Mastery Powers/pxp restat issue [B]
Posted: 09 Mar 2020, 21:32
Reported by: BugMod.
Reported time (GM): 2020-03-09T21:32:29Z.
Encountered time: 2pmPDT.
Bug location: powers page
Bug type: gameplay problem
Bug details: after buying a pxp redistribution, the mastery powers were still there. I did this twice and both times it only removed the regular powers.
Further information:
images fix
note: 'Guided Hand' is a Paladin Mastery Power. The other two are Blood Thief Masteries.
Reported time (GM): 2020-03-09T21:32:29Z.
Encountered time: 2pmPDT.
Bug location: powers page
Bug type: gameplay problem
Bug details: after buying a pxp redistribution, the mastery powers were still there. I did this twice and both times it only removed the regular powers.
Further information:
images fix
note: 'Guided Hand' is a Paladin Mastery Power. The other two are Blood Thief Masteries.