-The Shaded Grey's of Truth-

Single-writer in-character stories and journals.
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Lorac (DELETED 3588)
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Joined: 23 Nov 2012, 05:52

-The Shaded Grey's of Truth-

Post by Lorac (DELETED 3588) »

[Encrypted and Top Secret. OOC knowledge ONLY. Unless you are Momento.]

Time: 16:00 Hours
Destination: Israel
One truth: God is Wise.
Codename: Lorac The Chameleon.
Password: ************ [Akhom_Morcos]

My Friend Greg wonders how the Desert can comfort those of us birthed from its hot and excruciating wrath. To this I counter, when one takes mother's milk from said wrath, it becomes one more nurturing ingredient in which we use for survival. For even the beautiful in this place are merely existing to survive with the skills given them.

Today is my last day with Tel-Aviv. I have no problem with being used to free my blood and country. I have no problem with betrayal, lying and killing. These in fact are simply rules one must follow anywhere no matter the disguise.

I do have a problem with killing my contacts. I am no rookie to be questioned. I am also no man to bow down to anyone by my god. Is this arrogant to think? Surely by western definitions yes. But then we are not of the west. We are the east. The blood thirsty savages others shun unless they need information. Have I not bled for this cause? Then surely it is not to much to ask that in dispatching my contacts, it be by my hand.

I also question those who have given me orders. If they had killed my contacts for good reason, then I should not question my faith. This is not the truth though. They let the American agency that we pretend is so much better then us do the dirty work.

This is not to insult my American mother. For it was her who gave me the ability to blend with those of my secondary culture. Nor my Egyptian father from whom my long blood ties give me strength to understand the lines a man must not cross.

It intrigues the mind to think that in learning how to become invisible and dangerous, these very skills will allow me to leave that which I was always told can never be left.

However. Only God can Judge me. No man or woman has that right. Perhaps Tel Aviv has forgotten its roots, but I have not.
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