--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Guaninas CaveValentine Day 2015
< Ripper > this looks like a good place to camp out
* Noelle drops her bag of items and pounces on the man, wrapping arms tightly around him "Missed you bunches and tons! Welcome home"
< Ripper > oh, you've seen me plenty

< Noelle > Yes but now you're whole and I can touch you and feel you and kiss you and hug you and love on you!
< Ripper > I've just needed some time to decompress on a few things
* Noelle kissed his cheek "I understand love. I got some stuff accomplished while you were away anyway"
< Ripper > good, good. I appreciate you looking after the childer
< Ripper > ...odd/funny thing is you've treated him better than your own. <.<
< Ripper > but I suppose it's been good practice?
< Noelle > I adore him
< Noelle > My own all fucked off
< Noelle > And I see him as mine anyway. Pretty much.
< Noelle > Did I mention the ****** that tried to attack him?
< Ripper > remember though: he's his own person and not a belonging to anyone else
< Ripper > and yes; you did
< Noelle > Yes yes i know. Which is why I let him make the call on what to do.
< Ripper > although I doubt it was directly a Grigori retaliation
< Ripper > and more likely just a fledgling acting out
< Noelle > I don't think it was. I think it was some young idiot trying to pull a fast one
< Ripper > indeed.
< Noelle > Now gimme a kiss and Ill give you your marshmallows
* Ripper starts to accumulate the sticks he had gathered into a pile and begins to douse them off with lighter fluid
< Ripper > I don't plan in eating any...
< Ripper > but it's at least something that's traditional to do
< Noelle > I didn't think so. You'd be awfully sick. What are we doin with them?
< Noelle > I brought pillows so we can be comfy and blankets and your requested items, blood packs in the cooler aaaand something extra
< Ripper > jus' hanging out really. I had of a mind tonight and watch the Sun rise
< Ripper > if only as a reminder even that it's still there
< Noelle > You're the best
* Ripper toasts a few marshmellows moresly, burning a couple and setting a few on fire.
< Ripper > speaking of childer...
< Ripper > did you see my Sundial at all while you were out and about?
* Noelle starts to lay everything out and get the night organized. Blankets and pillows were set up nicely near the mouth of the cave so that they could watch the sun rise. "I haven't seen her in a while...It's been a couple weeks at least."
* Ripper starts sticking the melted concoctions out onto the walls of the cave, arranging them into a gooey fresco
* Noelle watches him, giggling a bit. "Roderic is going to love his new artwork"
< Ripper > I doubt it...although I'm positively sure he'll get a kick out of the rolls of toilet paper we've left behind :lol:
< Noelle > We could get some mud and rub wads of it in them and then leave them around >.> He might think a Hobo was staying here
< Ripper > naw...I'm not really into the point of defacing this cave. It's just a quiet spot I've always admired and it's been here both longer than Roderic and I
< Noelle > You know this is the first place we went together...other than when we dueled
< Ripper > although I also recall not staying here for very long *laughs*
< Noelle > And then we went swimming...and the fae got you!
< Ripper > that was after
< Ripper > though I did get a fae ravished while at here too as well
< Noelle > Was it a different time entirely?
< Ripper > well duh
< Ripper > each and every second is
< Ripper > yanno
* Noelle chuckles
< Noelle > Hey...I had something commissioned for you. Want to see it?
< Ripper > <.<
< Ripper > another present gift?
* Noelle bounced on her feet a little
< Noelle > Yes...
< Noelle > A Valentine's Gift
< Ripper > alright, since you're so excited about it
< Noelle > Not the one I've been promising. I don't have that in hand yet.
< Ripper > as long as it doesn't get rubbed in my face again later
* Noelle rummaged through her bag before pulling out a brown paper wrapped canvas. "Open"
< Noelle > What do you mean?
< Ripper > I don't need or want anything from you
< Ripper > ...besides what I ask for usually
< Ripper > but thank you
< Noelle > I know love
< Noelle > Just...open it
< Noelle > I had Alex paint it
* Ripper lazily tears a claw over the packed paper.

< Ripper > oh blimey--that looks....indecent o.o
< Ripper > *belts out a laugh at it anyways*
* Noelle blushed and smirked
< Ripper > and not really in her normal wheelhouse of things even...
< Ripper > but I suppose that's a vary of talent
< Noelle > It was a special request >.>
< Noelle > You can keep it somewhere private if you'd like
< Ripper > I'll make sure it gets posted prominently *smiles*
< Noelle > >.<
< Noelle > Do you like it?
* Ripper deigns her with a rare affection.
< Ripper > :* I can't say that I don't
* Noelle blushed even more, kissing in return "I'm glad you do. It was a little embarrassing asking for something so...risque, but I wanted it for you"
* Noelle found it risque at least
< Ripper > well...Quartermaines, you know...
< Ripper > bunch of erotic mother fuckers
< Ripper > ...literally quite >.<
< Noelle > >.> You must have been skipped with that one
< Ripper > ...
* Noelle smirks as if daring him to prove her wrong
< Ripper > I've never been a Quartermaine
< Ripper > only ever been turned by one
< Ripper > but I'd severed that bloodline directly
< Noelle > You are direct descendant....soooo kinda sorta
< Noelle > Yeah yeah I know. Just as I have mine