whisper, whisper

Single-writer in-character stories and journals.
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Flannery (DELETED 4546)
Posts: 3
Joined: 20 Jul 2013, 00:46

whisper, whisper

Post by Flannery (DELETED 4546) »

19 July 2013
Where am I? What is this place? I’m lost. I keep looking for someone to give me directions, but I never find the one. They all look so intimidating. Their looks and their expressions remind me of the criminals I used to see on television shows. There are some that appear friendly, but I can’t find the voice to ask them what they’ll deem to be silly questions. There’s nothing wrong with me. I’m just lost. You see that every day, don’t you? Of course you do. There are girls wandering around, begging for help. I’m nothing out of the ordinary.

Something happened to me though. I’m dirty. I’m bloody. I’m broke. I can’t recall how I lost my shoes, or if I even had shoes. I know I ran into someone. I can’t remember if I heard his voice or saw his face. It’s unusual, isn’t it? I don’t even know if it was a man, but it’s a man now. I have to assign some sort of gender or I’ll never find the missing pieces. Maybe it has something to do with the symbol that I keep seeing in my head or the voices that keep whispering to me whenever I close my eyes.

Maybe I’m an escaped mental patient. Maybe I’m homeless. Maybe those things explain my confused state and my lack of belongings. If I am an escaped patient, why are the cops ignoring me when I walk by them? Am I invisible? I could be invisible. What if I think I’m invisible because it has something to do with the reason that I was in the hospital? I don’t want to go back to the hospital, if I were a patient at all.

I approached three women to ask them for help: one had skin that reminded me of caramel, one had hair that reminded me of crushed blueberries, and one had hair that reminded me of cotton candy. The caramel girl wasn’t a bad start, but she was in a doorway and it was a little odd. The other two were too weird to approach. I don’t think I like brightly colored hair, even if my own hair is brightly colored. Or maybe I do like brightly colored hair but I’ve forgotten the fact.

I do remember my name. I couldn’t forget my stupid name. I’m Flannery, like the author, and my last name is something Cart. McCarty? No. Mac. Carter. Cartel. McCarthy. I think my last name’s McCarthy. If it isn’t, then it’s my temporary last name. I’m probably more of a number in the hospital. I could be patient 254329. The number is long enough to show that it’s a big hospital, but the number’s small enough and catchy enough to be remembered. I probably killed someone. I just have a feeling that I’m that kind of crazy. I’ll tell you why.

Ever since I woke up in the back of that shady casino, I’ve had the urge to eat people. I don’t mean that I want to boil the flesh from their bones and gnaw on their innards. Maybe that was the wrong way to describe my urges. I’ve wanted blood. I started licking at the blood that was one my hands and forearms, but it was too old to quench my desire. I think I might be a cannibal, but just one that likes blood. I’m not even sure if there’s a word for that. As time passes, I might develop a taste for flesh. What if I’m a cannibalistic serial killer? I could be on death row somewhere. I think I like the hospital better.

I didn’t mean to hurt anyone. I didn’t even kill anyone! I just couldn’t stop myself. I needed the blood. I needed something more than my own dried blood, if that makes sense. I could have picked an animal, but something the voice told me I didn’t want animal blood. My mouth was watering at the thought of fresh blood. I attacked someone. No, I didn’t attack anyone. I just lulled the man into a false sense of security and took a bite out of his neck. The problem was that his flesh wasn’t as fresh. I’m not sure what he was, but he wasn’t what I was looking for, so I ran away. I left him there. I’m sure he’s fine. I didn’t see any red blood. I think he was already dead, somehow.

I tried again though. And again. I didn’t take chunks of flesh to get what I wanted. I cut the skin and licked at the wound. I didn’t get as much blood as I wanted, but I had some. It was delicious. It was everything I imagined in the most heavenly of packages. I want more, even though my stomach couldn’t hold another drop. I’m a mess. I’ll only hurt more people. What if I haven’t been caught by the police? What if I didn’t escape from a hospital? What if I’m still on my cannibalistic crime spree?

I might not even be Flannery anymore. The voice is saying I’m someone else. It’s trying to lure me into my mind and trap me there. I’ll never get out again. I’ll never eat again. I’m scared.

I see red, the color of my hair. I smell red, the color of their blood. I taste it. I breathe it in. And then I'm gone. I hunt them. I've never hurt anyone before (that I can remember). The man I met must have done something. What if he slipped me a drug? Am I just high? That seems unreasonable. The voice laughs at me. He's in this place though. I can feel him, like a string binds us together. He left me to deal with this on my own.

I'm alone in a place full of people.
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telepath . ♠ . vathiá bound . ♠ . vedarian
Flannery (DELETED 4546)
Posts: 3
Joined: 20 Jul 2013, 00:46

Re: whisper, whisper

Post by Flannery (DELETED 4546) »

20 July 2013
My family must be devastated. It’s been twenty-four hours since I woke up in this foreign place and I’m still just as confused as before. At least I know that I wasn’t in a prison or a hospital. I don’t have any needle marks, cuts, or burns. I know that I’m in Canada, which seems right, and I can’t speak French. In fact, I haven’t heard many people speaking French, so I have to surmise that I’m not in the French portion of Canada, and I may not even be near that area. Then again, this place could be right next door to French Canadian territory and I probably wouldn’t know the difference.

I don’t go by Flannery, if I can help it. Flan is what most people call me, I think. It’s what I want most people to call me now. Trying to remember my past gave me a splitting headache. I’ve decided to live in the moment as much as I can to try and give my mind a break. I’m hearing more than one voice now, but the voices are near the outskirts of my mind, if that makes sense. The voices aren’t as loud. I know if I listen closely, I’ll drift away. I can’t say how I know that, but I know.

This city is known for crime and there’s a quarantine area that the government wants to demolish. I’ve gathered that information from old copies of the city newspaper. I’m not certain, but the city name might be Harper Rock. I’ve heard of newspapers that have names unrelated to their home city though; I could be off in left field again. If there’s a quarantine zone, then there’s a reason for the quarantine. The only reason for a quarantine, that I’m aware of, is an outbreak of a disease. I could be infected with something. I might be spreading it around as I’m writing this down.

I’m torn between visiting a hospital and keeping to myself. If I go to the hospital and I’m infected with the disease, then I’ll be thrust into quarantine. I’ll be treated like a second-rate citizen, no better than a lab animal or any other test subject. If I don’t tell anyone, I could be spreading the disease, ruining all the measures in place that are meant to keep the uninfected safe. I don’t think I’m a coward, but I’m afraid. Maybe I wasn’t a coward and now I’m turning into one. I’d rather sacrifice everyone in this city than admit that I might need medical attention. I don’t see anyone else going forward. In fact, I haven’t heard any gossip about the quarantine zone. Maybe everyone is trying to forget the area and all those contained behind the gates.

I don’t want to know where this quarantine zone is located. I don’t want to end up in that prison. There has to be someone that can help me. If I could just find that man and ask him what happened. If I could find anyone that understood what I’m feeling right now, what I’ve been going through for the past twenty-four hours.
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telepath . ♠ . vathiá bound . ♠ . vedarian
Flannery (DELETED 4546)
Posts: 3
Joined: 20 Jul 2013, 00:46

Re: whisper, whisper

Post by Flannery (DELETED 4546) »

24 July 2013
The voices found me again. It’s like an eternal game of hide-and-seek, except for the fact that I’ll die and the voices will, more than likely, follow me on the journey. I’ve found a home though. I should say that the voices found the home and I hoped that they were helpful instead of hurtful. There’s a place in Honeymead, which is somewhere in the northeast (based on a coordinate system), and that’s where my new home is located. It’s a place called Aithne Asylum, and more people like me gather there. I think they’re my family. They might have known me before I lost my memories.

It’s hard to imagine that I have a family and a home, even though I’ve brought up the issues beforehand. What if we’re all infected? What if the home is our personal quarantine zone? What if I’m the only one that’s infected? I don’t want to spread it to them. If they don’t hear the voices, I don’t want them to suffer with the headaches and the barrage of noise. Maybe I shouldn’t go to this new home. Maybe the sewers are all I deserve now.

How can I tell them that I’m sick? Would they accept me even with my faults? I hear voices, voices that are cruel and kind, depending on the topic and my location. Sometimes I think I hear memories. No, that's wrong. I see them and the words tumble out. It's confusing, like a storybook that works only with audio.

Sometimes I want to scratch at my face and free the voices from inside my head. When I close my eyes, I see numbers and letters and colors. It's hard to believe, but I see the voices as much as I hear them. I see mouths moving. I hope this is a dream. I hope there's a cure for this. I don't want to be this way forever. I want to wake up again.

I want these people to fix me.
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telepath . ♠ . vathiá bound . ♠ . vedarian
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