As she leaned back out of the girl's personal space, she could hear the transit coming, the wheels and the breaks though it was still off enough that they could sit for a few more minutes. "But you are right, Elliot is pretty awesome. It was shocking when he asked me if I wanted to be adopted by him, pretty much floored me because he had only met me one other time before. He had saved my *** from some really ugly looking wolves in the catacombs." She said in that same soft voice that was pretty much a whisper to human ears but she knew that Skylar would hear it no problem.
Skylar asked about Pi, at least she would assume that was what Skylar was getting at with calling her a 'Bint' - of course she hadn't missed the slight slip in the girl's words. Sure that Skylar was going to call her something else. "You know, if I didn't like her and I didn't see just how unbelievably in love Elliot was with her, I would still give her a little bit of a fight." She winked to the girl but then added in "But Pi, has been pretty welcoming to me, very understanding and such. And I believe she and I as well as some of the other family still have a dinner planned. Or at least... I hope we do. I love to eat, hate to cook. She loves to cook and can't eat." She said with a bit of a laugh to her voice before the transit showed up, pulling up in front of the station.
Charlie stood again, waiting only for Skylar to join her as she continued to talk in the quiet tone that was just for them. "That said, I have a bit of a hard time trusting people. Especially since there are some in the family that sent me to the Shadow Realm for no other reason than who my sire was. That's another reason why I had my name separated from the guy that made me. I don't like bullies, but I really don't like bullies who attack only because someone else is connected to someone they dislike. I hadn't done anything wrong but I still found myself surrounded by twenty angry and extremely powerful people wanting me dead just because they hated the guy and thus me by association." She said in a tone that clearly reflected her thoughts on what had happened. She had been gang-banged and she hadn't enjoyed it, persecuted for no other reason than the guy that made her and ditched her.
Holding her hand out for Skylar to take so that they could walk through to the back of the car without being separated by the other bodies, Charlie smiled a bit and then found a place where the two of them could sit without being totally surrounded which would still allow them to talk pretty openly so long as they kept to quieter tones. "So why do I get the feeling you and Pi aren't going to be trading baking recipes anytime soon?" She asked with a more teasing, cheery tone.