Every wrote:If a summoner were to summon the wraith of another dead vampire on grid with permission from the player, and then the wraith would be deleted after sometime, would it still be possible to bring that specific character back? Or would that character be dead for good?
I hope that makes sense. o.0
Bringing back dead vampires as wraiths can be done in game using one of the rituals (Raise Wraith) so there's that option. That way, the character would be able to control themselves, but you'd be able to roleplay your character controlling them as a thrall if you like.
Alternatively, you could do it as you said, and you could roleplay (with permission) that the summoned wraith is the dead vampire. When they are deleted, that does not necessarily mean that the original character is dead. You could just roleplay it that they were returned to the SR, and then the original character would be able to return to life as normal, if the player of that character wished. Does that make sense?