And in that way, the other man was an enigma. He knew that people rarely got into drug just for entertainment value. Was there some sort of story there? Obviously the mother was a tale all on its own, but he knew so little about it, which only made him more and more curious. Something he had frankly not expected from his impromptu meal. He very nearly wanted to round on the other man and tell him to stop. Just. Stop. Because he didn’t want to form some kind of attachment. But it was already too late for that wasn’t it? He knew the guy’s name. He understood him inherently on a level that most other people, most clean people never would. “Do you really want to know, or is that just idle curiosity?” He asked, his tone carefully neutral. He was anything but. He could not outright make most people do things they did not want to do, but his power was in small touches and little gestures, soft impressions left in flesh and the mind.
He could encourage if the will was there.
It was just another in the slowly growing list of curiosities. The arm around him was to have been expected, and he took it as invitation to lean more closely towards Grey. They made for quite the pair stumbling own the street like that, in the stark cold of the winter. The kilt was ill fitting, because it hadn’t been designed for him, and he suddenly yearned to shed it, like a snake got rid of its own skin. He did that a lot. Let mood or moment, or melody strike him to do something most might have considered rash or spontaneous. He was grateful for the body heat, because he didn’t have very much of his own, and the chance to leech it off of someone left him realizing that it might not really be so simple as that. Killing some guy he wanted to get to know better.
“Awww, how is daddy’s boy today?” He asked the dog as if he were still a tiny puppy. He had not, in fact, been small in quite some time. He also had never really mastered the art of holding still when his master got home so he immediately began to try and jump up at the pair of them. Normally Jameson tried to scold, but it never seemed to matter. He offered something off a sheepish smile to Grey in response when Bucket attempted to stand up on his hind legs, as if the dog might end up the same height as either of them. “You’re a charmer.” He mocked as he launched himself at the Golden, his arms curling around the pooch who seemed, in that moment, to be quite pleased with himself. Especially when pale hands dropped so he could rub furiously over either side of a belly, which spurred on the tempestuous wagging of a tail back and forth. It didn’t stop until he did, at which point Bucket attempted to quite literally sit on his feet. And then lick his hands. Like he could pin the allurist there and force him to enjoy the spit bath.
“About as charming as Bucket.” He murmured a second later before nodding towards his living room. “Go get a toy. A toy. A TOY!” It took a few times for the dog to get it, but he finally darted off down the hall, which gave the vampire time to close the door and lock it with a sigh. This. Was why he would have made a terrible parent.