the cell.
Satine: Satine looked around. What the hell else was there to do? Without thinking her hands shot up not used to the sudden freedom. Her reflexes kicked in just as she was about to smack her own face. Instead her fingers spread and ran through the top and back of her jet black hair. A burning twitch of nerves reminded her that her eye had been in better shape than it was currently...then again so was her lip and thigh. A low rumble from her stomach announced it still had been neglected. Her open eye pinned on the heavy institution door and it dawned on her that she was certifiably fucked.
“Privacy…” She mumbled under her breath as she stepped around with her bare feet scanning the walls for spots that would be apparent hidden viewing windows for observation. “There is no such thing when the walls have eyes.”
Satine had a dilemma. If she continued her current approach she was in for worse than a black eye and solitary confinement. These people, Velveteen included, were insane. Not just insane...they had connections that put them above the law as well as the unspoken rules of general society and order. They were violent and capable of anything she dared imagined. And in the four walls that surrounded her she was now deeper into their web of chaos than ever before.
An hour later Satine begins to think back to her conversation with her boss, Jayd. She asked him about the zombies and the other things she encountered in the lobby of the Flats. She even asked about the naked people in the sewers running around with weapons offering to teach her things. He told her it was a virus and when she said she would be calling the authorities he quickly distracted her with the government already knew. Poor Jayd was as naive as she was. He believed it...but she could see deeper into what it was. She saw enough dark suits to believe he was telling the truth. Why would he lie to her?
It could explain Velveteen rolling out of thin air. All the other creepy things she had witnessed and perhaps the roid-raged Micah in general. Remi...perhaps he wasn’t infected as bad. but the virus was blowing him up like a used car lot clearance balloon. Velveteen was pretty bad off. Who else clocks their long lost sister up side the head with a gun upon first meeting? It could be an explanation for the teeth, the ice cold meat hooks on the guys and perhaps...the quack in the suit is a part of it. This was an Area 51 of a whole other kind. A ******* into the wild government petri dish! Holy ****! Her eyes popped open with awareness. That was it! No wonder she was sitting in a lock up and caught at the airport. This was a government run lab and a viable guinea pig was trying to get free. Sick bastards. Every last one of them.
Doc: It was about an hour later when Doc unlocked the metal door and swung it open. With his free hand he moved the chair that sat in the hallway beside the door, into the alcove area. In the other hand, He held a food tray. The tray contained scrambled eggs, bacon, small bowl of porridge, an orange juice pouch, paper napkin and a plastic spoon. He held the tray and waited for the inmate to come to the door to collect it. He would not order her to the door. In fact he had no intention of speaking to her at the moment. His next actions would be based on hers.
He watched her, as she she watched him. It could easily be viewed as a stand off. She didn’t act like she caged, quite the opposite, he could see her thinking things through, deciding what she should do, play nice or be difficult. From her stance and eye contact, one would say she held the reins of power, had she been in a different setting. But she wasn’t in a different setting. She was in a cell. An eight foot by twelve foot cell. A cell constructed of cinder block, with a fresh layer of epoxy paint in a soothing battleship gray color. There was no window, so the only light came from the hallway when the metal door was open, or the single 40 watt light bulb held behind a metal light bulb guard, in the twelve foot ceiling. Inside the cell were two iron frame cots circa 1940. The cots were bolted securely to the floor. Each cot had a thin mattress, along with a wool blanket. There were no sheets. Sheets were a luxury and could be bought with points that inmates could earn on good behavior. Between the cots was a small two drawer nightstand that could hold a few personal items. Still holding the food tray he sat down in the chair to await her next move.
Satine: Eyes as unique as those watching her fixed back on the man’s face. She felt like she was bare, being assessed without a word. Of course this was not something new to Satine. It was anything but that. She had her share of therapists, psych evals and general physicians staring at her pretty much the same way at various points of her life. That all changed when she turned eighteen. By then she learned the game and how it was played. No one could hide a pill in the mouth like she could or give the right answers to the repeated questions designed to trip a person up. Now it was back to the routine she had thought she was all but rid of. Her actions did get her where she was. The little slip of neon pink paper turned out to be a curse far more than the blessing she thought it was. For now, until the time was right she would have to play her part.
Satine stepped forward and looked at the food on the tray. She was hungry but not easily fooled. She imagined the various colorful capsules that had been pulled apart and discarded into the kitchen basket her mother used to hide under the back pantry interior cabinet. As if Satine didn’t know every hiding spot in the house of hell? She stared at the bacon searching for the fine powder to stand out in contrast to the dark brown crisp meat portions. From where she stood she had to give him credit. There was no sign. Was it really even pig? He likely whipped it up in the eggs or swirled it into the porridge. Her mind cartwheeled and came up with a very believable reason she would not be able to sample the food between them.
“Not that it matters to you but I am vegan. Strict vegan.” Satine was not. She heard her stomach gurgle in defiance at the scent of the hot plate beneath her view. “As for the juice…” She was either going to get drugged or go hungry for the moment to keep her wits about her. She was no vegan. “I practice fresh selection and self-harvesting. I pick my own and juice myself.”
Satine did her very best to look as serious as she did when she would talk her way out of an hour session about everything but what the therapist was trying to focus on. Usually it worked. Hopefully this would be no different with the blonde male looking back at her.
Doc: Doc nodded, and said nothing as he sat the tray on the floor beside him. If she didn’t want to eat so be it. He linked his fingers together and hooked them about his crossed knee as he watched her. He would be sure to make careful note in her file about adamant statement about being vegan. How the nuns would react to this, he had no idea, but he had a feeling they would not be going out of their way to assuage her eating habits.
Still he said nothing, he merely watched her through the glass as one might watch an animal at the zoo. He knew at some point her leg wound would need to be seen to, which meant opening the glass door and confronting her face to face. He knew he could handle her. However, he would have to do it in such a way as not to make the orderlies or nun suspicious. It was as he watched her that he went through the different scenarios of controlling her.
Satine: A wave of color caught her eyes and diverted her attention from the tray and the one who brought it. as if she had no care in the world she looked down to her toes that wiggled. There would have been sand around them slipping between each if she had not made the mistake of bringing the gun to the airport. Virus or not, she believed she was that close to leaving the god forsaken place she stood. She missed the sensation and she missed the freedom of standing in the water. Those moments could never be again. The ones where she would play out in her mind the she believed life had the possibility of being. The relief of being rid of Chester and the hope that despite the violent act and extremes she went to to get her mom help...that it would be a success. She could rationalize it all but she could not deny that the sight of her bare toes on that floor reminded her she was far from what she considered home and she may never see it or feel it again.
Doc: As he continued to watch her, he noted her eyes. They had taken on a bruised glassy look, that was indicative of a fever in most cases. This meant her leg would would need to be seen to sooner, rather than later. He stood up, collected the tray and left to return it to the kitchen. As he laid her breakfast tray down and turned to leave, he saw the bowl of fruit on the counter. He paused his gazed pinned on the fruit, and then he slowly smiled.
He picked up an orange and a banana then made his way to the medicine locker. Opening the locker, he scanned the vials until he found one he liked. Taking the vial and a hypodermic, he withdrew ten cc’s of sedative and injected slowly and carefully it into the orange. Replacing the vial on the shelf he collected it from, he closed and secured the medicine locker.
Doc took his time returning to Inmate Andras’ cell. Once more he sat in the chair that in the alcove, opposite the glass door from her. Purposefully and slowly, he laid the banana and orange on the small ledge of the food slot. He then leaned backward, crossed his legs, and returned to watching her.
Satine: So her vegan card was trumped and countered with fresh fruit. Satine eyed the vibrant orange and yellow nutrition sources slid in the small open space on the door. Each had the peelings intact. Her stomach rolled again and then felt as if it formed into a tighter knot the longer she stared at the alternatives to the breakfast tray. She felt increasingly cold and weak as she waited. Her mouth felt like it was dry as cotton. the orange. She wouldn’t be taking a risk with an orange. The juice alone would replenish the saliva she was missing. Perhaps she could exist on oranges until an opportunity came along to get out. And she would. This would not be her final stop.
Slowly her fingers reached forward and wrapped around the round mass of the orange and pulled it back in her grip. With trembling fingers on her left hand she began the slow work of peeling it taking care not to break the peeling and instead created a length that dangled beneath the fruit it was connected to. Finally she plucked it free and set it back down on the flat surface where the banana still rested. The fruit separated easily into segments without the precious sweet juice she desired most to be compromised. Each slice slid past her swollen and dry lips. Lips that had the dark and telling shadows of bruises well earned beneath the purse snatchers heavy boot. She sucked on the flesh of the fruit inside her closed mouth. She savored the flavor that filled her mouth and the relief it brought to her parched tongue. It was so good. Down to the last slice she regretted there was not two oranges offered instead.
Swallowing slowly Satine stepped back from the door and slowly felt overwhelmed by heat then a chill wash over her. She rubbed her face as she continued stepping back. She felt sick and not the kind that required a bucket. It was a gradual spin like the speed was increasing too much on a merry-go-round gone wild. the back of her legs met the edge of the cot and she was off balance. A soft bounce had her eyes staring upward at the ceiling. She squinted and then widened her eyes in an attempt to focus. It was then she felt the need to cry out but when she did everything went black.
Doc: Doc stood, rolled his shoulders, shed his jacket and folded it carefully over the back of the chair he had just vacated. He stepped into the hallway and motioned for the nun who was waiting with a surgical tray laden with various medical tools and supplies. The nun turned off the power that kept door locked and brought the tray to the cell. Doc was then able to release the dual cane bolts, and open the glass door.
Stepping into Inmate Andras’ cell, Doc moved to the cot and moved Inmate Andras into a more suitable position to tend to her wound. He spoke to the nun that now joined him in the cell, “You will need to get her a new pair of pants, as these will not suitable once I am done.”
Taking the pair of shears off the tray and using the hole already in the pants, he cut around the wound thigh and motioned for nun to remove the sheared part of the pants leg. He then cut from the edge straight up toward the waist, stopping at the hip. This allowed the would be to be exposed and examined. The wound was red and angry, and even though it had been tended to, he could tell by the smell, it was clearly infected. How she had managed to stand on the leg without showing any outward pain was impressive. It also told him, she was not the type to allow her weakness to be known. She was going to be fun to watch and examine.
Getting to business, Doc took purified saline and cleaned her wound. Commenting to the nun, he pointed out the wound’s edge where the sutures were, “See here, how red and swollen?” He felt under the Inmate’s chin with the back of his hand. “Fever. She is going to have to be put on an IV, and unfortunately, sedated for the duration.”
Doc took a syringe from the tray and looked at the nun, “Antibiotic. When giving an antibiotic it should be given in a vein usually. So this is not something you or the other sisters should do. Should you think an inmate needs an antibiotic, call myself or the nurse, understand?” Not really waiting for her acquiescence, Doc lifted Inmate Andras’ arm, moved her sleeve out of the way and injected her in the vein. “I need you to go collect an IV stand, IV kit and a bag of glucose.”
Having sent the nun off to collect the wanted items, Doc lifted the Inmate’s eyelid, to check her pupils. He readied another syringe with more sedative that would be injected once the IV was started. Once the nun returned it only took a few minutes before the IV was in place. While the nun bandaged the wound, Doc gave the Inmate a tetanus shot. The nun collected the medical tray, while he covered the Inmate with a blanket. As they left, the bolts were connected and power was resent to the cell.

Ego correctionis silentio grammatica tua
IC Forum username: That Guy
Dressed by Ariadne-
- Registered User
- Posts: 212
- Joined: 29 Oct 2014, 03:23
- CrowNet Handle: Alice In Wonderland
Re: Family Ties
Satine felt the pull of the interior walls of her vein sucking on the needle in her right arm like a bottle she couldn’t get enough of. Her glazed and sluggish orbs did cartwheels beneath their heavy lids as she fought through the drug induced fog that had been lifting as slow as molasses would drop in January. Each of her legs stretched then recoiled upward as she rolled onto her side into a fetal position. Her skin was ice cold. Her muscles found it effortless to entertain the disturbing dance of twitching to wake up beneath the flesh that covered each one. Her dry lips parted and a moan echoed as she rolled more bringing her weight to rest on her knees and the palms of her hand. Each fingertip dragged it’s nail down the mattress of the cot she was currently holding down. She had to wake up.
Satine lifted more of her petite frame to take on the first battle at ridding her body of the source pumping in the intravenous sedative. It could not stay. It was far too effective at working to snow her in the cocoon of skin and bones that once was a body she had control over. A shaking hand clung to the line with the hope of any cliffhanger dangling on a compromising ledge. She focused as her eyes rolled back in their dry sockets. Doing too much at once was breaking her concentration. Once is all it would take to pull the plastic tubing out from beneath the tape that held it and the port in place.
Three... two and hell!
A burn replaced that invasive and entirely unwelcome presence of the needle. The warmth of Satine’s own blood sliding down her bare arm was like a slow kiss of consciousness waking the rest of her body. A delayed and fumbling roll of her wrist had the blood airborne and landing in perfect brilliant red circles on the white sheet beneath her. Whatever the man set her up with in the nearly empty bag dangling on the IV tree was gradually wearing off and losing its otherwise potent punch. Satine relaxed and rolled back so she could look at the ceiling while her hand applied pressure to the spot on her arm that released small amounts of blood if she moved it to soon.
The sounds of movement pricked at Satine’s ringing ears. She cursed the effects of the drugs that linger while she takes care not to make any noise from her own body. A slow and inebriated stumble towards the one spot she could find instant relief found her sitting briefly. Time was growing more precious each minute she used up. More movements had her popping up instantly like a jack-in-the box. Her head filled with the sounds of the annoying tune that used to play just before that creepy clown popped out from under the lid on the tin box she was forced to stare until it was all over. It was the sickest toy possible to give a child as far as she was concerned. No wonder she hated her babysitter nearly as much as she did Chester. Her jaws tightened in awareness.
“I will be there after I finish the medication pass.” Soft steps echoed in the hallway. “I am an hour late as it is. Patience, please.”
It was hard to hear the rest of the conversation between whoever was in the hall. A series of clicks and snaps took center stage. There was no use in wasting energy thinking about it. She needed to concentrate on what she was about to do in the next few minutes.Satine rushed back towards her cot and slid in holding onto her arm even tighter. Her sleepy heart picked up pace in its work of pumping her blood to attention through her body. She could not take another dose of whatever was in the conncotion they had been feeding her. Thankfully it was lifting faster than some of those she had been given back home. She pulled the sheet up to beneath her chin and rolled her petite shoulders to wake up.
“I will take my leave then. Call if you need me.” A female voice was barely audible as a door shut.
Satine’s hands pulled apart as the first door unlocked bringing the unsuspecting carrier of the latest dose of medication that much closer to her. Like a spider in a web of the mentioned patience she counted the seconds that passed while her fingers curled around the plastic tubing that was dripping cool fluid. Each drop roused her body back to it’s alert state even more. A nice solid hold formed with the IV tubing around her right hand. The left took another section to form around nicely enough so the remaining leftover line between the two would be available to do the job. The IV tree rolled closer to the side of the cot as the next door was fiddled with. Her dark eyes shot up and the metal pole stopped.
Satine watched the dark robed body move about the room. Her mind beckoned it closer. Just a little more. Every inch would count. The scent of coffee brewing in the distance rolled in. It was like an omen and a wish come true all at once. The door was left open. It reinforced Satine’s faith in having patience at the most dire moments. It would always pay off if applied. Once again it appeared it had in her favor.
The sounds of a wrapper tearing between fingers got that heart going in Satine’s chest. Harder it pumped as her fingers rolled the tubing back and forth between thumbs and index fingers. Heaven was about to close for what she was planning to do.
“Come closer.” Her mind challenged the nun in full habit as she turned around. “Closer.”
Satine closed her eyes waiting for that warm sign of the woman’s flesh to make contact with her own.
“Let’s see what we have here…” The scent of alcohol signaled the search for an available intravenous port was about to begin. A light click on the floor next to the cot announced there was an interruption of plastic falling. It was followed with the soft hiss of nylon and polyester rubbing together. “Oh dear.”
The nun bent over reaching down to the floor. That was all the invitation Satine needed. A forceful swing of her right leg had the thin sheet over her gowned body sliding with her as she lifted up on her left elbow. Her hands went down and reached over the nuns head. A quick pull back towards her own adrenaline fueled body had the tubing bridging the distance between her two hands hooked under the woman's chin. Satine’s hands did a dance of twisting and the tubing was tightened leaving the woman to gasp once and lose the valuable breath she had no idea she was about to miss. Satine pressed her knee down into the woman's back and put all her weight into keeping her down. the nun clawed and kicked at the hard tile beneath their bodies while Satine’s hands held tightly to the tubing. She had no other choice.
Once the struggle was over and the nun was out, but far from dead, Satine scrambled to take possession of the syringe full of sedative and popped the cap. The black sleeve was hiked up and the needle went in the warm inside crook of the woman’s arm. Satine pushed the clear fluid in with a small measure of mercy. Once empty she pulled the needle back out and tossed it towards the cot landing it on the mattress. Frantic for saving time she didn’t have, Satine tore the gown from her body and quickly tugged the layers of habit from the nun. There was a ritual she missed as she pulled on the dark fabric. She was no nun or saintly woman of the god that the female passed out beneath her worshipped. She was so far from it that she was sure hell had a front row seat with Satine carved into it. That thought alone had her doing everything in her head to ignore the scent of a nun covering her skin. Talk about a sin. She adjusted the wimple as if she expected to know what to do with it in a moment like this. Her waist length hair was tucked in with fast moving fingers. How the hell did they do this every damned day?
A door in the distance opened then shut. Satine pulled the sheet over the woman’s body. She looked peaceful enough as she began a faint moaning.
“Sleep it off, lady.” Satine adjusted the crisp coif on her dark head while sending the dark polyester veil behind her shoulders. “It is the best advice I can give you along with a dose of your own medicine.”
Something had to be said for miracles. The good woman had delivered one just by walking into the room doing her work that she believed the Lord above her called her to do. Satine was blessed indeed. Unfortunately she would have no time for confession. She knew she was long past saving. So were the ones that put her there. Their names burned on her mind as her barefeet carried her down the tiled floor farther from the door that she had just locked nice and tight. There was no looking up, no smiling in satisfaction as she passed beneath the cameras. The last round with the world around her had her unable to open her eyes. This time she was not making any mistakes.
“Now where did she go?” Were the last words Satine heard as she slipped out the front doors of the Winterbrook Asylum and back onto the streets of Harper Rock, Canada. She quickly made her way into the Swansdale Transit finding several bodies parting quickly like a human sea allowing her to move wherever she pleased without interruption.
“Excuse me, Sister.” a deep voice was followed by a male in a business suit stood from the seat he had been comfortable in. A fast retrieval of his briefcase cleared the full space of the seat for Satine to sit.
“Bless you.” Satine brought her hands together to join in a prayer formation in front of her lips.
The slip of her body took a brief but much needed rest on the seat offered. While she did that a set of her bare red polished toenails came to view of the male who bowed his head lightly. The transit started up and he stepped back with a brow raising in confusion. Satine was oblivious to her errors in showing ankle and red nail polish. For the moment the fact she was alive was consuming her and fueling her to plot her next move.
Satine lifted more of her petite frame to take on the first battle at ridding her body of the source pumping in the intravenous sedative. It could not stay. It was far too effective at working to snow her in the cocoon of skin and bones that once was a body she had control over. A shaking hand clung to the line with the hope of any cliffhanger dangling on a compromising ledge. She focused as her eyes rolled back in their dry sockets. Doing too much at once was breaking her concentration. Once is all it would take to pull the plastic tubing out from beneath the tape that held it and the port in place.
Three... two and hell!
A burn replaced that invasive and entirely unwelcome presence of the needle. The warmth of Satine’s own blood sliding down her bare arm was like a slow kiss of consciousness waking the rest of her body. A delayed and fumbling roll of her wrist had the blood airborne and landing in perfect brilliant red circles on the white sheet beneath her. Whatever the man set her up with in the nearly empty bag dangling on the IV tree was gradually wearing off and losing its otherwise potent punch. Satine relaxed and rolled back so she could look at the ceiling while her hand applied pressure to the spot on her arm that released small amounts of blood if she moved it to soon.
The sounds of movement pricked at Satine’s ringing ears. She cursed the effects of the drugs that linger while she takes care not to make any noise from her own body. A slow and inebriated stumble towards the one spot she could find instant relief found her sitting briefly. Time was growing more precious each minute she used up. More movements had her popping up instantly like a jack-in-the box. Her head filled with the sounds of the annoying tune that used to play just before that creepy clown popped out from under the lid on the tin box she was forced to stare until it was all over. It was the sickest toy possible to give a child as far as she was concerned. No wonder she hated her babysitter nearly as much as she did Chester. Her jaws tightened in awareness.
“I will be there after I finish the medication pass.” Soft steps echoed in the hallway. “I am an hour late as it is. Patience, please.”
It was hard to hear the rest of the conversation between whoever was in the hall. A series of clicks and snaps took center stage. There was no use in wasting energy thinking about it. She needed to concentrate on what she was about to do in the next few minutes.Satine rushed back towards her cot and slid in holding onto her arm even tighter. Her sleepy heart picked up pace in its work of pumping her blood to attention through her body. She could not take another dose of whatever was in the conncotion they had been feeding her. Thankfully it was lifting faster than some of those she had been given back home. She pulled the sheet up to beneath her chin and rolled her petite shoulders to wake up.
“I will take my leave then. Call if you need me.” A female voice was barely audible as a door shut.
Satine’s hands pulled apart as the first door unlocked bringing the unsuspecting carrier of the latest dose of medication that much closer to her. Like a spider in a web of the mentioned patience she counted the seconds that passed while her fingers curled around the plastic tubing that was dripping cool fluid. Each drop roused her body back to it’s alert state even more. A nice solid hold formed with the IV tubing around her right hand. The left took another section to form around nicely enough so the remaining leftover line between the two would be available to do the job. The IV tree rolled closer to the side of the cot as the next door was fiddled with. Her dark eyes shot up and the metal pole stopped.
Satine watched the dark robed body move about the room. Her mind beckoned it closer. Just a little more. Every inch would count. The scent of coffee brewing in the distance rolled in. It was like an omen and a wish come true all at once. The door was left open. It reinforced Satine’s faith in having patience at the most dire moments. It would always pay off if applied. Once again it appeared it had in her favor.
The sounds of a wrapper tearing between fingers got that heart going in Satine’s chest. Harder it pumped as her fingers rolled the tubing back and forth between thumbs and index fingers. Heaven was about to close for what she was planning to do.
“Come closer.” Her mind challenged the nun in full habit as she turned around. “Closer.”
Satine closed her eyes waiting for that warm sign of the woman’s flesh to make contact with her own.
“Let’s see what we have here…” The scent of alcohol signaled the search for an available intravenous port was about to begin. A light click on the floor next to the cot announced there was an interruption of plastic falling. It was followed with the soft hiss of nylon and polyester rubbing together. “Oh dear.”
The nun bent over reaching down to the floor. That was all the invitation Satine needed. A forceful swing of her right leg had the thin sheet over her gowned body sliding with her as she lifted up on her left elbow. Her hands went down and reached over the nuns head. A quick pull back towards her own adrenaline fueled body had the tubing bridging the distance between her two hands hooked under the woman's chin. Satine’s hands did a dance of twisting and the tubing was tightened leaving the woman to gasp once and lose the valuable breath she had no idea she was about to miss. Satine pressed her knee down into the woman's back and put all her weight into keeping her down. the nun clawed and kicked at the hard tile beneath their bodies while Satine’s hands held tightly to the tubing. She had no other choice.
Once the struggle was over and the nun was out, but far from dead, Satine scrambled to take possession of the syringe full of sedative and popped the cap. The black sleeve was hiked up and the needle went in the warm inside crook of the woman’s arm. Satine pushed the clear fluid in with a small measure of mercy. Once empty she pulled the needle back out and tossed it towards the cot landing it on the mattress. Frantic for saving time she didn’t have, Satine tore the gown from her body and quickly tugged the layers of habit from the nun. There was a ritual she missed as she pulled on the dark fabric. She was no nun or saintly woman of the god that the female passed out beneath her worshipped. She was so far from it that she was sure hell had a front row seat with Satine carved into it. That thought alone had her doing everything in her head to ignore the scent of a nun covering her skin. Talk about a sin. She adjusted the wimple as if she expected to know what to do with it in a moment like this. Her waist length hair was tucked in with fast moving fingers. How the hell did they do this every damned day?
A door in the distance opened then shut. Satine pulled the sheet over the woman’s body. She looked peaceful enough as she began a faint moaning.
“Sleep it off, lady.” Satine adjusted the crisp coif on her dark head while sending the dark polyester veil behind her shoulders. “It is the best advice I can give you along with a dose of your own medicine.”
Something had to be said for miracles. The good woman had delivered one just by walking into the room doing her work that she believed the Lord above her called her to do. Satine was blessed indeed. Unfortunately she would have no time for confession. She knew she was long past saving. So were the ones that put her there. Their names burned on her mind as her barefeet carried her down the tiled floor farther from the door that she had just locked nice and tight. There was no looking up, no smiling in satisfaction as she passed beneath the cameras. The last round with the world around her had her unable to open her eyes. This time she was not making any mistakes.
“Now where did she go?” Were the last words Satine heard as she slipped out the front doors of the Winterbrook Asylum and back onto the streets of Harper Rock, Canada. She quickly made her way into the Swansdale Transit finding several bodies parting quickly like a human sea allowing her to move wherever she pleased without interruption.
“Excuse me, Sister.” a deep voice was followed by a male in a business suit stood from the seat he had been comfortable in. A fast retrieval of his briefcase cleared the full space of the seat for Satine to sit.
“Bless you.” Satine brought her hands together to join in a prayer formation in front of her lips.
The slip of her body took a brief but much needed rest on the seat offered. While she did that a set of her bare red polished toenails came to view of the male who bowed his head lightly. The transit started up and he stepped back with a brow raising in confusion. Satine was oblivious to her errors in showing ankle and red nail polish. For the moment the fact she was alive was consuming her and fueling her to plot her next move.