Three heads are better than two?
- Posts: 58
- Joined: 19 Oct 2014, 13:42
Three heads are better than two?
Tobais stood in the back room of his beloved sire's store listening to the rantings of the caged "dollies" back here. He cocks his head curiously as he walks up to a large human boy in a varsity jacket. He holds the object in his hands tightly as he examines him.
"You know, you look strikingly like the kind of person that would have tormented me back in school, it seems so long ago" He narrows his eyes and looks at the blonde hair and muscular tone "Strange, i wonder what mother wants with you"
He looks down at the stunningly realistic head in his hands while he turns away "I cant imagine where she could be" He says walking out of the back room and closing the door tight. He walks slowly around the aisles of the store muttering to himself examining the fine work. Suddenly his head snaps to the doorway, he had been sure he heard something over there. Walking slowly over he looks around that part of the store, even checking the office but finds nothing "My imagination, surely" He says resuming his wandering
"You know, you look strikingly like the kind of person that would have tormented me back in school, it seems so long ago" He narrows his eyes and looks at the blonde hair and muscular tone "Strange, i wonder what mother wants with you"
He looks down at the stunningly realistic head in his hands while he turns away "I cant imagine where she could be" He says walking out of the back room and closing the door tight. He walks slowly around the aisles of the store muttering to himself examining the fine work. Suddenly his head snaps to the doorway, he had been sure he heard something over there. Walking slowly over he looks around that part of the store, even checking the office but finds nothing "My imagination, surely" He says resuming his wandering
- Lacrimosa (DELETED 5624)
- Posts: 11
- Joined: 19 Aug 2014, 15:23
Re: Three heads are better than two?
Laura's blood was boiling.
Not because she was angry. Not because she was sick, but because she needed to feed. The frenzy her sire had started the second she turned her was impossible to control. Walking the streets was torture with all the freely flowing blood passing her by, but she was not supposed to be careless. She was not supposed to feast with witnesses around. Sadly all she could think of was the desire to fulfill her intense need to splurge on the warm hemoglobin. She knew she was close to losing her self control so she rushed into her sire's shop..
The ability to move so fast no human would be able to even see her was the thing Laura was most excited about.
"Gimble's Prosthetics" She whispered while looking at the crumpled piece of paper with an address scribbled to it. As she arrived at the store she stopped at the door, but instead of immediately opening the door and rushing in, she opened the door carefully looking up as if she was waiting for a bell or something that would alert the people inside of her arrival. The annoyingly loud electronic "Ding-Ding" made her efforts useless. She sighed and stepped into the freaky looking shop with hands and legs everywhere on display.
She looked around but saw no-one she recognized, so she walked up to a shelf and trailed her finger across the glass surface spying every single object there.
Not because she was angry. Not because she was sick, but because she needed to feed. The frenzy her sire had started the second she turned her was impossible to control. Walking the streets was torture with all the freely flowing blood passing her by, but she was not supposed to be careless. She was not supposed to feast with witnesses around. Sadly all she could think of was the desire to fulfill her intense need to splurge on the warm hemoglobin. She knew she was close to losing her self control so she rushed into her sire's shop..
The ability to move so fast no human would be able to even see her was the thing Laura was most excited about.
"Gimble's Prosthetics" She whispered while looking at the crumpled piece of paper with an address scribbled to it. As she arrived at the store she stopped at the door, but instead of immediately opening the door and rushing in, she opened the door carefully looking up as if she was waiting for a bell or something that would alert the people inside of her arrival. The annoyingly loud electronic "Ding-Ding" made her efforts useless. She sighed and stepped into the freaky looking shop with hands and legs everywhere on display.
She looked around but saw no-one she recognized, so she walked up to a shelf and trailed her finger across the glass surface spying every single object there.

- Posts: 58
- Joined: 19 Oct 2014, 13:42
Re: Three heads are better than two?
Tobais narrows his eyes at the woman that enters and cocks his head curiously. He walks up behind her and looked at her a bit closer "Is there something specific i can help you to find?" He says to the stranger in his mother's shop, he did after all work here. However when he got close he could smell it on her, this woman was not alive, that coupled with his own necromantic abilities assured him this was one of his own kind.
Growing a bit more curious he leans closer and sniffs her quietly slightly taken aback by her scent he adjusts the head he was holding "You smell of Sepsis" He says flatly. "Why do you smell of mother so much, the only ones who would spend that much time with her would be myself and her other...You are Lacrimosa than?"
He shifted his stance as he waited for a response, he detested being wrong and dearly hoped he was not here. It was not as if he had broken the masquerade if he was it would just be incredibly awkward. However there was one last thing that lead him to believe this, when his dear sire had turned him, he had developed a great devotion to his blood, he could feel a tug at him when they were not around, Sepsis specifically. however this woman lessoned the tug, she was his blood, he was sure of that..
Growing a bit more curious he leans closer and sniffs her quietly slightly taken aback by her scent he adjusts the head he was holding "You smell of Sepsis" He says flatly. "Why do you smell of mother so much, the only ones who would spend that much time with her would be myself and her other...You are Lacrimosa than?"
He shifted his stance as he waited for a response, he detested being wrong and dearly hoped he was not here. It was not as if he had broken the masquerade if he was it would just be incredibly awkward. However there was one last thing that lead him to believe this, when his dear sire had turned him, he had developed a great devotion to his blood, he could feel a tug at him when they were not around, Sepsis specifically. however this woman lessoned the tug, she was his blood, he was sure of that..
- Lacrimosa (DELETED 5624)
- Posts: 11
- Joined: 19 Aug 2014, 15:23
Re: Three heads are better than two?
She listened to the man yammering about HER sire.
"I work here, boy-o" She blurted rudely at the man. She knew who he was without saying. "and you can call me Laura, Tobais" She walked towards the back room pushing him to the side as she went. Sepsis had indeed told her about the brother. She didn't feel too happy having to share the Sire's attention with this one, but the newly turned euphoria kept her from getting bored. Everything was new and everything was possible. She truly felt... amazing.
"She said I shouldn't touch the dolls... What dolls?" She asked innocently as she stood there watching a room full of caged people. She smiled and walked closer to them remembering her overwhelming urge to splurge. She examined them all from head to toe. "Where is she anyways?" She asked and pulled a prosthetic hand out of her bag. "She gave me this in case I ever needed an extra hand.." She added and immediately slapped one of the "dollies" with it to shut them up.
She turned around and exhaled as she wrinkled her face into an obviously fake smile. "Sorry about that." She walked out of the back room waving the spare hand with a deformed smile on her face.
"I work here, boy-o" She blurted rudely at the man. She knew who he was without saying. "and you can call me Laura, Tobais" She walked towards the back room pushing him to the side as she went. Sepsis had indeed told her about the brother. She didn't feel too happy having to share the Sire's attention with this one, but the newly turned euphoria kept her from getting bored. Everything was new and everything was possible. She truly felt... amazing.
"She said I shouldn't touch the dolls... What dolls?" She asked innocently as she stood there watching a room full of caged people. She smiled and walked closer to them remembering her overwhelming urge to splurge. She examined them all from head to toe. "Where is she anyways?" She asked and pulled a prosthetic hand out of her bag. "She gave me this in case I ever needed an extra hand.." She added and immediately slapped one of the "dollies" with it to shut them up.
She turned around and exhaled as she wrinkled her face into an obviously fake smile. "Sorry about that." She walked out of the back room waving the spare hand with a deformed smile on her face.

- Posts: 58
- Joined: 19 Oct 2014, 13:42
Re: Three heads are better than two?
He rolls his eyes as she seems to be upset the fact he had to share HIS sire with this one here, but determined to get along he just lets her go into the back room. When she returns he does not look up "I work here too smart ***" He says writing something down before checking something in his book, his head, a gift from his mother sat beside him, its blank lifeless eyes stared quietly at the store
"I don't know, i haven't been able to find her today" He says sounding put out by the fact. He seems to however get over it quickly and close his book, He watched quietly as she slaps one of his sire's dollies and shakes his head. So disrespectful, it pained him to think his beloved mother had gone to this one. Surely there was something about her he was missing. He was tempted to cast Rigormortis on her and summon a dead vampire to carry her to the dolly locker but, he believed that would upset his mother quite a bit, his eyes do however twinkle at the thought as he walks to the front counter and opens his book again writeing something in his book "What brings you by?"
"I don't know, i haven't been able to find her today" He says sounding put out by the fact. He seems to however get over it quickly and close his book, He watched quietly as she slaps one of his sire's dollies and shakes his head. So disrespectful, it pained him to think his beloved mother had gone to this one. Surely there was something about her he was missing. He was tempted to cast Rigormortis on her and summon a dead vampire to carry her to the dolly locker but, he believed that would upset his mother quite a bit, his eyes do however twinkle at the thought as he walks to the front counter and opens his book again writeing something in his book "What brings you by?"
- Lacrimosa (DELETED 5624)
- Posts: 11
- Joined: 19 Aug 2014, 15:23
Re: Three heads are better than two?
"Oohhh..." She spun around sucking in the atmosphere of the very much grotesque and morbidly fascinating little freakshow of limbs. "...nothing specific." She focused her attention to Tobais and sashayed around him inspecting the brother-person. "What are you up to besides wasting time with your nose in a book?"
The voice in her head was similarly interested in him. "He seems off. Beware. He might want to make you disappear. You should crack his skull open and taste his thoughts about you. I am pretty sure his are sour."
"Where did Sepsy find you?" She asked innocently.
"Probably from a cubicle." The voice answered.
"You got a wife? Kids? Pets?"
"Transformers? A girl in a well that needs more lotion?"
"How do you like it here? How do you like being immortal? And can you run as fast as I can?" She asked and snapped her fingers to add to the effect.
"He looks slow.."
Laura squinted and crossed her arms on her chest slapping her side with that extra hand of hers as she looked at the brother-man.
The voice in her head was similarly interested in him. "He seems off. Beware. He might want to make you disappear. You should crack his skull open and taste his thoughts about you. I am pretty sure his are sour."
"Where did Sepsy find you?" She asked innocently.
"Probably from a cubicle." The voice answered.
"You got a wife? Kids? Pets?"
"Transformers? A girl in a well that needs more lotion?"
"How do you like it here? How do you like being immortal? And can you run as fast as I can?" She asked and snapped her fingers to add to the effect.
"He looks slow.."
Laura squinted and crossed her arms on her chest slapping her side with that extra hand of hers as she looked at the brother-man.

- Posts: 58
- Joined: 19 Oct 2014, 13:42
Re: Three heads are better than two?
Tobais watched as she rattled off a plethora of questions, this one was incredibly curious He turns the page and continues his notes as she speaks to him, always one for his work. "I am, up to, as you put it, some research for a trip Sepsis and i are taking." he stops and stands up straight for a moment looking down at the book as he compares facts from his own knowledge
"Therein lies a tale, where our dear mother found me" he says at last closing his book after he makes sure to slip his notes inside it to make his place. He tucks the book under his arm and the pencil safely into his jacket as his bright green eyes bore into her "Sepsis found me at the graveyard, i was digging up the corpse of my ex wife" his heavy footfalls carry him slow and steadily around the counter into the shop at large "To make a long story short she took me back to her place and grew attached. She said, i believe it was "that she was going to keep me" He chuckles a bit
"As to my wife, i believe i just told you. We never had a chance to have any children before she was taken from me, it appears that is an experience i will go though life without having. A fine turn of events by my view. I don't have any pets, animals do not seem to like the undead" he says informatively. "You cant tell me you haven't noticed?"
"I haven't been immortal long but, i studied vampires long before i was one. It is all strange to say the least but, i am pleased. I have mother, of course, but on top of that i have always been fascinated with research. I would suppose now i have as long as i wish to learn anything i want
"Enough about me though, what about you, i take it by your obsession with speed your one of those blockhead vampires that think you can punch any problem hard enough or enough times to make it go away?" he chides as his bright green eyes seem to appraise her.
"Where is it you washed into mother's care?" Were he to venture a guess it was at some low town bar at the losing end of a knife fight over some low down pole cat's woman. "You seem to be taking undeath well, a little too well to be honest, do you even know of the masquerade?"
He distrusted this..sister that was to be his blood. She seemed a loose cannon, a firecracker simply itching to go off, she was high and mighty of herself. He knew her type, there would be a fall..there always came a fall. Her personality be as it may, he would do his right duty to blood and ensure he was standing there besides Sepsis when she eventually came crashing back down to realize she was no god....not even close.
"Therein lies a tale, where our dear mother found me" he says at last closing his book after he makes sure to slip his notes inside it to make his place. He tucks the book under his arm and the pencil safely into his jacket as his bright green eyes bore into her "Sepsis found me at the graveyard, i was digging up the corpse of my ex wife" his heavy footfalls carry him slow and steadily around the counter into the shop at large "To make a long story short she took me back to her place and grew attached. She said, i believe it was "that she was going to keep me" He chuckles a bit
"As to my wife, i believe i just told you. We never had a chance to have any children before she was taken from me, it appears that is an experience i will go though life without having. A fine turn of events by my view. I don't have any pets, animals do not seem to like the undead" he says informatively. "You cant tell me you haven't noticed?"
"I haven't been immortal long but, i studied vampires long before i was one. It is all strange to say the least but, i am pleased. I have mother, of course, but on top of that i have always been fascinated with research. I would suppose now i have as long as i wish to learn anything i want
"Enough about me though, what about you, i take it by your obsession with speed your one of those blockhead vampires that think you can punch any problem hard enough or enough times to make it go away?" he chides as his bright green eyes seem to appraise her.
"Where is it you washed into mother's care?" Were he to venture a guess it was at some low town bar at the losing end of a knife fight over some low down pole cat's woman. "You seem to be taking undeath well, a little too well to be honest, do you even know of the masquerade?"
He distrusted this..sister that was to be his blood. She seemed a loose cannon, a firecracker simply itching to go off, she was high and mighty of herself. He knew her type, there would be a fall..there always came a fall. Her personality be as it may, he would do his right duty to blood and ensure he was standing there besides Sepsis when she eventually came crashing back down to realize she was no god....not even close.
- Lacrimosa (DELETED 5624)
- Posts: 11
- Joined: 19 Aug 2014, 15:23
Re: Three heads are better than two?
Laura was curious for a minute, but then she shook it off.TobaisCorbin wrote: "I am, up to, as you put it, some research for a trip Sepsis and i are taking."
"The guy is going for a trip with the sire.. It sounds good but looks incredibly boring. Look at him. He even smells like library."
"A trip with Seps, eh? How fun! I'll come along!" Laura blurted without thinking clearly.
"Not.. Just play nice and look interested."
"Mother..."TobaisCorbin wrote:"Therein lies a tale, where our dear mother found me"
"Is she your mother? Cause you look way too old to be her son." Laura circled around Tobais in a way someone might percieve as rude and offensive, but she was genuinely curious and interested. Afterall, this was her first week as immortal.
"He looks too old. You have to ask the sire if it's even possible for our kind to have... spawns... and if it is, how crazy are the spawns...?"
Laura's eyes brightened and she inched even closer. She immediately made assumptions and took them as the truth.TobaisCorbin wrote:"Sepsis found me at the graveyard, i was digging up the corpse of my ex wife"
"Why did you do it?" She focused on his eyes and looked for any sign of rage. "Was she messing around and you caught her or.." She whispered. "..were they acting suspiciously and you had to wreck them before they got you?" She was leading him on with her questions. Secretly hoping Tobais would be someone who understood that in this world, it's either us or them. Someone would die, and Laura prefered that it wasn't her.
"The *****.. pulling the same moves on everyone. Look around, Laura. You could be sitting in a cage too. Watch out for her. Whatch out for him."TobaisCorbin wrote:"that she was going to keep me"
"She likes to keep things." She looked and eyed Tobais from head to toe before turning on her heels and strutting back to the room with the dolls.
His words echoed in the background as her attention was fixed into a male doll. It looked at her.. With eyes like so many men before. Laura couldn't pinpoint if it was desire for cougar-love, or bloodbath. The doll was definitely glaring her. That is for certain.TobaisCorbin wrote:"As to my wife, i believe i just told you. We never had a....""
"Nope... I haven't noticed." Laura was sincere. She hadn't seen a single animal yet.Tobais Corbin wrote:"...animals do not seem to like the undead. You cant tell me you haven't noticed?"
She thought about meeting a bear, and completely.. totally.. annihilating one. A smile formed on her lips.
"The furball is welcome to try. We need a bear rug in front of the fireplace. Yes. We need that."
"We do.." She said to herself.
Laura noticed a certain tone in the bookworms voice.TobaisCorbin wrote:"Enough about me though, what about you, i take it by your obsession with speed your one of those blockhead vampires that think you can punch any problem hard enough or enough times to make it go away?"
"Well if the other option is to waste weeks trying to REASON with the one causing this problem, or doing RESEARCH on HOW to make the problem go away IN THEORY..."
Laura grinned.
"Hell yea." She pointed at Tobais with the spare hand. "I'll take the snap crackle and pop approach anytime. It keeps me limber."
Laura deadpanned. "She picked me up just outside the city. And I know I'm not supposed to tell my dinner anything about anyone.. I do know there might be severe consequences if anyone "normal" ever found out about us." Sepsis had made sure Laura knew all this.TobaisCorbin wrote:"Where is it you washed into mother's care?" ....... "You seem to be taking undeath well, a little too well to be honest, do you even know of the masquerade?"
She looked at the doll - man in the other room. The urge was very much present. She was able to fight it for now, but not for long.

- Posts: 58
- Joined: 19 Oct 2014, 13:42
Re: Three heads are better than two?
Tobais watched her closely as she walked around him like a curious cat, he found her presence unnerving, mostly annoying though. He responded to her questions simply and honestly as he could, as he was genuinely curious about her reactions. He found them largely blunt and she almost seemed to be responding to statements that were never made. He could only reason that she was talking to herself...or perhaps, knowing his beloved family, herself was talking to her.
He raises a brow at her invitation of herself along on the trip he was planning and shrugs "If you wish" He says simply honestly not caring either way. "But if your coming you cant touch anything, that is how bad things happen"
He lets out an odd guttural growl before turning away and walking back to the counter and adjusting his books and papers. "You keep glancing at the dollies like they are food, if you need to feed that badly than i suggest you do so, or was there a different reason?"
He raises a brow at her invitation of herself along on the trip he was planning and shrugs "If you wish" He says simply honestly not caring either way. "But if your coming you cant touch anything, that is how bad things happen"
His eyes flash and he stalks toward her with an eerie speed that did not match his bookworm demeanor. His eyes were dark, and swirling, they for just a fraction of a moment seemed like deep pits that lead into the fade. itself. His free hand, the one not holding the book seemed to shimmer and twist unnaturally for a moment and for only a moment or two an odd shadow seems to dart across the corner of her eye, like a shadow, stalking her in the night. His voice echoed oddly "You don't talk about my wife..."Laura's eyes brightened and she inched even closer. She immediately made assumptions and took them as the truth.
"Why did you do it?" She focused on his eyes and looked for any sign of rage. "Was she messing around and you caught her or.." She whispered. "..were they acting suspiciously and you had to wreck them before they got you?"
He lets out an odd guttural growl before turning away and walking back to the counter and adjusting his books and papers. "You keep glancing at the dollies like they are food, if you need to feed that badly than i suggest you do so, or was there a different reason?"