Only a few hours after arriving in Harper Rock Spyder settled into her tiny little motel room and sat sulking on the hard bed. Her happy bubble had seriously been popped. In an attempt to repair her happy bubble of happiness she walked back down to the office and talked to the nice lady about what shops were within walking distance and if there were any bookshops in the semi-immediate area.
Thankfully, there were a few cheap restaurants and some fast food places just down the street. Her tummy growled in response to the mention of food. There also was a craft store and a book store about 5 blocks over and 8 blocks over. Other than that there wasn't much around here til you got into the city part of the city. She thanked the woman and set out, her platform boots clunking along. She was too... bleh to bother to pick up her feet much.
It took her a while but eventually she made all the stops she wanted to and she plopped on the bed and dug out her lunch burger and fries and set the bag (still full of food) on the little table provided and dug in. She made quick work of the greasy goodness and cleaned up after her messy self and headed to the dingy bathroom to rid her hands of the grease before she touched the goodies she had found while on her little adventure.
She grabbed the coffee before it got luke warm and carefully sipped it as she brought the bags over to the bed and sat in the middle, the bags in front of her. She was only interested in one of the goodies really. A nice leather journal she got on the cheap in a dinky little alley way book shop the office manager had told her about. The shop owner said someone left it there ages ago but never came back to claim it so he chucked it in the bargain bin. It was a nice, solid journal with plenty of pages and all were completely blank. Stretching and bending in the most awkward ways possible so she wouldn't have to get up, Spyder fished her favorite pen out of her purse that was on the bedside table. She clicked it smartly and opened the book and once again began an age old process for her – keeping a diary. Her hand writing was a mixture of chicken scratch and neatly formed letters.
Dear Diary,
Mood- (scribbles to indicate anger)
Date - 6/18/2013
Hello old friend. Well, new friend. Seeing as I left my other current diary in the floorboards back home, you shall be my new diary, k? K. Man. Its been what, at least two weeks or so since I've written anything? Shame on me. Though.. its kinda hard I suppose when you have to pack up everything you own and head to a new place.
Now, to begin. ~~~~~~~~ Great. Just freaking great. Not only, diary, do I have no place to stay after coming to this Harper Rock, but I'm stuck in this dinky little motel room for a while. I need to find a job or something. Fast. The lady at the desk is nice and all but this isn't living. There isn't even a microwave in here! What am I to do when my coffee gets cold!?
Skyy needs to do something about that jackass of a boyfriend of hers. He yelled at me. Can you believe that?! He yelled at ME. ME. A goth. A freaking princess of darkness. He thought I'd be cowed by a raised voice. Does he even know what kind of music I listen to? He was in for a big surprise apparently so he yelled louder and made a scene so I just decided to not make things worse for Skyy and left. I couldn't believe that **** diary.
Maybe the school has a dorm they can squeeze me into. I'll have to head over there and ask some time this week. On the bright side, dairy, I lucked out and not too far from this motel I bought you and some yarn and hooks and needles and junk. Not too much stuff though, just enough to keep me busy. The rest of my crap is still at home. I had to call mom and da after I got 'home' and told them not to ship my stuff out just yet. They are worried but I told them not to. They wont listen, but its the thought that counts.
I should probably start unpacking at least some of my good stuff so it doesn't get wrinkled. Then maybe I'll get my lappy out and google around and see what this place has to offer. Maybe hop a cab into the city, huh? See what the night life is like.
Bye bye for now dairy.
She always signed her diary entries and to finish it off, she doodled spider webs and spiders and bats and junk around it to make it look cool. She closed and 'locked' the book and set it beside her before getting up and digging her laptop out of the bag and began her googling of Harper Rock. At least this place had WiFi.
Web Spinning (Spyder's Personal Diary)
- Spyder (DELETED 4432)
- Posts: 5
- Joined: 19 Jun 2013, 01:01
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Web Spinning (Spyder's Personal Diary)
English ~+~ Spanish ~+~ Gaelic

Human ~+~ CrowNet Handle: WovenWebz

Human ~+~ CrowNet Handle: WovenWebz
- Spyder (DELETED 4432)
- Posts: 5
- Joined: 19 Jun 2013, 01:01
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Re: Web Spinning (Spyder's Personal Diary)
Dear Diary,
Mood – Scared
Date – 6/22/13
I'm so scared right now, dairy, that it's not even in the realm of funny. I've literally just woken up outside and had to find my way back to the hotel on foot. I have no idea how I got there. I don't even remember what happened before that. I remember... leaving the hotel to grab a bit to eat. And that was at what... 8 o'clock? I remember heading down the block.....Next thing I knew I was waking up in a freaking alleyway at 10pm. I don't remember being bashed over the head and my head doesn't hurt. The woman bits are intact and don't hurt, so I don't think any funny business happened. My neck hurts though... but I woke up with my head tilted at a weird angle. So that's probably why. I feel a little woozy, diary, but that's about it. I had all my cash and my cellphone still. And I wasn't too far away from my hotel when I woke up. Maybe... maybe I slept walked!? Oh diary I hope not.... I wanted to be normal. I want to be normal! Not like Aunti Sue, or Aunti Pattie, or Aunti Fiona... NORMAL! Oh diary... what if I've all of a sudden become narcoleptic? Just randomly falling asleep places if I don't keep active. Oh no... I hope not. I really hope not. But it was just this one time, right? It could just be a fluke or something. Maybe a vampire did it! Yeah. Maybe that's it. A vamp came up and bit me and dumped me there. I should probably go to see a doctor.. just in case. If it happens again I mean... right now I'm too scared to even go get food. I have to though.. I'm starving. But I'm bringing my freaking knitting needles with me. Go all Buffy on that 'vamp' if it happens again.
Le sigh... I can hope... right, diary?
~ Spyder
Mood – Scared

Date – 6/22/13
I'm so scared right now, dairy, that it's not even in the realm of funny. I've literally just woken up outside and had to find my way back to the hotel on foot. I have no idea how I got there. I don't even remember what happened before that. I remember... leaving the hotel to grab a bit to eat. And that was at what... 8 o'clock? I remember heading down the block.....Next thing I knew I was waking up in a freaking alleyway at 10pm. I don't remember being bashed over the head and my head doesn't hurt. The woman bits are intact and don't hurt, so I don't think any funny business happened. My neck hurts though... but I woke up with my head tilted at a weird angle. So that's probably why. I feel a little woozy, diary, but that's about it. I had all my cash and my cellphone still. And I wasn't too far away from my hotel when I woke up. Maybe... maybe I slept walked!? Oh diary I hope not.... I wanted to be normal. I want to be normal! Not like Aunti Sue, or Aunti Pattie, or Aunti Fiona... NORMAL! Oh diary... what if I've all of a sudden become narcoleptic? Just randomly falling asleep places if I don't keep active. Oh no... I hope not. I really hope not. But it was just this one time, right? It could just be a fluke or something. Maybe a vampire did it! Yeah. Maybe that's it. A vamp came up and bit me and dumped me there. I should probably go to see a doctor.. just in case. If it happens again I mean... right now I'm too scared to even go get food. I have to though.. I'm starving. But I'm bringing my freaking knitting needles with me. Go all Buffy on that 'vamp' if it happens again.
Le sigh... I can hope... right, diary?
~ Spyder
English ~+~ Spanish ~+~ Gaelic

Human ~+~ CrowNet Handle: WovenWebz

Human ~+~ CrowNet Handle: WovenWebz
- Spyder (DELETED 4432)
- Posts: 5
- Joined: 19 Jun 2013, 01:01
- Contact:
Re: Web Spinning (Spyder's Personal Diary)
Dear Diary,
Mood – Terrified!
Date – 6/24/13
It happened again, dairy!!! I cried for about an hour after I found my way home. Yup. Curled up on this hard bed and cried. I even called my mom and da. This time however, I was a little farther from 'home'. I was checking out some shops when it happened. At least I think. I mean.. that's the last thing I remembered. Ma said I should go to the doctor right away and make sure no funny business of any kind had gone on or is going on. She didn't want me to be like Aunti Fi or the others or even herself. Ma has had issues in the past with sleep walking, sleep eating, and even sleep DRIVING when she was younger. Holy hell am I glad I don't have a car. Da didn't say much but you could hear the worry in his voice when he did speak. He thought Ma's entire family was nuts. He liked Mom for her quirks but he couldn't stand the Auntis. You could tell sometimes too when the boys were sleep walking in school that he was ever so disappointed that his boys were on the path to 'nuts' too. And now, dairy, I believe hes disappointed in me in a way because I may have gone off the deep end myself.
Spyders stomach growled and she set her favorite pen in the crack of the book and closed the dairy and did another weird 'I dont wanna move so im just going to reach and hope I dont fall off the bed' move. She was hungry again, even more so than the last time. Which was odd, because she had eaten just before it had happened. She had been reaching for the set of menus she'd picked up from the office on her way home from her incident that were on the table and she finally got enough of a grip on them to slide them off the table and onto the floor.
“Damn it.” she cursed and flopped on her belly and reached for them, still not getting up from the bed.
She was NOT going out again until daylight. So she was going to order in some foods....once she got the damn menus to look them over that is. Eventually, Her Royal Laziness got a hold of all the menus and she sat up on the bed, phone in hand, and looked over everything. Once she made up her mind she called it in. She had to scramble around the room though to find the address to this place to give to the people and even open the door to her room to see what room number she was. Once that was taken care of however, she scurried into the bathroom to fix her makeup and hair and change her clothes. She looked a mess. She'd been crying and rolling all over that bed like a little baby for the past few hours and she didn't need another human being to see her like that.
After five minutes of fixing herself up she flopped back on the bed and went back to the diary.
(scribbles to indicate a small lapse of time)
Sorry, dairy. I had to order some food. It should be here in about a half hour. Anywho, I think I'll pop into the hospital tomorrow. Just go straight to the ER and explain whats going on. It'd be a lot faster than calling and finding a doc and waiting for an appointment. Least that's the way I see it. Well.. that's how it works in the U.S. anyways. I really don't want to be 'nuts' as my dad says. I really don't. Why? Why, when its my mother's side's birth right to be crazy do I not want to be crazy? Or anything... weird? Well, diary, because I'm afraid. There's a good weird and there's a bad weird. I'm afraid my life will go down hill if I turn out like my mom's family. They all could deal with their strangeness because they grew up with it. Aunti Fiona broke down after she found out what she could do. Took her a couple years to get back to normal. I don't want that diary. I really don't. I don't think I could handle it here, all alone. With out my family or anything. Don't get me wrong, Skyys a good friend but... she's got her own worries and doesn't need me making things worse. Well, diary, I think I'm going to put you away for now and check my email before the dude or chick with my food gets here. If I keep thinking about this I'm go to start crying again. And I don't wanna cry again.
Good night, Dairy.
Our girl closed and bound the book and stashed the pen in her purse and her diary in the little bedside lamp stand next to the bible there. She finally got her butt off the bed the right way as she went to get her laptop and opened it up -it was on- and turned on some music. She wouldn't admit it to anyone but a close friend, but she likes her certain guilty pleasure bands. This one in particular she felt in the mood for and she put on her most guilty of guilty pleasure songs and danced around and waited for her food, hoping it would put her in a better mood.
Mood – Terrified!
Date – 6/24/13
It happened again, dairy!!! I cried for about an hour after I found my way home. Yup. Curled up on this hard bed and cried. I even called my mom and da. This time however, I was a little farther from 'home'. I was checking out some shops when it happened. At least I think. I mean.. that's the last thing I remembered. Ma said I should go to the doctor right away and make sure no funny business of any kind had gone on or is going on. She didn't want me to be like Aunti Fi or the others or even herself. Ma has had issues in the past with sleep walking, sleep eating, and even sleep DRIVING when she was younger. Holy hell am I glad I don't have a car. Da didn't say much but you could hear the worry in his voice when he did speak. He thought Ma's entire family was nuts. He liked Mom for her quirks but he couldn't stand the Auntis. You could tell sometimes too when the boys were sleep walking in school that he was ever so disappointed that his boys were on the path to 'nuts' too. And now, dairy, I believe hes disappointed in me in a way because I may have gone off the deep end myself.
Spyders stomach growled and she set her favorite pen in the crack of the book and closed the dairy and did another weird 'I dont wanna move so im just going to reach and hope I dont fall off the bed' move. She was hungry again, even more so than the last time. Which was odd, because she had eaten just before it had happened. She had been reaching for the set of menus she'd picked up from the office on her way home from her incident that were on the table and she finally got enough of a grip on them to slide them off the table and onto the floor.
“Damn it.” she cursed and flopped on her belly and reached for them, still not getting up from the bed.
She was NOT going out again until daylight. So she was going to order in some foods....once she got the damn menus to look them over that is. Eventually, Her Royal Laziness got a hold of all the menus and she sat up on the bed, phone in hand, and looked over everything. Once she made up her mind she called it in. She had to scramble around the room though to find the address to this place to give to the people and even open the door to her room to see what room number she was. Once that was taken care of however, she scurried into the bathroom to fix her makeup and hair and change her clothes. She looked a mess. She'd been crying and rolling all over that bed like a little baby for the past few hours and she didn't need another human being to see her like that.
After five minutes of fixing herself up she flopped back on the bed and went back to the diary.
(scribbles to indicate a small lapse of time)
Sorry, dairy. I had to order some food. It should be here in about a half hour. Anywho, I think I'll pop into the hospital tomorrow. Just go straight to the ER and explain whats going on. It'd be a lot faster than calling and finding a doc and waiting for an appointment. Least that's the way I see it. Well.. that's how it works in the U.S. anyways. I really don't want to be 'nuts' as my dad says. I really don't. Why? Why, when its my mother's side's birth right to be crazy do I not want to be crazy? Or anything... weird? Well, diary, because I'm afraid. There's a good weird and there's a bad weird. I'm afraid my life will go down hill if I turn out like my mom's family. They all could deal with their strangeness because they grew up with it. Aunti Fiona broke down after she found out what she could do. Took her a couple years to get back to normal. I don't want that diary. I really don't. I don't think I could handle it here, all alone. With out my family or anything. Don't get me wrong, Skyys a good friend but... she's got her own worries and doesn't need me making things worse. Well, diary, I think I'm going to put you away for now and check my email before the dude or chick with my food gets here. If I keep thinking about this I'm go to start crying again. And I don't wanna cry again.
Good night, Dairy.
Our girl closed and bound the book and stashed the pen in her purse and her diary in the little bedside lamp stand next to the bible there. She finally got her butt off the bed the right way as she went to get her laptop and opened it up -it was on- and turned on some music. She wouldn't admit it to anyone but a close friend, but she likes her certain guilty pleasure bands. This one in particular she felt in the mood for and she put on her most guilty of guilty pleasure songs and danced around and waited for her food, hoping it would put her in a better mood.
English ~+~ Spanish ~+~ Gaelic

Human ~+~ CrowNet Handle: WovenWebz

Human ~+~ CrowNet Handle: WovenWebz