Doc:*There is a rather large feline sitting on the balcony at Vita Bella*

Dominique: Hello Kitty is patrolling for unruly raccoons that tear up the garbage. The new wraith can't seem to get his hands on them.
Doc: *This is a bigger feline than Hello Kitty. But Hello Kitty may come over to inspect it.*
Dominique :Hello Kitty is very sensitive about other big kitties in her spot. She peeks out window and watches.
Doc: *The Puma has settled down and relaxes while watching*
Dominique: Hello Kitty gets her fur up and crab walks sideways on the stone wall making some rather concerning noises.
Doc: *The larger feline yawns, and is unimpressed for the most part, by the smaller and lighter feline Serval.*
Dominique: Meanwhile Dominique gets popcorn. She is not incredibly concerned.
Dominique: Hello Kitty hisses because she is a bad *** like that..
Doc: The larger Feline gets to its feet and pads over to look at it closer, sitting on its haunches.
Dominique: Hello Kitty makes a warning sound and then crouches down and makes a dive for the big cat. Raccoons were a pain in the *** but they were hers! This big pussy cat was not getting any of them.
Doc: The feline swats the kitty playfully. At first the bigger feline is just batting, but as the kitty continued, the feline will trap the kitty under his paw.
Dominique: Hello Kitty hisses as the big paw swats at her. She bites then is tumbled under the weight of its paw. She stretches her long back legs to scratch and dig in while trying her best to gnaw on its paw writhing around like a ball of fur over the paw appearing to be a moving muff of fur more than a threat.
Dominique: Dominique chews the popcorn slowly watching out the window. Hello Kitty sometimes was too big for her own paws.
Doc: The big feline lifts its paw letting the kitty up, but swats at the kitty's tail, as it yawns. It awaits it next attack.
Dominique: Hello Kitty has already plotted as its tail is given a swat. Again she crouches down and eyes the big cat from behind. Wiggling a little then diving on top of the big puma she sinks in her claws and bites on the back of the Pumas neck trying keep hold. Dominique pauses chewing the popcorn. This may or may not go over well.
Doc: The big feline could feel the kitty on its back, and decided to roll over on its back; depending on the kitty's speed it made not get caught underneath the feline, It was more of a lethargic move, than a rapid attack retaliation.
Dominique: Hello Kitty tumbled nearly squished but made it out and tumbled on top of it. Again it went in for another attempt to assert dominance and took its teeth to the Pumas neck. Hello Kitty's gang of raccoons are now waddling over making noise to see what is going on. Dominique makes her way down and looks out at the gathering from the back door.
Doc: The big feline was now laying on it's side, it's tail swishing in a slow arc across the balcony. The kitty wasn't hurting, or evening bothering it. It began to licks it paw, and rubbed behind its ear.
Dominique: Dominique's brow raised as she stepped slowly across the lawn. Hello Kitty was appearing to be nothing more than a kitten getting rambunctious with a new cat. However this cat was hardly that at all. A puma was not common in the area. Not that she had seen. She approached cautiously hoping that her coming closer would cause it to attack Hello Kitty.
Doc: The feline pinned it's gaze on the human approaching. It watched the human for a long a moment before swatting the kitty again.
Dominique: Dominique's face scrunched up as Her serval cat went rolling away in a spotted fur ball when the puma swatted at her. "Well aren't you playful." Dominique wasn't sure why she spoke to the big cat like it could understand.
Doc: It turned to look at her at the sound of her voice, giving her an approving look as though saying, 'yes.. yes i am'. It would look like the feline understood.
Dominique: Another few steps closer and Dominique had Hello Kitty off in another direction. Pleased with that Dominique stepped closer. She could question the big cats origins or she could go with the moment and see what it wanted. "Are you far from home?"
Doc: The Puma remained in it's relaxed position. It looked as though it considered this area his. The Puma yawned, as though it was cementing it's right to be here. It eyed the female lazily through half closed eyes.
Dominique: The dark haired petite woman went to where the large cat rested and decided it was hardly a threat. She had tried her skills at wrestling mountain lions and bears for teeth. This particular one appeared more than content sitting where it did. Slowly her body lowered and she eyed its paws as she did. they made Hello Kitty's shrink considerably in comparison. There was something so disarming about a creature capable of violent attack displaying such a calm demeanor. Rabies could be a concern to the living. Dominique was under no threat of that. Her eyes drifted down and eyed the beautiful velvet-like fur covering what could be lethal. She smiled and bravely bought a single finger permanently wearing a letter at the top and brushed that massive paw gingerly. "Once upon a time three little kittens lost their mittens..." She spoke in a whisper distracted by the nursery rhyme that came to her mind. Her grandmother used to recite it with her while getting her dressed for school back in New York. Her tiny hands always wiggled to avoid being covered up. She would never need such again. Mittens. Her hand pulled away and she smiled as she continued to focus on those beautiful impressive paws. "Mittens." She said it again and this time took a slow appreciative look at all of the animal she sat next to. "Mr. Mittens." She settled her arms to folding and resting on her knees that were the perfect shelf in their bent position. "If you don't have a name then consider that yours when you visit Vita Bella."
Doc: The Puma blinked lazily. The big cat didn't seem understand the significance of the words, as it watched the female's finger gently touch and then stroke his paw. It was after she retracted her hand, that the name Mr. Mittens seemed to sink in. The Puma got to it's feet, it slowly padded closer to the female, then the big feline rubbed it's head against hers. Outwardly it would look like a sign of affection. But the truth of the matter was, he was marking his territory, with the scent glands located in his face. The puma began to purr.
(The scent glands on the front half could be labeled as the "friendly" pheromones. These are used when a cat is marking familiar territory that she considers the heart of her nest. These pheromones have a calming effect. You probably have seen this many times when your cat rubs her cheek along the kitchen cabinet, the doorway to the bedroom, the leg of a chair, or even on YOU. This form of marking is very reassuring and calming behavior that reflects the cat's sense of security.)