Cassandra wrote:
EXP seems somewhat unrelated to payout amount for me. I think that 9k hack was 180-190 EXP, and I've gotten 210 exp for 4k hacks. It makes me think that EXP is less-randomly tied to SecLvl than file value is, but I'm not making another spreadsheet and SecLvl only shows up once briefly at the beginning of a hack - and really doesn't make any pragmatic difference. If it's a Business/Evidence hack, I'm just hacking it no matter what SecLvl it is, and if I'm doing my Randoms for the day, I'm (personally) more concerned about file value so I rush right over to the Admin node to run Evaluate.
For Hacking Raids, what exactly causes one to spawn? Like, do you have to physically be at a particular place in the city? Do they just randomly happen when you're attempting to start a certain kind of hack? The announcement intentionally doesn't describe anything about them, there isn't any information in the Wiki, I haven't run across a thread...
1} hack raids come randomly while you are hacking. if there is one running, it will show when you download a file. It will say something like ''file ****.*** was downloaded. you also heard about a relic blahblahblah more info can be found at 'this company inc.' at which point you do a sabo atack on that company. in a raid, your moves are cut down, intell doesnt change it. if i recall you start with 15 moves. you need to find a switch and run switcher, then goto an admin, and 'connect' that puts you on next floor, ALWAYS run pacify, before you connect.
2} xp and value have no bearing on each other xp is a function of sec level and number of files downloaded, nothing else so if you get the system with 2 file nodes, or only 1-2 files per node, or low sec lvl, your xp is low.
Standard hack 40 + (# files transferred × 6) + (security × 4)
Training hack 20 EXP
Business hack 20 EXP
Evidence hack Varies
Unsuccessful hack (any type) 0 EXP
Scripting Varies