Mordechai was sprawled back in his desk chair, slowly rotating, his mind rapid fire scanning through the webz, and going over last nights ledgers. The number were astounding. It had been the best night midknight armaments had ever had. More money had come in, and more weapons gone out, then in any night since the killer had opened the doors to this very profitable business. He had used many of his old contacts to get started, but now, now the majority of their inventory was hand built customs. Although his eyes never opened, a small smile graced his lips. Madison. An impulse buy at an auction. She had gone cheap compared to some of the others, but what a bargain. Last night she had worked assembling customs. She had been amazing. So many had gathered to watch her skills at custom gun smithing, that it had been hard for customers to enter and leave. the crowd had remind him of the way men gathered at Silks to watch dancers, but this time it had been to watch the skills of an artisan at work. He had seen the rapture in their eyes as they watched. They knew a good show when they saw one.
The chair wound to a stop, and his eyes opened. He looked at his desk, a sparkle lit his eyes. Leaning forward, he tipped his head to gain a different perspective. The last custom of the night sat on his desk, it was beautiful slipping on a pair of silicone impregnated gloves Mordechai picked it up, and rolled it over, examining every aspect, the fit and finish of the action, the seam between the stock and the machined tail, the way the barrel was perfectly free-floated. It was a near perfect masterpiece. If he chose to sell it it would command top dollar. Setting it down on his desk once more he stood and moved to his private vault. A palm scan and retinal read later he heard the his of the hermetic seal breaking. A few moments later and the vault door slowly swung open. As the male stepped in, motion activated LED’s some in general lighting, some as focused spot lights on spectacular example of the gun smithing, and the sniping, trades.his eyes roved over his collection, a contented feeling slowly filling him. Being in the vault with his collection… was almost as good as a day in bed with kennedy. Turning back to the office it occurred to him that the vault has more square feet of floor, than his office did. Made sense though, a man had to know his priorities. Lifting the new custom in his hands, he made sure not to touch any of the oiled metal surfaces with his hands. Almost reverently he carried it into the vault, and placed in one of the few empty spotlit mounts.
Turning to a safe in the corner, he knelt to work the jeweled dial. After a moment the massive killer wrenched the handle to the right, and listened to the solid *chunk* of the retracting bolts, then pulled the door open. Reaching inside, he slowly sorted thru the pieces of jewelry stored within, before selecting a ring. Each of the items inside were imbued with a magical aura, they were relics of a past time when magic was much more prevalent in our world. He had already paid well for her services, but the last custom of the night, she had called it the ‘terminator’ was a jewel, and as such he felt the need to reward her. He nodded as he looked at the ring, it would do, and it would be helpful to her as well. Closing the safe, he once more looked over his collection, then with a sigh returned to his office. A slight nudge on the door was all that was needed for the automatic systems to take over. The door was drawn shut, a whispered snick as the titanium bolts engaged, the quiet whir of pumps redrawing a vacuum to ensure no oxygen or moisture remained with in. Then once more silence reigned. One thing he had to say, she was fast, as well as good. The telepath had gone through his stocks like a whirlwind. The original inventory counts had looked like they would have enough parts to last the week before he would have to go hunting again, but after the show Madison had put on last night, they would need more parts, and need them soon. Long heavy fingers tapped the mahogany desk, as the killer thought over the options, he would need to go for more, maybe he would take the telepath with him… yes, maybe he would… after she made a few more of those beautiful weapons.
[auction 2014]Proper use of a Decoy[maddie invite]
- Registered User
- Posts: 1697
- Joined: 28 Dec 2011, 23:17
- CrowNet Handle: Mordechai
[auction 2014]Proper use of a Decoy[maddie invite]
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''
''Si vis pacem, para bellum'' ~*~*~*~*~*~ ''morituri te salutant''
''Deep within the shadows I'm the hungry wolf you fear''