Your Character's Dress Style?

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Re: Your Character's Dress Style?

Post by Lancaster »

Elliot - Jeans and plain t-shirts, button-up dress shirts, leather shoes (brown or black), leather or bomber jackets.
Jesse - Grunge faux leather pants or jeans, suspenders, rock-style t-shirts, leather jackets.
Zelda - Rockabilly dresses/jumpsuits/traditional style dresses. Skates. Lots of skates.
Peter - Staid suits, that would suit teachers and professors. Blazers. Etc.
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Re: Your Character's Dress Style?

Post by Elizabeth »

Elizabeth: Designer dresses of all sorts. Skirts, blouses and once in a blue moon something that seems retro/vintage (70's).
Prudence: Anything that is goth/punk. Less constrained, the better as she needs to move around to kill ****. Occasionally, she'll wear things that fall in to the 'scene' or 'nu rave' category.
Enver: Sometimes suits, but he's also been seen wearing jeans with a button down or jeans with names of places from California.
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Re: Your Character's Dress Style?

Post by Damien LaRue »

Hariasa - Simple, boring, and not very revealing. At all. Also black and other neutrals.

Damien - One part street, one part GQ, and two parts awesome (he insists I add that last part :P)

Jinx - Business-like. Think detective.
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Re: Your Character's Dress Style?

Post by Galadriel Haldad (DELETED 4979) »

Gal - Detective wear like Jeans and shirt with brown jacket and gun holster. Her avi is a good indication of what she wears.

Ami - Anything cute and sexy and for work Saloon Girl Outfits.

Corin - Normal everyday were with a few dresses. Mainly jeans and t-shirts

Elara - Stuff to cause trouble in.
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Re: Your Character's Dress Style?

Post by Serenity »

Serenity basically wears very high end style of clothing, normally in white. Though sometimes likes to mix it up. She wears a lot of skirts and leggings and boots OR she will wear Chinese style clothing.

Snow dresses in blue (she hates pink) dresses, dress jumpers, tights, and dress shoes. She can be found wearing other types of clothing that's more for modeling. (Think Tots and Tiaras)
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Re: Your Character's Dress Style?

Post by Kira »

Kira - Random, she steals most of her clothes. Mostly black/gothic kinds of clothes but wears pretty much anything that's comfortable and won't get in the way of her fighting. Heels with thick heels, from normal to thigh high. If she wears skirts, she'll wear leggings or shorts under them. She wears Sleevelets to hide daggers in. Likes light long coats. Rare but has worn flirty dancing dresses.

Mike Barone - Just a young man, jeans, t-shirts

Jarrett - Semi-Professional. Long sleeves and short sleeves, dark heavy coat, comfortable dark pants that are not jeans.

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Re: Your Character's Dress Style?

Post by Licones »

Jeans, usually black with a leather jacket, cowboy boots. Shirts are typically something frilly and feminine but no silk or dry clean since she spends most nights wandering the sewers.
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Re: Your Character's Dress Style?

Post by Mia-Rose (DELETED 5135) »

Mia-Rose normally wears jeans and tank tops or something that looks like a school girl outfit (short black skirt, white blouse, waistcoat and tie) but when she is out hunting she has a uniform - Silk blouse (black) and short skirt that hides her thigh sheaths but allows her complete flexibility. Mia always has a HUGE tie collection.
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Re: Your Character's Dress Style?

Post by Patrice Broussard »

Pat: suits, business casual, sometimes sunglasses
Hagen: old fashioned suits, top hat on formal occasions, Victorian style
Hantu: black jeans and leather or dark suit, sunglasses
Stagger: Stetson hat, practical outdoor clothes
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Re: Your Character's Dress Style?

Post by Dulce Periculum »

Dulce Periculum: Business formal, slip dresses and black leather.

Iris: Late Victorian period (1880's) day dresses, riding clothing in dark colors. Always wears a hat outdoors or in public and all attire is proper for that period of style.

Lyonel: Business suits, jeans and casual dress shirts. Nothing pink but has been known to blind many with his tangerine and neon green suits.

Dominique: Cargo pants, denim that fits, hoodies, rock climbing clothes best way to describe it. Lots of pockets and tight fit for the impromptu run.
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