Our Hero Minki

Single-writer in-character stories and journals.
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Minki (DELETED 446)

Our Hero Minki

Post by Minki (DELETED 446) »

Crime Report

Agency ORI Number: XX-0000000
Agency Name: Harper Rock Police Department
Report Number: 05-93471


Defendant's Name (Last, First Middle)
Kwon Taehyun

Race / Sex / Date of Birth
Asian -- M -- 09/12/1966

Charge Description
Voluntary Manslaughter -- Domestic Abuse


Victim's Name (Last, First Middle)
Kwon Soomin

Race / Sex / Date of Birth
Asian -- F -- 12/19/1970

If victim was injured, indicate casualty disposition.
C. Coroner

Specify extent of injury.
Fatal Asphyxiation


Victim's Name (Last, First Middle)
Kwon Minki

Race / Sex / Date of Birth
Asian -- M -- 11/23/1993

If victim was injured, indicate casualty disposition.
C. Refused Aid

Specify extent of injury.
Minor scratches and bruises. Trauma.


Check if victim is the same as reporting person.

Crime Location
Home of the victim.
Minki (DELETED 446)

Re: Our Hero Minki

Post by Minki (DELETED 446) »

A Mental Note...

:: A Mind of Wonders ::

:: He Once Was a King ::

:: Escape, The World ::

:: Mr. Wolf and Doe Eyes ::

:: The Tale of the Boy Who Told Tales ::

:: The Dragon and the Maiden ::

:: To Heaven on the Wings of Icarus ::

:: Underneath the Magnifying Glass ::
Last edited by Minki (DELETED 446) on 16 Jul 2011, 06:08, edited 2 times in total.
Minki (DELETED 446)

Re: Our Hero Minki

Post by Minki (DELETED 446) »

A Mind of Wonders

The television set flickered to life with a blue screen face and the word STOP at the top corner in bold white print. It was the only light shone in the dark room, casting a lonely glow upon anything within the immediate space. A button was pressed on the remote grasped within desperate fingers, the REWIND button worn and faded. PLAY flashed on the blue and the tape rolled, a small child appearing on the screen. He was wearing a dinosaur onesie with one hand in his dark hair and a thumb in his mouth. Those round eyes stared at the camera a moment before shifting towards the one who spoke to him--the camera holder.

"Tell Mommy about Mr. Timmy again."

The tot looked at the camera a second, petting his own hair before speaking around his thumb. "Mn...Mister Timmy?"

"Yes, tell Mommy about Mr. Timmy."

He pulled his thumb from his mouth to speak easier. "Mister Timmy isth my fwend."

"Is that so?"

The toddler nodded, crouching down with his small hands on his knees, large eyes to the camera again. "Mister Timmy...saysth...Mommy and Daddy makesth him shy."

"Oh?" the couple chuckled at their child, Mommy getting the most enjoyment out of this situation since she was the first to be introduced to Mr. Timmy a few nights ago when tucking her son in for the night. He had informed her that Mr. Timmy wanted a good-night kiss as well. She found it to be cute, entertaining his imaginary friend.

"What else does Mr. Timmy say," she asked him, and the toddler mumbled softly a moment.

"Mister Timmy...saysth...Daddy hasth a funny no-shh."

Mommy laughed and the toddler followed with a giggle as she asked him, "Is that so?"

He nodded.

"Where is Mr. Timmy right now, Minnie?"

The tot stood up, both hands in his hair now as he looked around in search for his friend, walking over to the couch to crouch down and peek beneath it. He turned his eyes up to his parents as if surprised, pointing beneath couch urgently, his mouth making a perfect 'o'.


"You found him? He's under the couch?"

"Yesth," he grinned. "He'sth under deh couch." Curiously, he tilted his head to look underneath the couch at his friend.

"Why is Mr. Timmy under the couch, Minnie?"

"Mister Timmy...saysth he'sth shy...becausthe Mommy and Daddy makesth him shy."

Both parents laughed, causing the toddler to giggle as well, his father agreeing that this was cute as his mother had suggested. The tape was stopped, the memory now fresh and painful, yet soothing and sweet. Those times were short lived and so long ago. Minki couldn't remember them on his own but found relief in the fact that there was proof that they had existed, for they were few and far between.

------- x -------

"Mrs. Kwon, I want to say first that I called you down here out of genuine concern."

"Why is there any need for concern?" the Asian woman sat in one of the small chairs of the classroom, looking at the red haired woman who stood leaning against a large, dark wood desk cluttered with paper, markers, and crayons. Her gaze lingered on the child who sat next to his mother in the chair adjacent to her's, his round eyes to the piece of paper he was scribbling on absently--oblivious to the conversation between the two adults.

"Mrs. Kwon--"

"Mrs. Johnson," the child's mother said sharply, not at all pleased that the woman was insinuating that her son was a problem of some sort.

The middle school teacher sighed, noticing the stress within the Asian woman's soft features, the crease in her brow.

"I understand that you'd rather not be here for something like this," Mrs. Johnson began, "but I think this is important."

Soomin Kwon folded her hands over the small student's desk and chose to hear the woman out and let her speak, her expression quite stern.

Mrs. Johnson sighed, "At Minki's age, its quite normal to have a very extensive and overactive imagination. Its healthy, actually, to have a colorful imagination, its just....I think, in regards to Minki, it might be...too colorful."

"What do you mean?" Soomin inquired sharply.

"It's just that some of the things your son says or does...is quite worrisome. It's just little things that I've noticed, such as these..." She held out a folder to Soomin marked with Minki's name. Inside were different drawings and writing assignments in which all of the class have done. Some were even tacked up on the walls decoratively, however there was a reason Minki's was not. Beautiful yet terrifying images were colored across the pages in which made Soomin pull in a gasp. Dragons tore across the skies with people in their teeth and claws. Warriors fought bloody battles against malformed beasts through burning forests. Sprite-like fae creatures breathed death over flowers and crops, and in many of these drawings appeared the same spindly shadowy creature hiding somewhere among the chaos. Not every image was as horrifying, but still proved to be just as intimidating.

"The children were asked to write a story about their goals in life, and while many of them wrote about being astronaut, fire fighters, policemen, actresses and singers and the like...Minki wrote about this very detailed journey to find a human heart. One that he could give to his father to 'make things better'."

Soomin tried to keep her hands steady as she read through the story her son had written, the hidden meaning in the words gnawing at her like a bad infection. Mrs. Johnson watched her, growing more concerned by the minute by how things were playing out. So much that she had to ask;

"Is everything okay at home?"

"Everything is fine!" Soomin said quickly, shoving the papers back into the folder. "Why is that always assumed to be the case when a child is a bit more imaginative than his peers? Maybe Minki has the makings of a genius? Did you ever stop to think of that?"

Mrs. Johnson obviously didn't agree as she shook her head, slipping off her glasses as she spoke with a very serious tone. "Minki has the makings of an early developing psychological disorder."

"I suggest counselling..."
Minki (DELETED 446)

Re: Our Hero Minki

Post by Minki (DELETED 446) »

He Once Was a King

The asphalt was wet with rain, soaking the bottom of his jeans and the laces of his sneakers. The city was dark and gray as if washed and worn. The boy made his path through the labyrinth of buildings, lighting fixtures, and street signs, eyes to the ground, blank and absent. Thin arms were wrapped tight around his backpack in which he held against his chest in a very desperate way, as if looking for comfort from the item and its contents.

He had packed up that bag and decided to run away, but from where? Run away from who? There was no one left to run away from no one he was leaving behind...So what was the reason for this foolish choice? Minki hasn't the slightest clue. He felt enveloped in an extreme urgency, like having triggered a fight or flight response. He simply had to get away from the nightmare; but how could he when it was all around him. It had become the reality he never wanted to be part of, and yet it had somehow seeped into his own private world. There was no escaping it.

And so, he stood beneath the flickering street lamp without an idea as to which direction to go. All around him were ghosts and shadows who walked by and straight through him without a care as to who he was. The sprites hiding in the flower bed paid no heed to his sniffling nor did the trees give sway in his direction. The demons in the darkness were kept at bay as they let him weep, this fallen hero of the great quest that has now ended. The king of a world that had now come crashing down around him in flames. He was king no more.

The days of his reign within his world were numerous, his life like an epic of untold tales of legends and great feats. He had been born as the crown prince of this world, accepted and loved with his trusted friend and consort Mr. Timmy at his side. When there was turmoil in his kingdom, he set out to bring back peace. He was sure the terror caused by the hands of the scaly wizard Appa could be dealt with as well and he would be able to save his queen from imprisonment and live happily ever after once again. However, he was proven all too wrong.

How, without his queen at his side, he had fallen and the world, his kingdom, had become a dark and dangerous place full of torment and chaos. His quest for the heart, the heart that would fill the empty void within the wizard's chest, had come to an end. It was all pointless, now. There was no one to save. He wished Mr. Timmy had not left him those many years ago. If any had the power to aid him, it would be Mr. Timmy. Mr. Timmy had powers beyond anything imaginable, and bringing back the queen would prove easy...

"No!" the boy exclaimed, grabbing the roots of his hair as he crouched down, eyes shut tight, a strained sound of pain passing through his lips. In that moment, he couldn't simply give up everything and let it all end this way. There had to be some way to fix it all, some way to go back and have a second chance to be the hero and save the day! There must be some way!

Rocking back and forth, he felt desperate for some kind of miracle!

Just then, something had changed. Time had shifted, reality bent and molded into a new form. Minki had felt it, his wide, crazed eyes turned up to the sky as if the answers were written in the storm clouds. He knew what he had to do...he knew the conditions. The trees were whispering among each other, having gotten word about the Queen and the wizard Appa. They lay asleep within a locked chamber in the castle, under a spell that could only be broken by the heart that fits in the wizard's chest. Only then would things be restored.

There is still hope!

Quickly, Minki stood and gathered his bearings, wading through the sea in which poured down upon him to continue his journey. He once was a king, but now he was just a boy who simply wanted his mother back and he would do anything...anything...
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