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Lighter pockets, lighter spirits.

Posted: 03 May 2012, 00:18
by Finn McCumhail (DELETED 2587)
Day 1
So, I've been in this new town for a few days now and I'm already loving the place. The people here are such easy marks. I must have picked a dozen pockets this afternoon alone. Not to mention that daft bloke that dropped his wallet and kept on going. Been in town 3 days and I've already got me a comfortable bankroll. Sadly I've not met many of the lasses here in town yet, but hopefully that will change soon. It's bloody odd how aloof so many people in this city are.

That reminds me, I've seen some weird things since coming here. People walking around in a daze, coming to their senses as they walk off into the woods or into the water. Other people slinkin around trying not to be seen. Saw some bloke hand off a vial a blood the other day for a handful of hundreds. Then there's the missing persons. This town seems to have one oddly long list folks missing.

I made found myself in a right spooky set of catacombs the other night, made out with a right nice bit of loot though. Including a slightly rusty, but very nicely balanced and serviceable sword. I think I'll be hanging on to that one. Might come in handy round this city.

Re: Lighter pockets, lighter spirits.

Posted: 07 May 2012, 19:59
by Finn McCumhail (DELETED 2587)
Okay... I need to get this all down in writing so I can try and get it straight in my head. This town is a lot weirder than I originally thought. First of all, they have a real problem with crime. There seems to be thugish gangster wannabes everywhere. How am I suppose to con anyone when they're so paranoid because of the gangs? I've taken on myself to start cleaning them out of the neighborhoods I frequent. They'll just have to get it through their drug addled brains that those streets are my territory now.

Now on to the next thing, and this is the one that has been bothering me most. I've commented before in these pages on how people seem to sometimes stumble around, not realizing where they are. Well, it's happened to me to. Several times now I've found meself in odd places, dizzy and no idea of how I got there. I've started to be more careful where I lay low, I keep round other people and stay away from the dark streets and alleys. However even doing that I saw something recently, something I can't get right in my head. I saw a woman take a man off into an alley, at first I thought they'd gone off to have a little fun. Then I noticed her fangs. FANGS. Who the bloody hell has fangs? I saw her bite this bloke in the neck, hard enough that I saw blood, the freaky chick was drinking his blood. I want to believe it was harmless and all, but it didn't seem that way.

I wanna get down what I saw so I can keep the image fresh, I want to recognize that crazy lass if I see her again. She was blonde, pretty, right curvy lass too. I'll admit if I was that poor bloke I'd probably have let her haul me off. The thing that bothered me was her eyes, at first I thought they were grey, then they looked green.

Either way, I'm damned sure gonna be keeping an eye out for that lass. I took some of my cash and bought meself a better blade, and I even resorted to picking up a gun. Just in case.

Re: Lighter pockets, lighter spirits.

Posted: 21 May 2012, 15:41
by Finn McCumhail (DELETED 2587)
Well... I'm not worried about bein crazy anymore. I've seen another vampire since that first lass. I know they're out there. I should never have asked around online though, I'm starting to wonder if there are those that are out to get me for speaking up. The other day I found meself in odd places 9 bloody times. By the end of it I felt so damned weak I thought I was dying. I found meself somewhere to lay low, somewhere with lots of people. I'm still feeling a bit off, but I'm getting better. Maybe I'm being paranoid... I suppose it could be bad luck but... It just seems odd that I seem to find myself lost and weak and awful lot after asking around on some online forums.

At least business is going well. I've got a fair bit set aside. This town has some easy pickings, I think I'll be staying for a while. Maybe I should save up and get meself a permanent place here. It'd give me a safe place to go back to after a job. Only problem is this city doesn't seem to have much of a nightlife. Where's a man supposed to go for a little female companionship when the whole damn town seems skittish, afraid?

On the up side, I'm seeing less and less of those bloody thugs around. Maybe they got the message.