Selling a Character

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Selling a Character

Post by Doc »

Cost: 120 karma (payable to Doc)

Lvl 34 Character: Maddra - Vedarian Line

Owns 4 properties:
Veil Tower Apartment
West Towers Apartment
Corvidae Flats Apartment
Sparrow Lane

Faeshard of Seus (x 2) - worth 1milionl each - if for unlocking mastery
10 - Enchanted blades
2 - Enchanted Broadswords
Bank Worth 900k

Current Blood: 14.0
Strength: 21
Dexterity: 18
Stamina: 20
Intelligence: 12
Willpower: 18
Skill: 18
Charisma: 10
Healing: 20
Arcane: 20

Tracking: 3
Hacking: 1
Mechanics: 3
Martial Arts: 15
Firearms: 15
Stealing: 15
Speechcraft: 1
Rituals: 1
Business: 9

EXP Level: 34
Curse Spirit 2, Shadow Gate 2, Enter Shadows 2, Water Walk 2, Shadowstrike 2, Phantom Thief 2, Uninvited Guest 2, Rejuvenation 2, Quickening 2, Zombie Constitution 2, Razor Claws 2, Celerity 2, Deadeye 2, Healing Trance 2, Curse 2, Rigormortis 2, Blood Boost 2, Blood Heal 2, Assassins Cloak 2, Summon Wraith, Life Link, Vigilance, Darkness Falls 2, Silent Hunter 2, Summon Fadebeast, Super Jump, Summon Spirit, Alter Ego, Changeling, Meaner Things,


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Re: Selling a Character

Post by Doc »

Faeshard of Seus (x 2) - worth 1milionl each - if for unlocking mastery
Bank Worth 900k
Mooncalf wrote:Yes, most will be more common.

The ones which unlock the mastery paths will be just as rare, if not more so. They'll auto-auction for 1 million, though, so start saving, lol.

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Re: Selling a Character

Post by Doc »

Ok gutting her inventory.. its on auction

including the faeshards.

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Re: Selling a Character

Post by Phoenix »

I'm curious about the logic behind selling an item worth 1 mil for 6 mil. <.<

But if you're getting rid of her, what's the point of even bothering to make anything off the items at all? Why not just give 'em away to her allies o.o
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Re: Selling a Character

Post by Robert Pratt »


6 Mill?

I don't think anyone in the game has 6 Mill, do they? 3 maybe. And for an item worth 1 Mill, on a charrie you're getting rid of? Mmmm, don't think you're going to get any bites on those I'm afraid.
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Re: Selling a Character

Post by Doc »

sorry - its was supposed to 600k - fixed

i was just posting fast

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