code in inventory page [f]
Posted: 22 Feb 2020, 08:50
Reported by: Alexandrea.
Reported time (GM): 2020-02-22T08:50:41Z.
Encountered time: 12:40amPST.
Bug location: when deleting an item from Harry's inventory (human thrall)
Bug type: error message
Bug details: Warning: Division by zero in /home/mooncalf/public_html/pathofthevampire/minis/desktop_inventory.php on line 221
You discarded the item.
You currently have 100 items, and can hold a max of 100
Further information:
Reported time (GM): 2020-02-22T08:50:41Z.
Encountered time: 12:40amPST.
Bug location: when deleting an item from Harry's inventory (human thrall)
Bug type: error message
Bug details: Warning: Division by zero in /home/mooncalf/public_html/pathofthevampire/minis/desktop_inventory.php on line 221
You discarded the item.
You currently have 100 items, and can hold a max of 100
Further information: