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Diary of the Sweetheart
Posted: 15 Oct 2011, 04:32
by Elizabeth Constance
((OOC Note: This will all be ooc knowledge unless her Diary has been taken and read in which, I feel a RP post should be made in doing so. Thank you. Oh and Yes...she named her diary!
Also the first few were posted on the Noble board before Serendipity took her family and left. I have gotten them and transferred them here where they should have been to begin with so I have the date and times of the original posting at the bottom.))
Dear Maggie,
I have needed to start you fresh once again. I always seem to have manic thoughts to where I feel the need to spill all and everything to you but you much forgive me for not writing in a know the need to get a new book to write to you in with all that has gone on...I feel that I just hadn't had the time. Maybe it's time that I fill you in as I have so much to say though...sorry for changing on you. I wished I was the sweetheart that everyone wanted me to be and maybe in due time that will all revert back but who bloody knows...surely not I but I can only hope. I do have to say that this new attitude is rather nice as I don't get walked on as much but I do lack the friends I once had. I really don't get along with this new family since getting turned. Then again...most don't get me. We will see.
First off...I probably should let you know...I went back to Wales after Serendipity turned me into what I have become. I know that it probably wasn't a good thing but you know royalty...they get into an uproar should family go missing and the last thing I needed was the Duke and Duchess come looking for their princess. That indeed would lead to a whole mess that would only break the rules of the Masquerade...well here is where it gets tricky...I didn't break the rules of the Masquerade entirely but they were broken for me. You know that chap that I was engaged to...Sean Kensington...well it turns out that he was a practicing mage and knew right off that I was different. He did something, I am unsure what but Goddess did it hurt and suddenly he knew that I was a vampire.
This sadly is not the worst part!
There happened to be a few murders of royals closer to the throne than our family in secession. Take a guess as to what happened... Yep...I was framed. There were even two marks to falsify evidence in showing that their death was malicious and unnatural. Sean stepped forward with his proof of who I was and pinning me to the deaths. You know...I really thought he was a nice guy. I guess he had me fooled, didn't he?!!? Well what happened next was that Duke Joseph and Duchess Lily denounced me and my affiliation to the family. Sadly yes, this means I lost my Lady/Princess title. Goddess, I was devastated and actually still am to a point...I don't have the slightest clue as to how to be a commoner. On top of that...they sentenced me to death. Granted I am already death but there is always a death much deeper than what I live. So I vanished before the coming dawn, which was good as I am still here.
I won't lie...I do look over my shoulder with every step that I take and I can't tell my new family. They would never understand how I bloody well feel and when I have to explain it a few times, I know that I will get upset and think they are plan daft. I know that's not nice but at the same time, I know that's how my thoughts will run....I can't let that happen, they already don't like me. I'm not the sweetheart that Serendipity painted me to be. Oh well...they can either get over it or continue to talk behind my back as I'm going to be talked to and ignore most things I say and/or do.
Good news though...I'm getting stronger. Much stronger. I am have come into a few abilities but they aren't much. Well at least yet. I also added Serendipity's surname to my own... Please don't be mistaken as to who is writing to you.
Another bad note...I have become mouthy and outspoken. Well the outspoken part isn't anything unusual but there has been no diplomacy in how I speak anymore... If am not happy with something or it doesn't make sense...I am rather bold when I state and/or question what is said or is going on. This would make my instructors proud at the prep school but then again without the diplomacy...there would be a tinge of disappointment. Hmmm...not a lot of pleasing people. Guess that makes sense as to why I am actually alone in the world. Not worried about it really as time can only tell how the future will become.
It all can't be bad... Can it?!!?
Always yours,
Lady Elizabeth Constance Llewellyn-Croft
((Originally Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:13 am PST))
Re: Diary of the Sweetheart
Posted: 15 Oct 2011, 04:33
by Elizabeth Constance
She walked into her room while shading the jacket from her shoulders. As Lizzie tossed her jacket upon the post of her bed, she turned towards her desk. The artistic and brightly decorated journal laid resting on the desktop with the welcoming pen next to it. Taking a needed seat from her days activities, she opened the lovely book and began to write after pressing play on her iPod player.
Dear Maggie,
First off...I am waiting to hear words from Serendipity. Why you may ask? Well you see...I was caught feeding this eve. I have always been cautious of my feeding practices and yet I was caught today. I currently have a bounty of $225. I'm sure that is going to come down and then been obsolete in the next few days but it's still the principal. I should know better. I mean, the masquerade was broken for me back in Wales because of Sean and yet here I am getting caught feeding. How was I so careless this eve? I don't completely understand as to what happened. Serendipity is going to be rather miffed about this and I will just sit and take the lecture that is to come. Though....maybe if I bash enough Zombies, I will get the bounty down or gone before she even knows it. Yes this will once again mess up my mental exercises but if the bounty disappears then she won't be too terribly upset with me.
Oh...I think you would be both pleased with me as well as disappointed. I have become a hypocrite. How this happened I am unsure but I do feel it was for the betterment of others. There are things that I have learned of this eve...all seemingly unpleasant or weighing on ones heart. It was easy to talk and hopefully calm the thoughts of the other though I am sure I hardly helped...only to keep myself tight lipped on my own feelings. Since when did I not speak on matters of heart or thought? Never until recently it seems. I can't deny that after a conversation, it was only better that I didn't speak on what I or my heart feels. It would only add drama, I believe and that is not a barrel of worms that I care to deal with as drama is a sickening plague that never dies. I won't be the cause of such disease.
What have I allowed myself to get caught up in, Maggie? I mean after what Sean did a few months back...could I really trust another enough to hold and protect my heart? No...I can't's rubbish, absolute rubbish. I'm not saying that anyone would act like he had as most won't frame me for murders that I had not caused in partnership of my parents...people who were suppose to protect me from any and all evils and yet they threw me to the wolves. I need to get over that but does one just forget the betrayal of her own family of mortal blood? I know now that it was better for Serendipity to take me away as Duke and Duchess Llewellyn had proven such after I returned to finish up business before just vanishing.
He is a good man though, Maggie and if you were an actual person, I am sure you would like him. He is a little lost right now and given what he has been through, I can not blame him. One always needs time to heal especially when ones heart feels rejected. I will remain his friend and confidant as long as he wishes such of me because everyone needs at least one friend that will simply sit and listen while giving their thoughts, only when asked. I pray to the Goddesses that all will be well with him and he will one day feel love again, be it with me or another that will treat him the way he aught to be treated. In due time, all will be clear...until then, patience is a virtue.
I will state that I fear the coming events of the family. I'm unsure exactly though I have come to learn that empathy and telepathy can never be a good mixture as it makes me want to pry. I fear the crumbling of the Noble line or at least one branch. Again I am not sure why but I have a feeling that it's connected to the contract between Isabella and Nick, along with the teeter totter emotions wrapped around the whole mess. I will admit that this is the drama plaguing our family at the moment. Lies, deceit, betrayal, and infidelity. How can anyone get passed that without holding any ill will towards can not. It's nearly impossible especially when all of those four characteristics happened to you. I don't know exactly what will come of all this but I suppose we will just have to wait and see....
Always yours,
Lady Elizabeth Constance Llewellyn-Croft
((Originally Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:12 am PST))
Re: Diary of the Sweetheart
Posted: 15 Oct 2011, 04:34
by Elizabeth Constance
Dearest Maggie,
I know that it has only been a short few hours since I wrote in here last but I can't stop thinking about him. Not in a loving sort of way though those thoughts aren't far behind but in a way that I wish to help him. He feels so lost right now that he has closed himself off to himself and others only to focus on his studies as a killer. I truly feel that moving to this sort of level of focus is unhealthy as there needs to be a balance or one would surely explode or never be able to return to who they once were.
Guidance has already been given to him and it's up to him as to what he does with it but I just feel that there is something more that can be done. I don't feel that he is entirely lost but it's just reaching to that will of his to bring him back. There are many that love and adore him for who he was but he is letting himself take all the blame when there is more to the issue...there is always more in situations like this. On top of that, there was a mere kiss shared and it's being held in the regards of infidelity. This is truly nothing as something far more in depth could have happened but it didn't. That there is a respect and a willpower that most wouldn't be able to express. I commend him for that, he just needs to see it.
As for my studies...I am having a terrible time catching my mind up with my body. They truly aren't that far apart but I don't get as much out of tracking as I hope. On top of that, I miss riffling through others pockets because I could surely use the money. I need a better weapon, even if I can't use it well. My martial arts is terrible and I have yet to find an instructor that I can trust. As for my mental studies, Aunt Elizabeth has offered to help teach and guide me in the way of being an amazing telepath. Though I can't deny that my decisions are becoming clouded by the distain that I hold for Phoenix. One path that I can chose down the road other than being an exquisite tracker or a powerful telepath is that of an illusionist.
Illusionist has been on my mind often as of late because of Phoenix's antics and the want to mess with her head. I am already having a hard time as I look through my text books on deciding whether to focus on the power to overwhelm incase she crosses my path once again or just work on mind reading with would clear up the fuzzy clouds of others thoughts which would be a blessing. Not a blessing in a way that I would be able to pry should I wish too but to know that I would have information correct instead of misreading others emotions and thoughts. Which I still think being an empath and a telepathy is a sour mix though they work hand and hand nicely. Perhaps I am cursed as I never wanted to be invaded by others thoughts or emotions but this is the power that this dark life has given me. I don't mind, I can't see being a mage or using sex to get what I want or even just kill to kill....Oh and dealing with the dead outside of the undead...I'm okay with leaving that to others, the zombies bug me enough to keep me away unless I am truly bored.
There is a reason for everything and all will come to light when it's intended too. Though have I just grown impatient to the way of living? I know that starting out in a new and foreign life takes time to adjust but am I adjusting a little slower than others or just differently? I'm not even sure and maybe I am letting worry thoughts plague my mind for no apparent reason but to cause me to question myself. I think all that will clear up once I get better in my studies and begin to grown in my abilities but we'll see, no sense in being a negative ninny about it. Though I won't lie...I miss being a princess just don't miss the royal politics that came with such a title. Besides...I never did agree with the arranged married with that bloody git as I always knew there was something different about I know that. Bloody mages!!
I think I need to take a nap, Maggie. My mind feels heavy so to rest and release of my thoughts is much needed.
Always yours,
Lady Elizabeth Constance Llewellyn-Croft.
((Originally Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:16 pm PST))
Re: Diary of the Sweetheart
Posted: 15 Oct 2011, 04:35
by Elizabeth Constance
Dear Maggie,
I have feared the worse and all things have come to pass. Everything transpired so quickly and yet here I am, standing beside Mother because she needs me while looking back at a family that is now going to become distant from me. Blood will be shed this eve but more than one would care to think. I love her...Serendipity. She deserves to be happy but where are we to go? A little flat by the lake or destined to continue life in the sewers? I don't know but I do know that the one that I care for...I might not even see again but that's alright, he is blind to all that is around him as he is hurt and closed off to any desires of the heart. I don't blame him but how could I be his confidant...his friend after Mother and I have gone? Would he even care for the company that I can give him or would he turn and simply forget.
They will all be alright. I am sure of it. They were before I arrived and will be after. I don't know many...never got to know anyone but that makes this so much easier. I will miss those that I have gotten to know...Regan, Aunt Elizabeth, Coralie, and my brother Braeden. Braeden even pissed me off in the beginning but shoot...he has been able to grow on me. He will stay, I know he will. He favors our grandsire over our sire which honestly is wrong but he is a Knight...whether the Knights like it or not, they are held above the rest. It's sad be on such a high pedistal with high hopes and expectations. I do hope that none of them are afraid of heights.
I worry about her know, Serendipity. Mother deserves all that life has to offer. She truly is a good woman, she just has been hurt more than most could imagine. She looks out for herself and her childre when she has been taught by the one person that should teach her the greater things in life (her sire) that it's better to forget about family as long as you follow your hearts desires.
Maggie, this family is falling apart because of a contracted marriage and yet nothing is being done about it. I told you these fears before I took my rest and here we are...a few hours later and all is coming to be. There are times, I wished I was wrong as I don't want to see this family fall apart but it now has gone too far that there is no stopping it.
Rogue was never a life that I had thought of but maybe it was a life I was meant to lead. I mean, I can't let Serendipity go off on her own...she needs me and the company. I will support her for as long as she needs me and then some. I was her first childre and her only girl...I will not abandon her now. What kind of childre would I be if I turned my back on her after the dark gift that she had given me. I won't lie though, I will miss him. Oh goddess I will miss him but I don't even know why it should matter, he hardly notices that I exist outside of being a friend and family. It's alright, we are made to live not serve another. I just hope he forgives me for feeling the need to support Mother. If not, then I will bid my farwells and never see him.
We have crumbled and we have it's just time to rebuild and see what happens. I just really hope that we rebuild for the better but I have a feeling we are just going to drift out and wither in the wastes. I pray to the Goddesses for their protection.
Always yours,
Lady Elizabeth Constance Llewellyn-Croft
P.S. I'm sorry if my thoughts seem to be all over the place within this entry but I can not seem to get them to settle down in a organized and coherent thought.
((Originally Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:12 am PST))
Re: Diary of the Sweetheart
Posted: 15 Oct 2011, 04:36
by Elizabeth Constance
((OOC: This post minus the Journal entry will be copied into an actual RP as she will accidentally leave her Journal some place within the haven.))
Lizzie walked into the house, feeling heavy hearted. She knew this day would come but she would never expected it would be so soon. She truly had thought that she would have time to build her walls so it wouldn't hurt but no matter how one would be prepared for such rejection, they were never truly prepared for how the heart would react.
Moving to her room, she grabbed her journal and the pen that glistened in the light as it patiently waited to be used once again to elegantly scribble Lizzie's thoughts. The thought of being holed up in her room, pulled at her as she knew that if she remained, she would never leave and she was stronger than that. As Lizzie turned on her heel, she padded down the hallway to the parlor. She started a fire in the large fireplace before she pushed the oversized leather chair closer so she could feel the heat upon her cold skin.
As Lizzie opened the leather-back book in her hands delicately, her eyes scanned over her other entries, all screaming and yearning for him to save him from all that he was going through while closing himself away like a caged animal from the pain he had and was continuing to endure. It pulled at her to see him in his state as she was unsure what she could do to help him but it seemed that so many counted on her to help him and she didn't have the slightest idea where to begin though there was a fragment grace of hope after she had spoken to him earlier but knew it wasn't enough to save him from himself but that fragment of hope didn't even come from her...
A soft sigh escaped her as she began to place the pen to the blank page. The ball point just sat there. The will to move was there but frozen in time. Lizzie was stuck, she was afraid to let her thoughts flow freely but she knew that if she didn't she would lose all ability to contain herself and she would be no better than himself at this moment. Looking up from the page, she glanced around the room and smiled as she saw the stereo. Getting up from the chair just long enough to turn on the radio. The song that flowed through the speakers amazingly spoke on part of her feelings. Humming along as she curled up into the chair, the pen now flowing elegantly and rapidly as she wrote each word that rested upon her mind.
My Dearest Maggie,
You have no idea what sort of day that I have had today. I do not even know where to begin let alone do I have a clue as to what to do. First off...I got into it with Mother this eve. She even pulled her gun but of course my stubborn self continued to push. This is a family matter and she has the same thoughts as I do and yet I am not allowed to help. I am not a god forsaken child. I can help defend this family especially when we are taken for grated. There is a lesson in all of this and yet we are not executing such a lesson to get the point across. This city is going to continue to not take us seriously and take advantage.
How is that fair? It is not...absolutely not and yet we continue to sit idly by as we are denied the joy of a normal family without the mess of drama plaguing us.
I eventually calmed Mother with my words when she realized that I truly believed that what I was doing was for the better. I adore this is all that I have left so I am willing to do all that can possibly be done to help all of those that reside within the bloodline. I still failed though as I am caged to a promise. I even talked with Aunt Elizabeth and all was in order with the support that she would do all she could to keep me in the family after I acted upon my ambitions to protect those that I love. All was moving perfectly as I had planned, even gained Nick's address and then I said to much to the wrong person. Regan!
He knew I wasn't telling him everything. He could read it upon my face and in my eyes. I kept so much from him but I knew that if he knew that he would try his damnedest to keep me at bay. Sadly it worked. I don't know Maggie...the heart for some reason does the craziest things and mine just opened like a broken spigot the moment he pried to know what was going on. I tried to be stubborn to keep it from him, to keep to my plan, my path. I was willing to lose the family to act upon my ambitions but I was talked out of it.
My plan??
Yeah I didn't tell you about that either. Well I was going to swing my blade at Nick. I was even going to swing at Phoenix. Both have played this family like a fiddle and yet we continue to just sit here and take it. Why is that really? Is the Noble bloodline masochists that long to be punished and pulled apart piece by piece starting with the heart. To be honest, I think so. We are glutton for punishment which is why we don't truly defend ourselves or our family.
I wanted to swing at them both so bad. I knew that I might get kicked from the family on the attack upon Nick alone but it would have been worth it. It was all going to be for Regan and Serendipity. The two people that I have seen hurt the most by his relationship with the leader of our bloodline. She continues to love him blindly while others get hurt by their love. I can not take it. I hate seeing them both in so much agony and yet there is nothing I can do. My plans to swing at them both even as I accept the thought of falling to the acid grips of the Realm of Shadows were thwarted by Regan. He can be just as stubborn as me, you know...
He continued to question until I was out with it and then it flowed as if the Hoover Dam had sprung a leak. He fears for me but only the way of family. He made me promise to not attack as it would hurt him more should I perish but I honestly feel that is the Knight within him speaking. I tried my best to fight him calmly on the subject and yet here I sit with a clean sword sitting in my room. I promised him that I would wait.
Why am I always promising to just sit back while my family gets hurt? Am I really that weak? I suppose I am but to be honest this whole love thing is new to me as I didn't truly love Sean. This thing with Regan...I know that it's one sided and always will be. It's's always Isabella. All swoon over her as if she was the Goddess Aphrodite while the rest of us are just Plain Jane to her beauty. Love of course is not for the weak of heart. I am not weak there and I know that. I still would do anything for that man as one can not change who the heart loves. I know this. I feel this. And yet I sit here looking at Regan as if he is the only man that existed and my heart choose to love him.
He's a wonderful man. He deserves to be happy and yet he has become lost all because of Isabella and Nick. This is one reason as to why I wanted to swing at Nick and still I sit here. Have I thought about breaking my promise to Regan. I have, simply because I know that he couldn't love me in return so therefore I would much rather do what I felt was right to protect this family. I would hope that Regan would get that but I don't flinch. I just wish that my point of view for once was seen and understood with those that would act with me. Not tie me down and tell me that we need to wait. What is there to wait for? Some one to come along to take advantage of our family once again just for us to continue to wait. When do we say that their actions have gone too far and we say that it's enough? We need to teach them a lesson. We need to show them that we are not a joke let alone a force to be messed with.
Oh...speaking on the topic of love... He knows Maggie. All I said was "But!...out of simple devotion...I will do as you and Mother request." He caught it and questioned it. I tried to get out of it but he knew. He could see it in my eyes and knew that my words didn't match. Sometimes, I feel that he should have been a telepath instead, he would have been amazing. Oh get this...he even asked me if I loved him. I never actually said the words but the words I did say still told him and you know what...he still went off on how he was such a lost cause and that his heart couldn't love another as he loved Isabella.
Blind!! Blind, I tell you. I understand he needs time to mourn but he will remain lost if he doesn't help himself. He is weak with his injuries from Rocklin today so he is slightly the man we all love and adore but what happens when he is healed. Is the five or six days going to be long enough to keep him with us or are we going to lose him to the beast within that foams at the mouth for freedom?
How do I help him like people are looking at me to do?
Always yours,
Lady Elizabeth Constance Llewellyn-Croft
As she signed her name, she looked down at the full pages that screamed her feelings loudly though none would hear. Lizzie rested back against the chair with the book in her lap as she thought on all that had transpired knowing that she had left out a few things but she would touch on them later, especially about the events with Sebastian. She wanted to see what more would come of the actions that herself and Braeden had taken this eve in defense of their mother.
Placing her journal down upon the floor and the pen on top of the last page as she watched the fire waltz. It was calm and seductive. She knew it as she relaxed just as she sat and watched the fire play it's games in the safe confinement of the fireplace. As she started to let herself drift off into her own thoughts, she realized that her throat was a little dry. Slipping from the chair, she stretched and then made her way to the kitchen to look for something to drink while pulling her copper locks back into a pony tail. Her journal laid naked and open upon the floor, outside the sanctity of her room.
((Originally Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:00 am PST))
Re: Diary of the Sweetheart
Posted: 15 Oct 2011, 07:05
by Elizabeth Constance
Re: Diary of the Sweetheart
Posted: 24 Oct 2011, 11:38
by Elizabeth Constance
Leaning over and kissing him softly upon the cheek before slipping out of the bed. White satin cascaded down her body and flowed gracefully around her feet as she moved to set in a chair across from the bed. Taking a hold of the pink journal and pen that rested on the end table next to the chair. Smiling as her eyes washed over him as he laid peacefully in the bed. Grabbing her iPod and slipping the cobalt ear buds in her ear and starting the playlist that was reserved specifically for him before she started to write.
Dear Maggie,
Yes, I am fully aware that it has been some time since I have written to you properly but it has taken me some time to get my journal back from the Noble house. All is well so no worries there. What you have missed though is more than I can tell at this time but I will try as much as I can, has these past few months. I will state that the starting pages in this book...some of them I know about but then I was talking about a man that I do not even know. I must have been dreaming and reality crossed into my thoughts. Happens sometimes when I want to write stories. Sorry if anything was confusing even though I seemed to make it blend well.
First off...there have been three separate occasions where I have gotten hurt. The first time, I was completely asking for it because I was playing with Prudence. Yes, I am fully aware that she is notorious for getting head shots and well...she did just that after about six round...I think. Needless to say, it happened and I was drooling baby. Though to make matters worse, I was told that I went off chasing a bunny one day only to get lost in the woods. Let me tell you that this posed as a -Huge- problem because the Fae came to play with me. They are not the friendliest as I ended up with several wounds including another wound to the head. The bloody ******** bit my skull. I called my grandsire, Chad. He was so concerned and when he realized how far out I was because I had gotten lost in the forest, he sent Azraeth to come and get me when we learned that I was not going to make it back. He got scared and refused for me to enter the Realm of Shadows. I remember spending time with Ripper but really I think he only stopped by for company and to eat my crayons. I still do not get it but to each there own.
The second head wound came from Mercedes. This as well was self inflicted because the voices were getting to me. I know as a telepath, they are going to be there and I can not just get away from them but I needed a break. Roan helped me try to get to the Realm of Shadows but after awhile we realized that she was not going to be able to finished the job. Roan called over her son Erik to help but he was more concerned about what was going on so I went to find a friend of mine. Though I think you would laugh to know that I interview a friend of my for the final blow. I went to Merc, interviewed her, and then we met up. Instantly...head shot. I did leave a note for Chad for him and Hariasa to watch over my place while I was gone.
Lastly the third set came from me sitting in the forest. You would think from the first time that I spent out there that I would remember that the Fae do not play nicely but I went out there anyway. I was out there for ten would think that I would have learned to come back in after the first hit or so but nope...I stayed. For some reason I was determined to remain out there but I do not have any recollection as to why I would go out there in the first place. It is as if there are a few pages missing but nothing is out of place but why I was there. I do not know. Maybe I just wanted a nice quiet place to relax. Maybe. Though I lost both my legs, an arm, ripped out my throat and part of my skull from the fae. Yes...I am getting used to having these head wounds. Rocklin and Sebastian came to get me out of the forest. Sebastian actually threw me over his should and took me back to the Creed crypt for safety. Oh get will not believe it...I got shot by a human...OH Guess where!!! You have the head.
Five head shots on three different occasions...I do believe this is a bit much but I do not get them much often in the future when I get attack...I am not sure I will know what to do to myself.
Here is the good news though. Remember Erik that I told you about in the second incident. Well, let me tell you. The minute he heard that I was injured, he was at the crypt door while talking with me in our minds. As much as it hurt to use my head, I had no choice but to talk mentally given I had no throat. Oh it was frustrating. He stayed with me, stood outside the door for days until Sebastian gave him keys...I think. Then he stood outside the door of Callista's place. He sat with me, watching movies, holding me up while I colored, taking me out for fresh air...all the while of making sure I was safe. He loves me. Told me so. I can also see it in his actions, emotions and thoughts. Out of this whole time in the city since my turning this is my first love interest.
The dates were even amazing.
He even picked out a special place for just the two of us. It is on top of one of the buildings. We had blankets and pillows with candles. The sky was perfectly clear and we talked about so much and then...he proposed.
Maggie...Erik PROPOSED!!!
I could not be any happier. He is sweet and amazing. I am lucky to have him even as my first romantic and intimate relationship. Why could men not be like this in Wales. I feel as if I was missing out on so much when I was promised to Sean. Damn arrange marriages but good thing I did not have to marry him. Well to tell you...tonight, he and I eloped with Mother there. I know that Mother has a head wound of her own but she wanted to be there...good thing though because she happened to be more prepared than I was given that she had gotten him a wedding ring for me. It was far better than my on-the-spot spontaneous paper clip ring with the promise to get him a better one. His words still echo in my ears
"Lizzie, my love, I swear that I will hold you above all others. There will be no one in my life that will hold more weight in my heart." would love him if you were a real person. I can tell you all of the stories. Life is amazing and I am so happy. I wished you could see the rings that he got me. They are gorgeous. vows to him. So sweet, made Mother proud of me.
"I do. I vow to love and to cherish. To have and hold. Tend to each wound you may endure be it physical, emotional, or mental. I vow to stand at your side even through the hardest of times. I love you and there will be no other that comes before you."
I am happy Maggie and Mother is absolutely happy that her little sweetheart is back. I will write more later. I promise to be more consistent now that I have my journal back from the Nobles.
Always yours,
Elizabeth Constance Stryker
She took the ear buds out of her ears as she closed the little pink book. Setting everything down upon the end table before slipping out of the chair. Slowly she walked back over to the bed, sliding into the cold empty spot that laid vacant beside him only to drape her arm over him and fall deeply asleep.
Re: Diary of the Sweetheart
Posted: 26 Oct 2011, 00:27
by Elizabeth Constance
Dearest Maggie,
Last night Erik and I were invited to a party at Elizabeth's Penthouse. Everything seemed to be going well but for some odd reason there was a little bit of awkwardness. Maybe it was because it was so soon after Erik and I got married that we were out publicly, flaunting our love and devotion towards one another. I do not know. Elizabeth was upset about a death that I had not learned of yet but soon realized that it was Aurelius' sister. Made me wish all the more that Callista was here. I miss my sister-in-law but I just pray for peace to wash over our loving family. I have learned though that death happens often in this city. We just have to accept it and mourn when it is proper while praying for our loved ones to return to us.
The rest of the evening seemed to go well. Mother even came to the party with Aurelius after I sent her a text message. Aunt Elizabeth was asking about her and I thought it was only appropriate for Mother to speak for herself. Besides, she seems to be healing nicely from her injuries from LD and needed a nice break to party. Everything looked amazing at Elizabeth's and there were some cleaver looking costumes. First party that I had been too since being turned and it was fun. At least until that man was mentioned again.
Mother came to the party and I know that she has a head wound and did not know any better. She asked where my husband was when Erik was right next to me. Maybe it was all because of the people in the room, someone could have been standing in front of him, blocking her view of him. Who knows but Aunt Elizabeth then asked...well it was more a statement...'You and Regan are back together...' or something like that. Maggie...I really do not know this man and why does everyone keep mentioning him like I should know him. I mean seriously, am I just supposed to know everyone and assume I know who they are talking about?
I went out to the garden to let them talk. Erik followed to make sure that I was okay. I am more than grateful to be his wife. I asked him out right if there was anything that I am missing for some reason and he told me there was not. I trust him. Mother says the same too when Erik brought it up before. I think they are just confused. Though there is a pull on my mind like there is something I should know but there is nothing there when I try and figure it out. Maybe I am just letting something that is really nothing bother me for no apparent reason. Maybe one day I will meet this Regan and see why everyone thinks I should know him but until then...he is just some random name that floats upon the clouds of the world. With so many people in a city as large as Harper Rock, we can not be expected to know them all.
Always yours,
Elizabeth Constance Stryker
Re: Diary of the Sweetheart
Posted: 01 Nov 2011, 22:26
by Elizabeth Constance
Dear Maggie,
I woke up this morning, grabbed you, went to the balcony with a cup of tea only to realizing yet again that I can not drink is habit to have tea while relaxing and writing to you. Oh well, I will dump it out soon or let housekeeping deal with it. Before you panic...the balcony is shaded well with a canopy. I will not burn, promise, though there are times that I wished I was a killer like Brae and LD because they can enjoy the warmth of the sun when they want to...
So I was thinking and I know that this seems completely random but that is okay...that is what you are for, putting all of my thoughts down, no matter if they are organized or not. Anyway...I was thinking that I should start going by Constance. Do you know how many Elizabeth's there are. I am always being confused with my aunt or some other one that I have never really met. At times it is just frustrating. I know there are not any Constance's or at least many that I have seen. I would not be mistaken for anyone, I think... I do not know...just a thought.
I can not wait until I can get the pictures developed of the trip. Granted there are not that many as we did not get out as often as I would like but that is alright, it is just good to get away from Harper Rock and all of the stress and drama that we are going to deal with because we got married. I know that there are others that are not happy...I can feel it but I am not going to worry about it especially given that one of them is Isabella or will be when Erik tells her.
She may be my grandsire but she is no longer my concern. Her lifestyle is not one that I approve of as it is not proper of a lady. I know she does that but then again what is done behind private doors is her business. I am not one to judge but I do not appreciate the threats that have passed her lips to Erik about a relationship that I have with him. We are just waiting to see if she actually acts on her words when we get back. Does not matter. Let her hit Erik and/or will be her biggest mistake. Though if you ask me...she could bugger off and entertain the others that fall at her feet as if she is the "Goddess Aphrodite while the rest of us are just Plain Jane to her beauty." Yes...I have said that before hence why I quoted it but it is true. At least I got my knight in shining armour. As this princess is more than happy while floating on cloud 9.
Oh, you should know that I have been talking with Etienne over the phone. I know...I should not be working on business while I am supposed to be on vacation but there are moments that Erik is on the phone dealing with something or he ran out to feed quick that I have time to myself. I have helped him with readings and then we talk about the possibility of family. Yes, I am planning ahead. One has to always be one step ahead of the game and though nothing has happened yet, it helps to actually have a family that will support and help when needed. I will bring Erik with me but I feel that he and Etienne need to work out a few things but I have made up my mind though I would need to work with those I have had trouble with in the past. That is alright. The only thing that scares me is that this merger will put me close to those that I left in the Noble line. I am not sure how all of this is going to go but sadly I am prepared for the worst.
I need to go to a book store later when the sun sets for the day, though it is pretty. I sit looking at the bright and sparkling buildings. It is gorgeous and simply breath-taking. Anyway...the is because Erik was rather rough the other day. I can not even begin to describe it let alone would I be willing too in case my journal was to get in the wrong hands. I thought I was bloody well falling apart at the seams, Maggie. Goddess did hurt. I wanted to cry but I will never tell him that...EVER! I think a book will better prepare myself but I just want the soft, loving and sensual back though I would never deny him...only pray that he desires the same as myself when we feel randy and make love.
Oh, I hear him moving around so I am going to end this for now...I will hide the pictures in here once I get them. I promise.
Always yours,
Elizabeth Constance Stryker
Re: Diary of the Sweetheart
Posted: 02 Nov 2011, 02:19
by Elizabeth Constance
Dear Maggie,
I am so frustrated. Erik just told me the truth about Isabella. Yes it infuriates me but what can I do. I could not control who he beds or when he beds them. I just wished he would have been up front about it from the start but he told me. Either way he was not honest from the start but he confessed this evening. I can not hold that entirely against him. I just wished he would have told me sooner. What I have a problem with is Isabella interrupting our honeymoon for her own selfish reasons. I know she has many lovers...has from the beginning and yet it is my husband that she calls. I feel that is more than disrespectful.
I just want peace and quiet. Is that not the point of a honeymoon and going away?? To get away from the city, politics, any business matters unless it is absolutely important and even then keep it minimal...I do not feel that is too much to ask but others feel differently.
Maggie...what am I to do? I already called Mother about this mess and I have a feeling that was a mistake. I do not know but she is capable of anything so only time will tell. I still need to get ahold of Etienne and talk with him though I really hate to talk business...this conversation I feel has been put off long enough and Isabella calling this evening has only proven that.
Life is not going to be to be peaceful anytime soon though I wished it would be. I am supposed to be happy on my honeymoon....right?!!? Maybe I will talk Erik in not going home if there is going to be problems or possible attacks on us then I do not want to return. I want to be blissfully happy for the rest of eternity not dealing with the drama of Isabella Drake. There were reasons why the Croft line left...this is only one of many growing reasons.
Maggie, I love Erik and that will never change but I just want a quiet life with him...or at least a semi-quiet life.
You are my trusted friend, Maggie and I am glad that you can keep my secrets.
Always yours,
Elizabeth Constance Stryker