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The Diary of a Dead Man

Posted: 21 Dec 2011, 04:52
by Ciro (DELETED 1913)
December the 20th, 2011

It is my hope that one day this will be found by another of my kind or by a human so that they might know the trials and tribulations of a broken man. I sit here by candle light writing upon these pages and far below I can hear the carols of the merry humans singing the songs praising the birth of Jesus Christ and I truly envy them. To have a life of normalcy where I could do such things and not have to worry about the pimp coming to collect his dues or the knife aiming for my back so another could take my place or the men in uniform that would come to take their cut. I wonder when I began to realize it was all so over done and dramatic and fake. At any time I could have simply walked away and found a new life with what ever woman I decided upon and yet I did not. I kept myself indentured to a life of lust and servitude and wickedness and for what? I search my mind for a reason as to why I chose that for my life but I find nothing other than the desire to feel as filthy and as dirty as I felt inside. I apologize, I am getting away from the point of these writings. I should be eductaing you, not babbling about my mistakes and my failings. Allow me to begin anew...

I began a life of wickedness and lies...and I continue it still. I am 24 years of age and I will forever be 24 years of age. My name is Ciro Auditore. I am a Vampire. I am a member of the Bloodline of Zachariah Staus. Those that feel the familial ties would call us the Docere family. I do not feel these ties. My creator, a very beautiful yet sexually open woman named Kacee is the closest thing I have found to a mother in my 24 years of life and still I feel a distance between us. I feel a distance between myself and every individual I have encountered both human and vampire alike. I am not like them and they are not like me. We, the other vampires and I, are a different species altogether. I feel as if my turning was different than theirs as if something was...forgotten or left out when I was changed. I will have to speak with Kacee on this matter posthaste.

I will also do my best to record the day to day occurances of my vampiric life to allow a certain wisdom to be found in my words. A wisdom that perhaps I will discover myself as time progresses. I know not what this new and dark world holds for me but I do know that you shall experience it through my pen dear reader and you shall, hopefully, follow in my footsteps and learn and discover that which I failed to learn and discover on my own either through my own unwillingness to see or my simple inability to see. Know that should you continue reading there will be horrors and words which will not be pleasent to your mind. I can not save you from whatever macabre and grim details may be recorded in these pages just as I can not save myself from experiencing that which my path will lead me through.

*Scrawled at the bottom of the page in a loose and scribbled hand is the following:

Feeding daily is required. Must have energy to impress her, must have her.

Re: The Diary of a Dead Man

Posted: 23 Dec 2011, 23:16
by Ciro (DELETED 1913)
December 12th, 2011

I have found that I do enjoy the sting of pain. As bothersome as it was in the beginning I have pried the bullet free and find the damage to the flesh is already healed. I can feel both bone and muscle damage but I do not think it will hamper my movement or actions in any way. I would return the favor but such a thing would only fuel to end my frustration with the harlot that caused this issue in the first place. She plays so innocent, she plays so sweet but so so many are beginning to see that she is no better than the drug addicted woman that stands on the street corner selling her body every evening. I find the architect of this grand scheme to be a thorn in my side and one that must be plucked and cast aside. Found wanting she should be joining her mate where he rests and not plaguing this city with her forked tongue.

I come to find that there is very little REAL solitude to be found in this city. Even when one simply interacts with others I find that things are impressed upon them and things are moved in their direction simply to involve them in a matter they have no stake in. why such episodes must be manipulated in such a way is beyond my comprehension. Drama whores, sluts, sadists, masochists, the ugly, the beautiful. All of them inhabit this city and so few do I truly wish to associate with. I can not cull the undesirables from the city as it would unbalance things and bring about a tide of crimson blood that even I could not overcome. I must work on this, find some answer to the migraines that these undesirable elements of the city force me to endure.

****...I need to get laid, **** this drama fest.

Re: The Diary of a Dead Man

Posted: 01 Jan 2012, 20:41
by Ciro (DELETED 1913)
January 1st, 2012

Last night was eventful. I met with Caine and Moriah and one or two others and we eliminated a possible threat to the city before it could become as bad as some have. Prevention is the best security after all. If you can prevent one from following a certain course of action then one is able to ensure that certain events will never come to pass. I did this. I assisted in the killing of a woman that found our masquerade to no longer matter to her. I took her blood, I assisted in ending her life, I watched as she ever so slowly crumbled and became nothing. I find that I quite enjoyed the sight and the feeling of power of justice on my side. It will happen again I promise you this dearest reader.

I met another as well, A young red head named Ellis. She is quite...interesting. A good person for physical comfort but I can not deny that I feel quite guilty lying beside her on the nights we both need those comforts of the flesh. I miss her still, I miss her almost so much that I ache when I sit here and think of her. Everything about her I find perfect and flawless but I know that perfect does not exist. It can't. Perfection and flawlessness are too much to ask for in the nights of the damned and so I enjoy my bias and hold on to that small string of hope that one day her and I might be capable of being together.

One day...