Pandora wrapped her scarf tightly around her neck in hopes of protecting herself from the rushing winds. It was yet another cold day in Harper Rock, this was not a surprise considering the tundra that Canada was. The young woman ran her gloved fingers through her hair pushing away the flying hairs from her face. She continued walking against the wind determined to get to where she needed to go. Not having a car was unfortunate when the weather was this horrendous. Granted Japan was similar in its cold temperature but things were much different in Kyoto then here. For one she had a car and the snow storms weren’t as drowning as Canada. Pandora muttered annoyances as she trudged through towards the entrance of the 8th Dimension Mall. Why did she leave her comfortable life in Japan for this place? That was a question she was still asking herself.
Upon entering the mall Pandora was hit with a wave of toasty warmth, she sighed in relief as it warmed her cheeks. The only reason she decided to leave the comfort of her apartment was to indulge in a store she saw online. A gallery of glass blown artwork, the pieces had such vibrant colors and rich detail. Considering her apartment was already filled with various Japanese artworks she did not need anything else. But she felt it was time to indulge in some of the wares around town, plus she got paid recently. Saving was important but she needed to reward herself for all the hard work. The tea shop was simple; it was killing all those zombies day after day that were becoming taxing. Too bad they weren’t sentient she would have loved to befriend one.
Hazel orbs surveyed the extravagant entrance to the xyc shop. There was a gargoyle archway that was very eye catching and mysterious. It was exactly as the picture shown on the website, invoking even more curiosity in her. Pandora opened the doors and entered a strange and colorful room filled with various oddly shaped objects. She marveled at the décor and presentation of the store, finding herself transported into another realm completely. The store was meant to show off the art of herbal recreation, something the young sorceress dabbled in though not with the conventional herbs of modern day. She preferred some of the ‘other’ herbal concoctions, enjoying the state it brought her to with both her chi levels and mental state. Pandora glanced around searching for the man who was supposed to meet her, they had discussed this meeting prior to so he was expecting her.
Divine Moments of Truth [Lazarus]
- Posts: 8
- Joined: 23 Mar 2015, 16:41
Divine Moments of Truth [Lazarus]

I've Lost the Use of My Heart but I'm Still Alive...
- Lazarus
- Registered User
- Posts: 94
- Joined: 18 Jul 2013, 18:20
Re: Divine Moments of Truth [Lazarus]
Lazarus felt restless as he bustled around the shop. Most nights he left the regular hustle and bustle up to his staff, preferring to spend his days and nights training his body among the demi-fae that had set up home within the Algonquin cave system. However, with the steady stream of business running through 20 After 4, it had been necessary for him to break away from his normal routine to replenish his stocks.
Over the course of the last week he had spent most of his time hauling raw material out to the forge and renting a kiln. Blowing glass had always interested him, and with the vast degree of steady income the head shop was bringing him, he was able to clear the time it took to finally learn. While he enjoyed his physical training, this was something different. It wasn't born of the constant dangers of being on the street. It was a necessity that he learn. No, this was purely a want. Not even a need like the drugs he recreationally pushed through his veins. In that sense, glass blowing had become like a vacation to him. One that freed his mind and allowed his creativity to flow.
It was for that reason that at the end of the week he had found himself with box upon box of extra goods. Lamps, bowls, paper weights, and all other manner of frivolous decoration that in the moment he had been seized to create. At the time the idea of them seemed inconsequential, but now with his business savvy mind in full swing, they merely seemed liked items that would never normally sell in his shop.
Rather than waste the intricate pieces he decided to post them online. Vaguely hoping they would catch someone's eye and he could turn a profit. With the odds and ends photographed and online, he stored them in the small room that served as his living quarters in the back of 20 After 4.
After nearly a full day without a whisper of a customer, Lazarus finally halted his bustling. All of the new glass ware was properly tagged and stocked. The entire store appeared to have been dusted... twice, and his employees were just trying to look busy at this point. Casually the man waved them over and dismissed them for the day, deciding to surrender to the weather than try and fight it. With the doors locked he returned to his little room, flicked on the television and indulged in a hot shower.
His mind was drifting as the hot water beat down on him. The luxury of hot shower whenever he pleased was still a concept that was alien to him, and he often lost track of time in this way. He would have been content to lavish in the the steamy stream but the incessant ring of the stores phone broke his reverie. Swearing to himself he had almost broken his ankle jumping from the shower to grab the phone.
The call had caught him off guard as he hadn't expected to hear back at all about his glass wares at all, let alone so soon, but the woman on the other end of the line had sounded genuinely interested. Putting about his living quarters he took his time dressing. Have an option of clean clothes was something he never thought he would be accustomed to. As such he selected items he would feel most comfortable in. Fashionably torn jeans. A tactically faded Nirvana shirt. Comfortable boots. He snickered while thinking of the benefits of being the owner of a head shop.
Dressed and with the shop opened once again he busied himself with pulling out the boxes of glass ware he planned on showing the girl and arranging them on the counter. It was while he was retrieving the last few pieces that he heard the door to the shop open, the speaker system in the store producing the bubbling sound of a bong hit to denote that someone had entered the shop. A moment later he heard:
He called from his room as he hefted the box. Using his back while he carried the box he nudged the door open that led him into the main body of the shop. Looking up he drank the woman in. Standing taller than he did and with curves in all the right places, he flashed her an amiable smile.
Please tell me you are the one that called earlier, and not someone lost looking for the food court?
He half inquired and half joked as he set the box down upon the counter and leaned forward. His bare arms a tapestry of tattoos, many of which being the Fae symbols that had led to his current state of success.
Over the course of the last week he had spent most of his time hauling raw material out to the forge and renting a kiln. Blowing glass had always interested him, and with the vast degree of steady income the head shop was bringing him, he was able to clear the time it took to finally learn. While he enjoyed his physical training, this was something different. It wasn't born of the constant dangers of being on the street. It was a necessity that he learn. No, this was purely a want. Not even a need like the drugs he recreationally pushed through his veins. In that sense, glass blowing had become like a vacation to him. One that freed his mind and allowed his creativity to flow.
It was for that reason that at the end of the week he had found himself with box upon box of extra goods. Lamps, bowls, paper weights, and all other manner of frivolous decoration that in the moment he had been seized to create. At the time the idea of them seemed inconsequential, but now with his business savvy mind in full swing, they merely seemed liked items that would never normally sell in his shop.
Rather than waste the intricate pieces he decided to post them online. Vaguely hoping they would catch someone's eye and he could turn a profit. With the odds and ends photographed and online, he stored them in the small room that served as his living quarters in the back of 20 After 4.
After nearly a full day without a whisper of a customer, Lazarus finally halted his bustling. All of the new glass ware was properly tagged and stocked. The entire store appeared to have been dusted... twice, and his employees were just trying to look busy at this point. Casually the man waved them over and dismissed them for the day, deciding to surrender to the weather than try and fight it. With the doors locked he returned to his little room, flicked on the television and indulged in a hot shower.
His mind was drifting as the hot water beat down on him. The luxury of hot shower whenever he pleased was still a concept that was alien to him, and he often lost track of time in this way. He would have been content to lavish in the the steamy stream but the incessant ring of the stores phone broke his reverie. Swearing to himself he had almost broken his ankle jumping from the shower to grab the phone.
The call had caught him off guard as he hadn't expected to hear back at all about his glass wares at all, let alone so soon, but the woman on the other end of the line had sounded genuinely interested. Putting about his living quarters he took his time dressing. Have an option of clean clothes was something he never thought he would be accustomed to. As such he selected items he would feel most comfortable in. Fashionably torn jeans. A tactically faded Nirvana shirt. Comfortable boots. He snickered while thinking of the benefits of being the owner of a head shop.
Dressed and with the shop opened once again he busied himself with pulling out the boxes of glass ware he planned on showing the girl and arranging them on the counter. It was while he was retrieving the last few pieces that he heard the door to the shop open, the speaker system in the store producing the bubbling sound of a bong hit to denote that someone had entered the shop. A moment later he heard:
Just a sec...Pandora Lunaris wrote:"Hello?"
He called from his room as he hefted the box. Using his back while he carried the box he nudged the door open that led him into the main body of the shop. Looking up he drank the woman in. Standing taller than he did and with curves in all the right places, he flashed her an amiable smile.
Please tell me you are the one that called earlier, and not someone lost looking for the food court?
He half inquired and half joked as he set the box down upon the counter and leaned forward. His bare arms a tapestry of tattoos, many of which being the Fae symbols that had led to his current state of success.