Collateral Damage (Closed)

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Keara Aithne
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Collateral Damage (Closed)

Post by Keara Aithne »

For almost two months she'd kept his secret and while there really was nothing in it, it began to eat away at her soul. Not telling Enver was akin to lying and she wasn't able to do that, which made keeping secrets from him all the more painful for her. She never wanted to disappoint her husband, to see that hurtful look in his eyes and so while secrets were arguably a necessary part of life, she hated keeping anything from him; even something as small as this. Charlotte's secret was much more easily kept as it wasn't hers to tell. She could keep a secret for someone else as confidences had to be kept, but when the secret was her own, it was quite literally soul destroying. She could keep a secret from anyone else in the world and not feel even the faintest twinge of remorse, but to keep something from Enver was all but unthinkable. Having decided that it was time to tell him about the incident between her and her childe, she now had to decide where to tell him. Telling him in public had its merits but it also had some pretty big flaws; the main one being that he might lash out with one of his powers. Enver was not as careful as she was about such things and she could not allow him to end up on the list of violators for his power usage, not because of her. No. She had to tell him in private, for both their sakes.

The words played in her mind as she rehearsed just what it was that she wanted to say and how, something Keara almost never did. As the time to say them approached however, she became nervous and so she hastily retreated through one of the portals. She needed to alleviate some of the nervous energy she felt before it consumed her and stole away her resolve. Keara was not really the emotional sort, or at least she hadn't been before she met Enver. She had always been able to hide her true nature with ease, her emotions never having any sway over her composure. So was the life of a spy. She had to be in control of who she was and what she showed, her life had depended on it. Now, well now was a different time and she was free to be herself. The once seemingly emotionless woman had awoken to this new life much the same as she had been all those years ago, only a little out of touch and out of time, causing her to appear to be somewhat crazy. With the help of her family she had begun to stabilise but it wasn't until Enver shot his way into her life, and her heart, that she truly became the woman the she was meant to be. He was her world and so when faced with the task of unsettling him with such news, she grew rather understandably, anxious.

Having slaughtered whatever she could find in the caverns, it was time to return home and face the music; she could put the task off no longer. Not knowing where her husband was now or what he might be doing and wanting in some small way to prepare him for what might come, she sent him a telepathic message, her mind only briefly connecting with his. The message was of the sort that no person in a relationship ever wished to receive as it alluded to the fact that she had something to tell him that he would not like hearing.

'Enver. Need I do for with you to speak. Please. At home I shall meet you.'

Standing in the southern and most easterly section of the caverns, Keara closed her eyes. She was safe where she was. There were no creatures to disturb her peace and yet she was unsettled. Keara, an elder who feared nothing, well almost nothing, was scared to face the man she loved. To upset Enver was to upset herself as she was more deeply connected to him than anyone else that had ever, or would ever walk in this world. Her tome was where it always was and all she had to do was concentrate upon the words and she would be whisked home but each and every time she began she stopped before the last word could be mentally uttered. Sighing, the woman wiped her sword on her typically short skirt and forced herself to complete the sentence.

Appearing at her altar as always, she quickly headed for the elevator. She wasn't going downstairs to their cell, as having this sort of conversation there, in their sanctuary, would feel far more treacherous. The betrayal she'd committed would be difficult enough for him to hear and to have to hear it there, while naked, (as this was their agreed dress code for their cell) would be more than she could bear. This in mind, she moved to the small room, just to the left of the elevator, as it would offer them more privacy than the having the conversation on the main floor. Having a member of the family tome in on this conversation could be as embarrassing for them as it would be shameful for her.

The sword was discarded off to one side an Keara paced back and forth. There was nothing left now to do but to wait; wait for Enver to follow her, for him to find her, as she knew he would. He was hers and she was his.
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Enver Marshall II
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Re: Collateral Damage (Closed)

Post by Enver Marshall II »

"I'll take a look at these again and talk to my wife." Enver told the woman sitting across from him at the large mahogany colored business table, as he closed the five folders with various names on the tabs of them; all male names save for one. "Thanks again for meeting me so late." He didn't offer any explanations to why it had to be this late, but the woman didn't appear to mind.

In fact, she laughed as she closed her briefcase, making the other half dozen or so names disappear within it as she did that. "It's not a problem, Mr. Marshall. Just give me a call when you two decide and I'll start the process right away. It's really great you're doing this-for whatever reason." She gave him a large smile before collecting her briefcase from the table's top and headed out the glass door of the office and was escorted out by Enver's secretary; or better titled, personal assistant (the paid kind and not enthralled sort) Ashton.

Enver waited until the woman couldn't be seen from any of the glass windows before he moved to a painting in the room and placed the file folders in a safe secured by his thumbprint behind the painting. Right now wasn't the time to involve his wife, but soon. After her gave the files a deeper look. With the files secured, Enver moved from his business office, to his private one where he signed off on a few orders placed by his managers for his various businesses and discarded some other, not so important papers in a paper shredder. Once that was done, he moved to the coat hanger behind his office door and collected his coat and his hat. Normally, he would just tome home, but with Valentine's Day approaching, Enver wanted to stop at some of the shops in the Honeymead area and see what, if anything he could find.

Or that had been the plan before his wife mind mailed him. She wanted him home-simple enough task. The way she said it didn't phase the male at all. Well, not completely. Did she know what he was up to? They had talked about it before, but she hadn't taken him seriously. At least Enver hadn't felt that she had taken him seriously enough. He hadn't forgotten, just because he hadn't talked about it. He just knew he had to introduce it to her in stages. Like most of anything they did. 'Be there in a tick, beautiful.' He replied after he sighed. How would he tell her that he still wanted this, even if she didn't seem to be on board with the idea? To Enver, it only made sense. To his wife? Not so much. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before shaking his head.

No, she couldn't know. Not unless Deanna had been spying on him, but he would have seen her. And it wasn't as if he had gone through with it. It was like car shopping to Enver. Looking at your choices and then going from there. So far he was just checking out his choices. Nothing wrong with that. He left the hat and coat there, pulled out the paper with the inscription on it and then thought of his wife waiting for him. And he was home. He didn't see her right away, so he went down to the floor with their room in mind. She was usually only in a few places. The altar, their room or the main floor on the rare occasion. Since she wasn't at the altar, he started with the process of elimination bit.

He was about to head to their cell, when he felt her. From behind. It was weird how he could do that, but it was almost always this way. Or was it always that weird? He believed that she was his half, the better half that was. His soul mate; only she could bring out the best and worst in him. And really, the worst side of him wasn't her fault. It was his, but it only reared its head for her or when she was involved. Like with Andrew and at one time, even his own thrall, Crash. "Hey gorgeous." He said as his eyes fell on her, the male moving to his wife to give her a quick kiss to her temple. "Busy, I see." He said with a chuckle as he looked at her outfit, catching the sight of blood and such. "Everything alright? Don't tell me one of the dogs is pregnant or something." He grumbled as a puppy went scampering by, chasing after a red ball down the hallway.
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Keara Aithne
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Re: Collateral Damage (Closed)

Post by Keara Aithne »

Fear and calm washed over her in equal measure as she caught sight of her husband. If her heart were capable of beating it would have doubled in speed; partially out of concern for the words that were as yet unspoken, and partially as he would have made her heart race every single time she saw him. The duality of her emotions didn't faze her; duality was something she believed in whole hearted. She knew love made a person stronger and weaker all at once and this was what Enver was to her. He pressed his lips to her temple and she smiled, her hand moving to caress the curve of his jaw. Her brown eyes took in the sight of him and as he teased her for her appearance she reached out and removed the hat from his head, the fingers of her other hand rifling through his hair as she discarded his headdress off to the side with her sword. The scampering of a puppy nearby went unnoticed as she looked into his eyes and lost herself for the longest of moments.

"Leeloo pregnant is not. Worry we need not for that. Andrew to that has seen."

She leaned in and pressed herself against him without even a second thought as to the state of her attire and how she might be ruining his in the process. She needed to kiss him, to be close to him as she needed to draw strength from him. What she had to say meant nothing to her and yet she knew it would be anything but nothing to him. If he took the news badly this could be the last time she kissed him for a while. The female feared losing her husband and yet as worried as she was for his reaction, she couldn't believe for a moment that he would leave her because of it. The kiss she gave him was long and lingering, slow and sensual. She was perhaps delaying the inevitable but in her mind she was savouring the calm before the storm.

Breaking the kiss, she took his hands in her own and looked up into his dark eyes, closing her own as she did so and taking the smallest of steps back, so as to allow him the room to react. She wasn't entirely sure what his reaction would be but she was prepared. In some ways she reasoned, explosive anger would be better as they could argue and find peace before the night was through. It was silence from him that she feared the most, for there were times when the workings of his mind were a mystery to her and not knowing was far worse than and physical or verbal altercation could be. Opening her eyes, she began.

"Love you I do My Enver. This know you must. For that reason, this difficult is for to say. Know I do that you angry shall be. Know this I do as angry I would be if you this to me telling was. Thinking I was not. Upon instinct acted I did. And if truthful I am, likely this again I would do, if the situation again occurred did."

Keara paused for a moment, allowing him to take in a little of what she had said. He needed to prepare himself. The grip with which she held his hands tightened slightly and her eyes dropped from his as she was now unable to look at him directly. The fact was that all of this was probably making things worse than they had to be as to most people what she was about to confess would be laughable, but Keara wasn't most people and neither was the man she loved.

"What tell you now I do, several months ago happened did and sick the secret making me is. Hope I do that forgive me you shall, for lose you I shall not." There was another brief pause and then the story was begun. "Peter traumatised was. A turning wrong had gone and lost his friend he did. In blood covered he was and blood good for him is not. Helped he had to be. Cleansed he had to be. Took him to the puppies room I did, so that he a shower could take. Only... Broken he was. Listened I did and showering he was not. Helped he had to be." The moment she said these words, she very quickly added; "Clothed I remained. Undress myself I did not. But had I did for him to help."

The worst of what she had to tell him had been told; at least she thought it had. The fact that she had held and kissed him as any mother might was temporarily forgotten. Enver needed to digest the fact that she had seen her childe naked, even if she hadn't stated as much, and that she had climbed into the shower with him to help him get clean.
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Enver Marshall II
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Re: Collateral Damage (Closed)

Post by Enver Marshall II »

She hated when he wore his hats and he knew it too. He tried not too when he was around her, but on the occasion, Enver came home and wasn't able to get rid of the hat before she did. When his wife discarded the hat, he chuckled and pressed his lips into the palm of her hand; the one that had been stroking his jawline.

When she said Leeloo wasn't pregnant, he only nodded. He honestly wouldn't know what to do if she was. He felt relief in knowing that she couldn't because of Andrew. Even if he was a waste of space in Enver's mind. That space was also taking up room in their home. Not even Hannah lived in the asylum when he had her.

When she started to talk after a kiss he didn't want to break away from, Enver looked to his right and down at the ground. She knew his secret. She knew it and was going to tell him what a stupid idea it was, but in her way. Without making him feel too stupid. Enver's jaw clenched before a hand went through his hair and he sighed and started to think about all the reasons it wasn't stupid and how he was going to go through with it at some point. If not this month, or this year, then maybe the following. When things settled.

His jaw snapped shut when she started talking about a secret from months ago. He had no secrets. Not that old. Then she started telling him that it was her secret. She couldn't have secrets, could she? His wife? Not in Enver's mind. Not anything big anyways. Something small, like a Christmas or birthday present, sure.

The second she mentioned Peter, the male tensed. A secret about Peter? Had something happened? Why hadn't she told him? He was supposedly both theirs, but now she was keeping a secret? Enver just listened as his own questions flooded his mind, waiting to hear what had happened with Peter. What was the big secret he didn't know about. What he couldn't know about then.

And then the male laughed at his wife. He couldn't help it. With a shake of his head, both arms reached out so his hands could wrap around her arms so he could hold his wife and look down at her from a distance. So Keara could see the humor in his eyes and smile. "It's not that big of a deal, beautiful. It sounds like something you'd do. Quick and practical." Enver pulled his wife in and embraced her, obviously not at all bothered with what his wife had told him. "Though, teleporting him to a river would have probably worked to get the blood off his clothes too. Keep that in mind for next time." Enver grinned down at his wife before pulling away.

"No need to make a mountain out of a molehill." He finished chuckling, as a thought came to his mind. "How is he? Did something else happen? He need money or a lawyer or something? I can place a call out to this guy in Cali. Did some real good work for me for my first DUI. Where's Peter?" Enver stepped away as he looked around the immediate area, suddenly wondering if something happened to Peter. Something out of both their control.
Hello, new adventure.
Keara Aithne
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Re: Collateral Damage (Closed)

Post by Keara Aithne »

He tensed and she readied herself to be reprimanded. She didn't like when her husband was angry at her but she had to accept it was a necessary step on this confessional path to being forgiven. He'd have to work through his anger to react acceptance, she knew that. Only he didn't get angry, instead he draw her close and laughed at what she had to tell him. He found the whole situation silly, or at least it seemed that way before he began to worry about their childe. Keara stood there in shock, of the reactions she'd been expecting, this was not one of them. Had he not heard her? Did he not care? She couldn't believe for one moment that he didn't care that she was in the shower with another man, even if it was their son, and yet there it was, mirth instead of anger.

"Peter now fine is. Or believe it so I do. Heard I have not anything recent that causes me for over to him worry. Though... Enver...? Heard me you did. Yes?"

Keara pulled out of his arms. A part of her knew she should stop there and tlet the conversation pass but she couldn't, she'd come this far and her mind wouldn't be at peace until she knew that Enver understood the situation exactly as it happened.

"Bear in mind your solution I shall for the future. For another childe... Not for Peter... Nervous of the water he is. Remember that much I do from when testing his powers we were. But that the point is not. Realise you do that I into the shower with him did step. Yes?"

Her eyes locked with his and it was clear that she was shamed by this memory. Keara wasn't the most emotive of people but with Enver she was free to be as vulnerable as she liked as they belonged to one another and she would never seek to hold back any side of herself from him. Then it dawned on her that perhaps she had left out a part of the story and that she might need to expand upon her original explanation.

"Broken he was My Love. Sat he was upon the floor of the tub. Needed I did for him to embrace and calm. Sat with him I did. Held him I did. Kissed I did his temple and yet stirred he did not. Needed I did for the soap from his hands to take, for his hands and arms clean of blood to wash. For those the most stained of his body were. Protected the rest of him had been, to some extent, by the clothes that worn he had."

Having told Enver what she now believed to be the whole story, she once more readied herself for his anger. She didn't explicitly say that Peter had been naked in the shower, as she didn't think it needed to be said; in her eyes it should have been obvious. The last sentence perhaps hinted at the situation as it had been as she spoke of the clothes he had worn, though to the hopeful ear, perhaps; the past tense she used had not been appropriate to the situation as it had been, but was rather a reflection upon that time being made now.
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Enver Marshall II
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Re: Collateral Damage (Closed)

Post by Enver Marshall II »

Enver relaxed when Keara told him Peter was fine. He nodded his head, and then grinned at her when she asked if he had heard him. "Yeah. I heard you, beautiful." He confirmed for her before she continued on with the story.

When she spoke about his suggestion, Enver made a note to find Peter and see what about water made the guy nervous. If he was willing to share that. But the idea that he had said half in jest was taken seriously and seemed to be something she would do with others should they find themselves to be caked in blood. He gave another satisfied nod at her words before attempting to draw her back in for a hug as another chuckle came from him. An image of Charlotte being tossed in the river by being teleported entered his mind as he only knew a couple of Keara's kiddos, so if not Peter, then she would suffer on behalf of Enver's joking mannerisms.

But he stopped trying to grab her when the male felt a negative emotion from his wife. Guilt? The arm that had been stretched out to collect her stopped mid-aired and dropped when Keara started speaking again. She seemed overly fixated on Peter and his state of mind, but had assured Enver seconds ago that Peter was fine. He ran a hand through his hair and gritted his teeth together. While he knew how affectionate his wife could be towards Peter, it always bothered him that she wanted to talk about it knowing how he felt about hearing that stuff from her. "Yeah, I get it. You were being you with Peter. I don't need you to paint it out for me in excessive detail." Enver interjected when she mentioned kissing his temple. He could feel the irritation rise inside as Enver cleared his throat.

But something was off. He could feel it. Sense it. In the way she looked at him and the way she spoke. Enver slowly reprocessed what Keara had said to make sure he realized the whole story. Peter had an accident with a siring. He was full of blood. He was in a shower that his wife climbed in to, while clothed and she helped him. She helped him get clean. She helped him get cleaned everywhere, where there was blood. She had seen where there was blood and where there hadn't been blood. How did his wife see where there was and wasn't blood? Was Peter naked?

It seemed to make the most sense. Maybe he was coming to conclusions that weren't there though. He got like that with his wife and other men, even if they were men that were in the family. So before Enver assumed the worst and made a huge scene, he asked outright. "Wait. Was Peter naked? In the shower with you?" Again, he laughed, nervously. His wife wouldn't hardly get in the shower with him when they first started dating, so the idea was preposterous, wasn't it? "I'm sorry. Of course he wasn't. Forget I asked, yeah?" He gave her a small, apologetic grin as he ducked his head down in shame for thinking his wife would ever be in the shower with another guy. Another naked guy.
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Keara Aithne
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Re: Collateral Damage (Closed)

Post by Keara Aithne »

Keara turned her back on her husband and hung her head as he asked her if Peter had been naked and gave a small laugh. He had indeed misunderstood the situation and she should possibly have left it alone while he was happy for her to have been her. Only she couldn't. He had to know and understand everything; else his forgiveness would not have been earned. Even the possibility of a partial secret didn't sit well with her.

"Yes... No... Yes..."

She was confusing herself and possibly him. Yes, he had been naked but no, he had not showered with her, she had showered with him. Only she doubted Enver would see the distinction. That is, if there even was a distinction. Should it matter who climbed in with whom and which one of them was naked. Was it any different if the roles had been reversed? If Peter had been the one clothed, climbing into the tub to help his deranged sire. It was possible. Keara still had her bouts of madness when the world closed in on her, only they were few and far between.

Sighing softly, she turned back to face her husband, closed the short distance between them and took a hold of both of his hands. This time she either could not or would not look up into his eyes. Instead her hands clung to his as if she were worried he'd disappear and her eyes stayed focused on their physical connection.

"Naked he was. Shower one does not clothed Enver. Covered in blood he had been. Undressed himself though he did. No help had he need of there. Seemed it did as if bear he could not for the soiled cloth upon him longer to have. Only once in the shower he was, still he was. Heard that I could. Broken he was. Help needed he did."

Her voice grew softer and softer as she spoke until her words were little more than a whisper. As much as she knew she had to tell him about that night, she hadn't imagined that she would have to talk about it in quite so much detail. The image she had of him in the shower with Lorde came to mind again and she squeezed his hands for support. Just the idea of it upset her, so she knew all too well how upset her husband had to be to hear this story and in such detail too. But he had to know. He deserved to know.

Her eyes lingered on his wrists and despite herself she smiled as she recalled the night he'd taught her to appreciate his body. She had been drawn to his wrists, to the veins in his wrists and she'd succumbed to some deep rooted desire to devour him when she bit into them; of course she did not drink from him, that was unthinkable to her then. Keara's desire to devour him never had been, and likely never would be, sated but it felt wrong to be thinking about this what with things the way they were.
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Enver Marshall II
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Re: Collateral Damage (Closed)

Post by Enver Marshall II »

He was trying to follow along with his wife and what she was telling him. Yes, he had been naked? Or yes, forget he hinted at the possibility that Peter had been naked in the shower with his wife? His jaw clenched together tightly as Enver tried to figure out the story she kept on trying to tell him.

He looked down at their hands after she took his hands in hers. He didn't know why, but in that seemingly simple action from his wife; a mere hand holding, something they did often, Enver felt an array of emotions. Concern, fear and even anxiousness.

When she started talking, he those feelings changed in an instant. At first, he was stunned. Had he heard her right and was she even mocking him? He knew people didn't shower with clothes on, but maybe Peter had been so out of sorts he had just climbed in to the damn thing. Enver had done that a time or two when he was drunk or high for various reasons. He either forgot to take some of his clothes off, or at one point, one of his ex's had more or less tossed him in the shower, fully clothed to get him sober. It was done for shock value, essentially.

Betrayal hit him like a ton of bricks. Even though she hadn't helped him get undressed, and Keara hadn't been undressed, she shouldn't have been in the shower with him. Wasn't that Jersey's job? Enver thought so. He believed so. No, he knew so. Keara was his sire, but Jersey was his girlfriend and she should have been in the shower with a naked Peter.

Anger was the second emotion that hit him. No, consumed him. Enver pulled his hands away from his wife as he took a step backwards. He saw the smile. She had been mocking him. Or so he wrongly believed. He didn't know what to do. Where to go. What to say. What could he say? His wife had been in the shower, alone, with another man. Who was naked. Creation or not, Peter was still very much male and very much naked.

The Allurist took another step backwards, eyes on his hands. Where his wife's hands had been seconds ago. Holding his hands. The hands that touched Peter. A naked Peter. Enver felt sick. "I don't-" He cleared his throat before rubbing his hands on his trousers. "Don't touch me." Another couple of steps were taken away from his wife. "I don't know what to even say." He said quietly before licking his dry lips. No, he knew what to say, but it wasn't going to be nice. It wasn't going to be pretty.

"It's not your job!" He spat out, still wiping his hands on his pants, like they were dirty. Part of that statement was untrue. If the tables were turned and he saw Lorde like that, he would help her as much as he could. Then, he would get his wife to do what he couldn't. What he shouldn't. "Where was Jersey? Where was I? Anyone else that isn't, female and you know, married?" Enver extended a hand out in her direction, indicating he was talking about her.

"I knew there was something there. Something, more. But you kept saying-" A hand shot through his hair before he looked away from his wife. "Had me thinking I was nuts. Crazy. That I was wrong!" His tone grew louder while being accusatory and riddled with guilt. The guilt his wife should be feeling in that moment.

Enver cleared his throat as his gaze returned to his wife. He stared at her. The woman he grew to love, even if she had been a right pain in his ***. His wife. The woman he was consumed with. The individual he believed was his soulmate. The woman he spent all his free time with; disregarding all his other friendships with women in the city, because she was not only his wife, but his friend. What he lacked, she had more than enough of and he believed, the same was said about him if the roles were reversed. Now, he honestly didn't know.

Like a wounded dog, Enver went to save face and his pride. He parted his lips to speak, waited and then talked. There was no emotion to his tone. It was stated as a matter of fact. As if there had to be a pause in a business meeting for lunch, or bathroom break. Spoken plainly. "We'll talk about this later. And your obsession with Peter." Just saying his name made Enver's stomach curl. He wanted to punch Peter, even if the guy hadn't known what had gone down at the time. No. Enver wanted to kill Peter.
Hello, new adventure.
Keara Aithne
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Re: Collateral Damage (Closed)

Post by Keara Aithne »

She could feel him growing more and more anxious as she'd spoken, her mind distracted though by the contact with him that she'd held. As he pulled away her heart sank, as she knew that what she'd expected was about to start. His anger cut into her deeper than any blade could; she could feel it in her very soul. The distance he put between them, while negligible to most, had her feeling like he might leave her at any second and she hated feeling like; just thinking it made her stomach churn. Her hand went to heart that was breaking, as much for him as for herself and she readied herself to have to summon him back to her. But Enver didn't leave. He stayed. He stayed and began to chastise her. Something she had prepared herself for and yet still hadn't expected.

"Please. My Love..."

She stepped forward, wanting to take his hands once more but he kept them busy as he continuously wiped them on his pant legs. He was apparently lost for words, or so he said, and while Keara had seen her husband like this before, she knew he had words enough bubbling beneath the surface because if the roles were reversed, she would have more than enough to say on the matter.

When he began to question where he and Jersey were at that moment, she felt ashamed of herself. She hadn't even thought of them in that moment. Peter had been her priority and helping him had been all that had mattered to her. She hung her head and accepted his words with a quiet grace as she quickly realised that she should have thought to summon him, if not Jersey. Peter belonged to them all and at the time she had believed that she was doing the right thing; she still believed she'd done the right thing. There could be no shame in helping her childe, only in the manner in which she'd helped him and the lengths she'd gone to. She wallowed in her guilt right up until he suggested that there was something more, something wrong in her feelings for Peter.

When Enver's voice ran cold, Keara reached out and grabbed a hold of left wrist, her right hand curling around it, gripping him tight enough that had he been human that she'd of been cutting off the blood circulation. She didn't know for sure what he was thinking but she knew him, like he knew her. Something was brewing in him and she had to try and end it right there and then.

"Obsessed with Peter I am not. He our son is. Love him thusly I do. No other man for me there is, but you. You My Love are."

He knew this. She knew he knew this and yet she understood his reaction. She was about to pull him to her and kiss him; kiss him or gut him, as both would be a way of stopping him from doing whatever it was he thought was a good idea in that moment. It was at this moment, having heard the voices in the side room, that Andrew walked in.

"Keara... What do you want me..."

The male was carrying a box of bits and pieces for the family, things he'd gathered from the catacombs. He'd been looking down as he rounded the corner, his words only cutting off as he looked up and saw what he'd walked into. While the male had heard the voices, he obviously hadn't listened to a single word of what had been said. Keara looked to her thrall, her expression sullen, she could not be dealing with him right now; her focus had to be on her husband. Andrew wasn't slow on the uptake either and soon began to back out of the room. He might have been human, but even he could feel the atmosphere that was lingering in that room.
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Enver Marshall II
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Joined: 09 Feb 2012, 01:53
CrowNet Handle: Al Cappuccino

Re: Collateral Damage (Closed)

Post by Enver Marshall II »

Things might have settled and simmered down due to her words; a little bit. But when Andrew came in, Enver's gazed turned on to him sharply. Andrew was a sore subject and had been since Keara had made him her thrall. Enver never liked the guy and his definitive obsession with his wife and her talents and the night he found out Andrew had been chosen, more or less to be part of his wife's life, Enver vowed to make Andrew's life as miserable as possible. And he had. Too many times had Enver tossed his *** out of the family home. Too many times had he 'accidently' shot Andrew or did something else to the guy.

And when Andrew claimed his wife wanted him, again, Enver's illogical, irrational side sprouted its ugly head. "She doesn't want you." Enver snapped at the male, before he was in Andrew's face in less than a blink of an eye. "Leave. Now." Enver gave the thrall a fair warning. Or at least tried to, but the fact that Andrew claimed his wife wanted him, his wife had more or less showered with Peter; someone he felt she was too overly affectionate with for his liking, really dug deep in the male's skin and crept up to the back of his mind and nagged at Enver.

His wife always, always made things seem as if they weren't that bad. Or didn't take in to account his feelings. She knew he hated Andrew. She had to know he didn't like how close she was with Peter, but she still pushed those boundaries and did whatever she wanted. And always made excuses for why she did things the way she did. But had he showered with one of his, Enver might very well be afraid for their lives.

He would make her see. Just what she did to him. How crazy she made him sometimes. The things she did. The things she said. Enver reached out, wrapped both hands around Andrew's head and forced it to the right. To the right and upwards until he heard a satisfying 'pop' and Andrew went limp at his feet. Enver turned back to his wife and looked right at her. There was no remorse that riddled Enver's face. He genuinely looked pleased with his actions, or maybe it was the outcome he was more pleased with. "No other man but me? Why was he here?" He asked with a steely gaze as Enver stepped up and over Andrew, as if the guy wasn't anything more than a large piece of trash to avoid.
Hello, new adventure.
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