It was a nice cold but lovely evening and the snow was falling from the sky in huge flakes, covering the ground like a big fluffy blanket. How the light glistened against the snow made it seem as if the ground was covered with glitter. Lennox almost wanted to dance and play like a child seeing the snow fall for the first time. A snowman was a thought but the snow wasn't wet enough for it to stick together, she would just wait a couple of days before building one.
Putting down her latte to pull her Tardis knitted hat down around her ears more, she rocked on the top of the fence as she watched the "The Walking Dead" cosplayers shuffle through the snow. Professor X and his kids had warned her against hanging out too long as they felt that they were just really sick people but how could they be...their zombie make up was too perfect to be sick people. They had to be homeless and choosing to live out acting like a zombie. That's only what made sense to her. Her eyes watched them with fascination as she picked up latte, sipping from it as she watched the show.
The snow was too fluffy that anyone walking around could move unnoticed with the lack of crunch that was typically made when their foot pressed down on the snow. Lennox was sitting in her favorite spot on the fence which was right behind the Training Room in Wickbridge. It was the best place for a good view. The wind picked up and it made her shiver and the scurrying of the little animals as they ran to their homes for protection from the winter gusts of wind that could freeze the fur off of their little bodies, she missed the sounds of someone approaching behind her. Lennox was being stalked like prey and she hadn't had a clue until hands pressed firmly against her shoulders, holding her in place. Letting out a startled scream and dropping her latte, her world soon turned black as she mystically fell asleep from the bite.
Waking up in a snow bank, she lifted her head to look around. Her head felt heavy, dizzy, and confused. Blinking as she took in the large industrial buildings that surrounded her, she sighed and looked for her wallet. It was gone...again! Sighing as she tried to stand up but the dizziness intensified, that she thought it was better to just sit back down. Reaching into the pocket of her North Face jacket, she pulled out her cell phone and sent a text to her doctor.
'Hey Professor X...I know we haven't had a chance to run those tests you wanted but umm...I think now is as good a time as ever. It happened again and I don't even know where I am this time. Please help.'
Sending off the text, she looked around. Lennox wasn't sure if she should try and walk around, see if there was a possibility of finding a landmark or two to help with her location but her head spun. Closing her eyes tightly as she just wanted to curl up in a ball until the world stopped spinning. Maybe she just needed to stay in her hotel room but what good was it to anyone if she hid? If she was sick, hiding was not the best course of action and if someone was drugging her, well...they couldn't be arrested if she hid. No, her only option was to wait for the dizziness to pass and continue on as if nothing happened until she got answers.
Erm...Where am I? (Doc and Co)
- Registered User
- Posts: 108
- Joined: 01 Nov 2014, 02:03
- CrowNet Handle: China Doll
Erm...Where am I? (Doc and Co)
-x- K I L L E R -x-
-x- Enigma -x- d'Artois -x-

-x- Deadpool -x-
-x- Enigma -x- d'Artois -x-

-x- Deadpool -x-
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- CrowNet Handle: That Guy
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Re: Erm...Where am I? (Doc and Co)
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Doc: The day had been a steady pace of appointments, errands, clients and meetings. So as the day ebbed into night, the employees one by one left, leaving Doc alone in the lab. It was a welcome respite to what had been a busy day. He enjoyed having some solitude and downtime to focus on his journal. He had always kept a journal, but since his turning, his journal turned from cold unemotional listing of the day’s event, to a more in depth perusal of things that he noted, and how he saw himself changing. He jealously guarded this time, not wanting it to be invaded, especially once he started. So when his cell beeped, he almost ignored it. He would have bet money it was Phoenix, and the end result of the text would just annoy him. However, he had spawns that also tended to text him. Especially Carmen. And she had dropped a bombshell on him just hours earlier. Because of that bombshell, he did read the text.
Lennox Tyler: 'Hey Professor X...I know we haven't had a chance to run those tests you wanted but umm...I think now is as good a time as ever. It happened again and I don't even know where I am this time. Please help.'
Doc: Doc read the text, and his lips twisted into a smirk. It was his zombie hunting buddy China. He had laid it on thick that night at Lancasters, that blackouts were not normal, and it should be checked out immediately. The devil in him reared it’s mean evil head as he plotted to scare the ever living **** out of her.. for giggles. He texted her back.
Doc: [text] Did you experience any time disparity? Or lost time? And what do you see around you? Street signs? Anything of note, to help me find you.
Lennox Tyler: Opening her eyes, she read the text and looked around. Shaking her head as she replied back to him. "None that I can see...I haven't been to this part of town yet. They all look like factories or warehouses."
Doc: *text* Any names on buildings? Are you close to the waterfront?
Lennox Tyler: *text* I can hear water near by but I am kind of off to the side. I woke up in a snow bank. Umm...I think I can see what looks like a junkyard.
Doc: *text* Ok.. I think I know where you are.. I am driving a bronze Aston Martin, four door. Give me two minutes to set my phone up and then call me.
Lennox Tyler: *text* Okay, I will look for you. *She watched the time on her phone, each second that ticked by seened like an eternity but she was patient. As the two minute mark hit, she didn't hesitate to call. *
Doc: Doc answered the phone, "China? Are you alright?" He was on the hands free option on his phone, so he could drive and talk at the same time.
Lennox Tyler: As the call connected, she smiled. "Professor X...I think so. I'm dizzy and my head spins if I stand up but I might be a little better now."
Doc: "Good." he made sure his was reassuring and calm. "I should be close to you, my lab is not far from the junkyard. I can just see it. I am going to blow the horn, now." he blew the horn, "Could you hear that?"
Lennox Tyler: She listened to him and looked up as he said that he was close. Starting to stand up from her spot in the snow. Looking around, she smiled as she heard the horn and saw a car in the distance. Lennox put her hand up to wave at him since she looked like a bundled up Eskimo.
Doc: Doc smiled, he was going to enjoy this. He drove slowly toward the person waving at him. As he rolled up beside her, he unlocked the door and rolled down the window so she could see it was him. "You look like the ******* Michelin man.. " He grinned, "Hop in."
Lennox Tyler: As the car stopped beside her and the window rolled down, she leaned down to see that it was Doc. Perking her brow at his comments as she took note that he wasn't as bundled up. "It's freezing outside. Do you have super powers that deals with heat or something?"
Doc: "I was concerned about you.. more than my comfort. Hop in.. It's a five minute drive to the lab.. Where it is warm." He then hmmm'ed in that doctor tone, "Do you find yourself cold a lot?"
Lennox Tyler: Pulling open the door as he asked her to hop in once again. "Well you should bundle up too so you don't catch a cold or something." Sitting in the car and buckling the seat belt and then looking at him. "I tend to get cold often. I have a nice stock of sweaters..."
Doc: "That could be symptom.. " he said with just enough emphasis to make someone wonder, 'symptom of what?'. But he chose not to elaborate, instead, he turned the car around and headed back to the lab, "You should get a GPS app for your phone. So that when.. " An appropriate apologetic look at her, "I mean, IF this happens again, you will know where you are."
Lennox Tyler: "Symptom?" He had peaked her interest now. Maybe he had more of a clue as to what was wrong with her than he was letting on. Nodding her head as he suggested a GPS app, she instantly pulled up the App Store on her iphone and looked for one that had the best reviews. As the app installed, she slipped the phone into the pocket of her jacket. "Done! Thanks for rescuing me. I wasn't sure who else to call."
Doc: The drive to lab was almost complete when she triumphantly announced "Done!" He overlooked her question, he wanted her doubt, indecision and worry to build. Why? Why not? He parked the car in front of the lab, a cream colored nondescript building with "Genesis Labs' over the front door. "Here we are, and you feel free to call me anytime." He turned and gave her a solemn look, "I am your doctor now.. it is the least I could do."
Lennox Tyler: As he pulled up in front of the lab, she leaned forward to look out the windshield at the cream colored building. Biting her lip as he hadn't answered her question and wondered if something was seriously wrong with her and this was his form of "bedside manners". She didn't like it...she would prefer someone be whole-hearted and bluntly honest with her. Sitting back, she looked at him and nodded. "Alright, thank you."
Doc: The day had been a steady pace of appointments, errands, clients and meetings. So as the day ebbed into night, the employees one by one left, leaving Doc alone in the lab. It was a welcome respite to what had been a busy day. He enjoyed having some solitude and downtime to focus on his journal. He had always kept a journal, but since his turning, his journal turned from cold unemotional listing of the day’s event, to a more in depth perusal of things that he noted, and how he saw himself changing. He jealously guarded this time, not wanting it to be invaded, especially once he started. So when his cell beeped, he almost ignored it. He would have bet money it was Phoenix, and the end result of the text would just annoy him. However, he had spawns that also tended to text him. Especially Carmen. And she had dropped a bombshell on him just hours earlier. Because of that bombshell, he did read the text.
Lennox Tyler: 'Hey Professor X...I know we haven't had a chance to run those tests you wanted but umm...I think now is as good a time as ever. It happened again and I don't even know where I am this time. Please help.'
Doc: Doc read the text, and his lips twisted into a smirk. It was his zombie hunting buddy China. He had laid it on thick that night at Lancasters, that blackouts were not normal, and it should be checked out immediately. The devil in him reared it’s mean evil head as he plotted to scare the ever living **** out of her.. for giggles. He texted her back.
Doc: [text] Did you experience any time disparity? Or lost time? And what do you see around you? Street signs? Anything of note, to help me find you.
Lennox Tyler: Opening her eyes, she read the text and looked around. Shaking her head as she replied back to him. "None that I can see...I haven't been to this part of town yet. They all look like factories or warehouses."
Doc: *text* Any names on buildings? Are you close to the waterfront?
Lennox Tyler: *text* I can hear water near by but I am kind of off to the side. I woke up in a snow bank. Umm...I think I can see what looks like a junkyard.
Doc: *text* Ok.. I think I know where you are.. I am driving a bronze Aston Martin, four door. Give me two minutes to set my phone up and then call me.
Lennox Tyler: *text* Okay, I will look for you. *She watched the time on her phone, each second that ticked by seened like an eternity but she was patient. As the two minute mark hit, she didn't hesitate to call. *
Doc: Doc answered the phone, "China? Are you alright?" He was on the hands free option on his phone, so he could drive and talk at the same time.
Lennox Tyler: As the call connected, she smiled. "Professor X...I think so. I'm dizzy and my head spins if I stand up but I might be a little better now."
Doc: "Good." he made sure his was reassuring and calm. "I should be close to you, my lab is not far from the junkyard. I can just see it. I am going to blow the horn, now." he blew the horn, "Could you hear that?"
Lennox Tyler: She listened to him and looked up as he said that he was close. Starting to stand up from her spot in the snow. Looking around, she smiled as she heard the horn and saw a car in the distance. Lennox put her hand up to wave at him since she looked like a bundled up Eskimo.
Doc: Doc smiled, he was going to enjoy this. He drove slowly toward the person waving at him. As he rolled up beside her, he unlocked the door and rolled down the window so she could see it was him. "You look like the ******* Michelin man.. " He grinned, "Hop in."
Lennox Tyler: As the car stopped beside her and the window rolled down, she leaned down to see that it was Doc. Perking her brow at his comments as she took note that he wasn't as bundled up. "It's freezing outside. Do you have super powers that deals with heat or something?"
Doc: "I was concerned about you.. more than my comfort. Hop in.. It's a five minute drive to the lab.. Where it is warm." He then hmmm'ed in that doctor tone, "Do you find yourself cold a lot?"
Lennox Tyler: Pulling open the door as he asked her to hop in once again. "Well you should bundle up too so you don't catch a cold or something." Sitting in the car and buckling the seat belt and then looking at him. "I tend to get cold often. I have a nice stock of sweaters..."
Doc: "That could be symptom.. " he said with just enough emphasis to make someone wonder, 'symptom of what?'. But he chose not to elaborate, instead, he turned the car around and headed back to the lab, "You should get a GPS app for your phone. So that when.. " An appropriate apologetic look at her, "I mean, IF this happens again, you will know where you are."
Lennox Tyler: "Symptom?" He had peaked her interest now. Maybe he had more of a clue as to what was wrong with her than he was letting on. Nodding her head as he suggested a GPS app, she instantly pulled up the App Store on her iphone and looked for one that had the best reviews. As the app installed, she slipped the phone into the pocket of her jacket. "Done! Thanks for rescuing me. I wasn't sure who else to call."
Doc: The drive to lab was almost complete when she triumphantly announced "Done!" He overlooked her question, he wanted her doubt, indecision and worry to build. Why? Why not? He parked the car in front of the lab, a cream colored nondescript building with "Genesis Labs' over the front door. "Here we are, and you feel free to call me anytime." He turned and gave her a solemn look, "I am your doctor now.. it is the least I could do."
Lennox Tyler: As he pulled up in front of the lab, she leaned forward to look out the windshield at the cream colored building. Biting her lip as he hadn't answered her question and wondered if something was seriously wrong with her and this was his form of "bedside manners". She didn't like it...she would prefer someone be whole-hearted and bluntly honest with her. Sitting back, she looked at him and nodded. "Alright, thank you."

Ego correctionis silentio grammatica tua
IC Forum username: That Guy
Dressed by Ariadne-
- Registered User
- Posts: 108
- Joined: 01 Nov 2014, 02:03
- CrowNet Handle: China Doll
Re: Erm...Where am I? (Doc and Co)
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Doc: Doc exited the car, and walked around to open the passenger side door. He smiled politely, "Of course, new city, no friends, experiencing serious symptoms such as yours, I would be a cold hearted person not help you in your time of need."
Lennox Tyler: Pulling the handle after releasing the seat belt, she slipped out of the car and looked around to take in the area in case she needed to find his offices on her own. Her eyes looked up at him as she walked around the car before pausing. Serious symptoms? Something was ultimately wrong with her and she was beginning to panic. Panic didn't happen to her often and her family had no history of serious illnesses so this feeling was ultimately justified in her mind. "I think I would be shocked if you were cold hearted...outside of our conversation on didn't give me a feel of being cold hearted when we first met. Hell, I didn't get that from you at the bar either."
Doc: He inclined his head briefly at the compliment, "Thank you China," He moved past her to unlock the door to the lab, then opened the door and held it open for her. "It will take me a few minutes to get the paperwork ready for you to fill out. I would like you to be as precise as possible on the historical questions." he kept his voice calm and light, almost overly light. "Depending on what we find, we may need some family members tested as well." He paused to smile, "All just very routine. Nothing to worry about."
Lennox Tyler: "You're very welcome, Professor X." She smiled at him even though she couldn't help but think of what he might find when he started running the blood work. Nodding at the mention of paperwork, she followed him into the building. "I understand. As far as I know and have been told...there is no history of anything especially serious in our family. Always been very healthy and live beyond a hundred years old." She tried to relax as he reassured her that there was nothing to worry about but deep down...worry was what she did.
Doc: Doc motioned for her to follow him, "The exam room is back here, on the right. You can wait in here, while I get the paperwork. No need to disrobe, except perhaps the Michelin Man coat.. I will only be drawing some blood tonight, I would like to have some time to go over your paperwork before we do a full blown exam, and I would also need a nurse present." He gestures absently "Get comfortable.. I will be right back."
Lennox Tyler: Nodding once again as she followed, listening to him as she looked around. It looked like a standard clinic. Lennox could feel the anticipation welling up inside of her as she took a seat upon the paper covered bed. A smile graced her lips for a moment as he made fun of her jacket. " keeps me warm which I'm grateful for since I woke up in a pile of snow." Taking off her jacket and Tardis knitted hat, she placed them on the bed behind her. "Whatever you say...I would like to figure this out..."
Doc: Doc laid his hands on the papers he needed her find out with no trouble. But he decided to let her sit and stew for twenty minutes before he knocked and entered the room. He handed her a clipboard and pen. There were 8 sheets of questions that she needed to answer. They were from a drug trial that he was helping administer, so the questions were probing, detailed and in depth. Basically the type of questions you asked people to weed out unsuitable participants, but for someone thinking they were sick, it could be very daunting. "If you need anything.. give a shout, I will be in my office." He turned to leave then stopped and looked over his shoulder, "There is ladies room down the hall, there specimen cup in there I need you to use to collect a sample." Then he left, he hid his smirk until he was safely in his office.
Lennox Tyler: Lennox twiddled her thumbs as he had left to retrieve the papers needed but when he didn't return right away, she wondered if he had gotten lost in his own clinic. Furrowing her brow as she waited and waited and still waited for him to return. After five minutes, she groaned and turned to pull her phone out of her jacket. It was definitely like a doctors office where she was made to wait for what seemed hours to talk to the doctor but oddly enough...they were the only ones in the building. Biting her lip as she tried not to focus on what could be wrong with her, she started to play Bubble Witch Saga 2 until she ran out of lives. Groaning in annoyance, she started to play Farmville 2 because that was truly a game where one could consume a great deal of time while waiting. When he finally returned with a clipboard full of papers, she perked her brow as she started flipping threw it. New patient info was normal but this...this was wanting an entire life history on her and what seemed anyone else she knew as well. Giving a frustrated sigh, she got started on the top page only to look up when he mentioned that he needed a urine sample. Nodding her head in understanding. "Good thing, I had a latte...****!! My Latte!!" It was a wasted cup as she remembered dropping it before her mind went blank and fuzzy. "Damnit...I need to get cheaper coffee..." She scolded herself for the most part since Doc hadn't known that she dropped it in the attack even though, she didn't know or remember being attacked to begin with. A deep groan escaped her as she flipped to the next page.
Doc: Doc exited the car, and walked around to open the passenger side door. He smiled politely, "Of course, new city, no friends, experiencing serious symptoms such as yours, I would be a cold hearted person not help you in your time of need."
Lennox Tyler: Pulling the handle after releasing the seat belt, she slipped out of the car and looked around to take in the area in case she needed to find his offices on her own. Her eyes looked up at him as she walked around the car before pausing. Serious symptoms? Something was ultimately wrong with her and she was beginning to panic. Panic didn't happen to her often and her family had no history of serious illnesses so this feeling was ultimately justified in her mind. "I think I would be shocked if you were cold hearted...outside of our conversation on didn't give me a feel of being cold hearted when we first met. Hell, I didn't get that from you at the bar either."
Doc: He inclined his head briefly at the compliment, "Thank you China," He moved past her to unlock the door to the lab, then opened the door and held it open for her. "It will take me a few minutes to get the paperwork ready for you to fill out. I would like you to be as precise as possible on the historical questions." he kept his voice calm and light, almost overly light. "Depending on what we find, we may need some family members tested as well." He paused to smile, "All just very routine. Nothing to worry about."
Lennox Tyler: "You're very welcome, Professor X." She smiled at him even though she couldn't help but think of what he might find when he started running the blood work. Nodding at the mention of paperwork, she followed him into the building. "I understand. As far as I know and have been told...there is no history of anything especially serious in our family. Always been very healthy and live beyond a hundred years old." She tried to relax as he reassured her that there was nothing to worry about but deep down...worry was what she did.
Doc: Doc motioned for her to follow him, "The exam room is back here, on the right. You can wait in here, while I get the paperwork. No need to disrobe, except perhaps the Michelin Man coat.. I will only be drawing some blood tonight, I would like to have some time to go over your paperwork before we do a full blown exam, and I would also need a nurse present." He gestures absently "Get comfortable.. I will be right back."
Lennox Tyler: Nodding once again as she followed, listening to him as she looked around. It looked like a standard clinic. Lennox could feel the anticipation welling up inside of her as she took a seat upon the paper covered bed. A smile graced her lips for a moment as he made fun of her jacket. " keeps me warm which I'm grateful for since I woke up in a pile of snow." Taking off her jacket and Tardis knitted hat, she placed them on the bed behind her. "Whatever you say...I would like to figure this out..."
Doc: Doc laid his hands on the papers he needed her find out with no trouble. But he decided to let her sit and stew for twenty minutes before he knocked and entered the room. He handed her a clipboard and pen. There were 8 sheets of questions that she needed to answer. They were from a drug trial that he was helping administer, so the questions were probing, detailed and in depth. Basically the type of questions you asked people to weed out unsuitable participants, but for someone thinking they were sick, it could be very daunting. "If you need anything.. give a shout, I will be in my office." He turned to leave then stopped and looked over his shoulder, "There is ladies room down the hall, there specimen cup in there I need you to use to collect a sample." Then he left, he hid his smirk until he was safely in his office.
Lennox Tyler: Lennox twiddled her thumbs as he had left to retrieve the papers needed but when he didn't return right away, she wondered if he had gotten lost in his own clinic. Furrowing her brow as she waited and waited and still waited for him to return. After five minutes, she groaned and turned to pull her phone out of her jacket. It was definitely like a doctors office where she was made to wait for what seemed hours to talk to the doctor but oddly enough...they were the only ones in the building. Biting her lip as she tried not to focus on what could be wrong with her, she started to play Bubble Witch Saga 2 until she ran out of lives. Groaning in annoyance, she started to play Farmville 2 because that was truly a game where one could consume a great deal of time while waiting. When he finally returned with a clipboard full of papers, she perked her brow as she started flipping threw it. New patient info was normal but this...this was wanting an entire life history on her and what seemed anyone else she knew as well. Giving a frustrated sigh, she got started on the top page only to look up when he mentioned that he needed a urine sample. Nodding her head in understanding. "Good thing, I had a latte...****!! My Latte!!" It was a wasted cup as she remembered dropping it before her mind went blank and fuzzy. "Damnit...I need to get cheaper coffee..." She scolded herself for the most part since Doc hadn't known that she dropped it in the attack even though, she didn't know or remember being attacked to begin with. A deep groan escaped her as she flipped to the next page.
-x- K I L L E R -x-
-x- Enigma -x- d'Artois -x-

-x- Deadpool -x-
-x- Enigma -x- d'Artois -x-

-x- Deadpool -x-
- Mortll
- Registered User
- Posts: 2923
- Joined: 09 Jun 2011, 06:05
- CrowNet Handle: The DragonLady
Re: Erm...Where am I? (Doc and Co)
"--The following transcript was a live chat roleplay--"
Mortll: Text: Hey darlin I've got a few minutes so thought i would pop in to see you real quick ...I'm practically at the front door right now Do you have a minute free ?
Doc: *Text* Sure, come on in. I do have a patient in one of the exam rooms.. but the door is open.
Mortll: Mortll smiles and heads up the path opening the door to the labs it was quiet in here pretty empty for the night She tread the familiar path to Docs office a grin spread across her face as she caught sight of the man "Hey there Darlin " she quickly closed the space in between them .
Doc: Doc opened his arms and pulled her into a hug. "Hi Baby.. this is welcome surprise.. just in the neighborhood.. or did you need something?"
Mortll: "In the neighborhood and aa appointment fell through so i decided to see if my favorite person was free" she looked around the notable lack of staff "This must be one of your special patients you counsel ?"
Doc: Doc shook his head, "No.. it's China.. " He canted his head, "You remember you met her at Lancaster's that night. The cute little blond.. who is experiencing blackouts. She had another one tonight.. She wants me to run some tests.."
Mortll: She laughed "I doubt that girl has a single thing wrong with her You know shes got someone taking a bite off her attractive thing like that. If you want to make sure though I can do an appraisal of her and read her memories to make sure shes not got a brain tumor or something?"
Doc: Doc gave her a look, and kept his voice low, "Of course I know why she's having them, I am just having a bit of fun with her. It's been a boring day.. " He paused as he looked at her, he slowly grinned this diabolical smile, "Hey.. Baby.. you want to help?"
Mortll: Mortll knew that grin she had seen in on a few occasions she raised an eyebrow he definitely was up to no good "What do you want me to do first before i go to agreeing to anything" she smiled Wondering what he had cooked up behind that smile .
Doc: Doc winked as he leaned closer just in case China had good hearing, whispering, "You know sexy black panther thing you can do..? Why don't you turn into that.. and 'we' will go check on China.. she how she is doing with the paperwork. We will both stay in the doorway.. only you will be a panther.. I will reintroduce you,.. as though you are a human.. we will make sure she gets a good look at you.. and then you will leave, I will answer you as though you said you said your phone was ringing and you would be right back.. when you come back.. panther will be gone. We will just act normal... what do you say?"
Mortll: She couldn't keep a straight face "You are wicked poor girl is passing out and loosing time and you are wanting to add seeing things in on top of it ? Im glad i never had you as a doctor" she laughed "Ok its harder to change with clothes on and this will take it She smiled and discarded her purse " Ok here we go " She said with a twinkle in her eye as she began to change. The long sleek feline looked up at Doc and nudged his hand with her head.
Doc: Doc grinned and ran a hand along the felines sleek head. It took him a moment to lose the smile and get back into Doctor mode. He open the office door and they headed to the exam room. He started speaking aloud, in a conversational tone. "Yes you have met her..." He paused, long enough so it would seem like someone answered him, "At Lancaster's .. the blond." Another long pause, 'No..that's Catherine."
Another pause and then they were standing outside the exam room. He knocked on the exam door, and waited five seconds, the perfunctory amount of time he waited before entering. "China.. " He opened the door wide enough so Lennox would see himself and the Panther. "Look who it is.. You remember Mortll don't you?" He smiled at Lennox and then looked at the Feline, "Yes.. Her!" he mimicked, and then looked back at China. "She was just stopping by, I thought since you two have met before I would give you the opportunity to ..." he stopped abruptly, and at looked at the Feline, and waited as though she had said something, "Oh Yes.. must be your phone.. it's not mine.."
Mortll: Mortll followed him padding down the hallway her tail swaying with the movement of her haunches. Her vibrant blue eyes fell on the woman and she yawned purposely showing the massive k nines in her mouth before she turned and headed back to his office she changed back quickly and grabbed her cell phone out of her purse and pretended to be talking into it as she walked back to Docs side, "Hello there, China" she said before holding up a finger and saying “..excuse me a moment .”
Mortll: Text: Hey darlin I've got a few minutes so thought i would pop in to see you real quick ...I'm practically at the front door right now Do you have a minute free ?
Doc: *Text* Sure, come on in. I do have a patient in one of the exam rooms.. but the door is open.
Mortll: Mortll smiles and heads up the path opening the door to the labs it was quiet in here pretty empty for the night She tread the familiar path to Docs office a grin spread across her face as she caught sight of the man "Hey there Darlin " she quickly closed the space in between them .
Doc: Doc opened his arms and pulled her into a hug. "Hi Baby.. this is welcome surprise.. just in the neighborhood.. or did you need something?"
Mortll: "In the neighborhood and aa appointment fell through so i decided to see if my favorite person was free" she looked around the notable lack of staff "This must be one of your special patients you counsel ?"
Doc: Doc shook his head, "No.. it's China.. " He canted his head, "You remember you met her at Lancaster's that night. The cute little blond.. who is experiencing blackouts. She had another one tonight.. She wants me to run some tests.."
Mortll: She laughed "I doubt that girl has a single thing wrong with her You know shes got someone taking a bite off her attractive thing like that. If you want to make sure though I can do an appraisal of her and read her memories to make sure shes not got a brain tumor or something?"
Doc: Doc gave her a look, and kept his voice low, "Of course I know why she's having them, I am just having a bit of fun with her. It's been a boring day.. " He paused as he looked at her, he slowly grinned this diabolical smile, "Hey.. Baby.. you want to help?"
Mortll: Mortll knew that grin she had seen in on a few occasions she raised an eyebrow he definitely was up to no good "What do you want me to do first before i go to agreeing to anything" she smiled Wondering what he had cooked up behind that smile .
Doc: Doc winked as he leaned closer just in case China had good hearing, whispering, "You know sexy black panther thing you can do..? Why don't you turn into that.. and 'we' will go check on China.. she how she is doing with the paperwork. We will both stay in the doorway.. only you will be a panther.. I will reintroduce you,.. as though you are a human.. we will make sure she gets a good look at you.. and then you will leave, I will answer you as though you said you said your phone was ringing and you would be right back.. when you come back.. panther will be gone. We will just act normal... what do you say?"
Mortll: She couldn't keep a straight face "You are wicked poor girl is passing out and loosing time and you are wanting to add seeing things in on top of it ? Im glad i never had you as a doctor" she laughed "Ok its harder to change with clothes on and this will take it She smiled and discarded her purse " Ok here we go " She said with a twinkle in her eye as she began to change. The long sleek feline looked up at Doc and nudged his hand with her head.
Doc: Doc grinned and ran a hand along the felines sleek head. It took him a moment to lose the smile and get back into Doctor mode. He open the office door and they headed to the exam room. He started speaking aloud, in a conversational tone. "Yes you have met her..." He paused, long enough so it would seem like someone answered him, "At Lancaster's .. the blond." Another long pause, 'No..that's Catherine."
Another pause and then they were standing outside the exam room. He knocked on the exam door, and waited five seconds, the perfunctory amount of time he waited before entering. "China.. " He opened the door wide enough so Lennox would see himself and the Panther. "Look who it is.. You remember Mortll don't you?" He smiled at Lennox and then looked at the Feline, "Yes.. Her!" he mimicked, and then looked back at China. "She was just stopping by, I thought since you two have met before I would give you the opportunity to ..." he stopped abruptly, and at looked at the Feline, and waited as though she had said something, "Oh Yes.. must be your phone.. it's not mine.."
Mortll: Mortll followed him padding down the hallway her tail swaying with the movement of her haunches. Her vibrant blue eyes fell on the woman and she yawned purposely showing the massive k nines in her mouth before she turned and headed back to his office she changed back quickly and grabbed her cell phone out of her purse and pretended to be talking into it as she walked back to Docs side, "Hello there, China" she said before holding up a finger and saying “..excuse me a moment .”

Andre Broussard, Seva Soryimova, Grace Batton, Natsuko, Tiamat, Shay Sylvar
- Registered User
- Posts: 108
- Joined: 01 Nov 2014, 02:03
- CrowNet Handle: China Doll
Re: Erm...Where am I? (Doc and Co)
Last page! Completion was in sight and all Lennox could feel was joy. The amount of questions that were asked were seemingly insane. Never had she had to fill out so many papers before as a new patient but maybe Professor X was just that thorough with getting to know his patients so he didn't seem like a quack like some doctors made you feel. Each page was excessive and some had repeat questions which confused her but maybe he filed the paperwork differently and repetitiveness was needed. Shrugging as she pulled her hair up and fastening it with a tie as it seemed a little warm in his clinic. Once she was comfortable again, she went on to finish filling out the last page. Checking every appropriate box, filling in every needed blank space, circling yes/no/not sure in another section.
The finish line was in clear view when she heard him walking down the hall, having a conversation with....well....himself though it seemed that she was missing a voice that should be responding to him. That was odd to her as she never had hearing problems before especially where she only heard half the conversation. Maybe he was on the phone...that was a logical answer., made perfect sense so that's what she chalked it all up to, not hearing issues. As the knock came upon the slightly open door, she smiled as she tried to quickly finish.
"Professor X...almost done...give me just a sec..." She hurried, she didn't have much more to fill in and as she reached the final question, he was introducing her to Mortll. Quickly signing her name to the bottom page, followed by the date, she looked up from the clipboard and screamed when her eyes rested upon the panther. The clipboard fell to the ground as she instantly began to move backward on the paper covered bed to try and put as much distance between her and the wild animal that was standing beside her doctor.
"Wha...Wha...What is that doing here? That should be in a zoo or something. Do you have a permit for that thing?"
Her mind was going a million miles a minute as she tried to process the animal that was standing in front of her. What seemed to make her mind dance was the fact that Professor X was having a conversation with the panther as if it was human. Panic filled her and she grabbed her coat. Maybe she wasn't the sick one...maybe it was her doctor, clearly that was an animal and he was talking to it as if it was his girlfriend. This city made her feel crazy at times but maybe she was perfectly fine...maybe it was just the city itself that was crazy. Much like Britian sent all of their criminals to Australia to live...maybe Canada sent all of their mentally ill patients to live in Harper Rock, which would make sense on the attempted assassination on Bancroft's campaign manager and not on Bancroft himself.
As the panther turned and walked off as he mentioned Mortll having a phone call, she just simply shook her head as she quickly put her jacket on. "I don't know what's going on here but that wasn't Mortll. Last I weren't dating a large dangerous cat. I have to get out of here...this is insane. Who in the hell has an animal like that in a clinic?" Lennox dropped her phone as her jacket wrapped around her. Leaning down to pick it up, she accidentally dropped it again out of panic and nervousness. Finally having a grasp on her iphone, she flipped it over and gave a small sigh of relief that the screen didn't shatter only to see a woman out of the corner of her eye, greeting her before taking off to answer the phone. Frozen in place, looking in the direction of her only exit, she blinked a few times at him as she was clearly in a state of confusion. All she could do was blink for a few moments before she rushed to the door and looked toward where Mortll had taken off to, to see the woman down the hall.
"I don't understand...there was just a panther here...where did it go?"
The finish line was in clear view when she heard him walking down the hall, having a conversation with....well....himself though it seemed that she was missing a voice that should be responding to him. That was odd to her as she never had hearing problems before especially where she only heard half the conversation. Maybe he was on the phone...that was a logical answer., made perfect sense so that's what she chalked it all up to, not hearing issues. As the knock came upon the slightly open door, she smiled as she tried to quickly finish.
"Professor X...almost done...give me just a sec..." She hurried, she didn't have much more to fill in and as she reached the final question, he was introducing her to Mortll. Quickly signing her name to the bottom page, followed by the date, she looked up from the clipboard and screamed when her eyes rested upon the panther. The clipboard fell to the ground as she instantly began to move backward on the paper covered bed to try and put as much distance between her and the wild animal that was standing beside her doctor.
"Wha...Wha...What is that doing here? That should be in a zoo or something. Do you have a permit for that thing?"
Her mind was going a million miles a minute as she tried to process the animal that was standing in front of her. What seemed to make her mind dance was the fact that Professor X was having a conversation with the panther as if it was human. Panic filled her and she grabbed her coat. Maybe she wasn't the sick one...maybe it was her doctor, clearly that was an animal and he was talking to it as if it was his girlfriend. This city made her feel crazy at times but maybe she was perfectly fine...maybe it was just the city itself that was crazy. Much like Britian sent all of their criminals to Australia to live...maybe Canada sent all of their mentally ill patients to live in Harper Rock, which would make sense on the attempted assassination on Bancroft's campaign manager and not on Bancroft himself.
As the panther turned and walked off as he mentioned Mortll having a phone call, she just simply shook her head as she quickly put her jacket on. "I don't know what's going on here but that wasn't Mortll. Last I weren't dating a large dangerous cat. I have to get out of here...this is insane. Who in the hell has an animal like that in a clinic?" Lennox dropped her phone as her jacket wrapped around her. Leaning down to pick it up, she accidentally dropped it again out of panic and nervousness. Finally having a grasp on her iphone, she flipped it over and gave a small sigh of relief that the screen didn't shatter only to see a woman out of the corner of her eye, greeting her before taking off to answer the phone. Frozen in place, looking in the direction of her only exit, she blinked a few times at him as she was clearly in a state of confusion. All she could do was blink for a few moments before she rushed to the door and looked toward where Mortll had taken off to, to see the woman down the hall.
"I don't understand...there was just a panther here...where did it go?"
-x- K I L L E R -x-
-x- Enigma -x- d'Artois -x-

-x- Deadpool -x-
-x- Enigma -x- d'Artois -x-

-x- Deadpool -x-