As Skylar began, Charlie smiled a little, she hadn't exactly meant the girl's skills. She could already see that Skylar was good with making swords and other things, even better than she herself was at making guns if she was truthful, from what she had seen on the family Crownet. Still, she didn't interrupt the girl as she went on talking about all the things that she was good at, the jewelry making was something that Charlie smiled a bit more. She was never really all that crafty before she had come to Harper Rock, that is, unless you counted putting together computers and codes that could level a city with the press of a key. Now though, she was pretty good at putting together more mechanical things. Traps, mostly.
The mention of her being a musician came up again and again Charlie couldn't help but think that could have been a reason that Elliot had chosen the girl to be his newest. Then again, Charlie had no idea about how that went down. Had it been a choice? Or had it been something else. Still, she figured that wasn't something that she should be asking, if the girl wanted to tell her then she would be more than willing to listen, in fact, she was curious, but again, that was just something that someone didn't go around asking.
The fact that she had gotten better once she had died was no surprise to Charlie. That seemed to be the case with everyone that she had met thus far in this world. Of course, there were some that couldn't do the things they were good at or at least, couldn't partake in the things they did well. Pi came to mind in that moment, because from their conversation at Lancaster's she was big into cooking but couldn't eat so Elliot was now her guinea pig, and of course, she would be a willing one too if she got the invite to dinner. Something they had talked about.
Charlie glanced to see if she could see the train coming yet and couldn't so she lead Skylar over to a bench where they could wait while she gave a shrug of her shoulders. "My story is pretty long and boring to tell the truth. Born in Maine, raised in Maine, went to MIT for college and then went back home. Some **** happened and so I ran here. The guy that found me turned me and then pretty much left me on my own. If it wasn't for The Fledgeling Foundation, some close friends and Elliot, I'm sure I would have just offed myself ages ago." She said with a wry smirk. She had a feeling it wouldn't be as easy as just walking into the sunlight and letting it take her. "That's the very short abridged version though." She said with a smirk. "Of course, when I asked about you, I was wondering more about before..." she motioned to the two of them with her free hand before glancing around to make sure that the humans - to which there was only one or two that were waiting for the same train at this point - were a good distance off so that she wouldn't bring harm to Skylar.
She herself, couldn't care less if someone else knew she was a vampire, but at the same time she wasn't about to out everyone she knew as one either. If they killed her than it was on her, if they killed someone that she cared about, it would be on her and the guilt alone would kill her. Charlie took a breath and smiled though, she liked protecting her friends but she wanted her freedom.