Tutorial suggested fixes


Good idea?

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Stephanie Wylde
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CrowNet Handle: The_kreeper

Tutorial suggested fixes

Post by Stephanie Wylde »

Going through the tutorial I have encountered some problems.

A tutorial is supposed to be a step by step, instruction on how to play the game. Tutorials are supposed to be beyond easy, so you can learn and move on.

Movement is fine, no problems there.
Stations are fine too.
Buildings are perfectly ok too

Now comes to the trickiest part.

There is no fail safe for stealing. A human character could spend forever in tutorial land and never pass this test. A kind of universal Phantom Thief NEEDS to be put on tutorial land, or a certain human needs to be made so even the most basic of characters (as this is what tutorials are for) can actually accomplish the most basic of tasks (two humans I have tried, both have failed this simple task.)

Sounds simple enough, am assuming you put money in the bank.

Level Up...
You are kidding, right... A basic human can make 24.7% exp from a full set of energy (50) and that is including the EXP gained from the first missions. The rest is painfully slow. (gaining the measly 7 EXP for a failed rob attempt, cause humans CANNOT STEAL IN TUTORIAL!!!) Tutorials should be passable first try, not several days later.

Another road block for a human character... they can't feed, can't use blood packs... This simple task will be completely impossible for a pure blood human to accomplish, ergo tutorial is impossible. Yet again.

Gain a power:
Again, an impossible thing for a human (pure blood) to accomplish. No powers to gain.

9 - 12 are simple

Fight an NPC...
Humans can't do something as simple as steal from a human... You think they can fight an NPC? Even a zombie will be a struggle, something a tutorial is not supposed to make you do... Needs a very basic NPC in the tutorial land that ANYONE can fight and kill.

Next two are fine.

Should be just a simple two room set up, one guard and two doors (ALWAYS a very very very very weak lock, one you can sneeze on and it opens) Guard has set movement, which instructions tell you about, should be so utterly simple it is laughable.

Should be a simple two item construct, both items found in the B&E every time and never fails. Item should be useless in the actual game, though.

Ritual should be a simple one, and the tutorial should tell you what glyphs to choose. (red outline on all viable glyphs) and a basic run down of what each section of the ritual actually means. (what is target, what is location, what is name ect)

Should be a simple system comprising of
Gateway > Security > Files
No more is needed for a tutorial.

The tutorial is far too hard for basic characters, the whole point in a tutorial is to educate on the very basics of stuff, not frustrate new players and be harder than any other thing in the game. I have had several characters in the years I have been here and this tutorial is beyond a doubt the hardest thing I have ever come across. Dumb it down, basic it up to the maximum and above all... make it actually do able for every character.