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Inventory clutter avalanch [f]

Posted: 19 Mar 2020, 12:30
by Rory Gagnon
craziness afoot! >.< I didn't catch any particulars of how it happened really but I have 14,000+ items in my toon's inventory. Mostly in far as I can tell and the only way to them out if there I have found for sure is to sell with an individual check marked selection.

My phone nor PC can keep up with trying to rummage through the clutter and 5 energy per move sucks lol...
Halp! :(

Re: Inventory clutter avalanch

Posted: 19 Mar 2020, 15:56
by Alexandrea
& there's nothing in your alert logs of someone just dumping a load of items on your guy? :(

imo the quickest fix would be to let someone summon him (poke me if you want help with that) to a shop and then just sell it all... but maybe take screenshots of it first.