This was exactly the reason Phoenix had opted to leave most of the talking to Blake. Not only was he more eloquent, but he had a way of commanding attention without resorting to threats or bloodshed. Perhaps she'd have been able to do so as well had she tried, but the redhead was content to linger by the door and observe, one hand clasping the wrist of its partner behind her back. The stance was relaxed, but she was well within reach of any weaponry she might need should things go sour.
But things didn't seem to be going badly at all - in fact, as the board members perused the files being handed out, they seemed quite intrigued. There were nods here and there as the dollar signs flashed before greedy eyes. Phoenix made sure to keep her expression perfectly blank, but she had a feeling this was going well. Even Mr. Yomoko seemed pleased, at least for a while, but the expression didn't last; moments later, a frown twisted his lips.
Excited chatter was replaced with dead silence as Yomoko cleared his throat.
"Mr. Blake," he started, "As appealing as the proposition is, and in a dollar sense, I would be pleased to make this deal, but the fact remains that you are seeking our technologies for armaments purposes. Hebigumo does not endorse violence - we never have and we never will. As generous as your offer is," he said softly, setting down the document and carefully flipping it closed, "I must decline on behalf of Hebigumo."
At first the board members seemed distraught at the loss of revenue, but eventually a few nodded, albeit regretfully. Annoyed as she was by the rejection, Nix kept her composure; she'd let Blake handle the pleasantries, but she'd gotten her answer and she stepped outside as quietly as she could. Blake could handle the three fae, she was sure; her priority was now ensuring a safe exit. Once outside, she took a breath, leaning against that cool dark door for a moment to assess the situation.
There she spotted Harry down the hall, fidgeting nervously with a clipboard and a pen. Like a fish out of water, his mouth was opening and closing in silence. Phoenix stared at him, waiting impatiently for him to spit out what he had to say. Finally, with a darted glance to the security camera sitting innocuously in the far corner, Harry disappeared. Just as the boardroom door started to open, Harry returned, holding out a scrap of paper. "Take this," he snapped, veritably shoving that little note into the Shadow's hand before bolting away.
By the time the door was fully opened, Nix was unfolding the paper, paying no mind to those exiting the meeting.
Risky Business
- Phoenix
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- Posts: 3932
- Joined: 27 May 2011, 21:43
- CrowNet Handle: Anonymous
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- Joined: 08 Jul 2011, 01:22
- CrowNet Handle: Enki
- Location: Veil Tower
Re: Risky Business
Blake was silent as he allowed the board members to talk among themselves for a few moments. He was pleased at the smiles he saw but initial reaction was always like this when he truly revealed what it was Veil was doing. There was true wonderment in the ideas his mind had come up with and the limits of modern day technology were constantly being pushed by others further and further...he was simply aware of how to push further in different ways. He stood there, before them all, with his fingers tapping his bearded chin as he waited for someone to address him. Thankfully he didn't have to wait long. Mr. Yomoko delivered a very kind and respectful decline of Blake's offer and, for once, Blake found himself actually happy to be doing business with the supposed 'enemies' of his kind. They were eloquent, respectful and industrious and all three of those things were things Blake favored in those he associated himself with. Allowing the Mr. Yomoko to finish speaking Blake stepped forward and bowed ever so slightly.
"Mr. Yomoko, I fully understand. I am pleased and grateful you gave my offer consideration and even allowed us to come to you at such a late hour. I understand we are all busy men so I am quite thankful we were able to work so expediently to see this matter addressed. Should yourself and the other board members change your minds I am not a difficult man to get a hold of. I have people at Veil waiting specifically to hear from you. Perhaps in time you might even come up with a counter offer. Either way, Veil will always be willing to work with the Hebigumo Foundation. Ladies...Gentlemen...I thank you for your time and wish you a wonderful evening."
Looking over at Phoenix he nodded ever so slightly before he began to collect the materials he had previously distributed. Individual greetings, thanks and apologies were exchanged with each member of the board. A extra few moments spent thanking Mr. Yomoko more personally before Blake returned the files and folders back to his briefcase. A satisfied smile on his face as he noted Phoenix leaving the room, hopefully to procure them a safe exit out of the building. It was known what he was there for so if any issues were to arise it would be now. Lord how he loved that woman. It was almost as if she were telepathic.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you once again and I do hope you have a wonderful evening."
The next time he saw that little ginger woman he was exiting the boardroom with the members of the board walking out beside him and behind him. Apparently something had gone well given the lot of them were all laughing and smiling. Catching her moving hands out of the corner of his eyes he made his way over to her quickly but not too directly to avoid suspicion. Clearing his throat softly he allowed the rest of the businessmen to pass them by.
"Are we good to go Miss Altaire? No issues I assume that need to be addressed this moment?"
He looked down at the scrap of paper in her hand and, even upside down, he had no problem reading the hastily written note. Intriguing. Now the night had proven to be truly fruitful. Eyeing the elevator that they had both entered from his offered to allow the red head to lead the way out. Unbeknownst to anyone else even this single little act provided Blake with a hidden joy. A joy he would most definitely be keeping to himself for quite some time. Following closer behind her he whispered softly.
"Hopefully the trek out is just as easy as the trek in."
"Mr. Yomoko, I fully understand. I am pleased and grateful you gave my offer consideration and even allowed us to come to you at such a late hour. I understand we are all busy men so I am quite thankful we were able to work so expediently to see this matter addressed. Should yourself and the other board members change your minds I am not a difficult man to get a hold of. I have people at Veil waiting specifically to hear from you. Perhaps in time you might even come up with a counter offer. Either way, Veil will always be willing to work with the Hebigumo Foundation. Ladies...Gentlemen...I thank you for your time and wish you a wonderful evening."
Looking over at Phoenix he nodded ever so slightly before he began to collect the materials he had previously distributed. Individual greetings, thanks and apologies were exchanged with each member of the board. A extra few moments spent thanking Mr. Yomoko more personally before Blake returned the files and folders back to his briefcase. A satisfied smile on his face as he noted Phoenix leaving the room, hopefully to procure them a safe exit out of the building. It was known what he was there for so if any issues were to arise it would be now. Lord how he loved that woman. It was almost as if she were telepathic.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you once again and I do hope you have a wonderful evening."
The next time he saw that little ginger woman he was exiting the boardroom with the members of the board walking out beside him and behind him. Apparently something had gone well given the lot of them were all laughing and smiling. Catching her moving hands out of the corner of his eyes he made his way over to her quickly but not too directly to avoid suspicion. Clearing his throat softly he allowed the rest of the businessmen to pass them by.
"Are we good to go Miss Altaire? No issues I assume that need to be addressed this moment?"
He looked down at the scrap of paper in her hand and, even upside down, he had no problem reading the hastily written note. Intriguing. Now the night had proven to be truly fruitful. Eyeing the elevator that they had both entered from his offered to allow the red head to lead the way out. Unbeknownst to anyone else even this single little act provided Blake with a hidden joy. A joy he would most definitely be keeping to himself for quite some time. Following closer behind her he whispered softly.
"Hopefully the trek out is just as easy as the trek in."
::seek the monster::

::where the shadows are deepest::

::where the shadows are deepest::