--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Kira:"Okay.." Kira said, being called that was going to take some getting used to. After he left, she went and changed into some old clothes and went out to the work shed. She worked on cutting the wood up and put the house together. She would paint it another day. She went back inside the house, watching the kitten play with Sof's tail as she slowly moved it back and forth. She got some clean night clothes and took a quick shower to get the saw dust off of her and changed. She laid on the sofa, using her hair to play with the kitten. "You're so cute." she said, glad she had saved the kitten. She petted Blue on the head, "And its all thanks to adopting you."
Reginald: Reginald made his way over to the mines. He was going to try and fight some tougher opponents. Entering the mines he veered off to the right and then quickly found something to fight. He continued on when suddenly he heard a huge roar as a Lesser Jorogumo morphed into a feral looking version of itself. It grew huge claws, teeth, and appendages looking ripped. Reginald quickly let his power flow through him making him aware of the smallest of details and movements.
He quickly ducked for cover just around the corner and started to fire off several shots at it only a few managing to graze the thing. Cursing he ducked out of cover and fired a spread of bullets as he ran backwards getting some distance until he was back against a wall. The lesser Jorogumu seeing this hit cover and then shot several bullets at Reginald both parties missing in this gun fight. Reginald let even more power flow through his body able to sense everything now.
The Lesser Jorogumo tried to use it's own power but Reginald concentrated and the power washed over him not affecting him. The Lesser Jorogumo leaped from it's cover and they both started firing, dodging several rounds of bullets.
Reginald after getting grazed by a bullet ducked under cover and reloaded his gun. Taking a deep breath he came out from under cover and fired two shots both going right through the things chest barely missing it's heart.
The lesser Jorgumo quickly brought it's gun up and shot him through the shoulder causing him to be knocked back just enough to expose his chest and it took no time taking a shot at it. Wincing he felt a bullet pierce t his chest almost striking his own heart. Falling backwards to the ground he aimed his gun for the things head and shot a whole clip at the things face watching as each one tore through the things skull.
Wincing and wounded he got up and decided that was enough for the day. He went back out the mines and with what little power he had left he zoomed home and walked inside to be greeted by Blue who licked his hand which had blood on it and whined. It wasn't used to him being injured. "Kira, want to help patch me up here? I got shot a few times." He said loudly calling out to her.
Kira:Kira popped her head up from behind the sofa, "Ah.." she said. She got up, she petted Blue, "He's okay." she said. She took his hand and went to the bathroom and had him sit down. She pulled his shirt off and threw it in the trash, looking at where the bullets were. She took out the medical kit and took the bullets out and put some bandages over the wounds. "There." she said, tossing the bullets in the trash and washed her hands.
Reginald: Reginald smiled as she took care of him and he winced a bit as she pulled the bullets out. "Those Demi Fae are tough nuts to crack. They shot me uo good but I ended up killing then in the end. I found a good place to train, they are alot stronger than Paladins and hunters in the sewer." He said.
Kira:"Oh?" Kira said, "Demifae huh?" she remembered fighting some during a raid. They were tougher so they were nice to fight but they packed a punch. "Sounds like fun." she said, "About time for some rest." she added.
Reginald: He gave his head a slight nod. "Yeah, it was loads of fun. We should go together sometime." He said and then got up and nodded. "Yeah time for bed. Meet you up there, going to check on Blue to give you time to change and then head up there." he said and then went to the kitchen to make sure Blue had enough food and water before moving out to the living room and gave Blue a scratch behind the ears. "There you go boy, time for me to sleep. You watch over all the other animals okay? I am okay see." He offered the dog a smile which got him a bark in response and a lick on the face. "Good boy, see you tomorrow." he said and then went upstairs only to be followed by Blue. He shrugged and went inside hoping Kira had enough time to change and if she didn't he kept his head down.
Then laid out on the floor Blue right behind him curling up on the floor with him.
Kira:Kira went upstairs after picked up the kitten and Sof, though making sure the new kitty knew where to go to the bathroom before getting into bed. Sof and the kitten curled up besides Kira's head and she fell asleep as the sun rose. Later Artio was meowing and pawing at Kira but couldn't wake her.
Reginald: Reginald fell asleep for a few hours until he heard the kitten meowing. He sat up carefully as to not wake up Blue and moved over to her bed and smiled at Artio. He reached out and gave the little thing a quick pet before very delicately trying to pick it up. "Come here, you won't wake her up. Would take alot to wake her up I would imagine." he said to it.
Kira:Artio meowed, but purred. Sof got up and ran downstairs, she came back with some dry food and put it on the floor,
Reginald: He couldn't help but to smile at the two cats as he lowered the kitten to the floor and let it eat what Sof brought up. He then picked the kitten up and walked downstairs with it in his arms. "Alright Artio, let's see if you are thirsty too. Maybe still a little hungry." He said and lowered her on the kitchen floor.
Kira:Artio trotted over to the food, taking awhile to chew the hard food then went over to the water to drink. Sof had followed after them, watching the new cat. After Artio was done eating, she patted at Sof, wanting to play now.
Reginald: Reginald couldn't help but to chuckle. He guesses he isn't going to get much sleep. He was standing there with his arms crossed looking at the two animals as he fought sleep but it was fine he didn't need to sleep. The kitten was much more important at that time.
Kira:Sof played with the kitten, running around the sofa and chased each other around. The kitten got tuckered out, Sof went to the stairs, getting the kitten to follow. It went up the steps, following Sof, who was teaching Artio where to go and how.
Reginald: Reginald watched and just wanted to make sure the kitten would be fine adventuring with Sof. He was sure she would but still he worries about anything that would make Kira happy. "Time for bed guys?" He asked the cats as he followed closely behind Artio to make sure she doesn't get hurt.
Kira:Sof stood on top of the stairs, meowing. Artio got to the top and followed after Sof to the bedroom, Sof showed Artio the pet stairs that Himish used to get up on the bed since he was so short and couldn't jump. Finally Artio crossed the bed and curled up into Kira's neck and shoulder. Sof kneaded the covers then pushed herself under the blankets.
Reginald: Reginald chuckled a bit then laid down curling back up to Blue. He sighed happily and drifted off to sleep.
Kira:Kira yawned a little, she tried to sit up but the kitten was there. She put her hand around Artio so she could get up. Artio meowed softly, Kira got some clothes but didn't feel like going all the way to the bathroom to change so she just used Reggie's old room to change, having to put Artio down for a moment. She went downstairs to get some soft food out for the kitten which Sof joined them to eat. She went outside and let the dogs out to play, wrapping her arms around herself. Why was it cold? She looked up at the sky, it was dark. She checked her cell phone which she switched the background to live moon phases and frowned. Well, she wouldn't be going anywhere, she didn't want to piss off Reggie if she got hurt again.
Reginald: Reginald woke up and yawned his alarm on his phone waking him up late and he groaned before he finally looked at it. He cursed as he looked at the alert, it was a new moon and he slept in. Jumping up quickly he moved to get his gun and blade. Quickly checking over them both he strapped them onto himself and ran down the stairs. Not a moment to lose he thought to himself as he busted outside to find out that Kira was outside still. With a sigh of relief he walked over to her with a small smile. "Hey you, don't worry anymore your body guard is here." he told her as he smiled happily. This new moon might go by smoothly he thought for a moment. "Yeah right.. This is Kira we are talking about." he said to himself out loud.
Kira:Kira stared at him, "I wasn't going to go anywhere" she said, "Don't want you all pissed off at me." she mused, she raised an eyebrow. "What about this is me we're talking about?" she said with a glare. "You're lucky I can't beat your *** right now." she muttered as she shivered.
Reginald: Reginald chuckled a bit and then gave her a little wink. "Can't beat my *** anyways, new moon or not remember?" He said playfully and then looked at the animals briefly. "Want to go out and check on the temple and the store with me? That way you don't feel all cramped here today.." He said and then looked off into the distance.
Kira:"Oh very funny. I can still give you a run for your money though." Kira said, "I guess." she added, she went inside and grabbed a jacket and came back out, setting the animal door up to let the dogs in if they want to go inside.
Reginald: Reginald smirked at her words. "Well yes, you most definitely can. Next time I might try fighting you with my blade. We will see, I am still a guns kind of guy." He said and then took her hand in his own, being very gently as he started walking off the farm. "So, store or farm first Kira?" He asked her.
Kira:"The store will take longer so let's go to the temple first." Kira replied, "Hmm, but blades can be so much fun.." she said with a grin. The thought made her excited.
Reginald: He gave a little nod in agreement before he heeded in the direction of the temple. Turning is head he looked into her eyes and gave her a little playful grin. "Well then it's a date, I won't go easy on you. I am pretty bad *** with a blade too you know." He said before turning his head towards the temple. "Ah we are here" he said.
Kira:"That's fine. I rather be cut up then shot.." Kira replied, she moved through the temple, checking on the fish and filters then all the plants. "Everything looks okay." she said.
Reginald: Reginald smirked excited that she was excited. He walked through the temple with her checking over her shoulder at everything. Yep, she was right everything looks good. "Yeah it is, lets sit for a while and relax a bit. You must be getting tired, being all human and all." He said.
Kira:Kira looked at him, "My energy level is fine, even when I was human. Though walking instead of floating around, is very different." she said, sitting down in the lounging area. "I sure don't miss being cold though." she said.
Reginald: He nods his head a bit. He figured she would be fine, he just couldn't come up with an excuse to sit with her and enjoy the temple with her. "So, today at the store I want you to teach me some things about what you sell now that I know more than I did the last time you gave me a little lesson." He said
Kira:Kira leaned back into the seat, "What haven't I taught you yet?" she said, "There's stones and gems, books, incense and oils...pendulums, jewelry. Wands. Tarot cards, oracle cards.."
Reginald: "I want you to teach me more about gems. What their properties are and what not. You know what I mean? Oils and incenses too. I want to learn lots, let my mind have a break from kill, kill, kill..." He said as he looked into her eyes.
Kira:Kira nodded, "The properties for them are easier to look up depending on what the person is looking for." she said. "Remembering all of that might be hard."
Reginald: "I know but I assume you know quite a few of them yourself. So I was hoping I could learn from you. It would be alot nicer than looking them up." He said thinking about how the computer was once his life but now he just wants to spend more time in the real world.
Kira:"I know a few main ones like what's good for relaxing, ones for protection but otherwise I got to look them up." Kira said, she closed her eyes for a moment. "So I won't be able to teach much off the top of my head."
Reginald: "Eh... That sucks but still show me what little you know. Also about incenses and oils. I bet I could give you a nice massage with the right oil. You probably would love it on a new moon when you are more human too."He said
Kira:"W-What.." Kira said, her eyes widened. "What does being more human have to do with loving massages.."
Reginald: Reginald couldn't help but to laugh at her reaction. "I guess nothing but I want to see if I can give you one anyways. It could be relaxing, you never know." He said as he stuck his tongue out at her playfully. "Let's get going shall we." He said and got up offering her a hand up.
Kira:"I guess maybe it would be but I don't know if I'm ready for you to be touching me like that.." Kira muttered, she took his hand and got up. She headed out of the temple to head for the mall where the store was at.
Reginald: Reginald raised a brow. "Like what strangers massage people all the time. There is nothing wrong with it." He said as he pulled her up and headed to the mall with her. "Surprised no baddie came out of nowhere yet to hit you" he said.
Kira:"Yeah so, I wouldn't let a stranger touch me either." Kira replied, she shot him a glare. "Are you hoping you have to protect me or something? Hunters should be the only issue at the moment.." she said, she haven't been killing gangsters so they shouldn't be after her.
Reginald: Reginald shook his head a bit. "I actually think tonight is going to go smoothly since I am with you. Also I am glad you won't let a stranger touch you." He said as he made his way into the shop and immediately started to straighten things and study them. "Time for my lesson?" he asked her.
Kira:"How could I when you get insanely jealous when someone just looks at me." Kira mused as she sat down at her reading table with a couple of books. "What did you want to start on? Crystals and stones, oils?" she asked.
Reginald: Reginald looked at Kira for a moment and then shrugged. "Well, I am not that jealous so long as nothing happened I would trust you. As for what I would like to start on.. How about we start with stones and crystals?" He asked her as he made his way over to some of them now.
Kira:"Uh huh, whatever you say Reggie." Kira replied, she didn't believe it. She would be very tempted to prove him wrong if it wasn't for the fact that she didn't like being touched by people she didn't know. "Clear Quartz Crystal is very common stone to have. Can be used to clear and attune the energies of your body. It also purifies, and can be used for protection." she said.
Reginald: Reginald looked at the crystal she was talking about and smiled."Well that is a nice crystal, to start off with but why don't we talk about some of the darker stones and crystals? I really like dark colors and blacks." He said as he moved closer to her with a small smile. "Which stone or crystal would also help improve my chances of giving you a massage?" He asked her.
Kira:"Darker colors?" Kira said, that would be an odd way to go about explaining the crystals. She blinked when he added the next part, "Seriously?" she said, rolling her eyes. "Maybe a stone for luck but don't get your hopes up."
Reginald: Reginald smirked as he moved up closer to her from behind and peered over her shoulder. "So show me the strongest luck stone you have..." He said to her.
Kira:Kira looked back at him, she huffed slightly, returning to the stones. "I'm not sure what would the strongest luck stone. There's Tiger Eyes, also used for protection." she said, "There's Lepidolite, also used for protection, power and love." she said, looking over the book. "Oh, Tourmalated Quartz is supposed to be super lucky." she said. "Amazonite and Amethyst, both need luck in making your dreams come true. My that sounds like what you need."
Reginald: Reginald let out a little laugh and then kissed her cheek. "Do you know any gem worker people? I want to get them to make me a figurine out of everything you just mentioned. What is a lucky animal?" He asked her trying to think of one himself. A cat since it always lands on it's feet? No, cats are bad luck especially black ones... His brows furrowed in though as he stood there trying to figure it out.
Kira:Kira blinked, "I don't know any...and why do you want to make something out of the gems?" she asked. "Rabbits, horses..hum, bats. Dolphins Not an animal but butterflies.."
Reginald: "A pair of lucky horses out of all that lucky stuff should do the trick I think.." He said as he reached out to run a finger across the surface of each stone. "I am going to cuddle with you tonight if that's okay with you." He said.
Kira:"You really think that's going to help?" Kira said, she sighed. It just really had to do with no being ready to be touched like that. "Wait, what? How did cuddling get on the table?"
Reginald: "I thought cuddling was always on the table.. Look you can be in kitty form if you want but I am getting cuddles tonight. I love you and I know there is nothing wrong with cuddles." He said and then hugged her from behind getting closer to her. "Just like hugs aren't bad unless they are Killer bear hugs." he said.
Kira:Kira bit her lower lip. Cuddles was not on the table. She wasn't used to it. "Kitty cuddles it is then." she said, "Hum yeah, hugs are okay as long as its certain people...and not killer bear hugs." she said, "Can we get back to the lesson? You're getting distracted."
Reginald: Reginald laughed a bit then smiled brightly at her next words. Kitty cuddles? Really? This was going to be the best night ever he thought to himself. "Okay you are right, I am getting distracted. So, what stone is next?" He asked her.
Kira: "Let's see, dark stones...Black Obsidian, powerful cleansing stone, for your aura and strong psychic protection. Good to use for when you need to ground yourself to the planet while you do spiritual or healing work." Kira replied, she went on to another one. "Black Tourmaline, also a good grounding stone. Good for protection against negative energy. It helps with good luck and happiness, no matter what is going on in your life."
Reginald: Reginald thought for a moment on that and he made his way over to look at the black tourmaline. "Do you think I could get a pendant made out of this? I would like it since I already have and obsidian pendulum." He said as he ran a finger across the Tourmaline.
Kira: "Yeah." Kira replied, she got up and looked through what pendants she had. "Do you want a smooth stone with wires around it or more like pendulum like shape?" she asked, "I don't have either right now but its easy to order." she said, showing him a picture of what each kind looked like.
Sold My Soul For a Cheeseburger (Reginald Black)
- Kira
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Re: Sold My Soul For a Cheeseburger (Reginald Black)

Claimed by Reginald ღ Stalked by Anemoi
Dorcha Geolladh - Sekpoli - Q2
We Are the Dark Promise - Breath of Life
Darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream

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Re: Sold My Soul For a Cheeseburger (Reginald Black)
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Reginald: "You never know Kira, we will see when we get there." he said and then moved back to the shelves and finished straightening everything up. "Alright now where were we?" He asked her
Kira:Kira raised an eyebrow. "I don't know." she said, she checked to make sure she didn't have any readings to do any time soon and that she didn't need to order anything. "I feel like if I keep telling you about more stones, you'll like more and more of them and the house will end up full of figures made of them."
Reginald: Reginald laughed a bit at that and then shrugged his shoulders. "Would that be a bad thing?" He asked and then moved over to her and smiled. "Want to do one of those things on me?" He asked her.
Kira:"Yes, it would. Unless there's I build you a room just for those things." Kira replied, she blinked, confused. "Do what on you?" she asked.
Reginald: Reginald smirked a bit then shook his head. "No that won't be necessary Kira, I don't need a room for them." he thought for a moment on how to explain it to her then shrugged. "Tell my fortune thingy." he said.
Kira:"Then don't get carried away with the stones you want." Kira mused, "Fortune thingy.." she muttered, "You sure about that? Thought you have your pendulum for guidance."
Reginald: Reginald nodded his head slightly as he moved over to her. "Yeah got a place for us to sit down and do it? I would like it done just for fun anyways." he told her as he smiled happily.
Kira:Kira gestured to the round table which was where she did readings at. "Is there something specific you want to know?" she asked as she sat down at the table.
Reginald: Reginald sat down at the round table she gestured towards. He then closed his eyes and relaxed thinking about what he wanted to know. "I want to know more about how me, you and the rest of the family will do." He said.
Kira:Kira nodded, she went to take out the cards she used the most but her phone started to ring, her standard ringtone playing. Off off with your head, dance dance to your dead. Heads will roll, heads will roll, on the floor. She took her phone out of her pocket and looked at the display. It was Cody, one of the beef cakes from the lounge. "What." she answered the phone. She listened to him complain how that was a rude way to answer the phone. "Get to the point." she muttered. They wanted a meeting for new songs and dances to be done, and the beef cake who normally did that was sick with the flu. "Why am I just now being informed of him being sick? He's the whole reason why I don't have to babysit you guys." she growled, as she tapped her fingernails on the table. Cody said don't shoot the messenger.
Kira hanged up, leaning back into the chair with a sigh. "Think I need to hire someone else with a dance background." she said, putting her phone back into her pocket. She looked at Reggie, "I'll give you a reading later. You want to come with me or go hunt?"
Reginald: Reginald leaned back as she answered the phone and listened curiously to her talk. She was so aggressive , he liked it. When she was finished he raised a brow at her. "Leave you on a new moon? No I will come with you silly." He said as he got up and smirked. No way in hell was he going to let her off on her own tonight.
Kira:"Oh right, new moon." Kira said with a sigh. "Just don't touch any of my workers, keep your temper in check until we're alone." she added as she got up then headed out the door, locking up the shop and went off to the back of the mall to the lounge.
Reginald: Reginald followed her and then smirked. Was his temper really that bad? He shook his head, he knew it couldn't be that bad. "Yeah no problem, I think I will be fine anyways." he said as he entered the lounge with her looking around curiously. Still the same as he remembered way back then.
Kira:"Uh huh..." Kira said, "Just sit back...if you get bored, just do inventory." she said as she headed over to the group of males. "Tell me you at least have some ideas on songs." she asked, which they did but she shot down any songs that required her to be on stage. "I don't have time to take part in any songs. These four we can work with. Next week we can work on a Halloween theme night." she said. Going through the first song, she worked on a dance for it and taught it to them step by step. "Cody that's not right." she said, showing him again. After going through the one song she called it a night for them. "Go home, practice. Shall work on the other songs another night." she said.
The Beef Cakes headed out but Cody couldn't keep his mouth shut. "Boss Lady must have a boyfriend." he gossip, obviously that's why some other guy was there and she wouldn't dance with them now.
"Just get." Kira said, crossing her arms and Cody quickly left.
Reginald: Reginald did as he was told and leaned back against a wall relaxing as he watched her talk with the beef cakes. He couldn't help but to grin as she shot down song after song, it was almost as if why did she even bother to ask them? He crossed his arms and smirked as he heard the one beef cake say that she must have a boyfriend. It was true she was all his. Boring he wasn't sure how this would get boring at all. He trusted her here and everyone that was here not to do anything stupid. When she told them all to go home and practice he pushed off the wall and headed towards her. "So aggressive and mean here, I like it." he said.
Kira:Kira raised an eyebrow at him, "I've always been like that." she replied, "I've been talked into doing a few songs that I'm sure you would have a problem with. Course Dru was helping them.." she said, "But now I have to make sure if you show up for a show, you won't go rawr killer mode or something." she added with a smirk as she sat on the edge of the bar. "You want to go home or you want to learn some dances since we're here with plenty of music."
Reginald: Reginald leaned up against the bar beside her and looked off towards the dance floor with a little smile. "I don't think I would go rawr killer mode on anyone here, I know they wouldn't do anything stupid and if they did well then I would go rawr killer mode on them." He said with a light chuckle and then gave his shoulders a little shrug. "Whatever you feel like my love, dancing or going home. I would love to dance, but only if you want to." He said.
Kira:"Really?" Kira said, "But it is all part of dance, having to touch the other." she said, resting her chin on his shoulder. "You have problems just with someone maybe thinking about getting into my pants. You really be okay with me dancing with someone and being touched?" she mused. "I'm fine with dancing.."
Reginald: He smiled and gave his head a slight nod before leaning it to the side so his head rests gently against hers. "Yeah, because I trust that nothing bad is going to happen. I might be a little jealous but I know that you are mine and I trust you." He said before reaching out and taking her hand, giving it a little squeeze. "Well why don't you show me a fun dance then?" he asked her.
Kira:"Fun dance?" Kira said, "Like what? the electric slide? It's pretty simple." she said, "All dances are fun so...I don't know." she said, jumping off the bar and went to the music to find a song
Reginald: Reginald's smile grew as he gave his shoulders a shrug. "You know more about dancing than me so pick whatever." He said as he made his way over to wait for her where they were going to dance.
Kira:Kira flipped through the music. "I've taught you some tango right?" she asked.
Reginald: Reginald nodded a bit. "Yeah you have, but I am probably really rusty at it and forgot a bit so you will have to teach me again anyways. We don't dance enough for me to remember all the dances." He said as he watched her flip through the music curiously.
Kira:"When it comes to certain dances, it really has to do with creating a dance for the music picked. That's why you don't see people just doing the rumba, salsa, pasa dablo at a club. The only tango you see is maybe the pretty simple, standard one." she said, putting the music on. She walked over to him, as she explained the dance moves, she was sending images in his head on what it was suppose to look like, something new she didn't know she could do.
Reginald: Reginald listened to her and then took her into his arms and smiled before giving her a little peck on the cheek. He then got into position and as the images flashed into his head he smirked and let the music move them. One thing about him was he was a fast learner, the images in his head became reality as he danced her across the dance floor. "This is fun.." He said with his eyes half closed enjoying the dance immensely.
Kira:"Hmm, yeah." Kira said, she was normally rather focused on the dance, just like she got lost in a fight. The song and dance ended, she pulled out of his arms to turn off the music. "You didn't seem that rusty." she said, "Think its time to get home." she said, feeling rather warm, she needed the cold air outside.4:56:55 AM
Reginald: Reginald nodded his head. "The images you put in my head really helped me out. I was able to learn the moves quickly." He said and then he wandered out of the lounge with her moving outside. "That was really nice I hope we can do it more often." he said.
Kira:"Images?" Kira said confused, "I put images in your head?" she said, locking up the lounge and headed out of the mall. She put her jacket on as the cold air quickly made her cold.
Reginald: "Yeah, about how the dance should look and how it went. You didn't intend to do it?" He asked her and then wrapped an arm around her middle and pulled her close to himself. "Here keep close to me and warm yourself." he said as he started to walk home.
Kira:"Oh, no, I didn't know I could do that." Kira replied, "Though that makes teaching you very easy.." she said. She wondered how she did it but then got distracted when he pulled her into him. "This wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the new moon." she said, she sighed. "Wonder how human I am during this time."
Reginald: He shrugged his shoulder and pulled her closer to himself. "Well, don't worry about it. Lean on me and let me warm and protect you my Kira." he said walking home slowly with a small smile on his face. He saw the farm and sighed happily. Home with the one he loves more than anything else in this world or the next.
Kira:Kira wasn't sure what to say so she just walked with him. Once they got inside the house, the animals greeted them. "Does this count as a cuddle?" she asked.
Reginald: Reginald smiled a bit and gave his head a little nod. "Yeah, I guess it counts as a cuddle." He said and then knelt down to give Blue a quick pet. "Hey you, I missed you too!." He laughed as blue jumped up and gave him a lick on the face. "That's my boy." he said to the dog.
Kira:Kira kept her jacket on as she went to the kitchen, making herself some hot coco to warm up. She petted Tucker and Himesh but they soon ran off being hyper. Sof and Artio meowed at Kira. "Ready for bed?" she said, picking Artio up who balanced on her shoulder as she went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and changed her clothes. Gah, she was still cold. She hurried upstairs and got under her blankets.
Reginald: Reginald made sure Blue had eaten well and then gave him a little scratch behind his ear. "There you are Blue, everything is all good. I am going to bed, make sure you protect the house. I am counting on you buddy." He said and then went up the stairs to go to bed.
Kira:Tucker and Himesh took over the sofa as they settled down.
Kira was curled up, Artio and Sof under the covers. She yawned, "Reggie?" She said under the covers.
Reginald: He let out a little yawn as he laid out on the foot of her bed. "Don't worry Kira, I am here, I won't let anything hurt you." he said with a small smile as he snuggled down into the floor.
Kira:Kira laughed softly, "Not really worried about being harmed here. 2.5 dogs, attack cat and a guard dog...you." she said. She fell asleep as the sun rose.
Reginald: Reginald laughed lightly and then he felt himself slowly drift off to sleep. This new moon has been a safe new moon. Yawning one last time he fell asleep, a very happy man.
Kira:Kira woke up, she petted Artio and Sof. She sat up and changed into her serval form, she wiggled out of her clothes and curled up on Reggie's chest purring. Both Artio and Blue needed to get used to this form, which Artio had no problems with it and wanted to cuddle up to kitty Kira.
Reginald: Reginald smiled and then woke up to the best thing in the world, Kitty Kira snuggles. He reaches up and started to run his hand back and forth across her fur. "Good morning..." he whispered as he continued to pet her. Blue had made his way into the room and sniffed Kira curiously before resting his head back on Reginald's leg.
Kira:Artio snuggled into Kira, she lifted her head and looked at Reggie, her green eyes blinked slowly. 'Morning or rather evening' she said into his head. It seemed the new family members had no problems with her being in her cat form. 'I did say kitty cuddles so..' she said.
Reginald: Reginald's smile grew as he looked down at both the kittens. "Yeah, we did agree on that didn't we?" He said as he wrapped his arms around both cats holding them tenderly in his arms before nuzzling the side of his face against Kira's fur covered face. "Regardless of what form you are in, I love you so much." he said.
Kira:Artio meowed, crawling over Kira and purred. Sof flopped down on Kira too. 'Instead of a dog pile, its a kitty pile.' Kira mused, distracting the cats to chase her tail. She nuzzled her furry face into his neck.
Reginald: Reginald chuckled a bit at that and then kissed the top of Kira's furry head before letting himself relax completely enjoying the affections of her in her animal form. He started to think for a long while about things, what they could do in the future and how strong he needs to become.
Kira:Kira lifted her head and put her cold nose on his. She got up and strolled over to her closet. She pushed it open and went inside, pushing it shut. She changed back, getting dressed and came out. "So what are we doing tonight?" she asked.
Reginald: Reginald shrugged his shoulders. "Want to teach me how to fight with blades better?" He asked he. He really rarely has to use his blade anymore so it would be good to practice.
Kira:Kira raised an eyebrow, "Sure.." she said. Though she wasn't sure how well she could teach though. "Should wear some clothes I don't mind getting cut up." she said. She looked through her clothes, finding something she didn't care about ruining. She took the clothes and picked up Artio and went downstairs. She gave both Artio and Sof some soft food then changed. She then got her blades and waited outside.
Reginald: Reginald didn't really care about clothes they were cheap enough. He wasn't going to bother getting changed. He got out his blade and winced a bit as he ran his finger over it. Lost so much sharpness over the months he had it. He really needs to get a new one but a good sword was oh so hard to come by. Getting up he gave Blue a quick pet. "You stay here and guard the others me and Kira are going to go play." He said and then went downstairs to meet Kira outside.
Kira:Kira sat on the porch, swinging her legs. She couldn't wait for the full moon, it was much better than the new moon. Once he came out, she jumped off the porch and moved away from the house. "Ready?" she said, she would have thought he had seen her fighting style enough to know how to use a blade. She gripped her blade.
Reginald: Reginald got his blade ready and answered her question by quickly moving forward and clashing blades with her. They struggled and he waited for his chance for her to mess up her footing even a little and when she did he broke off and span to the right hacking off one of her legs.
Kira:Kira was excited at first, the clashing of blades with him until she felt the pain in her leg. She fell, her blade swinging out, getting his leg in return. She sat up from the ground, sitting up. She saw her leg turn to ash. She got on her other leg, balancing. "Well, wasn't expecting that.." she said.
Reginald: Reginald winced as he felt his leg go and he quickly lashed ouch and gouged her eye out."Damn you are good. I am glad I get to train with you like this!" He shouted as he clashed blades with her.
Kira:Kira had a harder time fighting back with the lose of her leg, her normal footing during a fight like this was out the window. She was down an eye, she cut into his arm, cutting it open.
Reginald: Reginald winced and swung his sword wildly only managing to nick her cheek as he tries to get enough distance to recover from the brutal close range mellee. "Damn your good." He said to her.
Kira:"Save the flattery for after the fight.." Kira said, rubbing her cheek with the back of her hand. She sprung forward with her one leg, and her left hand, flipping over and lashed out but missed.
Reginald: Reginald recovered and dodged her swing before taking it to his advantage to stab her other eye. He grunted with satisfaction. He was weak though the loss of blood was too much for him to focus properly.
Kira:Kira lashed out blindly, taking his arm and cutting into his neck before falling. She had never been blind for a fight before. Well she had never been blind. "Are we done?" She asked, when wasn't even sure she had hit him other than hearing a thud from his arm hitting the ground. "Need to get rid of your lost limbs..."
Reginald: He nodded his head as he laid out there with his blood drained. He looked paler than usual and he groaned. "Damn you kicked my ***." He chuckles a bit as he just lays out sprawled on the ground.
Kira:"Hmm? Maybe...but I can't see.." Kira said, "You're on your own treating your wounds." she said. She laid her head down on her arms, this would be a new ordeal, trying to get around not being able to see. Even with better senses, it would be hard.
Reginald: Reginald laughed a bit and spoke in a tired voice. "Oh yeah, we should of thought to get someone to patch us up later." He said as he started crawling towards the house awkwardly and slowly.
Kira:"I'll send for Dave." Kira said, she wasn't moving. Not that she could. Maybe she needed Tucker to learn to be a seeing eye dog for times like this.
Dave pulled up in the purple van. He got out and looked around, "This again?" he said. He noticed Kira's eyes and blinked, "Considering the only time you seem to contact me now is to bring you guys blood." he said. He picked Kira up and took her inside. He cleaned up her face but noticed her fangs so he shoved a blood bag in her mouth to keep her from biting him. He wrapped up her head and then her leg.
Reginald: Reginald finally made his way inside and patched his leg up wrapping a bandage around the stub of his leg and arm. He was thankful they were clean cuts as the hunger inside of him welled up and he closed his eyes letting out a small whimper.
Kira:Kira drained the blood bag as she tried to listen to where everyone was at in the room.
Dave left for a moment and returned with crutches for the both of them, and gave Reggie some of the blood bags.
Kira touched Tucker, getting up but the dog was useless helping her get around. She hit the coffee table.
"Maybe I should stay.." Dave said, watching her stumble around.
Reginald: Reginald grabbed one of the crutches almost tearing off the man's arm as that was his goal he is so hungry for blood and when he finally gave him some of the blood bags he tore into them like a savage beast. He looked up at Blue and felt guilty acting this way. He composed himself and called Blue to him and t hen smiled happily as Blue reassured him he still loved him with a lick on the cheek,
Kira:Dave glared at Reggie a bit but moved back to Kira.
Kira about fell over but Dave caught her, she let go of Tucker, he wasn't any help.
"Where are you going?" Dave asked.
"The kitchen, I need a drink." Kira replied.
"You were going to do all of that blind?" Dave said, giving her a little push and she fell back on the sofa.
"Jerk." Kira growled, hearing Dave's footsteps go into the kitchen and came back. He put the bottle against her cheek, she grabbed it and bared her fangs, which now never seemed to go away, with a hiss.
"At least I'm somewhat safe while you can't see." Dave mused.
Reginald: Reginald smirked as Dave glared at him and he fell flat on his back not really caring at that moment. He just fell asleep right there on the floor like he always does when he is injured.
Kira:Kira drank some of the wine before getting Dave to put the bottle up. She then went to hop upstairs, but that wasn't going well either. Dave carried her upstairs but she was too tired to bite him. He set her down on her bed and left to go rest somewhere else.
Artio and Sof joined her in bed. Kira slept until the sun rose. She got up, trying to find her way out of her room. Sof meowed as Kira found the wall. Kira sighed, Sof jumped on her shoulder and Artio went up her leg until she was also on her shoulder. "Now is not the time to throw off my balance." Kira said.
Reginald: Reginald was woken up by Blue giving him a lick on the face. Sitting up he tried to use his hand which he no longer had to stand up and sorta awkwardly fell down. Grunting he remembered he just got his limbs sheared off his body by Kira. "Okay boy you hungry and thirsty?" He asked blue as he used the crutch to prop himself up and hobble towards the kitchen.
He then had the most fun time managing to get the dog food out and pour it into the bowl. Stumbling and falling several times in the process. The water was a little easier as he was careful not to spill any.
Kira:The cats jumped off as Kira stumbled on the stairs. She fell, catching herself before she went down all the stairs but her crutch went all the way down. "Damn it." she said.
Reginald: Reginald was finished feeding and taking care of Blue so he hobbled towards the stairs and stopped looking up at Kira. "Well, now isn't this an interesting problem?" He asked her and started to think of a way to get her crutch up to her and then grunted as he just started going up the stairs slowly. She was going to have to use him as a crutch.. This was going to be fun he thought. Once he finally made it up to her he spoke softly. "Grab onto me and try to stay in balance with me." He said
Kira:"It's more the fact I can't see the stairs." Kira said, "Maybe I should have just scooted down.." she sighed, she could sense him there. She reached her hands out, touching him, wrapping her arms around him, burying her face into his neck. "Having to pick between eye sight or my leg. Leg would be better finding my way around though.."
Reginald: "You never know Kira, we will see when we get there." he said and then moved back to the shelves and finished straightening everything up. "Alright now where were we?" He asked her
Kira:Kira raised an eyebrow. "I don't know." she said, she checked to make sure she didn't have any readings to do any time soon and that she didn't need to order anything. "I feel like if I keep telling you about more stones, you'll like more and more of them and the house will end up full of figures made of them."
Reginald: Reginald laughed a bit at that and then shrugged his shoulders. "Would that be a bad thing?" He asked and then moved over to her and smiled. "Want to do one of those things on me?" He asked her.
Kira:"Yes, it would. Unless there's I build you a room just for those things." Kira replied, she blinked, confused. "Do what on you?" she asked.
Reginald: Reginald smirked a bit then shook his head. "No that won't be necessary Kira, I don't need a room for them." he thought for a moment on how to explain it to her then shrugged. "Tell my fortune thingy." he said.
Kira:"Then don't get carried away with the stones you want." Kira mused, "Fortune thingy.." she muttered, "You sure about that? Thought you have your pendulum for guidance."
Reginald: Reginald nodded his head slightly as he moved over to her. "Yeah got a place for us to sit down and do it? I would like it done just for fun anyways." he told her as he smiled happily.
Kira:Kira gestured to the round table which was where she did readings at. "Is there something specific you want to know?" she asked as she sat down at the table.
Reginald: Reginald sat down at the round table she gestured towards. He then closed his eyes and relaxed thinking about what he wanted to know. "I want to know more about how me, you and the rest of the family will do." He said.
Kira:Kira nodded, she went to take out the cards she used the most but her phone started to ring, her standard ringtone playing. Off off with your head, dance dance to your dead. Heads will roll, heads will roll, on the floor. She took her phone out of her pocket and looked at the display. It was Cody, one of the beef cakes from the lounge. "What." she answered the phone. She listened to him complain how that was a rude way to answer the phone. "Get to the point." she muttered. They wanted a meeting for new songs and dances to be done, and the beef cake who normally did that was sick with the flu. "Why am I just now being informed of him being sick? He's the whole reason why I don't have to babysit you guys." she growled, as she tapped her fingernails on the table. Cody said don't shoot the messenger.
Kira hanged up, leaning back into the chair with a sigh. "Think I need to hire someone else with a dance background." she said, putting her phone back into her pocket. She looked at Reggie, "I'll give you a reading later. You want to come with me or go hunt?"
Reginald: Reginald leaned back as she answered the phone and listened curiously to her talk. She was so aggressive , he liked it. When she was finished he raised a brow at her. "Leave you on a new moon? No I will come with you silly." He said as he got up and smirked. No way in hell was he going to let her off on her own tonight.
Kira:"Oh right, new moon." Kira said with a sigh. "Just don't touch any of my workers, keep your temper in check until we're alone." she added as she got up then headed out the door, locking up the shop and went off to the back of the mall to the lounge.
Reginald: Reginald followed her and then smirked. Was his temper really that bad? He shook his head, he knew it couldn't be that bad. "Yeah no problem, I think I will be fine anyways." he said as he entered the lounge with her looking around curiously. Still the same as he remembered way back then.
Kira:"Uh huh..." Kira said, "Just sit back...if you get bored, just do inventory." she said as she headed over to the group of males. "Tell me you at least have some ideas on songs." she asked, which they did but she shot down any songs that required her to be on stage. "I don't have time to take part in any songs. These four we can work with. Next week we can work on a Halloween theme night." she said. Going through the first song, she worked on a dance for it and taught it to them step by step. "Cody that's not right." she said, showing him again. After going through the one song she called it a night for them. "Go home, practice. Shall work on the other songs another night." she said.
The Beef Cakes headed out but Cody couldn't keep his mouth shut. "Boss Lady must have a boyfriend." he gossip, obviously that's why some other guy was there and she wouldn't dance with them now.
"Just get." Kira said, crossing her arms and Cody quickly left.
Reginald: Reginald did as he was told and leaned back against a wall relaxing as he watched her talk with the beef cakes. He couldn't help but to grin as she shot down song after song, it was almost as if why did she even bother to ask them? He crossed his arms and smirked as he heard the one beef cake say that she must have a boyfriend. It was true she was all his. Boring he wasn't sure how this would get boring at all. He trusted her here and everyone that was here not to do anything stupid. When she told them all to go home and practice he pushed off the wall and headed towards her. "So aggressive and mean here, I like it." he said.
Kira:Kira raised an eyebrow at him, "I've always been like that." she replied, "I've been talked into doing a few songs that I'm sure you would have a problem with. Course Dru was helping them.." she said, "But now I have to make sure if you show up for a show, you won't go rawr killer mode or something." she added with a smirk as she sat on the edge of the bar. "You want to go home or you want to learn some dances since we're here with plenty of music."
Reginald: Reginald leaned up against the bar beside her and looked off towards the dance floor with a little smile. "I don't think I would go rawr killer mode on anyone here, I know they wouldn't do anything stupid and if they did well then I would go rawr killer mode on them." He said with a light chuckle and then gave his shoulders a little shrug. "Whatever you feel like my love, dancing or going home. I would love to dance, but only if you want to." He said.
Kira:"Really?" Kira said, "But it is all part of dance, having to touch the other." she said, resting her chin on his shoulder. "You have problems just with someone maybe thinking about getting into my pants. You really be okay with me dancing with someone and being touched?" she mused. "I'm fine with dancing.."
Reginald: He smiled and gave his head a slight nod before leaning it to the side so his head rests gently against hers. "Yeah, because I trust that nothing bad is going to happen. I might be a little jealous but I know that you are mine and I trust you." He said before reaching out and taking her hand, giving it a little squeeze. "Well why don't you show me a fun dance then?" he asked her.
Kira:"Fun dance?" Kira said, "Like what? the electric slide? It's pretty simple." she said, "All dances are fun so...I don't know." she said, jumping off the bar and went to the music to find a song
Reginald: Reginald's smile grew as he gave his shoulders a shrug. "You know more about dancing than me so pick whatever." He said as he made his way over to wait for her where they were going to dance.
Kira:Kira flipped through the music. "I've taught you some tango right?" she asked.
Reginald: Reginald nodded a bit. "Yeah you have, but I am probably really rusty at it and forgot a bit so you will have to teach me again anyways. We don't dance enough for me to remember all the dances." He said as he watched her flip through the music curiously.
Kira:"When it comes to certain dances, it really has to do with creating a dance for the music picked. That's why you don't see people just doing the rumba, salsa, pasa dablo at a club. The only tango you see is maybe the pretty simple, standard one." she said, putting the music on. She walked over to him, as she explained the dance moves, she was sending images in his head on what it was suppose to look like, something new she didn't know she could do.
Reginald: Reginald listened to her and then took her into his arms and smiled before giving her a little peck on the cheek. He then got into position and as the images flashed into his head he smirked and let the music move them. One thing about him was he was a fast learner, the images in his head became reality as he danced her across the dance floor. "This is fun.." He said with his eyes half closed enjoying the dance immensely.
Kira:"Hmm, yeah." Kira said, she was normally rather focused on the dance, just like she got lost in a fight. The song and dance ended, she pulled out of his arms to turn off the music. "You didn't seem that rusty." she said, "Think its time to get home." she said, feeling rather warm, she needed the cold air outside.4:56:55 AM
Reginald: Reginald nodded his head. "The images you put in my head really helped me out. I was able to learn the moves quickly." He said and then he wandered out of the lounge with her moving outside. "That was really nice I hope we can do it more often." he said.
Kira:"Images?" Kira said confused, "I put images in your head?" she said, locking up the lounge and headed out of the mall. She put her jacket on as the cold air quickly made her cold.
Reginald: "Yeah, about how the dance should look and how it went. You didn't intend to do it?" He asked her and then wrapped an arm around her middle and pulled her close to himself. "Here keep close to me and warm yourself." he said as he started to walk home.
Kira:"Oh, no, I didn't know I could do that." Kira replied, "Though that makes teaching you very easy.." she said. She wondered how she did it but then got distracted when he pulled her into him. "This wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the new moon." she said, she sighed. "Wonder how human I am during this time."
Reginald: He shrugged his shoulder and pulled her closer to himself. "Well, don't worry about it. Lean on me and let me warm and protect you my Kira." he said walking home slowly with a small smile on his face. He saw the farm and sighed happily. Home with the one he loves more than anything else in this world or the next.
Kira:Kira wasn't sure what to say so she just walked with him. Once they got inside the house, the animals greeted them. "Does this count as a cuddle?" she asked.
Reginald: Reginald smiled a bit and gave his head a little nod. "Yeah, I guess it counts as a cuddle." He said and then knelt down to give Blue a quick pet. "Hey you, I missed you too!." He laughed as blue jumped up and gave him a lick on the face. "That's my boy." he said to the dog.
Kira:Kira kept her jacket on as she went to the kitchen, making herself some hot coco to warm up. She petted Tucker and Himesh but they soon ran off being hyper. Sof and Artio meowed at Kira. "Ready for bed?" she said, picking Artio up who balanced on her shoulder as she went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and changed her clothes. Gah, she was still cold. She hurried upstairs and got under her blankets.
Reginald: Reginald made sure Blue had eaten well and then gave him a little scratch behind his ear. "There you are Blue, everything is all good. I am going to bed, make sure you protect the house. I am counting on you buddy." He said and then went up the stairs to go to bed.
Kira:Tucker and Himesh took over the sofa as they settled down.
Kira was curled up, Artio and Sof under the covers. She yawned, "Reggie?" She said under the covers.
Reginald: He let out a little yawn as he laid out on the foot of her bed. "Don't worry Kira, I am here, I won't let anything hurt you." he said with a small smile as he snuggled down into the floor.
Kira:Kira laughed softly, "Not really worried about being harmed here. 2.5 dogs, attack cat and a guard dog...you." she said. She fell asleep as the sun rose.
Reginald: Reginald laughed lightly and then he felt himself slowly drift off to sleep. This new moon has been a safe new moon. Yawning one last time he fell asleep, a very happy man.
Kira:Kira woke up, she petted Artio and Sof. She sat up and changed into her serval form, she wiggled out of her clothes and curled up on Reggie's chest purring. Both Artio and Blue needed to get used to this form, which Artio had no problems with it and wanted to cuddle up to kitty Kira.
Reginald: Reginald smiled and then woke up to the best thing in the world, Kitty Kira snuggles. He reaches up and started to run his hand back and forth across her fur. "Good morning..." he whispered as he continued to pet her. Blue had made his way into the room and sniffed Kira curiously before resting his head back on Reginald's leg.
Kira:Artio snuggled into Kira, she lifted her head and looked at Reggie, her green eyes blinked slowly. 'Morning or rather evening' she said into his head. It seemed the new family members had no problems with her being in her cat form. 'I did say kitty cuddles so..' she said.
Reginald: Reginald's smile grew as he looked down at both the kittens. "Yeah, we did agree on that didn't we?" He said as he wrapped his arms around both cats holding them tenderly in his arms before nuzzling the side of his face against Kira's fur covered face. "Regardless of what form you are in, I love you so much." he said.
Kira:Artio meowed, crawling over Kira and purred. Sof flopped down on Kira too. 'Instead of a dog pile, its a kitty pile.' Kira mused, distracting the cats to chase her tail. She nuzzled her furry face into his neck.
Reginald: Reginald chuckled a bit at that and then kissed the top of Kira's furry head before letting himself relax completely enjoying the affections of her in her animal form. He started to think for a long while about things, what they could do in the future and how strong he needs to become.
Kira:Kira lifted her head and put her cold nose on his. She got up and strolled over to her closet. She pushed it open and went inside, pushing it shut. She changed back, getting dressed and came out. "So what are we doing tonight?" she asked.
Reginald: Reginald shrugged his shoulders. "Want to teach me how to fight with blades better?" He asked he. He really rarely has to use his blade anymore so it would be good to practice.
Kira:Kira raised an eyebrow, "Sure.." she said. Though she wasn't sure how well she could teach though. "Should wear some clothes I don't mind getting cut up." she said. She looked through her clothes, finding something she didn't care about ruining. She took the clothes and picked up Artio and went downstairs. She gave both Artio and Sof some soft food then changed. She then got her blades and waited outside.
Reginald: Reginald didn't really care about clothes they were cheap enough. He wasn't going to bother getting changed. He got out his blade and winced a bit as he ran his finger over it. Lost so much sharpness over the months he had it. He really needs to get a new one but a good sword was oh so hard to come by. Getting up he gave Blue a quick pet. "You stay here and guard the others me and Kira are going to go play." He said and then went downstairs to meet Kira outside.
Kira:Kira sat on the porch, swinging her legs. She couldn't wait for the full moon, it was much better than the new moon. Once he came out, she jumped off the porch and moved away from the house. "Ready?" she said, she would have thought he had seen her fighting style enough to know how to use a blade. She gripped her blade.
Reginald: Reginald got his blade ready and answered her question by quickly moving forward and clashing blades with her. They struggled and he waited for his chance for her to mess up her footing even a little and when she did he broke off and span to the right hacking off one of her legs.
Kira:Kira was excited at first, the clashing of blades with him until she felt the pain in her leg. She fell, her blade swinging out, getting his leg in return. She sat up from the ground, sitting up. She saw her leg turn to ash. She got on her other leg, balancing. "Well, wasn't expecting that.." she said.
Reginald: Reginald winced as he felt his leg go and he quickly lashed ouch and gouged her eye out."Damn you are good. I am glad I get to train with you like this!" He shouted as he clashed blades with her.
Kira:Kira had a harder time fighting back with the lose of her leg, her normal footing during a fight like this was out the window. She was down an eye, she cut into his arm, cutting it open.
Reginald: Reginald winced and swung his sword wildly only managing to nick her cheek as he tries to get enough distance to recover from the brutal close range mellee. "Damn your good." He said to her.
Kira:"Save the flattery for after the fight.." Kira said, rubbing her cheek with the back of her hand. She sprung forward with her one leg, and her left hand, flipping over and lashed out but missed.
Reginald: Reginald recovered and dodged her swing before taking it to his advantage to stab her other eye. He grunted with satisfaction. He was weak though the loss of blood was too much for him to focus properly.
Kira:Kira lashed out blindly, taking his arm and cutting into his neck before falling. She had never been blind for a fight before. Well she had never been blind. "Are we done?" She asked, when wasn't even sure she had hit him other than hearing a thud from his arm hitting the ground. "Need to get rid of your lost limbs..."
Reginald: He nodded his head as he laid out there with his blood drained. He looked paler than usual and he groaned. "Damn you kicked my ***." He chuckles a bit as he just lays out sprawled on the ground.
Kira:"Hmm? Maybe...but I can't see.." Kira said, "You're on your own treating your wounds." she said. She laid her head down on her arms, this would be a new ordeal, trying to get around not being able to see. Even with better senses, it would be hard.
Reginald: Reginald laughed a bit and spoke in a tired voice. "Oh yeah, we should of thought to get someone to patch us up later." He said as he started crawling towards the house awkwardly and slowly.
Kira:"I'll send for Dave." Kira said, she wasn't moving. Not that she could. Maybe she needed Tucker to learn to be a seeing eye dog for times like this.
Dave pulled up in the purple van. He got out and looked around, "This again?" he said. He noticed Kira's eyes and blinked, "Considering the only time you seem to contact me now is to bring you guys blood." he said. He picked Kira up and took her inside. He cleaned up her face but noticed her fangs so he shoved a blood bag in her mouth to keep her from biting him. He wrapped up her head and then her leg.
Reginald: Reginald finally made his way inside and patched his leg up wrapping a bandage around the stub of his leg and arm. He was thankful they were clean cuts as the hunger inside of him welled up and he closed his eyes letting out a small whimper.
Kira:Kira drained the blood bag as she tried to listen to where everyone was at in the room.
Dave left for a moment and returned with crutches for the both of them, and gave Reggie some of the blood bags.
Kira touched Tucker, getting up but the dog was useless helping her get around. She hit the coffee table.
"Maybe I should stay.." Dave said, watching her stumble around.
Reginald: Reginald grabbed one of the crutches almost tearing off the man's arm as that was his goal he is so hungry for blood and when he finally gave him some of the blood bags he tore into them like a savage beast. He looked up at Blue and felt guilty acting this way. He composed himself and called Blue to him and t hen smiled happily as Blue reassured him he still loved him with a lick on the cheek,
Kira:Dave glared at Reggie a bit but moved back to Kira.
Kira about fell over but Dave caught her, she let go of Tucker, he wasn't any help.
"Where are you going?" Dave asked.
"The kitchen, I need a drink." Kira replied.
"You were going to do all of that blind?" Dave said, giving her a little push and she fell back on the sofa.
"Jerk." Kira growled, hearing Dave's footsteps go into the kitchen and came back. He put the bottle against her cheek, she grabbed it and bared her fangs, which now never seemed to go away, with a hiss.
"At least I'm somewhat safe while you can't see." Dave mused.
Reginald: Reginald smirked as Dave glared at him and he fell flat on his back not really caring at that moment. He just fell asleep right there on the floor like he always does when he is injured.
Kira:Kira drank some of the wine before getting Dave to put the bottle up. She then went to hop upstairs, but that wasn't going well either. Dave carried her upstairs but she was too tired to bite him. He set her down on her bed and left to go rest somewhere else.
Artio and Sof joined her in bed. Kira slept until the sun rose. She got up, trying to find her way out of her room. Sof meowed as Kira found the wall. Kira sighed, Sof jumped on her shoulder and Artio went up her leg until she was also on her shoulder. "Now is not the time to throw off my balance." Kira said.
Reginald: Reginald was woken up by Blue giving him a lick on the face. Sitting up he tried to use his hand which he no longer had to stand up and sorta awkwardly fell down. Grunting he remembered he just got his limbs sheared off his body by Kira. "Okay boy you hungry and thirsty?" He asked blue as he used the crutch to prop himself up and hobble towards the kitchen.
He then had the most fun time managing to get the dog food out and pour it into the bowl. Stumbling and falling several times in the process. The water was a little easier as he was careful not to spill any.
Kira:The cats jumped off as Kira stumbled on the stairs. She fell, catching herself before she went down all the stairs but her crutch went all the way down. "Damn it." she said.
Reginald: Reginald was finished feeding and taking care of Blue so he hobbled towards the stairs and stopped looking up at Kira. "Well, now isn't this an interesting problem?" He asked her and started to think of a way to get her crutch up to her and then grunted as he just started going up the stairs slowly. She was going to have to use him as a crutch.. This was going to be fun he thought. Once he finally made it up to her he spoke softly. "Grab onto me and try to stay in balance with me." He said
Kira:"It's more the fact I can't see the stairs." Kira said, "Maybe I should have just scooted down.." she sighed, she could sense him there. She reached her hands out, touching him, wrapping her arms around him, burying her face into his neck. "Having to pick between eye sight or my leg. Leg would be better finding my way around though.."

- Registered User
- Posts: 61
- Joined: 10 Mar 2014, 10:10
Re: Sold My Soul For a Cheeseburger (Reginald Black)
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Reginald: He laughed a bit at that, and then smiled happily when she buried her face into his neck. "Well I like this. We should do this more often. Now the tricky part..." He said as he started to slowly make his way up the stairs thankful he is strong enough to carry her weight and his as he finally made it. "Awesome, finally made it to the top." he said.
Kira:"You just like this because I have to hold onto you." Kira replied, "Wait, top? I was trying to go downstairs not up." she said, "I'm not staying in bed all night."
Reginald: Reginald chuckled a bit as he looked at her for a moment before realizing she can't see him and started to hobble with her to the room. "Well I need to get changed and I don't feel like going all the way down and back up." He said and chuckled right afterwards.
Kira:"Why did you bring me with you?" Kira huffed. She reached out to find the bed and hopped over and sat down. "Getting a shower in and getting changed is going to be a pain in the butt." she said, picking walking with two legs over her sight. She touched her leg and focused on growing it back. She wiggled her new leg a little.
Reginald: "As I said didn't want to run you downstairs and me upstairs again. You can't see so it will be fine." He said as he took his ruined clothes off and put on something clean. It took him a little longer to get dressed but it was fairly easy to do sitting down. "Need me to get you anything while we are here that you can't find yourself?" He asked her.
Kira:Kira bit her lower lip, "Yeah, I guess." she said, "Find me some clothes to wear. Don't care what at the moment, not going anywhere." she said.
Reginald: Reginald nodded his head and went in her drawers and grabbed her some pants, a shirt before passing it to her. "Um here is there anything else?" He asked her.
Kira:Kira felt the items passed to her, "Not sure I want you going into my underwear drawer." she said. She got to her feet, knowing how far away her dresser was to the bed. She put her hand on the top of the dresser, counting down to the drawer that had what she needed. She felt out what items she needed and put them with the pants and shirt he had gotten out. "Surprised you're not trying to put me in a dress." she said. She moved back to the bed then counted how many steps it was to the door, put her hand on the door frame.
Reginald: Reginald chuckled a bit as he moved over to the door and grabbed her hand as he hobbled there. "Just follow me, put your hand on my shoulder and tell me where you want me to bring you." He said as he hobbled towards the stairs slowly. "I don't need you falling down the stairs or anything" He said as he looked at her new leg.
Kira:"I think at this point, we're supporting each other. You got the eyes, I got both legs." Kira replied, holding onto him. She felt out the stairs with her foot. "Well, I'm going to take a shower. So the bathroom is where I'm going." she said.
Reginald: "Alright then, to the bathroom then." He said leading her down the stairs slowly, with a short sigh of frustration he tried to hurry it up a bit. A sigh of relief when they hit the bottom of the stairs could be heard and then he dropped her off at the washroom." Okay here you go, this is as far as I can bring you." he said.
Kira:"I can handle it from here." Kira said, she heard the jingle of cat collars as the cats raced to get into the bathroom before the door closed. "Sof, Artio?" she said, she heard their meows in the bathroom. She pushed the door closed, she felt out where to go, setting her clothes out. Then felt out where the shower was, turning the water on. She unwrapped the bandages from her head and tossed her dirty clothes off to the side. She heard the cats playing back and forth as she took her shower. She wrapped the towel around her as she felt out where her clothes were, feeling Artio paw at her foot. "Hey Artio.." she said, as she carefully made sure her clothes were on right. She towel dried her hair, but couldn't find her hair brush. She opened the door to the bathroom. "Reggie, can you find my hair brush?" she asked as the cats ran out into the living room.
Reginald: Reginald moved over to the couch to wait for her. He pulled out his phone and started surfing the web on it looking to see if anyone was selling any good guns or blades. He really needed to start making money, most of the good stuff was out of his price range. He looked up at Kira's voice and then smiled. "Sure thing, where do you usually keep it? He asked.
Kira:"It should have been here on the counter." Kira said, she ran a hand over the counter but was only finding bottles that were hair products, bottles of bubble bath. "Maybe Sof knocked it off." she said, "Also need you to wrap up my wound."
Reginald: Reginald made his way to the bathroom and then found her brush and handed it to her. "Here you are beautiful." He said and smiled happily. He loved being useful, for her especially.
Kira:"Thanks.." Kira muttered, she wasn't sure about the beautiful part at the moment. She ran the brush through her hair, having no idea how it looked but she really didn't care at the moment. "Can you wrap up my wound now?" she asked.
Reginald: "No problem, and yeah I can wrap your wounds up" He said and went to grab the med kit. "Come sit on the couch, to make it easier for us both." He said and then took her hand giving it a little tug in the direction of the living room.
Kira:Kira followed him, keeping a hand out as to not run into anything. She touched the sofa with her hand, and sat down. She sighed softly, "Guess its one of those nights of just staying home and playing with the animals." she said.
Reginald: Reginald chuckled a bit as he sat down on the couch beside her and nodded. "Yeah, isn't it always though when we beat each other up like that?" He asked her as he started to wrap the bandages around her head to cover her eyes. "Here, this will help them heal I think. Not sure but it's better to bandage them up anyways." He said
Kira:"I rather them to be bandaged up. Sure it can't look too pretty." Kira replied, she felt Artio behind her head, pawing at the bandages. She reached behind her and grabbed the kitten and set her on her lap. "Maybe we should try hand to hand combat next time. No cutting limbs or eyes.." she said.
Reginald: He laughed a bit. "Beauty is on the inside not the out, so you are still beautiful to me." He said and then thought about her next question. "Sure that could work, hand to hand combat might be fun. Definitely not my forte but still, better than losing limbs I guess" He said as he closed the med kit and put it to the side. "So, what do you think about how things are going? Any news on the owl terds? I really haven't been keeping up to date with the happenings of the city." he said.
Kira:"Hand to hand is even more up close and personal than blades.." Kira said, she pulled her legs up on the sofa and laid her head on the back of the sofa, petting Artio. "Nothing going on other than them hacking my businesses websites.." she muttered.
Reginald: Reginald laughed even louder when she tried to sell the idea by telling him it's even more up close and personal. "Oh I know it is, but that doesn't mean it's more my forte or not." He said and then frowned at the mention of them hacking her business. "They really don't like you for some reason do they?" he asked her and then shrugged his shoulders and called Blue over so that he could give the dog a good pet.
Kira:Kira tilted her head, why was he laughing? "Something one should know in case you lose your weapon.." she said, she had meant to say more before but had gotten distracted in her own head. Thinking of New York when she used to use hand to hand a lot. She could only think of using hand to hand one time here but she couldn't remember who it was she was fighting. She petted Artio but the kitten jumped down to play again. "I'm sure they are the ones hacking Lexy's as well." she said, "But since they are so stupid, I know who was hacking mine. And I found a mini nest of their's. Larch Court 12." she said with a smirk. "I have a house in that area too that I use as a music studio."
Reginald: Reginald did know how to defend himself. He practiced martial arts just as much as he practiced shooting and fighting with a blade. Should he tell her? No, she already thinks he is all train, train, train. No need to let her know that yet. "Probably, I wouldn't put it past them. Awesome, we found one of their mini nests. That is pretty cool. Yeah, we can do some hand to hand sometime if you would like." He said as he leaned back on the sofa relaxing. "The owl terds are nothing but trouble." He said.
Kira:"Yes, they are.." Kira replied, "But let's not spend the night talking about them, shall we." she said. She wondered what else was there to talk about. She felt Tucker push his head under her hand, she petted him.
Reginald: "Yeah I agree, talking about them will only put us in a bad mood." He said and then gave blue a little scratch behind the ear as he jumped up on his lap. "What about the elections? What is going on with that? Who is winning?" He asked as he looked over to her with a smile. She looked comfy with the kitten.
Kira:"Gah, that's another bad subject you know." Kira replied as Artio wanted to climb up Tucker to get to Kira. "Bancroft is winning in the polls right now. I have a bad feeling of what is to come if he wins." she said, "I have a plan but I don't know if Lexy and I can pull it off to get Gilbert caught up with Bancroft."
Reginald: Reginald chuckled a bit at that. Another bad one huh? That's two topics he struck out on, it really sucked being anti-social. "I honestly have a bad feeling about any of them winning honestly." He said as he stroked Blue's head gently. "Need any help with that plan of yours? You know I will help you out with anything you need." He said as he looked at her with curious eyes.
Kira:"Funny, I thought you supported the demi-fae." Kira replied, "I was the only who wanted to kill them all. They are all bad choices but the human is the least to be to cause problems. She has a gambling problem, or at least did in the past. So she could be bought or killed later." she said, she looked towards him. "I don't know.." she said. "Lexy and I helped a group of vampire bikers live after getting a high bounty. We got them to leave the city until their bounty went away. I hope that maybe they will help us. IF they act like they support Bancroft, there may be people who will turn their nose up at him. And I can lure humans with my voice, maybe try to plant in their heads images and words that they should vote for Gilbert and not Bancroft."
Reginald: Reginald gave his shoulders a little shrug. "Well, that could help you actually. I think I might want to come with you to help protect you if things go south though. Knowing you they just might." He said and then pursed his lips in thought. "I support him but, honestly if you think that Gilbert is the better choice then I should listen to you because I am not really into reading people and stuff that well." He said.
Kira:Kira moved over to him, finding his shoulder and gripping it. "Why do you think I always get into trouble? I lived as a vampire for two years without you being my protective shadow, guard dog person." she said. "The demi-fae as no chance to win...what's important now is for Bancroft not to win. For all we know the vampire controlling him could have the same views as the owl turds."
Reginald: Reginald raised his brow slightly and then sighed. "Well yeah you did and look at how many times you have been hurt and killed. I am sorry, you are right though. Still I want to be with you just in case. I know you are strong and can take care of yourself but sometimes we need help. I want to be there for you always." He said as he sighed a bit. Too bad the Demi-Fae won't win, he thought that it would of been best if it did.
Kira:Kira sighed, "Fine, yes I do get into a lot of trouble. Even before I met you." she muttered. She touched his face since she couldn't see him. "But I told you, you don't need to follow me if you don't believe in what I'm doing. We certainly didn't agree on the demi-fae.."
Reginald: Reginald smirked victoriously. "Yeah I know you did but it's fine, I believe in what you are doing silly... I agree completely that the other one doesn't need to win. It was either Gilbert or Spencer for me and if Spencer has no way of winning well then... Gilbert should win." He said as he gave her hand a little peck.
Kira:Kira pulled her hand away, "That is really no fair at the moment." she said, not be able to see it coming. "I'm not sure how well you would get along with the bikers though." she said, then again she did set one of their faces on fire when they touched her. He got over that after it was clear that the blondes were there to help them.
Reginald: Reginald shrugged his shoulders."It will be fine, better I am there then not there." He said. Thinking about how bad bikers could be. "Yeah I definitely am coming." He said.
Kira:Kira frowned, "Lexy and I lived with these bikers for a month. We will be fine." she said. She sighed, and moved away from him. There was most likely no talking him out of it, unless she just didn't tell him when she was leaving to do it.
Reginald: Reginald raised a brow looking at her like she is crazy. "You lived with a biker gang for a month?" He asked her now suspicious.
Kira:Well this was a subject she didn't want to get on. "We were helping them not get killed by the owl turds. They were turned and no one to really guide them, they had a huge bounty on their heads. They would only leave town if one of us went with them and I wasn't going to leave Lexy alone." she replied. "We consider them our allies now.."
Reginald: Reginald looked over at her for a long while and then nods with a small sigh. "Why what did they do?" He asked curious now as to what the story is.
Kira:"Normal things that people who were not taught about the rules of our kind. Get caught feeding, using powers in front of people.." Kira replied, she was wishing she could see what faces he was making during this conversation.
Reginald: Reginald raised his brows for a moment. "So it was a random biker gang of vampires that aren't invincible visiting the city? Then the Tytonide wanted to kill them like the savages they are without even talking to them? That is just wrong on so many levels." He said as he furrowed his brows.
Kira:"Biker gang turned into vampires. We assumed that the owl turds would be after them." Kira replied, it was a lot of money, even she would be tempted but that's why Lexy was there to keep her focused. "Thankfully, Lexy and I got to them first.." she said, laying down on one half of the sofa.
Reginald: Reginald shook his head from side to side. "Oh well, they are safe that is all that matters. I hope that nothing bad happened while you were staying with them." He said and then let out a little yawn. "I am thinking I might start hitting bounty targets with money on their head. I need to start making money badly." He said.
Kira:"Nothing happened. They were wry of me since I set someone's face on fire.." Kira muttered, she kicked him. She would have rolled her eyes if she had any at the moment. "You need a group for that. And no one puts targets on their heads unless they are being an ***. Like the owl turds." she said. "Better off collecting all those nice gems and letting me sell them for a higher price."
Reginald: Reginald chuckled a bit when she kicked him. "Hey that wasn't nice, and yeah I guess you are right... The gems don't make me enough money though. That's the problem." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck. He would have to pick up thousands of the suckers to make it worth it.
Kira:"So was you kissing my hand when I can't see." Kira replied. She laughed, "You have no idea how much money I'm making off of those things in caves. The Sapphires are worth a ton." she said.
Reginald: "Yeah I know how much they are worth I have already sold a ton but I still need to get four hundred thousand. Then I need a new sword so that will be another twenty to fifty thousand whenever one pops up on the auction house. Too much money for the things I want. I guess it will just take a while. Just training and killing things means money is slow." He saysm
Kira:"So pretty much the only reason you say its not enough is because your goals are way high." Kira replied, "Well guess that gives more options for me to give for the holidays." she said, feeling Artio flop down on her chest.
Reginald: Reginald stands up slowly and grabs the crutch before he hobbles his way to the stairs." Be right back, I am going to get my gems for you to sell later on. I will leave them on the table." He said as he went to get his sack he had been using to collect them all in. Coming back down stairs he put the gems on the table. "There the first lot." He said.
Kira:Kira smirked, "Good boy. Just don't think about how I get extra money out of them." she said, "The profit is worth it." she said, "Once I'm healed, I'll get to it."
Reginald: Reginald nodded his head slightly. "Yeah, it will take a while to save up but I will manage it eventually." He said as he sat down and flipped through his phone.
Kira:Kira had nothing to add to that, she moved her finger around as Artio pawed at her finger and chewed on her.
Reginald: Reginald peered over at Artio and smiled. " Playful little kitten huh?" He asked and then thought for a moment. "If you shape shifted into your cat form would you be able to see?" He asked curious as to if she would still have the injuries.
Kira:"Kittens tend to be." Kira replied, she paused a moment. She played with Artio again, "I have no idea." she said, "Not sure I want to change into my cat form, only not able to see and have to figure out how to get dressed again."
Reginald: Reginald chuckled a bit and then shrugged. "Well if you changed into your cat form you could stay that way until you healed. Then you could see to get dressed again." He said and then looked over at Blue who was napping at the foot of the sofa. "But if not that's fine. Best if you wait." He said.
Kira:"Maybe you're just wanting kitty cuddles." Kira replied, and as if on que, Sof flopped down on her as well. "I'm not sure if being in a kitty form would help any."
7:11:37 AM
Reginald: Reginald smiled at that and then nodded. "Yes, some kitty cuddles would be really nice but no, let's just relax I guess. Oh, I forgot to ask lately. How are the traps coming along?" He asked her curious if she has repaired some of the defenses to the fort.
Kira:Kira listened to the purring of the cats. "I have the first floor trapped up to the stairs. Not as stacked as I would like but it would do." she replied. "I haven't been able to work on traps that much lately.." she said.
Reginald: Reginald smirked at that. First floor is trapped to the stairs. That is a really good sign. Things are progressing nicely. "That's fine any progress is good progress." He said.
Kira:"Yes it is, but that cave is a bit distracting, so many nice things to sell and things to fight." Kira said, she held Artio and Sof, who were curled up on her.
Reginald: Reginald laughed a bit. "Yeah I know isn't it? Good fights too. They aren't like the weak hunters or pallies in the sewer." he said as he let out a little yawn. "I might turn in here soon I am getting sleepy." He said.
Kira:"Not cut out for nights doing nothing?" Kira replied, she wasn't sure if extra rest helped with healing or not, other than a killer's healing trance. "Hmm, don't think I can go anywhere. They're asleep aren't they?" She asked about the cats.
Reginald: Reginald smirked a bit. "Not cut out for nights being injured. You know I sleep most of my wounds off be them physical or psychological" He said as he stood up slowly and smiled. "Going to stay here or do you want me to lead you to bed too? Or mabye I can just sleep at your feet." he said
Kira:"I rather go to bed." Kira replied, she sat up a little and Sof protested. Artio meowed, gripping Kira's shirt. She got to her feet, Sof ran up the stairs and meowed. Kira turned towards the meowing as she held Artio with one hand and made sure she didn't run into anything with the other.
Reginald: Reginald smiled as he took Kira's hand and led her up to the bedroom slowly as he hobbled his way up there. "It's okay, I figured you would want to come to bed. I still wish I could sleep at your feet but I won't push it." He said as he smiled at Blue who was following them.
Kira:"There isn't enough room for a person there, not to say it only takes a bad dream to start kicking." Kira said, Sof got up on the bed and meowed before laying down.
Reginald: Reginald chuckled a bit and then closed his eyes. "I would love to be sucked into one of those dreams again and be your savior." He said as he laid out on the floor of the bed closing his eyes with a little yawn.
Kira:"Oh yes, you just love saving me. No matter if its dream or real.." Kira muttered as she pulled the covers over her after getting into bed. Artio snuggled into her.
Kira found herself standing in front of a dock. It was dark and the sea breeze left the air misty. The ships were old looking, she looked down at her cloches, the dress was old too. She couldn't place exactly the time frame. She turned towards the town, wondering where she was.
The two other men grabbed her arms, dragging her into the alley. Kira kicked the third man, kicking him in the face. He recovered and gripped her neck with both hands. "You *****.." but Kira kicked him between the legs next. He doubled over on the ground. Kira was shifted to one man who had her arms pinned to her sides. "You going to regret that.."
"Cowards. I'd kick your *** one on one!" Kira growled at them.
Reginald: Reginald wasn't asleep long before he was pulled into her dream. He looked around and sighed, it must be a nightmare because he had his gun and sword ready. He started to look for Kira, sensing her troubles. He took a calming breath and then sped off in search for her. He heard laughter and Kira's voice as he passed one alleyway. Doubling back he walked into it slowly. His brows furrowed as he looked at the three men manhandling her. "Seriously now Kira, dreaming about this sort of stuff? Do you really like me saving your butt that much? Okay guys, I am sorry but you screwed up and now you are going to die in this dream." He said as he pulled out his new blade turning it over to show it's razor sharp edge gleaming in the moonlight.
Kira:Kira huffed, "Maybe my dreams just like boosting your ego." she snapped. She pushed back, hitting the man holding her from behind into the wall while the other two attacked Reggie.
Reginald: Reginald punched one guy right in the face, his muscles in his arms bulging out as he turned the flat of his blade and smacked the one guy across the face with it. A small smirk formed on his lips as he stared at the men. "Well, you have two choices, kneel down and beg her for forgiveness or die. I am serious too." He said as he flashed them all a wicked grin.
Kira:Kira moved away from the one who had a hold of her, "Why don't you just kill them? You know you want to." she said, she took a blade from one of them. They acted like cowards now, and they sure sobered up.
"I'm sorry.." the man said. Kira just shook her head, "I'm not forgiving.." she said, "You...need to die.." she said, putting her hand under his chin and cut open his throat.
Reginald: Reginald watched Kira and then moved to lean against a building. "Go for it, it would make you happier to kill them anyways. I did my job, you are save now and they can just beg for mercy. I bet they would of shown you none so it's up to you to kill them." He said as he strapped his blade to his side and smiled.
Kira:Kira let the body drop to the floor, one of them got up to run for it, Kira threw the blade into his leg which made him land on the ground again. He whimpered, she could hear him pleading softly to just let him go. "I'm not in a mercy giving mood." she said darkly. She took the blade out of his leg. She gripped his shirt, stabbing him in his chest. She killed off the last man, tossing the blade aside. She stepped over the bodies and left the alley with a sigh.
Reginald: Reginald pushed off the wall and followed closely behind her. He smiled a bit and then reached over and patted her on the shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. I have nightmares as well, I would much rather have nightmares like this than the ones I have though. Plus, I will always protect you." He said with a small smile.
Kira:Kira shrugged, "I need to research on how to control dreams, shape them to something else." she said, "Even if...all these places seem like I've been here before." she said. She turned towards him, "And I do think these dreams boost your ego." she said, she turned away and headed down the cobble street. A dream or not, it was best to put some distance to dead bodies.
Kira:Kira shrugged, "I need to research on how to control dreams, shape them to something else." she said, "Even if...all these places seem like I've been here before." she said. She turned towards him, "And I do think these dreams boost your ego." she said, she turned away and headed down the cobble street. A dream or not, it was best to put some distance to dead bodies.
Reginald: He shakes his head a bit. "Naw, because then you might figure out how to come into my nightmares. I don't want you seeing those nightmares, they are way too.. Bad." He said as he moved to wrap his arms around her from behind stopping her on the cobble street. "Kira, I think it's time I told you something." He said.
Kira:Kira stopped moving when he wrapped his arms around her. "If you see my nightmares, isn't it fair for me to see yours and help you?" she said, she looked back at him. "What?"
Reginald: Reginald couldn't help but to smile a bit and then whisper softly into her ear. "I don't know what you would to help me, when my nightmares involve you leaving me for someone stronger or getting kidnapped forever or.. death." He said as he kisses her neck gently. "I just wanted to ask you something but let's go sit down first." He said as he looked for somewhere to sit.
Kira:"I thought I told you, you don't have to worry about that." Kira replied, "Well, death can't be helped, won't stay dead for long though.." she said. She shuddered slightly, she sure wasn't used to be kissed there. "Hum, okay.." she said. She moved down the street where there was a park, just like the streets, lit by gas lamps. She sat down on the bench in the park. "So, what is it?" she asked, wondering what it was.
Reginald: Reginald smiled a bit and then shook his head. "Worry or not I can't control my dreams. When you die it's always outside of the city." He said and then followed her to the park bench before plopping down. Wrapping an arm around her, he tugged her towards him. "I am going to start being more intimate around you Kira, I love you and I really want to be able to show you that" He said.
Kira:"Oh...dying outside the city is a different story.." Kira said. She blinked, she was a little confused. First he wanted to tell her something, then he wanted to ask her something. Then this. "In-Intimate?" she said, she didn't dare look at him. "I think you already show that you love me enough...you say it a lot.." she said, "I...thought you were going to let me get used to such things.."
Reginald: Reginald smirked a bit at that and then looked into her eyes, pulling back a bit. "Well, just a little more intimate, just relax against me until the dream is over. I love you, and I just want to spend the rest of this dream cuddling. Just imagine this a s a nightmare." He said with a small chuckle.
Kira:Kira stared at him, "Dream cuddles.." she said, she suppose she could do that. "Imagine this as a nightmare?" she asked confused. She leaned into him, "There was a time...that being close to a male would have been a nightmare.."
Reginald: Reginald shrugged his shoulders and then turn to his side just a bit and wrapped both arms around her. He cradled her in his arms and then smiled. "Dream cuddles are awesome." He said as he pulled her closer to himself until he was squeezing her quite a bit. As if he could never have her close enough to himself.
Kira:Kira closed her eyes, "At least you can't killer hug me.." she muttered, resting her head on him. "Even though it seems you are always your vampire self in my dreams.."
Reginald: He can't help but to laugh as he rests his head against hers, his hands locking behind her back as he lets out a happy sigh. "Yeah, well I think that is all you know me as really. As the vampire Reggie you love with all your heart." He said with a huge smile on his face.
Kira:"Suppose that is true. I only knew you as human for a short time.." Kira replied, she stared at the park, the trees, some flowers. Love with all her heart? She still wasn't sure what love felt like. She looked up at him, "You think so?" she asked seriously. "Have I...come across that way? I...still don't know what I feel. I do care about you a lot.."
Reginald: Unlocking his hand s he brings one up to gently run his fingertips across her cheek before cupping it in his hand looking her dead in the eyes. "I am sure of it, next time you get shot in the heart or stabbed. I guess we will know for sure but.. I will never hurt or betray you. I care about you more than anything else in this world. You mean so much to me Kira. So very much." He said and then leaned his head forward to kiss the corner of her mouth lightly.
Kira:"Sure it won't be long before something happens to my heart again.." Kira replied, it seemed like she always got hit there. "It's comforting to know that.." she said, it was always a fear of being hurt and betrayed. She wasn't sure what to think of that kiss. She was surprised he hadn't tried to kiss her since that first one they shared.
Reginald: Reginald couldn't help but to laugh a bit at that. "Yeah, I know the way trouble seems to love you it won't be long at all." He said and then sighed. "Yes I know..." He said and then held her face close to his chest.
Kira:"You make it seem like I always get into trouble." Kira muttered, she sighed softly and closed her eyes. She lifted her head as she heard meowing. She laughed, "I think my alarm will go off soon if the kitties are meowing."
Reginald: Reginald couldn't help but to laugh yet again. "Kitties are meowing, and this good dream is almost over." He said and then sighed as he leaned back. "Then I am ending it with a kiss." He said as he leaned forward to press his lips against hers gently.
Kira:"There will be other dreams.." Kira replied, she blinked but didn't fight the kiss. She was pulled from the dream as the Celtic music played. She searched for her phone to turn it off. She pushed the bandages off her face, she blinked a couple of times and came face to face with a kitty face. "Hungry?" she said, Sof meowed at her.
Reginald: Reginald woke up and then let out a little sigh. "Okay, that was a good dream. Looks like I am all healed up to finally. We can finally go do something." He said as he stood up slowly and looked around with a yawn.
Kira:Kira sat up, peering down at Reggie. "And what do you want to do?" she asked. She jumped out of bed, collecting her clothes as Sof and Artio meowed for food.
Reginald: He looked up at her with a huge smile. "Kill some things and stuff? Maybe duel again, or perhaps just take it easy and work on the fort? I don't know take your pick." He said his smile not faltering.
Kira:"I'm not sure I want to be missing my eyes or legs again so soon. So no dueling." Kira replied, she set her clothes on her bed. "Unless its hand to hand." she said, she grabbed his wrist and pulled his arm behind his back. "Things that can come in handy sometimes." she said, she kissed his cheek, letting go of his arm and grabbed her clothes. "What needs to be done on the fort other than traps?" she asked, heading downstairs to feed the cats.
Reginald: Reginald let out a little chuckle at that. Then blinked rapidly in surprise as she restrained him. "Well someone is frisky today." He said in playful voice and then smirked as he looked at her. "Well to not make it look like a boring building and to make it more homey?" He said.
Kira:"Frisky?" Kira replied, "Maybe...I am cat like.." she said, setting her clothes down to feed the cats. "Didn't think it was suppose to look homey. I do have plans for some of the open parts on the first and top floors but other than that, its black out, no need to make pretty what they can't see." she said, "And you were going to help with that?"
Reginald: He laughed a bit and smiled even wider. "My precious little kitty cat." He said as he looked her over and sighed. Oh how he wanted her so badly but how he couldn't disrespect her need to go slow. "The top floor can look nice though. It is where we could be hiding away for months you know." He said.
Kira:Kira tilted her head, "Cat and dog, the odd couple." she said, she moved away from the cats who were distracted with wet food. Once Artio was a bit bigger, she wouldn't give them so much soft food. "Well yeah, that's why I wanted all those things up there. Won't need to leave." she said. "So maybe a sofa, a TV, radio...or would it be a sleeper sofa. Hmm, not sure how many people we need to house yet." she said, picking up her clothes. "I'm going to go shower now that I can see what I'm doing again." she said, heading off to the bathroom to take her shower. Sof and Artio was done eating, going through the whole I must clean now but then went to the bathroom door and clawed at it, meowing. Kira came out, pulling her hair up. "Silly kitties.." she said. Sof decided to chase Himesh around but she was only playing.
Reginald: Reginald smirked. "Silly little kitties indeed. Alright, so negative on decorating the fort... How about we go kill some things? It's been a while since we have done that." He said thinking about how well she can kill the baddies.
Kira: Kira shrugged, "I have to be in the mood to work on decorating and today just isn't one of them." She said. She thought about it, "Alright, guess it has been awhile since we hunted together." She said.
Reginald: [/color][/b Reginald smirked a bit and then gave her a little nudge. "Alright, so want to try out fadebeasties? I have an itch I want to settle with one actually. The one that killed me and tried to kill you." He said as he looked at her with a smile remembering the day that changed his life for the better. Him running at a fadebeast with a helmet... Good times. He thought to himself and then laughed a little at how naive and stupid he was. He wouldn't have done anything different though. He doesn't regret it, he is proud of himself oddly enough,
Kira: Kira raised an eyebrow. "Why fadebeasts...?" she said. She wondered if she even stood a chance against one, as much as she tried. "How do you suppose we find the same one? It could already be dead." she said, gathering her things.
Reginald: Reginald gave his shoulders a little shrug. "I don't know, I just feel like killing one again. I mean if you don't think you are up to it that's fine we can start off small and do the sewers." He said as he looked at her.
Kira: Kira's hand twitched, "You trying to say I can't take one on?" she said. She huffed and headed out the door.
Reginald: Reginald followed after Kira, with a small playful smirk on his face. He looked her over from behind and wasn't going to complain not one bit that she was walking out in front. "Pfft, not saying you can or cannot kill one. Just that you haven't yet and I have." he said as if challenging her.
Kira: Kira turned around with a glare, "Why you.." she growled. She jumped at him, tackling him to the ground. "Bragging is unbecoming." she breathed in his ear. It was one of rare things she would get jealous over when someone else beat a hard to beat beast and she hadn't yet.
Reginald: Reginald let out a playful growl as he was laid out on the ground. Wrapping his arms around her middle he held her tight against himself. "If you wanted to cuddle all you had to do is ask, jeez. No need to run into my arms like that." he said.
Kira: Kira growled, "That's not what I'm doing." she said, she pushed against him. "Let go." she pulled away from him and got to her feet. Taking off to the courts, there were sometimes fadebeasts there.
Reginald: Reginald followed after her. Smirking and remembering to note that it is really easy to get her all worked up. "I bet you ten dollars I am going to have to save your butt if you fight a fade beastie." He said playfully.
Kira: "Seems you asking for a beat down yourself. " Kira replied with a growl. She was on the prowl for a fadebeast, she just had to fight one now. She would be completely pissed if Reggie had to come in and save her.
Kira spotted a fadebeast, she grinned. She ran forward, wrestling it down, her hands lit up about to burn it but it knocked her off and ran behind a tree, peering at her.
Kira mind blocked it as her nails turned into razor sharp claws, she lashed out at it.
She filled the creature's mind with confusing and distracting images
Kira took out her gun called Hades, fire off a few shots. The bullets into its
Kira ran forward, twisting in the air, firing off shots, rolling on the ground and landed behind a tree. She ran towards the creature, trying to throw it but it rolled on the ground.
Kira fired again, hitting it close to its heart. She kept moving, firing into its face then it's heart again. It slumped to the ground, of a body came apart.
Kira stared a moment, her eyes like a cat but full of fire from the fight.
Reginald: Reginald stood back and watched her with his arms crossed over his chest. A small proud smile on his face as he watched her fight it. She was doing very well, he didn't dare blink. She was so beautiful and graceful when she fought, it was like art at least to him anyways. When she finally landed the killing blow he started clapping his hands. "Congratulations on your first fadebeast. You did amazing Kira." He said to her.
Kira: Kira turned to him, "Guess its just not wise on getting close to certain creatures. I need to get better with guns.." she said with a sigh. She didn't like using guns but it seemed like it was the only way to kill certain things. She crossed over, still looking like she was stalking prey. She wrapped her arms around his neck, nuzzling her face in his neck but one hand sneaked off to his pocket. "Where's my $10 Reggie?" she mused.
Reginald: Reginald smiled a bit and then nodded his head. "Yeah it's easier to kill certain things with a gun, others easier to kill with a blade if you can get close enough." he said and then smiled wider as she wrapped her arms around him. He wrapped his arms around her back and then felt her hand sneaking towards his pocket. Leaning his face forward he whispers into her ear softly. "There should be a few tens in my pocket, just take them. No need to be sneaky about it my love." He said to her.
Kira: Kira grinned, "I take your money all the time, just trying to distract you in case you try to back out on that bet." she said, freeing him of his money and walked off. Completing her mission of his money, she was still hyped up from the fight though. She bounced slightly on her feet, "What we going to do now?"
Reginald: Reginald laughed a bit and stuck his tongue out at here. "Well my money is your money anyways. I would never back out of a bet by the way, what kind of man do you think I am." he said with a huge grin on his face. "Well, what are we going to do now? That is a good question. Any ideas my love?" he asked her.
Kira: "Your money is my money? I didn't think couples think that way until they're married." Kira replied, she moved back to him. "What kind of man? Aw, did I hurt your feelings?" she said. She tilted her head, "I need to fight more..." she said, "Wanna play?" she asked.
Reginald: He laughed a bit at that, and then smiled happily when she buried her face into his neck. "Well I like this. We should do this more often. Now the tricky part..." He said as he started to slowly make his way up the stairs thankful he is strong enough to carry her weight and his as he finally made it. "Awesome, finally made it to the top." he said.
Kira:"You just like this because I have to hold onto you." Kira replied, "Wait, top? I was trying to go downstairs not up." she said, "I'm not staying in bed all night."
Reginald: Reginald chuckled a bit as he looked at her for a moment before realizing she can't see him and started to hobble with her to the room. "Well I need to get changed and I don't feel like going all the way down and back up." He said and chuckled right afterwards.
Kira:"Why did you bring me with you?" Kira huffed. She reached out to find the bed and hopped over and sat down. "Getting a shower in and getting changed is going to be a pain in the butt." she said, picking walking with two legs over her sight. She touched her leg and focused on growing it back. She wiggled her new leg a little.
Reginald: "As I said didn't want to run you downstairs and me upstairs again. You can't see so it will be fine." He said as he took his ruined clothes off and put on something clean. It took him a little longer to get dressed but it was fairly easy to do sitting down. "Need me to get you anything while we are here that you can't find yourself?" He asked her.
Kira:Kira bit her lower lip, "Yeah, I guess." she said, "Find me some clothes to wear. Don't care what at the moment, not going anywhere." she said.
Reginald: Reginald nodded his head and went in her drawers and grabbed her some pants, a shirt before passing it to her. "Um here is there anything else?" He asked her.
Kira:Kira felt the items passed to her, "Not sure I want you going into my underwear drawer." she said. She got to her feet, knowing how far away her dresser was to the bed. She put her hand on the top of the dresser, counting down to the drawer that had what she needed. She felt out what items she needed and put them with the pants and shirt he had gotten out. "Surprised you're not trying to put me in a dress." she said. She moved back to the bed then counted how many steps it was to the door, put her hand on the door frame.
Reginald: Reginald chuckled a bit as he moved over to the door and grabbed her hand as he hobbled there. "Just follow me, put your hand on my shoulder and tell me where you want me to bring you." He said as he hobbled towards the stairs slowly. "I don't need you falling down the stairs or anything" He said as he looked at her new leg.
Kira:"I think at this point, we're supporting each other. You got the eyes, I got both legs." Kira replied, holding onto him. She felt out the stairs with her foot. "Well, I'm going to take a shower. So the bathroom is where I'm going." she said.
Reginald: "Alright then, to the bathroom then." He said leading her down the stairs slowly, with a short sigh of frustration he tried to hurry it up a bit. A sigh of relief when they hit the bottom of the stairs could be heard and then he dropped her off at the washroom." Okay here you go, this is as far as I can bring you." he said.
Kira:"I can handle it from here." Kira said, she heard the jingle of cat collars as the cats raced to get into the bathroom before the door closed. "Sof, Artio?" she said, she heard their meows in the bathroom. She pushed the door closed, she felt out where to go, setting her clothes out. Then felt out where the shower was, turning the water on. She unwrapped the bandages from her head and tossed her dirty clothes off to the side. She heard the cats playing back and forth as she took her shower. She wrapped the towel around her as she felt out where her clothes were, feeling Artio paw at her foot. "Hey Artio.." she said, as she carefully made sure her clothes were on right. She towel dried her hair, but couldn't find her hair brush. She opened the door to the bathroom. "Reggie, can you find my hair brush?" she asked as the cats ran out into the living room.
Reginald: Reginald moved over to the couch to wait for her. He pulled out his phone and started surfing the web on it looking to see if anyone was selling any good guns or blades. He really needed to start making money, most of the good stuff was out of his price range. He looked up at Kira's voice and then smiled. "Sure thing, where do you usually keep it? He asked.
Kira:"It should have been here on the counter." Kira said, she ran a hand over the counter but was only finding bottles that were hair products, bottles of bubble bath. "Maybe Sof knocked it off." she said, "Also need you to wrap up my wound."
Reginald: Reginald made his way to the bathroom and then found her brush and handed it to her. "Here you are beautiful." He said and smiled happily. He loved being useful, for her especially.
Kira:"Thanks.." Kira muttered, she wasn't sure about the beautiful part at the moment. She ran the brush through her hair, having no idea how it looked but she really didn't care at the moment. "Can you wrap up my wound now?" she asked.
Reginald: "No problem, and yeah I can wrap your wounds up" He said and went to grab the med kit. "Come sit on the couch, to make it easier for us both." He said and then took her hand giving it a little tug in the direction of the living room.
Kira:Kira followed him, keeping a hand out as to not run into anything. She touched the sofa with her hand, and sat down. She sighed softly, "Guess its one of those nights of just staying home and playing with the animals." she said.
Reginald: Reginald chuckled a bit as he sat down on the couch beside her and nodded. "Yeah, isn't it always though when we beat each other up like that?" He asked her as he started to wrap the bandages around her head to cover her eyes. "Here, this will help them heal I think. Not sure but it's better to bandage them up anyways." He said
Kira:"I rather them to be bandaged up. Sure it can't look too pretty." Kira replied, she felt Artio behind her head, pawing at the bandages. She reached behind her and grabbed the kitten and set her on her lap. "Maybe we should try hand to hand combat next time. No cutting limbs or eyes.." she said.
Reginald: He laughed a bit. "Beauty is on the inside not the out, so you are still beautiful to me." He said and then thought about her next question. "Sure that could work, hand to hand combat might be fun. Definitely not my forte but still, better than losing limbs I guess" He said as he closed the med kit and put it to the side. "So, what do you think about how things are going? Any news on the owl terds? I really haven't been keeping up to date with the happenings of the city." he said.
Kira:"Hand to hand is even more up close and personal than blades.." Kira said, she pulled her legs up on the sofa and laid her head on the back of the sofa, petting Artio. "Nothing going on other than them hacking my businesses websites.." she muttered.
Reginald: Reginald laughed even louder when she tried to sell the idea by telling him it's even more up close and personal. "Oh I know it is, but that doesn't mean it's more my forte or not." He said and then frowned at the mention of them hacking her business. "They really don't like you for some reason do they?" he asked her and then shrugged his shoulders and called Blue over so that he could give the dog a good pet.
Kira:Kira tilted her head, why was he laughing? "Something one should know in case you lose your weapon.." she said, she had meant to say more before but had gotten distracted in her own head. Thinking of New York when she used to use hand to hand a lot. She could only think of using hand to hand one time here but she couldn't remember who it was she was fighting. She petted Artio but the kitten jumped down to play again. "I'm sure they are the ones hacking Lexy's as well." she said, "But since they are so stupid, I know who was hacking mine. And I found a mini nest of their's. Larch Court 12." she said with a smirk. "I have a house in that area too that I use as a music studio."
Reginald: Reginald did know how to defend himself. He practiced martial arts just as much as he practiced shooting and fighting with a blade. Should he tell her? No, she already thinks he is all train, train, train. No need to let her know that yet. "Probably, I wouldn't put it past them. Awesome, we found one of their mini nests. That is pretty cool. Yeah, we can do some hand to hand sometime if you would like." He said as he leaned back on the sofa relaxing. "The owl terds are nothing but trouble." He said.
Kira:"Yes, they are.." Kira replied, "But let's not spend the night talking about them, shall we." she said. She wondered what else was there to talk about. She felt Tucker push his head under her hand, she petted him.
Reginald: "Yeah I agree, talking about them will only put us in a bad mood." He said and then gave blue a little scratch behind the ear as he jumped up on his lap. "What about the elections? What is going on with that? Who is winning?" He asked as he looked over to her with a smile. She looked comfy with the kitten.
Kira:"Gah, that's another bad subject you know." Kira replied as Artio wanted to climb up Tucker to get to Kira. "Bancroft is winning in the polls right now. I have a bad feeling of what is to come if he wins." she said, "I have a plan but I don't know if Lexy and I can pull it off to get Gilbert caught up with Bancroft."
Reginald: Reginald chuckled a bit at that. Another bad one huh? That's two topics he struck out on, it really sucked being anti-social. "I honestly have a bad feeling about any of them winning honestly." He said as he stroked Blue's head gently. "Need any help with that plan of yours? You know I will help you out with anything you need." He said as he looked at her with curious eyes.
Kira:"Funny, I thought you supported the demi-fae." Kira replied, "I was the only who wanted to kill them all. They are all bad choices but the human is the least to be to cause problems. She has a gambling problem, or at least did in the past. So she could be bought or killed later." she said, she looked towards him. "I don't know.." she said. "Lexy and I helped a group of vampire bikers live after getting a high bounty. We got them to leave the city until their bounty went away. I hope that maybe they will help us. IF they act like they support Bancroft, there may be people who will turn their nose up at him. And I can lure humans with my voice, maybe try to plant in their heads images and words that they should vote for Gilbert and not Bancroft."
Reginald: Reginald gave his shoulders a little shrug. "Well, that could help you actually. I think I might want to come with you to help protect you if things go south though. Knowing you they just might." He said and then pursed his lips in thought. "I support him but, honestly if you think that Gilbert is the better choice then I should listen to you because I am not really into reading people and stuff that well." He said.
Kira:Kira moved over to him, finding his shoulder and gripping it. "Why do you think I always get into trouble? I lived as a vampire for two years without you being my protective shadow, guard dog person." she said. "The demi-fae as no chance to win...what's important now is for Bancroft not to win. For all we know the vampire controlling him could have the same views as the owl turds."
Reginald: Reginald raised his brow slightly and then sighed. "Well yeah you did and look at how many times you have been hurt and killed. I am sorry, you are right though. Still I want to be with you just in case. I know you are strong and can take care of yourself but sometimes we need help. I want to be there for you always." He said as he sighed a bit. Too bad the Demi-Fae won't win, he thought that it would of been best if it did.
Kira:Kira sighed, "Fine, yes I do get into a lot of trouble. Even before I met you." she muttered. She touched his face since she couldn't see him. "But I told you, you don't need to follow me if you don't believe in what I'm doing. We certainly didn't agree on the demi-fae.."
Reginald: Reginald smirked victoriously. "Yeah I know you did but it's fine, I believe in what you are doing silly... I agree completely that the other one doesn't need to win. It was either Gilbert or Spencer for me and if Spencer has no way of winning well then... Gilbert should win." He said as he gave her hand a little peck.
Kira:Kira pulled her hand away, "That is really no fair at the moment." she said, not be able to see it coming. "I'm not sure how well you would get along with the bikers though." she said, then again she did set one of their faces on fire when they touched her. He got over that after it was clear that the blondes were there to help them.
Reginald: Reginald shrugged his shoulders."It will be fine, better I am there then not there." He said. Thinking about how bad bikers could be. "Yeah I definitely am coming." He said.
Kira:Kira frowned, "Lexy and I lived with these bikers for a month. We will be fine." she said. She sighed, and moved away from him. There was most likely no talking him out of it, unless she just didn't tell him when she was leaving to do it.
Reginald: Reginald raised a brow looking at her like she is crazy. "You lived with a biker gang for a month?" He asked her now suspicious.
Kira:Well this was a subject she didn't want to get on. "We were helping them not get killed by the owl turds. They were turned and no one to really guide them, they had a huge bounty on their heads. They would only leave town if one of us went with them and I wasn't going to leave Lexy alone." she replied. "We consider them our allies now.."
Reginald: Reginald looked over at her for a long while and then nods with a small sigh. "Why what did they do?" He asked curious now as to what the story is.
Kira:"Normal things that people who were not taught about the rules of our kind. Get caught feeding, using powers in front of people.." Kira replied, she was wishing she could see what faces he was making during this conversation.
Reginald: Reginald raised his brows for a moment. "So it was a random biker gang of vampires that aren't invincible visiting the city? Then the Tytonide wanted to kill them like the savages they are without even talking to them? That is just wrong on so many levels." He said as he furrowed his brows.
Kira:"Biker gang turned into vampires. We assumed that the owl turds would be after them." Kira replied, it was a lot of money, even she would be tempted but that's why Lexy was there to keep her focused. "Thankfully, Lexy and I got to them first.." she said, laying down on one half of the sofa.
Reginald: Reginald shook his head from side to side. "Oh well, they are safe that is all that matters. I hope that nothing bad happened while you were staying with them." He said and then let out a little yawn. "I am thinking I might start hitting bounty targets with money on their head. I need to start making money badly." He said.
Kira:"Nothing happened. They were wry of me since I set someone's face on fire.." Kira muttered, she kicked him. She would have rolled her eyes if she had any at the moment. "You need a group for that. And no one puts targets on their heads unless they are being an ***. Like the owl turds." she said. "Better off collecting all those nice gems and letting me sell them for a higher price."
Reginald: Reginald chuckled a bit when she kicked him. "Hey that wasn't nice, and yeah I guess you are right... The gems don't make me enough money though. That's the problem." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck. He would have to pick up thousands of the suckers to make it worth it.
Kira:"So was you kissing my hand when I can't see." Kira replied. She laughed, "You have no idea how much money I'm making off of those things in caves. The Sapphires are worth a ton." she said.
Reginald: "Yeah I know how much they are worth I have already sold a ton but I still need to get four hundred thousand. Then I need a new sword so that will be another twenty to fifty thousand whenever one pops up on the auction house. Too much money for the things I want. I guess it will just take a while. Just training and killing things means money is slow." He saysm
Kira:"So pretty much the only reason you say its not enough is because your goals are way high." Kira replied, "Well guess that gives more options for me to give for the holidays." she said, feeling Artio flop down on her chest.
Reginald: Reginald stands up slowly and grabs the crutch before he hobbles his way to the stairs." Be right back, I am going to get my gems for you to sell later on. I will leave them on the table." He said as he went to get his sack he had been using to collect them all in. Coming back down stairs he put the gems on the table. "There the first lot." He said.
Kira:Kira smirked, "Good boy. Just don't think about how I get extra money out of them." she said, "The profit is worth it." she said, "Once I'm healed, I'll get to it."
Reginald: Reginald nodded his head slightly. "Yeah, it will take a while to save up but I will manage it eventually." He said as he sat down and flipped through his phone.
Kira:Kira had nothing to add to that, she moved her finger around as Artio pawed at her finger and chewed on her.
Reginald: Reginald peered over at Artio and smiled. " Playful little kitten huh?" He asked and then thought for a moment. "If you shape shifted into your cat form would you be able to see?" He asked curious as to if she would still have the injuries.
Kira:"Kittens tend to be." Kira replied, she paused a moment. She played with Artio again, "I have no idea." she said, "Not sure I want to change into my cat form, only not able to see and have to figure out how to get dressed again."
Reginald: Reginald chuckled a bit and then shrugged. "Well if you changed into your cat form you could stay that way until you healed. Then you could see to get dressed again." He said and then looked over at Blue who was napping at the foot of the sofa. "But if not that's fine. Best if you wait." He said.
Kira:"Maybe you're just wanting kitty cuddles." Kira replied, and as if on que, Sof flopped down on her as well. "I'm not sure if being in a kitty form would help any."
7:11:37 AM
Reginald: Reginald smiled at that and then nodded. "Yes, some kitty cuddles would be really nice but no, let's just relax I guess. Oh, I forgot to ask lately. How are the traps coming along?" He asked her curious if she has repaired some of the defenses to the fort.
Kira:Kira listened to the purring of the cats. "I have the first floor trapped up to the stairs. Not as stacked as I would like but it would do." she replied. "I haven't been able to work on traps that much lately.." she said.
Reginald: Reginald smirked at that. First floor is trapped to the stairs. That is a really good sign. Things are progressing nicely. "That's fine any progress is good progress." He said.
Kira:"Yes it is, but that cave is a bit distracting, so many nice things to sell and things to fight." Kira said, she held Artio and Sof, who were curled up on her.
Reginald: Reginald laughed a bit. "Yeah I know isn't it? Good fights too. They aren't like the weak hunters or pallies in the sewer." he said as he let out a little yawn. "I might turn in here soon I am getting sleepy." He said.
Kira:"Not cut out for nights doing nothing?" Kira replied, she wasn't sure if extra rest helped with healing or not, other than a killer's healing trance. "Hmm, don't think I can go anywhere. They're asleep aren't they?" She asked about the cats.
Reginald: Reginald smirked a bit. "Not cut out for nights being injured. You know I sleep most of my wounds off be them physical or psychological" He said as he stood up slowly and smiled. "Going to stay here or do you want me to lead you to bed too? Or mabye I can just sleep at your feet." he said
Kira:"I rather go to bed." Kira replied, she sat up a little and Sof protested. Artio meowed, gripping Kira's shirt. She got to her feet, Sof ran up the stairs and meowed. Kira turned towards the meowing as she held Artio with one hand and made sure she didn't run into anything with the other.
Reginald: Reginald smiled as he took Kira's hand and led her up to the bedroom slowly as he hobbled his way up there. "It's okay, I figured you would want to come to bed. I still wish I could sleep at your feet but I won't push it." He said as he smiled at Blue who was following them.
Kira:"There isn't enough room for a person there, not to say it only takes a bad dream to start kicking." Kira said, Sof got up on the bed and meowed before laying down.
Reginald: Reginald chuckled a bit and then closed his eyes. "I would love to be sucked into one of those dreams again and be your savior." He said as he laid out on the floor of the bed closing his eyes with a little yawn.
Kira:"Oh yes, you just love saving me. No matter if its dream or real.." Kira muttered as she pulled the covers over her after getting into bed. Artio snuggled into her.
Kira found herself standing in front of a dock. It was dark and the sea breeze left the air misty. The ships were old looking, she looked down at her cloches, the dress was old too. She couldn't place exactly the time frame. She turned towards the town, wondering where she was.
The two other men grabbed her arms, dragging her into the alley. Kira kicked the third man, kicking him in the face. He recovered and gripped her neck with both hands. "You *****.." but Kira kicked him between the legs next. He doubled over on the ground. Kira was shifted to one man who had her arms pinned to her sides. "You going to regret that.."
"Cowards. I'd kick your *** one on one!" Kira growled at them.
Reginald: Reginald wasn't asleep long before he was pulled into her dream. He looked around and sighed, it must be a nightmare because he had his gun and sword ready. He started to look for Kira, sensing her troubles. He took a calming breath and then sped off in search for her. He heard laughter and Kira's voice as he passed one alleyway. Doubling back he walked into it slowly. His brows furrowed as he looked at the three men manhandling her. "Seriously now Kira, dreaming about this sort of stuff? Do you really like me saving your butt that much? Okay guys, I am sorry but you screwed up and now you are going to die in this dream." He said as he pulled out his new blade turning it over to show it's razor sharp edge gleaming in the moonlight.
Kira:Kira huffed, "Maybe my dreams just like boosting your ego." she snapped. She pushed back, hitting the man holding her from behind into the wall while the other two attacked Reggie.
Reginald: Reginald punched one guy right in the face, his muscles in his arms bulging out as he turned the flat of his blade and smacked the one guy across the face with it. A small smirk formed on his lips as he stared at the men. "Well, you have two choices, kneel down and beg her for forgiveness or die. I am serious too." He said as he flashed them all a wicked grin.
Kira:Kira moved away from the one who had a hold of her, "Why don't you just kill them? You know you want to." she said, she took a blade from one of them. They acted like cowards now, and they sure sobered up.
"I'm sorry.." the man said. Kira just shook her head, "I'm not forgiving.." she said, "You...need to die.." she said, putting her hand under his chin and cut open his throat.
Reginald: Reginald watched Kira and then moved to lean against a building. "Go for it, it would make you happier to kill them anyways. I did my job, you are save now and they can just beg for mercy. I bet they would of shown you none so it's up to you to kill them." He said as he strapped his blade to his side and smiled.
Kira:Kira let the body drop to the floor, one of them got up to run for it, Kira threw the blade into his leg which made him land on the ground again. He whimpered, she could hear him pleading softly to just let him go. "I'm not in a mercy giving mood." she said darkly. She took the blade out of his leg. She gripped his shirt, stabbing him in his chest. She killed off the last man, tossing the blade aside. She stepped over the bodies and left the alley with a sigh.
Reginald: Reginald pushed off the wall and followed closely behind her. He smiled a bit and then reached over and patted her on the shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. I have nightmares as well, I would much rather have nightmares like this than the ones I have though. Plus, I will always protect you." He said with a small smile.
Kira:Kira shrugged, "I need to research on how to control dreams, shape them to something else." she said, "Even if...all these places seem like I've been here before." she said. She turned towards him, "And I do think these dreams boost your ego." she said, she turned away and headed down the cobble street. A dream or not, it was best to put some distance to dead bodies.
Kira:Kira shrugged, "I need to research on how to control dreams, shape them to something else." she said, "Even if...all these places seem like I've been here before." she said. She turned towards him, "And I do think these dreams boost your ego." she said, she turned away and headed down the cobble street. A dream or not, it was best to put some distance to dead bodies.
Reginald: He shakes his head a bit. "Naw, because then you might figure out how to come into my nightmares. I don't want you seeing those nightmares, they are way too.. Bad." He said as he moved to wrap his arms around her from behind stopping her on the cobble street. "Kira, I think it's time I told you something." He said.
Kira:Kira stopped moving when he wrapped his arms around her. "If you see my nightmares, isn't it fair for me to see yours and help you?" she said, she looked back at him. "What?"
Reginald: Reginald couldn't help but to smile a bit and then whisper softly into her ear. "I don't know what you would to help me, when my nightmares involve you leaving me for someone stronger or getting kidnapped forever or.. death." He said as he kisses her neck gently. "I just wanted to ask you something but let's go sit down first." He said as he looked for somewhere to sit.
Kira:"I thought I told you, you don't have to worry about that." Kira replied, "Well, death can't be helped, won't stay dead for long though.." she said. She shuddered slightly, she sure wasn't used to be kissed there. "Hum, okay.." she said. She moved down the street where there was a park, just like the streets, lit by gas lamps. She sat down on the bench in the park. "So, what is it?" she asked, wondering what it was.
Reginald: Reginald smiled a bit and then shook his head. "Worry or not I can't control my dreams. When you die it's always outside of the city." He said and then followed her to the park bench before plopping down. Wrapping an arm around her, he tugged her towards him. "I am going to start being more intimate around you Kira, I love you and I really want to be able to show you that" He said.
Kira:"Oh...dying outside the city is a different story.." Kira said. She blinked, she was a little confused. First he wanted to tell her something, then he wanted to ask her something. Then this. "In-Intimate?" she said, she didn't dare look at him. "I think you already show that you love me enough...you say it a lot.." she said, "I...thought you were going to let me get used to such things.."
Reginald: Reginald smirked a bit at that and then looked into her eyes, pulling back a bit. "Well, just a little more intimate, just relax against me until the dream is over. I love you, and I just want to spend the rest of this dream cuddling. Just imagine this a s a nightmare." He said with a small chuckle.
Kira:Kira stared at him, "Dream cuddles.." she said, she suppose she could do that. "Imagine this as a nightmare?" she asked confused. She leaned into him, "There was a time...that being close to a male would have been a nightmare.."
Reginald: Reginald shrugged his shoulders and then turn to his side just a bit and wrapped both arms around her. He cradled her in his arms and then smiled. "Dream cuddles are awesome." He said as he pulled her closer to himself until he was squeezing her quite a bit. As if he could never have her close enough to himself.
Kira:Kira closed her eyes, "At least you can't killer hug me.." she muttered, resting her head on him. "Even though it seems you are always your vampire self in my dreams.."
Reginald: He can't help but to laugh as he rests his head against hers, his hands locking behind her back as he lets out a happy sigh. "Yeah, well I think that is all you know me as really. As the vampire Reggie you love with all your heart." He said with a huge smile on his face.
Kira:"Suppose that is true. I only knew you as human for a short time.." Kira replied, she stared at the park, the trees, some flowers. Love with all her heart? She still wasn't sure what love felt like. She looked up at him, "You think so?" she asked seriously. "Have I...come across that way? I...still don't know what I feel. I do care about you a lot.."
Reginald: Unlocking his hand s he brings one up to gently run his fingertips across her cheek before cupping it in his hand looking her dead in the eyes. "I am sure of it, next time you get shot in the heart or stabbed. I guess we will know for sure but.. I will never hurt or betray you. I care about you more than anything else in this world. You mean so much to me Kira. So very much." He said and then leaned his head forward to kiss the corner of her mouth lightly.
Kira:"Sure it won't be long before something happens to my heart again.." Kira replied, it seemed like she always got hit there. "It's comforting to know that.." she said, it was always a fear of being hurt and betrayed. She wasn't sure what to think of that kiss. She was surprised he hadn't tried to kiss her since that first one they shared.
Reginald: Reginald couldn't help but to laugh a bit at that. "Yeah, I know the way trouble seems to love you it won't be long at all." He said and then sighed. "Yes I know..." He said and then held her face close to his chest.
Kira:"You make it seem like I always get into trouble." Kira muttered, she sighed softly and closed her eyes. She lifted her head as she heard meowing. She laughed, "I think my alarm will go off soon if the kitties are meowing."
Reginald: Reginald couldn't help but to laugh yet again. "Kitties are meowing, and this good dream is almost over." He said and then sighed as he leaned back. "Then I am ending it with a kiss." He said as he leaned forward to press his lips against hers gently.
Kira:"There will be other dreams.." Kira replied, she blinked but didn't fight the kiss. She was pulled from the dream as the Celtic music played. She searched for her phone to turn it off. She pushed the bandages off her face, she blinked a couple of times and came face to face with a kitty face. "Hungry?" she said, Sof meowed at her.
Reginald: Reginald woke up and then let out a little sigh. "Okay, that was a good dream. Looks like I am all healed up to finally. We can finally go do something." He said as he stood up slowly and looked around with a yawn.
Kira:Kira sat up, peering down at Reggie. "And what do you want to do?" she asked. She jumped out of bed, collecting her clothes as Sof and Artio meowed for food.
Reginald: He looked up at her with a huge smile. "Kill some things and stuff? Maybe duel again, or perhaps just take it easy and work on the fort? I don't know take your pick." He said his smile not faltering.
Kira:"I'm not sure I want to be missing my eyes or legs again so soon. So no dueling." Kira replied, she set her clothes on her bed. "Unless its hand to hand." she said, she grabbed his wrist and pulled his arm behind his back. "Things that can come in handy sometimes." she said, she kissed his cheek, letting go of his arm and grabbed her clothes. "What needs to be done on the fort other than traps?" she asked, heading downstairs to feed the cats.
Reginald: Reginald let out a little chuckle at that. Then blinked rapidly in surprise as she restrained him. "Well someone is frisky today." He said in playful voice and then smirked as he looked at her. "Well to not make it look like a boring building and to make it more homey?" He said.
Kira:"Frisky?" Kira replied, "Maybe...I am cat like.." she said, setting her clothes down to feed the cats. "Didn't think it was suppose to look homey. I do have plans for some of the open parts on the first and top floors but other than that, its black out, no need to make pretty what they can't see." she said, "And you were going to help with that?"
Reginald: He laughed a bit and smiled even wider. "My precious little kitty cat." He said as he looked her over and sighed. Oh how he wanted her so badly but how he couldn't disrespect her need to go slow. "The top floor can look nice though. It is where we could be hiding away for months you know." He said.
Kira:Kira tilted her head, "Cat and dog, the odd couple." she said, she moved away from the cats who were distracted with wet food. Once Artio was a bit bigger, she wouldn't give them so much soft food. "Well yeah, that's why I wanted all those things up there. Won't need to leave." she said. "So maybe a sofa, a TV, radio...or would it be a sleeper sofa. Hmm, not sure how many people we need to house yet." she said, picking up her clothes. "I'm going to go shower now that I can see what I'm doing again." she said, heading off to the bathroom to take her shower. Sof and Artio was done eating, going through the whole I must clean now but then went to the bathroom door and clawed at it, meowing. Kira came out, pulling her hair up. "Silly kitties.." she said. Sof decided to chase Himesh around but she was only playing.
Reginald: Reginald smirked. "Silly little kitties indeed. Alright, so negative on decorating the fort... How about we go kill some things? It's been a while since we have done that." He said thinking about how well she can kill the baddies.
Kira: Kira shrugged, "I have to be in the mood to work on decorating and today just isn't one of them." She said. She thought about it, "Alright, guess it has been awhile since we hunted together." She said.
Reginald: [/color][/b Reginald smirked a bit and then gave her a little nudge. "Alright, so want to try out fadebeasties? I have an itch I want to settle with one actually. The one that killed me and tried to kill you." He said as he looked at her with a smile remembering the day that changed his life for the better. Him running at a fadebeast with a helmet... Good times. He thought to himself and then laughed a little at how naive and stupid he was. He wouldn't have done anything different though. He doesn't regret it, he is proud of himself oddly enough,
Kira: Kira raised an eyebrow. "Why fadebeasts...?" she said. She wondered if she even stood a chance against one, as much as she tried. "How do you suppose we find the same one? It could already be dead." she said, gathering her things.
Reginald: Reginald gave his shoulders a little shrug. "I don't know, I just feel like killing one again. I mean if you don't think you are up to it that's fine we can start off small and do the sewers." He said as he looked at her.
Kira: Kira's hand twitched, "You trying to say I can't take one on?" she said. She huffed and headed out the door.
Reginald: Reginald followed after Kira, with a small playful smirk on his face. He looked her over from behind and wasn't going to complain not one bit that she was walking out in front. "Pfft, not saying you can or cannot kill one. Just that you haven't yet and I have." he said as if challenging her.
Kira: Kira turned around with a glare, "Why you.." she growled. She jumped at him, tackling him to the ground. "Bragging is unbecoming." she breathed in his ear. It was one of rare things she would get jealous over when someone else beat a hard to beat beast and she hadn't yet.
Reginald: Reginald let out a playful growl as he was laid out on the ground. Wrapping his arms around her middle he held her tight against himself. "If you wanted to cuddle all you had to do is ask, jeez. No need to run into my arms like that." he said.
Kira: Kira growled, "That's not what I'm doing." she said, she pushed against him. "Let go." she pulled away from him and got to her feet. Taking off to the courts, there were sometimes fadebeasts there.
Reginald: Reginald followed after her. Smirking and remembering to note that it is really easy to get her all worked up. "I bet you ten dollars I am going to have to save your butt if you fight a fade beastie." He said playfully.
Kira: "Seems you asking for a beat down yourself. " Kira replied with a growl. She was on the prowl for a fadebeast, she just had to fight one now. She would be completely pissed if Reggie had to come in and save her.
Kira spotted a fadebeast, she grinned. She ran forward, wrestling it down, her hands lit up about to burn it but it knocked her off and ran behind a tree, peering at her.
Kira mind blocked it as her nails turned into razor sharp claws, she lashed out at it.
She filled the creature's mind with confusing and distracting images
Kira took out her gun called Hades, fire off a few shots. The bullets into its
Kira ran forward, twisting in the air, firing off shots, rolling on the ground and landed behind a tree. She ran towards the creature, trying to throw it but it rolled on the ground.
Kira fired again, hitting it close to its heart. She kept moving, firing into its face then it's heart again. It slumped to the ground, of a body came apart.
Kira stared a moment, her eyes like a cat but full of fire from the fight.
Reginald: Reginald stood back and watched her with his arms crossed over his chest. A small proud smile on his face as he watched her fight it. She was doing very well, he didn't dare blink. She was so beautiful and graceful when she fought, it was like art at least to him anyways. When she finally landed the killing blow he started clapping his hands. "Congratulations on your first fadebeast. You did amazing Kira." He said to her.
Kira: Kira turned to him, "Guess its just not wise on getting close to certain creatures. I need to get better with guns.." she said with a sigh. She didn't like using guns but it seemed like it was the only way to kill certain things. She crossed over, still looking like she was stalking prey. She wrapped her arms around his neck, nuzzling her face in his neck but one hand sneaked off to his pocket. "Where's my $10 Reggie?" she mused.
Reginald: Reginald smiled a bit and then nodded his head. "Yeah it's easier to kill certain things with a gun, others easier to kill with a blade if you can get close enough." he said and then smiled wider as she wrapped her arms around him. He wrapped his arms around her back and then felt her hand sneaking towards his pocket. Leaning his face forward he whispers into her ear softly. "There should be a few tens in my pocket, just take them. No need to be sneaky about it my love." He said to her.
Kira: Kira grinned, "I take your money all the time, just trying to distract you in case you try to back out on that bet." she said, freeing him of his money and walked off. Completing her mission of his money, she was still hyped up from the fight though. She bounced slightly on her feet, "What we going to do now?"
Reginald: Reginald laughed a bit and stuck his tongue out at here. "Well my money is your money anyways. I would never back out of a bet by the way, what kind of man do you think I am." he said with a huge grin on his face. "Well, what are we going to do now? That is a good question. Any ideas my love?" he asked her.
Kira: "Your money is my money? I didn't think couples think that way until they're married." Kira replied, she moved back to him. "What kind of man? Aw, did I hurt your feelings?" she said. She tilted her head, "I need to fight more..." she said, "Wanna play?" she asked.

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- Posts: 61
- Joined: 10 Mar 2014, 10:10
Re: Sold My Soul For a Cheeseburger (Reginald Black)
--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--
Reginald:Reginald smirked at her last words. He gave her a gentle and very playful push before looking her in the eye. "Okay, then let's play. But I won't let you win let me tell you that" He said to her.
Kira: "No weapons." Kira replied before pushing him back. She set her jacket on the ground with her gun and sword so it wouldn't get in the way. "Time for some hand on hand moves. Fighting and dancing, can go hand in hand.." she said.
Reginald:Reginald raised his brow as she mentioned dancing the same as fighting. He got ready and took a stance he taught himself. His limbs loose, hands about chest levell ready to defend himself. He wasn't the best at this but he would give it a go.
Kira: Kira ran at him, leaping into the air and kicked out with her leg which hits him in the head, cracking his skull.
Reginald:Reginald got kicked in the head and winced before grabbing onto her shirt and ripping it off of her as he fell down.
Kira: Kira blinked, looking at the shirt he just ripped off. Thankful for the tanktop under it but still. Her claws come out but couldn't get any good blows on him.
Reginald:Reginald used one foot to push him into a spin on the ground and kicked her legs out from under her breaking one of her legs before he jumped up and stared down at her trying to shake off the feeling of his brain getting rattled around his skull after her kick.
Kira: Kira winced, she rolled and got to her feet, floating and lashing out with her claws but again couldn't get a hit on him.
Reginald:He reached out going for her leg and could only grab her pants and tore one leg right off. Growling he jumped back waiting for her next move.
Kira: Kira didn't want another broken leg, she also didn't want her pants gone either. While she had fought in her bra before, underwear was another matter. She clawed at him but any marks she made healed right away.
Reginald:Reginald kicked at her leg once more letting the momentum carry him with his leg causing him to break hers again once it made contact. He thought she would of done better than this.
Kira: Kira stumbled to the ground. She growled, leaping into the air, pouncing on him but only ripping his shirt before disengaging.
Reginald:Reginald reached out and caught her leg tearing off the rest of her pants growling as her leg slipped from his grasp. He was distracted now though looking at what laid underneath but he kept himself ready for her to come at him.
Kira: Kira's eyes widened, she quickly ran, punching him but the marks went away but she pulled off his shirt and pulled it over herself, thankfully long enough to cover her some. She threw a few more swings but got nothing good.
Reginald:Reginald quickly shook his head to get the hot image out of his head in front of him. He broke off her attempts to hurt him. He quickly jumped into the air performing a spinning kick that connected with her head. His eyes on her body as he let out a long gulp.
Kira: Kira swayed, holding her head. She sure didn't miss this feeling. She blinked, trying to focus. She used her claws, trying to cut him but it cut into his pants.
Reginald:Reginald pulled his leg back just in time and used the momentum to follow through and spinning kick to her head again. He bit his lip hard enough to draw blood as he looked at the half naked Kira. "Kira, I really think we should stop before I beat you so bad that you hate me." He said the only thoughts on his mind right now to restrain her and make hot love to her. He shook them off trying to focus and say it's just a fight,.
Kira: Kira held her head, "Why would I hate you for beating me?" she said. She moved towards him, "I'm only going to stop because we're running out of clothes." she added, pushing him into the tree and kissed him.
Reginald:Reginald smirked a bit as he growled out and wrapped his arms around her tightly as he was pushed against the tree and kissed her deeply, with passion. Crushing his lips against hers desperately as his hands dug into her back pressing her tight against his body.
Kira: Kira held onto him tightly as his hands dug into her back, she let out a feral growl. If they hadn't been fighting, she wouldn't have even let this happen. She pushed him against the tree more as she kissed him.
Reginald:He couldn't help himself he let his hands drop and then lifted her up off of her feet before turning quickly and pressed her back against the tree. His lips moving against hers as he pressed against her more firmly.
Kira: Kira wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling the excitement as he pushed her against the tree. Holding onto him tightly.
Reginald:Reginald pressed against her firmer as if he can't get close enough to her his hands starting to explore her body as he kisses her.
Kira: "Hmm.." Kira had never been touched like that before. Her eyes snapped open, "Re-Reggie.." she said.
Reginald:He pressed against her even harder his hands gliding across her smooth bared back. His fingers digging into her back as he heard her say his name. "I love you Kira and need you. So badly." He said to her his voice thick with desire for her.
Kira: Kira growled with a gasp. "But.." she protested, before she could say anything more a flashlight was shown on them. A cop.
"Alright you two, take it home with that. You're in public." The cop said.
Kira eyes widen, she couldn't believe this.
Reginald:Reginald growled out angrily and then turned his head to the cop and snarled. He had never wanted to kill a cop before but now he wanted to tear it to shreds. He gripped onto Kira and carried her away from the cop which took every ounce of his willpower.
Kira: "Reggie..." Kira said, "There is no reason to be upset with the cop, has a point." She added, trying to get her weapons before he dragged her off. She looked up at him, worryingly.
Reginald:He carried her home slowly his hands gripping her tight as he carried her as if he can't let her go. He doesn't want to, he really can't find the willpower to do so. "Shh... Just lets walk and let me calm down. I really was about to take you and truly make you mine at that point. Kira... I am going to sleep in your bed tonight. I need to get used to the contact with you, learn to.. Control this desire because it's so much..." He said
Kira: Kira looked up at him, "Get used to contact." She said. And she thought she had to get used to it. "I'm sorry...I got kinda..I hum, the fight." She said, she looked away. "That really isn't the place for our...first time. I never really thought about it...never thought I would be thinking of marriage..."
Reginald:Reginald stroked her cheek with his hand as he carried her into the farmhouse ignoring the animals that crowded at their feet and carried her to the bedroom. "Shh, just lets lay down and calm ourselves. The fight was amazing, you are amazing and I love you Kira." He said as he laid her back onto the bed and laid down right beside her clinging onto her desperately. "I can't let you go yet" He said
Kira: Kira tried to pull the shirt that barely covered her down. She snuggled into him like a cat, "I would like to change clothes before I pass out." She said. She looked up at him, "Can I trust you not to molest my comatose body?" She said, she kissed his cheek.
Reginald:Closing his eyes his grip on her didn't loosen at all. He wrapped on arm around her head cradling it to his chest as his other kept her held tight against him. He let out a long sigh and then shook his head. "No changing, no.. I can't let you go right now and yes you can trust me so long as you stay right here." He said
Kira: "I don't have much choice in the matter when the sun comes up.." Kira replied, she wasn't sure what else to say, she really would have liked to change first. She sighed, closing her eyes.
Reginald:He grabbed the blankets and pulled them up over themselves and snuggled in closely before he closed his own eyes letting out another long sigh. His body was frustrated with the denial but he just ignored it for Kira's sake.
Kira: Kira drifted off to sleep, relaxing completely as the sun came up.
Reginald:Reginald fell asleep closing his eyes until he woke up the next morning with her still in his arms, his hands locked behind her back. "Oh god... I still want her." He sighs and then shakily lets her go and sits up on the edge of the bed.
Kira: Kira had slept rather peacefully, she rolled over and curled up when he moved away.
Reginald:He sat there on the edge of the bed for a bit longer before curling back up behind her and held her close to himself. He slept that way peacefully until the sunset.
Kira: Kira stirred after the sun went down, she about freaked out from being held but remembered it was Reggie. She sat up, looking at him a moment before slowly getting out of bed. She grabbed clothes and made a dash for the bathroom to take a shower. She healed her leg over her head, it didn't feel all that great washing her hair but her leg slowed her down. She wasn't sure what to think about what happened, how much longer will his patience will hold out. She got out of the shower, getting dressed and left the bathroom.
Reginald:Reginald woke to see Kira gone. Sitting up slowly he went to grab his clothing deciding to get changed up and wait for her to get out of the shower.
Kira: Kira fed the animals before moving back upstairs. She went into the room and looked to Reggie, "Evening.." she said, yeah she had no idea what to say to him at the moment.
Reginald:Reginald smiled as he looked over at Kira. "Looking good today, how did you sleep?" He asked her with his smile growing by the second.
Kira: Kira raised an eyebrow. "Don't I always?" she asked, tilting her head. She looked away. "Hum, well fine.." she said.
Reginald:Reginald smirked a bit at her responses to what he said. "Well, I guess that settles that then. I will be sleeping with you from this day forward." He said as he laid out on the bed. "Can you arrange a meeting with your wraith for me? I need to talk to it a bit." He said.
Kira: Kira looked at him, "I guess...its alright." she said, she suppose she couldn't deny him that any longer. "My wraith? You want Marcus or Tessa?" she asked, "This a private chat I assume." she added, wondering what it was about.
Reginald:Reginald gave his head a slight nod. "Private yes and Tessa if you could... I think she would be better suited for the conversation I need to have with someone. Might want to talk to Lexy too... Need to send her an email." He said as he thought out what he was going to say to them .
Kira: Kira stared at him confused, "Okay.." she said, she sent a message to Lady Baron for Tessa to come talk to Reggie. "I will be off to collect trap parts then. I'll be back later." she said. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before heading out.
: Tessa entered the house, looking over the animals before looking for Reggie. "My, I'm surprised you asked for me. Is this a girl in sight you looking for?" she said with a giggle.
Reginald:Reginald sat there waiting for Tessa when Kira left. He sighed a bit and then furrowed his brows staring at the ground troubled until he heard Tessa's voice. "Tessa, I am going to propose to Kira. I feel the need to. I.. I love her and I can't hold that love back much longer. I just... Need someone to talk to about this. Eh... What do I do Tessa?" He said softly.
Kira: Tessa floated in the air with her legs crossed. "Really? You think she is ready to say yes to a proposal?" she asked. She crossed her arms, "How long have you two been together again? You were turned in...March was it? So it hasn't been a year. Or is it going to be a longer engagement?" she asked curious. "Can't hold back that love? What do you mean? You want to shower her in affection?"
Reginald:Reginald chuckled a bit and then closed his eyes. He guesses he left quite a few things unanswered there so of course she will ask all these questions. "Do you honestly think she will be ready for it ever? I doubt nobody is ever truly ready for it, it is a big thing. A life changer and nobody really is ready for change it just happens. I won't ever... Leave her, or hurt her. I love her with all I am and more. I can't hold back my love for her, I need a way to express it and that is marriage. Forever for better or worse, no matter what I shall always stay by her side. I need her to know that. I need it more than anything else. I say need because I fear I will lose my mind if I don't propose to her, so that she knows how serious and how much I truly care for her. I am weird I know.." He said
Kira: "I suppose you might be right. I doubt she would think she is ready for marriage considering the last one, not that was really a marriage. This one would be done right and proper." Tessa replied, she sighed softly. "Damn, you're like every woman's dream man." she said, and floated around. "So, how soon exactly are you wanting to propose to her?"
Reginald:"It depends Tessa, soon.. I was thinking halloweenish time if she isn't busy. I don't know how to go about it. I don't even know where in the city I would buy a ring you know. I just really want your help in this or something." He said and clasped his hands together nervously squeezing his hands.
Kira: "Well that is pretty soon. You do realize Halloween is her claimed birthday? What a gift." Tessa said with a giggle. "I know there is a Halloween party going on, the 30th but I don't know if she is wishing to go or not. Though she really needs to watch Rocky Horror Picture Show at some point in her life." she said. "A ring? Well...my dear, depends on what kind of marriage, just a human one. Go to any jewelry store. Her friend makes some...I'm not sure if a custom ring would be something she could do. Human marriage is always a good start before rushing into a forever vampire binding, that takes a whole different kind of ring and a ritual."
Kira: "Well that is pretty soon. You do realize Halloween is her claimed birthday? What a gift." Tessa said with a giggle. "I know there is a Halloween party going on, the 30th but I don't know if she is wishing to go or not. Though she really needs to watch Rocky Horror Picture Show at some point in her life." she said. "A ring? Well...my dear, depends on what kind of marriage, just a human one. Go to any jewelry store. Her friend makes some...I'm not sure if a custom ring would be something she could do. Human marriage is always a good start before rushing into a forever vampire binding, that takes a whole different kind of ring and a ritual."
Reginald:Reginald shrugged a bit. "I know and I just... I need to propose to her, I don'tknow what else to do. I really love her Tessa." He said as he wringed his hands together tighter wincing as he hurts himself doing so. He is really, really nervous right now.
Kira: "Hmm, well at least she has no parents you have to get permission from." Tessa said with a giggle. "Oh guess that was more back in my day. A human marriage will do for what you want. So you need a ring and how exactly are you wanting to propose. Private, small gathering, public..." she said.
Reginald:Reginald smirked and then nodded. "You will love dressing her up for the wedding too I bet. Do you think I should tell Lexy about it first or Dru? Or just ask Kira and then break the news together if she says yes?" He asked with worry in his voice.
Kira: Tessa giggled, "I will love to, but Dru will have to be my hands." she said. "That I'm not sure of. Maybe just break the news later.."
Reginald:Reginald nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, we don't even know if Kira will say yes even though.. I really hope she does." He said and then bit his lip nervously.
Kira: "She may not be ready to marry but maybe agree to being engaged for awhile, if you just need a stronger claim on her than just dating but doesn't solve your problem of' needing to love her more'." Tessa said with an knowing smile, "You can't hold off trying to bed her huh?" She said, "Well, I can always have a little chat with her, see if I can figure out if she would say yes or not."
Reginald:Reginald gave his head a short nod as he leaned back into the sofa letting out a long relaxing sigh. "Bed her? No that's not it at all. I can't hold off loving her with every fiber of my being. It's fine, I will just ask her. Anyways, I hope she isn't busy on Halloween. Can you see if she is going to that party or not?" He asked Tessa nicely.
Kira: "Bed her, deflower her, sorry old terms." Tessa said with a giggle. "What is going to happen if you two get married and she still not ready to...go there?" she floated up, "I'll ask her. I'm sure she doesn't want to go to the party but Halloween is an important day for pagans so she may want to do a ritual." she said, "You could be in the circle with her, then she can't run away." she said with a laugh.
Reginald:"That's fine, she doesn't have to ever sleep with me if she isn't comfortable with it Tessa. I might just do that but, you never know. If she wants to run she can run but.. We will see. I won't worry about it anymore." He said as he sat up and looked towards Tessa. "Want to come help me pick out a ring? I have seventy thousand dollars to spend on them." He said.
12:25:56 AM
Kira: "You're such a confusing young man." Tessa said, "If you are both in the circle, she can't run. You cannot break the circle. Not until she releases everything. However it works." she said, "Oo, alright, you doing that now?"
Reginald:Reginald gave his head a slight nod as he moved towards the door. "Yeah, lets go spend all my money on a ring." He said as he looked behind himself with a small smile.
Kira: Tessa followed after him, "So any ideas on what you're looking for?" she asked, "Let's try the mall, some stores there. Good thing I know her ring size huh." she said with a giggle.
Reginald:He shrugged his shoulders as he went into the mall and then smiled a bit. " I guess I will know it when I see it. I am glad you know her ring size as well." He said happily.
Kira: Tessa moved through the store, looking at the rings but she couldn't make herself seen here. She stayed next to Reggie, "Size 6 by the way." she said.
Reginald:Reginald smiled at what Tessa said. "Six huh... Okay." He said so thankful that she was helping him. He looked through the glass at all the rings and them sighed. "I really am not good at this at all. Can you help me Tessa, go through some of the rings for me and tell me why they would be good for her." he said.
Kira: "If you haven't noticed what she wears, is Celtic so...find something with Celtic knots or something.." Tessa said softly. "Wonder if she should have any kind of stone, might be hard to punch people with it.." she said with a sigh. If only she was a bit more lady like. Trying to figure out how to point rings out to him without showing herself to the people here.
Reginald:Reginald asked to see a few of the rings running a finger across each until he decided on the one that just seemed like the best for her. "How much for this one? He asked the woman behind the counter.
Kira: The woman looked around, hearing a voice that seemed to be giddy. "That is a wonderful choice sir. It's $3,000." she said.
Reginald:He looked at the woman and raised an eyebrow. "That's all? She is worth so much more to me. Hell there is no price on her but... I need to give her something better. I guess... If there is nothing else I will spend the rest of my money on the wedding." He said.
Kira: The woman smiled, "The rest of the money would be used on the wedding. A dress alone can run up to $10,000. Depending on the dress of course." she said, "Oh don't forget the honeymoon besides the wedding." she said. She blinked when she heard giggling as Tessa had no idea how she was going to get Kira into a really nice dress.
Reginald:Reginald nodded his head slightly. "I don't care if I would have to spend a million dollars on it. I would work hard to get the money. I really love her and I want that night to be special. The honeymoon too." He said as he closed his eyes before letting out a little sigh. "Whatever it takes for the woman I love." He said.
2:09:31 AM
Kira: The woman laughed lightly. "Young love." she said, "Is this the ring you want then and want to pick out a box for it?"
Reginald:Reginald smiled a bit and then nodded. "Yes I will take this ring. A box? Um.. I don't know what sort of box is good?" He asked her.
Kira: The woman went and came back with two boxes. "This is the ring box, it has a light so when you open it up, the light shines down on the ring. Really gets her attention. This box just protects this box until its time." she said.
Reginald:"Um... How about we don't do the fancy light thing she will be shocked enough as it is." He said as he pulled out his bank card and handed over to the woman and paid for it before pocketing it. He then moved out of the store and let out a big breath. "What are your thoughts Tessa, did I do good?" He asked.
Kira: "You did fine." Tessa said, "This would be any woman's dream. But Kira isn't a normal woman, have no idea how it will go." she added. She floating ahead. "Now, want me to go talk to Kira? See what her plans are? She might get the idea there is some kind of birthday thing though, so I'll have to word it right."
Reginald:Reginald smiled a bit, relieved by Tessa's words. "Yes please do Tessa, I will head back to the house and hide the ring somewhere." He said as he made his way to the house.
While this was going on, this is what Kira was doing.
Reginald:Reginald went up to his and Kira's shared room and bit his lip wondering where he could hide the ring. He thought about under the bed but then thought otherwise, the animals would get to it and bring it to Kira. He looked around and then went to find one of her dresses and slipped it in there and sighed happily. Safe... She never wears dresses. Hopping back downstairs he plops down on the sofa and smiles happily waiting for Kira to get home
Kira: Kira entered the house, petting the animals who were wanting attention. She petted the dogs before picking up the cats, Sof balanced on her shoulder as she held Artio. She went into the kitchen to feed them, unknown that Tessa quickly came in to tell Reggie that Kira had nothing planned before quickly hurrying out before Kira saw her.
Reginald:Reginald went over to Blue and gave him a good pat down when he got up to greet Kira only to stop when he heard Tessa's voice. With a smile he whispered thank you before standing up and made his way over to Kira. "Hey you, so did you stay out of trouble?" He asked playfully.
Kira: Kira rolled her eyes with a huff. "Yes, I just went for a walk and spent some time at my studio." she said, she had a lot on her mind so she just spent time thinking. She opened the soft food and set it out for the cats. She watched Artio a little, she was growing more. She wondered how big she would get. She looked at Reggie, still wondering what he was up to.
Reginald:He laughed a bit at her eye rolling and then gave her a playful push. "You know I was just kidding right?" He asked her. He then made his way to the living room to sit on the sofa. He needed to train hard tomorrow night that was for sure. He had been slacking a bit.
Kira: "You sure bring it up a lot. Besides, you would know if I was in trouble." Kira said, she moved into the living room. "You're going to give me some kind of complex or something." she leaned on the sofa, nipping his neck. Of course no blood drawn, sure didn't want that. She went upstairs, Tucker following after her. She moved some things around in her room, bringing in Reggie's dresser from his room. She might as well just get used to that fact. She then pulled out a bag to see if she needed any supplies for her ritual.
Reginald:He shivered at the nip, and groaned when she got up and left him there. Closing his eyes tightly he clenched his hand into a tight fist. This was going to be very hard, he wanted her on so many levels. Letting out a long sigh he got up and started to make his way to Blue. Get his mind of things for a bit.
Kira: Kira put some supplies in her bag. She set it by her closet and went downstairs. She went outside, it would be a shame to do the ritual inside. She explored the area between the house and the barn. She could make an outdoor altar, Tucker was still following after her. Wondered about just using a big rock, or getting a stone table. For now, she could just use the table she had out here. She closed her eyes, enjoying the breeze.
Reginald:Reginald thought for a moment and then went upstairs hoping she hadn't found the ring. He had virtually no worries but there is always that small chance. Moving upstairs he checked on the ring making sure it was still in her dress then smiled feeling the box. Moving over to the bed he laid out on it noticing that his things were here. She didn't have to do it by herself he could of helped he thought to himself.
Kira: Kira returned from the outside, petting Tucker. She went into the kitchen, thinking of what to do for offerings. There was plenty of apples. She looked at the time, and headed upstairs. She heard a meow from the closet. She opened the door and Artio came out. "How you get in there?" she said, looking at Sof, wondering if the older cat had gotten the door open and closed it on the kitten. She looked at Reggie, "You sure like beds now that it's my bed." she mused.
Reginald:Reginald turned and laid out on his side facing Kira. "Well of course I do... Plus, it's more lonely sleeping on a bed all alone." He said looking into her eyes for a long moment.
Kira: "But you slept on the floor instead alone. You're so odd sometimes." Kira said, she grabbed her night or rather day clothes and went to his old room to change. "I'm not used to sharing a bed besides with the animals." She said, getting into bed from the other side.
Reginald:Reginald chuckled a bit and nodded. "Yep, I am strange. I know that much." He said as he wrapped an arm around her cuddling up close. "Can we spend Halloween together?" He asked her hoping she didn't say no.
Kira: Kira blinked, this would take some getting used to. "Well yeah...spend all our time together anyway." she said, "Why would it be any different?"
Reginald:He shrugs his shoulders and then kisses her cheek lightly. "I love you, sleep well and I am glad we can spend that day together. It will be important for me." He said snuggling up to her until he started to drift off to sleep.
Kira: Kira raised an eyebrow. "Important for you?" she said confused, but he already seemed to be falling asleep. She sighed softly, she turned on her side and curled up as the sun came up and she fell asleep.
Reginald:Reginald slept peacefully all morning, waking up just before the sun started to set. He smiled opening his eyes and looking at Kira sleeping. "My beautiful girl." He said to her sleeping form and snuggled up enjoying the close proximity while he waited for her to wake,.
Kira: Sof and Artio stared at the two until they started to meow and pat at Kira's face. "Hmm.." Kira muttered. She opened her eyes, looking from the cats to who was holding her. "How long have you been doing that?" she asked.
Reginald:Reginald raised a brow and then opened his eyes up wide to take in her face with a smile. "Doing what?" he asked her giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before pulling away from her to sit on the edge of the bed.
Kira: "Holding onto me, surely it wasn't like that all day." Kira replied, she sat up, running a hand through her hair. She watched the cats run off to play.
Reginald:He shrugged his shoulders. "So what if it was like that all day. It was nice." He said as he went to grab his weapons. "I am going to be hunting today. So you can have first shower. No need to shower before I kill things." He said.
Kira: Kira stared at him a moment before getting out of bed and got her clothes to go take a shower. The cats chased after her. After her shower she went to the work shed and painted the swan house. Tomorrow she would be able to take it out to them. She then headed out to the stores, she might as well see if there is a stone table and could have brought here.
Reginald:Reginald went outside after equipping himself and walked outside. Looking around curiously for a moment he took a deep breath. "Time to work." He said to himself and then attempted to speed of but it wasn't working. He stood there for a moment not sure what was going on. He should have enough power to use it... "What the.." He said and then pulled up his gun and tried to focus his power to his eye but nothing happened. He just dropped his gun then and didn't know what was going on.
Kira: Kira went to the store, finding what she wanted. She rode in the truck as they brought it to the house and helped set up the stone table. "Thanks." she said, waiting for them to leave the farm before gathering some stones and made a circle. She would also plant some things in a circle around it but winter was coming so there wasn't any point right now. She would like to get a green house so she could protect some herbs though. She noticed the horses and moved over to them, petting them on the head.
Reginald:Reginald couldn't use his powers. He stood there trying out every single multiple times before he just gave up dropping his weapons at the front door. Moving to the sofa he sat there with his face in his hands. What was he going to do? All his hard work honing them and they are all gone.
Kira: Kira moved inside the house, feeling upbeat about getting stuff set up for the Samhain ritual. She tilted her head, noticing the weapons then looked over at Reggie. She sat down beside him, curious. "Something wrong?" she asked.
Reginald:He froze up when Kira sat down beside him. Gulping he squeezed his face harder. Not wanting to seem weak he just sat there not speaking.
Kira: Kira stared at him, wondering what was up with him. She gripped his wrists and pulled. "I"d beat it out of you if I have to." she said.
Reginald:Reginald looked up at her and gulped before whispering softly. "I lost all my powers Kira, I am weaker now because of it. I still have all my combat skills but... Yeah." He said and then hanged his head.
Kira: Kira looked confused. "Lost your powers?" she said, what could cause that. Some vampires seemed to not use some powers and they just forgot them but just to lose all powers all the sudden. Could it be a plot from someone? Even then. She quickly made sure he hadn't been mind blocked but that wasn't the case. "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened.." she said, "That is...very odd." she said. She hugged him and kissed his cheek. "It will be alright.."
Reginald:He sighed and shrugged his shoulders. Moving his strong arm around her he held he close to himself. "Yeah it will be okay, I can still kick peoples asses just can't use any powers I guess. I don't know. All that hard work just gone, it's very discouraging.
Kira: Kira rested her head on him, "I'm sure it is discouraging.." she said, she would be upset to but there would be nothing to do but move on. "You want to fight later to see if you still got it?" she smirked.
Reginald:Reginald smiled a bit before nodding his head. "Sure, we can fight later. Maybe I can still pull it off." he said as he got up and went to grab his weapons. No use giving up she was right, he just had to go forward and work hard to get everything back.
Kira: "Good boy..." Kira said, she got up. "There is something going on, on Halloween. There is a slave auction. I did it last year to make some money, I going to do it again." She said, not wanting to bring up who bought her last year. "There are restrictions, so they should only buy me for music or dance, maybe a reading. Either way, I'll be careful so don't worry about it. I will make sure the rest of the night is free."
Reginald:Reginald nodded his head slightly as he looked at Kira. "Okay, just make sure Windy doesn't buy you that would be a disaster." He said. He was worried but it was fine, he knew she could take care of herself."After the auction we should meet up at the fort or the farm. Wherever you want" he said.
Kira: Kira tilted her head, she expected him to have more of a problem with it. "I will write him down as one who cannot bid on me." she said. "Meet up? I was planning on coming back to the farm for my ritual. Then I'm free to spend time with you." she said.
Reginald:Reginald smiled. So Windy can't buy her that's good. "Can I come watch the ritual? It would be nice I still have interest in it you know." He said.
Kira: Kira nodded, "That's fine. Just have to decide if you want to be in the circle or out of it. I can't have you coming in and out of it." she said, she picked up Sof. "Animals are free to come and go though." she said, petting the feline. She sat the cat down, closing her eyes. "Time for bed." she said, feeling tired, the sun must be coming up. She went upstairs and got ready for bed.
Reginald:Reginald ran up the stairs, maybe when he woke up the powers would come back. He settled in the bed and closed his eyes waiting for Kira before he fell asleep.
Kira: Kira got into bed, falling asleep right away. When night came, she got up and got ready for the auction. The auction itself was annoying, seeing David again brought up bad thoughts. How dare he try to buy Lexy. It was clear he still hated her and wanted payback for nothing. She hadn't done anything. Then there were the Owl Turds of course. She growled softly, stress ran through her body. She hoped Dru would be alright with Doc, hoping he only wants a suit made. The man who won Kira, she didn't know other than he helped fight when it came to that one Owl Turd. He seemed to know Windy though, but not friendly so maybe she didn't have anything to worry about.
She moved through the house, getting changed into her white ritual dress and took the bag of items and started to set up the altar. This would take her mind off the **** that had went on.
Reginald:Reginald was frustrated with the auction as well. He shook his head slightly, the Owl Turds just had to get him this worked up the day he was going to propose didn't they? Shaking his head with a sigh he got his game face on. That all didn't matter right now, the only thing that matters is Kira. He ran up to the room and grabbed the ring out of the dress thankful she didn't wear it. Hopping down the stairs he came up beside Kira. "Hey you, so we going to do this?" He said.
Kira: "Yes, I just...need to calm down a little." Kira said, setting a cup and an Apple on the table. Along with a dagger that was only used for this, candles, salt. A bowl of water. She turned to Reggie, "Are you staying inside the circle?" She asked, she hugged him, wanting to release the stress of what happened. She let out a breath, watching the animals come over to see what was going on.
Reginald:Reginald wrapped his arms around Kira tightly when she hugged him and gave her a tiny nod. "Yeah I am going to stay in the circle. Happy birthday by the way." He said.
Kira: Kira knelt down, "The Wheel of the Year turns, bringing us from season to season. Here in this sacred space, I pause briefly as I honor this sacred season of Samhain, a time to honor the dead. I come to praise the wise Crone Goddess and her beloved consort, the God, who is soon to pass into the Summerland – opening the veil which makes this world and the world of spirit thin.”
Kira stood, hold the incense and held it up. "Incense, symbol of air. May I feel myself gain strength and power."
She lit a corner candle. "Candles burn, symbol of fire, may I recall how the fires built by my ancestors nurtured and protected them.”
She picked up the bowl of salt,
“As I touch this salt, symbol of earth, I ask the Ancient Ones to protect and heal the Earth on which we live.”
Kira held the bowl of water and anointed herself with it, "Water, may it cleanse my body and spirit of all negativity, illness and weariness of my heart."
Kira picked up the Chalice with wine in it, and took a drink from it. “Blessed Lady Goddess, as I drink from this chalice, I humbly ask that you fill me with your essence. Blessed be the Lady!”
Kira picked up her athame, pointing it up to the sky.
“Blessed Lord God, I humbly ask your presence at my circle tonight as I honor you at this season. Blessed be the Lord!”
“Tonight is a night of death when our beloved God passes into the Summerland as the season of summer dies with him. But tonight is also as night of life as our wise Crone Goddess sees us through the ever-darkening season to life renewed – when our Lord God is born again at Yule.”
Kira picked up the gold and silver candles, bringing them together. “Tonight Goddess and God are a part of two separate worlds. They are for a brief time separated from one another.”
She then separated them and extinguished the gold candle. She put them together back on the altar. “Farewell Blessed Lord. Safe be your journey into the Summerland. Wise Crone Goddess, may the loving comfort of your people ease your sorrow.”
Since Kira had no loved ones who had passed away, she didn't do one part of the ritual and only focused on the god and goddess. She cut the apple in half, leaving one half on the table, taking a bite of the one half. She left it as an offering to all. She freed the corners, opened the circle,
“I am a child of deity,
I am part of the creative life force which moves the universe;
I am part of all that is,
Though we are apart, we are ever together –
For we are one in the spirit of our Goddess and God;
Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again – Blessed be!”
Kira had let Reggie take part if he wanted to, with the wine and apple. After the ritual, she turned to him. "So? What do you think? I know it's kind of long." she said.
Reginald:Reginald smiled as he stood there watching her do the ritual. It was amazing, he was really interested in rituals and it was nice to literally be in one. He watched and took in everything and when it was over he bit his lip.
"Hey Kira, I love you and I have something to ask you. I want to spend forever with you and I hope you want to spend forever with me." He said and then dropped down on one knee before pulling out the box the ring was held in and presented it to her opening the box. "Will you marry me Kira?" He asked her nervousness building inside of him. He was actually scared worse than he ever has been about her saying no.
Kira: Kira tilted her head as he said he had something to ask her, the next stuff started to confuse her and as he dropped down to one knee, she was even more confused. She didn't watch romance movies and there had been no proposal when she ended up married to David somehow. She stared at him then the box, the ring. "Marry..?" she said, she blinked. Warrior started to scream in her head, she held her head as she dropped to her knees. "Reggie...I...." she closed her eyes. "Is this because of what happened the other night? I'm...not ready to...give that up just yet." she said. "I...do believe, you are the one...to trust it with.."
Reginald:Reginald started to panic a little on the inside he didn't move from his kneeling position. Instead he took her arm and gently gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Kira, it's not because of the other night it's because I honestly want to promise myself to you. We can stay engaged for as long as you need to but... I love you and yes forever with you is all I want in this life." He said worry in his voice.
Kira: Kira winced from the yelling in her head. She closed her eyes and told Warrior to just shut up. "But...I do torment you without even realizing it.." she said. She lowered her arms, would this be easier to reply to him if her heart was stabbed or shot. "I don't know...I..." she said. She reached for another dagger and pulled the dress down enough to not cut it, holding the blade to her heart.
Reginald:He watched her and then took her hand and shook his head. "Kira no... Don't hurt yourself like this. I mean..." he sighed and let go of her hand. He really wanted an answer from her heart .. Even if it meant what she was about to do.
Kira: Kira looked at him, he had let go of her hand. "If...I'm willing to do this...it must mean something." she said, "I...I want to feel what its suppose to feel like." she took his hand, putting it with hers on the blade handle. "I am truly giving my heart to you."
Reginald:He smiled a bit and stood up, wrapping an arm around her as he leaned in to kiss her lips gently. His hand pulling the blade back and wrapping his other arm around her. She didn't have to stab herself. He didn't want her to.
Kira: Kira blinked, "Reggie?" She said confused. "I guess this means yes, in a roundabout way..."
Reginald:Reginald blinked a bit and then took the ring out of the box and slid it on her finger slowly before taking her in a long and loving kiss. He broke off the kiss and then smiled. "I love you, and I promise myself to you completely." he said.
Kira: Kira watched him put the ring on her finger. He knew her ring size? Tessa...that's what they were up to that night. She was pulled into a kissed, she hugged him. She smiled, "We should get inside." She said, she put the items she didn't want left out in her bag and poured the rest of the wine on the ground before taking his hand and headed inside, calling the animals to come inside.
Reginald:Reginald smiled as he stood there and looked into her eyes for a long moment before he got up and started to walk inside with her. "Okay, my love." he said so happy he didn't know what to think or do.
Kira: Kira wasn't sure if she would ever get used to being called love. She set the bag aside, "I'm going to get changed." She said. She went upstairs, closing the door and changed then opened the door so he knew it was save to come in. She got into bed and the cats joined her.
Reginald:Reginald sat on the sofa, and closed his eyes. He relaxed mentally, that was the single hardest thing he has ever done in his life..
Kira: Kira passed out as the sun came up, her and the cats were sprawled out.
Reginald:Reginald woke up when the sun came up with a start he sat up suddenly. He passed out on the sofa and almost didn't get to spend the morning with his Kira. With a sigh he stood up and stretched his arms up and over his head wondering what tonight would bring. Moving up to the bedroom he laid out beside her and snuggled up close to her.
Kira: Kira woke up later as the sun went down. She opened her eyes at the kitties then to her hand with the ring. So it wasn't some dream. She sat up but noticed the arms around her. She wiggled her way out from him and the cats, getting out of bed. She grabbed a change of clothes and headed downstairs to take a shower.
Reginald:Reginald yawned as he rolled over on his side watching her leave the room. He closed his eyes and sighed happily. He sat at the edge of the bed and got up running down the stairs. Well, this was going to be sucky if she had to start her nights tonight.
Kira: Kira came out of the bathroom, showered and dressed. She looked to the card that the man Ricky gave her, the man who won her in the auction. She wasn't sure if she'd be gone for three nights or she would be returning each night and leaving again later. She put the card in her jacket by the door, tilting her head at Reggie. "Hum, are you going to be okay if I have to be gone for three nights straight?" she asked.
Reginald:Reginald smirked at her last words. He gave her a gentle and very playful push before looking her in the eye. "Okay, then let's play. But I won't let you win let me tell you that" He said to her.
Kira: "No weapons." Kira replied before pushing him back. She set her jacket on the ground with her gun and sword so it wouldn't get in the way. "Time for some hand on hand moves. Fighting and dancing, can go hand in hand.." she said.
Reginald:Reginald raised his brow as she mentioned dancing the same as fighting. He got ready and took a stance he taught himself. His limbs loose, hands about chest levell ready to defend himself. He wasn't the best at this but he would give it a go.
Kira: Kira ran at him, leaping into the air and kicked out with her leg which hits him in the head, cracking his skull.
Reginald:Reginald got kicked in the head and winced before grabbing onto her shirt and ripping it off of her as he fell down.
Kira: Kira blinked, looking at the shirt he just ripped off. Thankful for the tanktop under it but still. Her claws come out but couldn't get any good blows on him.
Reginald:Reginald used one foot to push him into a spin on the ground and kicked her legs out from under her breaking one of her legs before he jumped up and stared down at her trying to shake off the feeling of his brain getting rattled around his skull after her kick.
Kira: Kira winced, she rolled and got to her feet, floating and lashing out with her claws but again couldn't get a hit on him.
Reginald:He reached out going for her leg and could only grab her pants and tore one leg right off. Growling he jumped back waiting for her next move.
Kira: Kira didn't want another broken leg, she also didn't want her pants gone either. While she had fought in her bra before, underwear was another matter. She clawed at him but any marks she made healed right away.
Reginald:Reginald kicked at her leg once more letting the momentum carry him with his leg causing him to break hers again once it made contact. He thought she would of done better than this.
Kira: Kira stumbled to the ground. She growled, leaping into the air, pouncing on him but only ripping his shirt before disengaging.
Reginald:Reginald reached out and caught her leg tearing off the rest of her pants growling as her leg slipped from his grasp. He was distracted now though looking at what laid underneath but he kept himself ready for her to come at him.
Kira: Kira's eyes widened, she quickly ran, punching him but the marks went away but she pulled off his shirt and pulled it over herself, thankfully long enough to cover her some. She threw a few more swings but got nothing good.
Reginald:Reginald quickly shook his head to get the hot image out of his head in front of him. He broke off her attempts to hurt him. He quickly jumped into the air performing a spinning kick that connected with her head. His eyes on her body as he let out a long gulp.
Kira: Kira swayed, holding her head. She sure didn't miss this feeling. She blinked, trying to focus. She used her claws, trying to cut him but it cut into his pants.
Reginald:Reginald pulled his leg back just in time and used the momentum to follow through and spinning kick to her head again. He bit his lip hard enough to draw blood as he looked at the half naked Kira. "Kira, I really think we should stop before I beat you so bad that you hate me." He said the only thoughts on his mind right now to restrain her and make hot love to her. He shook them off trying to focus and say it's just a fight,.
Kira: Kira held her head, "Why would I hate you for beating me?" she said. She moved towards him, "I'm only going to stop because we're running out of clothes." she added, pushing him into the tree and kissed him.
Reginald:Reginald smirked a bit as he growled out and wrapped his arms around her tightly as he was pushed against the tree and kissed her deeply, with passion. Crushing his lips against hers desperately as his hands dug into her back pressing her tight against his body.
Kira: Kira held onto him tightly as his hands dug into her back, she let out a feral growl. If they hadn't been fighting, she wouldn't have even let this happen. She pushed him against the tree more as she kissed him.
Reginald:He couldn't help himself he let his hands drop and then lifted her up off of her feet before turning quickly and pressed her back against the tree. His lips moving against hers as he pressed against her more firmly.
Kira: Kira wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling the excitement as he pushed her against the tree. Holding onto him tightly.
Reginald:Reginald pressed against her firmer as if he can't get close enough to her his hands starting to explore her body as he kisses her.
Kira: "Hmm.." Kira had never been touched like that before. Her eyes snapped open, "Re-Reggie.." she said.
Reginald:He pressed against her even harder his hands gliding across her smooth bared back. His fingers digging into her back as he heard her say his name. "I love you Kira and need you. So badly." He said to her his voice thick with desire for her.
Kira: Kira growled with a gasp. "But.." she protested, before she could say anything more a flashlight was shown on them. A cop.
"Alright you two, take it home with that. You're in public." The cop said.
Kira eyes widen, she couldn't believe this.
Reginald:Reginald growled out angrily and then turned his head to the cop and snarled. He had never wanted to kill a cop before but now he wanted to tear it to shreds. He gripped onto Kira and carried her away from the cop which took every ounce of his willpower.
Kira: "Reggie..." Kira said, "There is no reason to be upset with the cop, has a point." She added, trying to get her weapons before he dragged her off. She looked up at him, worryingly.
Reginald:He carried her home slowly his hands gripping her tight as he carried her as if he can't let her go. He doesn't want to, he really can't find the willpower to do so. "Shh... Just lets walk and let me calm down. I really was about to take you and truly make you mine at that point. Kira... I am going to sleep in your bed tonight. I need to get used to the contact with you, learn to.. Control this desire because it's so much..." He said
Kira: Kira looked up at him, "Get used to contact." She said. And she thought she had to get used to it. "I'm sorry...I got kinda..I hum, the fight." She said, she looked away. "That really isn't the place for our...first time. I never really thought about it...never thought I would be thinking of marriage..."
Reginald:Reginald stroked her cheek with his hand as he carried her into the farmhouse ignoring the animals that crowded at their feet and carried her to the bedroom. "Shh, just lets lay down and calm ourselves. The fight was amazing, you are amazing and I love you Kira." He said as he laid her back onto the bed and laid down right beside her clinging onto her desperately. "I can't let you go yet" He said
Kira: Kira tried to pull the shirt that barely covered her down. She snuggled into him like a cat, "I would like to change clothes before I pass out." She said. She looked up at him, "Can I trust you not to molest my comatose body?" She said, she kissed his cheek.
Reginald:Closing his eyes his grip on her didn't loosen at all. He wrapped on arm around her head cradling it to his chest as his other kept her held tight against him. He let out a long sigh and then shook his head. "No changing, no.. I can't let you go right now and yes you can trust me so long as you stay right here." He said
Kira: "I don't have much choice in the matter when the sun comes up.." Kira replied, she wasn't sure what else to say, she really would have liked to change first. She sighed, closing her eyes.
Reginald:He grabbed the blankets and pulled them up over themselves and snuggled in closely before he closed his own eyes letting out another long sigh. His body was frustrated with the denial but he just ignored it for Kira's sake.
Kira: Kira drifted off to sleep, relaxing completely as the sun came up.
Reginald:Reginald fell asleep closing his eyes until he woke up the next morning with her still in his arms, his hands locked behind her back. "Oh god... I still want her." He sighs and then shakily lets her go and sits up on the edge of the bed.
Kira: Kira had slept rather peacefully, she rolled over and curled up when he moved away.
Reginald:He sat there on the edge of the bed for a bit longer before curling back up behind her and held her close to himself. He slept that way peacefully until the sunset.
Kira: Kira stirred after the sun went down, she about freaked out from being held but remembered it was Reggie. She sat up, looking at him a moment before slowly getting out of bed. She grabbed clothes and made a dash for the bathroom to take a shower. She healed her leg over her head, it didn't feel all that great washing her hair but her leg slowed her down. She wasn't sure what to think about what happened, how much longer will his patience will hold out. She got out of the shower, getting dressed and left the bathroom.
Reginald:Reginald woke to see Kira gone. Sitting up slowly he went to grab his clothing deciding to get changed up and wait for her to get out of the shower.
Kira: Kira fed the animals before moving back upstairs. She went into the room and looked to Reggie, "Evening.." she said, yeah she had no idea what to say to him at the moment.
Reginald:Reginald smiled as he looked over at Kira. "Looking good today, how did you sleep?" He asked her with his smile growing by the second.
Kira: Kira raised an eyebrow. "Don't I always?" she asked, tilting her head. She looked away. "Hum, well fine.." she said.
Reginald:Reginald smirked a bit at her responses to what he said. "Well, I guess that settles that then. I will be sleeping with you from this day forward." He said as he laid out on the bed. "Can you arrange a meeting with your wraith for me? I need to talk to it a bit." He said.
Kira: Kira looked at him, "I guess...its alright." she said, she suppose she couldn't deny him that any longer. "My wraith? You want Marcus or Tessa?" she asked, "This a private chat I assume." she added, wondering what it was about.
Reginald:Reginald gave his head a slight nod. "Private yes and Tessa if you could... I think she would be better suited for the conversation I need to have with someone. Might want to talk to Lexy too... Need to send her an email." He said as he thought out what he was going to say to them .
Kira: Kira stared at him confused, "Okay.." she said, she sent a message to Lady Baron for Tessa to come talk to Reggie. "I will be off to collect trap parts then. I'll be back later." she said. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before heading out.
: Tessa entered the house, looking over the animals before looking for Reggie. "My, I'm surprised you asked for me. Is this a girl in sight you looking for?" she said with a giggle.
Reginald:Reginald sat there waiting for Tessa when Kira left. He sighed a bit and then furrowed his brows staring at the ground troubled until he heard Tessa's voice. "Tessa, I am going to propose to Kira. I feel the need to. I.. I love her and I can't hold that love back much longer. I just... Need someone to talk to about this. Eh... What do I do Tessa?" He said softly.
Kira: Tessa floated in the air with her legs crossed. "Really? You think she is ready to say yes to a proposal?" she asked. She crossed her arms, "How long have you two been together again? You were turned in...March was it? So it hasn't been a year. Or is it going to be a longer engagement?" she asked curious. "Can't hold back that love? What do you mean? You want to shower her in affection?"
Reginald:Reginald chuckled a bit and then closed his eyes. He guesses he left quite a few things unanswered there so of course she will ask all these questions. "Do you honestly think she will be ready for it ever? I doubt nobody is ever truly ready for it, it is a big thing. A life changer and nobody really is ready for change it just happens. I won't ever... Leave her, or hurt her. I love her with all I am and more. I can't hold back my love for her, I need a way to express it and that is marriage. Forever for better or worse, no matter what I shall always stay by her side. I need her to know that. I need it more than anything else. I say need because I fear I will lose my mind if I don't propose to her, so that she knows how serious and how much I truly care for her. I am weird I know.." He said
Kira: "I suppose you might be right. I doubt she would think she is ready for marriage considering the last one, not that was really a marriage. This one would be done right and proper." Tessa replied, she sighed softly. "Damn, you're like every woman's dream man." she said, and floated around. "So, how soon exactly are you wanting to propose to her?"
Reginald:"It depends Tessa, soon.. I was thinking halloweenish time if she isn't busy. I don't know how to go about it. I don't even know where in the city I would buy a ring you know. I just really want your help in this or something." He said and clasped his hands together nervously squeezing his hands.
Kira: "Well that is pretty soon. You do realize Halloween is her claimed birthday? What a gift." Tessa said with a giggle. "I know there is a Halloween party going on, the 30th but I don't know if she is wishing to go or not. Though she really needs to watch Rocky Horror Picture Show at some point in her life." she said. "A ring? Well...my dear, depends on what kind of marriage, just a human one. Go to any jewelry store. Her friend makes some...I'm not sure if a custom ring would be something she could do. Human marriage is always a good start before rushing into a forever vampire binding, that takes a whole different kind of ring and a ritual."
Kira: "Well that is pretty soon. You do realize Halloween is her claimed birthday? What a gift." Tessa said with a giggle. "I know there is a Halloween party going on, the 30th but I don't know if she is wishing to go or not. Though she really needs to watch Rocky Horror Picture Show at some point in her life." she said. "A ring? Well...my dear, depends on what kind of marriage, just a human one. Go to any jewelry store. Her friend makes some...I'm not sure if a custom ring would be something she could do. Human marriage is always a good start before rushing into a forever vampire binding, that takes a whole different kind of ring and a ritual."
Reginald:Reginald shrugged a bit. "I know and I just... I need to propose to her, I don'tknow what else to do. I really love her Tessa." He said as he wringed his hands together tighter wincing as he hurts himself doing so. He is really, really nervous right now.
Kira: "Hmm, well at least she has no parents you have to get permission from." Tessa said with a giggle. "Oh guess that was more back in my day. A human marriage will do for what you want. So you need a ring and how exactly are you wanting to propose. Private, small gathering, public..." she said.
Reginald:Reginald smirked and then nodded. "You will love dressing her up for the wedding too I bet. Do you think I should tell Lexy about it first or Dru? Or just ask Kira and then break the news together if she says yes?" He asked with worry in his voice.
Kira: Tessa giggled, "I will love to, but Dru will have to be my hands." she said. "That I'm not sure of. Maybe just break the news later.."
Reginald:Reginald nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, we don't even know if Kira will say yes even though.. I really hope she does." He said and then bit his lip nervously.
Kira: "She may not be ready to marry but maybe agree to being engaged for awhile, if you just need a stronger claim on her than just dating but doesn't solve your problem of' needing to love her more'." Tessa said with an knowing smile, "You can't hold off trying to bed her huh?" She said, "Well, I can always have a little chat with her, see if I can figure out if she would say yes or not."
Reginald:Reginald gave his head a short nod as he leaned back into the sofa letting out a long relaxing sigh. "Bed her? No that's not it at all. I can't hold off loving her with every fiber of my being. It's fine, I will just ask her. Anyways, I hope she isn't busy on Halloween. Can you see if she is going to that party or not?" He asked Tessa nicely.
Kira: "Bed her, deflower her, sorry old terms." Tessa said with a giggle. "What is going to happen if you two get married and she still not ready to...go there?" she floated up, "I'll ask her. I'm sure she doesn't want to go to the party but Halloween is an important day for pagans so she may want to do a ritual." she said, "You could be in the circle with her, then she can't run away." she said with a laugh.
Reginald:"That's fine, she doesn't have to ever sleep with me if she isn't comfortable with it Tessa. I might just do that but, you never know. If she wants to run she can run but.. We will see. I won't worry about it anymore." He said as he sat up and looked towards Tessa. "Want to come help me pick out a ring? I have seventy thousand dollars to spend on them." He said.
12:25:56 AM
Kira: "You're such a confusing young man." Tessa said, "If you are both in the circle, she can't run. You cannot break the circle. Not until she releases everything. However it works." she said, "Oo, alright, you doing that now?"
Reginald:Reginald gave his head a slight nod as he moved towards the door. "Yeah, lets go spend all my money on a ring." He said as he looked behind himself with a small smile.
Kira: Tessa followed after him, "So any ideas on what you're looking for?" she asked, "Let's try the mall, some stores there. Good thing I know her ring size huh." she said with a giggle.
Reginald:He shrugged his shoulders as he went into the mall and then smiled a bit. " I guess I will know it when I see it. I am glad you know her ring size as well." He said happily.
Kira: Tessa moved through the store, looking at the rings but she couldn't make herself seen here. She stayed next to Reggie, "Size 6 by the way." she said.
Reginald:Reginald smiled at what Tessa said. "Six huh... Okay." He said so thankful that she was helping him. He looked through the glass at all the rings and them sighed. "I really am not good at this at all. Can you help me Tessa, go through some of the rings for me and tell me why they would be good for her." he said.
Kira: "If you haven't noticed what she wears, is Celtic so...find something with Celtic knots or something.." Tessa said softly. "Wonder if she should have any kind of stone, might be hard to punch people with it.." she said with a sigh. If only she was a bit more lady like. Trying to figure out how to point rings out to him without showing herself to the people here.
Reginald:Reginald asked to see a few of the rings running a finger across each until he decided on the one that just seemed like the best for her. "How much for this one? He asked the woman behind the counter.
Kira: The woman looked around, hearing a voice that seemed to be giddy. "That is a wonderful choice sir. It's $3,000." she said.
Reginald:He looked at the woman and raised an eyebrow. "That's all? She is worth so much more to me. Hell there is no price on her but... I need to give her something better. I guess... If there is nothing else I will spend the rest of my money on the wedding." He said.
Kira: The woman smiled, "The rest of the money would be used on the wedding. A dress alone can run up to $10,000. Depending on the dress of course." she said, "Oh don't forget the honeymoon besides the wedding." she said. She blinked when she heard giggling as Tessa had no idea how she was going to get Kira into a really nice dress.
Reginald:Reginald nodded his head slightly. "I don't care if I would have to spend a million dollars on it. I would work hard to get the money. I really love her and I want that night to be special. The honeymoon too." He said as he closed his eyes before letting out a little sigh. "Whatever it takes for the woman I love." He said.
2:09:31 AM
Kira: The woman laughed lightly. "Young love." she said, "Is this the ring you want then and want to pick out a box for it?"
Reginald:Reginald smiled a bit and then nodded. "Yes I will take this ring. A box? Um.. I don't know what sort of box is good?" He asked her.
Kira: The woman went and came back with two boxes. "This is the ring box, it has a light so when you open it up, the light shines down on the ring. Really gets her attention. This box just protects this box until its time." she said.
Reginald:"Um... How about we don't do the fancy light thing she will be shocked enough as it is." He said as he pulled out his bank card and handed over to the woman and paid for it before pocketing it. He then moved out of the store and let out a big breath. "What are your thoughts Tessa, did I do good?" He asked.
Kira: "You did fine." Tessa said, "This would be any woman's dream. But Kira isn't a normal woman, have no idea how it will go." she added. She floating ahead. "Now, want me to go talk to Kira? See what her plans are? She might get the idea there is some kind of birthday thing though, so I'll have to word it right."
Reginald:Reginald smiled a bit, relieved by Tessa's words. "Yes please do Tessa, I will head back to the house and hide the ring somewhere." He said as he made his way to the house.
While this was going on, this is what Kira was doing.
Reginald:Reginald went up to his and Kira's shared room and bit his lip wondering where he could hide the ring. He thought about under the bed but then thought otherwise, the animals would get to it and bring it to Kira. He looked around and then went to find one of her dresses and slipped it in there and sighed happily. Safe... She never wears dresses. Hopping back downstairs he plops down on the sofa and smiles happily waiting for Kira to get home
Kira: Kira entered the house, petting the animals who were wanting attention. She petted the dogs before picking up the cats, Sof balanced on her shoulder as she held Artio. She went into the kitchen to feed them, unknown that Tessa quickly came in to tell Reggie that Kira had nothing planned before quickly hurrying out before Kira saw her.
Reginald:Reginald went over to Blue and gave him a good pat down when he got up to greet Kira only to stop when he heard Tessa's voice. With a smile he whispered thank you before standing up and made his way over to Kira. "Hey you, so did you stay out of trouble?" He asked playfully.
Kira: Kira rolled her eyes with a huff. "Yes, I just went for a walk and spent some time at my studio." she said, she had a lot on her mind so she just spent time thinking. She opened the soft food and set it out for the cats. She watched Artio a little, she was growing more. She wondered how big she would get. She looked at Reggie, still wondering what he was up to.
Reginald:He laughed a bit at her eye rolling and then gave her a playful push. "You know I was just kidding right?" He asked her. He then made his way to the living room to sit on the sofa. He needed to train hard tomorrow night that was for sure. He had been slacking a bit.
Kira: "You sure bring it up a lot. Besides, you would know if I was in trouble." Kira said, she moved into the living room. "You're going to give me some kind of complex or something." she leaned on the sofa, nipping his neck. Of course no blood drawn, sure didn't want that. She went upstairs, Tucker following after her. She moved some things around in her room, bringing in Reggie's dresser from his room. She might as well just get used to that fact. She then pulled out a bag to see if she needed any supplies for her ritual.
Reginald:He shivered at the nip, and groaned when she got up and left him there. Closing his eyes tightly he clenched his hand into a tight fist. This was going to be very hard, he wanted her on so many levels. Letting out a long sigh he got up and started to make his way to Blue. Get his mind of things for a bit.
Kira: Kira put some supplies in her bag. She set it by her closet and went downstairs. She went outside, it would be a shame to do the ritual inside. She explored the area between the house and the barn. She could make an outdoor altar, Tucker was still following after her. Wondered about just using a big rock, or getting a stone table. For now, she could just use the table she had out here. She closed her eyes, enjoying the breeze.
Reginald:Reginald thought for a moment and then went upstairs hoping she hadn't found the ring. He had virtually no worries but there is always that small chance. Moving upstairs he checked on the ring making sure it was still in her dress then smiled feeling the box. Moving over to the bed he laid out on it noticing that his things were here. She didn't have to do it by herself he could of helped he thought to himself.
Kira: Kira returned from the outside, petting Tucker. She went into the kitchen, thinking of what to do for offerings. There was plenty of apples. She looked at the time, and headed upstairs. She heard a meow from the closet. She opened the door and Artio came out. "How you get in there?" she said, looking at Sof, wondering if the older cat had gotten the door open and closed it on the kitten. She looked at Reggie, "You sure like beds now that it's my bed." she mused.
Reginald:Reginald turned and laid out on his side facing Kira. "Well of course I do... Plus, it's more lonely sleeping on a bed all alone." He said looking into her eyes for a long moment.
Kira: "But you slept on the floor instead alone. You're so odd sometimes." Kira said, she grabbed her night or rather day clothes and went to his old room to change. "I'm not used to sharing a bed besides with the animals." She said, getting into bed from the other side.
Reginald:Reginald chuckled a bit and nodded. "Yep, I am strange. I know that much." He said as he wrapped an arm around her cuddling up close. "Can we spend Halloween together?" He asked her hoping she didn't say no.
Kira: Kira blinked, this would take some getting used to. "Well yeah...spend all our time together anyway." she said, "Why would it be any different?"
Reginald:He shrugs his shoulders and then kisses her cheek lightly. "I love you, sleep well and I am glad we can spend that day together. It will be important for me." He said snuggling up to her until he started to drift off to sleep.
Kira: Kira raised an eyebrow. "Important for you?" she said confused, but he already seemed to be falling asleep. She sighed softly, she turned on her side and curled up as the sun came up and she fell asleep.
Reginald:Reginald slept peacefully all morning, waking up just before the sun started to set. He smiled opening his eyes and looking at Kira sleeping. "My beautiful girl." He said to her sleeping form and snuggled up enjoying the close proximity while he waited for her to wake,.
Kira: Sof and Artio stared at the two until they started to meow and pat at Kira's face. "Hmm.." Kira muttered. She opened her eyes, looking from the cats to who was holding her. "How long have you been doing that?" she asked.
Reginald:Reginald raised a brow and then opened his eyes up wide to take in her face with a smile. "Doing what?" he asked her giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before pulling away from her to sit on the edge of the bed.
Kira: "Holding onto me, surely it wasn't like that all day." Kira replied, she sat up, running a hand through her hair. She watched the cats run off to play.
Reginald:He shrugged his shoulders. "So what if it was like that all day. It was nice." He said as he went to grab his weapons. "I am going to be hunting today. So you can have first shower. No need to shower before I kill things." He said.
Kira: Kira stared at him a moment before getting out of bed and got her clothes to go take a shower. The cats chased after her. After her shower she went to the work shed and painted the swan house. Tomorrow she would be able to take it out to them. She then headed out to the stores, she might as well see if there is a stone table and could have brought here.
Reginald:Reginald went outside after equipping himself and walked outside. Looking around curiously for a moment he took a deep breath. "Time to work." He said to himself and then attempted to speed of but it wasn't working. He stood there for a moment not sure what was going on. He should have enough power to use it... "What the.." He said and then pulled up his gun and tried to focus his power to his eye but nothing happened. He just dropped his gun then and didn't know what was going on.
Kira: Kira went to the store, finding what she wanted. She rode in the truck as they brought it to the house and helped set up the stone table. "Thanks." she said, waiting for them to leave the farm before gathering some stones and made a circle. She would also plant some things in a circle around it but winter was coming so there wasn't any point right now. She would like to get a green house so she could protect some herbs though. She noticed the horses and moved over to them, petting them on the head.
Reginald:Reginald couldn't use his powers. He stood there trying out every single multiple times before he just gave up dropping his weapons at the front door. Moving to the sofa he sat there with his face in his hands. What was he going to do? All his hard work honing them and they are all gone.
Kira: Kira moved inside the house, feeling upbeat about getting stuff set up for the Samhain ritual. She tilted her head, noticing the weapons then looked over at Reggie. She sat down beside him, curious. "Something wrong?" she asked.
Reginald:He froze up when Kira sat down beside him. Gulping he squeezed his face harder. Not wanting to seem weak he just sat there not speaking.
Kira: Kira stared at him, wondering what was up with him. She gripped his wrists and pulled. "I"d beat it out of you if I have to." she said.
Reginald:Reginald looked up at her and gulped before whispering softly. "I lost all my powers Kira, I am weaker now because of it. I still have all my combat skills but... Yeah." He said and then hanged his head.
Kira: Kira looked confused. "Lost your powers?" she said, what could cause that. Some vampires seemed to not use some powers and they just forgot them but just to lose all powers all the sudden. Could it be a plot from someone? Even then. She quickly made sure he hadn't been mind blocked but that wasn't the case. "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened.." she said, "That is...very odd." she said. She hugged him and kissed his cheek. "It will be alright.."
Reginald:He sighed and shrugged his shoulders. Moving his strong arm around her he held he close to himself. "Yeah it will be okay, I can still kick peoples asses just can't use any powers I guess. I don't know. All that hard work just gone, it's very discouraging.
Kira: Kira rested her head on him, "I'm sure it is discouraging.." she said, she would be upset to but there would be nothing to do but move on. "You want to fight later to see if you still got it?" she smirked.
Reginald:Reginald smiled a bit before nodding his head. "Sure, we can fight later. Maybe I can still pull it off." he said as he got up and went to grab his weapons. No use giving up she was right, he just had to go forward and work hard to get everything back.
Kira: "Good boy..." Kira said, she got up. "There is something going on, on Halloween. There is a slave auction. I did it last year to make some money, I going to do it again." She said, not wanting to bring up who bought her last year. "There are restrictions, so they should only buy me for music or dance, maybe a reading. Either way, I'll be careful so don't worry about it. I will make sure the rest of the night is free."
Reginald:Reginald nodded his head slightly as he looked at Kira. "Okay, just make sure Windy doesn't buy you that would be a disaster." He said. He was worried but it was fine, he knew she could take care of herself."After the auction we should meet up at the fort or the farm. Wherever you want" he said.
Kira: Kira tilted her head, she expected him to have more of a problem with it. "I will write him down as one who cannot bid on me." she said. "Meet up? I was planning on coming back to the farm for my ritual. Then I'm free to spend time with you." she said.
Reginald:Reginald smiled. So Windy can't buy her that's good. "Can I come watch the ritual? It would be nice I still have interest in it you know." He said.
Kira: Kira nodded, "That's fine. Just have to decide if you want to be in the circle or out of it. I can't have you coming in and out of it." she said, she picked up Sof. "Animals are free to come and go though." she said, petting the feline. She sat the cat down, closing her eyes. "Time for bed." she said, feeling tired, the sun must be coming up. She went upstairs and got ready for bed.
Reginald:Reginald ran up the stairs, maybe when he woke up the powers would come back. He settled in the bed and closed his eyes waiting for Kira before he fell asleep.
Kira: Kira got into bed, falling asleep right away. When night came, she got up and got ready for the auction. The auction itself was annoying, seeing David again brought up bad thoughts. How dare he try to buy Lexy. It was clear he still hated her and wanted payback for nothing. She hadn't done anything. Then there were the Owl Turds of course. She growled softly, stress ran through her body. She hoped Dru would be alright with Doc, hoping he only wants a suit made. The man who won Kira, she didn't know other than he helped fight when it came to that one Owl Turd. He seemed to know Windy though, but not friendly so maybe she didn't have anything to worry about.
She moved through the house, getting changed into her white ritual dress and took the bag of items and started to set up the altar. This would take her mind off the **** that had went on.
Reginald:Reginald was frustrated with the auction as well. He shook his head slightly, the Owl Turds just had to get him this worked up the day he was going to propose didn't they? Shaking his head with a sigh he got his game face on. That all didn't matter right now, the only thing that matters is Kira. He ran up to the room and grabbed the ring out of the dress thankful she didn't wear it. Hopping down the stairs he came up beside Kira. "Hey you, so we going to do this?" He said.
Kira: "Yes, I just...need to calm down a little." Kira said, setting a cup and an Apple on the table. Along with a dagger that was only used for this, candles, salt. A bowl of water. She turned to Reggie, "Are you staying inside the circle?" She asked, she hugged him, wanting to release the stress of what happened. She let out a breath, watching the animals come over to see what was going on.
Reginald:Reginald wrapped his arms around Kira tightly when she hugged him and gave her a tiny nod. "Yeah I am going to stay in the circle. Happy birthday by the way." He said.
Kira: Kira knelt down, "The Wheel of the Year turns, bringing us from season to season. Here in this sacred space, I pause briefly as I honor this sacred season of Samhain, a time to honor the dead. I come to praise the wise Crone Goddess and her beloved consort, the God, who is soon to pass into the Summerland – opening the veil which makes this world and the world of spirit thin.”
Kira stood, hold the incense and held it up. "Incense, symbol of air. May I feel myself gain strength and power."
She lit a corner candle. "Candles burn, symbol of fire, may I recall how the fires built by my ancestors nurtured and protected them.”
She picked up the bowl of salt,
“As I touch this salt, symbol of earth, I ask the Ancient Ones to protect and heal the Earth on which we live.”
Kira held the bowl of water and anointed herself with it, "Water, may it cleanse my body and spirit of all negativity, illness and weariness of my heart."
Kira picked up the Chalice with wine in it, and took a drink from it. “Blessed Lady Goddess, as I drink from this chalice, I humbly ask that you fill me with your essence. Blessed be the Lady!”
Kira picked up her athame, pointing it up to the sky.
“Blessed Lord God, I humbly ask your presence at my circle tonight as I honor you at this season. Blessed be the Lord!”
“Tonight is a night of death when our beloved God passes into the Summerland as the season of summer dies with him. But tonight is also as night of life as our wise Crone Goddess sees us through the ever-darkening season to life renewed – when our Lord God is born again at Yule.”
Kira picked up the gold and silver candles, bringing them together. “Tonight Goddess and God are a part of two separate worlds. They are for a brief time separated from one another.”
She then separated them and extinguished the gold candle. She put them together back on the altar. “Farewell Blessed Lord. Safe be your journey into the Summerland. Wise Crone Goddess, may the loving comfort of your people ease your sorrow.”
Since Kira had no loved ones who had passed away, she didn't do one part of the ritual and only focused on the god and goddess. She cut the apple in half, leaving one half on the table, taking a bite of the one half. She left it as an offering to all. She freed the corners, opened the circle,
“I am a child of deity,
I am part of the creative life force which moves the universe;
I am part of all that is,
Though we are apart, we are ever together –
For we are one in the spirit of our Goddess and God;
Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again – Blessed be!”
Kira had let Reggie take part if he wanted to, with the wine and apple. After the ritual, she turned to him. "So? What do you think? I know it's kind of long." she said.
Reginald:Reginald smiled as he stood there watching her do the ritual. It was amazing, he was really interested in rituals and it was nice to literally be in one. He watched and took in everything and when it was over he bit his lip.
"Hey Kira, I love you and I have something to ask you. I want to spend forever with you and I hope you want to spend forever with me." He said and then dropped down on one knee before pulling out the box the ring was held in and presented it to her opening the box. "Will you marry me Kira?" He asked her nervousness building inside of him. He was actually scared worse than he ever has been about her saying no.
Kira: Kira tilted her head as he said he had something to ask her, the next stuff started to confuse her and as he dropped down to one knee, she was even more confused. She didn't watch romance movies and there had been no proposal when she ended up married to David somehow. She stared at him then the box, the ring. "Marry..?" she said, she blinked. Warrior started to scream in her head, she held her head as she dropped to her knees. "Reggie...I...." she closed her eyes. "Is this because of what happened the other night? I'm...not ready to...give that up just yet." she said. "I...do believe, you are the one...to trust it with.."
Reginald:Reginald started to panic a little on the inside he didn't move from his kneeling position. Instead he took her arm and gently gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Kira, it's not because of the other night it's because I honestly want to promise myself to you. We can stay engaged for as long as you need to but... I love you and yes forever with you is all I want in this life." He said worry in his voice.
Kira: Kira winced from the yelling in her head. She closed her eyes and told Warrior to just shut up. "But...I do torment you without even realizing it.." she said. She lowered her arms, would this be easier to reply to him if her heart was stabbed or shot. "I don't know...I..." she said. She reached for another dagger and pulled the dress down enough to not cut it, holding the blade to her heart.
Reginald:He watched her and then took her hand and shook his head. "Kira no... Don't hurt yourself like this. I mean..." he sighed and let go of her hand. He really wanted an answer from her heart .. Even if it meant what she was about to do.
Kira: Kira looked at him, he had let go of her hand. "If...I'm willing to do this...it must mean something." she said, "I...I want to feel what its suppose to feel like." she took his hand, putting it with hers on the blade handle. "I am truly giving my heart to you."
Reginald:He smiled a bit and stood up, wrapping an arm around her as he leaned in to kiss her lips gently. His hand pulling the blade back and wrapping his other arm around her. She didn't have to stab herself. He didn't want her to.
Kira: Kira blinked, "Reggie?" She said confused. "I guess this means yes, in a roundabout way..."
Reginald:Reginald blinked a bit and then took the ring out of the box and slid it on her finger slowly before taking her in a long and loving kiss. He broke off the kiss and then smiled. "I love you, and I promise myself to you completely." he said.
Kira: Kira watched him put the ring on her finger. He knew her ring size? Tessa...that's what they were up to that night. She was pulled into a kissed, she hugged him. She smiled, "We should get inside." She said, she put the items she didn't want left out in her bag and poured the rest of the wine on the ground before taking his hand and headed inside, calling the animals to come inside.
Reginald:Reginald smiled as he stood there and looked into her eyes for a long moment before he got up and started to walk inside with her. "Okay, my love." he said so happy he didn't know what to think or do.
Kira: Kira wasn't sure if she would ever get used to being called love. She set the bag aside, "I'm going to get changed." She said. She went upstairs, closing the door and changed then opened the door so he knew it was save to come in. She got into bed and the cats joined her.
Reginald:Reginald sat on the sofa, and closed his eyes. He relaxed mentally, that was the single hardest thing he has ever done in his life..
Kira: Kira passed out as the sun came up, her and the cats were sprawled out.
Reginald:Reginald woke up when the sun came up with a start he sat up suddenly. He passed out on the sofa and almost didn't get to spend the morning with his Kira. With a sigh he stood up and stretched his arms up and over his head wondering what tonight would bring. Moving up to the bedroom he laid out beside her and snuggled up close to her.
Kira: Kira woke up later as the sun went down. She opened her eyes at the kitties then to her hand with the ring. So it wasn't some dream. She sat up but noticed the arms around her. She wiggled her way out from him and the cats, getting out of bed. She grabbed a change of clothes and headed downstairs to take a shower.
Reginald:Reginald yawned as he rolled over on his side watching her leave the room. He closed his eyes and sighed happily. He sat at the edge of the bed and got up running down the stairs. Well, this was going to be sucky if she had to start her nights tonight.
Kira: Kira came out of the bathroom, showered and dressed. She looked to the card that the man Ricky gave her, the man who won her in the auction. She wasn't sure if she'd be gone for three nights or she would be returning each night and leaving again later. She put the card in her jacket by the door, tilting her head at Reggie. "Hum, are you going to be okay if I have to be gone for three nights straight?" she asked.