“So okay, I’m trying this whole journal thing again because a lot has happened in the last six months or so. First off, I reconnected with my ex-wife in a positive way. We managed to work through the issues we had, which is a good thing.
I’ve also gotten stronger, both physically and mentally. Let me just say, I like being strong but I also know there will always be someone stronger than I am out there so being cocky about it would just be a stupid idea. That’s why I don’t brag about it to anyone. With regards to the mental, I have learned a great deal about some of the other paths and the abilities that go along with them and I’m pleased to say that everything thus far, except maybe the Fadewalking portion of things has been pretty useful.
I’ve also spent weeks pouring over books and manuals on how to build things, traps seems to be something I have a special affinity for building though my wife doesn’t like it when I build them in our home because there is always a slight chance something could go wrong. For example, a while back I left a bear trap lying about and she stepped in it, not paying attention. Oops. I’m just glad she was okay after a couple of nights.
Oh yeah, the whole wife bit needs to be elaborated on, I have a new one. An amazing one who makes the old one look like a complete shrew. Echo and I were married on January 18th, 2013….to each other obviously….for the second time. This time, I know we’re going to get it right. When we are together, I feel complete and happier than I have ever been. I suspect the old wife was sharing a few beds or at the very least trying to ooze her way into them at least. I can base that on the fact that she told me she was in love with my sire but that since he rejected her she’d just settle for me. Can we say ouch? Or rather more correctly she said, “I guess you win by default.” While I was, at first pretty pissed off by that statement, it also helped me cement the realization that there wasn’t a snowballs chance in hell that I wanted to stay with her for any reason. I’m not sure why I was so mad…no, that’s a lie, I know exactly why I was so mad. I was pissed off because I was yanked out of my comfortable state of denial. My denial being that, I’d always been “second choice” for her. Now ain’t that just a *****? One would think so, but it really isn’t. It was an eye opening experience and had I not had it, I’d probably still be stuck with that harpy. Instead, I am now married to the love of my life!
I would have told Micah, but I haven’t spoken to him except maybe one time since I requested he release me as his childe. I don’t know what happened to that guy, but he changed so much in the last few months that I don’t even know him and frankly, I’m not so sure I want to know him anymore.
I suppose now that I’ve spilled my guts to you, a blank page, I better hide the evidence of my ramblings. Besides, my wife and I have a honeymoon to enjoy and writing down all this stuff isn’t how I pictured the time we have together.”
With a sigh of relief, he tore the first ten pages out of the book, even though his writing had only taken a mere page and a half, shredded them and used them to start the fire in the fireplace, smiling as they curled into ash and crumbled, completely destroying the evidence of his ramblings.
Random ramblings on a new life
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- CrowNet Handle: Her Dark One
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- CrowNet Handle: True North
Re: Random ramblings on a new life
Hello book. You seem to be missing a few pages, and I found you half under a chair, so I shall purloin you for my use. I don't think you'll be missed. And of course I didn't think I'd be writing again so soon, else I wouldn't have burned my legal pad. Oh well.
Fiji is wonderful. More than I could have hoped for. Each night we've gotten up to something different and new. Climbing, dancing, walking on the beach, hunting for sea shells. But last night had to be the most fun I've had in a very long time. Mal surprised me with surfing lessons. I think it shocked him that I, a girl who hails from Hollywood, California, did not know how to surf. I'm not really sure how many different ways I can explain how cloistered my previous life was. Any ways, I digress.
At first it wasn't a whole lot of fun. Lets face it, I'm not the most graceful creature on the planet. I can fall over when standing still. And boy did I fall over. A lot. And smacking in to water is painful! But I eventually learned how to stand on the surfboard and ride it in to the shore. I spent much of the night doing that, just getting my balance, until the cold got the better of me. That's when we came in and cozied up by the fire to talk. We do a lot of that, talking. It's really nice. We never really discuss any thing in particular, just let the conversation carry us as it will. It's very natural and comforting, even when it flows in to silence. There's no pressure.
Speaking of pressure, I've just seen the clock and it's time for my next lesson. Hopefully I'll learn to do more than just coast in to the shore!
Dropping the pen in the center of the book, she closed it, leaving it on the floor in front of the cold fire place. Grabbing a towel, she bolted out the door, heading for the beach to meet Malachai and their surfing instructor.
*ooc: posted with permission from OP*
Fiji is wonderful. More than I could have hoped for. Each night we've gotten up to something different and new. Climbing, dancing, walking on the beach, hunting for sea shells. But last night had to be the most fun I've had in a very long time. Mal surprised me with surfing lessons. I think it shocked him that I, a girl who hails from Hollywood, California, did not know how to surf. I'm not really sure how many different ways I can explain how cloistered my previous life was. Any ways, I digress.
At first it wasn't a whole lot of fun. Lets face it, I'm not the most graceful creature on the planet. I can fall over when standing still. And boy did I fall over. A lot. And smacking in to water is painful! But I eventually learned how to stand on the surfboard and ride it in to the shore. I spent much of the night doing that, just getting my balance, until the cold got the better of me. That's when we came in and cozied up by the fire to talk. We do a lot of that, talking. It's really nice. We never really discuss any thing in particular, just let the conversation carry us as it will. It's very natural and comforting, even when it flows in to silence. There's no pressure.
Speaking of pressure, I've just seen the clock and it's time for my next lesson. Hopefully I'll learn to do more than just coast in to the shore!
Dropping the pen in the center of the book, she closed it, leaving it on the floor in front of the cold fire place. Grabbing a towel, she bolted out the door, heading for the beach to meet Malachai and their surfing instructor.
*ooc: posted with permission from OP*
His Eternally
Keep calm and come to Wonderland
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- CrowNet Handle: True North
Re: Random ramblings on a new life
Hello book,
I took you with me when we left Fiji. I don't know why, but I did. We went back to Harper Rock for a night or two. We met with a ritualist who was able to eternally bind us. Don't get me wrong, the word of the Church is perfectly fine, but we're also not human and craved something a bit more... more. It's a decision I don't regret.
The Demi-fae didn't seem to want it to happen and I'm not sure why. It took Amaranthia three times. And to be perfectly honest, I didn't even think she'd get it on the third time. We were running out of supplies and time, but in the end, it worked. Amaranthia was amazing and the ritual was complete. She went her way and we went ours.
Our way happened to be off to Italy. For a couple nights we stayed at my flat in Vatican City while we took care of some Church related business. Mostly entering our names in the Book and having our marriage sanctified by the Pope. Now we're in a small apartment in the heart of Rome and even as I write this, I'm sitting on the balcony, enjoying the cool evening air, the sights, the smells, the sounds. I've always loved Rome and one day imagined I'd move here. But that's all changed. Or has it? Thanks to email and cell phones, I really have no reason to return to Harper Rock. My childer are head strong and independent, my Sire a capable man who has always seemed distant and withdrawn. I know that's not true, but it does take work to crack that shell. I've managed that, but we still don't talk as much as we should.
I mean sure, I'd go back for the important things. Liz has a wedding coming up, and there's birthdays and anniversaries to celebrate, but right now, I have no desire nor inclination to do any thing other than drive up the Italian coast and ride horses on the beach. So I think I'm going to wake my husband and do just that.
With a grin, she rose to her feet and slipped inside the bedroom, tossing the book on a chair, she jumped on the bed, and kept on jumping until the man within the covers began to stir.
I took you with me when we left Fiji. I don't know why, but I did. We went back to Harper Rock for a night or two. We met with a ritualist who was able to eternally bind us. Don't get me wrong, the word of the Church is perfectly fine, but we're also not human and craved something a bit more... more. It's a decision I don't regret.
The Demi-fae didn't seem to want it to happen and I'm not sure why. It took Amaranthia three times. And to be perfectly honest, I didn't even think she'd get it on the third time. We were running out of supplies and time, but in the end, it worked. Amaranthia was amazing and the ritual was complete. She went her way and we went ours.
Our way happened to be off to Italy. For a couple nights we stayed at my flat in Vatican City while we took care of some Church related business. Mostly entering our names in the Book and having our marriage sanctified by the Pope. Now we're in a small apartment in the heart of Rome and even as I write this, I'm sitting on the balcony, enjoying the cool evening air, the sights, the smells, the sounds. I've always loved Rome and one day imagined I'd move here. But that's all changed. Or has it? Thanks to email and cell phones, I really have no reason to return to Harper Rock. My childer are head strong and independent, my Sire a capable man who has always seemed distant and withdrawn. I know that's not true, but it does take work to crack that shell. I've managed that, but we still don't talk as much as we should.
I mean sure, I'd go back for the important things. Liz has a wedding coming up, and there's birthdays and anniversaries to celebrate, but right now, I have no desire nor inclination to do any thing other than drive up the Italian coast and ride horses on the beach. So I think I'm going to wake my husband and do just that.
With a grin, she rose to her feet and slipped inside the bedroom, tossing the book on a chair, she jumped on the bed, and kept on jumping until the man within the covers began to stir.
His Eternally
Keep calm and come to Wonderland
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Re: Random ramblings on a new life
Athens. We're enjoying ourselves in Greece and while we haven't been doing any day time touring for obvious reasons, the nights have been full of amazing and wonderful things, plus the tourist stuff has been cool to see as well. I see your pages have ink from another in them, but I'm fine with my thoughts being known by my wife.
Wife...funny how that single word rolls so easily for me now that Echo and I are married again. It flowed easily the first time we were married too and even after our divorce, I had a hard time thinking of her in any role aside from that one. She's all the best things, memories, everything I could ever think of; all in one perfect package and she's all mine! Listen to me gush and go on and on about her like some lovestruck teenager for gods sake! I mean, come on! I'm on the downhill slide to 30 and still feel like a teenager whenever I think of her, spend time with her, see her smile, watch the way her tongue pokes out the side of her mouth ever so slightly when she is concentrating on work....and there I go again, babbling about her, my Echo, my heart and soul, my eternally bonded better half.
Now, to the real reason I decided to write. I received a rather disturbing email from a most unexpected source this evening; Elizabeth to be precise. It seems that someone thought it would be a wise idea to out me as a vampire on the radio station back home. Things like that make me heartily glad Echo and I are well away from that place right now, if only so that she isn't put in any jeopardy by it. Guilt by association or something equally foolish maybe. Who knows how people think nowadays? Some hear the word vampire and laugh it off as crazy mythological ******** while others believe we exist.
What I can't figure out is why some people are so put off by it. There really isn't much different between a human and a vampire aside from physiology and dietary intake. We all get up, shower, dress, have jobs of some type or another and just generally live our lives. At least, I know I do. I could probably go back and talk to the local radio manager about letting me do some kind of a talk on his show to put that vampire stuff to rest. Having been known as a rock star, I'm pretty sure I could say it was all some crazy promotion for an upcoming cd release. One never knows, maybe I'll talk to Echo and see what she thinks after we spend yet another fun filled evening in each others company. I wonder what tonight's adventures will bring for us? I rather hop we'll head to the Parthenon, I've always wanted to see it.
He tossed the book and pen aside, then went to join the woman in the pool of the house they were renting. Home could wait, spending time with his new bride, could not.
Wife...funny how that single word rolls so easily for me now that Echo and I are married again. It flowed easily the first time we were married too and even after our divorce, I had a hard time thinking of her in any role aside from that one. She's all the best things, memories, everything I could ever think of; all in one perfect package and she's all mine! Listen to me gush and go on and on about her like some lovestruck teenager for gods sake! I mean, come on! I'm on the downhill slide to 30 and still feel like a teenager whenever I think of her, spend time with her, see her smile, watch the way her tongue pokes out the side of her mouth ever so slightly when she is concentrating on work....and there I go again, babbling about her, my Echo, my heart and soul, my eternally bonded better half.
Now, to the real reason I decided to write. I received a rather disturbing email from a most unexpected source this evening; Elizabeth to be precise. It seems that someone thought it would be a wise idea to out me as a vampire on the radio station back home. Things like that make me heartily glad Echo and I are well away from that place right now, if only so that she isn't put in any jeopardy by it. Guilt by association or something equally foolish maybe. Who knows how people think nowadays? Some hear the word vampire and laugh it off as crazy mythological ******** while others believe we exist.
What I can't figure out is why some people are so put off by it. There really isn't much different between a human and a vampire aside from physiology and dietary intake. We all get up, shower, dress, have jobs of some type or another and just generally live our lives. At least, I know I do. I could probably go back and talk to the local radio manager about letting me do some kind of a talk on his show to put that vampire stuff to rest. Having been known as a rock star, I'm pretty sure I could say it was all some crazy promotion for an upcoming cd release. One never knows, maybe I'll talk to Echo and see what she thinks after we spend yet another fun filled evening in each others company. I wonder what tonight's adventures will bring for us? I rather hop we'll head to the Parthenon, I've always wanted to see it.
He tossed the book and pen aside, then went to join the woman in the pool of the house they were renting. Home could wait, spending time with his new bride, could not.

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- Joined: 28 Aug 2011, 17:53
- CrowNet Handle: True North
Re: Random ramblings on a new life
Hello Book,
I see Chai has found you again. It's nice to see he didn't tear the pages out this time. Curiosity eats at me, wondering what he said on the previous pages. The missing ones. Ah well, I suppose I shall always have to wonder.
I read what he wrote, shame on me, but I imagine he read my words as well. I have no shame in what I wrote. I don't mind him seeing my thoughts and it's really nice that he lets me see his now. He's such a romantic man. So sweet and attentive. He always has been, even when we were divorced. He's a good man, he's always been a good man. Some times he looses his way, but then again, don't we all? All that matters is that we can find our way together.
Greece has been amazing, and we visited the Parthenon as Chai wanted. What a spectacular building! The light of a full moon shone all over the place, turning the marble in to an ethereal quicksilver. There was a hush over the grounds, anticipation was in the air. It's as if the very earth it's self was holding it's breath and waiting. I felt it and so did he. We walked in hallowed silence, holding hands and waiting, though what we were waiting for I couldn't say. I wonder where we'll head to next. I need to sit down with my husband (Squee! I love calling him that!!!) so we can figure out where we're going to go next. Some where neither of us has been to. Difficult with my line of work and his former life as a mega star.
To touch on some serious news, Mal and I both received an email from Liz. Seems there was some sort of broadcast on the radio outing those like us. Makes me glad Mal and I aren't in the city right now. I'd be going stir crazy with worry every time he was out of my sight. I can't believe they blasted him and those I know. There are few I couldn't care less that their name is out there. There's a few I'm neutral about, and then there's a few that have me freaking out a little inside. I hope every one is safe. I thought about returning home, but the best thing I can do is keep Mal out of Harper Rock and hopefully safe.
I need to shoot Liz an email and get an update from home. But for now, I'm going to snag my husband for a little surprise. First we're going to fly over to Mount Olympus in Larisa, Greece. After a quick tour there (or maybe an over-night stay) we're going to fly to Sparta in Lakonia, Greece. Granted going to Olympus first makes the trip to Sparta longer, but I think Mal will enjoy it a lot. And from there... who knows?!
With a grin, she shut the book, tossed it in to the packed suitcase and zipped it up before wandering through the spacious villa, calling out to Mal and letting him know it was time to go.
I see Chai has found you again. It's nice to see he didn't tear the pages out this time. Curiosity eats at me, wondering what he said on the previous pages. The missing ones. Ah well, I suppose I shall always have to wonder.
I read what he wrote, shame on me, but I imagine he read my words as well. I have no shame in what I wrote. I don't mind him seeing my thoughts and it's really nice that he lets me see his now. He's such a romantic man. So sweet and attentive. He always has been, even when we were divorced. He's a good man, he's always been a good man. Some times he looses his way, but then again, don't we all? All that matters is that we can find our way together.
Greece has been amazing, and we visited the Parthenon as Chai wanted. What a spectacular building! The light of a full moon shone all over the place, turning the marble in to an ethereal quicksilver. There was a hush over the grounds, anticipation was in the air. It's as if the very earth it's self was holding it's breath and waiting. I felt it and so did he. We walked in hallowed silence, holding hands and waiting, though what we were waiting for I couldn't say. I wonder where we'll head to next. I need to sit down with my husband (Squee! I love calling him that!!!) so we can figure out where we're going to go next. Some where neither of us has been to. Difficult with my line of work and his former life as a mega star.
To touch on some serious news, Mal and I both received an email from Liz. Seems there was some sort of broadcast on the radio outing those like us. Makes me glad Mal and I aren't in the city right now. I'd be going stir crazy with worry every time he was out of my sight. I can't believe they blasted him and those I know. There are few I couldn't care less that their name is out there. There's a few I'm neutral about, and then there's a few that have me freaking out a little inside. I hope every one is safe. I thought about returning home, but the best thing I can do is keep Mal out of Harper Rock and hopefully safe.
I need to shoot Liz an email and get an update from home. But for now, I'm going to snag my husband for a little surprise. First we're going to fly over to Mount Olympus in Larisa, Greece. After a quick tour there (or maybe an over-night stay) we're going to fly to Sparta in Lakonia, Greece. Granted going to Olympus first makes the trip to Sparta longer, but I think Mal will enjoy it a lot. And from there... who knows?!
With a grin, she shut the book, tossed it in to the packed suitcase and zipped it up before wandering through the spacious villa, calling out to Mal and letting him know it was time to go.
His Eternally
Keep calm and come to Wonderland
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- CrowNet Handle: Her Dark One
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Re: Random ramblings on a new life
He picked up the notebook that he and his wife used to occasionally write down their thoughts, smiling as he read through it. He enjoyed the fact that neither of them had a need to hide their thoughts about things from each other. In a way he found it comforting to know she would be able to see what he thought, the knowledge that he didn’t have to verbally voice everything to her gave him an odd sort of piece of mind. Putting a pen to the smooth blank sheet, he began to write, just random things that had happened since the last time he’d written in it:
So, I’m back and boy have I got things to tell you! The honeymoon was fantastic! I never knew that Echo could be so much fun! I mean, I did, but the fact that she was so willing to try new experiences like surfing and all the other stuff we did was terrific! I loved the look on her face when we took a camel ride in Egypt. I was pretty sure that was going to be a no-go, but then she shocked me by climbing on and taking off the way she did. Anyway, I digress……
Lots has happened in this god-forsaken town we call home. People fighting, killing each other, that never changes. Not really anyway. In a way, it reminds me of the way the moon cycles. Maybe there’s a correlation between the lunar cycles and an increase in killing each other off. I should research it and see if I can find anything to tie it all together.
Where to begin? Maybe with the shocking news that Enver and I have actually managed to get along with each other. Echo was right, he isn’t a bad guy at all. I find I like him and he is someone I would consider a friend, or at the very least a trusted ally. The guy has a great sense of humor too. I sort of regret having helped hunt him that one time, but I have put that in the past and I can only hope that he has as well.
Tytonidae recently posted a code of rules for us all to live by. I have affectionately dubbed those rules, “The Nine Commandments.” Needless to say, they weren’t all that well received by the majority. I think perhaps, that had they been written a bit differently and not so dictatorial in nature, it might have gone a lot better. There were two that were gracious enough to answer my questions though, and they did so in such a manner that I didn’t feel I was being spoken down to or treated like a child. It gives me hope that in time and with work, perhaps we can all come to some accord as to how things should be handled, rather than carping at one another and slinging accusations all over hell. Who knows though? Only time will tell. Last night’s community meeting ended with no bloodshed (to my knowledge) and it appeared that some headway was made toward making laws that most of the population can agree on.
Now for something that has been bothering me personally….I’ve been monitoring things with one of Prudence’s childer, CC. Just watching how things seem to play out on Crownet for her and in life in general and I have to say, she’s a right *****! CC, not Prudence. She gets mad over everything! We didn’t do anything about her getting killed, so she came back and bitched a blue streak about it. Do I blame her for bitching? Yes and no. Yes because she brought the mess on herself. No, because god knows I’d want people to do something if I got my *** killed, or at least act like they gave a flying ****. In that respect, I’m torn when it comes to her. I feel she would have a lot of potential if she could get past her mouth and learn to shut the **** up. She reminds me of Nick, only female.
I’d recently spoken to her childe, DD, about an attack that happened to my sibling and found DD to be quite concerned and willing to rectify the situation once it was brought to her attention. I fiond I like DD, she seems to be bright and easy to speak with. Plus she doesn’t run around creating drama, another aspect I like in people. Apparently, CC killed DD a few nights ago. Now, normally I wouldn’t intervene in that type of thing because it isn’t any of my business; but I made the supreme mistake of trying to help CC out, even though she is the most ungrateful woman I’ve ever come across. Not because I dislike DD or felt CC was in the right for killing her. I don’t know the circumstances so I can’t make a decision on that part of things, however, what did get me thinking was the fact that CC seems to have only run across the shitty side of things when it comes to being hunted, killed, whatever. So, I, in my infinite stupidity, decided I was going to try and plead her case. That went…well….badly. In essence I was told to mind my own business. I’m Worthington, it was a Worthington matter, therefore I should think in some respect, it WAS my business. After a few emails back and forth between one of the ones who is so keen to kill her, I left it alone. Then I made my next mistake, letting CC know that I had tried to intervene on her behalf. I refused to divulge the name of the one I’d spoken to, ergo CC then decided I was lying about trying at all. What the ****?! I don’t know why the hell I even bothered trying because all it did was piss off one member and get me called a liar. It’s frustrating, to say the least. If that woman had any idea of the number of times I’ve been to bat for her, she’d shut the hell up and maybe realize that not all of us are assholes. I don’t know how Prudence puts up with her, but I admire her for doing so.
Last but not least, I’ve recently had the experience of turning into a penguin. Yeah, that’s right, a ******* penguin. For all my bitching about the first experience and thinking that it is kind of a lame shifter form, secretly I think it’s pretty cool! Not some little tiny penguin, but a good sized one. An Emperor Penguin. My wife didn’t think it was cool, but now that she is aware it was me that night, I think any future shifting instances won’t be quite so traumatic for either of us.
He set the pen down, chuckling as he did so. He’d written much more than he’d thought he was going to, but he felt lighter for having done so. Setting the book down where it had been before, he left the pen sticking out of it in case his wife decided to read or write in it at some later date. The night was young and he had things to do.
So, I’m back and boy have I got things to tell you! The honeymoon was fantastic! I never knew that Echo could be so much fun! I mean, I did, but the fact that she was so willing to try new experiences like surfing and all the other stuff we did was terrific! I loved the look on her face when we took a camel ride in Egypt. I was pretty sure that was going to be a no-go, but then she shocked me by climbing on and taking off the way she did. Anyway, I digress……
Lots has happened in this god-forsaken town we call home. People fighting, killing each other, that never changes. Not really anyway. In a way, it reminds me of the way the moon cycles. Maybe there’s a correlation between the lunar cycles and an increase in killing each other off. I should research it and see if I can find anything to tie it all together.
Where to begin? Maybe with the shocking news that Enver and I have actually managed to get along with each other. Echo was right, he isn’t a bad guy at all. I find I like him and he is someone I would consider a friend, or at the very least a trusted ally. The guy has a great sense of humor too. I sort of regret having helped hunt him that one time, but I have put that in the past and I can only hope that he has as well.
Tytonidae recently posted a code of rules for us all to live by. I have affectionately dubbed those rules, “The Nine Commandments.” Needless to say, they weren’t all that well received by the majority. I think perhaps, that had they been written a bit differently and not so dictatorial in nature, it might have gone a lot better. There were two that were gracious enough to answer my questions though, and they did so in such a manner that I didn’t feel I was being spoken down to or treated like a child. It gives me hope that in time and with work, perhaps we can all come to some accord as to how things should be handled, rather than carping at one another and slinging accusations all over hell. Who knows though? Only time will tell. Last night’s community meeting ended with no bloodshed (to my knowledge) and it appeared that some headway was made toward making laws that most of the population can agree on.
Now for something that has been bothering me personally….I’ve been monitoring things with one of Prudence’s childer, CC. Just watching how things seem to play out on Crownet for her and in life in general and I have to say, she’s a right *****! CC, not Prudence. She gets mad over everything! We didn’t do anything about her getting killed, so she came back and bitched a blue streak about it. Do I blame her for bitching? Yes and no. Yes because she brought the mess on herself. No, because god knows I’d want people to do something if I got my *** killed, or at least act like they gave a flying ****. In that respect, I’m torn when it comes to her. I feel she would have a lot of potential if she could get past her mouth and learn to shut the **** up. She reminds me of Nick, only female.
I’d recently spoken to her childe, DD, about an attack that happened to my sibling and found DD to be quite concerned and willing to rectify the situation once it was brought to her attention. I fiond I like DD, she seems to be bright and easy to speak with. Plus she doesn’t run around creating drama, another aspect I like in people. Apparently, CC killed DD a few nights ago. Now, normally I wouldn’t intervene in that type of thing because it isn’t any of my business; but I made the supreme mistake of trying to help CC out, even though she is the most ungrateful woman I’ve ever come across. Not because I dislike DD or felt CC was in the right for killing her. I don’t know the circumstances so I can’t make a decision on that part of things, however, what did get me thinking was the fact that CC seems to have only run across the shitty side of things when it comes to being hunted, killed, whatever. So, I, in my infinite stupidity, decided I was going to try and plead her case. That went…well….badly. In essence I was told to mind my own business. I’m Worthington, it was a Worthington matter, therefore I should think in some respect, it WAS my business. After a few emails back and forth between one of the ones who is so keen to kill her, I left it alone. Then I made my next mistake, letting CC know that I had tried to intervene on her behalf. I refused to divulge the name of the one I’d spoken to, ergo CC then decided I was lying about trying at all. What the ****?! I don’t know why the hell I even bothered trying because all it did was piss off one member and get me called a liar. It’s frustrating, to say the least. If that woman had any idea of the number of times I’ve been to bat for her, she’d shut the hell up and maybe realize that not all of us are assholes. I don’t know how Prudence puts up with her, but I admire her for doing so.
Last but not least, I’ve recently had the experience of turning into a penguin. Yeah, that’s right, a ******* penguin. For all my bitching about the first experience and thinking that it is kind of a lame shifter form, secretly I think it’s pretty cool! Not some little tiny penguin, but a good sized one. An Emperor Penguin. My wife didn’t think it was cool, but now that she is aware it was me that night, I think any future shifting instances won’t be quite so traumatic for either of us.
He set the pen down, chuckling as he did so. He’d written much more than he’d thought he was going to, but he felt lighter for having done so. Setting the book down where it had been before, he left the pen sticking out of it in case his wife decided to read or write in it at some later date. The night was young and he had things to do.